By 1902, over two decades had elapsed since the Promised Messiah started publishing and widely circulating the revelations he received from God. He presented them as proof of his claim, arguing that if he had been an impostor, falsely attributing hundreds of revelations to God, the Almighty would not have given him such a lengthy reprieve in keeping with the warning mentioned in the Holy Quran. Instead, God Almighty had blessed him with countless signs of His support and brought disgrace upon his opponents. It was against this backdrop that Hafiz Muhammad Yusuf published a public announcement contending that there was nothing unique in this claim, for there had been many liars and impostors in the past who had lived many years after making their false claims and died a natural death.
In response to this announcement, the Promised Messiah addressed the ulema of An-Nadwah through a short but incisive treatise entitled A Gift for An-Nadwah which was published on 6th October 1902.