Volume 3

Page 1

Campers’ News

September, Week 3

Resources for lesson plans: 1. Common Core Standards a. http://www.corestandards.org/thestandards 2. Kansas State Department of Education a. http://www.ksde.org/ 3. Read Write Think a. http://www.readwritethink.org/ 4. PBS Teachers a. http://www.pbs.org/teachers/ 5. Discovery Education a. http://www.discoveryeducation.com/t eachers/

Using technology in the classroom: 1. Quizlet a. www.quizlet.com 2. Quia a. www.quia.com 3. Glogster a. www.edu.glogster.com 4. Edmodo a. www.edmodo.com 5. Voice Thread a. www.voicethread.com 6. Shelfari a. www.shelfari.com 7. Animoto a. www.animoto.com

Social Bookmarking: If you have any Contact Information: Dr. Goodson tgoodson@ksu.edu 359 Bluemont Hall Office--785-532-5898

Amanda Graham adgraham@ksu.edu 347 Bluemont Hall Office--785-532-3597

resources that you’d like to share, find me on Delicious (amanda.graham)! http://www.delicious.com/amanda.graham

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