Contents 4 Map 6 Rhino Room Timetable 7 Drama Llama Timetable 8 Hell's Kitchen Timetable 9 Howling Owl Timetable 10 Rhino Room Late Show 12 Paul McDermott 14 Becky Lucas 16 Nazeem Hussain 18 Jeff Green 20 Nick Cody 22 Lehmo 24 Randy Feltface 26 Rhys Nicholson 28 Brett Blake & Lewis Garnham 30 TOD Talks 32 On The Fly Inc. 34 Just for funny 36 Fady Kassab 38 Gordon Southern 40 Udderly Fabulous 42 Mike & Dave do Cash & Dylan 44 Stevl & his translator Fatima
46 Lost in Translation 48 Simon Palomares 50 Luke Heggie 52 Take 3 Comedy 54 Lori Bell 56 Giggles Comedy 58 Ladies Out Of Lockdown 60 Gillian English 62 Amy Hetherington 64 Matt Harvey 66 Blake Everett & Oliver Coleman 68 Michael Connell 70 Chloe Black 72 Fabien Clark 74 Steve Sheehan 76 U Up? With Andrew Hastings 78 Nick Carr 80 Thomas Green 82 Jason Pestell 84 Shad Wicka & Peter James 86 Ellen Briggs & Mandy Nolan 88 Kelsey De Almeida 90 Yasemin Sabuncu 92 James Donald Forbes McCann 94 Nick Nickolas 96 Jacqueline Bisson (Beyance) 98 Marion Hotel Sunday Sessions
2021 TimeTable
Rhino Room Timetable 131 Pirie St.
Opening Weekend
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
19 Feb
20 Feb
23 Feb
24 Feb
25 Feb
26 Feb
27 Feb
2 Mar
3 Mar
TOD Talks Terrible Ideas Improvised
Lehmo: 2020 Vision
Jeff Green: As I Was Saying
Rhino Room Late Show (10pm)
Lehmo: 2020 Vision
Jeff Green: As I Was Saying
TOD Talks Terrible Ideas Improvised
Rhino Room Late Show (10pm)
5 Mar
Brett Blake & On The Fly Impro: THU Lewis Garnham Maestro - Live FRI
6 Mar
9 Mar
10 Mar
11 Mar
12 Mar
13 Mar
16 Mar
17 Mar
18 Mar
19 Mar
20 Mar
4 Mar
Lehmo: 2020 Vision
Paul McDermott: PLUS ONE Rhino Room Late Show
Nazeem Hussain: Party Animal
Thomas Green: Nazeem Hussain: Cultivated Party Animal Nazeem Hussain: Party Animal
Nick Cody: Dad Bod
Paul McDermott: PLUS ONE Rhino Room Late Show
Becky Lucas: Small Talk
Randy Feltface in Modus Operandy
Rhys Nicholson Tries New Jokes Nazeem Hussain: Party Animal
Becky Lucas: Small Talk
Rhino Room Late Show
Opening Weekend
19 Feb
20 Feb
23 Feb
24 Feb
25 Feb
26 Feb
27 Feb
2 Mar
3 Mar
4 Mar
5 Mar
6 Mar
9 Mar
10 Mar
Just For Funny: The Weird News Quiz
Fady Kassab: Borderline
Gordon Southern: Nisolation
Udderly Fabulous: Dreams of a Cabaret Cowgirl
Fady Kassab: Borderline
Gordon Southern: Nisolation
Drama Llama Timetable
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
11 Mar
12 Mar
13 Mar
16 Mar
17 Mar
18 Mar
19 Mar
20 Mar
Udderly Fabulous: Gordon Southern: Dreams of a Nisolation Steve Sheehan: Cabaret Cowgirl Stevl and his Translator Fatima
Take 3
Mike and Dave Do Cash & Dylan
Lost in Translation
Luke Heggie: Lowbreed
Simon Palomares: The Dash
Shad & Pete Save the World
Lori Bell: Making Babies
Simon Palomares: The Dash
Yasemin Subuncu: The illest
Hell's Kitchen Timetable
Howling Owl Timetable
Rhino Room Late Show Presented by
What is the show about?
Where & When Rhino Room
(131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
10pm, Fri 19th & Sat 20th Feb 10pm, Fri 26th & Sat 27th Feb 11pm, Fri 5th & Sat 6th Mar 11pm, Fri 12th & Sat 13thMar 11pm, Fri 19th & Sat 20th Mar
Buy Tickets @Adelaidecomedy
The longest running show at the Adelaide Fringe the Rhino Room Late Show has been a MUST SEE latenight event for comedy fans & Fringe acts alike since 2000. This intimate gala features the funniest acts from around the fest. With a different lineup each night you never know who you might see! Book early to avoid missing out! Become a member and get your first 2 tix free at
Why you should see it! With a different line-up each night and a 21 year history of the biggest acts in the Fringe dropping by you never know who you might see!
Paul McDermott Plus one
Presented by Rhinestone Rebel
What is the show about?
The ‘show' has not been formalised at this point. In fact, it lacks the basic components of what would generally be described as a ’show.’ Currently there is no structure, no form and no material. I could fill column inches with its potential, the dizzying possibilities available and blue sky it up the wazoo, but you’ve come to expect truth from me and the truth is - I’ve no idea. I will hazard a guess it will be more of the same. Overtly - the pretence that I’m grappling with universal concepts and ideas in a comedic fashion, but really every thought expressed on stage has passed through the prism of the self until it’s just rampant ego, a pretty voice and what Dr Google and friends have described as a virulent example of narcissistic alexithymia. On a positive note I will be joined on stage by Glenn, and between bouts of self-indulgent, but hopefully humorous, misery we will sing glorious songs. Paul McDermott, 2021.
Why you should see it! Where & When Rhino Room (131 Pirie st, Adelaide)
9:45pm, Tue 2nd - Sat 13th Mar
Buy Tickets @rhinestonerebelpresents @youngmasterpaul @paulmcdermottplusone #paulplusone
I feel it would be dishonest, at present, to recommend that someone ‘SHOULD' see this show. There are so many variables, an endless ocean of options and a disarming amount of choices to be made. If experience has taught us anything, it’s that I invariably make poor choices. Finally, ‘seeing' the show would be the worst sense to experience whatever-this-is with. My decline has been rapid and visually distressing. I appear now before audience’s as a meth-addled Santa, the Kenny Rogers of sadness, a comic version of Karl Marx. I am currently the size and shape of a garden gnome, have been recently afflicted with tropia, and feel like Saddam Hussein in a storm water drain had better options available. So, given this information, ‘seeing' the show is not recommended. The three other senses still available to us Post-COVID (smell, touch, taste), are likewise not suggested ways of experiencing the yet-be-invented show. That leaves us with hearing. Hearing it is by far the best option. And hearing it, preferably, at a safe distance and visually impaired. On a positive note I will be joined on stage by Glenn, and between bouts of eye-gouging horror at the ravages wrought by age on a once beatific choirboy, we will sing glorious songs. Paul McDermott, 2021
Becky Lucas Small talk
Presented by Live Nation
What is the show about?
Where & When Rhino Room
(131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
8:30pm, Tue 16th - Sat 20th Mar (no show Thursday)
Buy Tickets @beckylucascomedy
Still reeling from being called 'ma'am' while purchasing a packet of hot Cheetos and a maxibon at the local convenience store, I was reminded that I had to come up with a title and blurb for this year's show. 'Urgh it truly is hard being a woman in comedy' I thought, sucking the Cheetos dust off my ring finger and thumb. Anyway, I wrote most of these jokes in my head whilst sitting at the pub being lectured to about data mining by a guy with stick 'n' poke tattoo and bad breath. I think it's a good show, please don't come if your favourite comedian is Stephen Fry or if you quote-tweet things with 'let this sink in'. I'm a stupid b*tch and I've never pretended to be otherwise.'
Nazeem Hussain Party animal
Presented by Live Nation
What is the show about?
Where & When Rhino Room
After a sell-out season across Australia in 2019, Nazeem returns with his new show 'Party Animal'. It's been a huge few years (excluding COVID) for Nazeem. You'd have seen him in his TV show 'Orange Is The New Brown', his Netflix special, or perhaps you saw him on 'LOL: Last One Laughing Australia', absolutely humiliating himself in the name of comedy. Don't miss Nazeem doing what he does best!
(131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
7:15pm, Tue 9th Mar - Fri 19th Mar (excl. Sun, Mon & Thu)
Buy Tickets @nazeemhussain @liveNationoznz
Jeff Green
As I was saying Presented by More Talent
What is the show about?
Where & When Rhino Room (131 Pirie st, Adelaide)
8:30pm, Tue 19th Feb - Sat 27th Mar (excl. Sun & Mon)
Buy Tickets
We all need a good laugh after a shocking 2020. So book in for a high-paced hour of non-stop belly-laughs from Jeff Green. Best-selling author, star of TV & radio, festival favourite with sold out seasons and rave reviews year after year, Jeff returns to Adelaide Fringe with his favourite stories, jokes and routines from three decades as one of the UK’s funniest comedians. Let’s get you laughing again in 2021 Book now to see a bona-fide UK comedy legend at the top of his game!
Why you should see it! Jeff Green is an award-winning British comedian, with over 30 years of performing stand-up comedy under his belt. He has made countless TV & radio appearances both here & in the UK, and the rapid-fire comedian’s trademark is having double the belly-laughs per minute of most comedians.
@comedianjeffgreen @moretalentau
Nick Cody Dad bod
Presented by Century
What is the show about? Nick hasn't been fit since high school but now that he is a father, he can use the term ‘Dad Bod’, which makes friends and doctors laugh and give him a pass. Lucky for audiences, his comedy muscles are fit AF.
Why you should see it! Where & When Rhino Room (131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
8:30pm, Tue 9th Mar - Sat 13th Mar
Everyone loves Nick Cody! As seen on The Gala, Have You been Paying Attention?, Conan, The Project and heaps more! As heard on Triple M, 'Little Dum Dum Club' and 'The Dollop'. 'A brilliant show... hit after hit, Cody keeps rolling on.' Herald Sun
Buy Tickets @nickcodycomedy @centurypresents
2020 rear vision
Presented by NJB Productions
What is the show about? How badly did 2020 suck? It started bad, got worse and then blew us all away with how terrible it was. Lehmo takes a hilarious look back on the year that was, tries to find the positives and concludes that it wasn't a complete disaster.
Where & When Rhino Room
(131 Pirie st, Adelaide)
7:15pm, Fri 19th - Sat 20th Feb 7:15pm, Tue 23rd - Sat 27th Feb 8:30pm, Tue 2nd - Sat 6th Mar
Buy Tickets @lehmo1 @lehmo23 @lehmo15
'A natural performer who makes you feel like you are sitting in his lounge room' Lehmo's wife 'Very nice' Borat
Why you should see it!
It's funny, it's good therapy and you'll probably learn something
Randy Feltface Modus Operandy Presented by Randy Feltface
What is the show about? Modus Operandy is Randy Feltface's magnum opus. Say that ten times fast and then purchase several tickets.
Why you should see it! Where & When Rhino Room
(131 Pirie st, Adelaide)
6pm, Tue 16th Mar 6pm & 8:30pm, Thu 18th Mar 6pm, Fri 19th Mar 6pm & 7:15pm Sat 20th Mar
Buy Tickets @randyfeltface
Because it will be excellent for all parties involved.
Rhys Nicholson
Rhys tries new jokes!! Presented by Century
What is the show about? Hey there. It's me Rhys, from comedy. Well I have a new comedy show to put together and I was wondering if you'd be interested in coming and seeing my new jokes? C'moooon. It'll be fun! I promise not to talk about the global health crisis too much.
Why you should see it! 'This is a genuinely great stand-up comedian at work -- in total command of his material and audience -and it's awe-inspiring to watch' Timeout 2019
Where & When Rhino Room
(131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
9:45pm, Tue 16th - Sat 20th Mar
Buy Tickets @rhysnicholson
'Nicholson is an astute satirist of the world around him. Clever, a bit below-the-belt... blatantly very funny' Sydney Morning Herald 2018
Brett Blake & Lewis Garnham
A Token Event
What is the show about? Enjoy a night of belly aching laughs from two rising stars in the Australian comedy scene!
Why you should see it!
Where & When Rhino Room
(131 Pirie st, Adelaide)
7:15pm, Tue 2nd - Sat 6th Mar
Buy Tickets
Brett hit 2020 like a jet ski on choppy waters... hard! He was selling out shows in the Perth & Adelaide Fringe Festivals, got taken for a hot lap round Adelaide in a V8 & cemented himself as one of Australian comedy's most unique & exciting stars. Lewis is one of Australia's funniest & most distinctive young voices. In 2016 he won RAW Comedy in SA & in 2018 he was nominated for Best Newcomer at the Melbourne Comedy Festival. In his stand-up he muses on the bizarre & fascinating traits of society, finding the comedy in the grim & gritty.
@brettblakecomic @brettyblake @lewisgarnhamcomedy @lewgarnham @lewygarnham
TOD Talks
Ideas (hardly) worth sharing
Presented by Gatt & Owen
What is the show about? 6 guest comedians each night give improvised TED-Talk-style presentations, except they have never seen the slides before getting up. They compete is a masterclass of sh*t-talking, and the audience decides who bluffed the best and deserves the title of TOD Talks keynote speaker.
Why you should see it! Where & When Rhino Room (131 Pirie st, Adelaide)
6pm, Fri 19 Feb - Sat 20 Feb & Thu 25 Feb - Sat 27 Feb
Buy Tickets
We've all seen presentations at work, school, online... but never like this! Giving a presentation with no preparation and no idea what slide is coming up next is some people's worst nightmare, and some peoples' parody playground! The audience gets to pick the topic and send the speaker down a rabbit hole of bullsh*t. Watch pure creativity being birthed in front of your eyes in this unique style of improv comedy. 'Cringe-worthy to belly laughing brilliance in just moments' Fringe Feed.
@Todtalksimprovised @Tod_talks @Todtalks
4 star 'masterpiece of a comedy show' Dircksey Magazine
On The Fly Inc. Maestro
What is the show about? Performing hilarious, improvised games like you'd see on 'Whose Line is It Anyway?' Maestro pits Adelaide's newest and brightest improvisers against each other in a winner-takes-all battle for glory. You choose who survives!
Where & When Rhino Room
(131 Pirie st, Adelaide)
6pm, Tue 2 Mar - Sat 6 Mar
Buy Tickets @onthefly.impro
Why you should see it! If you're keen for a laugh, looking for something different, want to support local performers or just a a fan of watching people being put on the spot
Just for funny
the weird news quiz Presented by Matt Harvey
What is the show about?
Where & When Drama Llama
(Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
5:45pm, Fri 19th & Sat 20th Feb
Buy Tickets
The finest live comedy-news quizpodcast you’ll watch this Festival. News, Quiz show, podcast. Guests from across the festival come together to talk the weirdest news and the weirdest side of the news you may already know. Auspol, ROBODEBT, Corruption, wagetheft, and the occasional Florida-man or wandering Karen.
Why you should see it! High paced fun, stupid news stories, and excellent surprise guests. Previous shows have had guests from QI, BBC, ABC, Comedy central, Adult swim, The Chaser, Tonightly, Mad as hell, Triple J, Werewolf live, and more.
Fady Kassab
Presented by Fady Kassab
What is the show about? A debut show about where Fady Kassab tells horrifyingly funny tales about growing up in a war zone, migrating, seamlessly blending into Australian culture and the storm that is migration, war, marriage, kids, separation, dating in an ever-changing world.
Where & When Drama Llama
(Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
7pm, Fri 19th & Sat 20th Feb; Tue 23rd Feb - Sat 27th Feb
Buy Tickets @fadykassab @thefadykassab
Why you should see it! Anyone who wants to hear fresh topics and have a light-hearted laugh while questioning race, politics and relationships. 'Fady used his material for smart, sharp and purposeful jokes, dodging ethnic cliche and delivery with certainty.' Steve Bennett, Chortle
Gordon Southern Nisolation
Presented by Gordon Southern
What is the show about? In March 2020 I threw the dice and decided to stay in SA for a while... and didn't leave! This is a show about being stranded in paradise and a multi-media love letter to Adelaide
Why you should see it! Where & When Drama Llama
(Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
8:15pm, Fri 19 Feb - Sat 6 Mar (excl. Sun & Mon)
Buy Tickets @gordonsoutherncomedian @gordonsouthern
Thanks to my enforced exile from the UK I'm one of a tiny band of world class (once) globetrotting international acts at this fringe. I'm a multi-award winning comedian and screenwriter with a long list of TV and radio credits, a storyteller and improviser, you really are in safe hands. 1/2 Adelaide Advertiser
'Joy Personified' Herald Sun
Nyssa Milligan
Udderly Fabulous Presented by Rhinestone Rebel
What is the show about?
Where & When Drama Llama
(Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
5:45pm, Tue 23rd - Sat 27th Feb 7pm, Tue 2nd - Sat 6th Mar
Buy Tickets @udderly_fabulous_show @rhinestonerebelpresents
Nyssa's family owns a dairy farm on Cundle Plains, which is east of Kundle Kundle, round the corner from Cundle Flat near Cundle Town (but thats obvious). Growing up, there wasn't much to do, except hang out with the cows and listen to her mother sing Brahms. When Nyssa was old enough, she decided, that she wanted to be an opera singer just like her Mum, except instead of cows, she wanted to sing to people. She ""mooves"" to the big smoke, however instead of her dreams, she discovers pop music, karaoke, Beyoncè and a whole world of possibilities she never knew existed. Luckily though, with the help of some encouraging moo's (not to be confused with boo's) from her audience members, our Cabaret Cowgirl discovers that its alright to be more than just one thing and it might be possible... just maybe... for more than one of her dreams to come true.
Why you should see it!
Want to belly laugh whilst listening to one of the most skilled singers in the country? Come and see Udd Fab. This chick nails opera, pop, musical theatre, all the while running around the stage like a maniac making her audience keel over in hysterics. Swap your Covid mask for a cow mask and laugh until a little bit of milk comes out.
Mike & Dave do Cash & Dylan Presented by David Lane
What is the show about? During this show you will hear both the music and the back story of Bob Dylan's and Johnny Cash's most iconic hits, as well as some of their A-grade B-sides.
Where & When Drama Llama
(Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
9:30pm, Thu 25th - Sat 27th Feb
Buy Tickets @thesouthseason
Why you should see it! This show is a must-see for any Bob Dylan or Johnny Cash fans who would like to hear covers of their music that are liberally re-interpreted to include the signature harmonies of Dave Lane and Mike O.
Stevl & his translator Fatima
Presented by Steve Sheehan
What is the show about? A talk about relationships by a man who is not from these parts, but there is a translation provided by his 'assistant'.
Why you should see it!
Where & When Drama Llama
(Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
5:45pm, Fri 5th & Sat 6th Mar
Buy Tickets @StevlShefn
Combining voice play, physical humour and musical numbers with genuinely witty story telling, Stevl and Fatima take you on an offbeat and darkly funny journey through relationships. From dating to break-ups, psychology to politics, it's a subject that translates riotously when this duo is in charge. 'innocent, funny and eccentric' Groggy Squirrel 'Sheehan and Beech, in tandem, are one of the best laughter machines' Aust. Stage 'a fine example of the imagination going gently wild' Theatre Junkies
Lost in Translation Presented by Braw Media
What is the show about?
Where & When Drama Llama
(Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
9:30pm, Tue 2 - Sat 6 Mar
Buy Tickets @lostintranslationtheshow @lostintranslationshow
Your favourite movies translated badly. We take a different film script each night, run it through an online translator a dozen times, and read it live. As the show goes on, the translations get worse. Come see the most famous lines from the most quotable films scrambled until they only just make sense. Please see example: "Your favorite movie isn't translated properly. We make different movies every night, and we take them more than a dozen times online, and we're reading it. As progress has improved, the translation gradually expanded. Check out the most popular lines, the yquat movie twist, until it comes to opinion.
Why you should see it! If you like movies, you'll like this.
Simon Palomares The dash
Presented by Simon Palomares
What is the show about? Between the year of birth and the year of death there’s a dash..... A legend of Australian comedy returns to the Adelaide Fringe Festival with a brand new show.
Where & When Drama Llama
(Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
8:15pm, Tue 9th Mar - Sat 20th Mar (excl. Sun & Mon)
Buy Tickets @travellingcomedian @simonpalomares
Why you should see it! An hour of thought provoking hilarity from a master craftsman of comedy.
Luke Heggie Lowbreed
Presented by Century
What is the show about?
In between thinking the absolute worst of people and welcoming them to prove him wrong if they can, Luke Heggie can often be spotted swinging a hammer, telling luxury 4WD operators in the city to slow down, kicking the odd street surveyor's tripod, and sticking it to the man by performing stand up comedy six or seven nights per week. His work could never be labelled important, leaving him unencumbered by the shackles of genius and able to get on with the job. If you wish to be referred to as ladies and gentlemen multiple times in a short period, or you really want to be friends with the person on stage because you've been unable to fill the quota yourself, then this is not the show for you.
Where & When
Why you should see it!
Drama Llama
This is a stand up comedy show. These shows are scheduled to be not only inside, but at night time, nullifying the need for people with sunglasses anywhere on their heads to attend. An exception will be made for the blind. Similarly, if any of the following terms appear in your regular rotation: toxic, cancelled, tone deaf, awesome sauce, savvy B, or shaming, then further to not attending this show, don't approach any member of Luke's family, including his dog.
(Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
7pm, Tue 9 Mar - Sat 13 Mar
Buy Tickets
Take 3 Comedy Annie Boyle, Krutika Harale and Kelly Mac Presented by Take 3 Productions
What is the show about?
Digital Nomad. Slacker Grandma. Bush Reject. Three comedians span the generations: Young, Still Young and Old as F**k. In their Fringe debut, Annie Boyle, Krutika Harale and Kelly Mac share their slices of 21st century life. Boomer parents who refuse to die. Leaving a life of luxury in Mumbai for the squalor of Sydney. Dating in a town where the most common question is, "Are you my cousin?" And why your husband can never, ever, be your best friend.
Where & When Drama Llama (downstairs at Rhino Room) Tue 16 Mar - Sat 20 Mar: 5:45pm
Buy Tickets @take3comedy @take3comedians
Why you should see it!
'Annie is one to watch' ScotsGay, Edinburgh Fringe Festival 'Krutika Harale is fearless...familiar and light-hearted' Felicity Anderson, Theatre Now Kel's dry style of wit and willingness to poke fun at everything had the audience captivated' Dave Tune, NOTA 'All three comics deliver sharp material and allow a fun night out where the only guarantee is laughing out loud' Theatre Now 'Sometimes risquĂŠ but always engaging and entertaining original comedy' NOTA
Lori Bell Making babies Presented by Lori Bell
What is the show about? It’s been a wild ride into parenthood for award winning comedian Lori Bell but she’s here now and telling all in her new show about the madness and magic of starting a family.
Why you should see it! Where & When Drama Llama
(Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
7pm, Tue 16th - Sat 20th Mar
Buy Tickets @Loribellcomedy
'Bell is an exemplary comedian with a confident stage presence and an infectious enthusiasm which allows her to bring the audience all the way along for the ride.'
Giggles Comedy Presented by Gene Louis
What is the show about? Giggles Comedy, your local favourite cult comedy room, returns again to bring you a special kind of standup showcase, featuring the best local and touring acts! What else needs to be said! On every Monday night of the Fringe, see you there xo
Where & When Drama Llama
(Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
8pm, Mon, 22 Feb; Mon 1 Mar & Mon 8th Mar nd
Buy Tickets @gigglesatrhino @giggles_at_rhino
Why you should see it! Variety of the funniest Comedians
Ladies Out Of Lockdown Amy Hetherington, Gillian English, Tor Snyder &Claire Sullivan What is the show about?
Where & When Hell's Kitchen
(Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
6:15pm, Fri 19 Feb - Sat 6 Mar (excl. Sun & Mon)
Buy Tickets
Featuring the furious and hilarious Gillian English (Canada/Tasmania). A multiaward winner and global touring act recently shortlisted for the Brighton Bobby Award. Oversharing optimistic Northern Territory energiser bunny Amy Hetherington (Adelaide Fringe Comedy Award 2019, RAW Comedy Finalist). Recently selected for the exclusive MICF Comedy Zone, WA darling Tor Snyder (she's supported Becky Lucas and Jim Jefferies!). And strap in for the surreal and wonderful Claire Sullivan (Melbourne/Hobart), member of award winning physical comedy group PO PO MO CO and 2020 Fringe at the Edge of the World Best Comedy.
Why you should see it! 4x award winning comics. 4x different styles. 4x different states. Get the crew together for a massive line-up at Rhino Room. The perfect way to kick the isolation blues in the d*ck.
@clairesullivancomedian @clairekoolkat torsnydercomedy @torandorder @Gillianmarieenglish @Gillianenglish @Amyhetheringtoncomedy @Amyhetherington
Gillian English
Presented by Gillian English
What is the show about?
Where & When
Hell's Kitchen (downstairs at Rhino Room) 8:45pm, Fri 19 - Sat 6 Mar (excl. Sun & Mon)
Buy Tickets @Gillianmarieenglish @Gillian_english @Gillianenglish
SHE WOLF is about Queen Margaret of Anjou, who was a real person, but ended up as a character in 4 of Shakespeare's history plays. By retelling her life story, with interjections of propaganda from Shakespeare's false timeline; Margaret becomes a lighting rod to examine the way our society treats women in positions of power.
Why you should see it! SHE WOLF challenges our perceptions of history, truth and bias. It makes the classical modern, and the modern seem antiquated. The history is factually correct, the Shakespeare is on point, and the delivery is hilarious. The Coast
Amy Hetherington
Don't feed the ducks Presented by Amy Hetherington
What is the show about?
Where & When Hell's Kitchen
(Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
7:30pm, Fri 19 Feb - Sat 6 Mar (excl. Sun & Mon)
Buy Tickets @Amyhetheringtoncomedy @Amyhetherington
Darwin comedian Amy Hetherington is planning to have kids. But she's just realised all the adults in her life don't know what they're doing - they're making it up as they go. And that's ducking terrifying. Don't Feed The Ducks is the new highenergy, oversharing show from the 2019 Adelaide Fringe Best Weekly Comedy act. Amy chats about fears, growing up in the 90s, the reasons dogs are better than people and why white wine is the greatest enabler.
Why you should see it!
A perfect show for date night, hanging with the girls squad or for those parents who finally got a baby-sitter and a free night! Amy's a contagious mix of optimism and cheekiness and has a stack of stories from weird, sweaty Darwin. 'If all Territorians are this funny, we should all just head North now' The Advertiser, 2019
Matt Harvey
I got bit by a monkey once Presented by Matt Harvey
What is the show about?
Where & When Hell's Kitchen
(Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
10pm, Tue 23rd - Sat 27th Feb
Buy Tickets
A storytelling show containing 4 true stories, a monkey bite, a bus trip, an arrest, and a mugging. How would you get out of getting mugged? Ever been propositioned for a road trip in a bus station bathroom? What’s the wildest animal you have been bitten by? Ever been arrested? Matt has done a lot of dumb things and he knows you have too. “An amazing hour” of storytelling.
Why you should see it!
Light hearted tales of travel and stupidity. A reminder of the good and the bad times when we could go anywhere and come back a little wiser for the trouble. ‘an amazing hour’ Winning at Failing
‘intriguing and entertaining’ Onya magazine
‘It’s pure storytelling - told with warmth and sincerity’ Squirrel Comedy ‘Harvey is a natural raconteur’ Funny tonne
Blake Everett & Oliver Coleman Blake and Oliver Dig Their Own Graves Presented by Blake Everett & Oliver Coleman
What is the show about? Blake and Oliver are on the run from the Russian Mob. What better place to hide than by doing an obscure late-night comedy show at the Adelaide Fringe? Will they survive the night? Or will they end up digging their own graves? Only one thing is for sure… if tonight is their last night alive they’re going to put on a brave face and do their goddamned best to entertain you.
Where & When Hell's Kitchen
(Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
10pm, Tue 2nd - Sat 6th Mar
Buy Tickets
Why you should see it! It's a weird and wonderful late night show where anything could happen. This is the kind of joyously off the wall comedy that is a quintessentially ‘Fringe’ experience. These two comedians have got all sorts of awards and critical acclaim for their solo-shows and now they are joining forces to bring double the laughs. They need you there to survive!
@blakeverett @blakeyoufilthycow @olivercolemancomedy @oliverlcoleman
Michael Connell
No hablo bebé (I don’t speak baby) Presented by Michael Connell
What is the show about? No hablo bebé is the story of comedian Michael Connell's efforts to teach his daughter Spanish (a language he doesn't speak). Laugh along as Michael uses books, apps and every Dora the Explorer video he can find to learn Spanish and stay one step ahead of his kid.
Where & When Hell's Kitchen
(Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
6:15pm, Tue 9th Mar - Sat 20th Mar (excl. Sun & Mon)
Buy Tickets
Why you should see it!
No Hablo Bebé will give you a good laugh about parenting and language. Rated PG, the show is perfect for anyone who has kids, is planning to have kids, or was a kid. It's big fun comedy that will make everyone laugh, and it's on early so you won't be out late on a school night.
This is a clean comedy show; the routine features no swearing or offensive material.
Chloe Black
Switch hitter
Presented by Show & Tell Productions
What is the show about?
My show is about sexuality and gender. It is about the trials and tribulations, the pitfalls and ups and downs of being a bisexual transgender woman in the modern dating world . Don't panic! Its not preachy. Therew ill be dick jokes. I still have one, so there will be plenty of those.
Where & When Hell's Kitchen
(Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
7:30pm, Tue 9 - Sat 20 Mar (excl. Sun & Mon)
Buy Tickets @chloeblackcomedy @evilchloeblack @chloeblack
Why you should see it!
There are Laughs aplenty. This show has already been nominated for an award. (Best Show Fringe at the Edge 2020).. Chloe Black has performed comedy all over the world. and she regularly tours. She can reverse parallel park! She has received much critical acclaim. Straight, Bi, gay cisgender and transgender audiences have all come away from her shows absolutely beaming! Don't Miss Out.
Fabien Clark
The quick & the dreads Presented by Fabien Clark
What is the show about?
While on his 'wrong place at the wrong time' path to enlightenment, award winning comedian Fabien Clark must battle the thoughts in his head as he finds himself on the front line of a turf war, accidentally dressed as the enemy.
Why you should see it!
Where & When Hell's Kitchen
(Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
8:45pm, Tue 9 - Sat 20 Mar (excl. Sun & Mon)
Buy Tickets @Fabiencomedy @Fabienclark
Clark is an award winning comedian with a gift for story telling. For over a decade he has been a well loved staple of Adelaide's comedy scene. You may have seen him around, on stage, on TV ('Stand-up Australia', Comedy Channel) or heard him on Adelaide’s Triple M as co-host of “The Gist”. 'Fabien Clark's show is one stand-up comedy act you shouldn't dread' InDaily ½ 'He's just a post-hippie home manager looking for an excuse to fly the coop and entertain people' The Sunday Mail
'A witty, wild and, at-times, crude journey choc full of hilarious yarns' The West Australian 'In his low-key relatable humour lies a unique personal lens' Rip It UP 'He is a consummate storyteller' Kryztoff 'Clark has mad storytelling skills' The Advertiser" 'Embarrassingly relatable and redeemingly loveable' TREv
Steve Sheehan Less
Presented by Steve Sheehan
What is the show about? I received a horoscope for my birthday 13 years ago and never opened it, thinking horoscopes might be better looked at with hindsight.
Where & When Hell's Kitchen
(Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
10pm, Thu 11th Mar - Sat 13th Mar
Buy Tickets @StevlShefn
Why you should see it!
Horoscopes are like anything which alleviates uncertainty, certainty helps avoid tragedy and tragedy is the flip side of comedy.
U Up?
With Andrew Hastings Presented by Andrew Hastings
What is the show about?
U Up? With Andrew Hastings' is a latenight show that's eight beers deep and wants to know what you're doing later. Some of the Fringe's best comedians perform and join Sydney's most lovable miscreant for regrettable interviews about life, love and bodily fluids.
Why you should see it! Where & When Hell's Kitchen
(Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
10pm, Tue 16th Mar - Sat 20th Mar
Buy Tickets @andrewhastingscomedian @andrewhastings @andrewhastings11
You'll also see some of the best comedians from the fringe performing and chatting with your host Andrew Hastings. Meeting audiences at the intersection of gross, silly and shockingly honest, he’s known for his crowd-pleasing solo festival shows in Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide and as a co-host of the cult teen sex comedy podcast “We’ll Just Tell Your Mother We Ate It All”. If nothing else, an Andrew Hastings show is sure to make you feel better about your own life choices.
'Genuine Brilliance' Adelaide Advertiser.
Nick Carr Carr crash
Presented by Good Chat Comedy Club
What is the show about?
Where & When The Howling Owl (Vaughan Pl, Adelaide)
7:15pm, Fri 19th & Sat 20th Feb; 9:45pm, Tue 23rd - Sat 27th Feb
Buy Tickets @NickCarrComedy @Carrcrashpod @goodchatcomedy
Drunk and shirtless, Nick Carr had lost his way in the comedy world. Carr's career was on an amazing trajectory. A regular guest on The Little Dum Dum Club, and friends with some of comedy's elite, things looked great for Carr, until suddenly it took a turn for the worst. Nudity, debauchery and general drunkenness became synonymous with Nick Carr. Deciding enough was enough, Nick started a weekly podcast to rebuild his career, one intervention at a time. The goal? Creating a comeback show for a career that never really started.
Why you should see it!
Household names such as Luke Heggie, Mel Buttle, and Dilruk Jayasinha have rallied behind Carr, offering support and advice alongside some hard truths. Will their advice pay off and create a new comedy superstar, or is this another disaster waiting to happen?
Thomas Green Cultivated
Presented by Brett Vincent for Get Comedy
What is the show about?
Where & When The Howling Owl
(Vaughan Pl, Adelaide)
8:30pm, 19th Feb - 6th Mar (excl. Sun & Mon) Rhino Room (131 Pirie st, Adelaide)
6pm, Thu 11 - Sat 13 Mar th
Buy Tickets
A story Adelaide won’t believe is true. Selected for Jason Manford tour support, (Live At The Apollo, 8 Out of 10 Cats, Royal Variety Performance) and with sellout Edinburgh, Adelaide Fringe & Melbourne Comedy Festival runs. Thomas Green is back with his astonishing BRAND NEW hour.
Why you should see it!
Hilarious, Shocking, Adelaide Born & Raised - Direct from headlining the top UK clubs, selected for Jason Manford tour support. ½ ‘Truly Impressive’ The Advertiser ½ ‘Outstanding’ Rip It Up ½ ‘Hilarious’ Fresh 92.7
‘Ingenious’ The List (UK)
@thomasgreencomedy @iamthomasgreen @getcomedy @getcomedypromotions
Jason Pestell
Kmart to the rescue Presented by Kmart Lad
What is the show about? Kmart & the joys of working in retail The world is in turmoil - citizens in fear, political upheaval, rising unemployment... There's only one thing that can save us now: Kmart! And if that doesn't help, I'm out of ideas.
Why you should see it! Where & When The Howling Owl (Vaughan Pl, Adelaide)
7:15pm, Tue 23rd Feb - Sat 27th Feb
Buy Tickets @kmartlad
If you love Kmart, see the show. If you hate it, come and I will explain why you are wrong. From the Lad that brought you 'Kmart is Life' and 'Kmart's The Greatest Shop Man'. As seen on Sunrise (Kochie didn't like it). It's a great night out if you match it with a Kmartini. Book tickets to avoid disappointment. Sold out completely and added extra shows at Adelaide Fringe 2019/20. ½ 'A definite must see for all Kmart fans and a solid, seriously go see it, for those who aren't Kmart fans.' Perth Happenings, 2019.
Shad Wicka & Peter James Shad & Pete save the world!
Presented by Good Chat Comedy Club
What is the show about?
Where & When The Howling Owl
(Vaughan Pl, Adelaide)
9:45pm, Tue 2nd Mar - Sat 6th Mar Drama Llama (Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
9:30pm, Tue 9th Mar - Sat 13th Mar
Buy Tickets @peterjamescomedian @shadwicka @goodchatcomedy
We all have problems - and who better to solve yours than two unqualified comedians with nothing better to do at the Fringe! Join Shad Wicka & Peter James as they provide haphazard solutions to your every quandary with a 100% success rate. Got a problem that needs solving? Just write it on a piece of paper at the door, put it in the bucket and watch as these two geniuses (or idiots, depending on how you look at it) do their best to come up with solutions on the spot with the help of two special guest comedians from around the festival. You never know who might show up... Past guests include: Nick Cody, Luke Heggie, Jacques Barrett + more!
Why you should see it!
It's loose, it's boozy, and absolutely anything can happen! With the audience heavily involved, and absolutely no script, it means that every show is unique. Plus, it regularly features surprise guests from all across the Australian comedy world dropping in to help solve your problems!
Ellen Briggs & Mandy Nolan Women like us What is the show about? Ellen & Mandy are two mouthy mummas from Mullumbimby with a lot to say. They cover everything from online shopping, home hair cuts, new dogs to virginity and parents passing away.
Why you should see it! If you want to laugh hysterically at the mundane, every day life of a middle aged, slightly overweight woman, whilst relating to every thing they say - you should see this show.
Where & When The Howling Owl (Vaughan Pl, Adelaide)
7:15pm, Tue 2 Mar - Sat 6 Mar
Buy Tickets
'I don't care if you're religious or not, but I do sincerely believe Women Like Us are true goddesses' Weekend Notes
'These girls have a way with words and should be prescribed as an all round tonic, better, cheaper and definitely funnier than therapy!' GlamAdelaide
Kelsey De Almeida Unlikely
Presented by Foolhardy Comedy Productions
What is the show about?
Having opened for Live At The Apollo stars Stephen K Amos and Russell Kane, as well as tour supporting Irish comedy sensation Abandoman; It's easy to see why rising UK comedy star Kelsey De Almeida has 'destined to be huge' stamped across his forehead. Slick, sharp and uproaringly honest, catch him before Netflix comes calling.
Why you should see it!
Where & When The Howling Owl (Vaughan Pl, Adelaide)
6pm, Tue 2 Mar - Sat 6 Mar 6pm, Tue 16 Mar - Sat 20 Mar
Buy Tickets
Being one of the only international comedians at this year's Fringe due to becoming stuck in Australia because of a pandemic (you may have heard about it), British comedian Kelsey De Almeida returns to the Adelaide Fringe for a limited run of shows! This is a chance to see Kelsey really sink his teeth into a longer show; all about being different and trying to fit in with the modern world. Join Kelsey in his most revealing show yet, with a whole lot of belly laughs along the way. '..Hilarious, an original voice on the comedy landscape.. destined to be huge, see him now!' Stephen K Amos (Royal Variety Performance, Live At The Apollo) ½ '..A pleasure to watch on stage.. look forward to seeing his career flourish!' Glam Adelaide.
Yasemin Sabuncu The illest
Presented by Yasemin Sabuncu
What is the show about?
It's a joyful & off-the-wall exploration of the meaning of life when things don't work out how you expect. Featuring comedy and stories about: taking ayahuasca with shamans, vagina crystals, living your best life, near death experiences, ADHD, endometriosis, growing up 'ethnic' and dealing with chronic illness. It's going to possibly even include some rap, weird costumes, video and audience participation.
Where & When The Howling Owl
(Vaughan Pl, Adelaide)
6pm, Tue 9th - Sat 13th Mar Drama Llama (Downstairs at Rhino Room 131 Pirie St, Adelaide)
9:30pm, Tue 16th - Sat 20th Mar
Buy Tickets @hello.princess.yasemin @candysnap
Inspired by when Yasemin felt 'the illest' and when Doctors offered no answers. Desperate, she moved to the Mecca of wellness in Byron Bay to turn her life around. There she left no stone unturned on her path of self transformation living in the local free wheeling counter culture. It was there she was diagnosed with endometriosis and ADHD and learnt how to thrive with these conditions. Join Yasemin as she shares her lust for life and adventures down the rabbit hole.
Why you should see it!
We are all living in uncertainty about the future because of COVID & have suffered from it in some way so come hear stories of how I survived chronic illness, disability and mental health stuff. It's different to most straightstand-up & will explore a wide range of emotions but ultimately will leave the audiences laughing, feeling good about themselves, feeling into the mysteries of life and the universe, and even learning things about chronic illness & disability they may have not even known they needed. It's going to be a mash-up of stand-up, improv, storytelling and possibly a musical number featuring amazing costumes. Like my ADHD, it's going to take you here, there & everywhere. I come from years of improv, sketch comedy, theatre, performance art, neo burlesque, video and film experience. I studied improv, sketch, stand up and clowning in LA (at Groundlings & UCB). I received a diversity scholarship to study sketch and improv at the Improv Conspiracy in Melb. I am serious about my craft and looking to innovate and connect with audiences that leave them wanting more.
James Donald Forbes McCann Aussie & proud Presented by More Talent
What is the show about? Beloved and award-winning comedian James Donald Forbes McCann tackles the big topics in his glorious new hour of stand up : - Are modern architects responsible for mental illness? Yes! - Should Queen Elizabeth (and her GG) be replaced as Australia's head of state by a new, Aboriginal royal family? Yes!
Where & When The Howling Owl (Vaughan Pl, Adelaide)
7:15pm, Tue 9th - Sat 20th Mar (excl. Sun & Mon)
Buy Tickets @jdfmccann @jamesthemanmccann @moretalentau
- Must we change the Australian flag and national anthem? Of course! (to a boxing kangaroo and Reckless (don't be so...) respectively)
Why you should see it! James McCann has won multiple awards for stand-up comedy and comedy writing, as well as consistent rave reviews for his shows. One of the funniest, most versatile, unique & electric voices in Australian comedy, a James McCann show is not to be missed!
Nick Nickolas Gobsmacked
Presented by Foolhardy Comedy Productions
What is the show about? Direct from the UK.. Global sellout and multiple award winning magician Nick Nickolas brings brand new knee-slappingly funny show to Adelaide for the first time! A tour-de-force of amazing sleight of hand, rapid fire one-liners, and enthralling magic.. guaranteed to leave you GOBSMACKED!
Why you should see it! Where & When The Howling Owl
One of the worlds and UK top comedy magic acts, winner of every top magic award globally, Adelaide premiere.
(Vaughan Pl, Adelaide)
8:30pm, Tue 9th - Sat 20th Mar (excl. Sun & Mon)
Buy Tickets @nicknickolasentertainer @nicknickolas333 @foolhardycomedyproductions @foolhardycomedy
'Nick's more than a magician.. more than a comedian.. he's a one man entertainment event.. Non-stop belly laughs all round!' Gulf News ER
Most Entertaining Act - Aus Magic Awards Best Close-Up Act - Aus Magic Awards Street Magic World Championships - Germany MICF Comedy Magician of The Year 2018 Street Magician of the Year UK
Jacqueline Bisson (Beyance) The Lycra Pandemic; If only Gladwrap came in Colours! Presented by Jacqueline Bisson
What is the show about?
Where & When The Howling Owl (Vaughan Pl, Adelaide)
9:45pm, Tue 16 - Sat 20 Mar th
Buy Tickets @jacquibisson
Has-been supermodel Beyancè, has tried Botox, bum implants and big lips, anything to reignite her career. The Diva has made a side career move into the realm of influencing, with a focus on fitness. She loves showing her bodacious body on social media and the Lycra certainly helps holding all her lumps, bumps and wobbly bits in place. Photoshop and filters do the rest. Beyancè slips into her Lycra for live chats with her fans, before meeting her personal trainer at the park. Only she doesn't have a personal trainer. Squeezing into Lycra is quite tiring so she tends to lie down on the sofa after her live feed... and has a feed, while watching repeats of 'Married at First Sight'. Jacqueline Bisson will have your tummy tuck in stiches as she walks you through life in Lycra which is non biodegradable.
Why you should see it! Jacqueline performs in her alter ego 'Beyancè' who is hilariously challenging and says it how it is, no holding back. The Diva is an hysterical character and has the audience screaming with laughter for more. She has supported Australian Comedians such as Bev Killick and Chris Franklin and has performed in Townsville, Brisbane, Melbourne and St Kilda to sold out audiences. A very colourful character who will keep the audience entertained as she rides them to the end with her gripping enthusiasm.
Marion Hotel Sunday Sessions Presented by
What is the show about? Adelaide Comedy is bringing Fringe to the suburbs! Lindsay Webb hosts this laid back afternoon of laughs featuring some of the funniest comedians of the fest. Visit to become a member and get your first two tickets free!
Where & When Marion Hotel (849 Marion Rd, Mitchell Park)
2pm, Sun 28th Feb, 7th & 14th Mar
Buy Tickets @Adelaidecomedy
Why you should see it! The ease of seeing a quality and hilarious Sunday afternoon Fringe show in your neighbourhood if you live down south.