11 minute read
Take your building performance reporting to a new level with RCReporter 3.7.
RC-Reporter performance reporting software allows you to extract intelligence from your building data and discover actionable insights to improve your operational efficiency. Identify, evaluate, and rank energy wise and comfort-balancing opportunities to support your continuous optimization strategy. RC-Reporter brings clarity to building performance analytics with readable, reliable, rational reports, delivered automatically by email or integrated directly into your building control system.
Jason Duncan Reliable Controls Australasia Regional Sales Manager says “Everyone is talking about the power of data and a lot of people are not quite sure how to unleash that power, RC-Reporter solves that problem”
• Build custom reports quickly by selecting and configuring report components . • Select multiple ranges of time-series data from multiple databases . • Configure report charts to be displayed in browser interface. • Run simple and complex queries to refine data used in report components . • Apply standard math functions to data. Kaeser Compressors has recently launched the new i.Comp Tower T series all-in-one compressed air systems which are ideal for medical applications. Featuring a completely new compressed air supply concept, the i.Comp Tower T series delivers an efficient and reliable supply of oil free compressed air from a compact, robust and service friendly package. The i.Comp Tower T series from Kaeser Compressors is an all-in-one compressed air station comprising a reciprocating compressor, refrigeration dryer and optional filters all within one robust housing and assembled on two compressed air receivers. With the i.Comp series Kaeser has introduced a genuine world first for reciprocating compressors. Robust, compact and perfectly in tune with the operators needs, the i.Comp series impresses with its brand new drive concept; The i.Comp series reciprocating compressor features a specially developed high performance permanent magnet motor with integrated control electronics. This particularly efficient motor operates at a 90 percent efficiency rate. In addition, the motor’s in-built frequency converter minimises switching operations and energy losses. This makes the i.Comp series extremely efficient in all load phases, delivering the exact amount of compressed air actually required at any one time. In addition, these compact powerhouses have considerably better specific performance than conventional piston compressors (up to 18 per cent lower). Ideal for the medical sector, the i.Comp Tower T series feature single stage 100 percent oil free compression reciprocating compressors, able to deliver up to 570 l/min at pressures up to 11 bar. The compressor block does not contain any oil and these complete compressed air supply systems deliver constantly dry compressed air at a pressure dew point of + 3 ° C, with any condensate reliably drained off. To ensure the right levels of quality are achieved consistently Kaeser manufactures every one of its single stage 100 percent oil free compression reciprocating compressor blocks in house. Using the best quality materials available all components are assembled, • Store saved reports securely on the RC-Reporter server. • Easily export reports to and import reports from other RC-Reporter installations. • Export reports in PDF format.

https://www.reliablecontrols.com/corporate/sustainability/ tested and installed with the greatest care and attention. The result is an extremely durable oil free compressor block that offers high levels of air delivery and cost efficiency. Optimised flow paths and highly effective cylinder cooling keep wear and tear to a minimum whilst ensuring maximum efficiency.
The cylinders combined inlet area helps to minimise intake air losses. The reduced size crank drive guarantees a smooth operation. Optimising the motor and compressor performance serves to reduce stress on both mechanical and electrical components minimising wear and tear.
Thanks to a unique design, state-of-the-art technology and highly effective cooling air flow, the new i.Comp Tower T series compressed air systems can easily manage ambient temperatures of up to 45oC. What’s more, low vibration bearings and a sound-insulating PE hood, make these units astoundingly quiet.
The i.Comp Tower T series are compact with a footprint of less than one square metre. Designed to allow full access to all service relevant components, this compact powerhouse can be installed right up against the wall. Because the PE enclosure opens upwards multiple units can be installed side by side to save space.
The i.Comp Tower T series from Kaeser delivers a reliable and energy efficient source of oil free compressed air. Ideal for medical applications, these high quality plug and play compressed air supply systems are both quiet in operation and compact in design. For more information visit au.kaeser.com or phone 1800 640 611.

In the previous edition, we considered the thermal benefits of heat exchange technology in relation to hot water loops along with reducing legionella risk and the need for on-site storage. In addition to these concepts, this article will consider why steam systems enable reduced individual assets within a HSO, gain reliable processing and still contribute to thermal efficiency targets.
“Condensate (liquid form) still retains up to 10% of the energy required to produce steam (vapour)”
The old rule of thumb “for every 6 degree rise in boiler feed water temperature, can result in a 1% saving in fuel” still very much stands today however in some ways choosing thermal generating plant and how to best utilise it, has never been so confusing. Today HSO’s need to consider primarily what’s best for staff and patient outcomes whilst achieving compliance quality and process sustainability and added into the mix is reducing building energy and waste targets, carbon free producing plant rooms and constantly evolving technologies around renewables. There is an abundance of considerations, so here’s some facts for reference:
• Healthcare facilities present a major sustainability challenge as their energy intensity is twice and water usage is around six times that of commercial office buildings (2)
• In general, heating and cooling together constitute 44-47% while lighting constitutes 24-27%, equipment energy consumption is 22-27% for health facilities (2)
• The healthcare sector alone is responsible for 4.1 Mt of greenhouse gas emissions per year which accounts for 13% of the total building sector (1)
Striving to achieve “zero energy buildings” certainly has its place however this needs to be considered whilst still operating and maintaining a hospitals core functions. Whilst some may argue generating steam from industrial boilers adds to the energy intensity, this in part is true however this should also be considered in relation to the flexibility of steam as a heating medium comparing any substitute methods as a whole and this may not be an even playing field when it comes to the final result. Steam plants have a future in advanced buildings designs if designed correctly so let’s explore some basic uses and concepts for both Plant and Clean steam. CLEAN STEAM 1. Plant steam is utilised as the primary heating medium via thermal exchange so the condensate produced, can be saved and re-used 2. Cold RO mak e up can be pre-heated by returning condensate via plate exchange 3. The clean steam delivered to the autoclaves jackets, can be retuned to the boiler house for re-use 4. CSGs are energy efficient, utilising only a small amount of electrical and compressed air for operation in comparison to integral units 5. Thermal capacity of a central plant CSG far outweighs integral generation autoclaves allowing for consistent , traceable sterilising conditions under all load conditions 6. Access , maintenance and validation of steam quality can be done outside CSSD processing, reducing interruptions and compromising sterile environments 7. Upgrades of autoclaves to pass- through systems, evolving process flows does not need to include additional generating equipment that requires further maintaining 8. Can be utilised for surgical air flow humidification
Whilst thermal and cooling plants constitute around 45% of a typical HSO’s energy intensity, utilising steam in a efficient manner in combination with renewable technologies needs to be considered in modern designs. Steam remains versatile and if managed effectively, can help HSO’s reduce energy consumption and meet the demands of both building services and hospital quality processes.
1. Australia Government 2020, Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions - In Commercial Buildings in Australia, Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resource. 2. Rajagopalan, P & Elkadi, H 2014, ‘Energy Performance of Medium-sized Healthcare Buildings in Victoria, Australia- A Case Study’, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, vol. 5.
PLANT STEAM 1. Steam heat exchange can generate both LTHW & MTHW which can be in combination with renewable energy systems, reducing energy intensity and removing the need for additional hot water boilers 2. Flash steam recovery systems can be utilised to reduce energy intensity (Refer Fig 4) 3. Plant steam can be used for humidification of general air streams reducing load on air reticulation plant 4. Modern boilers and efficient steam using principals reduce plant room real-estate and have a long life-span resulting in a low total cost of ownership 5. Steam plants can be easily automated, reducing the need for supervision

With the recent worldwide health concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of attention has been directed towards UVC sterilisation. Germicidal UVC kills or deactivates microbial organisms by altering the structure and molecular bonds of their DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid), destroying its ability to reproduce. Germicidal UVC has been available used over the last 40yrs.
But what exactly is it? How does it work? Does Sunlight work? And is it expensive?
What is UVC?
Electromagnetic radiation comes from the sun and transmitted in waves or particles at different wavelengths and frequencies. This broad range of wavelengths is known as the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. The spectrum is divided into seven regions, radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, X-rays, gamma-rays and ultraviolet (UV).
UV is divided into three sub-bands, each emitting a different wavelength, measured in nanometres (nm)
UVA - (315-400 nm) UVB - (280-315 nm) UVC - (180-280 nm)

How does it work?
UVC targets the RNA & DNA of microorganisms destroying their cells and making replication impossible.
And how effective is it? At the correct output over 99% effective on almost all microorganisms including moulds, bacteria, fungi, viruses and coronaviruses and that’s in just one pass through your air conditioning system. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has recognised disinfectants as critical in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Following our previous announcement that Oxivir ® Tb had gained TGA approval for a COVID-19 label claim, Diversey Australia and New Zealand are proud to announce Oxivir ® Five 16 and Virex ® II are now approved with the label claim ‘Kills SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 virus)’. This new claim is in addition to the current comprehensive list of claims under ARTG 286618 for Oxivir ® Five 16 and ARTG 153031 for Virex II. “We are pleased to announce our Oxivir Five 16 and Virex II ranges have now gained TGA approval for a claim to kill COVID-19. This added claim offers confidence to our valued customers during this uncertain time. As a global company, Diversey continues to work tirelessly in product development, sourcing and testing to assist in controlling the spread of COVID-19.” Said Wayne Hill, Managing Director, Diversey ANZ. Oxivir Five 16 is an Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide ® (AHP ® ) based hospital grade cleaner disinfectant effective against a wide variety of pathogenic micro-organisms including viruses, bacteria, antibioticresistant bacteria, fungi, mould and mildew. Oxivir Five 16 kills pathogens including VRE, MRSA, Klebsiella, Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas, E.coli, Norovirus, Hepatitis B, Influenza A, RSV, Human Coronavirus 229E. Kills SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 virus). Oxivir Five 16 delivers fast, effective cleaning and disinfecting performance in one step. Virex II is low odour quaternary based hospital grade disinfectant cleaner that provides broad spectrum germicidal activity and kills SARSCoV-2 (COVID-19 virus), HIV-1, HBV, VRE, MRSA, Avian Influenza Type A, Human Coronavirus 229E, controls mould and mildew and more.
Does Sunlight work?
So, if UVC is emitted by the sun, and has virus destroying properties, does exposure to sunlight kill viruses?
Not quite, UV-C is the most effective wavelength at killing viruses, however, it is completely filtered by the atmosphere and does not reach the earth’s surface.
Is it expensive?
In most cases, Steril-Aire UVC pays for itself.
With Increased airflow, coil pressure drop reduction and increased cooling capacity in some installations the return on investment (ROI) has been achieved within a year.
And it’s not only a financial return, but CO2 emissions are also significantly reduced too.
Hotel (Brisbane) ROI: 14.2 months Carbon emission reduction: 18.1 tonnes of CO2-e
Commercial Building (Brisbane) ROI: 15.2 months Carbon emission reduction: 10 tonnes of CO2-e
Shopping Centre (Brisbane) ROI: 12.3 months Carbon emission reduction: 151.7 tonnes of CO2-e
And after you achieve your ROI, you are simply saving money, improving our environment by leaving less of a carbon footprint and creating a healthier building leading to a reduction in occupant sickness.
For more information or more detailed case studies please contact
Clean-Air today. “As cases of COVID-19 grow, the demand and urgency for cleaning and disinfection requirements has reached unprecedented levels. It was important we worked with the Australian TGA to add the COVID-19 claim to our Oxivir Tb, Oxivir Five 16 and Virex II range of products. It was also important we communicate this information to our valued customers. Whilst we celebrate this announcement, our stock level challenges persist due to unprecedented demands. We ask for patience as we service multiple essential services including healthcare and aged care facilities”. Noted Debbie Walker, Marketing Manager ANZ
Diversey has been, and always will be, a pioneer and facilitator for life. We constantly deliver revolutionary cleaning and hygiene technologies that provide total confidence to our customers across all of our global sectors.

For more information visit diversey.com