Adham Mughal A conversation research document

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A Conversation

What’s the most important conversation for today? I feel that the most important conversation of today is remembering the past and learning from our mistakes. For example the nuclear bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. This is a drastic example of learning from our mistakes, but this can be applied to all situations. This also can be related to the future because we can use our past mistakes to ensure a good future.

What’s the most important conversation for the future? The most important conversation for the future is the tasks we face to get to the things we want to achieve. For example I want to work at a game design company when I have finished university and to do so I will have to have several conversations with different individuals that work at that company and I will have to show my work and overcome the different obstacles that I am going to face.

Who will you speak to? My target audience will depend on what my idea is, I’ll decide on the target audience when I come to that stage in my idea generation. If I was to get a rough idea of what my target audience was I would say, I would want to target everyone to an extent because I would want people of all cultures, sexes and ages to understand what I create.

What is the message?

Who will your audience be?

I haven’t got a message just yet because I haven’t started my research and my idea generation yet. But if I was to convey a very vague message within my work it would be that “a Conversation” keeps us connected on so many levels that it would be stupid to ignore the simple fact that communicating keep us connected. I feel I could do so much with a broad message like that because I feel it could have a strong narrative and good impact.

I’m not sure at this moment in time what my target audience will be because I haven’t gone through the idea generation stage just yet. So when I do have an idea and a solid message I want to get across I will know what my target audience will be.

Where is the most important place for the conversation to take place? I feel that the best place for a conversation is some were that encourages the subject of the conversation because if you are in an environment that has a good and relaxed feel to it, it might make it easier to have a conversation. For example if you was at an aquarium you would most likely feel more comfortable talking about aquatic animals and the convocation would flow smoother.

How will the conversation be heard? At this point in time I cannot answer this question at this time, I will only be able to answer this question once I have gone through the research stage of the project and start bringing together my different ideas and think about what my target audience is going to be depending on what sort of idea I decide to go with in the end.


What are your aims? My aim for this project is to convey a good strong narrative that will help people realise how important convocations are. I would still like to use the idea of showing how conversation is an important aspect of our lives and how we are connect via conversations. Who will benefit? I feel it would benefit everyone because of how technology links us all together and how it makes communication and the transfer of information between individuals a lot simpler since it enhances our conversations. By this I mean how someone can create a hashtag like for example #HDA2015, any by using this hashtag everyone who types this hashtag into something like Instagram or twitter can see everyone else’s graphic/ art work that is at the university of Huddersfield, this also applies to Facebook groups as well how everyone in our class is linked by one and we can all communicate and ask for help thanks to social media linking us all together.

Online Games


Team speak Snapchat











Conversation Basic Mindmap

Telling off

Different Types of Conversation

Blogger Movement


Playing games

A Conversation



Social behavior





Applications (phones)


Social networks





Comments on articles Forums

Press conferences



Who? Teacher

Work Collegues

A confrontation

Online Friends

What is Human conversation? Conversation is a type of communication between two or more people depending on what the situation is. It normally occurs in spoken communication, as written exchanges are usually not referred to as conversations. The development of conversational skills and etiquette is an important part of socializing. The development of conversational skills in a new language is a frequent focus of language teaching and learning. One element of conversation is discussing something where you are sharing opinions on subjects that are thought of during the conversation. In a polite society the subject changes before discussion becomes dispute.

different kinds and types of conversations. Here are a few different common conversation types that are used by everyone. The first one is Dialogue where two people are talking to understand each other, and to create shared meaning, normally so that solutions to problems will be acceptable to both people. Another type of conversation is a debate, this is when two people intentionally taking opposite’s sides for the purposes of stimulating discussion and thought. Arguments are another type of conversation, an argument is when two people taking opposite sides for the purpose of winning, and causing the other person, or an audience, to support their position.

My opinion on what conversation is that we all do it and we all need it to stay sane. I feel that conversation is a very important life because if we didn’t have conversations we wouldn’t be human in my opinion.

What type of Human conversations are they? When people talk, they don’t normally think about what they are trying to achieve, the kind of conversation they want, and think about what the other person is seeing and hearing. But the truth is there are

Human Conversation General Research

References: 6f353fadb4d7/1383607880581/Group-Of-Happy-Young-Friends-E-48108908.jpg Double.jpg

What is Human interation? Human Interaction is anything from looking at someone to actually touching and talking to them, I feel that interaction is a very important aspect of our society today and always has been. Human Interaction in our era is becoming more and more technologically focused due to the fact of our society being technologically bound, by this I mean how now we even have smart watches that are like mobile phones but strapped to our wrists which connects us to technology on a very physical level that has never happened before.

projected by the person, by this I mean how you can tell how someone is feeling by their; facial expressions, body language and tone of voice which can be directly linked into emotion its self. An example of emotion affecting a conversation is how someone’s voice is affected when they are upset because of how their voice changes in tone and becomes abnormal.

What type of Human interactions are they? There are many different types of Human Interaction ranging from fighting with someone to sympathizing with someone, these Human Interaction are part of our society and always has been. We mainly detect the three types of Human Interaction by our five senses; Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight and Hearing. When our brain processes all of our senses it comes to a conclusion of what scenario we are in whether it is a positive or negative or even a normal casual situation. Human Interaction is also mainly dictated by the amount or combination of emotions that are being

Human Interaction General Research

References: AAAAAAABMRA/1sw1QFJABGI/s1600/Bare+fist+fightingVenda.+%C2%A9James+Oatway+.jpg

What is emotions in conversation?


Emotion in conversation is when different emotions affect a conversation, all type of emotions can be conveyed through conversations such as; sympathy, anger and sadness.

These emotions are all necessary for conversation to be unique, spontaneous and remotely interesting; all these emotions and our senses when put together are what make us human and define our personality.

For example someone who is happy will show the symptoms by smiling and have an upbeat tone to their voice and will promote enthusiasm within the subject. Another example is someone who is sad or unhappy who would show emotion through either crying or the tone of their voice being low and breaking up as they have the conversation.

Due to technology becoming more and more popular some people have started to have trouble projecting their emotions in conversation since they are so used to using “emoticons” to show their emotions in text messages which has then led to them struggle to show them and talk about them in real life conversations.

What different emotions are portrayed during conversations? There are a whole range of different emotions that are conveyed through a conversation some of these are: Happiness Anger Sadness Sympathetic Empathetic

Emotions In Conversation General Research

References: emotive3.jpg

What technolygy is used during conversations? In this day and age conversations are usually through some kind of technology which is not always a bad thing because technology was created to enhance the way we live, it is good thing.

because some people might become too comfy with talking through technology and it will make them uncomfortable in social situations which could lead complications in the future.

This connects everyone from around the world together, without technology we would be a very disconnected race and our society wouldn’t be as advanced since other nations wouldn’t have access to different knowledge. But unfortunately some people are taking this use of technology too far in their lives and are getting used to using a phone or computer to talk to someone instead of actually having a conversation in person, which isn’t exactly a bad thing but it is unhealthy and not good for you to be sat in front of a computer screen all the time. In this era being social is a key part to our society and life, which some people are missing out on because of their use of technology. For example people are using Social Medias such as: Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat to communicate instead of actually going to see them in person and have a conversation in real life and not in their virtual world. This could lead to complications further in their life

Conversation Technology General Research

References: communication-technology-computer-conversation.jpg

What social media has to offer for human conversations? Social Medias that we can access through our different pieces of technologies that we have at our disposal have some positive and negative effects which makes parts of our lives easier and some difficult, for example some positives of technology are that we can access information pretty much anywhere and whenever we need it thanks to the internet. On the other hand this could be a bad thing because people’s privacy could be at risk and the information that they store on the internet and the cloud could be accessed without their permission.

• • • • • •

Snapchat Whatsapp Kik Messanger YouTube Vimeo Skype

These are the helpful ones but if they are used too much and take up too much someone’s daily life their helpfulness can turn into a problem, in my opinion use of Social Media in moderation is a good thing because it helps you meet new people and you can still have a conversation with someone in real life.

Due to the internet being broadcasted globally any information that is placed on the internet is pretty much impossible to remove which could lead to some pretty devastating news for people.

Examples of social media that helps us have conversations Here are some good examples of some helpful Social M edias are: • • • •

Facebook Pinterest Twitter Instagram

Social Media Conversation


General Research uploads/2014/04/social-media-conversation.jpg

What is it like having conversations with strangers ? There are certain situations in social aspect of life, typically encountered while traveling, which result in strangers sharing what would ordinarily be a close social space such as sitting together on a bus or airplane. In such situations strangers are likely to share intimate personal information they would not ordinarily share with strangers.

interest with the participant. I feel that small talk is also quite common in technology because when you are texting someone you don’t talk too much, you try to create small talk with them to try get a conversation flowing.

A special case would be when one of the travellers is a mental health professional and the other person shares details of their personal life in the apparent hope of receiving help or advice. Most conversations between strangers are started with small talk, which is an informal type of conversation that does not cover any functional topics of conversation or any transactions that need to be addressed. Furthermore small talk is a conversation for its own sake. The phenomenon of small talk was initially studied in 1923 by Bronisaw Malinowski, who coined the term “phatic communication” to describe it. The ability to conduct small talk is a social skill; hence, small talk is some type of social communication. Early publications assume networked work positions as suitable for social communication. I feel that without small talk people wouldn’t be able to have an easy flowing conversations with strangers and I also feel that small talk creates a good starting point with a conversation until you find a common

Strangers And conversation General Research

References: tommyhirota/20150815/20150815131943.jpg girl-phone-browsing.jpg

What is it like when having conversations with strangers through technology? From a very young age, we are repeatedly told not to talk to strangers. We are told that we are not supposed to talk to strangers because they could be bad people. But online strangers are everywhere and we can’t really avoid them because the majority of people have access to the internet including the bad people online. Unfortunately, the price that we pay for safety from these bad people is that children grow up suspicious of others and their motives. We tend to have a “fear” of strangers.

There are many websites and apps that connects us to strangers through the internet. Websites like Omegle are very popular for people to go convers with random strangers online because it connects people instantly with them through video chat and normal text chat. There is a new app called “Flinch” which is more of a game that connects you with strangers around the world through video chat. I feel that websites and apps that connects people together are really good because then you get to meet new people around the world and learn what there life is like etc.

The vast majority of people out there are not sociopaths. In fact, most people are quite friendly but what once protected us from bad people online and in real life is now preventing us from establishing new relationships with good people. I feel that most of us understand this on an intellectual level. But you miss out on a lot by closing ourselves off to new people like this. Instead, we start should actively assume that people in general are friendly. This is an especially good assumption to make because it is actually true online and in real life.

Strangers With Technology General Research


http://images.rapgenius. com/0b32e22845078d8678c41ce553a37c68.500x286x1.png

What is Communicating through Graphics ? Graphic communication is communication using graphic elements. These elements include symbols such as glyphs and icons, images such as drawings and photographs, and can include the passive contributions of substrate, colour and surroundings. It is the process of creating, producing, and distributing material incorporating words and images to convey data, concepts, and emotions. I feel that if I’m going to get a good message across through my work on this project I need to make sure that it communicates it really well. For example if I was to create a campaign of posters I would want them to be really easy for people in my target audience to understand the message im trying to get across.

Communication Graphics General Research

References: b6/1b87b6f6b291426465d6305d17c3a24e.jpg d5/29d1d514963ddd23bf17903b950249fc.jpg graphic-design-halifax-fontastic-2.jpg

Idea Generation

“Talking to strangers” is the name of another Idea I have for my conversation project. This idea is all about getting more and more people getting to know strangers and reaching out to people who you may not usually convers with. This could be through technology or in person. I would try to get this message across through different types of media ranging form animation to informational posters.

For my first Idea I wanted to show what goes on in our brains when we having a conversation and show the similarities between how our brains work a how cyber space works. For example neuron receptors are very similar to a simply information representation flowing through cyber space would look like.

Brain Activity

Talking to strangers

Ideas Generation

Emoji’s Another idea I have for my conversation project is one based around how express emotions through text messages and how we have to use emoji’s to express our real emotions. I would like to explore all the different emotions people go through when they are having conversation through texting and other messaging services that provide emoji’s.

The Flow Of Conversation For this idea I would like to analyse the different types of conversations, mainly the flow of the conversation between people within a day to day basis. I would like this idea to be based around technology, in the way that people have different types of conversation through technology. For example when people text each other when they are happy, sad and angry ect.

Idea Mindmap Basic Mindmap

Another idea for my conversation project is to have the message of having everyone connected through technology and encourage people to do so. I feel that having the main focus of my project around being connected will be a good idea because I feel that this strong message can be easily portrayed through different forms media. I also feel that this message would be really easy to relate to and would be a positive message to get across to the people of today.

Stay Connected Sound Of Conversation The sound of conversation idea came to me during a lecture about Jay’s life and what work he has produced, the idea stemmed from one of his animations he created which was based on sounds and it had different sound waves sown through lines and colour. For my idea I would like to get across the different types of conversations in some form of medium. I would also like to show the different volumes and sounds people make when they are having different types of conversation based on different subjects.

Who is Duncan Beedie ?

What will I take from his work

Duncan Beedie is a freelance illustrator and animator based in Bristol, UK. He has been doodling and drawing since way back in the early 1980s, lying on his parent’s living room floor, grasping his felt tip in his clammy little fist.

I really like Duncan Beedie’s work ranging from his simplistic 2D animations to his awesome semi detailed illustrations. I feel if I was to go down the route of an animation with my project I would like to try and make a 2D animation because I haven’t done a project using different 2D animation techniques.

He is represented for illustration work by Illustration Ltd and have so far been commissioned to illustrate for Square Mile magazine, Computer Arts, RCSLT Bulletin, Scholastic, OUP and a compendium of bawdy poetry by W J Burkland. He has recently illustrated a children’s book by Alex English entitled ‘Pirates Don’t Drive Diggers’ (pub. Maverick Arts Books, May 2015) and presently has three of my own children’s titles in development with Templar Books.

I feel that Duncan has a really good way of animating 2D illustrations in a good flowing way, I would want my animation to be to this standard, if I was to create an animation.

Duncan has worked in animation on a diverse series of projects for TV and web, including satirical sketches for BBC Three, segments for children’s TV shows and websites and TV commercials to name a few. Clients include CBBC, Penguin, Aardman Animations, Brothers McLeod and Sun & Moon Studios. haven’t done a project using different 2D animation techniques. I feel that Duncan has a really good way of animating 2D illustrations in a good flowing way, I would want my animation to be to this standard, if I was to create an animation.

Duncan Beedie Animation Artist Research


Who is Alexander Koshelkov? Alexander Koshelkov is a creative Graphic Designer, has 9 years of experience in Graphics and Web Designing. Expertise in providing effective on-line and print solutions for small businesses. Graphic artist. Conceptual thinker possessing high work ethics and standards. He has created advertising posters, stands, panels, banners, business card and other printing products. Has experience creating graphic designs for software developers for such devices as iPad and iPhone. Alex displays his prowess by creating user-friendly yet attractive site designs that serve their respective audiences well. With an ultramodern look and feel, he also exhibits a restrains that contrasts with his often bold use of colour. His design appears innately classical rather a trendy and faddish.

What will I take from his work If I was to create a poster I would like them to be to the standard of Alexanders Photoshop manipulations and poster designs. I feel if I was to create a poster to his standard, it will be to a professional level.

Alexander Koshelkov Photo Manipulation Artist research

References: kind__by_koshelkov-d76qy0e.jpg

Who is Mark Oliver?

What will I take from his work

After many years spent working in advertising, where he ended up as head of art at Alliance International, Mark Oliver decided that he was a creator rather than a capitalist and became a freelance illustrator. Throughout his time in advertising, he not only learned what art directors and clients need from illustrators, but enjoyed working with a range of talented artists and admired their work. Occasionally, he’d take the opportunity to illustrate his own ads.

I really like the style of Marks illustration work because I feel it has a unique style and technique to it. If I was design a poster I would like to explore this style of illustration because I feel it would be a good change to the normal posters I create and will broaden my knowledge on this style of illustration.

For more than 20 years now, he’s been working as a freelance illustrator with commissions from some of the world’s biggest brands and the top names in publishing. Now settled in Worthing on the South Coast, he continues to develop his style and relishes new projects. In addition to his distinctive illustration work, he enjoys creating Litter Bugs – insects made from found objects. As a consequence, you might find him in a flea market or at a car boot sale looking for items to upcycle.

I also really like the texture and bright colour he uses in his work because it would look really eye catching on the street or on a billboard.

His inspiration comes from Raymond Loewy, Herge and Eduardo Paolozzi, as well as sitting in his garden observing how water droplets sit so delicately on velvety leaves the morning after a heavy dew.

Mark Oliver

Illustration Artist research


Idea One: Stay Connected

For one of my main ideas for my conversation project is to have the message of having everyone connected through technology and encourage people to do so. I feel that having the main focus of my project around being connected will be a good idea because I feel that this strong message can be easily portrayed through different forms media. I also feel that this message would be really easy to relate to and would be a positive message to get across to the people of today. I really like this idea because I will enjoy creating a medium to portray the message I want to get across within this idea. If I was to decide on how I would like to present my message, I would want to present it through an illustrated campaign of posters. I feel that this would give me a lot of freedom in terms of experimentation and artist styles of work I can explore. I really would like to encourage people to stay connected with there friends on a global level and I feel I could achieve this with a good looking campaign of posters.

Idea Two: The sound of Conversation

The “sound of conversation” idea came to me during a lecture about Jay’s life and what work he has produced, the idea stemmed from one of his animations he created which was based on sounds and it had different sound waves sown through lines and colour. For my idea I would like to get across the different types of conversations in some form of medium. I would also like to show the different volumes and sounds people make when they are having different types of conversation based on different subjects. I chose this for one of my main ideas because I feel it has a very unique message and has potential to be an awesome piece of work. I could explore different types of conversation for example; arguments, friendly and educational conversation. I could implement the different sound waves created by each type of conversation and somehow present them in a form of animation or other media output. I feel that this idea has potential to be a really effect piece of work, but at the same time I’m not sure I will answer the brief as much as my other main idea.

Two Main Ideas Chosen Ideas

References: photoxpress_22398831.jpg

Stay Connected

What I would Like To Do

I feel that having the main focus of my project around being connected will be a good idea because I feel that this strong message can be easily portrayed through different forms media.

I would like to design posters for this idea because I feel a strong yet visually appealing range of awareness poster would look good in an interesting style.

I also feel that this message would be really easy to relate to and would be a positive message to get across to the people of today. I really like this idea because I will enjoy creating a medium to portray the message I want to get across within this idea.

I would like to design three posters all with the same message (Stay Connected) but with different examples of people staying connected. I would like the posters have the same style and look like a good campaign together as a whole piece.

If I was to decide on how I would like to present my message, I would want to present it through an illustrated campaign of posters. I feel that this would give me a lot of freedom in terms of experimentation and artist styles of work I can explore. I really would like to encourage people to stay connected with their friends on a global level and I feel I could achieve this with a good looking campaign of posters. This Idea is my favourite one out of all my others because I feel that it has the strongest message and has an interesting, broad narrative what I can expand on through the development of my project.

Stay Connected Idea Development

References: AAAAAAAABBk/TYZnmI9C2vI/s1600/GlobePeopleComputers[1]. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg. com/736x/5b/90/88/5b9088621c71bb7560f02a34fb3e429e.jpg

The Sound Of Conversation. For my idea I would like to get across the different types of conversations in some form of medium. I would also like to show the different volumes and sounds people make when they are having different types of conversation based on different subjects. I chose this for one of my main ideas because I feel it has a very unique message and has potential to be an awesome piece of work. I could explore different types of conversation for example; arguments, friendly and educational conversation. I could implement the different sound waves created by each type of conversation and somehow present them in a form of animation or other media output. I feel that this idea has potential to be a really effect piece of work, but at the same time I’m not sure I will answer the brief as much as my other main idea.

What I would like to do and why I feel it is not as good as my “Stay Connected” Idea. I feel that if I was to produce my idea and develop it I would really like to have a simplistic animation based on the sound waves created by people’s different tones of voice when having different types of conversation. I would like to experiment with different colours to portray different emotions well in a conversation. I feel that this idea is good but I also think I should go with the poster idea on the previous page because I want to do some graphic design and experiment with different art styles. Another reason why I feel that this is idea isn’t as good as my other one is that I don’t feel that it answers the brief.

The Sound Of Conversation Idea Development

References: People/PeopleT-Jack_kra-8677/PeopleT-Jack_kra-8677.png waves-sound-oscilloscope-1680x1050-wallpaper_wwwwall321-com_96.jpg

Stay Connected

What I would Like To Do

I feel that having the main focus of my project around being connected will be a good idea because I feel that this strong message can be easily portrayed through different forms media.

I would like to design posters for this idea because I feel a strong yet visually appealing range of awareness poster would look good in an interesting style.

I also feel that this message would be really easy to relate to and would be a positive message to get across to the people of today. I really like this idea because I will enjoy creating a medium to portray the message I want to get across within this idea.

I would like to design three posters all with the same message (Stay Connected) but with different examples of people staying connected. I would like the posters have the same style and look like a good campaign together as a whole piece.

If I was to decide on how I would like to present my message, I would want to present it through an illustrated campaign of posters. I feel that this would give me a lot of freedom in terms of experimentation and artist styles of work I can explore.

When I do make these three posters I want them to have the same basic message of staying connected with each other through technology. For my main poster that will be centred if I was to present it will be based on an image of earth with lots of connecting lines around it to get across the connection between people.

I really would like to encourage people to stay connected with their friends on a global level and I feel I could achieve this with a good looking campaign of posters. This Idea is my favourite one out of all my others because I feel that it has the strongest message and has an interesting, broad narrative what I can expand on through the development of my project.

Another poster idea will be based on a public place and will show via some kind of line work how people are connected to each other by phones. For my final poster I would like to high light the social networking side of technology and how it keeps us connected on many levels.

Stay Connected Chosen Idea

References: connected-globe.jpg

Poster Opinions We’re Connected Poster:

I feel that this poster is quite interesting because I like the style of it, in terms of having a realistic illustration of the earth and a helmet on it, at the same time it has quite a simplistic feel to it by having a blank background. I would like to experiment with the same style of this poster because I feel that it could complement my idea and would look visually appealing.

Taxi Driver:

I really like the two tone design of this poster because I feel that it stands out from the crowd from all the other boring posters out there. I wouldn’t mind doing an experimentation piece using this type of graphics and I would like to experiment with different textures.

Redesign the WEB redesign the WORLD:

This poster has a good unique style to it in my opinion because I feel that the illustrated style of the poster makes the poster look really good. I really like how some aspects of the poster looks 3D and kind of looks like it has been made in cinema 4D. I would like to explore that kind of style in my experimentation part of my project.

After This Comes That:

I really like the use of contrasting colour in this poster because I feel that the two colours opposite end of the spectrum works really well with each other. I also like the type placement of this poster because it’s really easy to read at a first glance. I like the use of texture in the poster because I feel it gives it more of a depth.

Montreal meets:

I like the use of colour in this poster because I think it gives it life and makes it more appealing. I like some of the shapes used in the illustration of this poster and how they are silhouetted with the background.

Poster Research Idea Reseach

References: png?w=512&h=777 RafalTomal-RedesignTheWeb_prev.jpg uploads/2010/07/poster-designs-22.jpg uploads/2012/12/cool-poster-designs-15.jpg

Poster Opinions Lisa Randall:

This one of my most interesting posters this page because I feel the way it incorporates the ripped paper in the poster is quite unique and graphically appealing. I would like to experiment with this effect on my poster by taking picture of punctured paper and edit it in the poster.

Monsters Inc:

I find that this poster has a really good colour scheme and has a fun graphical style, I feel that this poster idea is really cool because it isn’t just a snap shot of the film then put onto a page, this has its own style. I would like to have my own style of graphics run throughout my campaign of posters.


I really like the concept art style that is used in this poster because it is a personal interest of mine and I would like to be a concept artist one day. I will be experimenting with this style just to see how it turns out looking on a poster of my own.


This is a good example of a minimalistic poster design because it has all the elements of minimalistic design ranging from the three colours used in it and the simple shape of the main character in the featured film poster. I will be experimenting with this style of graphics with my own design twists implemented into it.


Another good example of a poster that highlights the key part of the poster by the use of the colour of the key element and the use of a blank background. I like the graphical imagery used in the Brazilian country because I feel that it has many elements to it in terms of colour and texture.

Poster Research Idea Reseach

References: uploads/2011/10/monsters-inc-poster-design.jpg com/2479c2a26480d88335bf63441decbba0/tumblr_ n28a9bRKhQ1sndzdgo7_1280.jpg uploads/2010/10/anchorman-movie-poster-dress-thepart-260x342.jpg

Why do I like concept art?

Concept art is a form of illustration used to convey an idea for use in (but not limited to) films, video games, animation, or comic books before it is put into the final product. Concept art is also referred to as visual development and/or concept design. This term can also be applied to retail, set, fashion, architectural and industrial design.

Concept art is my favourite type of graphical art because I’ve always wanted to be a concept artist and always wanted to do it for a living. I feel that it is a really good style of graphics because it can be used in so many different ways and looks really cool in my opinion. I will be experimenting with this style of concept art with my poster designs. I will be attempting these experiments on my graphics tablet to see if I would use it in my final poster.

What different styles are their?


What is concept art?

Concept art ranges from the stylized to the photorealistic. This is facilitated by the use of special software by which an artist is able to fill in even small details pixel by pixel, or utilise the natural paint settings to imitate real paint. When commissioning work, a company will often require a large amount of preliminary work to be produced. Artists working on a project often produce a large turnover in the early stages to provide a broad range of interpretations, most of this being in the form of sketches, speed paints, and 3D overpaints. Later pieces of concept art, like matte paintings, are produced as realistically as required.

Concept Art Graphic Style

References: uploads/2013/06/130612_ES_AfterEarth_01.jpg Monsters-University-Concept-Art.jpg/revision/ latest?cb=20120621173202 by_teentitanraven-d6400dt.png

What is Minimalist Graphic Design? Minimalism describes a style which is distinguished by the severity of clarity, means and form as well as the simplicity in structure and texture. It is the art of expressing a complex topic with few simple objects or geometric figures and the elimination of forms and elements that are not necessarily needed. In history minimalism is known as a movement primarily ruling in the 1960s and the early 1970s in diverse forms of art and design such as visual art, music, architecture, literature and many more. It is influenced by Modernism and said to be the counterpart of Abstract expressionism.

Minimalist composition?

Why would I like to explore Minimalist Graphic Design? I really like the way minimalist graphic design looks and can have such a strong message that can be gotten across through simple shapes and typography. I feel that minimalist graphic design stands out a lot to me because it is just so clever how you can achieve such a good design by stripping back a lot of an original design. I would like to experiment with minimalist graphic design in my own work for my project on my posters because I feel I can benefit from exploring different types of graphic design and seeing if the minimalist style would work for my designs.

In design a minimalist artwork is easy to describe but difficult to make. It consists of a plain-coloured background and one element in the centre of attention sometimes accompanied by a word or a short term. The challenge is to find this one element that describes the situation or topic fully, correctly and clearly so that the message is delivered understandable. It basically is a question of cleverness to find that one element to summarise a whole movement, movie or whatever else.

Minimalistic Graphic Style

References: minimalist-graphic-design-posters-movie03.jpg minimalist-grpahic-design-posters-teaser-600x250.jpg

What is Photo manipulationphic graphic design? Photo manipulation is a process to transform a photograph into a desired image. There are currently many different software applications to choose from ranging from professional applications to basic imaging software for the casual user.

Types of digital photo manipulation In digital editing, photographs are usually taken with a digital camera and input directly into a computer. Transparencies, negatives or printed photographs may also be digitized using a scanner, or images may be obtained from stock photography databases. With the advent of computers, graphics tablets, and digital cameras, the term image editing encompasses everything that can be done to a photo, whether in a darkroom or on a computer. Photo manipulation is often much more explicit than subtle alterations to colour balance or contrast and may involve overlaying a head onto a different body or changing a sign’s text, for examples. Image editing software can be used to apply effects and warp an image until the desired result is achieved. The resulting image may have little or no resemblance to the photo (or photos in the case of compositing) from which it originated. Today, photo manipulation is widely accepted as an art form.

such as pack-shots (which could also be considered inherently technical retouching in regards to package dimensions and wrap-around factors). One of the most prominent disciplines in creative retouching is image compositing whereby the digital artist uses multiple photos to create a single image. Today, 3D computer graphics are used more and more to add extra elements or even locations and backgrounds. This kind of image composition is widely used when conventional photography would be technically too difficult or impossible to shoot on location or in studio.

Why would I like to explore photo manipulation ? Photo manipulation is one of my favourite types of graphic design because I feel that it can be very flexible in terms of industry and as art. I feel so comfortable with photo manipulation because I started of doing it on Photoshop when I first start with studying graphic design. I would like to experiment with type of graphic design because I would like to see what my posters would look like in a realistic photo rendition.

There are several subtypes of digital image-retouching: Technical retouching Manipulation for photo restoration or enhancement (adjusting colours / contrast / white balance (i.e. gradational retouching), sharpness, noise, removing elements or visible flaws on skin or materials) Creative retouching Used as an art form or for commercial use to create more sleek and interesting images for advertisements. Creative retouching could be manipulation for fashion, beauty or advertising photography

Photo Manipulation Graphic Style


Poster Opinions Ramones:

This has a good minimalist design with a bit more information than conventional minimalistic posters. I feel that the focal point of the poster is the simplistic vector graphic in filling the majority of the page and the type being at the bottom. I like the fact that the information is at the bottom of the page with the key part of the illustration is at the top.

The Best Clients:

I feel that this poster isn’t that appealing to me because I feel that the message in the graphic image is not clear visually because I feel that it is too distorted. I will have to make sure that my posters don’t get to complicated that they lose the message.

Be Abroad:

I really like the centred title of the poster because I feel that having the graphical image centred and aligned with the title looks good and works really well. I also like the black background that highlights the image used on this poster, but I feel that economically it wouldn’t be good Idea due to printing costs.

Work Like A Slave:

I find that this poster has a good use of creative typography and has a kind of a simplistic look but it has a graphical focus within it. I feel that I would like more of image based poster because I feel that it would be better to have the image convey the message and have little typography at the bottom of the poster.

Graphic Design 1:

I like how different this poster than all the others out there because I feel it is unique. I like the type placement because it’s more incorporated in the poster and I feel that I complements the highly graphical image.

Poster Layouts Poster Research

References: poster---best-designers.jpg poster_by_thedesolateone.jpg f/f/graphic_design_1_poster_by_mechatron2300d2e2d52.jpg

Poster Opinions International Year of Chemistry:

This poster is definitely a minimalist poster due to the two colours used and the very basic imagery used. I like the placement of the typography, I feel it really works with this poster and I like the minimalist look. I’m still not sure on the style of poster I want to create but I really like the look of this.

“An illustration”:

I find this an interesting poster because it is purely graphical and I feel that it’s a really good idea just for a visual stimulant, but for an actual poster that has a strong message I feel that it wouldn’t work for the kind of poster I want to create.


I really like the type placement in this poster because I feel it is so subtle but works really well with the simplistic imagery. I also feel that the colours used in this poster is really good as well because I like how it seems like there is more than four colours used in it due to the flow of the simplistic image.

Classical Influences:

This is another example of a unique layout for a poster due to its highly typographical focus throughout the poster itself. I don’t really like the style of the poster myself because I’ve experimented with that style before ad I wasn’t a fan.

Black Swan:

This poster has a stereo typical poster vibe to it due to the grainy filter over the illustration and type. I like the layout of the poster because it works with the illustration but I feel for my posters I want to design I won’t want it to look like a film poster.

Poster Layouts Poster Research

References: fb/2d96fb08f94ea5fbc172d8f6a5a60aac.jpg

a86290a18e5bd694a5a7fd72e9850c85.jpg 201348842d5f9970c-pi cmykness2.jpg


Stay connected basic layout: 1

Stay connected basic layout: 2

Stay connected basic layout: 3

Stay connected basic layout: 4

This is my first basic layout design for my Stay Connected poster, I feel that having earth for my main and key part of my campaign posters is a good idea because I feel that it would give a good broad message across with the connections being shown through lines surrounding the globe.

I feel that this is an improvement on the first layout design because the earth is the focal point of this poster layout design.

I like how the illustration of the earth splits up two parts of the title because I feel it could work really well with the title “stay connected” because I could have “stay” at the top of the poster layout and I could have “connected” at the bottom of the poster layout.

I feel that this layout is my strongest for my stay connected poster because I really like having the title at the bottom of the page and having any subtitle there as well.

I don’t really like this layout because I feel that you can’t see much of the earth which I want to be a focal point of the poster.

I feel that the type placement is good but I would like to experiment further with my layouts to see what it would like in different position.

Stay Connected Basic Poster Layout

I feel that having my graphical image doing the most of the massage portraying because then not only will the title of the poster have a strong message the image will to.

linked togetherbasic layout: 1

linked together basic layout: 2

This is my first basic layout design for my linked together poster, I feel that having people in public places for the key part of this poster because I feel it really emphasis the message I’m trying to get across with this poster which is that we are all linked together.

This is the second rough layout design for my linked together poster, I feel that this layout is good but I’m not too sure on where the people in the rough sketch are positioned properly because I feel that is over shadowing the title of this poster in my opinion.

I not a big fan of my first layout because I feel that it doesn’t have a good place for the title of the poster.

linked together basic layout: 1

linked together basic layout: 3

linked together basic layout: 4

This is my favourite rough layout design because I feel that the title of the poster layout is nice and centred which I feel complements the overall look of the design I also like the close of the rough drawn people connected through social media.

I feel that this rough layout design is my weakest one out of them because I feel that the title won’t work really well if it was integrated into the posters illustration because it would be hard to see and I feel it would distract from the original message.

Linked Together Basic Poster Layout

linked together basic layout: 3

linked together basic layout: 2

linked together basic layout: 4

Future connections basic layout: 1

Future connections basic layout: 2

Here is my first future connections rough layout design that I created using my graphics tablet to get a decent understanding of what I want to create as a final poster. I really like the idea of having the future connections involving mars and the moon. I feel that this gets across the future of the human race and more importantly how connected we will be in the future.

This is my second rough layout design for my future connections poster. I like the idea of having the title on the top and the bottom of the main illustration because it would with the other posters because the other two posters have the titles in the same position.

I like the placement of the title but I feel that the planets should be in different positions.

Future connections basic layout: 1

Future connectionsbasic layout: 3

Future connections basic layout: 4

This is my favourite layout design out of all of them because I feel that it looks like it would emphasise the connections between people would be colonising mars and a possible space station on the moon. I prefer the straight line between each planet because I feel the image would flow better.

This is my least favourite layout design because I feel that the illustration wouldn’t look visually appealing and I feel that the straight lines between the planets look a lot better because it has a better flow and connection vibe.

Future connections basic layout: 3

Future Connections Basic Poster Layout

Future connections basic layout: 2

Future connections basic layout: 4

Concept art style:

Minimalist style:

Photo manipulation style:

Here is my first experimentation for my stay connected poster which I feel was a good experience learning how to use a graphics tablet in a concept art style. I feel that the satellite turned out really well because of the amount detail I put into it and I feel that the glow I put around the key parts of this poster experimentation has made it look really good.

This is my minimalist style experimentation for my stay connected poster. I feel that this experimentation is one of my strongest because I feel that it really highlights the connections between people across the world and emphasis the message. I also like the use of colour for the lines that links everyone together and how the colours could resemble the different social media’s used today.

Here is my photo manipulation experimentation I did for my stay connected poster which I feel has turned out really well because I like the positioning of the satellites and how the curved lines around the globe that shows the connections around the world.

Stay Connected Experimentation

Concept art style:

Minimalist style:

Photo manipulation style:

Here is my first experimentation for my linked together poster in a concept art style, for this experimentation I had to manipulate the original image in the filter gallery to give the image a concept art look because I wouldn’t have enough time to recreate this as a concept art piece. I feel that this get the linked together message across really well because of the white lines.

This is the minimalist style of the linked together poster what I created on adobe illustrator, I did this poster experimentation illustrator because I find it a lot easier to create minimalist content on illustrator. I like the look of this experimentation because I feel it does look minimalist and creates a unique take on what I want in the linked together poster because it doesn’t have type.

I like the photo manipulation experimentation I did for the linked together poster because I feel that the colours I used on the tablets and phones are really good indications of different types of social medias. I also like the effect the overall image has on it because I feel that the black and white resembles how we are not our self’s and the technology is becoming a part of us and it is the main communication.

Linked Together Experimentation

Concept art style:

Minimalist style:

Photo manipulation style:

Here is my first experimentation for my future connections poster in a concept art style, for this experimentation I had to manipulate the photo manipulation version of my future connections poster in the filter gallery to give the image a concept art look because I wouldn’t have enough time to recreate this as a concept art piece. I did create the type in a concept art style by using the brush tool and using my graphics tablet. I feel over all this experimentation turned out really well.

This is the minimalist style of the future connections poster what I created on adobe illustrator, I did this poster experimentation illustrator because it easier to create minimalist content on illustrator due to its pen tool and vector creating abilities. I like the look of this experimentation because I feel it does look minimalist and it has turned out how I wanted the poster to look.

I like this photo manipulation experimentation I did for the future connections poster because I feel that the Planet and moon images I used are really good because they are accurate and high quality images that complement the overall look of the poster. I wanted this poster to look realistic in the sense of how the planets look, I feel that I have achieved this with the background and the planets I chose. I feel that I could have done a better job on the connections between the key elements.

Future Connections Experimentation

A Change Of Heart Idea Change

Revalution of the style:

How am I going to do this:

After finishing my experimentation for my “Stay Connected”, “Linked Together” and “Future connections” I wanted to take a short break to revaluate my posters because I felt that I didn’t really like how most of my experimentations were going.

I am going to first create a mood board on 1950s posters to get a real feel for the style of poster I want to create and also get a greater inside on the style itself.

I felt that the styles I chose were not that appealing and they looked like they weren’t unique like I wanted them to be. I felt that they didn’t stand out if they were going to be used as actual posters and they were put up on a wall somewhere in public eye.

What am I going to do: At this point I feel that I want to experiment with one more style and most likely go through with this style. The style I had in mind is a mix between a 1950s poster style with a minimalist style that keeps my posters looking unique and stand out from the crowd. I feel that this would be a good opportunity for me to experiment with a style that I have never try to create before.

After that I will be looking into minimalist poster designs by creating a mood board on it. After looking at the two style I want to combine and create my own style with, I will be researching into posters that are close to the style I want to achieve. I then will be going onto the experimentation stage with the 1950s/minimalist style by using the same layouts from my previous poster experimentations because I still like the layouts of the other ones. I most likely will tweak the old layouts a bit so it complements the style of the posters more, I also will try some different font types well I’m experimenting. I then will develop my experimentations and try different type face. I then will have my final poster designs if I feel they are looking up to my standards.

I really like the look of 1950s posters because I feel that the colour used in them are really intriguing and eye catching, I also really like the grain effect on the 1950s film posters because I feel that it creates an authentic looking.

A change of style A break from the project

1950’s Posters Mood Board

References: mediumlarge/1/porsche-nurburgring-1950s-vintage-poster-nomadart-and-design.jpg jpg fullxfull.798801326_o7bx.jpg e77679980956bffc1f30d28d3bb749744ab2dd6e_m.jpg fullxfull.798801326_o7bx.jpg

Minimalist Posters Mood Board

References: No151-My-Apollo-13-minimal-movie-poster-720px.jpg Posters_August_2012/2001_A_Space_Odyssey.jpg minimalist_poster_by_shrimpy99-d7flpmz.png com/9fc79bff423b275d04d109dc70991780/tumblr_ minimalist-film-poster-mulan.jpg Minimal_RonSwanson_ParksandRec.jpg imagecache/inline-large/inline/2014/03/3027229-inline01-genesis.jpg fill,h_1448,w_1024/t_mp_quality/will-love-jpeg-212688.jpg

Poster Opinions INTO the DALEK:

I really like the look of this poster because it has a 1950s/ modern style with a simplistic shapes and colour that makes up a really effective poster. I feel that the way this poster has the colours layer is really interesting because I would like to implement this look into my own designs.


I feel that this poster uses its gradient really well by using it on the buildings to give it a more 3D look. I also like the effect on the poster that is on the whole image that gives it a more vintage look that complements the look I like, I would like to have this effect on my own posters.

BESPIN Cloud City:

This is a good example of a 1950s style with a minimalist vibe with its simple shapes and little colour diversity. I feel that the slight gradient effects on the shapes in the poster creates more depth to the overall look of the poster.


I like the rocket in this image because it’s the classic rocket shape, I also like the smoke in this poster because it has a great gradient effect. Another aspect of this poster I really like is the typography because I feel that it looks like the big bold type they use in 1950s film posters, which is something I really find appealing because it would fit in with my posters.


I really like the colours used in this poster because they are all similar in colour but slightly different in shade so that it creates a themed poster that looks like it should be part of a campaign of posters. I also like the ripped effect it has on the edges of the poster because it gives a rugged effect that looks worn and torn.

1950’s Minimalist Poster Research Poster research

References: uploads/2014/12/729071265043815.jpg

Experimentation 1950’s minimalist Style

Primary Research Opinions These are the images I took for my primary research for my “linked Together� Poster, I took these images of my flat mates on different types of social networking platforms to get across how everyone is connected. I feel that these images will work really well with my experimentation of my linked together poster because I feel just having three people in my poster will complement the minimalist style I will be going for.

Chosen Image My favourite images I took are the two larger ones at the bottom of the page because I feel that these are the best angle images and they can be transformed easily into a simplistic minimalist style with a good layout of elements. I feel that I will use the left image because I feel that a head on look on the devices will good to make into a minimalist poster, I could also easily show haw they are connected.

Images for the Linked Together poster Primary research

Future Connections:

Stay Connected:

Linked Together:

Here is my first experimentation in the style of 1950s/minimalist, I feel that the future connections poster has turned out really well for my first attempt because I like how the planets and the colours look. I also like the dashed lines between the planets because I feel that it gets across a good message, that being future connections.

Here is my second experimentation in the style of 1950s/minimalist, I feel that the stay connected poster has turned out really well because the earth and the colours work really well with the stars.

Here is my third experimentation in the style of 1950s/minimalist, I feel that the linked together poster has turned out really well because the two tone effect I have in the image and the colours work really well with the type.

I feel that this poster needs a lot of developing and editing to it because I need to make it look more simplistic and give it a more retro look by using different fonts. I will also giving this poster a worn and torn effect on Photoshop to give it a vintage look.

I also like the lines going round the earth because I feel that it gets across a good message, that being stay connected. I feel that this poster needs a lot of developing because I need to make it look more like it is part of a campaign of posters and give it a more retro look by using different fonts.

1950’s Minimalist Style Experimentations

I also like the white lines going to the border going round the illustration because I feel that it gets across the “linked together� message. I feel that this poster needs a lot of developing because I need to make it look more like it is part of a campaign of posters and give it a more retro look by using different fonts. I will also giving this poster a worn and torn effect on Photoshop to give it a vintage look.

Development stage 1

Development stage 2

Development stage 3

After creating my first experiment of my stay connected poster I went and strip some of the elements of my original experimentation and started to tweak different parts of the poster. In this development stage I added a light blue circle around the earth.

In this poster I wanted to try a new type face because I felt that the old type face I used didn’t really complement the 1950’s/ retro style I wanted to achieve. I really like the font I chose for this poster because I feel that it goes really well with the illustration of the earth. Another aspect of this development stage I added is the moon, I added this because I felt that it gave the poster more depth due to its different size and placement.

On my last development stage for my stay connected poster I wanted to add more detail to the poster even though these posters are supposed to have Minimalist feel to it. I wanted to also add something that would resemble the connections between us across the world, I did this by having red dashed lines that went around the earth illustration. I also added a rocket to give it that vintage/retro illustration style I wanted this poster to have.

Stay connected Development

I also added some colour to the type because I wanted the type to have more impact and to match with the other posters so that they look more like a campaign of posters, another element I added is the stereo typical 1950s white border to emphasis the style of illustration I wanted to create.

Development stage 1

Development stage 2

Development stage 3

In this development process image for my linked together poster I kept the same type face so that the font would be the same as the stay connected poster for obvious reasons.

I them added a different colour for the background to see how it would look with a darker background, but at the same time I felt that the colour was too similar to the other posters, which I felt didn’t really look like its own poster.

In the final stage of development for this poster I went on tried a red colour again but with a darker colour to highlight the type and the illustration and to give this poster more diversity at the same time having the same theme. Another aspect of this poster I added is the white border to go with the other two posters.

I also added colour to the lined that link the people in the middle to represent the different social media and emphasis the connection between people through technology. I also tried a different colour for the background, but I felt it was too bright compare to the other posters.

I also added my signature red dashed lines to carry on the theme that runs throughout my posters and another theme I wanted to run through the poster is the colour of the type that is in the title of the poster.

Linked Together Development

Development stage 1

Development stage 2

For my first stage of development I striped back some the elements of the original poster design and started again because I felt that I could achieve a more retro style to my poster. I also experimented with a black background, but I felt it was too dark and didn’t go together with the other poster due to their colour backgrounds.

I then added a thick with line around the planted and the moon because I For my final development stage for my future connections poster I wanted wanted to highlight them in a simplistic form. to add my red dashed lines to resemble the linked between the earth, Mars and the moon because I felt that there was no noticeable connections I also change the colour of the background to a dark green/blue colour between the planets and the moon. because I felt it would complement the bright planets due to the high in contrast of the colours. I also added the signature type to give the whole poster its retro look. After that I added the little rocket coming towards the earth from the moon and Mars because either want to emphasise the future relationship between the other planets in the near future.

Future connections Development

Development stage 3

Evaluation of my Linked Together poster: I feel that this poster has turned out better than I expected because I felt that it didn’t look like it was a part of the other two posters due to the other posters being set in space. I think that adding the same type face and white border to it helped the same theme run throughout these posters but I felt that the final effect I gave this poster really helped the poster look like it is a part of a range of posters. The effect I added to this poster is the aged vintage effect that I implemented at the end of creating these posters that really made these posters for me because I felt that the effect creates a different look that makes it more noticeable if it was seen on a wall. I feel that have got message across with this poster because I feel that the colours I used with the line work is really effective even though it is so simple. I also feel that the use of the colours to represent the social Medias that we all use to stay linked together. I was to create this poster I would like to simply it even more so that it would look more of a minimalist, I also feel that the illustrations of the people could made in block colours like my early experiments .

Linked Together

Finished conversation poster

Evaluation of my Stay connected poster: Here is my Stay connected poster that I created for my conversation project, I feel that this poster out of the other two poster turned out the best in my opinion because I feel that it looks even better than what I wanted it to turn out. I really like how retro this poster looks in general because it really looks like what I wanted it to in a retro sense due to its simplicity and vintage like illustration style I used in this poster. I also feel that the colours I used in this poster work really well because I used a dark coloured background with light colour unsaturated key elements which include; the earth, the moon and the rocket. The effect I added to this poster works really well because it gives it that retro vintage look what I wanted and I gives it that authentic worn and torn theme. I feel that have got message across with this poster because I feel that the lines that go around the globe in red highlight the global connectivity we have at this day and age. I also feel that the type I used was a massive improvement from the early experiments I created in this style. If I was to recreate this poster I would like to experiment with making the poster look more worn and torn because I feel that it could benefit from that look because it would complement the vintage look I want with this poster.

Stay Connected

Finished conversation poster

Evaluation of my Future Connections poster: This is my second favourite poster I created for my poster campaign, this poster is my Future Connections poster which is representing the future of the human race in a connectivity way. This poster represents how we will eventually colonise mars and the moon. It also shows how we will be connected with each other in the way we will be communicating with the people on mars and the moon. I feel that the vintage look really complements this poster because I feel that it goes really well with the simple space theme and elements. For example the two rocket coming from the Moon and Mars, furthermore I feel that the stars look really good because they are so simple. If I was to go back to this poster and recreate it I would like to experiment with having a space station somewhere in between the planets. I also would like to have maybe some kind of trail behind the rockets to make them stand out a little more.

Future Connections Finished conversation poster

Project Evaluation I found this project was a really good experience because I experimented with many possible outcomes for my posters and I feel that I have gained a lot of experience in the process by tying different styles and techniques. At the start of this project I had an idea of showing how connected the human race is on different levels, I feel that the idea of creating three posters that will show how connected people are on a social networking level then a global level and finally on a interplanetary travel to resemble the future of the human race and how we will eventually colonise Mars. I feel that my posters turned out really well due to the amount of experimenting I did and trying different techniques. I also really like the style I chose in the end because I have never created anything like this before in the sense of how retro and vintage it looks. I feel that I have answered the brief in my own way by creating a campaign of retro posters with a mix of minimalism and my own style. I feel that I have express through my posters how we can stay connected, how we are connected and how we will be connected in the future. I feel that these posters can encourage people to stay connected in visual representation with a twist by using a retro style to make it stand out from the stereo typical posters out there. If I was to change if I was to improve this project overall I would like to print these posters of and put them up on some different surfaces and places to see if they get any attention by the public. I would of liked to experiment with having an interactive poster as well that would encourage people to stay connected. Overall I feel that my posters have turned out really good and I feel they are up to a professional standard.


Evaluation of my conversation project

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