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Contents and Disability Pride Flag Icon
The purpose of the Adelaide Fringe Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) is to encourage, recognise and promote an active commitment to eliminating disability discrimination and to promote the recognition of the rights of people with disability within the Fringe ecosystem.
The plan details how Fringe will make workplaces, services and products accessible and inclusive to people with disability wherever possible. It will also inform the Fringe audience and participants about the importance Adelaide Fringe places on diversity and inclusion.
Adelaide Fringe is committed to continually addressing systemic barriers that people with a disability* and their support networks face. *Adelaide Fringe uses person-first language throughout this guide. We recognise and respect each individual’s choice of language.
Our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan identifies five objectives that Adelaide Fringe will achieve to improve access and inclusion for our festival and our workforce. This plan encompasses Adelaide Fringe’s ongoing commitment to being accessible and inclusive, and hopes to reduce and eliminate barriers to ensure equity and access for all.

To achieve and maintain a culture of accessibility and inclusiveness in line with best practices, and continue to strive for excellence as an equal opportunity employer.
1.1 Adelaide Fringe will engage a consultant on an ongoing term to lead and facilitate the Adelaide Fringe Access Program and the Adelaide Fringe Disability Inclusion Action Plan.
Operations Ongoing
1.2 Adelaide Fringe will promote the Adelaide Fringe Disability Inclusion Action Plan and update staff regularly on outcomes and achievements.
Marketing, the Access and Inclusion Committee
1.3 Adelaide Fringe will provide Disability Awareness Training for all Adelaide Fringe permanent and short term contracted staff.
1.3.1 Adelaide Fringe will build an introduction to Disability Awareness Training into the Adelaide Fringe Staff onboarding procedure. Operations Review quarterly
Operations Fringe 2023