Independence Day Resurgence YCN Research Document

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D a y

Resu rgence YCN BRIEF

B y

A d h a m

M u g h a l


Z o e

F r e e m a n

3D Posters - Photo shopped buildings in cities.

Floor Art

Projection Art (Mock ups of the big idea), Buildings, image, animation

Innovative - (Lifts, Trucks, Stairs, benches, Public Transport)


3D Wall Art Buildings, Wall Stickers (Aliens coming through the wall)

Pop up advertisement (mobile pop ups, destop popups)

Wall Stickers - (A physical object and a sticker combined)

Goody bags



Comic Books

Cardboard Cut outs (cinema)

Online Events - (Countdown clock to the film release date)

Physical Object - E.g. Rugby world cup


Collectable models / Figures - (figures from the film, for example model space ships and characters)

Cinema advertising - (Place holder image before films starts for testing purposes)


APPlication QR Scanner - Scanned over a poster of it when you scan it, it comes up with the trailer of the film. (Individual content, Interviews with cast and producers).

Oculus Rift – (Virtual Reality) the possible experience could be inside a alien spaceship or a human fighter jet.

360˚ Video – The 360˚ video technology can be used to show case the new adapted alien technology that has been combined with human jets within the app.

Public projection - (University buildings, city centres, football pitches, big buildings)

Public interactive advertising – (A to scale model of an object from the film that the public can interact with)

MIND MAP Augmented Reality – On the mobile app it could have augmented reality built in what would give the illusion of objects from the film, for example aliens and spaceships from the film.

Idea generation

Exploring different ideas and concepts that will give a greater outlook on what we could possibly produce for our campaign on Independence Day Resurgence.

Websites - (promoting the film and events on a range of websites)

After effects

online promoting






Social medias - (promoting the film and events through social media)








Street floors

MIND MAP Exploring different ideas and concepts that will give a greater outlook on what we could possible produce for our campaign on Independence Day Resurgence.

IDEA Generation


Mood board


Images of Independence Day Resurgent for inspiration purposes and the get a good idea of what are working with.


Mood board


More images of Independence Day Resurgent for inspiration purposes and to get a good idea of what are working with.

What is 3D wall Art ?

Why do we think this idea will work ?

Why do we like this idea ?

3D wall art is something that has been around for a while but has been developed by ordinary people in different ways, people such as street artists made a name for themselves when they took simple 3D art work on paper and started making them bigger and better.

We think that this way of advertising would work well for the ID2 project because it is something that we could use to make a big statement to a mass audience in large areas, 3D wall art could be taken as far as to building art to advertise.

We like this idea because we feel that although it would have a grand advertising aspect towards the film it would also be something fun to work with and something a little bit different from standard adverts you see around cities, we feel it will be eye catching and intriguing.

Companies in the advertising game have used the idea of 3D wall art and building art to a much larger scale to advertise things such as new cars, films and even world rugby matches to bring a broader audience in to the knowing of the product or idea they are wishing to sell widley to a mass audience.

We feel that 3D wall art is more visually satisfying to the audience than a standard poster on and A2 piece of paper because the 3D aspect of the poster creates the feeling of the audience being involved in the film and the environments within that.

We also feel that it answers the brief in a unique graphical way due to its large scale and event like focus.

3D Posters and wall art General research on 3D posters and wall art for possible advertsiment purposes towards Independence Day 2 Resurgence.



http://s3.amazonaws.commovotoblog/2013/06/ nerd-cave/images/aliens.jpg homie/Graffiti-Mural-70.jpg UPg5_YYYz7I/AAAAAAAAVWM/-kybo1U7VGw/s1600/3D+Wall+Art01.jpg

What is floor art ?

Why do we think this idea will work ?

Why do we like this idea ?

Floor Art can be expressed in many ways from painting images on the floor, to chalk art on street pavements and the one i prefer which is 3D floor art. A lot of floor art is done with colored chalks so that it cannot damage streets and areas in which the art is being made.

We think that this idea would be useful within large areas, maybe inside and outside. City areas where people are walking around going to and from parts of the city, something large that could be cornered off and seen as a large 3D floor art scale image expressing some of the features within the new film release.

We feel that this idea would be quite effective in cities because street art is quite a big thing in cities where a lot of things happen. Again its another possible effective idea to be used within advertising and is something that could easily be done on quite a low budget but we feel it will work just as effectively as something that would be digitally produced.

We think that it will work well as an eye catching piece of advertising as well as an outstanding artistic element.

We think that the illusion of 3D floor art gives a unique immersive experience and the process can be greatly appreciated by the public while the artist is creating his work.

floor art General research on floor art exploring floor art and examples of floor art.


advertisement architecture,floor,publicart,streetart-097194d15a955 a4a855e6489560c879c_h.jpg

What is projection Art ?

Why do we think this idea will work ?

Why do we like this idea ?

Projection mapping is a projection technology used to turn objects, often irregularly shaped, into a display surface for video projection. These objects may be complex industrial landscapes, such as buildings, small indoor objects or theatrical stages. By using specialized software, a two- or threedimensional object is spatially mapped on the virtual program which mimics the real environment it is to be projected on.

Our thoughts on this idea initially is that although it is a big project to make happen and it is rather time consuming we feel that it will be a worth while project, as it being art and an advertisement for the new independence day film, we feel that with the right audience in a large area or city the projection or water projection idea would be one of which will be remembered for a very long time, realistic looking aliens and futuristic spacecraft’s rising for buildings and water with the help of projection.

We like this idea because its very adventurous and we feel that it fits the criteria of the brief in the ways of such stunt based ideas, we think that this would be a successful way of advertising as its something that isn’t done very often but when it is a lot of people are very interested in coming to watch things marvel out of buildings and run on water as its something that is new to people of our era.

What is water projection Art ? Water projection is a fine art that blends complex design and projection technology with a natural canvas. It is a technique used more and more frequently and, in the right situations can truly make the public step back and admire a brand’s creativity.

projection art General research on Water based projection art and standard projection art and how it is created and projected.


advertisement projects/standard/444-2014529-15-48-31-newyears-eve-projection-2012.jpg

What is cardboard cut out art?

Why do we think this idea will work ?

Why do we like this idea ?

Cardboard cut out art is something that artists have been creating for years, using supplies that are around them virtually everywhere to create a piece of art that could be anything, from a life size 3D iron man sculpture made of cradboard to a flat standard cradboard cut out, they all invloved cardboard art and cutting, easy enough to create if you have the right patience and will power to create something fabulous from something that would be binned, recycling at its best.

We think that this idea would be useful in areas such as the cinema, outdoor places, shopping centres, areas that a lot of the public are around. As usual cardboard cut outs are the basic thing to be used in cinemas all around the country we feel that something a little more adventurous and out of the ordinary would work a lot better and get people talking about the new film, 3D cardboard art is something that is very underestimated.

We like this idea because it is something a little bit different from just standard cardboard cut outs that you get in the cinemas, we feel this would work as a good strategy for the advertisement within the film. We feel that it will bring a little bit of the movie into the theatres centre before you even get in to watch the film.

Although a time consuming project to make film scenes from cardboard we feel it would be a good use of time because people will become intrigued and interested in what you efforts you have gone to show people that this film is what they want to be investing their time in going to watch.

cardboard cut out art REFERENCES

advertisement products/87220/images/88339/Guardians_Of_The_ Galaxy_Lifesize_Cardboard_Cutout_Standee_Set_buy_ now_at_starstills__96590.1420030098.1280.1280. jpg?c=2

General research on 3D cardboad cut out art and standard cut out art and how it is used within advertising to help widen the audience aimed for.

What is Innovative advertising ?

Why do we think this idea will work ?

Why do we like this idea ?

Innovative advertising is all about leaving a lasting impression on the public by creating something so unique that the audience will remember it when they away from the advertisement.

We feel that this style of advertising would work because we feel that it attracts a lot of attention and will create a lot gossip about what the advert. We also feel that a film like Independence Day resurgence will get a lot of attention because everyone has seen the predecessor Independence Day.

We feel that this would be a good idea because we like the idea of designing an advertisement in an innovative way because we found this type of advertisement style was very intriguing due to the lack of interesting advertising out there at this current time. We would also like to experiment with different types of advertisements with this broad style in advertising because we feel that we can design something very unique and out there.

It usually consists of using the environment around where you want the advert to be and moulding the advertisement around it, for example in the picture below it shows a watch which has been printed onto a handle to give the impression that the person on the bus is wearing the watch that is being advertised.

Innovative advertising General research on Innovative advertising so that we can get a greater understanding and explore different types of advertiseing our project.


advertisement watch.jpg loads/2013/03/victims.jpg uploads/2008/07/truckwinner2007img_assist_custom.jpg

What is pop up advertisement ?

Why do we think this idea will work ?

Why do we like this idea ?

Pop-up advertisements or “pop-ups” are often types of online advertising on the internet intended to attract web traffic or capture email addresses. Pop-ups are generally new web browser windows to display advertisements. We would be using pop advertising mainly based around advertising and not trying to capture people’s emails.

We feel that this idea would work because there is a vast audience always connected to the internet i.e. there phone, tablet or computer and we feel that we can take advantage of the online audience. I we was to design and creating something that is eye catching and overall visually appealing we feel that a large amount of the public that would see these pop ups would be intrigued by the film and would want to go watch it in the cinemas.

We find that this would be a good idea to experiment with and design because we feel that pop up advertisements are underrated and we feel that we can bring something new to the table in terms of pop up advertising.

There are many different types of pop ups on the internet ranging from spam style pop us and just simple advertising pop ups. If we was to experiment with creating online pop ups we would like to create something a little more different than the usual advertising pops, for example something that wouldn’t annoy the audience but would get the message across in a good way.

We also feel that we could create something that people wouldn’t want to just close straight away one an app or website because we will design something that will look really intriguing and would pop up on websites what relate to the new film, for example IMBD and ODEON.

POP up advertisements REFERENCES

advertisement netflix_popup61.jpg Playground_Oporto_SuperSkin%20(1)-thumb400x542-207145.jpg

Research on pop up advertisements and how it could benefit our project by experimenting with mass advertisements on multiple platforms (mobiles, desktops, tablets)

what is Advertising with physical objects ?

Why do we think this idea will work ?

Why do we like this idea ?

Advertising with physical objects is when a you create something really unique and attracts the observer by just being there, they serve a valuable place in the advertisement/ events industry because it really catches the eye of the public and draws people in.

We feel that this idea will work because it attracts a lot of attention of the public and will work really well for advertisement purposes. Many other companies have done this before to advertise for their product and gain a lot of publicity, so I feel that this film will really benefit from this kind of advertisement event.

We like this idea because we feel that it will be really fun to work on and develop further so that we can create something unique and jaw dropping. We also think that this could draw even more of an audience for the franchise because they have never done anything like that before.

Good examples of big 3D objects being used for advertisements is these images below for example the big rugby ball that was made to look like it has crashed into a castle to promote the rugby world cup.

Physical objects General research on Innovative advertising so that we can get a greater understanding and explore different types of advertiseing our project.


advertisement 1442590984398_lc_gallryImage_A_giant_rugby_ball_on_the.JPG /3986eea5765dad7a8c16998e6efe4e09.jpg

What is Magazine advertisements ?

Why do we think this idea will work ?

Why do we like this idea ?

Magazine advertisement is when a company pays for a certain amount of pages to advertise on and show of their product on a magazine of their choice and maybe do it in a creative way. If we was to create and advertisement for a magazine we would like to do it in a unique creative way to give a longlasting impression on the audience.

We feel that this idea will work because we can create something amazing and something original in terms of advertising a magazine instead of a boring image of a poster that has been used all over. We could create a more interactive advert for the film, for example a popup book style page where an alien would pop out and create this long lasting impression we are trying to get across with this film.

We like this idea because we enjoy creating magazine type content due to designing our own magazine in our first year of university. We feel that creating an interactive advertisement for a magazine would be challenging and also really fun to experiment with because we feel that pushing the boundaries within advertisement is key and the little intricate aspects of the whole film projects matter.



Research on pop up advertisements and how it could benefit our project by experimenting with mass advertisements on multiple platforms (mobiles, desktops, tablets)

What are collectable models ?

Why do we think this idea will work ?

Why do we like this idea ?

A collectable is any object regarded as being of value or interest to a collector.

We think that this idea would work good as advertisement and just in general as something people could collect about the film as a lot of famously known films do.

We like this idea because we think that it is a useful and fun piece of merchandise that will always have a selling point if the correct buyers are introduced to it. Also the age ranges vary which is another very useful aspect of this idea.

There are numerous types of collectables and terms to denote those types. A collectable can range as anything from model cars, trains, to people, super heroes or just characters from films that are well known.

We think that merchandise is a big selling point for films, if you have merchandise that is available to the interest of buyers then that sells the film also. It is also something that is bought throughout a large variety of age ranges.

Collectable models, figures REFERENCES

merchandise SL1024_.jpg

General research on collectable models and figures that are related to films and why they are so popular in the advertising game.

What is a comic book ?

Why do we think this idea will work ?

Why do we like this idea ?

A comic book is a publication that consists of comic art in the form of sequential juxtaposed panels that represent individual scenes. Panels are often accompanied by brief descriptive prose and written narrative, usually dialogue contained in word balloons emblematic of the comics art form.

We think the idea of comic books for the new independance day film would work because they are aimed at almost everybody no matter who they are and it is something a little bit fun. we feel that scenes from the film would be interesting in the form of a comic, the cartoon style would bring the film to life on the page which is something that we feel would interest a more varied audience towards the film.

We like the idea of a comic book because we could give them out at events in magazines that we could create about the film, giving some useful facts about how the film was made and how some of the props where created for the film.

There are actually a mass variety of comics from Graphic novels and digital comics to foreign comics and alternative comics, they are something that have been around for a while and are of interest to a lot of people age ranging from around 12 - 20. But there are the collectors comics that people of an older age have.

Comic books REFERENCES


General research on comic books and what makes them so appealing to read and what my opinion is on the idea.

What are wall stickers ?

Why do we think this idea will work ?

Why do we like this idea ?

Wall stickers are something that has become quite popular recently, not only with childrens bedrooms and living spaces for decoration but in shops and cinemas. They come as simple 2D stickers or 3D physical objects with a sticker background to make it look more realistic.

We think that this idea is a good one because as a recent popular thing they are also good for advertisement, shops often use items such as these to entice people that feel an interest towards there shop to see what is inside it.

We like this idea because it works well as a whole idea and would be useful at events, even used at a bigger scale wall stickers are something that can appeal to anybody.

They are visually appealing in the way of sci fi fans as it will be based for the independence day film, we feel that things such as aliens and space crafts approaching from a wall is something that would appeal to an audience in the range of 10 - 14. Aliens can be cartoonised and given certain characteristics as they are in the comic books therefore linking the two together.

Physical Object, wall stickers REFERENCES e4441a85f45cb448a3ec24a593d5e24d.jpg hiw-55/1.jpg


General research on wall stickers and how they can be used as merchandise for the younger age range.

why are t shirts used to promote films?

Why do we think this idea will work ?

Why do we like this idea ?

T-shirts are used to promote films because companies like get their brand across to the public through different mediums i.e. T-shirts. Another reason why t-shirts are used to promote films is that they act like a walking advertisement due to other people can see the t-shirt when someone is wearing the product.

We feel that this a strong idea for our merchandise exploration section because we feel that T-shirts can be used to promote events and can advertise for the franchise for a long lasting time, for example if we designed T-shirts for an event it consist of the date of the event, the name of it and the logo of the franchise.

We like this idea because we feel that designing a range of T-shirts that could promote Independence Day will be an exciting mini project to work on.

Another reason we feel that this is a good idea is that T-shirts are really big on the fashion industry and always will be, especially with someone’s favourite film designed illustration printed onto it.

We also feel that this could add even more of an exclusive event like feeling to the event itself because we would be selling exclusive T-shirts and merchandise that will remind the consumer of the event and the film that will be hitting cinemas.

T SHIRTS REFERENCES slide_408618_5125988_free.jpg


General research on T-shirts and how they can be used as merchandise for the younger age range.

what are qr scanners ?

Why do we think this idea will work ?

Why do we like this idea ?

A QR code (quick response code) is a type of 2D bar code that is used to provide easy access to information through a smartphone. In this process, known as mobile tagging, the smartphone’s owner points the phone at a QR code and opens a barcode reader app which works in conjunction with the phone’s camera.

We think that this idea will work because it is a very clever idea and if done correctly it will be a good addition to the promotion of the film. We also feel that using a QR scanner will be a good idea because everybody has phones that can read QR codes, so this will give a wider range of an audience that we can promote to.

We like this idea because it can connect a large audience to a franchise through technology and using an application. We also like the idea of creating a simple app to promote the film in many ways or we could just have it connect with any QR code reader.

This can also be used in conjunction with augmented reality to give the impression that there is a video where the source of the QR code is on the screen of an android or IOS device (mobile phone)

We feel that designing our QR code idea will be quite challenging but fun to experiment with develop. We would like to show exclusive trailers and interviews with actors and the director of the film because we feel that it gives the consumer more content to interact with.

QR scanner REFERENCES aa/88/c4aa8863-db94-8baa-a5cc-aeab245d0a5a/ screen322x572.jpeg QR-code-658x381.jpg

Phone Application

General research on what QR scanning is and how they can be used to promote the film through technology.

what is Augmented Reality?

Why do we think this idea will work ?

Why do we like this idea ?

The process of superimposing digitally rendered images onto our real-world surroundings, giving a sense of an illusion or virtual reality. Recent developments have made this technology accessible using a smartphone.

We feel that this idea will work really well with the technology implementation side of this project for us because we think that this could be a really cool and more engage able idea for the public to interact with and get a greater understand of the film that is about to premier.

We like this idea because it has an intriguing aspect about it due to its heavily technical driven characteristics, we find technology challenges quite thrilling because we like to figure out how to create something technology focused and experiment with the design aspects of augmented reality.

how is it used ?

It is used more recently by advertisers where it popular to create a 3D render of a product, such as a car, or football boot, and trigger this as an overlay to a marker. This allows the consumer to see a 360 degree image (more or less, sometimes the base of the item can be tricky to view) of the product. Depending on the quality of the augmentation, this can go as far as indicating the approximate size of the item, and allow the consumer to ‘wear’ the item, as viewed through their phone.

We also like the idea because it’s a unique technology and it’s new in the advertisement world. Another reason why we like this idea is because we generally feel that this would be a fun aspect of the advertising section of the project.

Augmented Reality REFERENCES

Phone Application http://1fwsjz2f4ok1ot2hh2illyd1.wpengine.netdna-cdn. com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Tecate_VideoStill. jpg

Gaining a greater understanding into what augmented reality is and how we could possibly utilize it in our project.

What is a 360˚ Video ?

Why do we think this idea will work ?

Why do we like this idea ?

For producing 360° Videos, we use different 360 degree camera / mounts / gear, depending on the situation. Mostly 6 fish-eye-cameras are used to cover the entire area. The cameras have to be placed correctly and always in the same angle by a special camera mounting.

We think that this idea would work as a mobile phone app because it will give people a real incite into scenes of the film straight from their phone, it gets people enthusiastic about watching the film and it would be useful during an event for the film screening as people could walk around the event and access the application on their mobiles.

We like this idea because we feel that it would get the aimed audience excited and entised about the film before it comes out, trailers of the film are always good for people to view getting an idea of how the film is going to seem but with the use of the 360 app video it gets people more in to the idea of what is going to be in the film.

Then the recorded videos are synchronized by time and sound, cut and processed to one single straight video which shows the front, the back, left and right, up and down at once, similar to an equirectangular panorama image or a fulldome video.

360˚ Video REFERENCES Youtube-Video-360-app.jpg?5e7cf5,cs_srgb,dpr_1.0,q_80,w_620/MTI4ODI5Mzc3OTk0NTY2Mjc1.jpg

phone application

General research on 360˚ Video and how it can be used within an application on a phone.

How can a countdown clock be used for an event ? A countdown clock can be used for events that are online as well as outdoor as it brings a certain build up to the public that are looking for the event to become open or active. Events such as game releases certain film releases and special dates are commonly associated with the countdown clock.

Why do we think this idea will work ?

Why do we like this idea ?

We think that the use of an online countdown clock to the release date of the film will work quite effectively in getting the public excited about the new film.

We like this idea because we feel that it would work quite well within organisation for the film. We feel that it would be a good opportunity to experiment within animation.

We think that it will work well as a lot of things that are announced today are done online so as an announcement of the film date the countdown could be downloaded on to a phone or tablet to view on the go.

Countdown clock REFERENCES


Exploring other examples of countdown clocks being used to promote events and create excitement for the audience.

What is public interactive advertising ?

Why do we think this idea will work ?

Why do we like this idea ?

Interactive advertising uses online or offline interactive media to communicate with consumers and to promote products, brands, services, and public service announcements, corporate or political groups.

We think this idea would be a hit in a city centre because as well as being interactive for the parents kids and teens will want to go and see the spaceship, intoruducing them and the parents to this film trailer which will broaden the audience range.

We like this idea because its imaginative and it will give us something really technical to work with and something that is a little more hands on than what we usually work with, we think it is a good idea because everybody likes something that they can be interactive with.

How can it be used for an event ? It can be used in a city centre as a public interactive event using something such as an interactive spaceship for people to watch the film trailer in.

Public interactive advertising REFERENCES


Looking in to public interaction with objects of different things that will promote a franchise.

What is public projection ?

Why do we think this idea will work ?

Why do we like this idea ?

Public projection is something that is commonly used within events and can make an event popular with a more varied audience.

We think this idea will work because it is something that will be used as wuite a large event and will bring a lot of the public to come and watch what the projection is within the event.

We like this idea because it is something that would happen as quite a large event for a lot of people to attend.

Things such as art events and yearly events tend to be shown through the use of public projection because it is something that is time consuming.

Therefore making more money for the company and getting people a little more intrigued within the film.

public projection Looking in to gaining a greater understanding in public projection for advertisment/ event purposes.


events uploads/2012/04/intel_dd_223.jpg

What is public projection Virtual Reality?

Why do we think this idea will work ?

Why do we like this idea ?

Virtual reality is an artificial environment that is created with software and presented to the user in such a way that the user suspends belief and accepts it as a real environment. On a computer, virtual reality is primarily experienced through two of the five senses: sight and sound.

We feel that this idea will work because we will be utilising this new and exciting technology to show case one of the most anticipated films of the year through an interactive experience. We also feel that it will work due to the amount of people it will draw in because of its exciting nature.

We like this idea because it will be a unique styled project to work on as graphic designers because we are trying create a concept that is more virtually reality/technical challenging based which we find is a challenge, which we like.

Using this technology we could create a virtual reality experience for an event to show case the new film through creating different experiences for the audience. For example we could have a part of the set in the film using an oculus rift (virtual reality tool) to give the public what it was like creating this amazing film. Another idea would be to completely emirs the public in a warzone of humans and aliens fighting for their survival to get across this thrilling film.

Another aspect of this event idea we feel that would work is how we can create merchandise and an advertisement campaign that will support this idea and get it noticed by the public.

Another aspect of this idea we are excited about possibly exploring is the other parts of the event, for example the; advertisement side of it, possible exclusive tickets, T-shirts etc.

Virtual Reality Experience REFERENCES

events hubi/r/2015/02/06/e369357e-6d49-4102a39ca950394cd804/thumbnail/620x350/d1fc4f50390f011aeac9722bdc9014d/img3254.jpg

Looking in to gaining a greater understanding in virtual reality and how we could utilise as an event for advertisement and promotion purposes.

why are buildings a good place to advertise ?

Why do we think outdoor advertising will work ?

If you need to make a big impact in your local area, outdoor advertising can raise your company's profile and deliver results. Poster ads put your message right in front of your potential customers.

While some traditional advertising media are in decline, outdoor is growing. It works because it is seen by everyone who leaves their house.

Buildings being everywhere are new ones being developed everywhere there is no other way to get across a big advertisement other that to advertise it on the buildings that we walk past and go in and out of everyday.

Why do we like this idea ? We like this idea because its big and there are so many different ways that we could create clever advertising for the film and even the events with the use of buildings.

Buildings REFERENCES TWwhn-vCXeI/AAAAAAAACEg/9BKMcKvudTI/s800/ building-advertising-paint.jpg sites/2/2011/04/buildingad-2.jpg lego04.jpg

Places and spaces

Looking in to different places and spaces that advertising has been a hit within public areas.

why are buildings a good place to advertise ?

Why do we think outdoor advertising will work ?

If you need to make a big impact in your local area, outdoor advertising can raise your company's profile and deliver results. Poster ads put your message right in front of your potential customers.

While some traditional advertising media are in decline, outdoor is growing. It works because it is seen by everyone who leaves their house.

Buildings being everywhere are new ones being developed everywhere there is no other way to get across a big advertisement other that to advertise it on the buildings that we walk past and go in and out of everyday.

Why do we like this idea ? We like this idea because its big and there are so many different ways that we could create clever advertising for the film and even the events with the use of buildings.

Buildings REFERENCES TWwhn-vCXeI/AAAAAAAACEg/9BKMcKvudTI/s800/ building-advertising-paint.jpg sites/2/2011/04/buildingad-2.jpg lego04.jpg

Places and spaces

Looking in to different places and spaces that advertising has been a hit within public areas.

Why are cinemas a good place to advertise?

Why do we think cinemas advertising will work?

Cinemas are a good places to advertise because millions of people go to cinemas all over the each year and they are subjected to so much advertisement when they are in the cinemas which we can take advantage of by showcasing the film by advertising in different ways.

We feel that cinema advertising will work because it’s a great opportunity to advertise to a set audience, which is film fanatics and cinema goers. We also feel that people will remember our advertisements because they will be there when they are finished watching the film so it will leave a long lasting impression.

Some examples of these methods can be seen in these images below, which are; posters, cardboard cut outs, digital posters, leaflets, TV’s and in the cinemas them self’s. It’s always a good idea to show trailers in cinemas because the audience cant ignore it due to it being directly in their face, we could also use trailers for promotion for our event by advertising them just before films start.

Why do we like this idea ? We like this idea because we feel that we can bring something new to the table of advertising in cinemas and we also think that the public will like to see a big statement piece to promote the film.


Looking into different places and spaces that advertising has been a hit with in public areas.


PLACES AND SPACES Branding-Cinema-Advertising-Cinema360.jpg https://keepcalmandlookbusy.files.wordpress. com/2012/10/20121008-175222.jpg

Why is transport a good place to advertise?

Why do we think transport advertising will work?

Transport is a good place for advertisement because transport is everywhere and is available to anyone due to the fact that there are many different types of transport which can be utilised to be a moving advertisement. Another reason why transport is a good place to advertise because it’s a great opportunity to create something quite fascinating and unique.

We feel that transport advertising will work because it has worked for other companies before and companies are still doing it, the only thing is, is that companies these days advertise with really boring designs. Whereas we would create something more visually appealing and would be more designed around the object that it will be advertised around.

An example of this is in the picture below where the bus doors are used in a clever way by having the image of the shark’s mouth over laid on them to look like the sharks mouth is opening. We feel this type of advertising on transport would be a really cool idea because it’s an interesting way of advertising way.

Why do we like this idea ? We like this idea because we feel like that transport hasn’t yet been used in an interesting and creative way to advertise a film. We also think that we can integrate some of the other ways of advertising in the transport design by having maybe a QR code that people can scan for the trailer for the film.


Looking into different places and spaces that advertising has been a hit with in public areas.


PLACES AND SPACES 39605306_3e241d26e8.jpg train6.jpg

why are billboard a good place to advertise ?

Why do we think billboards advertising will work ?

A billboard with a good location such as on an Interstate or major highway are the ones that are found to be the most effective because of the busy area.

We feel that billboard advertising although a popular way to advertise it is also a very effective way of getting a product item or company known to people.

Why do we like this idea ? We like this idea because it there are so many clever ways to advertise within the use of a billboard, clever advertisements are eye catching and a rare thing in the UK.


places and spaces jpg uploads/HLIC/9da53849a3e0f9b334f518fab7127efb. jpg

Looking in to different places and spaces that advertising has been a hit within public areas.

why are street floors a good place to advertise ?

Why do we think street floor advertising will work ?

Street floors are everywhere so you never run out of material for advertisement and it is an unusual way of selling something to the public, but it attracts attention within a visual sense to people who have never experienced floor advertising.

We feel that it is an effective way of advertising because you cant run out of areas to advertise with and there are so many clever ways you can use the floor and its surroundings to create something really clever and eye catching for the public to see and be drawn towards.

Why do we like this idea ? We like this idea because it is innovative and creative, it will be something we could work on personally and we feel we could come up with something that would look really appealing and would attract attention.

street floors Looking in to different places and spaces that advertising has been a hit within public areas.


places and spaces eb/c6f0eb9f9107c4af573f3a93fb6818d0.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg. com/236x/56/81/d4/5681d4d6b61f1d6248faeb622acc79fd.jpg ImageAlbum/13515/original_gummy-art-1.jpg a2b1a15e7e.jpg

What is social media promoting ? Social media promoting is when a company uses different social media platforms to promote their product or event through visual advertising. These advertising methods can consist of simple adverts on the sides of social media websites that can attract the audience through bright colours and a god layout for the advert itself. A professional look is key because if an advert on a social media platform has an advert that looks “dodgy� the person who sees t won’t take notice it. Social media apps like snapchat can be used in interesting ways to promote an event through showing key elements of the event and the franchise through images and videos. Another social media platform is twitter, which can be used to draw a mass amount of people due the hashtag system which connects everyone to the same page with specific content relating to the hashtag.

How will we use social media for promotion purposes?

Why do we think social media promoting will work?

We would use social media to promote our event in many different ways, these ways will consist of constant advertisement and content for the public to enjoy. The social networking platforms we would use would be Facebook, twitter, snapchat, YouTube and Instagram. We would use these platforms because these are the most popular one and they are many different ways we can promote our even on them.

We feel that social media promoting will work because there is such a large audience/age range to connect with and promote our event concept.

An example of how we would promote on these social networks is using YouTube and advertise events at the top of YouTube where advertisements are shown. For Facebook, twitter and Instagram we would like to use images and hashtags to promote these events and the film together.

Why do we like this idea ? We like the sound of this idea of prompting through social media because we both use social media frequently so we both know how to promote on social media in a good way. We also feel that it would be a good opportunity to promote the franchise and event through different ways so that we can test how versatile we are as graphic designers.

social media Research on how social media can be used to promote events and a franchise in different ways.


Online Promoting uploads/Screen-Shot-2015-02-17-at-11.50.38.png /800/1*tAurg-psJT_Wb8a31kMtUA.jpeg

What is website promoting ? Website promoting is when companies pay websites to promote their product or event in our case, to show of what they promoting. Promoting on websites can consist of displaying banners that use images of your advertising in different ways, for example we could use animated banners to create an eye catching advertisement to promote our event. Another example of advertising on websites is having just simple images of what we are promoting and have them as links to a website or social networking site to give the person more information about the event.

How will we use websites for promotion purposes?

Why do we think promoting on websites will work?

We could use various websites to promote our event by creating banners and simple linked images that would link people back to the independence day Facebook page so that they can get even more information on the film and event.

We feel that promoting on websites will work because many companies use websites to promoter many things and it works very well, so we feel that we can take advantage of this style of promoting through well designed eye catching banners and “click bait” promotion.

We could also create animated banners to catch people’s eyes when it shows up on a website like YouTube, if they was to click on the promotional advert they would be sent to the trailer of the film.

Why do we like this idea ? We like this idea because we feel like it could help promote our event even more so that we can get more people hyped for the film and encourage people to come to the big promotional event.


Research on how websites can be used to promote events and a franchise in different ways.


Online Promoting

E x p e r i m e ntat io n Here are the ideas we will be experimenting with : • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

3D posters 3D wall Art Floor Art Projection Mapping 3D cardboard cuts outs Physical Objects Innovative advertising Collectable models/Figures Physical object: Wall stickers T-shirts Augmented Reality QR code Countdown clock Oculus Rift (concept art)

What we are going to ?

How we are going to do it ?

We are going to experiment with our idea of creating 3D posters about Independence Day Resurgence by using images from the film re created in a way to help the promotion of the film.

The first thing that we are going to do is create a moodboard based on places where we can possibly have the 3D posters on show, after that we wil create another moodboard for inspiration purposes so that it can give us ideas of things we could include within the poster.

We are going to use different mediums within this idea to create a broad array of designs that we can choose from if we decide to take this idea in to the final stages in the process. • Using Photoshop to create a 3D concept of posters digitally in an outdoor scenario. • Creating physical 3D posters using materials such as paint and drawing equipment. • Digitally drawn 3D designs using a drawing tablet. • Explore within 3D poster placement.

For example certain objects and characters that can be easily related towards the film. From the moodboards that we have created we will then create some rough sketches and designs to develop from that will give us a better insight into how we could make the poster look physically. After the sketches we will start to think about how the poster will look and how the layout is going to be within each design on the poster. We feel that we will do more than one layout to experiment with so that we can decide on a layout more suited to what is going to be within the poster. From then on after we have experimented with the idea and developed it to a stage we will be happy with we might take it further into the final design process.


Exploring further in what we are going to do with the 3D Posters and how we are going to expand our experimentation.

3D posters


Mood board

3D posters

Images to show examples of 3D posters for inspiration purposes and to get a good idea of what are working with.

3D Posters Primary research on different types of surfaces that we can have our 3D posters on and possible places for these posters.

Primary research

3D Posters

Primary research on different types of surfaces that we can have our 3D posters on and possible places for these posters.

Primary research

Rough Illustrations for 3d posters For the rough illustrations we thought it best to get some ideas from the previous independance day film, we put some thought in to what we imagined would look the best on a 3d poster and came up with the idea of using the space ship and the aliens head because we felt that it is a key part of the first film which is easily recognisable to the public.

3D Posters Roughly drawn illustrations that we could develop into the 3D posters.

Rough Illustrations

Rough Illustrations for 3d posters We also decided to take a scene from the new film trailer to give people an insight into the film and also we thought that looking at it once we had roughly drawn it that it might look good as an illustrative type of poster. We looked at the idea of the fighter jets blue prints being in a 3d manner on the poster and having the alien technology on the blue print as if it were going to be added to the human jets. These ideas we feel are the ones that would make the best 3d posters, the next stage is to create them in a realistic manner and then see if we can develop them as we originally wanted to or whether we come up with some more ideas along the creative process.v

3D Posters Roughly drawn illustrations that we could develop into the 3D posters.

Rough Illustrations

Rough Type placement For the rough type placement we looked into where on the oosters we could put the heading and the subheading if we were to have one on them and looked at the images the selves and what space we had free for the type. We will be using th etypical Independace day type so we will not be researching what fonts we will use as we will be using an existing one. For some of the posters we decided that typically because of the image placement we would just keep the type at a standard top and bottom layout.

3D Posters Exploring the areas of which we can put the headings and subheadings of the posters.

Rough type placment

3D Posters Exploring the areas of which we can put the headings and subheadings of the posters.

Rough type placment

Experimentation with 3D posters Here is our first experimentation of our 3D posters, we wanted to create a realistic alien that would look like it is coming through the darkness to create a 3D effect. We also wanted to keep this poster quite simple by just having the alien and the Independence Day Resurgence type to promote the film in a simplistic form. We feel that this poster has turned out really well due to its professional look and its realistic style which we wanted to have.

3D posters Experimenting with the 3D poster Illustrations.


Experimentation with 3D posters This is our second 3D poster experiment we created using Photoshop to manipulate the pre-existing images to create a realistic poster. We used the old attacker spaceship that they used in the first independence day because we want to show how that the same aliens and spaceships will be in the new film. We felt that a big impacting poster would work really well to promote the film really well, so we went with using a big explosion to emphasise the action and all out chaos that is involved in the new film. Overall we feel that this poster has turned out really well and is to a professional standard with a 3D effect on the spaceship.

3D posters Experimenting with the 3D poster Illustrations.


experimentation This is one of the realistic experimentations that we have come to create for the 3d posters, we were going to try and re create ones from the rough illustrations but some of them didnt work and we decided to chamge the design but keep roughly to the theme and keep it independance day based. We looked through the trailer and found that a lot of the scenes where the alien ships are in it they are taking destruction upon earth and we felt it would be good if we kept with that and got that theme across in the way that we set out our images for the 3D posters and we kept the theme of a spaceship and flames but also adding it in to our own primary research images to make it more of our own experiment of an image.

3D posters Experimenting with the 3D poster Illustrations.


experimentation Again we changed the poster idea from the rough illustrations because we found it harder to create a 3d image from what we had originally designed to do, so we again used one of our primary research images and kept with the theme from the trailer by adding in the spaceship and the fllames to make it look as though the town centre is getting destroyed by these aliens that are attacking earth. We feel that the flames and fire give off a good sence of destrucion and disruption which is what the film has a lot of throughout.

3D posters Experimenting with the 3D poster Illustrations.


What we are going to ?

How we are going to do it ?

We are going to experiment with our idea of creating 3D wall art about Independence Day Resurgence by using images from the film re created in a way to help the promotion of the film.

The first thing that we are going to do is create a moodboard based on 3D wall art after, that we will create primary research pages for inspiration purposes so that it can give us ideas of the things that we could consider including in our 3D wall art.

We are going to use different mediums within this idea to create a broad array of designs that we can choose from if we decide to take this idea in to the final stages in the process.

From the moodboards that we have created we will then create some rough sketches and designs to show us how these things could possibly look with a little bit more detail and work put in to it.

• Using Photoshop to create 3D concept images so that we can see how it would look if we were to create 3D art on a wall.

After the sketches we will start to think about how the 3D art would look and what angles and styles we will have that will make people see that it will be Independence day based.

• Experimenting with physical 3D wall art, trying to create something larger using a paper covered wall.

From then on after we have experimented with the idea and developed it to a stage we will be happy with we might take it further into the final design process.

• Creating digitally drawn 3D Art on our own photographs to show how it would look on certain walls in real life. • Explore within areas and places in which we could make 3D wall art possible.


Exploring further in what we are going to do with 3D Wall Art and how we can create it to promote ID2.

3D wall art


Mood board HTB1MmsZXXXXXXX9aFXXq6xXFXXX8.jpg thumb_l_medieval%20theme%20mural_00.jpg

3D wall art Images to show examples of 3D wall art for inspiration purposes and to get a good idea of what are working with.

3D Wall Art Primary research on different types of surfaces that we can have our 3D Wall Art on and possible places for it.

Primary research

3D Wall art

Primary research on different types of surfaces that we can have our 3D Wall Art on and possible places for it.

Primary research

rough illustrations For the rough illustrations we have created we decided to keep it with the independance day theme of aliens and space crafts so we thought it best to explore using the primary research we collected to invision where around huddersfield town centre we think could be a good place to put the wall art for peopl eto see and refer to the film within advertising. We used the aliens head because the alien is a large part of the film, it is the head that we found on an exisiting ID poster and re drew over it to make it look as though the alien is looking through the building. The second image is where we concerntrated on thinking about what textures the wall art would be on and jkust roughly drew out an idea of something that we can later develop on to looking realistic. We thought that the spaceship was a good idea because it is something that is relatable to the film as everyone knows and something that would be easy to manipulate if we decide to change or add things to the design.

3D WALL ART Rough illustrations for 3D wall art and what we feel it would look like if it were created.

Rough Illustrations

rough illustrations We also looked into inside areas around the uni aswell as the town centre because students as well as families and adults are big cinema goers outside of studies so we felt advertising something like this in a 3d manner would be eye catching and innovative. We again used images from the film trailer to make it look like the cast members are looking through the hole in the wall and on the secoind one that an explosion is coming from inside the building and breaking out. We felt these were greaqt ideas as rough sketches because it would be something we could find fun and interesting to create on photoshop when playing around with the look and style of the wall art when we will be editing it amd adding more texture and realistic feel to the image.

3D wall Art Rough illustrations for 3D wall art and what we feel it would look like if it were created.

Rough Illustrations

experimetnation Within this experimentation we feel that the rough illustration didnt do it justice and as we created this image we felt it looked better than anticipated because you really get that brick texture and the look that the space craft has crashed in to it. We could see this being a useful one with some added things into it to make sure people knew that it was for the independance day film.

3D wall art Experimentations created from the rough illustrations.


experimentation This is the second experimentation for our 3D wall art, we wanted to experiment with our 3D wall art in public places where it would be seen on a day to day basis because we felt this was a good idea for the promoting of the film. Overall we feel that having an alien as 3D wall art would have a big impact on the public eye due to its fairly noticable look.

3D wall art Experimentations created from the rough illustrations.


experimentation With this image it is the realistic version of the one we created in rough and we feel that now its created propely we can see what potential it would actually have if we were to create it for the public to see. We are happy with how this is looking and feel that the idea is something we are proud of putting together as we feel very strongly that this way of creative advertising would be very effective.

3D wall art Experimentations created from the rough illustrations.


Experimentation With this again we thought to have the alien coming through a building in the middle of town to see how eye catching we could possibly make it and for the area it is in and how large and stand outish we have made the image we feel that it exceeds the look we were originally going for. We are happy with the outcome though and feel that this might possibly something that we might want to take further into the final stages of the project.

3D wall art Experimentations created from the rough illustrations.


what we could do

How would we do it

We could experiment with our idea of creating 3D floor art about Independence Day Resurgence by using images from the film re created in a way as such that we can use in floor art.

The first thing that we would do is create a moodboard based on 3D floor art after that, we will create primary research pages for inspiration purposes so that it can give us ideas of the things that we could consider including in our 3D floor art experiments.

We could use different mediums within this idea to create a broad array of designs that we can possibly choose from if we decide to take this idea in to the final stages in the process. • Using Photoshop to create 3D concept images so that we can see how it would look if we were to create 3D floor art outside in busy town and city areas. • Experimenting with physical 3D floor art by covering a floor with paper and trying to re create something from the film so that it looks like it coming out of the floor.

From the moodboards that we have created we could then create some rough sketches and designs to show us how these things could possibly look with a little bit more detail and work put in to it. After the sketches we would start to think about how the 3D floor art would look and what sort of styles we will have that will make people see that it will be Independence day based. From then on we would experiment with the idea and develop it to a stage we will be happy with we might take it further into the final design process.

• Creating digitally drawn 3D floor art to see how it would look drawn out in a digital manner on one of our secondary research photographs. • Explore within areas and places that which we could make 3D floor art possible so we can see how it looks if we were actually to do it.


Exploring further in 3D floor art and how we could create in digitally and physically using different materials.

floor art


Mood board b82220_floor_strong_graphic.jpg*oUCqWjj9OefxnngqT/1082107029.jpeg /5f/6b/23/5f62374f2639c445c1ccc9bf3672324.jpg

3D floor art Images to show examples of floor art for inspiration purposes and to get a good idea of what are working with.

Floor art Primary research on different types of surfaces that we can have our floor art on and possible places for these posters.

Primary research

Floor art

Primary research on different types of surfaces that we can have our floor art on and possible places for these posters.

Primary research

what we could do

how would we do it

We could experiment with our idea to create projection mapping that incorporates Independence Day Resurgence by using images from the film re created in a way as such that we can use for the projection work.

The first thing that we would do is create a moodboard based on projection mapping, we will use this for inspiration purposes so that it will give us ideas of certain ways we can we could consider working with while we create the projection mapping.

We are going to use different ways and methods within this idea to create a piece of projected work or a concept for the idea in which we could take forward if we feel the idea works in to the final stages of the process.

From the mood boards that we have created we could then create some rough work to show how the projection mapping would look when we had done it.

• Create or use a projector to experiment in making simple projection images on to surfaces. • We could use different imagery with the use of light to see if we can re create a projection using water.

After creating the rough work we would start to think about how we can do it properly and how we feel it will look and how we want it to look, concentrating on making sure people see that it is for the independence day film. From then on we would experiment into the idea of projection mapping we will have developed it to a stage where we can see if it would be possible to create it at a larger scale for more people to see and if we are happy with it we may possibly take it to the final stage of our ideas.


Exploring further into projection mapping and how we could experiment within this idea to see wether it is possible for us to create something so complex with the use of different materials.

Projection mapping


Mood board

Projection mapping Images to show examples of projection mapping for inspiration purposes and to get a good idea of what are working with.

Primary research

projection mapping Primary research on different types of surfaces that we can have our projection mapping on and possible places for these posters.

projection mapping Primary research on different types of surfaces that we can have our projection mapping on and possible places for these posters.

Primary research

What we are going to ?

How we are going to do it ?

We are going to experiment with our idea of creating 3D floor art about Independence Day Resurgence by using images from the film re created in a way as such that we can use in floor art.

The first thing that we are going to do is create a moodboard based 3D floor art and examples of it, after that we will create primary research pages for inspiration purposes so that it can give us ideas of the things that we could consider including in our 3D floor art experiments.

We are going to use different mediums within this idea to create a broad array of designs that we can choose from if we decide to take this idea in to the final stages in the process. • Using Photoshop to create 3D concept images so that we can see how it would look if we were to create 3D floor art outside in busy town and city areas. • Experimenting with physical 3D floor art by covering a floor with paper and trying to re create something from the film so that it looks like it coming out of the floor.

From the moodboards that we have created we will then create some rough sketches and designs to show us how these things could possibly look with a little bit more detail and work put in to it. After the sketches we will start to think about how the 3D floor art would look and what sort of styles we will have that will make people see that it will be Independence day based. From then on after we have experimented with the idea and developed it to a stage we will be happy with we might take it further into the final design process.

• Creating digitally drawn 3D floor art to see how it would look drawn out in a digital manner on one of our secondary research photographs. • Explore within areas and places that which we could make 3D floor art possible so we can see how it looks if we were actually to do it.


Exploring further in 3D cardboard cut outs and how we can create them digitally and physically using different materials.

3d cardboard cutouts

REFERENCES jpg?quality=94&strip=info&w=500 jpg

Mood board

3D carboard cutouts Images to show examples of 3D cardboard cutouts for inspiration purposes and to get a good idea of what are working with.

3D carboard cutouts Primary research on different places that we could have the 3D cardboard cut outs.

Primary research

3D carboard cutouts Primary research on different places that we could have the 3D cardboard cut outs.

Primary research

experimentation These are the first two physically created cardboard cutouts in 3d to a smaller hand sized scale to what they would be if they were to be created properly for advertisment. We created the fighter jet from the second independance day as we thought it would look appealing as a 3d cardboard cut out to people in the cinema that might want their picture taken with the ship or just as a sculpture type advertisment within shops. The second is the alien from the first film that we thought to be easily recognisable to the public if they saw it in the cinema, everybody loves cardboard cut outs for advertisment but we feel if they were to be fully sized 3d cardboard cut outs they would attract more attention from the public because it s something that is not usually seen for the advertisment of films.

3D carboard cutouts Experimentation within 3D cardboard cutouts that we have created.


3D carboard cutouts Experimentation within 3D cardboard cutouts that we have created.


experimentation These three experimentations of spaceships are just simple everyday regognisable spaceships that we decided to create as design experiments for what we think the best spaceship would look like in 3D and what we think would get hte most attention if it were lifesize. We felt that the first one being relstive to the film woulf be the best for the 3D idea but the third one on the right of this page would be the best method of creating a 3d cardboard cutout that would be sturdy and keep its hold in a public area.

3D carboard cutouts Experimentation within 3D cardboard cutouts that we have created.


3D carboard cutouts Primary research on different types of surfaces that we can have our 3D posters on and possible places for these posters.


What we are going to ?

How we are going to do it ?

We are going to experiment with our idea of creating Physical Objects that influence Independence Day Resurgence in a way that we can create artistic objects digitally and physically on order to demonstrate a more advanced way of advertising.

The first thing that we are going to do is create a moodboard based on the Physical object idea and examples of it, after that we will create primary research pages for inspiration purposes so that it can give us ideas of the things that we could consider including in our experimentation.

We are going to use different mediums within this idea to create a broad array of designs that we can choose from if we decide to take this idea in to the final stages in the process. • Using Photoshop to create 3D concept images of the Physical objects we choose to advance with using areas in which we think will work for the experimentation. • Experimenting with physical 3D objects of trying to create something that looks against a wall like a 3D being or creature breaking through or into the wall. • Creating digitally drawn 3D objects and editing them into our own primary research photographs so that we can create mock ups and example images of how it could look if it was actually created as a physical object.

From the moodboards that we have created we will then create some rough sketches and designs to show us how these things could possibly look with a little bit more detail and work put in to it. After the sketches we will start to think about how the Physical objects would look if they were out in big cities and areas also try to think about what affect they will have on people who come across them. From then on after we have experimented with the idea and developed it to a stage we will be happy with we might take it further into the final design process.

• Explore within areas and places that which we could make the Physical object idea look possible and appealing as an idea that we could go forward with.


Exploring further in Physical Objects and how we can create them digitally and physically using different materials.

Physical Object

REFERENCES b690x493.jpg

Mood board

Physical Object Images to show examples of physical objects being used for advertisement for inspiration purposes and to get a good idea of what are working with.

physical objects Primary research on different types of surfaces that we can have our physical objects on and possible places for these posters.

Primary research

3D Posters

More images of Independence Day Resurgent for inspiration purposes and to get a good idea of what are working with.

Primary research

experimentation As we chose physical object to experiment with we decided to try and place things to do with the film in the primary research images of around the town centre to see where we felt these things would be most noticable by people walking past on their daily travels. we felt across from the train station to be a succeful area and created the alien on the top of the building which at a glancer looks a little bit silly right now but it would be eye catching to people going to and from work everyday and the word would spread quickly about how the alien is on the building promotion the new independance day film.

physical object Experimentation within the physical object idea of productive advertising.


experimentation The second idea that we felt would be eye catching to people out and about would be if there was a spaceship smoking coming from a building in the towen centre as this is something not everybody sees on a daily basis and will get people noticing and talking about what it is.

physical object Further experimentation within the physical object idea of productive advertising.


experimentation Where else better to advertise a world taking over film that right in the heart of the city on top of the central building. This we thought would be a great place to put an alien as people cant miss this if they tried and being int city centre people will be interested as to what it is for, why it is there and what is its intended purpose.

physical object Further experimentation within the physical object idea of productive advertising.


experimentation We again felt that the university being a large part of huddersfield city centre it should be involved in the physical object experimentation and that we feel something physical coming from the university building is sure to get students using social media to get the word out about how this new film has advertised in such an amazing way.

physical object Further experimentation within the physical object idea of productive advertising.


What we could do

How we would do it

We could experiment with our idea of creating Innovative advertising ways that influence Independence Day Resurgence in a way that we can create artistic types of advertisements.

The first thing that we would to do is create a moodboard based on our Innovative advertisements idea and examples of it, after that we will create primary research pages for inspiration purposes so that it can give us ideas of the things that we could consider including in our experimentation.

We could use different mediums within this idea to create a broad array of designs that we can choose from if we decide to take this idea in to the final stages in the process. • Using Photoshop to create concept images of the advertisements that we have come up with in the rough sketches stage we will develop in the using areas which we think will work for the experimentation.

• Using Illustrator to create concepts of the innovative advertisements that we could physically create.

From the moodboards that we have created we would then think about some rough sketches and designs to show how these things could possibly look with a little bit more detail and work put in to it. After the sketches we would start to think about how the Advertisements would look if they were created at first hand physically so people are able to interact with them. From then on we would experiment with the idea and develop it to a stage we will be happy with we might take it further into the final design process.

• Play around with the physical way of making these innovative ideas come to life.


Exploring further in Innovative advertising and how we might create it digitally and physically using different materials.

Innovative advertising


Mood board

Innovative advertising Images to show examples of Innovative advertising for inspiration purposes and to get a good idea of what are working with.

What we could do

How we could do it

We could experiment with our idea of creating collectable models, figures in a way that will influence Independence Day Resurgence.

The first thing that we would do is create a moodboard based on our collectable figures and modes idea and examples of it, after that we could create primary research pages for inspiration purposes so that it can give us ideas of the things that we could consider including in our experimentation.

We could use different mediums within this idea to create a broad array of designs that we can choose from if we decide to take this idea in to the final stages in the process. • With the use of Photoshop and possibly cinema 4D we can create 3D figures and models that will give us a good concept of what the actual figures would look like if we were to create them properly in a physical manner. • We will create simple models from standard everyday materials that will help us get to grips with creating physical models.

From the moodboards that we have created we would then create some rough sketches and designs to show us how these things could possibly look with a little bit more detail and work put in to it. After the sketches we could start to think about how the models and figures would look if they were created at first hand physically. From then on we would experiment with the idea and developed it to a stage we will be happy with we might take it further into the final design process.


Exploring into collectable models, figures and how we could create them digitally and physically using different materials.

Collectable models, Figures


Mood board

Collectable models, Figures Images to show examples of collectable models, figures for inspiration purposes and to get a good idea of what are working with.

Primary research

Collectable models, Figures Primary research on examples of different types of collectable models and figures

Collectable models, Figures Primary research on examples of different types of collectable models and figures

Primary research

What we are going to ?

How we are going to do it ?

We are going to experiment with our idea of Physical wall stickers in a way that will influence Independence Day Resurgence.

The first thing that we are going to do is create a moodboard based on our Physical wall stickers idea and examples of it, after that we will create primary research pages for inspiration purposes so that it can give us ideas of the things that we could consider including in our experimentation.

We are going to use different mediums within this idea to create a broad array of designs that we can choose from if we decide to take this idea in to the final stages in the process. • With the use of photoshop we will be able to manipulate images to make them look 3D in order to enable the vision of 3D physical stickers. • We will create a few mock up physical items that we could use for the wall stickers to make sure that they will look effective enough to come across as 3D.

From the moodboards that we have created we will then create some rough sketches and designs to show us how these things could possibly look with a little bit more detail and work put in to it. After the sketches we will start to think about how the physical wall stickers will look if we create them at first hand physcially. From then on after we have experimented with the idea and developed it to a stage we will be happy with we might take it further into the final design process.


Exploring further into Physical wall stickers and how we can create them digitally and physically using different materials.

Physical Wall stickers



Mood board Star-Wars-Death-Star-3D-Deco-Light-Breakthrough.jpg r2_d2_Deco_Light_01-600x500.jpghttp://www.geekbabystuff. com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/transformer-wall-de Deco_ New-2015-NFL-Novelty-Rugby-Wall-Lamps-Home-Bar-DecoLight-Personalize-Toy-Lighting-3D-LED.jpg jpg.square-true_maxheight-285_size-285.jpg xwing_3d_deco_light_star_wars_by_3d_light_fx_1_raw.jpg Light_03.jpg

Physical Wall stickers Images to show examples of physical wall stickers for inspiration purposes and to get a good idea of what are working with.

experimentation These two pages are the first examples that we created when we were looking into making physical wall stickers we thought that by using the little plastic alien that we sawed in half to give off the effect of him coming through the wall through the crack or coming through a portal from the other side of the door. These were fun to experiment with and think that something like this could be really effective if put int he correct places around cities.

physical wall stickers Hand created experimentation of the physical wall stickers what the wall stickers could look like to promote the film.


physical wall stickers Hand created experimentation of the physical wall stickers what the wall stickers could look like to promote the film.


experimentation We also took one of the cardboard spaceships that we created and sawed it in half to try to create the same effect of a physcial wall sticker but with the effect that it is coming through the wall like the effect tha we used for the 3D wall art idea. Again this was a fun idea to work with and could possibly be something that we take to the final stages as we enjoyed creating the stickers and think it would be soemthing that could not only be used for advertising but in smaller forms be something that children may want for their bedroom decor.

physical wall stickers Hand created experimentation of the physical wall stickers what the wall stickers could look like to promote the film.


physical wall stickers Hand created experimentation of the physical wall stickers what the wall stickers could look like to promote the film.


What we could do

How would we do it

We could experiment with our idea of creating the Tshirts in a way that will influence Independence Day Resurgence.

The first thing that we would do is create a moodboard based on our Tshirts idea and examples of it, after that we would create primary research pages for inspiration purposes so that it can give us ideas of the things that we could consider including in our experimentation.

We could use different mediums within this idea to create a broad array of designs that we can choose from if we decide to take this idea in to the final stages in the process. • With the use of t shirts printing and creating designs on photoshop we will be able to create prints on plain t shirts. • We can create the designs in a digital manner also in a physically drawn manner to get more than one way of designing.

From the moodboards that we have created we will then create some rough sketches and designs to show us how these things could possibly look with a little bit more detail and work put in to it. After the sketches we would start to think about how the Tshirts would look if we created them at first hand physally. From then we would have experimented with the idea and developed it to a stage we will be happy with we might take it further into the final design process.


Exploring further into Tshirts and how we might create them digitally and physically using different materials.

T shirts


REFERENCES$_32.JPG jpg?c=2 Wars_A_New_Hope_Movie_Poster_Sublimation_T_Shirt_26_99_hi_res.jpg

Mood board

T shirts Images to show examples of collectable models, figures for inspiration purposes and to get a good idea of what are working with.

What we are going to ?

How we are going to do it ?

We are going to experiment with our idea of creating Augmented reality in a way that will influence Independence Day Resurgence.

The first thing that we are going to do is create a moodboard based on augmented reality idea and examples of it, after that we will create primary research pages for inspiration purposes so that it can give us ideas of the things that we could consider including in our experimentation.

We are going to use different mediums within this idea to create a broad array of designs that we can choose from if we decide to take this idea in to the final stages in the process. • With the use of photoshop and mobile phones we will be able to create something that resembles augmented reality.

From the moodboards that we have created we will then create some rough sketches to show us how these things could possibly look if we had the correct technology to make it happen. From then on after we have experimented with the idea and developed it to a stage we will be happy with we might take it further into the final design process.


Exploring further into Augmented reality and how we can create them digitally and physically using different materials.

Augmented reality



Mood board

Augmented reality Images to show examples of Augmented reality for inspiration purposes and to get a good idea of what are working with.

Primary research

Augmented reality Primary research on different types of surfaces that we can have our 3D posters on and possible places for these posters.

Augmented reality More images of Independence Day Resurgent for inspiration purposes and to get a good idea of what are working with.

Primary research

rough illustrations Here our rough illustrations of experimenting with augment reality. We wanted try different objects what we can possible have in the augmented reality on a phone, we tried four different useable objects that we could have as the AR. These objects are the alien attacker spaceship, the alien head, alien spaceship and finally the jet that is enhanced with alien technology from the new film. We felt that these objects would be really cool to have in an AR app or something that can be scanned that would allow your camera to see the AR objects to promote the film on a 3D/handheld scale. Although this would be a good idea to implement we felt that is wouldn’t give you much information for example the trailer or the origins of the film. We felt like we wanted to inform the public of the trailer and other promotional purposes.

Augmented reality Rough illustrations of what augmented reality looks like on a phone and how we could manipulate independance day in with this idea.

Rough Illustrations

rough illustrations Here are our rough illustrations developed into something that we could implement into our final concept. We wanted to have QR codes implemented into the 3D posters that we created previously so that they would be scanned and that would open up a link to the trailer to the film. We also have a QR Code that would take you to a website which is all about the history of the “war of 1996� which is like a recap of what happened between the first film and the new film. We felt that these ideas are really good to implement into our posters because we feel that the posters could promote the film even more by showing the trailer of and the website. Overall we feel that this QR code idea in tandem with the augmented reality idea works really well and could be implemented easily into our main concept.

Augmented reality Rough illustrations of what augmented reality looks like on a phone and how we could manipulate independance day in with this idea.

Rough Illustrations

Experimentation of augmented reality Here is the experimentation of the process of the QR code scanning process of for QR code and augmented reality mixed together, we wanted to create these in a more realistic form by manipulating our primary research (that being the background), our poster and the phone with QR code detection software. We really like the idea of having our poster outside a cinema and having the QR code link you to the trailer of the film, we felt that it made a lot of sense being there because that’s where you would go to go see the film.

Augmented reality Realistic experimentations of what augmented reality looks like on a phone and how we could manipulate independance day in with this idea.


Experimentation of augmented reality This is the second experimentation of the process of the QR code scanning process of for QR code and augmented reality mixed together using the other poster with the same concept as the last page. The only difference here is the background we used and the poster with the different placement of the QR code. We also had this poster that links you to the “War of 1996� website for the recap of the time between the first film and the last, we felt that this would work really well with this poster because it has the old attacker spaceship in it from the first independence day.


Augmented reality Realistic experimentation of what augmented reality looks like on a phone and how we could manipulate independance day in with this idea.

What we are going to ?

How we are going to do it ?

We are going to experiment with our idea of QR codes within the use of postes so that it will influence Independence Day Resurgence.

The first thing that we are going to do is create a moodboard based on the QR code idea and examples of it, after that we will create primary research pages for inspiration purposes so that it can give us ideas of the things that we could consider including in our experimentation.

We are going to use different mediums within this idea to create a broad array of poster designs that we can create QR codes within and then choose if we decide to take this idea in to the final stages in the process. • We will be experimenting with the black that are inside the QR code also how they can be placed on a poster.

From the moodboards that we have created we will then create some designs to show us how these things could possibly look within a poster and where these things will be placed throughout. From then on after we have experimented with the idea and developed it to a stage we will be happy with we might take it further into the final design process.


Exploring further into QR codes and how we can create them digitally.

qr code



Mood board

qR code Images to show examples of QR code for inspiration purposes and to get a good idea of what are working with.

QR code experiments Here are our first experiments for our QR code experimentation, we wanted to first experiment with current in use QR codes by implementing the old Independence Day logo into the QR code. We tried two different orientations to see what it would look like and if the logo is noticeable in the QR code itself. We found that the logo had more of an impact in the middle of the logo than the bottom right due to it being the centre point of the QR code. After experimenting with the QR code that is just an example, we wanted to create a legitimate working one that will link you to content of the Independence Day movie and the franchise in general. So look into how we would make working QR codes and we came across a website that can generate and design them. So we then created two different unique styled QR codes that would link you to a website called http://www.warof1996. com/ which is a really good website that runs through what happened after the first Independence Day film and up to the new film in a integrative and creative way which we found really intriguing. We wanted to use the FOX logo in the QR code to promote the whole company and to show the creators of the franchise. Another point is how well known FOX, we felt that people would be more intrigued to scan the code because it is involved with such famous company.

qR code Experimentation with our own working QR codes that take you to the ID website that we will be including on our posters.


What we are going to ? Here is the final design for the QR code, we wanted to keep it simple so that it would be easy to implement onto various surfaces and colours. We went with the #IDR symbol because this logo is used in a lot of the advertising for the film so we thought it would work really well using the hashtag for social network promotion purposes. We feel that this QR code design is the best due to its simplicity and the fact it links you to the website for Independence Day Resurgence which is integrated into the FOX website.

qR code Experimentation with our own working QR codes that take you to the ID website that we will be including on our posters.


Experimentations with our QR Code placements Here are some examples of us implementing the QR codes on different experimentations we made previously in the document. We felt that the QR code be used on all these different objects, these are our two 3D posters and two of our 3D wall art pieces. Overall we feel that we could implement this QR code onto virtually anything and it would promote the new film even further.

QR Codes Experimenting with placement of our own working QR codes that takes you to the ID website that we will be including on our posters.


Experimentations with our QR Code placements Here are some more examples of us implementing the QR codes on different experimentations we made previously in the document. We felt that the QR code be used on all these different objects, these are our two physical objects and two of our cardboard cut-out pieces. Overall we feel that we could implement this QR code onto virtually anything and it would promote the new franchise even further.

QR Codes Experimenting with placement of our own working QR codes that takes you to the ID website that we will be including on our posters.


What we could do

How would we do it

We could experiment with our idea of creating an online countdown clock in a way that will influence Independence Day Resurgence.

The first thing that we would do is create a moodboard based on the countdown clock idea and examples of it, after that we could create primary research pages for inspiration purposes so that it can give us ideas of the things that we could consider including in our experimentation.

We could use different mediums within this idea to create a broad array of designs that we can choose from if we decide to take this idea in to the final stages in the process. • With the use of photoshop and After effects we could make the digital countdown clock a reality.

From the moodboards that we have created we will then create some rough sketches to show us how these things could possibly look if we did them in adobe software and made them look realistic. After the sketches we might start to think about how the Digital clock would look if we created it at first hand physcially. From then on we would experiment with the idea and develop it to a stage we will be happy with we might take it further into the final design process.


Exploring further into a Countdown clock and how we could create one digitally.

countdown clock



Mood board jpg

countdown clock Images to show examples of countdown clocks for inspiration purposes and to get a good idea of what are working with.

What we are going to ?

How would we do it

We are going to experiment with our idea of creating Oculus Rift concept designs in a way that will influence Independence Day Resurgence.

The first thing that we would do is create a moodboard based on our Oculus rift idea and examples of it, after that we will create primary research pages for inspiration purposes so that it can give us ideas of the things that we could consider including in our experimentation.

We are going to use mediums within this idea to create a broad array of designs that we can choose from if we decide to take this idea in to the final stages in the process. • With the use of photoshop we will create the concept of an oculus rift event in which people can use the the interactive software to see parts of the independence day film or the trailer.

From the moodboards that we have created we will then create some rough sketches and digital concepts to show how these things could possibly look if they were to be a reality. After the sketches we would start to think about how the event would look and feel to the people who would be attending it. From then on we would experiment with the idea and developed it to a stage we will be happy with we might take it further into the final design process.


Exploring further into Oculus Rift (concept art) and how we might create them digitally and physically using different materials.

Oculus Rift


REFERENCES site1/20140613/0023ae82ca0f15047d2e23.jpg https://6fd6e72ccde4f7752714-57d6ff1fc59ab172ec418789d348b0c1.ssl.cf1.rackcdn. com/images/uxvOFYB-KJ5E.878x0.Z-Z96KYq.jpg t-booth-e3-2014/1420782487.jpg?fit=700%2C420

Mood board

oculUs rift Images to show examples of oculus rift and virtual reality events for inspiration purposes and to get a good idea of what are working with.

final concept

brief final Idea plan

the effect we want

For our final idea plan we have decided to combine a variety of the ideas we initially came up with including Floor art, Physical object, 3D poster, augmented reality and QR code.

The effect we are wanting to give off by creating this concept of a possible real scene is one similar to the 3D wall art spaceship crash image that we created because we feel that would really draw some attention to people passing on a daily basis.

The way we are going to demonstrate this final idea is by creating a scene digitally in which it looks as though an alien space craft has crash landed in the city centre, by using our own primary research of Huddersfield town centre we will create and develop a realistic scene in which to promote Independence Day Resurgence. We will create the scene using Photoshop to implement a realistic scene within the city and using the augmented reality part of the scene to reveal the trailer of the film to people through the QR code on the poster. One scan of the poster and they can be watching the trailer in seconds.

We feel that this concept with the combination of so many good and creative ideas is the biggest and best way that a Sci fi film could possibly be promoted within the use of big stunt based ideas because it is not a stunt that many film advertising campaigns would allegedly use out in areas with a lot of public, this way it effectively attracts cinema goers, Sci fi lovers, children and adults.

the Alien crash site

Final idea plan

Possible useable images and designs These are our experimentations that we will be implementing into our final idea which is the alien crash site. We will be using the two 3D posters that will be placed around the crash site itself to help promote the film even more. We will also be using the QR codes on the physical objects that can be scanned and they will show even more content and hashtags for the events, and possibly activate snapchat filters to promote the stunt itself. The image of Huddersfield town will be the one we use for the crash site manipulation to show what the stunt would look like. We also will be using the rubble effect on the spaceship wall art to give the concept art a realistic look and feel.

implemented designs Possible useable images and designs we can use in our final concept.

final idea plan

Development of the crash site For our final crash site we decided to develop the image further so that we had a lot more things to go off, things that we could add in to it to make it look more realiastic.

Crash site Development of the crash site and what objects we could use.


Development of the crash site In these few more development images we went as far as to trying out different things within the page such as the cones, fencing and the banner. We had to put a lot of thinking in to where we would be putting the QR codes within the image because we felt that with the experimentation of the fence the audience wouldn’t be able to get interactive with the QR codes that are on the bricks as we oringinally planned out so we had to tweak a few things to make it look right and to ensure that it was everything we intended it to be.

Implementing QR CODEs on Crash site Development of the QR code placement.


final crash site For the final crash site we decided to keep it simple after we had experimented with all the QR code placement because too much would deter the publics eye from what the physical object is about and what we are trying to do by getting people to scan the codes and get interactive with it.

Crash site The final crash site image.


NEWs report QR code Each of the QR codes we created are working ones that will take you to something different about independence day each time they are scanned individually. This first code will take you to a bbc news report image that we created to make the crash site look more realistic.

news report Working QR codes for the crash site.

QR CODE uses

NEWs report QR code This our second working QR code onece scanned takes you to the trailer for the new Independence day resurgence film so that the people at the crash site can access this on the spot with their scanners and watch the trailer to the film and gain more of an interest within the film.

Trailer Working QR codes for the crash site.

QR CODE uses

NEWs report QR code This our third QR code will take you the website that shares with everyone the history of the war that happened in 1996 on independence day. It will also tell everyone what happened to the world inbetween the first film and this second one being resurgence.

The war of 1996 Working QR codes for the crash site.

QR CODE uses

NEWs report QR code The fourth working QR code takes people to the independence day website that has information about the holiday and the story behind the film with a brief history of the american holiday.

the IDR website Working QR codes for the crash site.

QR CODE uses

Submission document development

Front cover This is the front cover that we decided to use for the final document out of the few images that we looked at. Within this image we have changed the colours from a fully coloured image to having the skulls only in colour and the rest of the image blanked out, we felt this looked better for the independence day film because it seemed more relevant. We got this image from the history of independence day website because we thought rather than making out own we would use one that they would be familiar with and see that we used initiative within the image and changed it somewhat to our own style.

FRONT cover

front cover design Why we chose this front cover?

Document design For the document design we decided to look into having quite a spacey sci fi feel to it, we used to dotted background because it is something that we spotted within the website and decided to impliment into our final document. We kept to the theme of blue and orange also from the independence day website and added the shape in from this document so that we could link the two. The symbol also from the website we felt it gave the layout look a nice sci fi feel to it and added a touch of space to the document.

Submission DOC Layout

front cover design Finding the right layout.

the Submission document

The ideas we created needed to be exciting and we became enthralled in the big stunt based events that we could come up with, because the possibilities were limitless. We decided to mock up a spoof crash site showing the alien spaceship crash landing into town centres, university campus and leisure complexes. The installation can be placed in specific venues overnight, 3D posters can be put up elsewhere around the UK, a spoof news item can be circulated on social media too, and as people go about their day they will come across the ‘crash site’ and spread the word and images via social media.





QR CODE VARIETY ( Real working QR codes )




3D POSTERS ( Real working QR codes )

EVALUATION We feel that throughout this project we have both enjoyed doing it and getting into the sci fi mind set to try and think about things no one else would have to help promote this film, it has been a very long project for us what with all the ideas we had and how we felt we couldn’t miss an opportunity to show these ideas but in the end we are happy with the final outcome of all our ideas. We think that if we were to do this project again from scratch we would spend more time within the experimentation stages because we found that we spent a lot of time getting the research and when it came to developing the ideas we ran into issues we hadn’t thought about beforehand and didn’t have as much time as we thought to experiment with everything we wanted to. If we were to do it again we would definitely keep the ideas we came up with but maybe narrow them down a little bit more so that we have something developed for each one rather than just a little bit for each idea that didn’t really lead to anything. We are definitely happy with the outcome we feel it was a good idea in the end to combine our favourite ideas to create one more effective idea we felt would work well.


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