4 minute read
3.4 Adelaide Fringe will ensure that all formats of Adelaide Fringe guides have detailed information on disability access and provisions provided.
3.5 Adelaide Fringe will encourage artists and venues to provide public information in multiple accessible formats.
3.6 Adelaide Fringe will display industry standard symbols identifying accessibility in the event listings throughout all Adelaide Fringe guides to clearly delineate venues that are accessible.
3.6.1 Adelaide Fringe will provide a clear key in all guides and on the website explaining the symbols used and what they represent.
3.7 Adelaide Fringe will gather appropriate accessibility information from FringeTIX customers in order to inform venues of patron’s accessibility requirements whilst attending an event. Adelaide Fringe will continue to evolve this practice to best support our customers.
Marketing, Operations
Artist and Venues
Artist and Venues, Digital
Marketing, Digital, Operations
Ticketing and Box Office

3.8 Adelaide Fringe will continue to improve accessibility of its online Artist and Venue Registration (AVR) platform and work in person with stakeholders, when required, to facilitate engagement and participation in Adelaide Fringe.
3.9 Adelaide Fringe will adhere to the best practices and legal requirements for consent when using images of people with disability.
3.10 Adelaide Fringe will consult an external Access Advisory Committee to advise on access across Adelaide Fringe and develop community engagement.
Digital, Artist and Venues
Marketing Ongoing
Operations Review annually in June

To create a safe and accessible physical Adelaide Fringe environment, and provide Adelaide Fringe venues with best practice accessibility guidelines in line with the National Code of Construction, Australian Standards for Access and Mobility and the Disability Discrimination Act (1992) in order to address physical barriers for people with a disability.
4.1 Ensure, as much as possible, Adelaide Fringe managed buildings and facilities comply with all National Construction Code, Australian Standards for Access and Mobility and the Disability Discrimination Act (1992).
4.1.1 Adelaide Fringe will identify, respond and evolve where possible existing physical barriers that may restrict access to Adelaide Fringe workplaces.
4.1.2 4.1.2 Adelaide Fringe will produce and manage Fringe events in accessible venues that comply with all National Construction Code, Australian Standards for Access and Mobility and the Disability Discrimination Act (1992), where possible.
4.2 Adelaide Fringe will advocate for disability access to registered Adelaide Fringe venues by providing educational resources, best practice information and legislative information.
Operations 5 years
Operations 5 years
Events, Operations
Artist and Venues

4.2.1 Adelaide Fringe will advocate for the use of clear and accessible signage providing directions to accessible bathroom facilities and services by Adelaide Fringe registered venues.
4.2.2 Adelaide Fringe will advocate for the provision of clean and appropriate accessible bathroom facilities within temporary Adelaide Fringe registered venues in line with the Australian Standards for Access and Mobility and the Disability Discrimination Act (1992).
4.2.3 Adelaide Fringe will advocate for the provision of accessible facilities to order and consume food and beverages to Adelaide Fringe registered venues.
4.2.4 Adelaide Fringe will advocate for the provision of accessible paths of travel within temporary Adelaide Fringe registered venues.
Artist and Venues, Operations
Artist and Venues, Operations
Artist and Venues, Operations
Artist and Venues, Operations

4.2.5 Adelaide Fringe will advocate for the provision of accessible drop off and pick up zones to Adelaide Fringe registered venues.
4.2.6 Adelaide Fringe will provide Adelaide Fringe registered venues with venue accessibility resources containing information on best practices and legislative practices in Australia.
4.3 Adelaide Fringe will lead by example to all Adelaide Fringe stakeholders.
Artist and Venues, Operations
Artist and Venues, Operations
Adelaide Fringe Inc.

To acknowledge and support intersectional communities with a disability in a culturally sensitive manner to engage in all aspects of Adelaide Fringe.
5.1 Adelaide Fringe will work by combining the objectives of the Reconciliation Action Plan, UN Global Goals Action Plan and Disability Access and Inclusion Plan.
5.2 Adelaide Fringe will employ a minimum of one person who’s role it is to work within the Diversity and Inclusion space.
5.3 Adelaide Fringe will actively form relationships with community organisations and groups from within intersectional communities.
5.4 Adelaide Fringe will engage in cultural training for staff which focuses around intersectional communities.
5.5 Adelaide Fringe will prioritise engaging First Nations Auslan Interpreters for cultural events.
5.5.1 When engaging a non First Nations interpreter for cultural events Adelaide Fringe will prioritise engaging an Auslan Interpreter with the relevant cultural training.
Operations Ongoing
Operations Ongoing
Operations Ongoing
Operations Ongoing
Operations Ongoing
Operations Ongoing
Respectfully operating on Kaurna Land