A Letter to a Dear One By Sir Zafrullah Khan

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Author: Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan (February 6, 1893 September 1, 1985). Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln’s Inn, 1914. Member, Punjab Legislative Council, 1926-1935. Member, Governor-General’s Executive Council, India, 1935-1941. Judge, Supreme Court of India, 1941-1947. Foreign Minister, Pakistan, 1947-1954. Judge, International Court of Justice, 1954-1961 (Vice President, 1958-1961). Permanent Representative, Pakistan at United Nations, 1961-1964. President, General Assembly of United Nations, 1962-1963. Judge, International Court of Justice, 1964-1973 (President, 1970-1973). Honorary Bencher, Lincoln’s Inn. Honorary Fellow, Delegacy of King’s College, London. Honorary Fellow, London School of Economics. Honorary LL.D. Universities of Cambridge, Columbia, Denver, California (Berkeley), Long Island. Honorary D.C.L., Beaver College, Pennsylvania.

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A Letter to a Dear One By Sir Zafrullah Khan by Adeel Ahsan - Issuu