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Bishops Bourne Lahore Aug. 15.01.
Dear Sir, The Lord Jesus Christ was certainly not a Lawgiver, in the sense in which Moses was, giving a complete descriptive law about such things as clean and unclean food etc. That he did not do this must be evident to any one who reads the New Testament with any care or thought whatever. The Mosaic law of meats etc was given in order to develop in the minds of men who were in a very elementary stage of education and religion, the sense of law, and gradually of Holiness and the reverse. It is therefore called in the New Testament a ''Schoolmaster to bring us to Christ" (Gal iii. 24) for it developed a conscience in men which, when awakened,could not find rest in any external or purely ceremonial acts but needed an inner righteousness of heart and life. And it was to bring this that christ came, By His life and death he both
deepened in men's minds the sense of what sin really is and how terrible it is and also showed men how they could be reconciled to God, obtaining forgiveness of sins and also power by the gift of the Holy Spirit to live a new life in real holiness, and in love to God and man. What the characteristics of that new life are, you can see by reading the sermon on the Mount St. Mathew Chapters V-VII.
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