The social and urban regeneration of Buddinge Batteri - Master thesis

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‘working with the small scale is the key to ensuring better conditions for the human dimension’ (Gehl, Jan, 2010, p. 195)

regeneration, citizen participation, urban design, workshops, ideas, strategic, livability

2014 Feb




The master thesis brings together four different topics in one complex and pragmatic project. Urban design and architecture represent the educational foundation of the bachelor studies and the essential focus of the thesis. The theoretical insight about urban planning gained from Aalborg master programme enhanced the final result of the project. The concept of sustainability is included in the process and in the final solution. And last, but not least, the social dimension is present to satisfy the curiosity and foster the personal interest in human behavior and its relationship with natural and built environment. The idea of the project came as an experiment from one of my mentors and seemed a perfect match to my expectations. Buddinge Batteri works as a real-life project and based on its results, has many chances to become reality. The thesis starts with a brief research about the subject and about the area itself. Involving the citizens and other interested parties represent an essential part of the process and of the result. The findings are filtered using the expert knowledge and transformed into the final solution.









Actors involved: Ÿ


City Planning department from Gladsaxe Kommune Cultural department from Gladsaxe Kommune Local Agenda 21 From Gladsaxe Gladsaxe Scouts Cultural councilor in Social-Democrat party Residents Housing Association




Buddinge Battery is located south – west Buddinge district, in Gladsaxe Municipality, north –west Copenhagen. It is part of Copenhagen fortification system together with Gladsaxe, Bagsværd and Lyngby neighbouring forts. It was built between 1888 and 1889 and its role was to support those forts in times of war (Copenhagen Fortification homepage). Buddinge Batteri represents a closed green area within a residential neighborhood composed of detached houses. It has a number of existing buildings, that belong to Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen which they used for their measuring activities. They are not used and have a very poor state. The battery itself consists of a half-buried bunker which used to have six areas to accommodate the 12 cm cannons, underground ammunition storage and a surrounding mound, that protected the battery. In the last 50 years, the mound disappeared entirely and the hill changed its shape to make room to several buildings. (Copenhagen Fortification homepage). The underground ammunition rooms still exist, but in poor condition. The battery has been in municipality’s ownership for one year and a half now, but no significant changes happened in the area, most probably due to other priorities, lack of funds or lack of interest in general. Presently, the area is closed to public.

Local plan Municipal plan Gladsaxe Liv Report Conservation proposal

Word of mouth


Reflection, intuition

Online articles



In 1920, the battery was disbanded and taken over by several actors: Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Energy and the Geodesic Institute who had the biggest impact on the area. The institute developed Buddinge Batteri in a more functional direction, by using it for different specific activities and storage (Danmarks Naturfredningsforening). After the Geodesic institute abandoned the area, several real estate companies - Freja and 2talinvest - were interested in developing more profit oriented projects into the area, like housing, but their plans were spoiled and the fortification was introduced into the monuments’ list. (Copenhagen Fortification homepage).

Jul 2010 The proposal for conservation is denied in the end 1888-1889 The Buddinge Batteri is built.

April 2005 There is an exception formulated by the Ministry of Culture to allow housing in the area

1983 The first municipal plan in ??? 1920 Gladsaxe battery is part of Freja sells the The battery is disbanded!! a green, recreational area area to 2talinvest

Oct 2005 The exception coming from the Ministry of Culture is denied

Feb 2014 Urban design project Master thesis - to find green solutions for the area

Nov 2014 Local agenda 21 meeting Buddinge Batteri Aug 2014 Gladsaxe City Days - solution for Buddinge Batteri is presented to the residents

2008 2009 The proposal draft for The case starts and both the municipality conservation is approved and DN have the right to make comments

Feb 2005 1992 1914 2002 Unauthorised construction - a Cadastre Agency is abandoning Freja company buys 2talinvest develops a small concrete command post the area and closes it for public Buddinge Batteri proposal for a Housing Program in the area

2006 There is an proposal coming from Nature Conservation and Gladsaxe Municipality to preserve the battery and avoid building houses in the area

Jan 2013 Gladsaxe Municipality buys Buddinge Batteri and has 10 years to transform it into a recreational area





Local problems : Ÿ degraded buildings and neglected area Ÿ target of unwanted social groups,, like

teenagers having parties or persons vandalizing the area Ÿ pressure on future development Ÿ lack of a maintenance plan Ÿ lack of money



The involvement of residents and other interested parties into the process was the core element of the thesis. There had been developed interviews with specialists and other relevant parties both in the research and solution stage. Their input contributed in the process and gave a hands-on experience to the overall thesis.

ÅBENT MØDE – kom med dine ideer til BUDDINGE BATTERI som grønt område Lokal Agenda 21 og Gladsaxe Kommune hjælper en studerende ved Aalborg Universitet i Sydhavnen med hendes eksamensprojekt. Hun vil udarbejde et forslag til, hvordan Buddinge Batteri kan blive et sted med forskellige aktiviteter for nabolaget og kommunens borgere. Og hun vil gøre det i samarbejde med dig og andre naboer og interesserede.

Der bydes på kaffe, the og kage i Grønt Idé Center mandag den 31. marts og mandag den 7. april, begge dage kl. 19-21.

The interaction with the residents started with a leaflet (see picture) announcing two workshops about Buddinge Battery. 23% out of 100 invitations attended the meetings. Hullet I hegnet

Each workshop was conducted following the principles of Open Space Technology, characterized by informality, equal ideas, opportunities to be heard and friendly environment. Future workshops method was chosen for its resilience and adaptability to different types of participants. The stages that characterize it are : fantasy, problems and solution. The input of the workshops had high priority in the solution stage of the project and shaped the new Buddinge Batteri.

Opbevaring af ammunition


Opbevaring af ammunition




Målepunkt til geodata

Tilmeld dig med e-mail til Kim Christiansen, formand for Foreningen Lokal Agenda 21 i Gladsaxe, på eller til Adina Visan, studerende, på – vi svarer også på spørgsmål

FUTURE WORKSHOP FANTASY PHASE Dream on and contribute with ideas that are not restricted by finance, environmental or building regulations.

PROBLEMS PHASE Identify what obstacles that might occur when implementing the fantasy. It is the process form the initial fantasy to the final result, going through obstacles and restrictions that shape the outcome. URBAN PARKS

Højde mærke

SOLUTION PHASE Create the final solution, identify the changes and prioritize them.



Physical problems - buildings, infrastructure, etc Ÿ the area is not taken care of Ÿ plants from the battery invade surrounding plots Ÿ quality of the buildings Ÿ exclude old and disabled people in case access is by car


Environmental problems Ÿ dog walkers - waste Ÿ noise from different activities Ÿ rats and other similar animals Security and safety problems Ÿ violence Ÿ dogs without leash Ÿ no privacy for neighbors Ÿ unwanted people – gangs for example - vandalism Ÿ no parties Economic problems Ÿ no money Ÿ no selling Social problems Ÿ residents are concerned about what could happen Ÿ who is responsible for everything? Ÿ no privacy for neighbors

Results - ideas

‘design professionals today are often part of the problem. In too many cases we design for places and people we don’t know and grant them very power or acknowledgment.’(Jacobs; Appleyard, 1987)

General ideas - visions for the area Ÿ recreational green area that is maintained and may function as an urban oasis Ÿ demolish all the buildings, keep the fortification and bring it to its original state Ÿ develop activities and mix them with the historical identity

Community related ideas - functions and (part of) activities Ÿ community house Ÿ kindergarten Ÿ playground - maybe connected to the fortification Ÿ café Ÿ art and crafts workshop Ÿ grill area with necessary facilities Ÿ small zoo - small animals Ÿ common building for local associations Ÿ nature house

Specific ideas - decisions - mostly about the physical environment Ÿ demolish the buildings in bad condition industrial building - demolished Ÿ use the existing buildings for storage Ÿ keep the garages , modernize them and use them for storage and selling point for art works Ÿ renovating the existing buildings Ÿ demolish the three warehouses Ÿ remove part of the trees to brighten the area





7 6

Temporary buildings Solid/ heavy buildings Historical buildings


Gustav Esmanns Alle

Gustav Esmanns Alle

Marienborg Alle

org Alle




lle ps A




ru elle l Gj





ller l Gje


Locked access NO access Staircase that lead up the hill Broken staircase that lead up the hill Unpaved road


Structure Aesthetics Materials Context Condition



Contour lines Plot Building Roads Buddinge Batteri area Old fortification elements Terrain shape Hill

Contour lines Plot Building Roads Buddinge Batteri area Old fortification elements Terrain shape Hill

Building 1


Cramped area - tunnel feeling Heavy access (dense vegetation) Viewing point Visual protection Green protection Exposure Buildings within 3m

rg Alle

The accessibility analysis highlights the possibility to access the area from four directions, but none of them open to public. This section of the built analysis draws attention to the unexploited potential of this green area and, of course, to the benefits of such a good accessibility for the overall quality of life in the neighborhood. The access around the area is hampered by broken stairways and wild vegetation.



The first and one of the most important analysis is the assessment of the existing buildings. The observations from the on-site visits and the conclusions from the map are included in an assessment table of all the existing constructions. They are structured in three categories: historical, solid and temporary. The latest category is proposed for demolition, whereas the others two are proposed for keeping - the historical and for a new assessment – the solid. The second assessment is based on five relevant criteria : structure, aesthetics, materials, context, and condition. The criteria stresses both on the general conditions and on the building state. (for example building number 2 got the lowest ranking – in this way being proposed for demolition or functional and physical conversion.)

Marienborg Alle


Building 2

Building 5

Building 6

Building 7


The analysis of unbuilt elements is equally important for the final solution and helps creating an overview over the studied area.


SHADOW AND LIGHT Windy areas - powerful wind drafts Calm areas - no or soft wind

Marienborg Alle

org Alle



Contour lines Plot Building Roads Buddinge Batteri area Old fortification elements Terrain shape Hill

Marienborg Alle

le s Al

le s Al

org Alle

IMAGE AND PERCEPTION Good views, perspectives Tree - different dimensions Bush/group of young trees - different dimensions Green fence

The last aspect of the unbuilt environment marks the valuable images and landscapes of the area. They can be represented by an element like the measuring tower, a street or access perspective, or just natural environment.

Visible, exposed areas Gustav Esmanns Alle

Gustav Esmanns Alle



Contour lines Plot Building Roads Buddinge Batteri area Old fortification elements Terrain shape Hill

org Skjoldb

Marienborg Alle



s Al

s Al





l Gj

l Gj


rg Alle

o Skjoldb

Contour lines Plot Building Roads Buddinge Batteri area Old fortification elements Terrain shape Hill

Marienborg Alle

The wind analysis defines the areas protected from strong wind and the ones exposed to it. Both categories will be taken into consideration when designing the final solution for Buddinge Batteri.

Contour lines Plot Building Roads Buddinge Batteri area Old fortification elements Terrain shape Hill


Physical and environmental conditions are there in all conditions and contribute to the sensorial experience of the area. The sun/shade analysis highlights the areas that benefit from permanent sun light and the areas that have less sunlight because of existing buildings, vegetation or terrain conditions.


elle l Gj

rup elle l Gj



The first element to analyze is the green element. Often neglected, the vegetation wholes a landscape and gives it the living dimension. The high and young vegetation concentrated on the hill, battlements areas and along the boundaries of the area, are making the access difficult.

Area exposed to natural light Shadow at sunrise and sunset Gustav Esmanns Alle


Gustav Esmanns Alle





Gustav Esmanns Alle

The diagnosis puts together all the analysis conclusions and represents the first step to the solution. Its elements are general and open to specific ideas for the next step. The SWOT analysis reflects the important aspects to be taken into account before the proposal. It helps prioritizing and guides the process to the most appropriate solution.

2 1

3 4 Kar

Skjoldb org Alle

Marienborg Alle

le s Al


elle l Gj


Contour lines

Privacy issues


Elements that should be kept and emphasized


Elements that should be kept with changes


Elements that should be removed

Buddinge Batteri area

Areas that should be valued and emphasized

Old fortification elements

Areas that should be kept, but reshaped

Terrain shape Hill


trengths_ aspects to be emphasized

General context Ÿ local character - located in a housing area, typical suburb Ÿ hidden place Built environment Ÿ real value of the buildings - the story they tell Infrastructure and accessibility Ÿ good accessibility - connection to 4 roads Ÿ access for cars and bikes History Ÿ fortification remains - battlements, staircases etc Ÿ visible historical layers - hill from the battery, measuring tower from Kort and Matrikelstyrelsen Unbuilt environment Ÿ dense vegetation Ÿ unique terrain condition Ÿ viewing platform


eaknesses_ aspects to be solved

General context

Ÿ proximity to houses - privacy issues

Infrastructure and accessibility Ÿ heavy access within the area - no paths, broken stairways Built environment Ÿ poor conditions of the buildings History Ÿ fortification is poor condition especially the command post and the battlements Condition Ÿ abandoned and not taken care of


pportunities_ aspects to be used

Social dimension Ÿ community involvement and participation in the process Ÿ the need to socialize within the neighborhood Stakeholders Ÿ La21 - interested to move their offices in the area and contribute with green ideas Ÿ Scouts - interested to develop activities in the area Ÿ local artists - interested for a place to work and store their work arts Ÿ local associations - interested in a common place for meetings Sustainability dimension Ÿ general interest in sustainable living and green ideas Ÿ the chance to educate people what green solutions and sustainable living mean


hreats_ aspects to be aware of

Social dimension Ÿ uninterested residents Stakeholders Ÿ Municipality - different priorities Ÿ Danish Nature Organization different perspective on the area Economic dimension Ÿ no interested sponsors Ÿ no money



The final solution proposes a pocket garden for Buddinge neighborhood, characterized by minor interventions with great social impact. The decisions were taken based on citizen input from the workshops, filtered with expert knowledge. The new Buddinge Batteri is open for the residents and develops indoor and outdoor activities for all the users, no matter their age. It is characterized by a high percentage of green spaces and has all the needed infrastructure for walking and cycling. Each building has a special use and an open relationship with the natural environment. The historical features are enhanced and combined with playground, leisure, sport, art and culture. Buddinge Batteri has a great potential to improve the life quality in the neighborhood, to change people’s perception about the battery and strengthen the fortification system with yet one more element.

Plot Building Roads Building within Buddinge Batteri area Buddinge Batteri area Old fortification elements Hill Small animal cage Bee hive Fence Building access Pedestrian access Flea market/Green exchange market Bicycle parking Viewing platform Entrance pavement Alley pavement


1 6


Mainly pedestrian and bicycle area Parking only for disabled people Climbing wall Orientation area for scouts Campfire area for scouts Mini zip-line for children Area for walking the dog

3 4



8am Mr. Jensen, from NordsjĂŚllandske Bivenner , is doing his usual check on the bee hives, like any other Saturday morning. He arrives there by bike and parks it in the special bike area, next to Gustav Esmanns entrance. The bike parking is still empty. He rushes to his hives located within the orchard next to the same entrance. While pulling his bee equipment on, he sees Mrs. Clausen. She is walking her beagle in the special area for dogs, just next to the orchard. Embarrassed, he greets her and carries on with the hives. Both are enjoying the first spring sun shines coming through the blossomed trees. Around is quiet. It is still early.


Story line Saturday, 22nd of March 2019, Buddinge neighbourhood

When just about to pack his things, Mr. Jensen is greeted by Henriette, the lady living on Gustav Esmanns number 6. She came to prepare the coffee for Buddinge Community Cafe. She is happy to see she has company, so she invites him for a cup of coffee. He is taking out the tables and the chairs and she starts making the coffee and calls Anne to come with the cake they baked yesterday. They are preparing for a big party - four years since the place opened for public. Mr Jensen and Henriette enjoy the hot cup of coffee next to the measuring tower and start making the plans for today. 9am Mr Jensen excuses himself and takes off on his bike on the bike lane down to Marienborg Alle, as he has business to do in the city. Meanwhile Anne arrives with the cake and with two more friends and joins Henriette at the table. They remember how much fun they had during the workshop when they built the wooden real-size cannon, and how, after four years, people still come here to see it and kids are still climbing it in all the possible ways. At the other entrance of the area, the bike parking started to get crowded – the flea market is about to start. Everybody is placing their things under the canopy and wait for the visitors. Meanwhile, Local Agenda members arrived and prepare their part of the party.

12 11am



Mrs Christiansen, living on Skjoldborg Alle 22, is always present at the battery, and very passionate of gardening. Her task today is to go to the green house and make sure the moving boxes have enough water and to prepare the seedlings for tomorrow. On her way there, she passes along the scouts pillboxes and gets scared of the small children hiding behind them. Up on the hill, she sees her next door neighbour, Mr Claus, reading a newspaper on a bench and enjoying the view over the neighbourhood. As she goes through the glass garage, she arrives into the flea market area and gets distracted by some amber jewellery. When she finally arrives to the green house, she has the big surprise to see how tall the beans grew compared to last week. She waters some of the crops and rushes down to the cafĂŠ, where everyone enjoys the cake and the coffee.



Time flies when there is good company and beautiful weather. The men start preparing the necessary for the big grill that is about to start, while the ladies look after the kids enjoying the military themed playground. Together with the scouts, they developed two armies and they try to restore the war between Denmark and Germany. One of the kids thinks he is Otto von Bismarck! They use the small red brick buildings and the battlements to hide, made guns out of wood and bags full of water instead of bombs.

Karl Gjellerups entrance is now almost full of people. Some came to walk around in the flea market, some came to see the paintings posted on the garages doors and maybe the majority came for the grill and the garden party.Getting around in the area is very easy with the ramps and stairs system. Now that the food is ready, everyone gathered up on the hill, enjoying the March sun. Even Mrs Caroline and her husband Johan, both retired, were able to use the ramps to access the hill with no problems.

4pm Now that the lunch is ready and the sun sends its last sun shines on the area, everybody gathers at Gustav Esmanns entrance, next to the cafe and get ready for the moment everyone waited. The Local Agenda, the scouts and some of the residents have a short presentation of the pictures from the last four years, from the very beginning until the present. The audience sees the evolution of the area and acknowledges the importance of people participation into the development. The people are pleased with the result. Further on, both Local Agenda and the scouts present shortly their next projects and ask for suggestions, ideas or concerns. The last moment of the afternoon is the play prepared by all the aforementioned actors, where they make jokes and imitate well known politicians, Danish actors, important persons and even themselves in relation to current topics or with the evolution of the project.


5:30pm People start cleaning the area and go home. Tomorrow it is a long day – summer is coming and the crops need automatic irrigation!

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