Brand Identity Guidelines
CONTENTS Introduction Welcome! What is Citizen Kid?
Logo Specifications Anatomy Tagline Variations Incorrect Use
Typography Primary Secondary
Colours Citizen Kid Pallet Conversions
Web Use Logo, Type, Colour
Print Materials Stationery Package
INTRODUCTION Welcome! Welcome to your Identity Guidelines for Citizen Kid! This booklet will explain the details of your brand architecture and to provide you with a better understanding of your new corporate identity. Your brand is much more than just your company logo. It is a collective unity of elements that work together to create more than the sum of its parts. Using these guidelines to help you apply your brand in a consistent manner will ensure that your brand grows into a strong and effective identity that your clients will easily recognize and remember. These guidelines include all aspects of your brand including logo art, word mark, tagline, typography, and colour. If you are unsure of any aspect of your brand or would like some clarification, don’t hesitate to call us! Your passion, it’s our business.
What is Citizen Kid?
Citizen Kid is a toy store unlike any other! It is a great alternative to the usual big-box store. Citizen Kid understands parents’ concern for the community their children live in, and the environment they will inherit. Citizen Kid is committed to improving the quality of today’s world for the benefit of tomorrow’s children. Above all things, Citizen Kid is fun, safe, unique, trendy, environmentally friendly and committed to helping the community. At Citizen Kid, we not only provide top quality unique children’s toys, but excellent service and the pride in knowing that you have helped make the world a better place for all children.
LOGO SPECIFICATIONS Anatomy The original artwork used in the logo was specifically created
by breaking up the monotony with colourful and playful dots,
for the Citizen Kid brand. The Three Icons: Person, House,
as well as highlighting the child-like innocence of the brand
Tree symbolize the three “building blocks” of Citizen Kid: kids,
aspect. The
community, and earth. The icons were created to be friendly
dots above the “i”s are there to introduce colour into the word
and familiar, reminiscent of the toys of a child. They resemble
mark and help break the monotony, making the word mark
building blocks, which are not only classic children’s toys, but
easier to read, helping it stand out from the background, and
also indicate the importance of growing, learning, and building.
creating a memorable and lasting image of the brand.
They have been placed above the middle of “Citizen Kid” to highlight their importance.
green dot between the words and the orange
This logo was specifically created so that once the brand is well established, the icons can be separated from the word
The Wordmark is an important and integral part of the brand.
mark. This is so that the icons can be used individually or
The font Haettenschweiler has been slightly modified by
separately as identifying markers on brochures, packaging,
manually curving the edges to give it a more playful and childfriendly feeling. The “i”s have been changed to lower case so the logo is “mixed case” making it pleasant for the eye to read
and the web site. The word mark is strong enough to stand on its own, but when using the icons, always be sure the word mark can be found in the document.
LOGO SPECIFICATIONS Tagline The tagline comes from the three “building blocks” of Citizen
Community: The second word of the tagline is broading the
Kid: kids, community, earth. These are the values of the brand
scope of Citizen Kid. The first word of the tagline is about
in a specific order. It is set in Helvetica Neue Light with the “i”s
the individual, but Citizen Kid believes that it takes a village
and periods modified to be rounded circles. It is not necessary
to raise a child. Citizen Kid wants the community to be a
to modify the tagline when used outside of the logo. It has
safe place to raise a child, and that is why it is included in
been placed below the middle of “Citizen Kid” to “ground” the
the tagline. The words is green because bringing together
brand in its own values.
communities promotes positive and healthy environments for
Kids: That is what Citizen Kid is all about! The store is dedicated to the idea of childhood and letting children enjoy
children and families. Earth: The earth is made of up many communities. Citizen
their early years through playthings and imagination. Citizen
Kid recognizes its responsilbility that we all have as stewards
Kid is first about kids. It even says it in the name! The word
of the earth. This represents their commitment to being an
has been made orange because that is the colour of the head
ecofriendly brand and serves as a reminder that we are all part
of the person in the logo and it is the brightest colour in the
of the human family. Brown was chosen to reinforce the warm
brand and stands out first.
embrace of the mother nature and all that her soil provides.
LOGO SPECIFICATIONS Variations Your corporate identity should always be applied in a consistent manner to be effective and help clients recognize the brand instantly and without confusion. Following these specifications will help you make sure that your identity is always consistent, effective, and memorable. The logo must not be distorted in any way. This includes slanting,
Although the logo can be reproduced in the minimum size shown
skewing, stretching, or warping. This logo was created so that the
on the next page, always ensure that legibility and colour remain
icons can be separated from the word mark, however this must
be done with caution to protect the integrity of the brand. Please consult us if you are unsure of the logo use. The logo should never be reproduced with a transparency, screen, or tint. And should not be used on a busy background where legibility is compromised. Only use official Citizen Kid colours when reproducing the logo. The one colour logos may only be reproduced in the colours shown The weight, size or font of the typeface used in the logo may not be substituted or altered.
The logo should always have the appropriate white space around it as indicated on next page. The logo must always appear level to the edges of the art box and should not be tilted, rotated, or mirrored. When using an art box of irregular shape, please use discretion as to how the art work will be held and keep the logo level with the ground. In all instances, use discretion to make sure that logo application is always consistent with the brand and identity of Citizen Kid.
The size of the in the logo is equal to the amount of white space required around the logo.
Reversed Logo on Black
Minimum size = 1.5”
One Colour Logo in Pantone® 633 C*
One Colour Logo in Pantone® 376 C*
Grayscale Logo
LOGO SPECIFICATIONS Incorrect Use One of the most important aspect of the brand integrity depends on the consistent application of the logo. Here are some examples of improper uses of the logo. Although some of these might seem like only a small change has been made, the effect on the brand can be huge.
Logo is too small Although the logo and word mark can be separated, this is not considered the “logo�, the icons must appear above the word mark.
Logo should be changed to white (reversed) when used on black.
The brand colours have been switched around.
The logo has been skewed (stretched).
The colour has been changed to a non-brand colour.
The font has been changed.
The logo has been placed on a busy background where legibility is compromised
The logo has been screened (transparency has been used)
TYPOGRAPHY Primary Font The primary font for Citizen Kid is
Haettenschweiler used in only
Regular weight. This font was chosen because it is a sans-serif that is not overly casual but still playful and is truly unique. The font in the logo has been specifically modified to better reflect the unique aspect of the brand. The square dots on the “i”s have been replaced with round dots, and the font’s edges have been curved by hand. It is not necessary to replace the dots of the “i”s or curve the edges in any other use of Haettenschweiler. This font is to be used only in print, as it is not web-safe. It should be applied to headers, sub-headers, and other leading lines of copy up to 3 sentences long, and above 12pt size.
Ha ettenschweil er – Regular ABC D EFG HIJ KLM N O PQ RS TUVWXYZ a bcdef ghijkl mno pqrstuvw xy z 1234567890 !?@ #$%^~ &*( ) _ + = { } []: ; <>, .
Secondary Font The secondary font for Citizen Kid is Helvetica Neue used in all weights and styles. This font was chosen for several reasons: It comes in a variety of typefaces, is easy to read, and is consistent with the brand. Helvetica Neue is a well developed font and has a
Helvetica Neue Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ~!?@#$%^&*()_+={}[]:;<>,. Helvetica Neue Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ~!?@#$%^&*()_+={}[]:;<>,.
very extended family that includes Ultra Light, Light, Regular, and Bold, as well as Italics for each family. This variety is important because it allows for lots of creative freedom for visual interest in the copy. The font is well balanced, properly kerned, and has the feel of a serif with the cleanliness of a sans serif. This makes it easy on the
Helvetica Neue Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ~!?@#$%^&*()_+={}[]:;<>,.
eyes and a pleasure to read in large blocks of copy. Helvetica Neue is clean, simple, fun, and familiar, which are all important aspects of the brand. It should be applied to all body copy over 3 sentences long and under 12pt size. It can also be used in subheads, decks, and bylines in place of Haettenschweiler.
Helvetica Neue Italic Regular (also in Light and Bold) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ~!?@#$%^&*()_+={}[]:;<>,.
COLOURS Citizen Kid Pallet The colour pallet chosen for Citizen Kid is indicated on the next page. The colours were chosen because they are playful, bright, and fresh, and reflect the organic elements of the brand; the secondary colours are bright, and playful. All together the colours create a sense of playfulness that is a unique take on the traditional primary colours.
Pantone 633 C* is Citizen Kidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dominant colour because it is used
Pantone 179 C* this Pantone combines the energy of red and the
heavily in the word mark. This blue Pantone was selected for its
happiness of yellow. Orange is associated with joy and sunshine.
tranquil and calming qualities. It is commonly associated with open
Orange represents enthusiasm, and optimism, and is a stimulating
skies and clean waters reflecting the eco-friendly nature of the brand.
colour, generating excitement and making the brand memorable.
Pantone 376 C* was chosen because it represents creativity and
Pantone 1545 C* is only used in the icons but is still very crucial to
intelligence. It is most commonly associated with growth, new
the brand. Brown represents wholesomeness and earthiness of the
beginnings and nature (as in green grass and green trees). Green is
brand. It is considered a friendly and dependable colour that is less
the most restful colour for the human eye and is usually considered
stark or demanding than black. When brown is used with blue and
gender neutral.
green, the real eco-friendly nature of the brand shines through.
*The colours identified are approximate. Use a PantoneÂŽ swatch guide for accurate colour match.
COLOURS Conversions Not all mediums will use colour in the same way. For a colour
All conversions are listed on the following page next to the
to look consistent through all mediums, including print and
corresponding colours.
web, it must be converted to the appropriate colour mode for that medium. When printing the colours, it is very important to always use the Pantone Matching System* and original Pantone swatches. However, when Pantones cannot be used, the proper CMYK conversions must be used for the colours to match the original Pantone swatch so that there is consistency through brand applications in all mediums. For web and other screen-based mediums like television, the appropriate colour mode is RGB, and only specified RGB conversion may be used in order to match the Pantone swatches.
PANTONE 633 C PANTONE 633 U C=100 M=0 Y=10 K=25 R=0 G=127 B=153 HEX# 007F99
PANTONE 179 C PANTONE 1791 U C=0 M=79 Y=100 K=0 R=226 G=61 B=40 HEX# E23D28
PANTONE 376 C PANTONE 376 U C=50 M=0 Y=100 K=0 R=127 G=186 B=127 HEX# 7FBA00
PANTONE 1545 C PANTONE 1545 U C=0 M=53 Y=100 K=72 R=71 G=34 B=0 HEX# 472200
*The colours identified are approximate. Use a Pantone速 swatch guide for accurate colour match.
WEB USE Logo, Type, Colour There are different rules for brand application on the web. Modifications include typography, colours, logo sizes and file types. Due to file size restrictions on the web, the following versions of the logo file may be used: JPEG (.jpg) and GIF (.gif). JPEG has a higher resolution and is preferred over GIF for quality reasons. On the web, the logo must be no smaller than 225 pixels by 98 pixels. As mentioned on page 10, Haettenschweiler is not a web-safe font. Replace it with Impact when typing out headlines, subheads and other type above 12 pts. Secondary typography is to remain the same and be no smaller than 6pt and no larger than 12pt. It must always maintain a reasonable leading (space between lines) of at least 1.5 points larger than the point size. Only RGB colour conversions are to be used as indicated on page 15.
Impact â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !?@#$%^~&*()_+={}[]:;<>,.
Best used in word processing programs (e.i. Microsoft Word or PowerPoint)
Best used in web sites and other online tools (i.e. newsletters, emails, etc)
Used in print work and professionally designed pieces (i.e. brochures, packaging, etc)
Used in print work and professionally designed pieces (i.e. brochures, packaging, etc)**
** These files cannot be opened without the proper desktop publishing software (i.e. Adobe Illustrator)
PRINT MATERIALS Stationery Package Your Stationery Package includes your business cards, your letterhead, and your envelopes, all custom designed to fit your brand. Please be sure to use your letterhead and envelopes when interacting with your customers. If you change your information, please contact us so we may update your business cards and stationery. â&#x20AC;˘ Re
a Ba mfor Ow dâ&#x20AC;˘ cca@ ner citize nkid. 188 ca Lo Ham cke Stre ilton, et So O uth 905. N. L8P 963. 1265 4B3 www .citiz enki rebe