Bea World 2019 Catalogue

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MILANO 27-30 November 2019 14TH EDITION


Our Live Communication Week gets underway! In Milan’s extremely busy calendar of appointments - dedicated to the most diverse topics, the only truly international appointment focusing on communication has found its rightful place. More precisely, we are talking about experiential communication, brand experience or, as we once used to say, about events. Professionals from 30 countries, from Europe and further afield, are gathered in Lombardy’s capital from 26th to 30th November to forge the most important international festival starring live communication. Professionals from Portugal and Poland, as well as from Spain, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Romania, and as far as Russia, India, China, Brazil and the United States, are animating the two locations chosen for the event: the Meliá Hotel, where the daytime programme takes place, with live presentations of the finalist projects and the rich content programme, and The Mall, the ‘coolest’ location in Milan, located in the heart of Porta Nuova, which hosts the two award ceremonies. As a matter of fact, the two Festivals are held under the same Live Communication Week umbrella: Bea Italia (Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th November) and Bea World (from Wednesday 27th to Saturday 30th November). The latter will end with a rich programme of ‘leisure activities’ reserved to our foreign guests who, in this way, will be able to appreciate the best that Milan has to offer in terms of art, fashion, design and food culture (details on My thanks go to the whole ADC Group team, to our partners, suppliers and sponsors, to the juries and their presidents and, last but not least, to the agency Next Group. Thanks to the victory at last year’s Bea, they took on the onerous honour of organising the production of the event, conceiving its concept together with ADC Group. The ‘Nature of Events’ is the claim behind this first ever Live Communication Week, a title that offers different levels of interpretation, including returning to the fundamental rules of events, but also evolution and, not least, the relationship with the environment that surrounds us, something that, willingly or not, has a profound effect on the sustainability and success of an event itself. So, a week of events it is! We are confident that this business platform will bring together and improve the relationship between supply and demand, and play a significant role in the cultural and economic growth of Live Communication. Salvatore Sagone, ADC Group President & Ceo, Founder of Bea World Festival



The Nature of Events. Human nature. As the winner of last year’s edition of the Best Event Awards Italy, this year Next faces an important challenge as the mastermind behind the Live Communication Week. Along with the BEA Italia, for which we will develop a creative concept, daily contents and organise the Awards ceremony, a new format will be launched for the first time which will include the BEA World Festival. The first step is to find a common thread and a unique idea that brings together the two initiatives and its differences. The Nature of Events is our response, a claim that springs from a real need to reflect on the structure and dynamics of events to stimulate a fruitful debate. We will strive to encourage open conversation all the while respecting the Editor’s chosen format while asserting our agency’s character. Our intention is also to fit moments of narrative inspired by natural phenomena which can be applied to events. We will convey this through images which combine natural landscapes such as canyons or the Aurora Borealis and a hand, symbol of human manipulation. Thus, nature explodes in all its colours together with the human factor. The educational program will play the conceptual role of association between nature and events, including the multiple points of view of all industry players. We want to emphasise that each project conveying a clear brand strategy is not only a show but a moment of emotion and communication. In this technological era, social media is the vehicle to communication but people are at the heart of our events. First we feel the emotions and then we want to communicate and share them. We started from a strong legacy, and we want to leave one of our own by putting our unique signature on the Live Communication Week 2019. Emotion and communication are at the core of every event. And we strongly believe in the need to invest in human capital, in professionalism and ideas because an event is not simply a show, music, videos, lights and technology but, above all, nature. Human nature. Marco Jannarelli, President Next Group


INDEX PROGRAMME Day 1 - World’s best events - live! ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 Day 2 - Learn from the best ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 Day 3 - Leisure Activities - Discover Milan �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 HOST LOCATION & FESTIVAL VENUES

Milan: fashion, food and history ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22 The Festival Venues ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25


Tweets ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31 Sessions & Topics ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36 Hosts and live presentations Facilitators ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 45 Speakers ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 48



BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Ilaria Granato COMMERCIAL MANAGER Paola Morello ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT Ioana Popa ACCOUNT MANAGERS Andrea Gervasi, Andrea Parmigiani, Elena Rossi, Franco Trerotola, Elisabetta Zarone


Endorsements ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 56 Best Event Awards Jury ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 60 Best Location Awards Jury �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 85 Press Jury ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 91


Shortlist by Category �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 95 Entries by Country ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 111 Entries By Country - Best Location Awards ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 125


Main Partners & Sponsors ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 129 Partners & Sponsors ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 130 Media & Association Partners �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 132

EVENT MANAGER ASSISTANTS Marta Borille, Eleonora Criscì ART DIRECTION Simona Marconi FOTOCOMPOSIZIONE E STAMPA Arti Grafiche Lombarde Via Isonzo, 40/1/2 - Quinto Dè Stampi 20089 Rozzano (MI) Tel. +39 02 89500463 P.I. 01379950155





DAY 1 • 28th November 2019 World’s Best Events and Locations - Live!

On Day 1, Thursday 28th November, the best event agencies and most interesting venues and destinations in the world will showcase their projects live to the Jury members and delegates in a public audition. All shortlisted events will be presented in 8 minutes by a representative of the entrant agency through a 3-minute video, a 3-minute speech, and a 2-minute Q&A session. The Best Event Awards Jury panel, divided into four separate rooms, consists of senior managers from top corporate companies with national and international responsibilities as well as representatives of national event agencies’ associations. Each group is in charge of assessing a certain number of entries, divided by categories, and establishing the winners in each class. An international Jury panel, comprising senior representatives of national associations of events agencies, votes the best locations. At the

end of the live presentations, the Best Event Awards Jury gathers in a plenary session to assign the Bea World Grand Prix. Winners will be celebrated on Friday 29th November during the Awards Ceremony. This year, ADC Group has introduced the Elephant Prodige Award, a great platform for young talents from the international events industry. The competition aims at recognising the talent and creativity of the next generation of event professionals on a global stage, as well as showcasing their skills to the whole live communications industry. Projects will be judged by the client and the winning team will be crowned live during the Best Event Award ceremony. Bea World Festival is also the perfect environment for a series of activities designed to facilitate the networking among delegates and to create business opportunities with top professionals from all over the world.



DAY 2 • 29th November 2019 Learn from the Best!

by Masters in Moderation The world of events is an ecosystem, that evolves by exchanging emotions, energy and essence. As such, humanity is faced with an ever-growing need for cooperation and sustainability. Crossborder, cross-community and cross-culture collaboration is on the daily agenda. Our events need to dig into this changing landscape and mirror the way our society develops. Our industry needs to keep up with, or even lead, the fast pace of this change. At Bea World Festival 2019, speakers from both inside and outside the events industry will talk about the why, how and what of cooperation, which is ‘The Nature of Events’. On day 2 (29th November), Bea World Festival will take you on a safari, allowing you to study the nature of events more closely. You will observe the ‘Big 11’ (3 keynotes and 8 workshops), showing you how to climb the evolutionary ladder in events. In the morning, you will be taken to new horizons by three speakers from outside our industry. Walter Faaij will give you the anthropological view on meetings and events, looking into how to


study human corporate behavior. Michela Russo will give an overview about ‘The Evolution of Brands’… And finally, Cyriel Kortleven will show you how to explore new creativity. After all, only species that adapt best to new circumstances will survive.The thing with exploring is: you can’t do it from behind your desk. You need to go out there and experience: see, hear, taste, smell, touch, etc.

So our promise to you is that these will not be your standard keynote presentations. You will be a true, (inter)active part of this conference. In the afternoon, a wide variety of workshops will be offered to boost your creativity, emotional experience and learning. Through a highly interactive and engaging programme, each and everyone of you will become a true participant. Just like you would expect in this era of cocreativity. Event-tech evangelist James Morgan will take you back to the future: he will show you, how tech can maximize engagement, to make real cocreation happen. Ben Moorsom will show you the holy grail of events: the inside of the attendee mind. He studies experiences from the neurological


perspective of participants, using data and research to influence design decisions. Rockin’1000 is a roll model project of co-creation. In this session you will study the biggest rock band in the world, to understand what the real value of co-creation is, what true co-creation looks like and how you can apply it to your next event. When African tribes take decisions that effect all, they involve all. Billy Selekane will take you through the process, showing you how tribes crowd source input and co-create execution. The modern conference might be found in ancient traditions. The nature of our events originates from two things: evolution of the good things, and learning from past mistakes. More than any industry, ours is one of co-creation, cooperation and coproduction between all suppliers. Real cocreation also implies co-failing. Fritha Knudsen produced very successful events worldwide, but she also withnessed a fair amount of failures. She has a clear view on how everyone involved should cooperate and on how failures can be prevented, together. Co-creation is part of our human instinct. However, it doesn’t always happen by

itself. Interaction and engagement specialist Martijn Timmermans will show you how to design for successful formats. The nature of events is more and more about protecting the planet. Alejandra Hernández Zita will take you on an interactive trip to the Bea Nature Reservation: where events are no longer jeopardizing the earth. The nature of events is different, depending on where you travel. In this workshop, leading event professionals from various countries will take you on a field trip to their part of the world: Sabbas Joseph (India), Boris Alkhimovich (Russia) and Pedro Gameiro (Brazil). This is a great opportunity to learn, explore potential new markets and

investigate new co-creative business opportunities. The nature of event is about evolution: only the events that adapt best, do survive. ‘Data Darwinism’ can revolutionize that process, if we can really understand the added value. Cesare Salvini will share his model for a data driven approach, as it was developed for Mercedes-Benz. Denise Dechamps will talk about body language and human behaviour and teach you how to improve your communication.



DAY 3 • 30th November

Leisure Activities • Discover Milan A WALK BETWEEN EARTH AND SKY, UNDER THE DUOMO’S MADONNINA Time: 09:00 -12:00 Meeting Point: Piazza del Duomo - Milan Description: Are you ready to visit the indisputable symbol of Milan in the world? This is your chance! With this activity, provided by Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, you will be able to enjoy the Duomo, one of the largest gothic Cathedrals in Italy and Europe, not only from inside, but also from the top! In fact, this visit is comprehensive of a walk under the open sky, on the terrace, that allows visitors to see up close the details of the architecture enjoying the splendid city skyline in the shadow of the ‘Madonnina’. If this is not enough to satisfy your thirst for art, you will also have an exclusive access to the Museum outside normal public opening hours, where you can find a great variety of works of art linked to the history and construction of the Cathedral. MAKE YOUR ADRENALINE FLY WITH AERO GRAVITY! Time: 10:00 - 13:00 Meeting Point: Via Gabriele D’Annunzio, 23 - Pero (MI) Description: With this activity anyone will be able to fly, enjoying the excitement of free fall skydiving, with the same adrenaline rush, but in complete safety. At Aero Gravity, an avantgarde indoor skydiving facility, the only one in Italy, you will fly in the vertical wind tunnel with the largest flight chamber in the world. A glass cylinder of 5.2 meters in diameter and 21 meters in height, with 6 super powerful turbines, an air flow up to 370 km/h, capable of beating the force of gravity and suspending you in the midair. We guarantee you the maximum fun at zero risks. Aero Gravity is also the ideal place to host exclusive events at the highest level, the first choice to impress the clients and give them a unique and unforgettable experience.


Programme A VISIONARY VOYAGE THROUGH SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Time: 10:00 - 12:00 Meeting Point: Via S. Vittore, 21 - Milano Description: Take your chance to visit the largest Museum of Science and Technology in Italy, one of the most important ones in Europe and in the world, founded in 1953. Founded to host the monks of the Olivetan order, the central body of the Museum was built in the early 16th century as a monastery. Visit the exhibition dedicated to space, discover the technologies behind the exploration of the universe and see the only Moon fragment exhibited in Italy. Retrace the history of flight, navigation and rail transport through some of the Museum’s most evocative historical objects such as the transatlantic Conte Biancamano, the Toti submarine and the Luna Rossa catamaran. Discover the ancient refectory of the San Vittore Olivetan Monastery, a masterpiece of Milanese Baroque art. VERMOUTH CLASS AND MARTINI COCKTAIL EXPERIENCE Time: 10:30 - 12:30 Meeting Point: Piazza Diaz, 7 - Milano Description: Davide Colombo, Martini brand homes ambassador, will let you discover the ancient technique of our master blender, current guardian of the Martini secret formula, and their surprising use of botanicals. Challenge yourself on balancing the aromatic notes and make your own Vermouth for real! After that he will teach you how to prepare some of the most iconic cocktails of the Martini Drink Strategy and learn the secrets of making the perfect Martini Negroni cocktail, Americano and the bittersweet orange Martini Fiero & Tonic! All this on the rooftop of Terrazza Martini, the perfect setting to experience the aperitivo and enjoy a privileged view on the Duomo and all the city. A TIME JOURNEY THROUGH ALFA ROMEO’S HISTORY TO DISCOVER AN ITALIAN PASSION Time: 10:30 - 12:30 Meeting Point: Viale Alfa Romeo - Arese (MI) Description: Fond of speed, Italian design and vintage cars - in one word, Alfa Romeo? If so, this is the activity for you! The car that won the first world title in the history of Formula 1 or the one with which legendary Tazio Nuvolari broke the road speed record, exceeding 350 km/h - in 1935. The ‘Giulietta’, symbol of the Dolce Vita, or the prototypes that fill the dreams of collectors worldwide. All this, and much more, is on display at the Museo Storico Alfa Romeo, which houses the rarest and most precious vehicles produced in the 110 years of the Milanese brand’s life. Join this visit and discover an Italian excellence and a whole world of passion.


Programme LEONARDO’S LAST SUPPER: A VIS-À-VIS WITH A MASTERPIECE Time: 11:00-12:00 Meeting Point: Piazza Santa Maria delle Grazie - Milano Description: The Last Supper of Leonardo da Vinci is undoubtedly one of the most important artworks of all times, both for its innovative approach and for the impact it has had on art history. Leonardo carried out an exhaustive research creating an infinity of preparatory sketches. He abandoned the traditional method of fresco painting, painting the scene ‘dry’ on a wall of the refectory of the convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie (1494-1498), under the government of Ludovico il Moro. Since then, this ‘Cenacolo’ has inspired generations of artists and has arisen many questions and enigmas. Discover them all during a guided tour that will give you the opportunity to see up close the most famous Last Supper of the world, included in the Unesco Heritage List in 1980. DIVE INTO QUALITY, ELEGANCE, AND STYLE-TIMELESS VALUES OF ARMANI FASHION Time: 11:00 - 13:30 Meeting Point: Via Bergognone, 40 - Milano Description: Armani/Casa is pleased to welcome you to discover the archive collections at the Armani/ Silos.‘I decided to call it Silos because this building used to store food, which is, of course, essential for life. For me, just as much as food, clothes are also a part of life’, explained Mr. Armani. The building – opened in 2015 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Giorgio Armani brand – was in fact the granary of a major international company, constructed in 1950. The permanent collection offers an overview of over 40 years of the designer’s career, including 400 outfits and 200 accessories from Giorgio Armani’s ready-to-wear collections from 1980 to the present. The visit will be followed by an ‘aperitivo’ at the Silos’ cafeteria.


MILAN: FASHION, FOOD AND HISTORY by Terraevents Lying at the foot of the Alps, Milan is Italy’s financial hub and economic driver, home to the country’s Stock Exchange. It is also Italy’s most cosmopolitan of cities, with a modern central district dominated by skyscrapers and a pretty historical quarter lined with elegant ‘palazzi’, custodians to magical hidden courtyards and gardens. Leader of Italy’s fashion and design industry, Milan is replete with snazzy boutiques, haute couture stores, and furniture workshops producing innovative Italian design. It’s also a city steeped in history– home to the landmark Gothic


Il Duomo and a multitude of inspiring art galleries, museums and churches, filled with some of Italy’s most important works of art including Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece ‘The Last Supper’. 2019 has undoubtedly been the year of Leonardo Da Vinci, with a rich programme of events running across the city, to mark the 500th anniversary of the death of the great Renaissance Master and his strong links to the Lombard capital. Milan’s cultural heritage also includes the worldfamous opera house, Alla Scala, where Bellini,

Host Location & Festival Venues

Rossini and Verdi premiered their works and where audiences have enjoyed performances by the most famous operatic figures of the 20th century including Maria Callas, the prima donna assoluta. A city of hidden pleasures, Milan boasts an extensive and remarkable dining and nightlife scene, ranked as one of the most vibrant in Northern Europe. From early evening aperitivo

hour through to the early hours of the morning, Milan offers an exciting diversity of options in the Navigli area, Isola, Brera and the Columns of San Lorenzo. A big plus for visitors to the city is its relatively compact size; the centre can easily be explored on foot allowing one to savor the charms of this exciting cosmopolitan city.

BE INSPIRED BY 5 TOP EXPERIENCES IN MILAN 1. The Duomo - Milan’s iconic monument. Take the lift to the terraces for a bird’s eye view of the city. 2. Behind the scenes - a fascinating glimpse of the production sets, costume rooms and rehearsal studio of one of the world’s most famous theatres Alla Scala. 3. Stroll around the Quadrilatero della Moda - the world’s most famous shopping district. 4. The ‘aperitivo’- sacred rite in Milan & no finer place to carry on the tradition than on a rooftop terrace, sipping a Negroni against a backdrop of Milan’s metropolitan skyline. 5. ‘The Last Supper’ - be awed by Leonardo’s masterpiece, which should be on everyone’s bucket-list. Be sure to visit the building opposite, La Vigna di Leonardo, a wonderful Renaissance abode with a secret garden hiding the 15th century vines – a present to Leonardo for painting ‘the Last Supper’.


Host Location & Festival Venues

THE FESTIVAL VENUES MAIN FESTIVAL VENUE MELIÁ MILANO 5* From 27th to 30th November, the Meliá Milano will host the Bea World Festival. On 27th Wednesday, in the evening, all delegates will join a welcome drink and collect their badge in order to skip the queue on the next day. On Thursday 28th, the live presentations of the shortlisted events will take place here. On 29th Friday, it will be the hosting venue of the educational and networking programme. Delegates are also welcome to stay at Meliá Milano at special fares. Hotel Meliá Milano is perfectly located in one of the most dynamic and fastest-growing district in Milan, a short walk from CityLife, a new architectural project with a shopping centre and urban garden. The historical city centre of Milan is just 15 minutes away using the nearby subways (M1 and M5). Address: Via Masaccio, 19 - 20149 Milan. WELCOME DINNER TERRAZZA MARTINI On Wednesday 27, in the evening, all jurors, speakers, hosts and media partners will join a welcome dinner at Terrazza MARTINI. Since its inauguration, in 1958, Terrazza MARTINI offers a privileged view of the Duomo and the city of Milano. As symbol of lifestyle and icon of elegance and culture, the rooftop lounge reopens in 2018 renovated in space and design. The location offers a total of almost 500 sqm distributed on two levels: the events space on the 15th (open space of 260 sqm) and the Rooftop on the 16th (235 sqm room consisting of a hall surrounded by crystal walls and an outdoor area overlooking the city). The central area, set up as theatre layout or for placée lunches and dinners, can accommodate up to 100 people. Versatile and dynamic, it can be adapted to for any kind of occasion: parties, conferences, presentations, dinners and lunches, placée or standing events and much more. Address: Piazza Armando Diaz, 7 20123 Milan.


Host Location & Festival Venues

DELEGATES’ DINNER VENUE OFFICINE DEL VOLO On 28th November, Officine del Volo will host a placée dinner for all Bea World delegates. It is situated in the historic building which once hosted the former Caproni di Taliedo aircraft manufacturing company, an actual driver of cultural, social and economic innovations in the 20th-century Milan. The industrial architecture of the early 20th century combined with contemporary design details gives a unique charm to this multifunctional location for corporate and private events. Address: Via Mecenate, 76/5 - 20138 Milan. AWARDS CEREMONY & AFTER-PARTY VENUE THE MALL The Mall is one of the ultimate event venues in Milan. Active since 2014, it is the main event space of the Porta Nuova business district. Symbol of the new growth of Milan, which is experiencing the greatest transformation of recent times, this Big Spaces’ location represents the ferment of innovation but above all the desire for change and the ability to implement it, directly in the city centre. A perfect location to announce the winners of the Best Event Awards 2019, during the ceremony on 29th November, and to party all together until the small hours. Address: Piazza Lina Bo Bardi, 1 - 20121 Milan.






Partner/Executive Producer Indiana Production

… what happens when you intersect what you see, think and write on a piece of paper with the reality of things that live in a world kept together by gravity.

Luca Bizzarri

Btl & Auto Shows Manager Emea Region Fca - Fiat Chrysler Automobiles

… a live communication able to wear a digital suit.

Tata Burduli

Head of Event Georgian Football Federation

… changing fast! To catch a perfect wave in an ocean of ideas and to be an innovator on every stage of creation - this is a challenge for every leader in events industry.

Stephanie Dubois

Event Director Sapphire Now Sap

… to create human, emotional connections through shared experiences.

Walter Faaij

Corporate Anthropologist

… building cultures of sustainability and cooperation…



Belén Fierro

Head Of Events And Protocol Spain Airbus

… emotion.

Cyriel Kortleven

Global Speaker on Change Mindset

… an evolution … a revolution … Are you ready for it?!

Jan Kubinec

President Czech Event Association

… people gathering, working, enjoying and talking about it, so that other people regret they missed it.

Henrik Lervold

Head of Marketing and Communication PwC

… wow, experience.

Ben Moorsom

CEO Neuroscaping Design Inc & The Debut Group

… the emotional-behavioral ecosystem an audience interacts and responds to.



Guido Morozzi

Ambassador Club degli Eventi e della Live Communication

… made of the same material of which ideas are made. Therefore, keep the flow of ideas alive!

Michael Müller

Head of Brand Activation & Special Projects Samsung Electronics

… within all of us.

Pilar Jimenez-Pardo Event Manager Sage

… to deliver strategy, storytelling, passion, experiences, to generate results and thrill.

Sandra Plachá

Head of Marketing and Product Mercedes-Benz Cars Česká republika

… to make an event in what you truly believe make sense for the purpose.

Michiel Pool

Head of Global Events Ericsson

… all about creating long lasting experiences and brining people together.



Jane Reeve

Chief Communication Officer Ferrari

… about surfing change.

Rolf Schumann

Manager Brand Boost Asia, Africa, Middle East and Overseas Škoda Auto

… the most complete brand experience.

Billy Selekane

Chief Inspirational Officer Billy Selekane International

… to connect content owners with content consumers and create a symbiotic learning experience.

Jan Sidemo

Senior Director Global Events Volvo Cars

… immersing the audience in every aspect of your brand.

Julius Solaris

Editor in Chief EventMB

… to transform attendees.


SESSIONS & TOPICS DIAMANTE ROOM (Floor 0) 9.45-10.15 & 11.30-11.45


Tribal behaviour is a key element in the nature of events. In this keynote, you will learn to understand your event as a ritual that strengthens your culture. Walter Faaij will help you create a team, or design an event in which people feel safe and cared for. He will help you interpret the unwritten rules, looking for new ways to build a culture or create a movement. Corporate anthropology studies contemporary organisations and companies. Within these organisations you’ll find some wonderful and interesting rituals, symbols and unwritten rules, defining and influencing the way an organisation works. Building strong tribes, communities, teams and events becomes a whole lot easier by understanding the way culture is shaped and altered. SPEAKER: Walter Faaij (Human Dimensions)

DIAMANTE ROOM (Floor 0) 10.15-10.45


In an ecosystem, all existing species have their role. In ours, brands, agencies, organisers, producers, consumers, participants, etc., all try to find the best way to cohabit with each other. And like any other habitat, ours is changing over time and the way we co-create is evolving. Michela Russo will share experiences and views on how the relationship between brands and consumers has greatly changed over the last few years. Not only must consumers be at the heart of the brand’s every activity; consumers today want to be part of the brand’s creation and evolution process. Creation has become a keyword in many marketing activities. Millennials are the engine that gave momentum to this new way of relating with brands, and brands that are responding well show to be successful. SPEAKER: Michela Russo (Kantar) 36

Sessions & Topics

DIAMANTE ROOM (Floor 0) 11.45-12.30


The Nature of Events is changing… fast: global competition, demanding clients, new technologies… We need event professionals willing to leave their comfort zone, experiment and suspend their judgement. We need event professionals able to explore the world from a different perspective. We need event professionals who aren’t scared to fail fast, often and forward. Are you one of those event professionals who want to co-create a new context for the event-industry? YES… suspend your judgement to break fixed thinking patterns. AND… explore the world from a different perspective to generate new ideas. Cocreation is the key. ACT… take small actions, because the key to real innovation is to experiment and to fail fast, often and forward. SPEAKER: Cyriel Kortleven (

DIAMANTE ROOM (Floor 0) 14.30-15.30


Ben Moorsom studies experiences from the neurological perspective of participants, using data and research to influence design decisions. He will show you the holy grail of events: the inside of an attendee’s mind. SPEAKER: Ben Moorsom (Neuroscaping Design Inc & The Debut Group)


Sessions & Topics

JIGGER ATELIER (Floor 0) 14.30-15.30


The nature of events is different, depending on where you travel. In this workshop, leading agencies from various countries will take you on a field trip to their continent. This is a great opportunity to learn, explore potential new markets and investigate new co-creative business opportunities. SPEAKERS: Sabbas Joseph, Boris Alkhimovich, Pedro Gameiro

AMBRA ROOM (Floor +1) 14.30-15.30


The nature of our events originates from two things: evolution of the good things, and learning from past mistakes. More than any industry, ours is one of co-creation, cooperation and co-production between all suppliers. Real co-creation also implies co-failing. Fritha Knudsen has produced very successful events worldwide, but she also witnessed a fair amount of failures. She has a clear view on how everyone involved should cooperate and on how failures can be prevented, together. SPEAKER: Fritha Knudsen (Fritha Knudsen, LLC)

MADREPERLA ROOM (Floor -1) 14.30-15.30


When African tribes make decisions that affect all, they involve all. Billy Selekane will take you through the process, showing you how tribes crowdsource input and co-create execution. The modern conference might be found in ancient traditions. SPEAKER: Billy Selekane (Billy Selekane International) 39

Sessions & Topics

GIADA ROOM (Floor -1) 14.30-15.30


Event-tech evangelist Dr. James Morgan will take you on an interactive trip to the future and back. He will show you where event-tech will take us tomorrow and how you can start designing for effective use today. SPEAKER: James Morgan (University of Westminster and Event Tech Lab)

DIAMANTE ROOM (Floor 0) 16.00-17.00


Let’s rock your next event! Rockin’1000 is a role model project of co-creation. In this session you will study the biggest rock band in the world, understand how it is 100% co-creative and discuss how you can implement its way into your next event. SPEAKER: Fabio Zaffagnini (Rockin’1000)

JIGGER ATELIER (Floor 0) 16.00-17.00


The nature of events is about evolution: events that adapt best, do survive. Data can revolutionize the process, if we really understand the added value. Cesare Salvini will share his model for a data-driven approach, as developed for Mercedes-Benz. SPEAKER: Cesare Salvini (Grandi Stazione Retail) 41

Sessions & Topics AMBRA ROOM (Floor +1) 16.00-17.00


Even in a data-driven environment, the nature of events is very much about instinct. During this workshop, Denise Deschamps, psychologist and founder of the Body Language Academy, will show you the fascinating power of body language. We will look into universal ceremonies in interhuman connections. Interactive, sometimes surprising, always respectful and fun. Become aware of what your body tells your client about your intentions, and how you can use your body language actively in creating the effect that you are looking for. Body language is a powerful, easily accessible and extremely personal instrument for untroubled communications. SPEAKER: Denise Dechamps (Body Language Academy)

MADREPERLA ROOM (Floor -1) 16.00-17.00


The nature of events is more and more about protecting the planet. Alejandra Hernรกndez Zita is sustainability consultant at the Global Destination Sustainability Index. She will take you on an interactive trip to the BEA Nature Reserve: where events are no longer threatening planet Earth. SPEAKER: P . Alejandra Hernรกndez Zita (GDS-Index)

GIADA ROOM (Floor -1) 16.00-17.00


Martijn Timmermans will share his knowledge on co-creation formats. You will immerse yourself in his creativity and experience, where co-creation is everything. SPEAKER: Martijn Timmermans (Martijn Timmermans) 43


FOUNDER/MODERATOR/TRAINER | MASTERS IN MODERATION Jan-Jaap considers the interview to be his main skill, the question to be his most important instrument: the (human) interest question, the awkward question, the stimulating one, the journalist one, the personal question, the funny one; critical or light-hearted. Jan-Jaap gets people to think and reconsider, convinced as he is that only challenging the status quo will bring new perspectives and new insights. Be it sharing of knowledge, finding solutions to a problem or getting people to understand each other, he will always focus on content and interaction.

Hans Etman

OWNER/MODERATOR/TRAINER | MASTERS IN MODERATION Hans is all about service. And that shows in the way he moderates: calm, open and direct, so that all participants feel comfortable, involved and appreciated. Out of his sincere feel for customer needs, Hans understands the importance of voicing opinions – but even more so of setting aside differences for team accomplishment. As he intuitively shifts from confrontation to sensitivity, Hans is always goalsoriented. His approach and personality make Hans the ideal choice for situations that have some ‘bite’ to them: public meetings, reorganisations and hard-to-engage target groups are all in safe hands with him.


Hosts and Facilitators Sandy Nijhuis

MODERATOR | MASTERS IN MODERATION As a moderator, Sandy is involved and professional. Her businesslike approach, infused with a touch of humor, makes every individual in the audience feel welcome. She is energetic and always looking to make connections with her audience and between participants. Due to many years of experience as an event manager, she knows how to combine a perfect organization with the right tone of voice. Everyone always feels genuinely free to participate when Sandy’s on stage. In every meeting she matches her tone of voice to the participants, while still remaining herself. She is always well informed about the topic at hand and knows how to ask the right questions, even the difficult ones.

Samme Allen

MODERATOR | MASTERS IN MODERATION Samme possesses natural high energy, positivity and a reputation for getting the best out of people. Wherever she goes, she will make people shine. With global experience of working with corporate clients, Samme brings to the stage the ability to tackle sensitive topics, manage energetic debates & dialogues and address cross cultural issues. Just as easily, she will host playfull workformats, a festive get-together or an awardshow. With vast knowledge of meeting design, Samme knows how to get the very best out of your events and how to structure content to ensure the very best return on your investment.

Kjell Lutz

MODERATOR | MASTERS IN MODERATION Kjell will bring energie and enthousiasm to any meeting. He is reliable, without being boring. And he is playfull, while keeping an eye on the serious part of your meeting. Kjell loves to play and is a real ‘gamer’, which is mirrored by his love for interactive formats.


SPEAKERS Ambra Room • Floor +1

Denise Dechamps

16.00 - 17.00

PSYCHOLOGIST AND BODY LANGUAGE EXPERT • BODY LANGUAGE ACADEMY Psychologist and body language expert with over 10 years’ experience in the study of human behavior. Besides giving many training courses, she is an in-demand public speaker and is well known in the Netherlands as for her appearances on radio and television (RTL, SBS, BNR, NPO).

Diamante Room • Floor 0

Walter Faaij

9.45 - 10.15 & 11.30 - 11.45

CORPORATE ANTHROPOLOGIST • HUMAN DIMENSIONS Walter is a corporate anthropologist, culture consultant, keynote speaker, specialised in corporate culture, culture change, inclusion and sustainability. He is the founder of Green Culture Lab and tutor in the MA Sustainable Citizenship programme (Utrecht University). He has exotic research roots in Greenland, where he conducted research on the social impact of climate change. Walter has extensive experience in ethnographic research in public and private environments, guiding culture change trajectories, mergers and reorganisations, executive coaching, market research and feasibility studies, as well as facilitating sensitive and brave (stakeholder) dialogues within or between organisations. Change is deeply about people. Walter speaks regularly on corporate culture, anthropology and sustainability. He is unrelentingly curious and has yet to figure out exactly why people do what they do. He likes to visit exotic destinations like Greenland, Svalbard, Mongolia or Iraq. Through Green Culture Lab he helps companies and organisations anchor sustainability into their DNA. For sustainability is all about culture: building cultures of sustainability.


Speakers Ambra Room • Floor +1

Fritha Knudsen

14.30 - 15.30

CREATIVE DIRECTOR/EXECUTIVE PRODUCER • FRITHA KNUDSEN Fritha has extensive experience as a producer for global live events as well as television and video. Fritha’s corporate clients include: Apple, Cisco, Google, Salesforce and Seagate. Her work includes conferences, executive summits, road tours, user conferences, press conferences and fashion shows. Fritha has been involved in 2 Olympic Games - as Director of the Swatch Olympic Project - $120 million worldwide sponsorship of the Centennial Olympic Games in Atlanta, and as Executive Producer of the Official Film in 3D for the games in Vancouver. As Executive Producer for Dreamforce Plaza in San Francisco, she was responsible for the conversion of a city block into a city park in 3 days, including 150,000 sq. ft. of synthetic turf, 17 grown trees, 2 stages, 13 bands, 4 giant Led screens, kiosks for serving 5,000 lunches and an overall conference attendance of 50,000. She created Eco Seagate in New Zealand and Australia for 6 years, a unique combination of Executive Leadership and Adventure Race. For Cisco, in only 6 weeks, she produced a 40,000 people goodbye party for CEO John Chambers at Levi’s Stadium, with Christina Aguilera and Keith Urban as entertainment. For Richard Branson and Virgin Galactic, Fritha unveiled two spaceships and created the dedication of Spaceport America in New Mexico. She also created a ‘Glamping’ weekend for 200 Virgin Galactic ‘astronauts’ in a field in Idaho for the Great Solar Eclipse in 2017. Fritha has been a keynote and workshop speaker for the Fresh Conference in Copenhagen and Ilea Conferences in Calgary, Denver and San Francisco and is committed to passing on lessons from her long and varied career.

Diamante Room • Floor 0

Cyriel Kortleven

11.45 - 12.30

GLOBAL SPEAKER ON CHANGE MINDSET • CYRIELKORTLEVEN.COM Cyriel Kortleven represented in numbers: 1 global speaker - author of 5 business books - spoke in 25 countries on 5 continents - 20 years of experience - 35 people in the world received the Global Speaking Award (and he is one of them) - 44 years on this planet - 100 days a year working abroad - 200 recommendations on LinkedIn - 200 obstacles conquered at the longest obstacle run in the world - loves 1 beautiful wife - 1 mission: ‘Don’t mind the change. Change your Mind’.


Speakers Diamante Room • Floor 0

Ben Moorsom

14.30 - 15.30

CEO • NEUROSCAPING DESIGN INC & THE DEBUT GROUP Ben Moorsom is the world’s leading practitioner of neuroscaping™. Since founding Debut Group in 1997, Ben has made it his mission to challenge and disrupt ineffective conventions of business experiences, pioneering new approaches that engage people and truly capture their attention. By applying advances from psychology, neuroscience and data sciences, Ben and his team turn audiences into active participants on the cognitive level. They use neuroscaping principles to cut through the noise and competition at the gateway to the human mind, placing business messages near the front of the line. Ben is a frequent keynote speaker and co-conspirator at global conferences on communication thought leadership.

Giada Room • Floor -1

James Morgan

14.30 - 15.30

FOUNDER • EVENT TECH LAB James Morgan is the Principal Lecturer in Event Design and Technology at the University of Westminster, London, and the Founder of Event Tech Lab, a partnership community for event technology start-ups, developers, event professionals and investors. As a respected speaker, writer and industry commentator, James has judged industry awards internationally and is passionate about educating event professionals of the future. He takes an avid interest in promoting quality standards, sustainable event management, and professionalism in the events industry. He was named as one of Eventbrite’s Top 100 Event Professionals in 2017. The same year, he was also voted one of the 20 Industry Changemakers by US ‘Meetings Net’ magazine. He was awarded International Live Events Associations’ top accolade - the J Robert Graves Pioneer Award - for his services to the association in 2016.


Speakers Diamante Room • Floor 0

Michela Russo

10.15 - 10.45

HEAD OF BRAND STRATEGY & GUIDANCE INSIGHTS DIVISION • KANTAR Michela’s passion for understanding why people around the world live and act as they do lead her to the industry. After almost twenty years and working for many brands, she can honestly say she hasn’t had a dull day yet! She’s now leading the Brand Strategy & Guidance practice in Kantar Italy, working on consultancy projects aimed at building strong and disruptive brands. Her experience spans across different categories, with a focus on Fast Moving Consumer Goods. Michela has been working on some of Kantar’s largest global accounts, being involved in international projects which she loves because they give her a strong orientation to finding consumer truths that can be turned into actionable insights for clients. Michela is also leading in Italy the Kantar Millennial Lab, a steering committee created to offer a fresh vision on new generations and help clients in structuring their activities to engage newer generations effectively.

Jigger Atelier • Floor 0

Cesare Salvini

16.00 - 17.00

CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER • GRANDI STAZIONI RETAIL Cesare Salvini, specialized in Sales & Marketing, supported several companies in their success, always with creativity and a constant drive towards innovation: Microsoft, Rinascente, Benetton, Continental, Mercedes, Publicis. As Sales Director at Continental Italy, he drove the fastest growing tire business in Europe; as Marketing Director of Mercedes Italy, he led their digital transformation, ensuring complete brand rejuvenation and volume leadership in a premium market. In 2015, first among automotive manufacturers, he launched online sales with Smart, and later he was the first to introduce Data Driven Marketing in Mercedes world. Mercedes and Publicis then appointed him Global Account Director of AMG and Smart, for the newly formed Publicis Emil, Mercedes’ global agency. He is now Chief Marketing Officer in Grandi Stazioni Retail. His view, from both corporate and agency sides, gives him an edge and a unique competence, making him a winner in digital transformation and marketing evolution towards data.


Speakers Madreperla Room • Floor -1

Billy Selekane

14.30 - 15.30

CHIEF INSPIRATIONAL OFFICER • BILLY SELEKANE INTERNATIONAL Billy is a best selling author and an internationally acclaimed inspirational speaker. He is a CSP (Certified Speaking Professional), the highest recognition for a professional speaker conferred by the National Speakers Association of the USA. He is a double Hall of Fame inductee in Southern Africa, both as a speaker and an educator. He is a co-host of Radio 2000’s Monday Morning Fire, a breakfast show. Billy is also an acclaimed social commentator, content creator and producer. He is an accredited Organisational Culture expert through Human Synergistix, a Chicago-based organisation led by Dr. Robert Cooke. He is President of Global Conference TV, a digital platform which focuses on entrepreneur education. He is also involved in charitable causes through his Foundation. Billy has recently been appointed Head of Education for Virtual Speakers Association International, an affiliate of the Global Speakers Federation catering for professional speakers in regions without a local association.

Giada Room • Floor -1

Martijn Timmermans

16.00 - 17.00

EXPERIENCE DESIGNER Martijn’s career started in Customer Experience Marketing at Disney, Marriott and Singapore Airlines. He wrote business plans and strategic value propositions for start-ups and served as Director/CFO at Toneelgroep Amsterdam, working with the award-winning stage director, Ivo van Hove. To bridge the gap between strategy and execution, he developed a number of event co-creation concepts and tools, such as The Red Line Project, and the Event StoryBoard Canvas. Through the latter, they trained over 1,300 event professionals around the world and partnered with Alzheimer Lab, VUmc, DDB, McKinsey, and KPMG. On his mission to unleash innovation faster, he joined the innovators’ collective PlaybookToolkit. In 2019 he created the Storyboarding Toolkit, a DIY way into the world of storyboarding to empower (event) innovators, save time and money, and improve results. In 2018 he surprised the Dutch Event Industry by winning the award for best conference with ‘Zaam The BattleZ’, leaving Coca-Cola, Ocean Clean-up, RAI Amsterdam & Erasmus University empty-handed. Martijn is a member of the Meeting Design Institute, of sustainable development agency #Meet4Impact, and a partner/consultant at Token. Agency, a boutique blockchain consultancy firm.


Speakers Diamante Room • Floor 0

Fabio Zaffagnini

16.00 - 17.00

GENERAL MANAGER • ROCKIN’1000 Born in Romagna, Italy, Rockin’1000 General Manager Fabio Zaffagnini lives and works in Cesena. He started his professional career as a marine geologist at the CNR Research Area of Bologna and the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change. In 2011, he started the project Trail Me Up, an augmented reality system which allows users to complete virtual guided tours. In 2015, he was added to the European Commission’s list of Experts for his talents in product design, and in the same year became an honouree for the Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Award in New York. He is the creator and coordinator of Rockin’1000: a global community of musicians and an organisation that sets up concerts with 1,000+ people playing music simultaneously. It became popular thanks to a video tribute to the Foo Fighters, which went viral with well over 50 million views.

Madreperla Room • Floor -1  16.00 - 17.00 P. Alejandra Hérnandez Zita

SUSTAINABILITY CONSULTANT MÉXICO & LATIN AMÉRICA • GDS-INDEX Pioneer of sustainable events in the Latin America region. Certified Sustainable Events Professional by the Events Industry Council. 18 years’ of experience in the tourism sector, working in DMC agencies in Cancun, Riviera Maya and Los Cabos, and for large hotel chains such as Hilton, JW Marriott, Fiesta Americana. Designer and instructor of CES, the first Sustainable Events Certificate in México and Latin América. Responsible for the development of the Global Destination Sustainability Index in the Latam Region, delivering advisory services to destinations, event organisers and venues. GDS-Index is the leading global sustainability benchmarking and performance improvement programme for meetings and events destinations. Member of the education committee of the MPI Caribe Mexicano Chapter. Currently finalising a Master’s Degree in Sustainable Tourism at UCI, University of International Cooperation of Costa Rica.




What about Bea World? Alexander Safonov

Global Event Director Oriflame Cosmetics

For me Bea World is a great source of professional inspiration and a chance to see the best of the best in the event industry.

Paulo Campos Costa

Global Brand, Mktg And Communications Director Edp - Energias De Portugal

Bea world is a unique events festival, where we can see and share the best of this industry.

Andrea Danihelova

Head Of Communication Department And Spokesperson Vse Holding Group

Being at the festival is always very inspiring. Meeting new people, learning from others and seeing excellent works and events from all over the world is a great added value. I always come back with lots of creative ideas and motivation how to do things better.

Andrea Faflikova

Regional Senior Brand Relations And Event Manager The Lego Group

It’s always great to be at the Best Event Awards to see new trends in the industry, to share best practices and meet friends.



BelĂŠn Fierro

Head Of Events And Protocol Spain Airbus

The best award from Bea World is being part of the jury. It is very much like a post graduate degree where you learn and you see all the innovation in our world. Not to speak about the networking... absolutely fantastic!

William Galimberti

Global Sport Marketing Manager Red Bull

Winning at Bea, was a great experience. Being a Juror, led to some of the best network I have had the chance of creating, so far.

Elling Hamso

managing partner event Roi Institute

Bea World festival is the only meeting place in Europe where senior event professionals from agencies and their corporate clients have an opportunity to meet and discuss industry trends as well as what makes the events presented there among the best in the world.

Jaime SĂĄnchez Pozo

International Committee Aevea

No school, master or university can teach you what you learn at the Bea festival, specially when you are at the Jury. Knowledge, experiences, exchange and especially meeting so many passionate people of the industry. A top priority date on my agenda!.



Ulrike Tondorf

Head Of Live & Experience Branding Bayer

Bea World is an exciting journey through the world of live communication, which I do not want to miss anymore and would like to recommend to everyone else.

Michiel Pool

Head of Global Events Ericsson

I really loved being part of the Bea World in Portugal 2018. Learning from the top performers and the best practices in the industry was priceless. Meeting the best in events over an evening drink in a lovely city was also very inspiring.

Michael MĂźller

Head of Brand Activation & Special Projects Samsung Electronics

The Bea World is always different and worth to come. From Juror perspective: the discussions and intellectual exchange with your colleagues. From delegate perspective: the valuable insights from the different workshops. It is hard to find a better place with this concentration embedded in a wonderful host city program and great partners.

Thomas Wieringa

Head of Experience & Advocacy Pernod Ricard

The Bea World is a perfect platform to enable the exhange between many attendees in order to turn home with the urge to do better tomorrow! Let´s make better mistakes tomorrow and never stop learning.


Jury Panels


Alexander Safonov

Global Event Director Oriflame Cosmetics


Alexander leads the event department at Oriflame Cosmetics and, together with his team, is responsible for the company’s major global and regional events. He has received several professional event awards in Russia and four Bea awards. Before joining Oriflame, Alexander led all main marketing campaigns at Microsoft Russia. He has an Mba in Marketing from City Business College of London.

Karim Bartoletti

Partner/Executive Producer Indiana Production ITALY

Karim is a multi-award winning producer with great international experience. Born in Switzerland, grew up in Iran, Italy, and the Usa, and now lives in Italy. He is a radio/tv/film graduate of Northwestern University in Chicago, the city in which he started his career in advertising. Karim moved to Y&R in 1999, to become the youngest Svp/Head of Production in the US at the time. In Y&R/Chicago, Karim did award-winning work for brands such as Sears, Nascar and Miller Beer, helping turn the agency into a creative entity to reckon with in the Usa. In 2002 he moved back to Italy, to become a Partner of Filmmaster Production. In 2015, Karim left the company, to become Partner Executive Producer and MD of Advertising and Brand Content at Indiana Production. Karim has won every award in the industry, he has participated as a Juror in some of the best Award Shows in our business and he is a regular lecturer, presenter, guest speaker at various schools, shows and events in Italy and abroad. Karim is also an Elected Board Member of the Adci - The Italian Art Director’s Club as well as a Board Member of Cpa - the Association of Italian Advertising Production Companies.


Jury Panels Ander Bilbao

International Committee Aevea


After having finished Laws degree and an International Mba in Madrid, at the age of 25 he started an Event and advertising company called Sorensen which he managed as Ceo for 27 years getting a very well-known company in the local and international events market. In 2017 Sorensen merged with Eventisimo, creating beon. Worldwide and becoming the leader in south Europe for live communication, brand experience and digital promotion projects of which he is the Cko. He is one the representatives of the Aevea, Spanish Event Agencies Association.Â

Luca Bizzarri

Btl & Auto Shows Manager Emea Region FCA- Fiat Chrysler Automobiles


Luca is a marketing professional with more than 17 years of experience and 7 in leading positions of national/international companies. In the event field since 2002, he had different roles and positions, that took him from Olympic Games and other big events, up to managing international M&A processes in Latam and Apac. Luca joined Fca in 2013, giving in to the dark side of the force. Now, as Btl and Auto Shows Manager, he is responsible for strategic and operative Btl planning as well as the execution of special projects, auto shows, corporate and press events, dealer meetings and branded architecture design. In his current function he is leading the Btl and Auto Show team for all the Fca Brands within the Emea organization.


Jury Panels Tata Burduli

Brand Director Georgian Football Federation GEORGIA

Tata is a Sports Marketing and Strategic Communications Specialist with a 10-year work experience. She joined the Georgian Football Federation team as Head of the Marketing department in 2009, and currently holds the position of the Head of Events department. She is also the founder of the Tbilisi-based creative events company IdeaList. She teaches Sports Marketing courses at the Caucasus School of Business and the Georgian Sports Academy. Having graduated from the Moscow State University, Tata successfully completed the Uefa-funded Diploma in Football Management course in University of Lausanne. She also holds a Master’s degree in Strategic Communications from the Caucasus University. Tata’s professional career covers numerous interesting projects. Her activities are mostly related to football/sports event organization. One of the most notable among them was the 2015 Uefa Super Cup, where she headed marketing and communications activities. The match was later described by EuroSport as ‘the best Uefa Super Cup in history’.

Paulo Campos Costa

Global Brand, Marketing & Communications Director Energias De Portugal PORTUGAL

Paulo began his career in 1988, working as a journalist at Rtp, Rádio Televisão Portuguesa. In 2002 he moved to Galp Energia, where he was responsible for communication with the media in Portugal and Spain. Two years later he moved to corporate communications at Portugal Telecom. After that, he exercised media relations deputy functions for the Minister of Public Works, Transport and Communication at the XVI Constitutional Government of Portugal. In 2006 he joined Edp- Energias de Portugal, as Brand and Communication Director. Currently, he is Director of Global Coordination of the Brand, Marketing and Communication department and is responsible for communication in Portugal, Spain, Usa and Brazil. He is also Marketing, Communication and Sustainability Director and Administrator at Edp Institute and Edp Comercial. He is part of the board of Directors at Fundação Edp in Portugal. He holds a Vice President role at the Fundação Luso-Brasileira and is part of the Marketer Magazine editorial board.



Carlo Colpo

Global Head Of Marketing Communication Lavazza


Carlo has been the head of Global Marketing Communication at Lavazza since January 2016. His career has spanned a range of leading positions in the brand communication area of the automotive business. His last role within such industry, at Fca, was as head of Fiat and Abarth marketing communication for the Emea region. Carlo has spent almost 15 years in leading brand re-positioning strategies – among all Jeep and Fiat - and key product launches, such as the introduction of the Fiat 500 in the US market and the Fiat 500X in Europe. He is now guiding the international expansion of the Lavazza brand, through its rejuvenation and premiumization. Despite his well-structured and consumer-oriented attitude, he believes creativity and passion are key success factors for the business as well as the emotional dimension of a manager, i.e. the ability to be empathetic with the brand and the market. Carlo holds a degree in Public Relations and Advertising from Iulm University - Milan.

Andrea Danihelova

Head of Communication Department and Spokesperson VSE Holding Group SLOVAKIA

As from 2005, Andrea has been the Head of Communication Department and Spokesperson for Vse Holding group, a Slovak-German energy corporation. With the growth of the energy business and new projects in other countries, such as Croatia and Slovenia, she was responsible for communication activities in these countries for 2 years, in which a new brand and products were introduced in the market. She is a member of the Association of European Communication Directors and an active member of the Business Leaders Forum and Pontis Foundation in Slovakia, both organizers of the Via Bona national prize for Csr projects. Here she has been as a jury member for more than 4 years. She is also a lecturer in Csr-related topics at the Economic University in Bratislava, Slovakia. Moreover, she is responsible for internal and external communication in the Kosice subsidiary. She has 18 years’ experience in organising both internal and external events. The latest include international Retail conferences, the international IT conference and internal live and event communication projects for thousands of employees.


Jury Panels Stephanie Dubois

Event Director Sapphire Now Sap


Stephanie has been involved in various aspects of event planning since 2011, from facilitating customer networking activities to the content delivery and show floor planning, always within international, virtual teams. She was the Program Director for Sap Select in Europe in 2017 and 2018, setting the highest standards in quality of customer experience. She is now the Program Director for Sapphire Now, Sap’s flagship event and a reference in the event industry. Thanks to her background in business operations, customer references, administration, and teaching, she places a particular value on the importance of individual experiences, story-telling, and community building, both for her audience and her team.


Andrea Faflíková

Regional Senior Brand Relations And Event Manager The Lego Group CZECH REPUBLIC

In 2000, Andrea joined the international communication agency Havas, at its Prague offices in the Czech Republic. Within a few years, she became head of the agency’s Corporate Communications Unit. After almost a decade working in advertising, she joined a newly formed team within the Czech Football Association as managing director of a business unit supporting youth football. At that time, she graduated in Football Management at the University of Lausanne, a special programme developed by Uefa. She currently works at The Lego Group, heading Internal and External communication & Events team in the Reemea region (Russia, Central Europe, the Middle East and Africa). Andrea is also a member of various international PR & Event juries and advisory boards.


Jury Panels Belén Fierro

Head of Protocol and Events Spain Airbus


Back in 1992, after arriving almost by accident at the company’s Press and Public Relations Department, Belén discovered a world exciting enough to make her go back to University and graduate at the Facultad de Ciencias de la Información. This world has been her life since. Both the company and the department, as well as herself, have grown in parallel. Today, Airbus is a worldwide company with more than 140,000 employees from over 100 nationalities. The Communication Department is fully integrated, providing endless possibilities to the area of Comms. Belén has the privilege of leading a wonderful and highly motivated team, devoted to events, protocol and PR. Working on more than a thousand events has rewarded them with plenty of experience and satisfaction. Luckily enough, it has been like this for over 18 years. Besides organising events and hospitality, and offering protocol advice in Spain for the whole company, being integrated with a transnational team has the additional advantage of providing a truly international flavor to the operation, as well as allowing her to prepare and participate in events, fairs, exhibitions, etc., beyond Spanish borders.

William Galimberti

Global Event Marketing Manager Red Bull


Born in Turin in 1983, William started his career at Blockbuster (if you remember them, you are almost vintage too). In 2007 he moved to Fca, where he took care of Marketing and Communication, for both local and global brands, followed by a 2-year stint in Oakley as Head of Sports Marketing. He is now Global Event Marketing Manager for Red Bull, for almost two years. His portfolio of activities includes international series’ project lead, country business planning and media distribution of owned assets. He is a passionate sports person, enjoying life at the fullest, and loves giving people wings and new ideas. Father of one and companion of one, to go with that.


Jury Panels Elling Hamso

Managing Partner Event ROI Institute


Elling Hamso is Managing Partner of Event Roi Institute, a leading expert on how to measure results from meetings and events, and spends most of his time as a trainer and consultant to event agencies and corporate event planners across Europe. He is currently a member of the jury of Bea World, Middle East Awards and a number of national best event award programmes. Conference & Incentive Travel magazine ranked him 5th on their list of the 50 most influential people in the UK meetings and events industry and Eventbranche magazine named him third among the 30 most influential professionals in the meetings and events industry in the Netherlands. He consults and speaks on subjects such as Roi, events industry trends and meeting design. Elling is Management Sciences graduate and holds a Ph.D. in procurement strategy from Manchester University.

Pilar Jimenez-Pardo Event Manager Sage


Pilar is passionate about every things he does in life. Event management became a challenge a long time ago, and now she can claim to be an event lover. As an event planner, with more than 10 years of experience in marketing, thinking out of the box is one of her ‘mantras’. In the course of time, her organizational skills, the management of stakeholders, the coordination of teams (internal and external), and the ability to inspire others, have become part of her professional profile. Over the last few years, she has mostly focused on managing international and national events, which allowed her to grow professionally and personally in today’s digital and global world. In turn, this hasserved in developing herability to lead multidisciplinary national and international teams and to be a decisive, innovative, emphatic, and results-oriented person.


Jury Panels Sabbas Joseph

National Advisory Council Of The Event and Entertainment Management Association, Founder-Patron And Immediate Past President Eema


A co-founder and director of Wizcraft International Entertainment- Wiz, Sabbas Joseph is today recognized as a leading thinker in the field of unconventional media. He brings strategic inputs & communication expertise on board, stemming from his years in journalism before starting Wizcraft. Wiz Sabbas has spearheaded &managed several mega events for the company, as well as lending his strategic foresight for some of the country’s biggest brand launches and corporate events. He is also a faculty member and guest lecturer at leading communication institutes and an active member of the entertainment committees of CII, Ficci, the Event and Entertainment Management Association (Eema) of India (as President) and The Media & Entertainment Skills Council (present General Secretary). The Media & Entertainment Skills Council is India’s leadership team for development of skills in the media and entertainment industry, whereas Eema is the country’s apex body for the industry. His pioneering role at Eema ensured a distinct momentum that inspired thought leadership, as well as proactive action for which the Indian event industry is now being recognised. He is a well accomplished speaker and has spoken at major events and leadership programmes.

Jan Kubinec President CEA


Jan started his career in a global marketing research firm. He became one of the categories’ (Fmcg) management pioneers in the 90s, at the helm of the whole Emea region. He subsequently moved to one of the world‘s largest beer brewers in various marketing and trade marketing roles. Since then, he’s been relentlessly trying to raise the quality and effectiveness of events and brand campaigns. In 2010 Jan decided to leave the corporate world and focus on developing and providing local premium event services, which he continues to do as the company’s Ceo. Over the last few years, he has increasingly invested his energy in improving the Czech event environment. As well as teaching at the University of Economics in Prague, Jan has active roles in several industry organisations (e.g., Prague Convention Bureau, Avixa, etc.), and two years ago co-founded the Czech Event Association, which he currently chairs. Jan is married, has 2 teenage daughters and lives in Prague.


Jury Panels Henrik Lervold

Head of Marketing and Communication PwC NORWAY

Henrik recently launched the national ‘StriveFurther’ brand campaign, which gained great commercial and brand success. He previously held the position of Head of Innovation at Klp, the biggest life insurance company in Norway. He has broad expertise and long experience from the finance & consulting industry with a focus on marketing and communication, business development, innovation, and change management.

James Morgan

Founder Event Tech Lab


James Morgan is the Principal Lecturer in Event Design and Technology at the University of Westminster, London, and the Founder of Event Tech Lab, a partnership community for event technology start-ups, developers, event professionals and investors. As a respected speaker, writer and industry commentator, James has judged industry awards internationally and is passionate about educating event professionals of the future. He takes an avid interest in promoting quality standards, sustainable event management, and professionalism in the events industry. He was name das one of Eventbrite’s Top 100 Event Professionals in 2017. The same year, he was also voted one of the 20 Industry Change makers by US ‘Meetings Net’ magazine. He was awarded International Live Events Associations’ top accolade - the J Robert Graves Pioneer Award - for his services to the association in 2016.


Jury Panels Guido Morozzi

Ambassador Club degli Eventi e della Live Communication


Guido Morozzi, born in Florence in 1968, quit his studies in architecture to start a career in graphic design, which led him to work for several years as director of the Post-Production department at Clip Television, a branch of Filmmaster Group. During this period, he specialised in motion graphics, applying his skills to a multitude of different projects, including music videos, commercials, documentaries and Tv broadcasts, and concluded this phase designing and completing the opening videos for the Opening Ceremony of the 2006 Turin Olympics. He is now creative director and graphic designer at Piano B, a communication agency based in Milan, focused on designing and producing special events. He is also an esteemed photographer, especially in the field of street and reportage photography, and with a personal exhibition to his credit. Guido is the Ambassador of the Club degli Eventi e della Live Communication, the Italian association of event agencies, established in January 2017 and counting 39 agencies.

Michael MĂźller

Head of Brand Activation & Special Projects Samsung Electronics


Michael, M.B.A., is a marketing professional with over 16 years of experience in leading positions on national/ international projects and campaigns. In 1999 he joined Samsung Electronics Germany. Since 2001, he worked in the Corporate Marketing department in different positions and on projects including business campaigning, trade shows, sponsorships, events and strategic marketing alliances. As Head of Live Communication, Michael was responsible for strategic and operative planning, as well as the execution of strategic partnerships, global sponsorships, corporate event formats and business development projects. In his current role, he leads project teams within the Samsung Marketing organisation. He has received several recognitions for his ongoing innovation and efforts, such as the European Best Event Awards and Employee of the Year in Europe. Due to his deep insights in Experiential Marketing and his broad range of work experience, he is a valued member of the Best Event Award Jury since 2011.


Jury Panels Sandra Plachá

Head of Marketing and Product Mercedes-Benz Cars Česká republika CZECH REPUBLIC

Sandra’s professional life has always been connected to cars. She started at Sixt car hire and then moved to Fca - Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, already as a Marketing specialist for light commercial vehicles. She moved to Hungary within the company, gaining further experience with product and pricing. Over the last 3 years, Sandra has been working as a Head of Marketing and Product at Mercedes-Benz Cars in Czechia. Her mission within this work experience is to change the perception of the brand and attract a younger audience.


Michiel Pool

Head of Global Events Ericsson


As the Head of Global Events and part of the Customer Engagement Leadership Team, Michiel leads the team that drives Ericsson’s global event initiatives. This includes both digital, physical experiences and mixed events. Example event deliveries of the team include Mobile World Congress, Digital Transformation World and the award-winning R&D Digital Summit. Ericsson´s events connect audiences with the authentic nature of their brand through participation in personally relevant, credible and memorable experiences. Michiel always had a passion for events and studied Event Management at the Nhtv in Breda, The Netherlands. At present, Michiel resides in Stockholm, Sweden. Ericsson is one of the leading providers of Information and Communication Technology (Ict) to service providers, with about 40% of the world’s mobile traffic carried through our networks. We enable the full value of connectivity by creating game-changing technology and services that are easy to use, adopt, and scale, making our customers successful in a fully connected world. For more than 140 years, our ideas, technology, and people have changed the world: real turning points that have transformed lives, industries, and society as a whole.


Jury Panels Jane Reeve

Chief Communication Officer Ferrari


Jane Reeve is Chief Communication Officer since May 2019. Her career has spanned a range of senior management and board positions in international communication groups including Tbwa, Wunderman, Interbrand, Rmg Connect which she headed up as Ceo in 2003, and J. Walter Thomson Italy, where she was Chairman and Ceo for 10 years from 2009. In January 2014 she was appointed as the first-ever Ceo of the Italian Fashion Council (Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana). Reeve has fulfilled many institutional roles in Italian industry: she has been the Italian representative for the European Federation of Sales Promotion, a jury member of Cannes Direct and Eurobest Direct & Integrated and the representative for AssoComunicazione (Italian communications association) at the European Advertising Council Association. Ms. Reeve holds a degree in English Literature at Oxford University.

Rolf Schumann

Manager Brand Boost Asia, Africa, Middle East and Overseas Škoda Auto


Rolf started with Medicine studies, followed by studies in Marketing and Communication when already active in the advertising world: for 4 years he worked for Young & Rubicam’s Pharma Division. This was followed by an invitation to build up a similar agency for Saatchi & Saatchi. After almost 10 years in advertising, he decided to give his life a complete new spin by changing culture, branch, language and side of the fence within one move. As head of marketing communication, he joined the Czech car manufacturer Škoda in 2002. In 2008 it was ‘go East’ again, as he became marketing director for Škoda’s launch in China, the biggest automobile market worldwide. In 2010, he returned to Mladá Boleslav, responsible for the Global Marketing Communication of Škoda Auto for the following 6 years. In 2017 he took care of New Market Entries, followed in the beginning of 2018 by heading the biggest Brand Marketing Project in the History of Skoda - the Brand Boost China. As from April 2019, he is in charge of marketing support for Škoda’s high potential markets in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Overseas.


Jury Panels Christian Seidenstucker President Ilea


A business administration graduate, Christian has been engaged in the event sector since 1988, founding Joke Veranstaltungsservice (managing partner) in 1992 and Joke Veranstaltungstechnik (managing partner) in 1998. The two companies were merged and converted into Joke Event Incorporation (Ceo) in 2002. Joke is specialized in creating experiences and inspiring people by staging live, clear-cut and direct events for brands operating in different industries in Germany, Europe and the rest of the world. The process is covered from the creative idea to its final implementation, including production and the supply of logistics. Today, the agency has over 100 employees and 6 offices in Germany and is considered one of the top live communication agencies. Christian has also been president of Ilea (International Live Events Association) Chapter Europe since June 2010. Ilea is the world’s largest community of event professionals who are passionate about sharing knowledge, creativity, and networking.

Jan Sidemo

Senior Director Global Events Volvo Cars


Jan Sidemo heads the Global Events team at Volvo Car Corporation. His team annually produces hundreds of events around the world for media, customers and internal audiences. In recent years, the team has been busy with projects such as the Volvo Ocean Race, the Volvo China Open, Volvo Brand Moments and the launch of Volvo’s new model range. Jan has worked within communication and retail, both as an employee and as an entrepreneur, for the whole of his life. His main passion and expertise is in events and sports sponsorships. He resides in Sweden, but 30 years in the business have taken him all around the world, including living and executing large corporate and sports events in both China and the US.


Jury Panels Julius Solaris

Editor in Chief EventMB


Julius Solaris is the editor of EventMB. Established in 2007, EventMB is the number one online platform for event professionals worldwide. Julius is also the founder of the Event Innovation Lab, an immersive training programme for Fortune 500 companies and high performance event teams. He has been named as one of the 25 most influential individuals in the Meeting Industry by Successful Meetings Magazine. He is the author of over 10 books on event technology, event marketing, meeting design and innovation (The Event Tech Bible, Meeting Design, The Future of Event Marketing, The Art of Venue Negotiation, Annual Event Trends Report, Social Media for Events, The Event App Bible, The Good Event Registration Guide, Engaging Events, The Venue of the Future). More than 200,000 event professionals have downloaded his books so far. In 2008 he started the ‘Event Planning and Management’ LinkedIn group. Now counting over 380,000 members, it is the largest online community of event professionals. Before becoming a 100% dedicated editor and speaker, he was working as Social Media Consultant for FTSE 250 companies in the UK. His last campaign with RS Components won Econsultancy’s The Digitals award for Best Multichannel Marketing Campaign.


Ulrike Tondorf

Head Of Live & Experience Branding Bayer


Ulrike started gathering operational experience in shop fitting and exhibition stand construction during her studies, at the beginning of her professional life. As Head of Corporate Branding & Exhibition in Bayer, she was in charge of the design, strategic planning, steering and implementation of all national and international congress participations, exhibitions and event realizations across all HealthCare brands. Her responsibilities were extended later with corporate branding management to increase visibility/recognition of the corporate Brand in direct association with the product Brands. Since 2017, Ulrike has been leading the Center of Excellence for Bayer`s live & experience branding, an integral part of Corporate Branding – from strategy development and implementation to conceptual design and realization of selected live and experience branding measures of communicative relevance. The scope includes all areas of branding that share the personal target audience approach.


Jury Panels Thomas Wieringa

Head of Experience & Advocacy Pernod Ricard


Thomas started his career at one of the oldest incentive agencies in the Netherlands, Incentive Holland. After a short side-step into the world of live entertainment, at Stage Entertainment, he moved to the renowned event agency Obsession evenementen & communication . In 2011 Thomas left the agency side and switched to Pernod Ricard, the world´s co-leader in Wines & Spirits. Here, he built the Experiential Marketing department and rolled out the strategy to strengthen brand image and awareness through experiences. After a short period of time he continued his work on building brands and generating sales revenues by driving demand through the on-trade channel as Head of On-trade. Later this role evolved into Head of On-trade & Luxury, also responsible for the roll-out of the consumer demand-driven luxury strategy in the Netherlands. In 2017 Thomas moved to Germany to take on a new role as Head of Experience & Advocacy, where he is responsible for the development and implementation of the overall brand experience and advocacy strategy for the key priority brands in Germany, as well as the recruitment and engagement strategy for our luxury portfolio.

Yulia Zholya

President Naom


Yulia has been working in the Live Communications industry for over 15 years. She started her career on the client’s side, working for Mercedes-Benz Russia, exploring structure and features of the industry. She then moved to the agency’s side, where she continues to work nowadays. In the last 10 years, Yulia has gone from being an ordinary event-manager to the owner of a company specialised in luxury events and Mice, currently listed among the best agencies in the Russian event industry. Yulia has always been very active in the development of the Russian event industry, a role that has been recognised as she was invited to lead the National Association of Event Planners (Naom), where now she embodies her vision as President of the country’s event community.


Jury Panels


Angeles Moreno

Strategic Development Senior Advisor Europe Mpi

Internationally recognised expert in the Meetings & Events Industry, Angeles has more than 20 years of professional experience, 16 of which dedicated to her own event management agency. In recent years, she devoted the larger part of her time to her passion: strategic consulting. Her constant need to continue evolving and learning has taken her to specialise in Customer Experience and to create the consulting company the Creative dots. With offices in Madrid and Berlin, tCd is specialised in the design and implementation of customer centric procedures in the events sector, and has developed its own innovative methodology: the tCd CX Methodology. In 2019, MPI appointed her as Strategic Development Senior Advisor for Europe, to strengthen the association’s European presence through a consistent long-term value proposition for the entire community of members and partners, as well as finding collaboration and strategic business planning synergies.

Eva Annokkee Chairman Idea

Eva is owner and managing director of International Orange. Her agency offers productional assistance of course, but its forte is actually building strategic partnerships. The (mainly B2B and B2E) events produced are always content driven. The name of her agency was carefully selected: International Orange is the name of the paint of the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco. That bright orange/red color we all know. ‘International’ stands for her preferred field of play and ‘Orange’ to highlight the Dutch heritage. And for the past 14 years she has proudly referred to this color in their companies tagline: Coloring Brands & Events. Eva also very proudly represents the Dutch Live Communication industry, serving as Chairman of Idea (Independent Dutch Event Association) for the past 4 years and is active member of LiveCom Alliance, the panEuropean Live Communication authority.


Jury Panels Dagmara Chmielewska Managing Director Sbe

Expert and advisor in the field of the event and Public Relation, with 20 years of work experience in Poland and Great Britain. Her event passions are mainly the promotion of Poland on the international arena. For the flagship project, which is the Air Chessboard, a symbol of Polish-British friendship, she received thanks letter from the Queen of England, Elisabeth II. Dagmara was honored with the title of the Man of Success of Warmia and Masuria 2016 awarded by the magazine ‘Personalities and Successes’. For 8 years she ran Hurricane of Hearts in London and managed a team of 300 people, organizing the most famous Polish projects (concerts, seminars, socio-charity events, balls and sports). She lectured about events at many Universities. She also collaborated with Wembley Stadium, the Football Association, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, the Polish Olympic Committee, and the Center for International Relations. Her original actions were widely commented on in the BBC, ITV, The Daily Mail, Metro and in all media in Poland.

Luca Favetta

Regional Business Director Emea Pcma

Since January 2017 Luca Favetta serves as Regional Business Director Emea at Pcma (Professional Convention Management Association), one of the world’s largest network of Business Events Strategists, and is responsible for developing Pcma Brand and Educational Services in the Region. With broad experience in Integrated Marketing Communication, Strategic and Operational Events Management Luca Favetta is a recognized leader within Meeting and Travel Industry and related Professional Associations. With 30+ years of Corporate Events experience, Luca has previously served as Senior Director Global Events and Programs at HewlettPackard International as well as Senior Director Global Events Emea at Sap SA.


Jury Panels Ivo Franschitz

Board Member Emba

Ivo J. Franschitz owns a Master degree in International Marketing from the Vienna University of Economics and his early career milestones include Senior Marketing & Management positions in the Tourism and Business Events industry. Since 1999 he has been involved with a number of national and international educational institutions, and sharing his experience and knowledge through a variety of speaking engagements. Currently he holds a Board member position with Emba (Event Marketing Board Austria) and with LiveCom Alliance (Pan-European Platform of National LiveCom Associations), as well as being an active member of Icca (International Congress & Convention Association) and of 27Names (European Network of Leading LiveCom Agencies). His qualifications include an Iso certification (Certified Event Expert | TĂœV Austria).

Mary Kirillova Ceo Beic

Mary Kirillova is the Ceo at Baltic Event Industry Club. The biggest Pan-Baltic association of event professionals that unites countries such as Germany, Poland, Baltic States, Russia, Finland, Sweden and Denmark. Baltic Event Industry Club ( sets itself certain tasks, among which: promotion of the entire Baltic Sea region as a venue for various events, priority participation of members of the association at international B2B events as speakers and delegates, creating a unified database of contacts for event market professionals. Members of the association are the largest event agencies of the Baltic Sea region and industry professionals providing services for event organizers. In 2016 Mary launched the first Event Forum ( organized for event agencies and corporates in the Baltic Sea Region. In 3 years Forum became unique face to face event for more than 400 event professionals and live communication leaders. Since 2020 Forum and Awards take place in Stockholm.


Jury Panels Filip Ležovic

International Affairs Coordinator Btl

Filip is the International Affairs Coordinator of Btl, a Slovak civic society aiming at creating a platform for event agencies. He obtained a degree in economics at University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia and has widen the scope of his education by attending Business Studies course at Aicl in Sydney, Australia. After his studies he has joined a family owned company running event hotels in Slovakia – Bratislava and High Tatras. Over the years, he has built strong client relations working on various positions as an event manager, sales and marketing manager and deputy general manager. For more than 15 years he has been in event management, hospitality and travel industry running his own companies. In 2015 he has joined a live & event marketing agency, Creative Pro group, with business present mainly on Slovak and Czech market, Hungary and Poland. During his career he has been creating and participating in projects in the field of hospitality, events, live marketing, advertisement, publishing, Mice, travel and destination marketing, working with clients like adidas, Raiffeisen International, P3P Logistic Parks, Philip Morris Slovakia, Mazars, Accenture, Adient, Johnson Controls International, Roche, Shell, Tchibo, White & Case, VW, Orange in the Cee region.

Johan Vandepoel Ceo Acc Belgium

After 30 years in the advertising industry and the last 15 years as Chairman of Bbdo Belgium, Johan took over the management of the Belgian Association of Communication Companies in 2012 and broadened the Acc from an ‘advertising agencies’ association with 30 members to a ‘communication agencies’ association with 130 members now (including the 36 biggest Belgian event agencies).


Jury Panels


Jean-Paul Talbot

Managing Partner Experience (BELGIUM)

José Garcia Aguarod

Director Grupo Eventoplus (SPAIN)

Marina Bellantoni

Editorial Coordinator E20 magazine (ITALY)

Christoph Berndl

Editor-in-Chief Messe&Event (AUSTRIA)

Gorazd Čad

Editor-in-Chief Kongres Magazine (SLOVENIA)

Heli Koivuniemi

Editor-in-Chief Evento Magazine (FINLAND)

Kerstin Meisner

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief memo-media Verlags (GERMANY)

Rui Ochôa

Director Event Point (PORTUGAL)

Laurence Rousseau

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Meet In (FRANCE)

Sjoerd Weikamp

Editor-in-Chief & Owner (THE NETHERLANDS)






Shortlist by category COUNTRY

B2B < 500K

Europe Austria


Europe Belgium Europe Belgium

The Oval Office

SD Worx SME Belgium

Europe Czech Republic

AV Media Events, Stones Catering, Pva Expo Praha, Exposale M2Communications

Europe United Kingdom

B2B > 500K


Stargate Group Werbeagentur Balthazar Events

Europe Serbia

B2C < 500K


Brussels Airlines

AV Media Events, Stones Catering, Pva Expo Praha, Exposale Government of the Republic of Serbia Jack Morton Worldwide Ericsson

EVENT TITLE Facc 30 Years Beyond Horizon Boutique Hotel in the Air SD Worx Intimate Concerts Creating the Event Western Balkans Digital Summit 2019 Ericsson Mwc 2019

Europe Belgium

VO Event

Alter Domus

Europe Russia

Live Group & Panda Project


Europe United Kingdom Europe United Kingdom



Alter Domus 15th Anniversary Collection of Impressions. Celebratory evening of ‘Gazprombank’ during Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum 2019. Esc 2019


Harman International

Ifa 2019


Laqshya Live Experiences Stagg & Friends

Google India Pvt.

YouTube FanFest Showcase Webvideopreis 2018


Europe Germany Europe Norway

Fieldwork/Nordisk Film Tv

European Web Video Academy TV2 & Stiftelsen Gullruten

Gullruten - Bringing the Norwegian ‘Emmys’ back to Live


Shortlist COUNTRY Europe Austria



Europe Czech Republic Europe Germany




Kesch Event & Promotion Creative Pro (CZ)


Cheil Germany


Europe Germany Europe Italy

thjnk La Buccia

Samsung Electronics Germany Škoda Lavazza

Europe Italy Europe Portugal

Pielle Big Fish

Fca Worten

Europe Romania

sc Godmother

Profi Room Food

Europe Spain

Cow Events

Lola Mullenlowe

Europe Spain

Grupo Abbsolute

Cbre/ Bogaris Retail

Europe United Kingdom



Europe Germany

insglück Gesellschaft für Markeninszenierun

Union Asset Management Holding

Europe Italy

Aim Group International Sig (Società Italiana Gallerie) for Ita-Aites (International Tunneling and Underground Space Association) Meeting Professionals Meeting Professionals International, The International, The Netherlands Chapter Netherlands Chapter M2Communications Government of the Republic of Serbia Creative Pro FutureNow Jack Morton Worldwide Ericsson

Europe Netherlands Europe Serbia Europe Slovakia Europe United Kingdom

EVENT TITLE Hendrick’s World Cucumber Day Run For The Oceans Re:imagine Street ARt Škoda Cycling Events Banco Deséa - Lavazza a modo Gufram Camp Jeep 2019 Worten Game Ring Unbox the best of Lisboa Games Week Profi is blooming for you (Profi infloreste pentru tine) Nightmare in Burger King Inauguration of Torrecárdenas Shopping Centre Android Avenue

InvestmentAktuell – ‘Da5 Le6en 2ählt’ (life counts) World Tunnel Congress – Wtc2019

European Meetings & Events Conference 2019 (Emec 19) Western Balkans Digital Summit 2019 FutureNow Ericsson Mwc 2019






Asia India Europe Belgium

Fountainhead Mktg Event Masters

Aditya Birla Group Experience Magazine

Europe France



Europe Germany

insglück Gesellschaft Union Asset Managefür Markeninszenierung ment Holding

Europe Germany

Stagg & Friends

Henkel & Co.

Europe Italy

H&A Europe


Europe Italy Europe Norway

Next Group Just Cruzin´ Production AS

Assicurazioni Generali Sopra Steria NO

Europe Russia

Live Group & Panda Project


Europe Spain



Europe Spain

Brandvenue and beon. Worldwide




Sidra Medicine Facc

Europe Belgium

Stargate Group Werbeagentur The Oval Office

Europe Belgium



Europe Croatia

Mad Props

Europe France Europe Germany

Ldr Stagg & Friends

Maistra Hospitality Group Thermomix Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche

Europe Poland

endorfina events

T-Mobile Polska


Europe Austria

SD Worx Sme Belgium

EVENT TITLE Aditya Birla Awards Belgian Event Awards Share the Spotlight Grand Show Thermostars InvestmentAktuell – ‘Da5 Le6en 2ählt’ (life counts) got2b @Glow Festival Hub Convention Poltronesofà Madrid GeneraliScintille 2018 Sopra Steria Flix’ – Sopra Steria Scandinavian Kick Off 2019” Collection of Impressions. Celebratory evening of ‘Gazprombank’ during Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum 2019 Bmw B3 Asia Pacific Region Global Sales Conference Maersk Group Sidra Medicine Grand Opening Facc 30 Years Beyond Horizon SD Worx Intimate Concerts Steampunk, inspired by Cegeka Grand Park Hotel Rovinj Gala Opening Grand Show Thermostars Porsche Sound Night 2018 T-Mobile Magenta Magic









Europe France Europe Germany

Magic Garden Cheil Germany

Europe Germany

Europe Italy Europe Latvia

onliveline - office for concept and staging FeelRouge Worldwide Shows Piano B Luka

Europe Spain



City Editions Samsung Electronics Germany Gartenschau Kaiserslautern iKL La Triennale Milano

Le retour du jeune Prince Re:imagine Street ARt

Leonardo Horse Project Latvian School Bag opening event - 100 Latvian Stories in 100 Minutes

Inusual Events

Snaitech Riga City Council Education, Culture and Sports Department program for the Latvia 100 celebration Egeda

Europe Italy



Pasta World Championship 2018

Europe Russia

Ars Communications

Sap Cis

Europe Spain



Sap Summer Studio ‘It’s Data!’ adidas Run for the Oceans Barcelona

Europe Austria

Roncalli Event

D. Swarovski Services Tourism

Europe Germany

Stagg & Friends

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche

Europe Portugal

Live Experiences

Live Experiences

Europe Portugal

UP Partner

Europe Russia

The Russian Seasons with TeamOne

Aicc (National Associa- Lisbon Coffee Fest tion of Coffee industry) The Russian Seasons The Russian Seasons: Re-inventing Russia for the World

Europe Belgium

The Oval Office

Europe Germany

Cheil Germany

Europe Russia

Ars Communications

Europe Italy

Belgian Offshore Platform (Bop) Samsung Electronics Germany Sap Cis

summermagic - Gartenschau Kaiserslautern The Nation of Plants

Platino Awards

The magic of the summer in the Giant with Circus Theater Roncalli Porsche Sound Night 2018 edpcooljazz

Offshore Wind Energy Experience Re:imagine Street ARt Sap Summer Studio ‘It’s Data!’











Europe Belgium

Laqshya Live Experiences The Oval Office

Icici Prudential Life Insurance SD Worx Sme Belgium

Life Goals 2.0

Europe Belgium

VO Event

Europe Czech Republic

Fox Hunter

Europe Estonia


Europe Italy


Europe Russia

Good Brand

Europe Russia Europe Russia

Maximice Redday

Europe Spain

Grupo Abbsolute

Europe Ukraine

Sun Event

SD Worx Intimate Concerts Alter Domus Alter Domus 15th Anniversary Mercedes-Benz Czech Mercedes-Benz Offroad Republic Driving Experience Tunisia TransferWise TransferWise Summer Days 2019 Bain & Company Bain World Cup - Rome 2019 X5 Retail Group Service X5 City Center Henkel Henkel: Think Big KFC Russia, Cis&Cee Kfc Sanders’ Top League Airbus Defence & 10º Anniversary Airbus Space San Pablo Site iDeals Four Elements Challenge

Europe Czech Republic Europe Estonia

Creative Pro (CZ)


Run For The Oceans

Royal Experience

Europe Germany Europe Russia

onliveline - office for concept and staging Galactic Group

Omniva // Estonian Postal Service Gartenschau Kaiserslautern iKL Bnp Paribas Russia

Omniva’s Multimailbox Project summermagic - Gartenschau Kaiserslautern Bnp Paribas Cardif Russia on France day

Europe Belgium

Fast Forward


Europe Belgium


copperhead gin

Europe France

Magic Garden

City Editions

Europe Germany

Stagg & Friends

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche

Europe Germany

Stagg & Friends

European Web Video Academy

Grimbergen Abbey Experience Copperhead Bartender Nights Le retour du jeune Prince Porsche Sound Night 2018 Webvideopreis 2018









Europe Norway

Fieldwork/Nordisk Film Tv

TV2 & Stiftelsen Gullruten

Europe Poland Europe Spain

Creative Pro (PL) Auriga

Panattoni Europe Ron Barceló

Europe Ukraine Europe Ukraine

Fresh Marketing Slupsky Event Management Mccglc

Acer Ukraine Philip Morris Ukraine

Gullruten - Bringing the Norwegian ‘Emmys’ back to Live Panattoni Hub Opening Ron Barceló Desalia 2019 Chernobyl Predator IQOS3 Media Event

Harman International

Ifa 2019

Europe Belgium

The Oval Office

SD Worx Sme Belgium

Europe Latvia


SD Worx Intimate Concerts Latvian School Bag opening event - 100 Latvian Stories in 100 Minutes

Europe Russia

The Channel Five

Europe Serbia


Riga City Council Education, Culture and Sports Department program for the Latvia 100 celebration Committee for Press Scarlet sails 2019 and Mass Media Cooperation of St. Petersburg Government Skymusic Music Awards Ceremony - Mac



Times Of India

Equal Streets




FaceBook Live-A-Thon



Laqshya Live Experiences Laqshya Live Experiences Laqshya Live Experiences

Google India.

Europe Belgium

Fast Forward

Carrefour - Publicis

Europe Belgium

Fast Forward


Europe Belgium Europe Germany

VO Citizen onliveline office for concept and staging

Brps Brussels Mobility Gartenschau Kaiserslautern iKL GmbH

Google Saathi Day - ‘A Women Empowerment Initiative’ Carrefour ‘Solidarity Kitchen’ Eneco Clean Beach Cup 10th anniversary Mobility Week summermagic - Gartenschau Kaiserslautern

Europe United Kingdom








Europe Russia




Europe Spain

Show&Motion Ferrero Russia Communication Agency Auriga Ecovidrio

Europe Spain



Europe Spain

Momentum Madrid




Agarwal Family

An Indian Wedding Odyssey



Marriageuana intoxicating weddings by Pramod Lunawat Artego Luxury Events

Private Client

Europe Latvia

Skudras metropole


Europe Ukraine

Mr. Volodymyr Buhai

Private person

The Godmother – Celebration in Sicily directed by Alexandra Juran Different Christmas Dinner Chateau Nicolas



Mission V

Europe Germany

Avantgarde & Avocado Toast Metzler: Vater live

Bmw Group

Europe Germany

Stagg & Friends

Henkel & Co.

Europe Germany

Vok Dms Events

Bmw Group

Europe Italy

La Buccia


Europe Poland Europe Spain

endorfina events Cow Events

T-Mobile Polska Lola Mullenlowe

Europe Spain Europe Spain

Dicom Events Meta/Ccion

Cupra - Seat Philps Morris Spain

Bmw Preview - closed rooms for the model innovations of the Bmw luxury class got2b @Glow - Festival Hub Bmw Vision iNxt World Flight Banco Deséa - Lavazza a modo Gufram T-Mobile 5G Lab Nightmare in Burger King Cupra Teaser IQOS3 – This Changes Everything


10 good deeds by Ferrero Ecovidrio Blessed Bathrooms adidas Run for the Oceans Barcelona Guía Repsol Sensorium



Shortlist COUNTRY


Europe France

Hopscotch Groupe

Europe Italy Europe Italy

Alphaomega Filmmaster Events

Usine Extraordinaire foundation Enel Smeralda Holding

Europe Italy

Piano B

Piano B

Europe Estonia


Government of Estonia

Europe Italy

City of Torino

City of Torino

Europe Italy Europe Latvia

Piano B Investment and Development Agency of Latvia | Creative solutions ‘Ideju instituts’ Desafio Global & Câmara Municipal de Cascais (Cascais City Hall)

Snaitech Investment and Development Agency of Latvia Nova Sbe

Nova Sbe Inauguration day

Laqshya Live Experiences

Google India

Europe Germany

Vok Dams Events

Bmw Group

Europe Italy

Spiagames Outdoor Agency

Campari International

Europe Russia

C4 Group

Renault Russia

Google Saathi Day - ‘A Women Empowerment Initiative’ Bmw Vision iNext World Flight Aperol Spritz Summer Amphobious Tour | SE-Med Region 2018 Discover The Power of Renault Arkana!

Europe France

Circo De Bakuza and Blink Experience Filmmaster Events


Afcon Egypt 2019

Euroleague Basketball

Red Door Agency


Turkish Airlines EuroLeague Final Four Vitoria-Gasteiz 2019 Heineken F1 Experience

Europe Portugal





Europe Italy South Brazil America


EVENT TITLE L’Usine Extraordinaire (IL)Legal Waterfront Costa Smeralda The Festival of Love Tallinn Digital Summit 2018 San Giovanni Night Experience | Drone and 5G Show Leonardo Horse Project Innovation festival iNovuss



Shortlist COUNTRY


Europe Czech Republic

Event Arena and Dudes & Barbies

H & M Hennes & Mauritz CZ

Europe Italy

Access Live Communication Skudras metropole Edp – Energias de Portugal Auriga


Europe Latvia Europe Portugal Europe Spain


Europe Austria

Paulig Latvia Edp – Energias de Portugal Ecovidrio

EVENT TITLE H&M festival zone Temble of Sustainability and HM Elements Suono Positivo (Jova Beach Party 2019) Botanical Watergarden Transforming music festivals Ecovidrio Blessed Bathrooms

Europe Germany

Media Apparat/ Bwt Wilkenwerk Jack Morton Worldwide HereTechnologies

Europe Germany

Mci Deutschland

Sap Deutschland & Co.

Europe Italy

Simmetrico: Design, Content Experience and Construction | Illogic: General contractor and surveyor Auriga Mccglc

Russian Copper Company, Russia

Cerámicas Gala Bayer

Gala Perspectives Esc 2019

Europe Belgium Europe Belgium

Dpg Media Luc Petit Creation

Q - MasQuerade Origin

Europe France Europe Germany

Hopscotch Entertainment Cheil Germany

Qmusic Domaine des Grottes de Han Orange France

Re:imagine Street ARt

Europe Germany

Mci Deutschland

Samsung Electronics Germany Sap Deutschland & Co.

Europe Spain Europe United Kingdom



Bwt @ Ish Frankfurt 2019 Step into the new Reality Sap Interactive Showcase ‘Augmented Reality’ with EyeTracking at Hannover Messe 2019 Russian Copper Company Pavilion at Innoprom 2019

Orange Live Music VR

Sap Interactive Showcase ‘Augmented Reality’ with EyeTracking at Hannover Messe 2019







Europe Germany

Stagg & Friends

Europe Italy

GroupM Esp

Europe Italy

Simmetrico: Design, Russian Copper ComContent Experience and pany, Russia Construction | Illogic: General contractor and surveyor Just Cruzin´ Production Sopra Steria NO

Europe Norway Europe Portugal Europe Russia Europe United Kingdom

Edp – Energias de Portugal dreamlaser Mccglc

European Web Video Academy xDubai

EVENT TITLE Webvideopreis 2018 Hero World Series launch Russian Copper Company Pavilion at Innoprom 2019

Sopra Steria Flix’ Sopra Steria Scandinavian Kick Off 2019 Edp - Energias de Transforming music Portugal festivals dreamlaser and Ksusha Intervals 2019 Chekhovskaya Bayer Esc 2019



Shortlist by country







Avantgarde & Avocado Toast

Mission V

Fountainhead Mktg Laqshya Live Experiences Laqshya Live Experiences Laqshya Live Experiences

Aditya Birla Awards Equal Streets FaceBook Live-A-Thon Google Saathi Day - ‘A Women Empowerment Initiative’ Life Goals 2.0

Laqshya Live Experiences

• Product/Service Launch Event

Aditya Birla Group Times Of India Facebook Google India

• Convention •N on-Profit/Csr Event •N on-Profit/Csr Event • Roadshow • Non-Profit/Csr Event

Icici Prudential Life Insurance Google India Agarwal Family

• Incentive/Team Building •B est B2C Event (< €500,000) • P rivate Event

The Godmother – Celebration in Sicily directed by Alexandra Juran

Private Client

• P rivate Event


Sidra Medicine Grand Opening

Sidra Medicine

• C orporate Celebration

Kesch Event & Promotion

Hendrick’s World Cucumber Day Bwt @ Ish Frankfurt 2019


Artego Luxury Events


YouTube FanFest Showcase Marriageuana intoxicating An Indian Wedding weddings by Pramod Odyssey Lunawat



Laqshya Live Experiences


Media Apparat / Wilkenwerk



•B rand Activation


• T rade Show




Roncalli Event

• Festival

Balthazar Events

Boutique Hotel in the Air

Brussels Airlines

• Best B2B Event (< €500,000)

Dpg Media

Q - MasQuerade


• Use of Technology

Event Masters

Belgian Event Awards Share the Spotlight Carrefour ‘Solidarity Kitchen’ Eneco Clean Beach Cup 10th anniversary Grimbergen Abbey Experience Origin

Experience Magazine

• Convention

Carrefour - Publicis

• Non-Profit/Csr Event


• Non-Profit/Csr Event


• Media & PR Event

Stargate Group Werbeagentur

Fast Forward Fast Forward



The magic of the D. Swarovski Services summer in the Giant Tourism with Circus Theater Roncalli Facc 30 Years Beyond Facc Horizon

Fast Forward

Luc Petit Creation meetmarcel The Oval Office The Oval Office




Domaine des Grottes de Han Copperhead Bartender copperhead gin Nights Offshore Wind Energy Belgian Offshore Experience Platform (Bop) SD Worx Intimate SD Worx SME Belgium Concerts

VO Citizen VO Event

Mobility Week Alter Domus 15th Anniversary


Steampunk, inspired by Cegeka

• Best B2B Event (< €500,000) • Corporate Celebration

• Use of Technology • Media & PR Event • Hybrid Event

• Incentive/Team Building • Musical Event, Corporate Celebration • Best B2B Event (< €500,000) Brps Brussels Mobility • Non-Profit/Csr Event Alter Domus • Incentive/Team Building • Best B2B Event (> €500,000) Cegeka • Corporate Celebration






CATEGORY • Corporate Celebration

AV Media Events, Stones Creating the Event Catering, Pvca Expo Praha, Exposale Creative Pro (CZ) Run For The Oceans

AV Media EventS, Stones Catering, Pva Expo Praha, Exposale adidas

•B est B2B Event (< €500,000)

Event Arena and Dudes & Barbies

H&M festival zone Temple of Sustainability and HM Elements Mercedes-Benz Offroad Driving Experience Tunisia

H & M Hennes & Mauritz CZ

Tallinn Digital Summit 2018 TransferWise Summer Days 2019 Omniva’s Multimailbox Project

Government of Estonia • P ublic Institution Event TransferWise • Incentive/Team Building Omniva // Estonian • L ow Budget Event Postal Service

Fox Hunter

Jolos Royal Experience

Grand Park Hotel Rovinj Gala Opening

CLIENT COMPANY Maistra Hospitality Group


Circo De Bakuza and Blink Afcon Egypt 2019 Experience Hopscotch Entertainment Orange Live MusicVR Hopscotch Groupe L’Usine Extraordinaire Ldr Magic Garden



Grand Show Thermostars Le retour du jeune Prince

Mercedes-Benz Czech Republic

• Incentive/Team Building


• S ports Event

Orange France Usine Extraordinaire foundation Thermomix

•U se of Technology • P roprietary Format

City Editions

Cheil Germany

Re:imagine Street ARt Samsung Electronics Germany

insglück Gesellschaft für Markeninszenierung

InvestmentAktuell – Union Asset ‘Da5 Le6en 2ählt’ (life Management Holding counts) Step into the new Reality Here Technologies

Jack Morton Worldwide

• L ow Budget Event •B rand Activation • Sustainable Innovation

• Convention • Corporate Celebration • C ultural Event •M edia & PR Event • C ultural Event •U se of Technology •B rand Activation •H ybrid Event • Congress/Conference • Convention • T rade Show


Shortlist ORGANIZING COMPANY Mci Deutschland

Metzler : Vater live


onliveline – office for concept and staging Stagg & Friends

Sap Interactive Showcase ‘Augmented Reality’ with EyeTracking at Hannover Messe 2019 Bmw Preview - closed rooms for the model innovations of the Bmw luxury class summermagic - Gartenschau Kaiserslautern got2b @Glow - Festival Hub

Stagg & Friends

Porsche Sound Night 2018

Stagg & Friends

Webvideopreis 2018

thjnk Vok Dams Events

Škoda Cycling Events Bmw Vision iNEXT World Flight

Access Live Communication Adverteam

Suono Positivo (Jova Beach Party 2019) Pasta World Championship 2018 World Tunnel Congress – WTC2019

Aim Group International



Alphaomega Alphaomega



Sap Deutschland & Co.

• T rade Show •U se of Technology

Bmw Group

• Product/Service Launch Event

Gartenschau Kaiserslautern iKL

• C ultural Event • Non-Profit/Csr Event • L ow Budget Event Henkel & Co. • Convention • Product/Service Launch Event Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche • M edia & PR Event • Corporate Celebration • Festival European Web Video •M edia & PR Event Academy •B est B2C Event (< €500,000) •U se of Technology Škoda •B rand Activation Bmw Group • Product/Service Launch Event • Roadshow Sammontana

• Sustainable Innovation


• Educational/Training Event • Congress/Conference

Sig (Società Italiana Gallerie) for Ita-Aites (International Tunneling and Underground Space Association) Enel Bain & Company

(IL)Legal Bain World Cup Rome 2019 City of Torino San Giovanni Night City of Torino Experience | Drone and 5G Show FeelRouge Worldwide Shows The Nation of Plants La Triennale Milano

• P roprietary Format • Incentive/Team Building • P ublic Institution Event • C ultural Event


Shortlist ORGANIZING COMPANY Filmmaster Events Filmmaster Events GroupM Esp H&A Europe


La Buccia Next Group Piano B


Piano B Pielle Simmetrico: Design, Content Experience and Construction | Illogic: General contractor and surveyor Spiagames Outdoor Agency Investment and Development Agency of Latvia | Creative solutions ‘Ideju instituts’ Luka

Skudras metropole Skudras metropole




Turkish Airlines EuroLeague Final Four Vitoria-Gasteiz 2019 Waterfront Costa Smeralda Hero World Series launch Convention Poltronesofà Madrid Banco Deséa - Lavazza a modo Gufram

Euroleague Basketball

• S ports Event

Smeralda Holding

• P roprietary Format


•U se of Technology


• Convention


Generali Scintille 2018 Leonardo Horse Project The Festival of Love Camp Jeep 2019 Russian Copper Company Pavilion at Innoprom 2019

Assicurazioni Generali Snaitech Piano B Fca Russian Copper Company

• Product/Service Launch Event •B rand Activation • Convention • C ultural Event • Public Institution Event • P roprietary Format •B rand Activation • T rade Show •U se of Technology

Aperol Spritz Summer Amphibious Tour| SEMed Region 2018

Campari International

• Roadshow

Innovation festival iNovuss

Investment and Development Agency of Latvia

• P ublic Institution Event

Latvian School Bag opening event – 100 Latvian Stories in 100 Minutes

Riga City Council Education, Culture and Sports Department program for the Latvia 100 celebration Botanical Watergarden Paulig Latvia Different Christmas Kest Dinner

• C ultural Event •M usical Event

• Sustainable Innovation • P rivate Event









ORGANIZING COMPANY Meeting Professionals International, The Netherlands Chapter

EVENT TITLE European Meetings & Events Conference 2019 (Emec 19)

CLIENT COMPANY Meeting Professionals International, The Netherlands Chapter

CATEGORY • Congress/Conference

Fieldwork/Nordisk Film Tv Gullruten - Bringing TV2 & Stiftelsen the Norwegian ‘EmGullruten mys’ back to Live Just Cruzin´ Production Sopra Steria Flix’ – Sopra Steria NO Sopra Steria Scandinavian Kick Off 2019

•M edia & PR Event •B est B2C Event (< €500,000) • Convention •U se of Technology

Creative Pro (PL) endorfina events

Panattoni Hub Opening Panattoni Europe T-Mobile 5G Lab T-Mobile Polska

endorfina events

T-Mobile Magenta Magic T-Mobile Polska

•M edia & PR Event • Product/Service Launch Event • Corporate Celebration

Big Fish

Worten Game Ring Worten - Unbox the best of Lisboa Games Week Nova Sbe Inauguration Nova Sbe day

Desafio Global & Câmara Municipal de Cascais (Cascais City Hall) Edp – Energias de Portugal Transforming music festivals Live Experiences edpcooljazz UP Partner Lisbon Cofee Fest

•B rand Activation • P ublic Institution Event

Edp – Energias de Portugal Live Experiences Aicc (National Association of Coffee industry)

• Sustainable Innovation •U se of Technology • Festival • Festival

sc Godmother

Profi is blooming for you (Profi infloreste pentru tine)

Profi Room Food

•B rand Activation

Ars Communications

Sap Summer Studio ‘It’s Data!’

Sap Cis

C4 Group

Discover The Poerr of Renault Arkana! Intervals 2019

Renault Russia

• Educational/Training Event •H ybrid Event • Roadshow


dreamlaser and Ksusha • U se of Technology Chekhovskaya


Shortlist ORGANIZING COMPANY Galactic Group Good Brand


Live Group & Panda Project

Maximice Redday




Show&Motion Communication Agency The Channel Five


EVENT TITLE Bnp Paribas Cardif Russia on France day X5 City

Bnp Paribas Russia

• L ow Budget Event

X5 Retail Group Service Center Gazprombank

• Incentive/Team Building • Convention •B est B2B Event (> €500,000)

Collection of Impressions. Celebratory evening of ‘Gazprombank’ during Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum 2019 Henkel: Think Big Henkel Kfc Sanders’ Top League 10 good deeds by Ferrero Scarlet sails 2019


Kfc Russia, Cis&Cee Ferrero Russia

• Incentive/Team Building • Incentive/Team Building •N on-Profit/Csr Event

Committee for Press •M usical Event and Mass Media Cooperation of St. Petersburg Government The Russian Seasons • F estival

The Russian Seasons with TeamOne

The Russian Seasons: Re-inventing Russia for the World


Western Balkans Digital Summit 2019

Government of the Republic of Serbia


Music Awards Ceremony - Mac


• Congress/Conference •B est B2B Event (< €500,000) •M usical Event

Creative Pro



• Congress/Conference


Bmw B3 Asia Pacific Region Ecovidrio Blessed Bathrooms Gala Perspectives Ron Barceló Desalia 2019


• Convention


• Non-Profit/Csr Event • Sustainable Innovation • T rade Show •M edia & PR Event

Auriga Auriga Auriga

Cerámicas Gala Ron Barceló




ORGANIZING COMPANY Brandvenue and beon. Worldwide Cow Events

Global Sales Conferen- Maersk ce Maersk Group Nightmare in Burger Lola Mullenlowe King

Dicom Events

Cupra Teaser

Cupra- Seat

Grupo Abbsolute

10º Anniversary Airbus San Pablo Site Inauguration of Torrecárdenas Shopping Centre Platino Awards IQOS3 – This Changes Everything adidas Run for the Oceans Barcelona

Airbus Defence & Space Cbre / Bogaris Retail

Grupo Abbsolute Inusual Events Meta/Ccion


Egeda Philip Morris Spain

CATEGORY • Convention • Product/Service Launch Event •B rand Activation • Product/Service Launch Event • Incentive/Team Building •B rand Activation

Momentum Madrid

Guía Repsol Sensorium Repsol

• C ultural Event • Product/Service Launch Event • Educational/Training Event • Non-Profit/Csr Event • Non-Profit/Csr Event

Fresh Marketing Mr. Volodymyr Buhai Slupsky Event Management Sun Event

Chernobyl Predator Chateau Nicolas IQOS3 Media Event Four Elements Challenge

Acer Ukraine Private person Philip Morris Ukraine iDeals

•M edia & PR Event • P rivate Event •M edia & PR Event • Incentive/Team Building

Brandfuel Jack Morton Worldwide

Android Avenue Ericsson Mwc 2019

Google Ericsson


Esc 2019



Ifa 2019

Harman International

•B rand Activation • Congress/Conference •B est B2B Event (< €500,000) • T rade Show •U se of Technology •B est B2B Event (> €500,000) •M edia & PR Event •B est B2B Event (> €500,000)

Red Door Agency

Heineken F1 Experience








• S ports Event


Shortlist Best Location Awards Entries By Country LOCATION


Grottes de Han

S.A. Grottes de Han-sur-Lesse

• Celebration/Product Launch Venue • Cultural/Musical/Sports Event Venue

Kaptol Boutique Cinema


• Celebration/Product Launch Venue • Conference/Convention Venue

Cubex Centre Prague

Cubex Centrum Praha

• Conference/Convention Venue







Cannes Convention Bureau Palais des Festivals

• Destination/Convention Bureau

Aero Gravity

Aero Gravity

• Celebration/Product Launch Venue Museo Storico Alfa Romeo Museo Storico Alfa Romeo • Cultural/Musical/Sports La Macchina del Tempo Event Venue Palacongressi di Rimini - Italian Exibition Group • Conference/Convention Italian Exhibition Group Venue Terrazza Martini Milano Martini&Rossi • Celebration/Product Launch Venue Venezia Unica Convention Vela • Destination/Convention Bureau by Vela spa Bureau Blue Rhapsody

Constant in Beweging Varende Locaties

• Celebration/Product Launch Venue • Conference/Convention Venue

Altice Arena

Altice Arena

• Conference/Convention Venue • Cultural/Musical/Sports Event Venue




Up to 15th November


Main Partners & Sponsors Bea World Festival & the Live Communication Week are initiatives by

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Content Partner

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DMC Partner

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Elephant Prodige Sponsor

Hospitality Partner

Ceremony Venue

Dinner Venue

Main Partners


Partners & Sponsors Technical Partners



Partners & Sponsors Technical Partners

Leisure Activity Partners


Media & Association Partners Media Partners

Association Partner


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