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D&AD Student Awards 2011



Typography Brief set by: William Coleman Job title: Product Manager Sponsored by: Microsoft

The Brief: Create a Typographical Manifesto for Windows Phone 7. Creative Challenge: Windows Phone 7 is built using a very clear set of design principles codenamed Metro. Firmly rooted in a considered application of typography it’s about creating a space on Windows Phone 7 devices that is clean, modern and authentic. For the user it aims to offer delight through content. Using the power of typography create the rallying cry for people to engage with the Metro principles and give them an understanding of a new Windows experience.

Deadline for this brief: All work must be uploaded at www.dandad.org/studentawards by Friday 4 March 2011. Benefits: Details on additional benefits for the briefs will be announced during November.

Your manifesto can be showcased in any format, any medium and in any location but should use the Windows Phone 7 platform as part of your presentation. Target Audience: Switched on, creatively minded, connected people everywhere. Tone of voice: Brand new, full of possibilities, beautiful, welcoming. Further Information: Download the Windows Phone 7 emulator, this will allow you to construct your idea for a Windows Phone 7 device from: developer.windowsphone.com (available as part of the tools download) Download the Windows Phone 7 design guide from: go.microsoft.com/ fwlink/?LinkID=183218 windowsphone7.com developer.windowsphone.com www.microsoft.com/express/Phone/ www.microsoft.com/uk www.dandad.org/studentawards @baby_pencils Deliverables: This category will be judged in two rounds with physical work not required

until round two. Please see the Formatting Guidelines PDF. Your presentation should consist of two elements: • Your overall ideas for your manifesto; where you see it and how you see the audience engaging with it. • It’s application on the Windows Phone 7 platform; is it a splash-screen when the user turns on their phone, or a screensaver, does it form the basis for a background or does it showcase some other element of the technology? Background: Metro is Microsoft’s internal code name for a typography-based design language. It was created as a product of Microsoft’s user interface design work on some of their media products like Zune and Windows Media Center, for utilisation in their new mobile operating system, Windows Phone 7. Big text, clean typography, chrome-less and panoramic design, simple colours and fluid and natural animation are some of the main pillars of the Metro design. Microsoft has been applauded for its software integration, with its Windows Phone and Zune apps all following a strict design code. The main fonts used are based on slightly modified versions of Microsoft’s Segoe font family, with the Zune featuring the “Zegoe” font family, and Windows Phone featuring the “Segoe WP” font family. Microsoft founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realise their full potential.

D&AD Student Awards 2011

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I enter? Before you do anything else and whether you are a tutor or a student, you need to register on www.dandad.org/studentawards to gain access to all the briefs. Read your chosen brief and the rules carefully, then submit your response. Make sure you look carefully at the Formatting Guidelines PDF and format your work accordingly otherwise we may not be able to judge it. The site will accept entries from early February 2011. The deadline is published on each brief. How much does it cost? D&AD Members and University Network Members: £12 per entry Non-members: £17 per entry You can pay through our secure Worldpay shop. If your college is paying, your tutor will register and pay on your behalf. Can I get my work back after the judging? Yes, but only if you request this during the entry process and remember to include the postage fee to cover this or include a stamped addressed envelope. We strongly recommend that you don’t submit your only copy of the work. How is my work judged? Each category has its own expert jury. We invite top creatives and designers, many of whom have judged at the Professional Awards or won their own D&AD Professional Pencil. We also invite a representative from the sponsor. All the judging takes place anonymously with the same rigorous processes that are applied to the Professional Awards judging. Every jury is managed by a member of D&AD staff to ensure the rules are adhered to and the results recorded correctly. What are the judging criteria? D&AD is all about ideas so the first thing that the jury will be looking for is a great idea. Secondly they will look for great execution, and although the idea always comes first you need to make sure that your execution does justice to the idea and presents it appropriately. Thirdly they will be checking to see that your work is on brief, that you have chosen an appropriate solution to the problem and for the brand and taken into account the market, the target audience and the competition. Remember that the judges have to look at a lot of work so you need to be clear and concise in your presentation. What are the awards? First the judges compile a shortlist of work that will appear in the online annual, this is titled the In Book selection and is the best work of the year. All work that exceeds the In Book standard is

considered as a Nomination and can win one of three further awards revealed at our prize-giving ceremony: • Commendation – Awarded to work that has taken a particular aspect of the criteria and developed it to a point of excellence making it worthy of a special mention. • Second – Work awarded a Second must demonstrate originality of ideas and either excellent craft, execution or an excellent interpretation of the brief and brand. • First - This is awarded to the work that ticks all three of the judging criteria and meets them extremely well. This work is on brief and is the best demonstration of craft or technical skill in its category. As for the creative idea, it should be so strong it almost inspires envy in the jury. • Student of the Year: All work awarded a First is put forward for consideration for the Student of the Year title. The winners of which will receive a prize of £2,000. What could I win? • All Prize levels: A Certificate, work featured on www.dandad.org/studentawards. • In Book: a name credit featured in the Book of Nominations for each credited person. The right to use the D&AD Student Award In Book Prize badge. • Commendation: work featured in the Book of Nominations, work exhibited at key D&AD events including New Blood, a ticket to a prizegiving ceremony for each credited person, the option to register and showcase their portfolio on the Talent section of D&AD’s website. A year’s membership of D&AD. The right to use the D&AD Student Award Commendation Prize badge. • Second: A Student Yellow Pencil, work featured in the Book of Nominations, work exhibited at key D&AD events including New Blood, a ticket to a prize-giving ceremony for each credited person, the option to register and showcase their portfolio on the Talent section of D&AD’s website. A year’s membership of D&AD. The right to use the D&AD Student Award Second Prize badge. • First: A Student Yellow Pencil, work featured in the Book of Nominations, work exhibited at key D&AD events including New Blood, a ticket to a prize-giving ceremony for each credited person, the option to register and showcase their portfolio on the Talent section of D&AD’s website. A year’s membership of D&AD. The right to use the D&AD Student Award First Prize badge. Why have you introduced a travel fund? Attending the prize-giving ceremony is one of the best ways to build a network of contacts amongst the judges and your fellow nominees. In order to ensure that each piece of nominated work has a representative there to collect a pencil we have introduced a travel fund. This will be divided at D&AD’s discretion once the work

has been selected and we have identified the locations of each team responsible. In total the travel fund is £20,000. Sadly it won’t pay for first class. But it could help you to get that killer job that leads you to the first class lounge. Why are there words starting #bp_ on each brief? Those are hashtags for our twitter feeds. They allow you to post quick questions relating to the brief and allow us to find them. The questions and answers will be displayed on the webpage for each relevant brief sharing the information with all the students and tutors interested in the brief. You can also engage directly with us using our twitter account, just follow @baby_pencils. Why are there different deadlines? We’ve been talking to the judges and they have requested to spend more time with the work for certain categories. This means that by entering any of those categories you will need to upload your work by 4 March for the judges to access online. Any work receiving a single vote from this preliminary judging round will progress to the judging event and we will contact you if successful for a printed version of your work (if necessary). You will not be allowed to alter or refine your designs between preliminary judging and final judging in the interests of fairness. Any person or team that do so will have their work withdrawn. I have graduated or am just about to, can I enter? In order to enter the awards you must be a student, either part-time or full-time, by the deadline date. If you aren’t in study any longer then sadly, you can’t enter the D&AD Student Awards. But, here’s the good news, we are working on a graduate offering which we will be announcing in early 2011. Make sure you’ve registered and we’ll tell you all about it first. Of course, don’t forget that D&AD also has a Professional Awards scheme, which if you’re actively working and getting commissions you may be eligible to enter your work into. Feel free to contact us for more details or have a nose around www.dandad.org. What’s all this talk of Membership? D&AD is an organisation that seeks to bring together lots of amazing creative people who support what we do. Which is to inspire and share the knowledge to everyone about amazing creativity. We’ve put together a substantial package of benefits for individuals or colleges and schools. It includes discounted entry to the Student Awards amongst them. It’s really rather good and you should definitely investigate it. All the information you need is on our website www.dandad.org.

D&AD Student Awards 2011

Formatting Guide for all D&AD Student Awards Entries

All entrants must abide by the following guidelines for submitting their work and should not submit different formats than those listed below. Briefs with a deadline of Friday 4 March As the first round will be judged remotely you are required to upload only the digital version or ZIP folder of your work. These will be used by the jury to select a shortlist for the second round of judging. Your presentation can include the static image, video, audio and interactive formats listed on this page.

• Send all websites in their entirety as a Firefox/ Safari compatible HTML project.

• A completed ENTRY LABEL should be attached to the base of each object.

• Send all Flash and Shockwave projects embedded in HTML and ensuring Firefox/ Safari compatibility.

• ENSURE you use the name structure listed later on this page.

• Names or other identifying information should not be visible on your presentation. • Submit a single CD or DVD with your entry containing all necessary files as a backup. • A completed ENTRY LABEL should be attached to the CD or DVD. Use the name structure listed later on this page.

Any work receiving a single vote will be invited to submit a physical copy of the work if necessary. A member of the Student Awards team will contact successful students to arrange this.

Submitting Video files Upload a digital version of your finished file in one of the following formats.

Your response must remain unchanged between judging rounds and no names or credits of any kind should be visible on the work.

HD 16:9 1280x720 .mp4 container Video: H.264 codec @ 2000 kbits/second 2-pass VBR Audio: AAC codec, 320kbits, stereo 44.1kHz

Briefs with a deadline of Friday 11 March Please refer to the DELIVERABLES section of the brief for guidance on which elements to submit as part of your presentation Submitting Boards/Static Image files Upload a digital version of each individual file in 350dpi JPEG format which should measure 24cm along the longest axis. This should be in landscape format for viewing on a screen.

SD 16:9 640x352 .mp4 container Video: H.264 codec @ 750-800 kbits/second 2-pass VBR Audio: AAC codec, 320kbits, stereo 44.1kHz SD 4:3 640x480 .mp4 container video: H.264 codec @ 1200 kbits/second 2-pass VBR audio: AAC codec, 320kbits, stereo 44.1kHz • Names or any form of credits should not be visible on your presentation.


• Boards sent in should be either A2 (420mm x 594mm) or A3 (297mm x 420mm) in size. • A maximum of four A2 boards or four A3 boards is allowed per entry. • Board sizes specified include borders or surrounds. • Names or other identifying information should not be visible on your presentation. • A completed ENTRY LABEL should be attached to the back of each board. Using the naming structure listed later on this page. Submitting HTML, Interactive work, Websites, Virals, Widgets or Apps Upload a ZIP folder containing all the necessary files. • ENSURE you use the naming structure detailed on this page for the root folder, index file, flash or shockwave files.

• Submit a single CD or DVD of your entry containing all video files as a backup.

Naming files & folders Naming Digital files: Please use the following structure • ENTRY NUMBER_PART NUMBER (eg: 0001_01 for the first part, 0001_02 for the second part etc in the order you would like your work displayed). • IMPORTANT: The entry number will be provided when you have completed the entry form on the website. Naming ZIP folders: Please use the following structure. • ENTRY NUMBER (eg: 0001) • Please note: Digital copies of your entry will be used on www.dandad.org/studentawards and for any other promotional uses by D&AD. You will not be able to change or amend these after they have been submitted so please ensure they are of optimum quality. • If you have a query regarding submitting work please email: studentawards@dandad.co.uk Uploading your work on our portfolio system When you have completed registering your entry you will be taken to the portfolio system where you can upload the digital copies of your work. These are referred to as projects. • You will need to attach a cover image for your project, this needs to be no more then 176x120 pixels, and has a limit of 1mb in file size.

• A completed ENTRY LABEL should be attached to the CD or DVD. Using the name structure listed later on this page.

• The maximum size for each individual file to be uploaded is 4mb, you may need to compress your work using the formats detailed on this document to achieve this. ie go from HD to SD.

Submitting Audio files Upload a digital version of your finished file in the following format.

• Formats other then those listed on this page will not be accepted by the portfolio system. This includes PDF and MOV.

Format: MP3 Data rate: 320 kbs Channels: Stereo Sample rate: 44.100khz Encoding: Best quality

• Once you have clicked Submit Project you will no longer be allowed to edit or amend it.

• Names or credits should not be audible on your recording.

• Remember to link your project to your entry when completed.

• Submit a single CD or DVD of your entry containing all audio files as a backup.

• Uploading ZIP Folders for interactive work is handled within the ENTRY system.

• A completed ENTRY LABEL should be attached to the CD or DVD. • ENSURE you use the name structure listed later on this page for audio files. Submitting 3d Objects Upload a digital photograph of your model.

• Collaborators email addresses need to be as registered on www.dandad.org/studentawards in order to be allowed to see the work.

Names/Credits on work submitted: No names should be visible on any work, either digitally uploaded or physically submitted. We may ask you to re-submit your work removing any credits.

D&AD Student Awards 2011

D&AD Student Awards 2011 Rules

The contest is organised by D&AD, registered offices 9 Graphite Square, Vauxhall Walk, London, SE11 5EE. By entering the contest entrants agree to comply with these rules. All full or part time students enrolled on recognised undergraduate, postgraduate and Higher Education courses anywhere in the world are eligible to enter (HND, BTEC, BA, BSc, MA, MSc, MD or equivalent are all recognised) 1 Entering the Contest 1.1 Entry is open to individuals working alone or groups of up to five persons working as a team. 1.2 To enter students should register at the D&AD Site (http://www.dandad.org/ studentawards) download a brief, generate a response to that brief (“the Response”) and submit their work in accordance with the deliverables as laid out in their chosen brief. 1.3 Students can download and respond to as many briefs as they wish; they may also submit more than one Response per brief. Each Response is considered a separate entry and will need to be accompanied by the relevant fee. 1.4 All Responses must be the original work of the entrants. Entrants who incorporate any images, writing, music or other creative material belonging to someone else must obtain the other party’s permission. Entrants may be asked to evidence their ownership of the Response and should keep dated records of all working materials. 1.5 Moving image Responses which are accompanied by sound recordings whose copyright is not owned by the entrants will not be promoted in the event of a prize being awarded. Entrants will be asked to re-submit a version which can be publicly distributed. 1.6 The fee for entry is £17 inc VAT per Response for non-members of D&AD or a discounted rate of £12 for members of D&AD or students enrolled on a course which is registered as a University Network Member of D&AD. In order to qualify for the discount no membership fees should be outstanding at the time of entry. 1.7 Individuals wanting to respond to the category entitled What Else Do You Do? must not have previously entered the featured work into any other contest. 1.8 For teams who want to respond to the category entitled What Else Do You Do? each member of that team must not have entered the featured work into any other contest. 1.9 In order to assist D&AD in promoting the winning work after judging all entrants are asked to provide credits for each entry. These must include: (a) Full names of entrant/s (b) Full names of tutor/s (c) The name of their college or university

1.10 Entrants who wish their Response to be returned to them after the contest must indicate so clearly at the time of entry and, if applicable, pay the necessary return postage charges.

2.5.4 do anything to suggest that the entrant is endorsed, associated or otherwise affiliated with the sponsor;

1.11 The closing deadline for entries to be received by D&AD is either Friday 4 March 2011 at 5.00pm for those categories with judging in two rounds as detailed on the brief, or Friday 11 March 2010 at 5.00pm for all other briefs. D&AD accepts no responsibility for lost or undelivered entries. Proof of postage does not guarantee that an entry has been received by D&AD.

2.7 For the avoidance of doubt the sponsors for the D&AD Student Awards 2011 are as listed on the sponsors page of www.dandad.org/ studentawards.

1.12 D&AD is under no obligation to refund payments made for either individual Entries or groups of Entries. Under the circumstance of technical error it is at the discretion of D&AD to refund payments. 2 Sponsors Logos & Names 2.1 Sponsors may submit their own branding or that of the sponsors’ clients for the purpose of inviting Responses. All rules relating to sponsors’ branding apply equally to sponsors’ clients’ branding. 2.2 All sponsors operate strict controls on the use of their names, trade marks and logos. ANY MISUSE OF SPONSOR BRANDS BY AN ENTRANT WILL LEAD TO THE DISQUALIFICATION OF ALL THAT ENTRANT’S RESPONSES AND MAY EXPOSE THE ENTRANT AND D&AD TO LEGAL CLAIMS. 2.3 By submitting a Response entrants agree to use the sponsor branding only in accordance with these terms and conditions. 2.4 The sponsors permit entrants to use the submitted branding for the sole purpose of responding to the brief sponsored by that sponsor. 2.5 Entrants may: 2.4.1 only use sponsor branding on Responses submitted to the D&AD Student Awards 2011; 2.4.2 include a submitted Response in their personal portfolio in exactly the same format as that submitted to the D&AD Student Awards 2011. 2.6 Entrants must not: 2.5.1 use sponsor branding on any other material or for any other purpose; 2.5.2 upload their submitted Response to any online location whether as part of an open or access-restricted site; 2.5.3 denigrate sponsors or sponsor branding, subject sponsor branding to derogatory treatment or otherwise bring the sponsor and/or its brands into disrepute;

2.5.5 provide or make available sponsor branding to any third party for any purpose.

2.8 For the avoidance of doubt the sponsor clients for the D&AD Student Awards 2011 are as detailed on the individual briefs. 2.8 Entrants who submit a Response which contains any trade mark or logo or other branding other than those specifically submitted by the sponsors may be asked to re-submit their work without such branding. 3 Ownership of your Work 3.1 Entrants retain ownership of their Responses submitted into the contest but where such work incorporates sponsor branding entrants may only use the work in accordance with the sponsor guidelines. Entrants may remove sponsor branding from their Responses and after that may use such Responses at their own discretion. 3.2 By submitting a Response entrants grant to D&AD and the relevant sponsor a non-exclusive licence for the duration of copyright protection to reproduce or distribute a reproduction of their entry in all media in order to promote, or act as a historical record of, the D&AD Student Awards or D&AD as an organization or a sponsor’s involvement with the D&AD Student Awards or as part of any D&AD publication (whether on or offline). 3.3 Entrants agree that, should a sponsor wish to develop or exploit a Response for commercial purposes, the entrant will enter into negotiations with that sponsor to agree terms for such development or exploitation before negotiating with any other party in relation to the Response. We refer to this as the First Negotiation Agreement. The First Negotiation Agreement will remain in operation from the date of submission of a Response until one week after the award ceremony. Initial contact between entrants and sponsors will be facilitated by D&AD only. Entering into a First Negotiation Agreement does not constitute a guarantee that either party will reach a final agreement. 3.4 D&AD advises all entrants to obtain independent legal advice in respect of any agreements being discussed between sponsor and entrant.

D&AD Student Awards 2011

D&AD Student Awards 2011 Rules

4 Judging the Contest 4.1 D&AD will appoint a jury which shall be composed of judges who in D&AD’s sole discretion have the appropriate qualifications to judge the work. Responses will be considered in accordance with D&AD’s selection criteria. These are: (a) An excellent creative idea; and (b) Excellent craft or execution; and (c) On Brief 4.2 The jury will be asked to create a shortlist of Responses to act as a record of the best of the year. This shortlist will be termed In Book and appear on the www.dandad.org/studentawards website. From this shortlist prizes will be awarded to a select number of the Responses whom the jury considers, in its sole discretion, to be the best Responses. 4.3 The jury is not limited in the number of prizes it can award and similarly there is no guarantee that a jury will award a prize in a category if they do not feel that work is of the standard required. 4.4 The jury has the right to edit pieces submitted as part of a Response and to ask for only certain parts of the Response to be displayed or promoted. 4.5 General feedback will be gathered from the jury. This will be available to view on the Student Awards website when the winners are announced. Individual feedback will not be available. 4.6 If D&AD is made aware of any concerns that a Response does not constitute the original work of the entrant then in the first instance D&AD will contact the entrant and will ask for copies of any notes or drawings which evidence the entrant’s assertion to be the creator of the work. D&AD will also contact credited tutors for further information. Where possible D&AD will consider the evidence gathered and decide whether to allow the Response to remain within the contest or to remove it. D&AD’s decision is in its sole discretion and is final. 5 Prizes 5.1 The prizes to be awarded are as follows: First: A Student Yellow Pencil, a Certificate, a years free membership of D&AD, work featured on www.dandad.org/studentawards, work featured in the Book of Nominations, work exhibited at key D&AD events including the Student Awards Ceremony, a ticket to a prizegiving Ceremony for each credited person, the option to register and showcase their portfolio on the talent section of the D&AD website. The right to use the D&AD Student Award First Prize badge as found on the winners area of www.dandad. org/studentawards. Second: A Student Yellow Pencil, a Certificate, a years free membership of D&AD, work featured on www.dandad.org/studentawards,

work featured in the Book of Nominations, work exhibited at key D&AD events including the Student Awards Ceremony, a ticket to a prizegiving Ceremony for each credited person, the option to register and showcase their portfolio on the talent section of the D&AD website. The right to use the D&AD Student Award Second Prize badge as found on the winners area of www. dandad.org/studentawards. Commendation: A Certificate, a years free membership of D&AD, work featured on www. dandad.org/studentawards, work featured in the Book of Nominations, work exhibited at key D&AD events including the Student Awards Ceremony, a ticket to a prize-giving Ceremony for each credited person, the option to register and showcase their portfolio on the talent section of the D&AD website. The right to use the D&AD Student Award Commendation Prize badge as found on the winners area of www.dandad.org/ studentawards. In Book: A Certificate, work featured on www. dandad.org/studentawards, a name credit featured in the Book of Nominations for each credited person. The right to use the D&AD Student Award In Book Prize badge as found on the winners area of www.dandad.org/ studentawards. 5.2 All winners of a First Prize will be considered for the final prize: Student of the Year: A Student Yellow Pencil 5.3 First, Second and Commendation winners will share a travel and accommodation fund of £20,000 for the attendance of at least a single representative from each team at the prize giving ceremony. Furthermore £2,000 will be awarded to the winners of the Student of the Year in the form of a cash prize. 5.4 Where more than one person has created the Response the team can divide their share of the travel fund to subsidize costs for each member attending or select a single member to be funded for travel and accommodation. 5.5 Winning tutors will also be recognized within the awards and will receive a certificate. 5.6 Winning Responses will be promoted to the creative industry via the Student Awards website, through press releases and any other means deemed appropriate by D&AD. In addition all winners will be eligible to display their work on the Talent section of D&AD’s website and join D&AD’s Graduate Placement Scheme. 5.7 Each credited entrant/s and their tutor/s whose work is nominated for a prize will be invited to attend a prize giving ceremony which will take place in London a reasonable time after the work has been judged. A limit of 1 ticket per person is allocated for the ceremony. 5.8 Placements and other prizes unique to each brief will be awarded at the discretion of the sponsor with guidance from D&AD. To be considered for one of these prizes the student

must have attained a Commendation, Second or First prize. In the event of a team being chosen it is at the sponsors discretion to amend the offering to cover all or a single team member. 6 Return of materials 6.1 Materials will only be returned if a return request was made at the time of entry and the appropriate postage fee was paid in advance. For those wanting to collect their work from our offices this must have been requested at the time of entry and collection must take place no later than 5 pm on 30 July 2011. 6.2 In the event that the return of materials is not requested at the time of entry D&AD will take the following actions: (a) All prize winning work entered will be stored to be displayed at exhibitions until 30 July 2011. (b) Models, 3d objects and other items which are of high quality will be stored until 30 July 2011. (c) All other remaining items which are unsuccessful at the time of judging will be destroyed or recycled where appropriate. (d) All materials which remain after 30 July 2011 will be destroyed or recycled. 6.3 D&AD is unable to guarantee the safety of work entered and is unable to accept responsibility for the loss or damage of entries received. D&AD advises all entrants to retain a copy of their work for their portfolio. 7 General points 7.1 D&AD reserves the right to make changes to these rules, if necessary, from time to time. 7.2 The Rules are subject to English law and any dispute that is not resolved by consultation between the parties shall be referred to the courts of England and Wales. For any enquiries relating to the D&AD Student Awards please contact studentawards@dandad. co.uk or telephone: 020 7840 1111.

D&AD Student Awards 2011

D&AD Student Awards 2011 entry label



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Entry ID

College / University

Course Name / Year

Name of Tutors

Name of student(s)


D&AD Student Awards 2011

D&AD Student Awards 2011 entry label

Entry ID

College / University

Course Name / Year

Name of Tutors

Name of student(s)


D&AD Student Awards 2011

D&AD Student Awards 2011 entry label

Entry ID

College / University

Course Name / Year

Name of Tutors

Name of student(s)


D&AD Student Awards 2011

To: D&AD Student Awards 2011 Spring House 9 Graphite Square Vauxhall Walk London SE11 5EE United Kingdom

Sender: Name Please tick



College / University

Contents: Please complete entry ID’s below



No of Entries

D&AD Student Awards 2011

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