Summer Vacation Guide 2023

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Guide Editor: Andy Flynn

Guide Design: Andy Flynn

Publisher: Trevor Evans

Production: Tori Marbone


Susan Moore

Lindsay Munn

Carol Swirsky

ç Copyright 2023



Cover photo: Tim Hesseltine, left, and Curt Reyolds paddle into shore after placing second and third, respectively, during one-man guideboat race down the Saranac River at the Willard Hanmer Guideboat race on July 3, 2022. Photo by Aaron Marbone.

Photo (this page): Little Wolf Beach, Tupper Lake, courtesy of Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism

Table of Contents

2 A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / A d i r o n d a c k V a c a t i o n G u i d e • S u m m e r / F a l l 2 0 2 3
by Adirondack Publishing Co.
Box 318, 54 Broadway Saranac Lake, NY 12983 518-891-2600
... Protect the Park
... Welcome
High Peaks 10-11 ... High Peaks Region outdoor map 12 ... Jay, Keene, Wilmington, AuSable Forks 14 ... Lake Placid 9’er hiking challenge 16 ... Welcome to the Adirondack Coast 18 ... Self-guided driving tour: Champlain Valley 22 ... Welcome to Saranac Lake 24 ... Self-guided driving tour: Tri-Lakes 30 ... Enjoy the arts in the Park 31 ... Emergency contacts 31 ... Report moose sightings 32 ... Take the Love Your ADK Pledge 34 ... Saranac Lake 6er hiking challenge 36 ... Welcome to Tupper Lake 38 ... Tupper Lake Triad hiking challenge 40 ... DEC says ‘hike smart’ and be prepared 42 ... Welcome to the Northern Tier 44 ... Welcome to the Central Adirondacks 46 ... North Country Farmers Markets 47 ... DEC offers primitive camping tips 48 ... ADK Fire Tower Challenge 50 ... Welcome to Plattsburgh 51 ... Motorboats must be certified clean 52 ... Invasive species field guides available 56 ... Tourism resource directory
to the

Protect the Park W

elcome to New York state’s Adirondack Park. At first glance, this place of immense beauty seems perfect Yet, with climate change and other environmental threats, the natural resources in this mountain region the highest peaks, the waterways and the deepest forests are fragile and need our protection.

The park is under constant pressure from the outside world from development to pollution to invasive species. As we enjoy all the natural wonders here, there are a number of ways you can keep this place protected

You can start by taking the Love Your ADK pledge (page 32) The Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism in partnership with the Adirondack Mountain Club, Adirondack Council and the state Department of Environmental Conservation set up the “Love the Adirondacks” website, where you can pledge to protect the park as you enjoy it After all, it’s everyone’s responsibility

If you are boating here, you should know about

t h e s t a t e ’ s “ C l e a n , D r a i n , D r y ” l a w , w h i c h requires anyone using a motorboat inside the Adirondack Park, and within 10 miles of its boundary, to carry a certificate showing their watercraft has been cleaned, drained and dried for every trip (page 51). Certificates are not needed for canoes or kayaks, but paddlers are required to “clean, drain, dry” their vessels and equipment

Enjoying the Park isn’t just about getting outdoors, even though that’s a huge part of the Adirondack experience There are so many other things to do while you are here

Have fun shopping or by visiting local food producers and drink establishments, whether it’s a trip to the farmers market, enjoying a beer at one of our craft breweries or ending your day at a favorite ice cream stand

E x p l o r e t h e n a t u r a l w o n d e r s s u c h a s Ausable Chasm, Natural Stone Bridge & Caves and High Falls Gorge

Learn about the heritage of this unique place at local museums or where history was made such as Fort Ticonderoga, Lake Placid’s Olympic venues or John Brown Farm

Enjoy the arts at galleries, concerts, special events and performing arts centers

In between your activities, you can find a wide variety of dining experiences for breakfast, lunch and dinner, snacks and late-night drinks

Go out and discover the 6-million-acre Adirondack Park a place the size of Vermont With all of us working together, we can ensure that residents and visitors will be able to enjoy this magical place for generations.

Whatever this summer brings, we hope you stay healthy and happy and come back to the Adirondacks often spring, summer, fall and winter It is truly a year-round paradise for those who love the great outdoors

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Photo by ROOST

Welcome to the High Peaks

City dwellers have been traveling to the High Peaks region for summer adventures since the early 1800s, and it seems like there’s more to do every year

The village of Lake Placid and town of North Elba and surrounding High Peaks communities in the towns of Keene, Jay and Wilmington, offer the typical Adirondack outdoor recreational offerings: hiking, camping, cycling, mountain biking, boating, paddling, water skiing, fishing, rock climbing, birding, wildlife watching, horseback riding, tennis and golf

Find what you need at one of the local outfitters or hire an outdoor guide for your adventure

Now there are ropes courses and ziplines, including t h

Climbing Center at the Olympic Sports Complex on Mount Van Hoevenberg.

Of course, this is the home of the High Peaks Wilderness Area, which includes the state’s highest peak, Mount Marcy, at 5,344 feet above sea level. These mountains have become even more popular in recent years due to the coronavirus pandemic m a n y c l i m b t h e 4 6 t a l l e s t p e a k s t o b e c o m e Adirondack 46ers making it crowded at times and putting pressure on the trail systems Therefore, state leaders recommend hiking smaller, more remote peaks during the busy summer weekends when parking is full

If you just want to get a quick taste of the forest with the family, easier trails for walking, nature watching and mountain biking are located on Bear Cub Lane Henry’s Woods and Heaven Hill Trails. Or try the Peninsula Nature Trails for walking and trail running on the Brewster Peninsula Road

And don’t forget to hang around Mirror Lake, whether it’s to paddle, fish or swim The municipal beach is located on Parkside Drive near the tennis courts and playground at Peacock Park.

Sightseeing is a popular family activity in and around Lake Placid, and there are many opportunities

to sit back, relax and enjoy the view. Take a drive around the region, or up the Whiteface Mountain Veterans’ Memorial Highway in Wilmington, or take a ride on the gondola at the Whiteface Mountain Ski Center

Lake Placid hosted the 1932 and 1980 Olympic W i n t e r G a m e s , a n d t h e s t a t e O l y m p i c R e g i o n a l Development Authority (https://lakeplacidolympics i t e s c o m ) o p e r a t e s t h o s e v e n u e s , i n c l u d i n g t h e O l y m p i c S p o r t s C o m p l e x , O l y m p i c J u m p i n g C o m p l e x , O l y m p i c S p e e d s k a t i n g O v a l , O l y m p i c Center rinks and Whiteface Mountain Ski Center Upgrades were made to these venues to prepare for the 2023 FISU Winter World University Games

The 400-meter oval is where Eric Heiden won five gold medals in 1980 and local legend Jack Shea won two gold medals in 1932 The Olympic Center was home to the fabled “Miracle on Ice” game in which the U.S. hockey team beat the Soviet Union in 1980 before winning the gold-medal game against Finland

At the new and improved Lake Placid Olympic Museum (, visitors can learn about the 1932 and 1980 Winter Olympics on the first floor of the Miracle Plaza building, which connects the 1932 and 1980 arenas.

T h e O l y m p i c S p o r t s C o m p l e x a t M o u n t V a n Hoevenberg is home of the biathlon stadium, crosscountry skiing trails and combined sliding track for bobsled, luge and skeleton There is also a start training facility for bobsled and skeleton at the Mountain Pass Lodge. Plus, the Cliffside Coaster goes around the mountain, following the 1980 bobsled run, and there are mountain biking trails and a trailhead for Mount Van Hoevenberg.

There is plenty more history in Lake Placid, including the John Brown Farm State Historic Site at 200 John Brown Road, operated by the state Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation This was the home and is the final resting place of abolitionist John Brown, who died in 1859 The trails are open year-round for walking, skiing and snowshoeing The friends group John Brown Lives! offers programming throughout the year

The Lake Placid-North Elba Historical Society ( operates the History Museum at the old train station on Station Street

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S k y F
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e a t t h e O l y m p i c J u m p i n g C o m p l e x O r e n j o y t h e C l i f f s i d e C o a s t e r a n d
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Lake Placid Horse Shows (Staff photo Parker O’Brien) Playing at Mid’s Park in the village of Lake Placid, you can enjoy Mirror Lake. (Provided photo ROOST)

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Continued from Page 6

Culture is alive and well in Lake Placid, with the historic Palace Theatre on Main Street, Lake Placid Center for the Arts ( at 17 Algonquin Dr., Lake Placid Sinfonietta (https://lakeplacidsinfonietta org), Songs at Mirror Lake concert series ( and Adirondack Film Society (www adirondackfilmsociety org) Plus there are world-class events in the town of Keene sponsored by the East Branch Friends of the Arts.

Lake Placid is also known for its major events in the spring, summer and fall, including the Ironman Lake Placid triathlon, Lake Placid Horse Shows, Lake Placid Marathon and Half, Lake Placid Classic Half Marathon and 10K, Lake Placid Summit Lacrosse tournaments and I Love BBQ and Music Festival

And if you haven’t heard, the High Peaks region has some of the best shopping, restaurants and craft breweries in the Adirondack Park

Learn more about planning your Lake Placid vacation at

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / A d i r o n d a c k V a c a t i o n G u i d e • S u m m e r / F a l l 2 0 2 3 H i g h P e a k s R e g i o n 8
Aerial view of the village of Lake Placid (Provided photo ROOST) Henry’s Woods trailhead, Bear Cub Lane (Staff photo Andy Flynn) Lake Placid Fourth of July parade (Staff photo Elizabeth Izzo)
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H i g h P e a k s R e g i o n

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Jay, Keene, Wilmington, AuSable Forks

In the High Peaks region, there are several quaint communities in the AuSable River Valley that have a lot to offer: Jay, Upper Jay, AuSable Forks, Wilmington, Keene and Keene Valley. Wilmington’s biggest attractions are High Falls

G o r g e , S a n t a ’ s W o r k s h o p , A d i r o n d a c k W i l d l i f e Refuge, Whiteface Mountain Ski Center and the Whiteface Mountain Veterans’ Memorial Highway Plus, there’s the Wilmington E M Cooper Memorial Public Library and the town beach on Lake Everest.

Hiking and mountain biking trails in Wilmington are unparalleled, as is the trout fishing on the swiftflowing West Branch of the AuSable River.

L e a r n m o r e a b o u t t h e W h i t e f a c e R e g i o n a t www whitefaceregion com

Upper Jay has the Upper Jay Art Center and Wells Memorial Library, and Jay has the Jay covered bridge, concerts on the Village Green sponsored by the Jay Entertainment Music Society and the Amos and Julia Ward Theatre (jemsgroup org)

AuSable Forks has the AuSable Forks Free Library and the Tahawus Center ( featuring the Windows Gallery and Cloudsplitter Dance Studio.

Keene has the Keene Library and Keene Arts, and Keene Valley has the Keene Valley Library Between both hamlets on state Route 73 is Marcy Field, home of many events, including the summer farmers market every Sunday The town of Keene is a popular gateway to the High Peaks trails.

Nearby attractions include Ausable Chasm, North Star Underground Railroad Museum, Adirondack

A r c h i t e c t u r a l H e r i t a g e i n K e e s e v i l l e a n d t h e

Adirondack History Museum in Elizabethtown

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / A d i r o n d a c k V a c a t i o n G u i d e • S u m m e r / F a l l 2 0 2 3 H i g h P e a k s R e g i o n 12
High Falls Gorge, Wilmington (Provided photo ROOST) Whiteface Mountain (Provided photo ORDA) Jay Covered Bridge (Staff photo Andy Flynn)
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Lake Placid 9’er hiking challenge

There are four patches for the Lake Placid 9’er hiking challenge: Summer, Winter, Ultra Summer and Ultra Winter. Ultra hikers must complete all nine mountains in 24 hours

The Lake Placid 9’er winter hikes are completed between Dec. 21 and March 20 (starting after Dec. 21, 2018) All summer hikes must have been completed after July 1, 2018.

Once completed, download the registration form at https://lakeplacid9er com and mail it with a $10 00 registration fee to: Lake Placid 9’er, P.O. Box 1310, Lake Placid, NY 12946 Make checks out to “Lake Placid 9’er ” Each finisher will be sent an official Lake Placid 9’er patch, sticker and registration number Allow two to three weeks for processing

Download a free Lake Placid 9’er map from MR Maps at

Cobble Hill, Lake Placid: 2 2 miles round-trip, 2,332 feet elevation

Trailhead: From Lake Placid, follow Route 86 toward center of town Take right at town hall onto Mirror Lake Drive. Follow past Northwood Road to entrance of Northwood School Trailhead is 200 yards on left

Mount Jo, Lake Placid: 2 6 miles round-trip, 2,876 feet elevation

Trailhead: From Lake Placid, go east on state Route 73 to Adirondack Loj Road Parking lot is at High Peaks Information Center There is a $10/day parking fee.

Baxter Mountain, Keene: 2 4 miles round-trip, 2,440 feet elevation

Trailhead: From Lake Placid, take state Route 73 west past Keene Take left on Route 9N toward Elizabethtown. Continue about 2 miles to the top of hill Trailhead is on the right

Mount Van Hoevenberg, Lake Placid: 4.4 miles round-trip, 2,940 feet elevation

Trailhead: From Lake Placid, take state Route 73 east to Adirondack Loj Road After 4 miles, take left on Meadow Lane. Trailhead is 0.25 miles on left. New Mount Van Hoevenberg “East Trail” begins at the Olympic Sports Complex off state Route 73

Big Crow Mountain, Keene: 1 4 miles round-trip, 2,815 feet elevation

Trailhead: From Lake Placid, take state Route 73 east At 200 yards past the intersection with Route 9N in Keene, turn left on Hurricane Road at Keene Town Hall At just over 2 miles, bear left on O’Toole Lane for 1 2 miles to end at Crow Clearing Trail is on left

Bear Den Mountain, Wilmington: 4 5 miles round-trip, 2,650 feet elevation

Trailhead: From Lake Placid, follow state Route 86 to Whiteface Mountain Ski Center Turn left into center Follow road around to the right and the Bear Den Lot.

Pitchoff Mountain, Lake Placid: 5 2 miles roundtrip, 3,500 feet elevation

Trailhead: From Lake Placid, take state Route 73 to the Pitchoff West Trail, 7 5 miles Pitchoff East Trail is 2.7 miles farther on Route 73. Trailhead is on left, parking on right

Catamount Mountain, Wilmington: 3.6 miles round-trip, 3,169 feet elevation

Veterans’ Memorial Highway. Just before the toll house, bear right toward Franklin Falls Continue 3 3 m

Roseman Road for 0.8 mile. Turn right on Plank Road Follow 2 2 miles to parking area on left

Hurricane Mountain, Keene: 6.8 miles roundtrip, 3,678 feet elevation

Trailhead: From Lake Placid, take state Route 73 past Keene. Turn left on Route 9N after 15.5 miles. Parking area is 3 5 miles on right Trailhead is on left

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / A d i r o n d a c k V a c a t i o n G u i d e • S u m m e r / F a l l 2 0 2 3 H i g h P e a k s R e g i o n 14
T r a i l h e a d : F r o m W i l m i n g t o n , t a k e W h i t e f a c e
i l e s t o R o s e m a n R o a d T a k e a r i g h t F o l l o w
Summit of Baxter Mountain (Provided photo ROOST)

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Welcome to the Adirondack Coast

Lake Champlain briefly declared the sixth Great Lake in 1998 offers some of the m o s t b r e a t h t a k i n g s c e n e r y i n t h e N o r t h Country. It’s called the Adirondack Coast.

Bordering New York on the west coast, Vermont on the east coast, and the Canadian province of Quebec on the north, the lake takes up a lot of geography on the map Lake Champlain ferries (https://ferries com) cross from Essex, N Y to Charlotte, Vt and from Plattsburgh, N.Y. to Grand Isle, Vt. Motorists can also use two bridges from New York to reach Vermont, one at Crown Point and one at Rouses Point

The history of the Champlain Valley dates back to the Native American tribes, Iroquois to the west and Abenaki to the east When the French and English arrived, they fought over the land, and armies traveled the length of the lake to fight each other during the French and Indian War. Then the Americans fought the English during the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 Forts in Crown Point and Ticonderoga help tell that history.

Lake Champlain attractions include the Crown Point State Historic Site, Fort Ticonderoga and Mount Defiance, Heritage Museum in Ticonderoga, and Depot Theatre in Westport

The lake also played a large role during the Industrial Revolution, especially with the iron mines around Port Henry Villages up and down the lake became ports to transport goods and raw materials

Some of this history can be found at the Iron Center Museum in Port Henry

There’s a sign in Port Henry that documents some of the many sightings of the Lake Champlain monster called Champ

Food and drink are celebrated up and down the lake at farmers markets, farm stands, orchards, wineries, craft breweries, cheese makers and unique farm-totable experiences

Outdoor recreation is abundant, with fishing, camping, swimming, boating, paddling and hiking For a full list of Champlain Area Trails, visit www

Plus, the Essex County Fair will be held Aug 1620 at the fairgrounds in Westport

Learn more about the Lake Champlain region at www goadirondack com or www lakechamplainregion com

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / A d i r o n d a c k V a c a t i o n G u i d e • S u m m e r / F a l l 2 0 2 3 L a k e C h a m p l a i n R e g i o n 16
Ferry from Essex, N.Y. to Charlotte, Vt. (Provided photo Andy Flynn) Fishing the La Chute River, Ticonderoga (Provided photo Andy Flynn) Crown Point bridge and fort ruins at the Crown Point State Historic Site (Provided photo ROOST)
A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / A d i r o n d a c k V a c a t i o n G u i d e • S u m m e r / F a l l 2 0 2 3 L a k e C h a m p l a i n R e g i o n 17

Self-guided historic driving tour Champlain Valley

If you want to take a road trip that is relaxing, fun and educational, try this self-guided historic driving tour through the Lake Champlain Valley. Start at one end, and go to the other Or just pick one or two villages and spend some time there

The quaint communities along Lake Champlain offer stunning views of Vermont and establishments where you can grab a take-out meal for a picnic

This is the bread basket of Essex County, where agriculture is making a comeback with many small, family farms It’s easy to find a farm-to-fork experience.

There’s a lot of history here, much more than we can squeeze into this guide For more information and itinerary ideas, visit Lakes to Locks Passage: New York’s Great Northeast Journey, 518-597-9660, www lakestolocks org


Fort Ticonderoga: 102 Fort Ti Road, 518-5852821, Fort Ticonderoga was built by the French from 1755 to 1759 during the French and Indian War and called Fort Carillon On July 8, 1758, it was successfully defended by French forces despite overwhelming British forces The following year, the British defeated the French here

On May 10, 1775 during the Revolutionary War, E t h a n A l l e n , B e n e d i c t A r n o l d a n d t h e G r e e n Mountain Boys surprised the sleeping garrison at d a w n a n d o v e r w h e l m e d t h e m , m a k i n g F o r t

Ticonderoga America’s first victory of the war

Mount Defiance: This small mountain is owned by Fort Ticonderoga and has a toll road to its historic summit Entry is included with admission to the fort or can be purchased separately at the base of the mountain. Get a view of the fort on Lake Champlain and enjoy a picnic at the summit

Directions: In Ticonderoga, head south on Route 9N and turn left on Montcalm Street in 0.75 mile, then turn right on Champlain Avenue in 0 6 mile Follow Champlain Avenue for a short distance, turn left on Defiance Street, and look for the toll road on the right

Ticonderoga Heritage Museum: 137 Montcalm St., 518-585-2696, www.ticonderogaheritagemuseum org Learn about Ticonderoga’s industrial industry in this building that dates to 1888 It is the last remaining structure of the Ticonderoga Pulp and Paper Company

Hancock House: 6 Moses Circle, 518-585-7868, This Georgian Revival style mansion is an exact replica of Thomas Hancock’s (John Hancock’s uncle) former Beacon Hill home in Boston

Society as a regional museum and

Fort Ticonderoga

district located southwest of Crown Point It is known as the “Birthplace of the Electrical Age,” as Allen Penfield, Timothy Taft and Allen P. Harwood pioneered the first industrial use of electricity in their iron works below the pond south of the district

The district includes 12 buildings, including the Penfield Homestead Museum, built in the 1820s, 703 Creek Road, Crown Point, 518-597-3804, www

Ironville gets its name from the iron-mining operations of the 19th century During the Civil War, iron from ore mined here was used to build the U.S. ironclad ship Monitor, which battled the Confederate ironclad ship Merrimack at the Battle of Hampton Roads The Monitor’s iron was mined in Hammondville, separated in Ironville, processed in Crown Point and shipped by railroad along Lake Champlain

Self-guided walking tour of Ironville: www. aarch org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/ironville pdf

Crown Point

Crown Point State Historic Site: 21 Grandview D r i v e , C r o w n P o i n t , 5 1 8 - 5 9 7 - 4 6 6 6 ( p h o n e ) , h t t p s : / / p a r k s . n y . g o v / h i s t o r i c - s i t e s / 3 4 / d e t a i l s . a s p x .

The Crown Point State Historic Site preserves and interprets the ruins of two forts from the colonial wars between the British and French. Both are located next to the new Lake Champlain bridge from New York to Vermont, which replaced the 1929 bridge when it opened on Nov 7, 2011

Continued on Page 20

O r i g i n a l l y b u i lt i n 1 9 2 5 - 1 9 2 6 b y p h i l a n t h ro p i s t H o r a c e A M o s e s f o r t h e N e w Y o r k H i s t o r i c a l A s s o c i a t i o n , i t n o w s e r v e s a s t h e h o m e o f t h e Ticonderoga
S e l f - g u i d e d w a l k i n g t o u r o f T i c o n d e r o g a : w w w a a r c h o r g / w p - c o n t e n t / u p l o a d s / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / t i c o nderoga pdf
reference library
The Ironville Historic District is a national historic
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(Provided photo Andy Flynn)

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The French built Fort St. Frederic between 1734 and 1737 and destroyed it in 1759 during the French and Indian War after British troops captured Fort Carillon to the south. The British then built a larger fort, “His Majesty’s Fort of Crown Point ”

During the Revolutionary War, Green Mountain Boys captured the fort from the British on May 12, 1775 Benedict Arnold used it as a staging area for the fledgling American navy and was abandoned in 1777 The British abandoned the fort in 1780. The state acquired the property in 1910

Port Henry

Port Henry was once a bustling village in the town of Moriah on Lake Champlain where iron ore from nearby mines was transported to markets far away.

The story of this community and surrounding hamlets is told at the Iron Center Museum, 34 Park P l a c e , 5 1 8 - 5 4 6 - 3 5 8 7 . T h e T o w n o f M o r i a h Historical Society presents history exhibits in a restored carriage house at the former WitherbeeSherman and Company mining headquarters.

A sign on Route 9N/22 details the sightings of Champ, the fabled lake monster

Another sign honors Brooklyn Dodger pitcher

Johnny Podres, a native of Witherbee Unveiled on June 9, 2012, the sign is located 0 25 miles south of the hamlet on Route 9N/22. The sign shows Podres as he looked on his 1955 baseball card Podres helped the Dodgers win the 1955 World Series

S e l f - g u i d e d w a l k i n g t o u r o f P o r t H e n r y : www aarch org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/03092

6VLPPortHenry pdf


Depot Theatre: 6705 Main St , 518-962-4449, Built in 1876, this building is a functioning train station with service by Amtrak It is also home to The Depot Theatre, a nonprofit professional theater that provides entertainment in the summer months

E s s e x C o u n t y F a i r g r o u n d s : R o u t e 9 N / S i s c o Street. The Essex County Fairgrounds features four venues that date to when the fair opened here in 1885: the grandstand, judge’s stand, Floral Hall and racetrack. The fair will be held Aug. 16 to 20. And this year’s Adirondack Harvest Festival will be held here on Saturday, Sept 23

S e l f - g u i d e d w a l k i n g t o u r o f W a d h a m s a n d Westport: www aarch org/wp-content/uploads/2014/ 08/wadhamswestport pdf


The hamlet of Elizabethtown is the county seat for Essex County Historic county buildings are located here, including the 19th century courthouse where abolitionist John Brown’s body lay in state on Dec. 6, 1859 on its way to his North Elba farm, where he was buried, and the Hand Hale Historic District.

Adirondack History Museum: 7590 Court St., 5 1 8 - 8 7 3 - 6 4 6 6 , w w w

museum is the home of the Essex County Historical Society and is located in a 1916 neoclassical-style former school

abethtown pdf


Founded in 1765, the entire hamlet of Essex is on the National Register of Historic Places. It includes well-preserved 19th century brick and stone homes, churches, inns and shops Industries in town once included stone quarries, iron mines, tanneries and shipyards It is currently home to a dock for Lake Champlain Ferries with service to Vermont

Self-guided walking tour of Essex: www.aarch. org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/essex pdf


The town of Willsboro was named for New York City merchant William Gilliland, an Irish immigrant who began to purchase land along Lake Champlain in the mid-1760s for a baronial estate The town is now home to NYCO Minerals, which mines wollastonite

One of the earliest buildings in town the Adsit Cabin is located on Point Road It is believed that Samuel Adsit built the cabin in 1779

S e l f - g u i d e d w a l k i n g t o u r o f W i l l s b o r o : w w w a a r c h o r g / w p - c o n t e n t / u p l o a d s / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / w i l l sboro pdf

Port Kent

Port Kent was the eastern terminus for the Port Kent and Hopkinton Turnpike, a 19th century toll road that spanned west to St Lawrence County It is also the site of the Elkanah Watson House on Lake Street A private home now, it was built in 1828 by businessman Elkana Watson on a bluff overlooking Lake Champlain It is near the train station and ferry dock

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e l f - g u i d e d w a l k i n g t o u r o f E l i z a b e t h t o w n : w w w a a r c h o r g / w p - c o n t e n t / u p l o a d s / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / e l i z
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Adirondack Harvest Festival (Staff photo Andy Flynn) Depot Theatre, Westport (Staff photo Andy Flynn)
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(Provided photo ROOST)

Welcome to Saranac Lake

The village of Saranac Lake and its surrounding h a m l e t s o f f e r a u n i q u e d o w n - t o - e a r t h Adirondack experience full of outdoor adventure, top-notch culinary experiences, downtown shopping, a thriving arts scene and familyfriendly activities

The list of warm-weather outdoor recreational activities is long: hiking, camping, boating, paddling, golfing, cycling, mountain biking, horseback riding, b i r d i n g , w i l d l i f e w a t c h i n g , s k a t e b o a r d i n g a t t h e Saranac Lake SkatePark off Church Street or swimming at the Saranac Lake and Lake Clear beaches

Find what you need at one of the local outfitters, or hire an outdoor guide for your adventure

The 18,400-acre St Regis Canoe Area the only designated canoe area in New York state features 26 miles of hiking trails and 50 ponds of varying sizes to paddle It’s well known for its Adirondack brook trout fishing.

T h e P a u l S m i t h ’ s C o l l e g e V i s i t o r I n t e r p r e t i v e Center on state Route 30 offers a vast trail system with plenty of wildlife-watching opportunities. The barked trails and abundance of benches make this destination easy on the knees and gives families ample time to sit and ponder life in a quiet setting. And don’t forget to check out the native species Butterfly House in the summer the only one in the Adirondacks.

Saranac Lake has embraced the arts like no other community in the region It features live music, the Adirondack Plein Air Festival, studio tours, downt o w n g a l l e r i e s a n d p e r f o r m a n c e s a t P e n d r a g o n Theatre The Adirondack Carousel on Depot Street is a work of art unto itself and is a unique attraction. Get connected to the arts through Saranac Lake ArtWorks

(www saranaclakeartworks com)

H i s t o r y i s c e l e b r a t e d t h r o u g h t h e S a r a n a c

Laboratory Museum on Church Street, operated by Historic Saranac Lake; the Robert Louis Stevenson Cottage on Stevenson Lane; and the Six Nations

I r o q u o i s C u l t u r a l C e n t e r i n O n c h i o t a ( w w w 6 n i c c c o m ) , o p e r a t e d s i n c e 1 9 5 4 b y t h e Fadden family

Saranac Lake is home to a professional baseball team, the Surge, which plays other teams in the Empire Baseball League during June and July Their home stadium is Petrova Field. The 2023 season begins June 10, and the first home game is June 20 Learn more at https://surgeprobaseball com

Other sports events in Saranac Lake include the Can-Am Rugby Tournament and canoe races

The environment is highlighted by the work at the Paul Smith’s College VIC; the Adirondack Center for

L o o n C o n s e r v a t i o n ( w w w a d k l o o n o r g ) o n M a i n Street; and the Adirondack Fish Hatchery at Saranac I n n , o p e r a t e d b y t h e s t a t e D e p a r t m e n t o f E n v i r o n m e n t a l C o n s e r v a t i o n A l s o , e n j o y n a t u r e along the Riverwalk, which follows the Saranac River from behind the police station at Main Street to the Grand Union supermarket on Church Street

For more information about Saranac Lake and the surrounding communities such as Paul Smiths, Ray Brook, Bloomingdale and Lake Clear visit www saranaclake com or call the Saranac Lake Area Chamber of Commerce at 518-891-1990.

(Provided photo ROOST)

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Village of Saranac Lake
Paddling in the Saranac Lake region
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Self-guided historic driving tour Tri-Lakes Region

If you want to take a road trip that is relaxing, fun and educational, try this self-guided historic driving tour through the Tri-Lakes region of the Adirondack Park Lake Placid, Saranac Lake, Tupper Lake and surrounding hamlets Start at one end, and go to the other. Or just pick one or two villages and spend some time there

The communities here are much larger than those in the rest of the Park, and they offer many opportunities to grab a take-out meal for a picnic

There’s a lot of history here, much more than we can squeeze into this guide. For more information, visit www lakeplacid com, www saranaclake com and www tupperlake com

Tupper Lake

Tupper Lake has a long history surrounding the wood products industry, as lumber companies set up mills along the shore of Raquette Pond

Oval Wood Dish: In the middle of town along Demars Boulevard is a sprawling abandoned factory with a water tower and large smokestack that was o n c e h o m e t o t h e O v a l W o o d D i s h C o r p T h e Michigan-based Oval Wood Dish Corp. built this complex in 1916-17 It manufactured hardwood products such as clothespins, hardwood floors, maple bowling pins and tableware called Ritespoon. The name of the company came from an early product, an oval wood dish Ownership changed several times after 1964, and the last company, Jarden Plastic Solutions, closed in 2008

The Big Mill: A tablet on a rock in front of the Municipal Park ball field on Demars Boulevard explains the history of the Big Mill: “Here stood, from 1890 until 1930, the North Country’s largest sawmill built by John Hurd. It had the largest bandsaw in the world and twice broke the world’s record for lumber sawed in a day The Santa Clara Lumber Co was its main operator. Hundreds of jobs resulted from the industry it fostered It was often called ‘the mill that made the town ’”

Beth Joseph Synagogue: The historic Beth Joseph Synagogue at 59 Lake St was built in 1905 by Russian Jewish immigrants and served 36 families between 1910 and 1924. It is listed on the State and National Registers of Historic Places Today, the synagogue is only open in the months of July and August, offering services, a museum and special events.

Sunmount DDSO: Located at 2445 state Route 3/30 on the way to Saranac Lake, the Sunmount Developmental Disabilities Services Office is operated by the state Office for People With Developmental Disabilities The complex was dedicated on Aug 15, 1 9 2 4 a s t h e S u n m o u n t V e t e r a n s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Hospital to treat veterans with tuberculosis The federal government closed the hospital on Aug. 11, 1965, and the State of New York took over operations in the fall of that year, receiving its first patients from overcrowded mental institutions in late September.

Lake Clear

Adirondack Fish Hatchery: Several miles south of Lake Clear on State Route 30, the state-operated Adirondack Fish Hatchery specializes in landlocked

Atlantic salmon The original fish hatchery on this site was built in 1885, and the new facility was completed in 1990.

Fish Creek State Campground: Located on State Route 30, the state Conservation Commission set up a lean-to and a few fireplaces at Fish Creek in 1920 to accommodate car campers In 1926, 20 campsites and sanitary facilities were added The number of campsites doubled in 1927 and doubled again in 1928 The Civilian Conservation Corps expanded the campground from 1933 to 1935 In order to deal with overflow, a new campground Rollins Pond was built in 1955 adjacent to Fish Creek campground and was expanded in 1958 and 1960 Rollins Pond now has 287 campsites, and Fish Creek has 355.

Charlie’s Inn: There are many reasons to visit Charlie’s Inn: snowmobiling, camping and dining Railfans, however, call this the Lake Clear Junction. The train depot, built in 1891, remains, under private ownership This was once one of the busiest rail junctions in the Adirondack Park, under the operation of New York Central’s Adirondack Division, originally finished by Dr William Seward Webb in 1892 It ran f r o m H e r k i m e r t o M a l o n e , e a r n i n g t h e n a m e “Mohawk & Malone” or “M&M” railroad, with a rail line also heading east from the junction to Saranac Lake and Lake Placid.

Paul Smiths

Paul Smith’s College: Located on State Route 30, the 14,200-acre Paul Smith’s College on the shore of Lower St Regis Lake was once home to the Paul Smith’s Hotel. Apollos A. (Paul) Smith (1825-1912) moved to the Adirondacks in the mid-1800s and bought 50 acres at the site of the current college campus in 1858, building a resort empire that eventually i n c l u d e d t r a n s p o r t i n g g u e s t s t o / f r o m L a k e C l e a r Junction on the only electric railroad in the Park Under the conditions of Phelps Smith’s will, the hotel’s holdings were to be used to establish a college in his father’s name. The college’s first class matriculated in 1946. Learn more at

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Ball game at Tupper Lake’s Municipal Park (Staff photo Aaron Marbone)

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Paul Smith’s College VIC: Opened in 1989 by the s

Interpretive Center on Route 30 is a 2,800-acre preserve now operated by Paul Smith’s College. Transfer of operations from the state to the college took place in January 2011 This environmental education and traveler orientation center offers special events, public programs, the nation’s first Native Species Butterfly House, natural history exhibits and a network of fourseason interpretive trails. Learn more at www.paulsmiths edu/vic

White Pine Camp: This Great Camp at the end of White Pine Road in Paul Smiths was the 1926 summer White House for U S President Calvin Coolidge On June 7, 2020, four buildings at this complex were destroyed by fire. The camp was built as a private family retreat in 1907 by New York banker Archibald White and expanded in 1911 It has had several owners, including Paul Smith’s College. The 35-acre property is on a remote section of Osgood Pond and includes a Japanese tea house, a boathouse, guest cabins and a two-lane bowling alley. Learn more at www whitepinecamp com

Saranac Lake

The village of Saranac Lake, named an All-America City in 1998, was once one of most popular health resorts in the world during the late 19th and early 20th centuries and now serves as a mountain muse for the arts community

Union Depot: Located on Depot Street, this train station was built by the D&H Railroad in 1904 It was reopened to the public after being renovated in 1997 and 1998 and has since closed again. In 1904, the services of the Chateaugay Railroad to the east and the New York Central Railroad from the west were consolidated into the Union Depot. The station closed in 1965 when passenger service was terminated The Adirondack Railway Preservation Society operated Adirondack Scenic Railroad passenger train excursions between here and Lake Placid from 2000 to 2016

Historic Saranac Lake Walking Tour: This tour features many of the fascinating and unique architectural features of this quaint village, as it was transformed from a backcountry hamlet to one of the most successful health resorts in the world Learn more at www historicsaranaclake org

S a r a n a c L a b o r a t o r y M u s e u m : O p e r a t e d b y Historic Saranac Lake, this museum tells the history

of the village’s health care industry in the late 19th and early 20th centuries Edward Livingston Trudeau came to the Adirondacks with tuberculosis in 1873 and founded the Adirondack Cottage Sanitarium in 1884 He beat TB and created a place for patients to “take the cure” and scientists to study the disease. Trudeau built the Saranac Laboratory next to his home in 1894, and it was the first lab in the nation exclusively used to study tuberculosis. Trudeau’s home on the corner of Church and Main streets was recently acquired by Historic Saranac Lake Learn more at

Robert Louis Stevenson Cottage: Located on Stevenson Lane, Robert Louis Stevenson the Scottish author of novels such as “Treasure Island” (1883) and “The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” (1886), spent the winter of 1887-1888 at this Saranac Lake farmhouse taking the cure for tuberculosis While here, he wrote “The Master of Ballantrae: A Winter’s Tale,” which was published in 1889

Lake Placid

The village of Lake Placid is best known as the home of the 1932 and 1980 Olympic Winter Games. It is home to USA Luge and USA Bobsled and Skeleton and still hosts national and international winter sports competitions.

Olympic venues: The state Olympic Regional Development Authority operates several venues that hosted Winter Olympic competition. Learn more at lakeplacidolympicsites com

The Olympic Center on Main Street features the 1932 Arena where Norwegian figure skater Sonja Henie won a gold medal and the 1980 Fieldhouse where the U S hockey team beat the Soviet Union in the “Miracle on Ice” game. The Lake Placid Olympic Museum is located in the Miracle Plaza between the 1932 and 1980 arenas

The Olympic Speedskating Oval next door is where U S speedskater Eric Heiden won five gold medals during the 1980 Olympics, and it is the site of the 1932 Olympic stadium where Lake Placid speedskater Jack Shea won two gold medals

The Olympic Jumping Complex still has the two ski jumps used during the 1980 Olympics; the ski jump used in the 1932 Olympics is no longer there

The Olympic Sports Complex at Mount Van Hoevenberg located on Route 73 east of the village, was the home of the 1932 and 1980 Olympic bobsled runs, the 1980 luge run (no longer standing), and the 1980 biathlon and cross-country ski trails. The current bobsled/luge/skeleton track was opened just prior to the Winter Goodwill Games in 2000

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t a t e A d i r o n d a c k P a r k A g e n c y , t h e V i s i t o r
Olympic Center, Lake Placid (Staff photo Andy Flynn) Saranac Laboratory Museum (Staff photo Andy Flynn)
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The History Museum: Located on Station Street, the Lake Placid-North Elba Historical Society operates this museum at the Lake Placid train station It was constructed by the D&H Railroad in 1903-04. T h e m u s e u m o p e n e d i n 1 9 6 7 T h e A d i r o n d a c k Railway Preservation Society operated Adirondack Scenic Railroad passenger train excursions between here and Saranac Lake from 2000 to 2016 Learn more at www lakeplacidhistory com

S e l f - g u i d e d w a l k i n g t o u r o f L a k e P l a c i d : Download the Historic Walking Tour of Lake Placid on the Lake Placid-North Elba Historical Society’s website,

1980 Olympic cauldron: Located on state Route 73 at the North Elba Show Grounds, a plaque on the monument reads: “Here on February 13, 1980, the XIII Olympic Winter Games were opened by Vice President of the United States Walter F Mondale and here the sacred Olympic flame was brought from Olympia, Greece to shed its light for 12 days on the quadrennial renewal of the ancient Olympic spirit of excellence, brotherhood and peace. This tower was erected to hold that flame and stands as an everlasting monument to the 1,282 Olympians from 37 nations who took part in these Olympic Games.” This is the site of the 1980 opening ceremonies

John Brown Farm State Historic Site: Located at 2 John Brown Road, this is the burial site of abolitionist John Brown, who was hanged for treason on

Dec. 2, 1859 after he and his supporters captured the U S arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now in West Virginia) Brown moved to this farm with his family in 1855, and he was buried here on Dec. 8, 1859. The property includes hiking/cross-country ski trails, the farm house, a pond and a barn

Adirondak Loj: The Adirondack Mountain Club, celebrating its centennial in 2022, operates the historic Adirondak Loj at its Heart Lake property near Lake Placid. At the foot of some of the tallest High Peaks, it is the largest and most popular trailhead for hikers and campers in the Adirondack Park The Loj was built in 1927 when the Lake Placid Club owned the property Learn more at www adk org


Santa’s Workshop: Located on the Whiteface V e t e r a n s ’ M e m o r i a l H i g h w a y , t h i s w a s o n e o f America’s first theme parks, opening in 1949.

Whiteface Mountain Ski Center: Located on state Route 86, the state of New York opened this ski center on Jan. 25, 1958. It was home of the alpine events during the 1980 Winter Olympics Learn more at www whiteface com

Whiteface Veterans’ Memorial Highway: Drive up the highway to reach the top of New York’s fifthhighest peak (4,867 feet) Gov Franklin D Roosevelt dedicated the road in 1929 and opened it in 1936 when he was the U S president The alpine-style gatehouse where motorists pay their toll was constructed in 1934. Lake Stevens at the toll house was named for 1932 Olympic bobsledder J Hubert Stevens, and it is stocked annually to provide fishing opportunities The Lake Stevens Tree Trail offers a self-guided, 10minute walk Learn more at www whiteface com

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John Brown Farm State Historic Site (Staff photo Andy Flynn) Whiteface Mountain Veterans’ Memorial Highway (Provided photo ROOST) Adirondak Loj (Staff photo Andy Flynn)

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Enjoy the arts in the Park

The summer schedule is packed with arts-related events in the Adirondack Park Below are most of the venues that have summer programs and concert series

¯ Adirondack Center for Writing. 15 Broadway, Saranac Lake With annual programs in local high schools, senior centers, prisons, art spaces and bars, ACW believes in the power of language to reach people no matter where they are Find an event, class, story slam or public art prog r a m a t w w w a d i r o n d a c k c e n t e r f o r w r i

Want More?


¯ Adirondack Lakes Center for the A r t s . 3 4 4 6 s t a t e R o u t e 2 8 , B l u e Mountain Lake The Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts is a multi-disciplinary arts center whose mission as a presenter, producer and educator in the artistic disciplines is to promote, develop, cultivate, and foster quality programs in the arts, sciences, and humanities, which inspire, enrich, educate and entertain people of all ages throughout the Adirondacks, as well as providing technical assistance to non-profits, local government, and area businesses Learn more at www

¯ BluSeed Studios. 24 Cedar St Saranac Lake The three primary experiences at BluSeed are art exhibits, studio spaces for making art and concerts.

¯ Depot Theatre. 6705 Main St , Westport This is a nonprofit, professional theater located in a historic, functioning 1876 train station in Westport, and it’s the only theater in the Adirondacks that operates under an agreement with Actors’ Equity Association depottheatre org

¯ Downtown Artist Cellar. 410 E Main St., Malone With two newly renovated galleries, the Downtown Artist Cellar is ready to welcome artists and art lovers alike, hoping to continue inspiring curiosity, courageous creativity and community connection Learn more at downtownartistcellar com

¯ East Branch Friends of the Arts. Based in the town of Keene, this is a community-based, nonprofit group dedicated to supporting and promoting the visual and performing arts; expanding opportunities of involvement in arts events for residents and visitors; developing and showcasing the community’s rich musical, artistic, literary heritage; and instilling a love of the arts and learning in children East Branch Friends of the Arts has a variety featured events between June and October. www.eastbranchfriendsofthearts com

¯ Lake Placid Center for the Arts. 17 Algonquin Dr Lake Placid The LPCA is a performing and visual arts facility, offering programs in the areas of music, theater, dance, art, and film Learn more at

¯ Lake Placid Sinfonietta. The six-week season includes Wednesday evening concerts at Mid’s Park in Lake Placid; Sunday evening Symphony Series performances at the Lake Placid Center for the Arts; a free children’s concert; and Adirondack Series concerts in Tupper Lake, North Creek and Saranac Lake www lakeplacidsinfonietta org

¯ Meadowmount School of Music. 1424 County

Route 10, Westport Concerts will be held in the Campe Concert Hall from June 30 to Aug 9 at 5 p m Sundays and 7 : 3 0 p m W e d n e s d a y s a n d F r i d a y s Learn more at

¯ Music Over the Marsh. Paul Smith’s College VIC, state Route 30, Paul Smiths This monthly summer concert series runs from June to September. Learn more at paulsmithsvic org

¯ North Star Gallery on Pearl. 45 Pearl St , Malone This gallery part of Foothills Art Society provides an additional space for local artists to showcase their work and offers visitors a diverse array of artistic pieces Learn m o r e o n l i n e a t www foothillsartsociety com

¯ Pendragon Theatre. 15 Brandy Brook Saranac Lake. The 2023 Pendragon Summer Festival runs from June 28 to Sept 10 and includes five theatrical productions. Learn more at

¯ Saranac Lake ArtWorks. This organization sponsors a variety of summer events, including the Third Thursday ArtWalks, ArtMarkets, studio tours and Adirondack Plein Air Festival (Aug. 14-19). Learn more at www saranaclakeartworks org

¯ Seagle Festival. 999 Charley Hill Road, Schroon Lake. This is the premier opera and musical theaterproducing organization in the Adirondack region, as well as the oldest summer vocal training program in the U S Learn more at seaglefestival org

¯ Songs at Mirror Lake. Mid’s Park, Lake Placid This is a free concert series, starting at 7 p m Tuesdays from June 27 to Aug 8 See the schedule at www songsatmirrorlake org

¯ Tahawus Cultural Center. Located at the bridge on state Route 9N, you climb a flight of stairs to enter the Windows Gallery and the Cloudsplitter Dance Studio, where activities and ideas in the arts are create d a n d h i g h l i g h t e d . T a h a w u s o f f e r s a s p i r i t o f resilience and exposure to artists and their work through multi-disciplined programs. Learn more at www tahawusculturalcenter org

¯ The Sembrich. 4800 Lake Shore Drive, Bolton Landing The Sembrich regularly presents museum exhibitions and an annual summer festival featuring a mix of world-class musicians, noted musical scholars, a free film series, and the opportunity to enjoy it all on the shores of Lake George Listed on the National Historic Register, The Sembrich was once the teaching studio of Polish soprano Marcella Sembrich. Learn more at thesembrich org

¯ Tupper Arts Center. 106 Park St., Tupper Lake. This year, Tupper Arts is excited to once again provide a full summer of galleries, performances and classes for the community Learn more online at

¯ View Center for Arts and Culture. 3273 state Route 28, Old Forge. The center encourages the creation and the contemplative experience of viewing art by hosting exhibitions with regional and national appeal Recognized and emerging artists working in every discipline and medium are featured in conjunction with a diverse spectrum of notable national shows Learn more at viewarts org

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Emergency contacts

General emergencies: Call 911

Backcountry emergencies: 518-891-0235

T h e N e w Y o r k S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t o f Environmental Conservation operates a dispatch center at the DEC Region 5 office in Ray Brook 24 hours a day, 7 days a week It should only be contacted to report backcountry emergencies (lost or injured people and wildfires)

Non-emergencies: The New York State Police Troop B, 518-897-2000, Clinton, Franklin, Essex, St Lawrence, Hamilton counties; Troop D, 315366-6000, Lewis, Herkimer, Oneida, counties; T r o o p G , 5 1 8 - 7 8 3 - 3 2 1 1 , F u l t o n , H a m i l t o n , Saratoga, Warren, Washington counties

Report moose sightings

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is asking the public to report moose sightings and observations. DEC and its research partners use these public sightings as indices of moose distribution and abundance in New York.

This is part of a multi-year research project to obtain information on the status of New York state’s moose population, health of the moose and the factors that influence moose survival and reproductive rate

Connect to the online form at this web page: www dec ny gov/animals/6964 html

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Hiking on Rattlesnake Mountain (Provided photo ROOST)

Take the Love Your ADK Pledge

Taking care of the Adirondack Park’s natural resources is everyone’s responsibility It’s easy, and the Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism will show you how on the “Love the Adirondacks” website, where you can take the Love Your ADK pledge

By taking the Love Your Adirondacks pledge and practicing Leave No Trace ethics you can help ensure that the forests, waterways and communities of the Adirondacks remain beautiful and unique for generations to come.

The Love Your ADK pledge has been created in partnership with ROOST, the Adirondack Mountain Club, Adirondack Council and the state Department of Environmental Conservation

Sign the pledge online at the following website:

I pledge to:

¯ Love the Adirondacks in a way that is mindful of others;

¯ Only share thoughtful messages on social media that encourage good stewardship;

¯ View wildlife from afar and be considerate of their home;

¯ Embrace the hiker ethos and get my boots dirty by walking through the mud;

¯ Always explore responsibly and prepare for any experience;

¯Do my duty to properly dispose of trash as well as pet and human waste;

¯ Keep woods and waters clean by checking my gear and equipment for invasive species; and

¯ Support, practice, and inspire others to follow the Leave No Trace Seven Principles

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Saranac Lake 6er hiking challenge

There are four patches for the Saranac Lake 6er hiking challenge: Summer, Winter, Ultra Summer and Ultra Winter. Ultra hikers leave from Berkeley Green in downtown Saranac Lake, complete all six mountains in 24 hours and finish at Berkeley Green, where they can ring the bell in the pavilion. Winter hikes are completed between Dec 21 and March 21 All hikes must have been completed after May 25, 2013

Hikers who finish the six peaks have the privilege of ringing the bell at Berkeley Green

Anyone interested needs to complete the online registration form at Each finisher will be sent a certificate with an official member number, 6er patch and sticker. All numbers are awarded in the order of completed applications received Names will also be added to the official Saranac Lake 6er member roster Allow for up to 12 weeks for processing. Learn more at www saranaclake com

Baker Mountain: 1.8 miles round-trip, 2,457 feet elevation

Trailhead: From downtown Saranac Lake, head north on Broadway (state Route 86) and turn right on Bloomingdale Avenue (state Route 3), then turn right on Pine Street after about a half mile. Cross the railroad tracks and turn left on Forest Hill Avenue and follow it as it wraps around Moody Pond. The trailhead is on the left in about a half mile

St. Regis Mountain: 6.6 miles round-trip, 2,874 feet elevation

Trailhead: From downtown Saranac Lake head west on state Route 86, toward Paul Smiths. At Paul Smith’s College, turn right on state Route 30, take the first left on Keese Mill Road Follow Keese Mill Road for almost 3 miles to the trailhead parking on the left.

Haystack Mountain: 6 6 miles round-trip, 2,874 feet elevation

Trailhead: From downtown Saranac Lake, take state Route 86 east toward Lake Placid Continue for about 5 miles and look for the large parking area on the left. This is also the parking area for McKenzie Mountain

Scarface Mountain: 7.6 miles round-trip, 3,058 feet elevation

Trailhead: From the intersection of state Route 3 and state Route 86 in Saranac Lake, follow Route 86 toward Lake Placid Continue into Ray Brook, take a right onto Ray Brook Road (just before Maplefields), and look for the parking lot about 0.1 mile on the left.

3,352 feet elevation

Trailhead: From downtown Saranac Lake, turn right onto state Route 3, heading west toward Tupper Lake. The parking area is on the right after about 8 miles The trailhead is across the road on the left

3,861 feet elevation

Trailhead: From downtown Saranac Lake, take state Route 86 east toward Lake Placid. Continue for about 5 miles and look for the large parking area on the left This is also the parking area for Haystack Mountain

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / A d i r o n d a c k V a c a t i o n G u i d e • S u m m e r / F a l l 2 0 2 3 S a r a n a c L a k e R e g i o n 34
A m p e r s a n d M o u n t a i n : 5 4 m i l e s r o u n d - t r i p ,
M c K e n z i e M o u n t a i n : 1 0 . 6 m i l e s r o u n d - t r i p ,
View from the summit of Ampersand Mountain (Provided photo ROOST) Saranac Lake 6er bell, Berkeley Green (Staff photo Andy Flynn)
V a c a t
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Welcome to Tupper Lake

Piercefield have been known as a year-round outdoor recreation destination for generations, from skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling and ice fishing in the winter to hiking, camping, boating, paddling, golfing, biking, birding and fishing in the warm-weather months

Famous for its sunsets on Raquette Pond, this community is a nature lover’s paradise, quiet and laid back, and the perfect base camp for your Adirondack adventures.

And don’t forget swimming at popular places such as the Little Wolf Beach, Bog River Falls and the Raquette River.

Find what you need at one of the local outfitters or hire an outdoor guide for your adventure

Tupper Lake is home to The Wild Center, one of the most popular attractions in all of northern New York The museum is located on a 115-acre campus and i n c l u d e s t h e W i l d W a l k . L e a r n m o r e a t v i s i t www wildcenter org or 518-359-7800

T h e A d i r o n d a c k S k y C e n t e r & O b s e r v a t o r y ( on Big Wolf Road connects residents and visitors to the night sky with programs throughout the year

The Adirondack State Theater (www.tupperlakemovies com) and Tupper Arts (www tupperarts org) on Park Street celebrate culture in the community Tupper Arts presents art and photography shows and sponsors the free Summer Sunset Series of concerts at the Flanders Park band shell in July and August Tupper Lake is home to a professional baseball team, the Riverpigs, which plays other teams in the Empire Baseball League during June and July Their home stadium is the Municipal Park on Demars Boulevard The 2023 season begins June 9 at home against the Plattsburgh Thunderbirds Learn more at

T h e a n n u a l T u p p e r L a k e T i n m a n T r i a t h l o n (www tupperlaketinman com/) is set for June 24 Learn more about the Tupper Lake region at www tupperlake com

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l l a g e o f
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The Wild Center, Tupper Lake (Provided photo ROOST) There are plenty of places in the Tupper Lake region for family-friendly bicycling. (Provided photo ROOST)
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u m m e r

Tupper Lake Triad hiking challenge

There are two patches for the Tupper Lake Triad hiking challenge: Summer (between March 21 and Dec 19) and Winter (between Dec 20 and March 20). Once completed, download the Tupper Lake Triad registration form and mail it with a $5 00 registration fee to: TL Triad, 121 Park St , Tupper Lake, NY 12986. Make checks payable to “ROOST.” Learn more online at www tupperlaketriad com

Mount Arab: 2 miles round-trip, 2,545 feet elevation

Trailhead: From the intersection of state routes 3 and 30 in the village of Tupper Lake, follow Route 3 toward Piercefield In about 7 25 miles, turn left on Conifer Road and follow it for almost 2 miles to Mount Arab Road, on the left Drive about 1 mile The trailhead is on the left; parking is on the right

There is a fire tower on the peak of Mount Arab, near the hamlet of Piercefield

Coney Mountain: 2.2 miles round-trip, 2,280 feet elevation

Trailhead: From the intersection of state routes 3 and 30 in the village of Tupper Lake, follow Route 30 toward Long Lake Drive just under 12 miles to trailhead on the left A state DEC sign marks the location

Goodman Mountain: 3 4 miles round-trip, 2,178 feet elevation

Trailhead: From the intersection of state routes 3 and 30 in the village of Tupper Lake, follow Route 30

Dog-friendly hiking in Tupper Lake (Provided photo ROOST)

toward Long Lake Drive just under 10 miles to Lumberjack Spring on the left. Lumberjack Spring is not marked, but a trailhead post is located there

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / A d i r o n d a c k V a c a t i o n G u i d e • S u m m e r / F a l l 2 0 2 3 T u p p e r L a k e R e g i o n 38
Hiking in the Tupper Lake region (Provided photo ROOST) Hiking on Coney Mountain (Provided photo ROOST) Golfing in Tupper Lake (Provided photo ROOST) Fishing at Bog River Falls (Provided photo Andy Flynn)

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2 0 2 3 39

DEC says ‘hike smart’ and be prepared

(Note: The following information was provided by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Learn more at

Hikers in the Adirondack Park should wear proper gear and attire during their day trips or backpacking adventures, including sturdy, comfortable boots

¯ Moisture-wicking synthetic fabrics that keep your skin dry and help regulate your body temperature in both cold and warm weather -- avoid cotton as it holds moisture

¯ Layered clothing is recommended even for summer hikes

¯ Light-colored clothing, which will make it easier to see ticks

¯ Waterproof, sturdy, and comfortable shoes or boots

¯ A watch or other time-keeping device

¯ Trekking poles will reduce leg fatigue and joint pain

10 hiking essentials

Carry these essentials in a day pack on all hikes for a safe and enjoyable experience


¯ Map

¯ Compass

¯ GPS system

¯ Extra batteries


¯ Waterproof/windproof jacket

¯ Hat

¯ Gloves

¯ Thermal undergarments (pack extra)

¯ Wool socks (pack extra)


¯ Headlamp

¯ Flashlight

¯ Lanterns

¯ Extra batteries


¯ Use a pre-made kit or build your own


¯ Whistle

¯ Signal mirror

¯ Duct tape

¯ Pocket knife/multi-tool, etc

¯ Bright colored cloth


¯ Matches in waterproof container

¯ Lighter

¯ Fire starters


¯ Choose high protein and high calorie items

¯ Pack extra food

¯ In the winter break food into small pieces and pack in the center of pack to avoid freezing


¯ Pack at least 2 liters per person

¯ Carry more than you think you will need

¯ Water filtration or purifying system

¯ In the winter insulate your hydro-tubing or pack water in the center of pack to avoid freezing


¯ Sunglasses

¯ Sunscreen

¯ Hat

¯ Bug repellent

¯ Bug net


¯ Tent

¯ Space Blanket

¯ Tarp

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / A d i r o n d a c k V a c a t i o n G u i d e • S u m m e r / F a l l 2 0 2 3 T u p p e r L a k e R e g i o n 40
Trailhead at Cascade Mountain near Lake Placid (Staff photo Andy Flynn)
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Welcome to the Northern Tier

Here in the Northern Tier region of New York state bordering Canada you will find life becomes intermingled with visitors from the provinces of Ontario and Quebec This gives the communities in northern Franklin and St. Lawrence counties much more of an international feel Not that it looks like the older neighborhoods in Montreal or Quebec City, just that there may be some French Canadian accents about With Lake Champlain to the east and the St Lawrence River to the west, there are ample summer outdoor activities, such as hiking, camping, cycling, mountain biking, boating, paddling, golfing, fishing and birding.

Malone is also home to a professional baseball team, the Border Hounds, which plays other teams in the Empire Baseball League during June and July. Their home stadium is the Border Hounds Field (American Legion Field) off Route 11 The 2023 season begins June 9 at home against the Japan Islanders. Learn more at https://maloneborderhounds com/

There are also plenty of farms, food producers and those who make cider, beer and wine The farm-totable movement is alive and well in this region. There is plenty to do in the communities of Malone, Massena, Potsdam, Canton and Ogdensburg.

Attractions in northern Franklin and St. Lawrence counties include the Almanzo Wilder Homestead in Burke; Eisenhower Lock in Massena; Titus Mountain ski center south of Malone; Lyon Mountain Mining a n d R a i l r o a d M u s e u m ; C h a t e a u g a y H i s t o r i c a l Society; Akwesasne Mohawk Casino; Akwesasne L i b r a r y a n d C u l t u r a l C e n t e r ; F r a n k l i n C o u n t y Historical Museum in Malone; Silas Wright Museum (St. Lawrence County Historical Association) and Traditional Arts in Upstate New York in Canton; St Lawrence Power & Equipment Museum in Madrid; Frederic Remington Art Museum in Ogdensburg; and Potsdam Public Museum

For more information about the communities in New York’s Northern Tier, visit or https://visitmalone com

This year’s Franklin County Fair ( will be held from Aug. 6 to 13 at the fairgrounds in Malone. Highlights will include music by Melissa Etheridge (Aug. 12) and Bailey Zimmerman (Aug. 10) with special guest Nate Smith, tractor pulls, Black Cat Hell Drivers, demolition derby, Sheep Show, 4H Wearable Fashion Show, 4H Youth Beef Show, 4H Youth All Dairy Breeds Show, 4H Youth Goat Show, 4H Horse Show, Western Horse Show, English Horse Show, Small Town Famous Talent Show, Miss Franklin County Fair Pageant and cornhole tournament.

(File photo)

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See the lakers

Atlantic Ocean with the Great Lakes 189 miles from Montreal to Lake Ontario.

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(Photos Andy Flynn) Watch ships, such as the laker Baie Comeau above, navigate through the Eisenhower Lock northeast of Massena as they make their way along the St. Lawrence Seaway, which connects the

Welcome to the Central Adk’s

The Central Adirondacks include communities in Hamilton, Essex and Herkimer counties such as Long Lake, Raquette Lake, Blue Mountain Lake, Newcomb, Minerva, Schroon Lake, North Hudson, Indian Lake, Speculator, Inlet and Old Forge

Nearby, you will also find many more familyfriendly activities in the communities of Warren County to the east, such as North Creek, Lake

L u z e r n e , C h e s t e r t o w n , P o t t e r s v i l l e , B r a n t L a k e , Bolton, Warrensburg and Lake George

Here in the heart of the Adirondack Park you will find an abundance of summer outdoor activities, such as hiking, camping, cycling, mountain biking, boating, paddling, golfing, fishing and birding.

Attractions include the Adirondack Scenic Railroad in Thendara; View Center for Arts and Culture,

Enchanted Forest/Water Safari, McCauley Mountain

S c e n i c C h a i r l i f t , G o o d s e l l M u s e u m a n d S t r a n d Theatre in Old Forge; Indian Lake Theater; Great Camp Sagamore in Raquette Lake; Raquette Lake

N a v i g a t i o n C o m p a n y ; G r e a t C a m p S a n t a n o n i ,

N e w c o m b H i s t o r i c a l M u s e u m a n d A d i r o n d a c k

I n t e r p r e t i v e C e n t e r i n N e w c o m b ; N a t u r a l S t o n e Bridge & Caves in Pottersville; Minerva Historical S o c i e t y i n O l m s t e d v i l l e ; S c h r o o n - N o r t h H u d s o n

Historical Society and Seagle Festival in Schroon Lake; and Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts and

A d i r o n d a c k E x p e r i e n c e , t h e M u s e u m o n B l u e Mountain Lake

For more information about the Central Adirondack

R e g i o n , v i s i t o n l i n e a t w w w . a d i r o n d a c k h u b . c o m , w w w a d i r o n d a c k e x p e r i e n c e c o m o r t h e T o w n o f Webb Visitor Information Center at oldforgeny com

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / A d i r o n d a c k V a c a t i o n G u i d e • S u m m e r / F a l l 2 0 2 3 C e n t r a l A d i r o n d a c k s 44
Adirondack Experience, Blue Mt. Lake (Provided photo ROOST) Raquette Lake Navigation (Provided photo ROOST) Long Lake town beach (Provided photo ROOST)
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McIntyre Furnace, Newcomb (Provided photo ROOST) Southern access to the High Peaks (Provided photo ROOST) Teddy Roosevelt tablet, Newcomb (Provided photo Andy Flynn) Adirondack Buffalo Co., North Hudson (Staff photo Elizabeth Izzo)

North Country farmers markets

Learn more about farmers markets and find local food and drink producers using the online map at Adirondack Harvest, https://adirondackharvest com

A l s o , v i s i t t h e f a r m e r s m a r k e t a t t h e 2 0 2 3 Adirondack Harvest Festival on Saturday, Sept. 23 at the Essex County Fairgrounds in Westport

Bolton Landing: 5 Cross St , behind Town Hall F r i d a y s , J u n e t o S e p t e m b e r , 9 a . m . t o 2 p . m . www boltonlandingfarmersmarket com

Canton: Village Park, corner of Main and Park streets. Tuesdays and Fridays through October, 9 a.m. to 2 p m

C h e s t e r t o w n : C h e s t e r t o w n T o w n H a l l , 6 3 0 7 Route 9 Wednesdays, June to September, 10 a m to 2 p m https://chestertownfarmersmarket com

Elizabethtown: 7590 Court St. Fridays, June to September, 9 a m to 1 p m http://adirondackfarmersmarket com

Harrisville: At the scenic view. Saturdays, May to October, 9 a m to 4 p m

Indian Lake: 6345 State Route 30 Saturdays, July to September, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Keene: Marcy Field, State Route 73 Sundays, May to October, 9:30 a m to 2 p m

Lake Placid: Green Goddess parking lot, 2051 Saranac Ave Wednesdays, June to September, 9 a m to 1 p.m.

Long Lake: Corner of Route 28/30 and South Hill Road across from post office Thursdays, June to September, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Malone: Malone Airport, Route 11 Wednesdays, May to October, noon to 4:30 p m

Malone: Mobile Farmers Market: 10 a m to 2 p m T u e s d a y s , W e d n e s d a y s , T h u r s d a y s o n a r o t a t i n g s c h e d u l e . L o c a t i o n s i n c l u d e W i n d m i l l E s t a t e s , Malone Rec Park, Trails of Malone, and the Sawyer Avenue, Catherine Street and Elm Street housing

North Creek: 21 Railroad Place Thursdays, June to September, 2 to 6 p m

Old Forge: 201 North St. Fridays, June to October, 1 to 5 p m

Peru: Peru Town Market 2948 Mason Hill Road

Monthly on Sundays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 25, July 30, Aug 27, Sept 17, Oct 15 perutownmarket com

P l a t t s b u r g h : P l a t t s b u r g h F a r m e r s & C r a f t e r s Market. 26 Green St. Saturdays, May to October, 9 a m to 2 p m

Rouses Point: 144 Lake St. Fridays, June to September, 3 to 6 p m

Saranac Lake: Riverside Park Saturdays, May to October, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. www.highpeaksfarmersmarkets com

T i c o n d e r o g a : T i A r e a F a r m e r s ’ M a r k e t 3 McCormick St. Saturdays, July to September, 9 a.m. to noon

Tupper Lake: 320 Park St Fridays, June to October, 2-6 p.m.

Warrensburg: 180 River St Fridays, June to October, 3 to 6 p m

W i l l s b o r o : P a v i l i o n j u s t s o u t h o f C h a m p l a i n National Bank on Route 22 Thursdays, June to August, 9 a m to 1 p m

Wilmington: 5753 State Route 86 Tuesdays, June to September, 10 a m to 2 p m

(Provided photo ROOST)

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Farmers market in Keene (Staff photo Andy Flynn)
A visitor shops at the farmers market at the Adirondack Harvest Festival in Westport. (Staff photo Andy Flynn)

DEC offers primitive camping tips

(Note: The following information was provided by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Learn more at www dec ny gov )

Backcountry camping

Backcountry or primitive camping is allowed on Forest Preserve lands in the Adirondacks and Catskills as well as State Forest lands outside the Preserve Backcountry camping is prohibited on Unique Areas, Wildlife Management Areas and a few other categories of state land

Campsite selection

¯ Camping is prohibited within 150 feet of any road, trail, spring, stream, pond or other body of water except at areas designated by a “Camp Here” disk.

¯ Groups of 10 or more persons OR stays of more than three days in one place require a permit from the New York State Forest Ranger responsible for the area

¯ Lean-tos are available in many areas on a first come first served basis. Lean-tos cannot be used exclusively and must be shared with other campers

¯ The storage of personal property on state lands is prohibited.

Fires at campsites

¯ Fires should be built in existing fire pits or fireplaces if provided

¯ Do not build fires in areas marked by a “No Fires” disk

¯ Cutting standing trees is prohibited Use only dead and down wood for fires.

¯ Extinguish all fires with water and stir ashes until they are cold to the touch

Tips to Leave No Trace

¯ Removing plants, rocks, fossils or artifacts from state land without a permit is illegal.

¯ Use pit privies provided near popular camping areas and trailheads If none are available, dispose of human waste by digging a hole 6-8 inches deep at least 150 feet from water or campsites (200 feet is recommended by the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics). Cover with leaves and soil.

¯ Do not use soap to wash yourself, clothing or dishes within 150 feet of water

¯ Drinking and cooking water should be boiled for 5 minutes, treated with purifying tablets or filtered through filtration device to prevent instances of giardia infection.

¯ Carry out what you carry in

¯ Keep your pet under control Restrain it on a leash when others approach. Collect and bury droppings away from water, trails and camp sites Keep your pet away from drinking water sources

¯ Observe and enjoy wildlife and plants but leave them undisturbed

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ADK Fire Tower Challenge

Here’s a hiking challenge that combines history with outdoor recreation: the Adirondack Mountain Club’s Fire Tower Challenge, a program of ADK’s Glens Falls-Saratoga Chapter

There’s also a Winter Fire Tower Challenge (Dec 21 and March 21).

People completing the challenge do not have to be ADK members

To complete the challenge and receive the official full-color patch, hikers must climb and document, by date, ascents of at least 23 fire tower summits: 18 of the Adirondack Park summits and all five Catskill Park summits Climbing each tower itself is not required, and it is not recommended for those towers that have not been restored for safe public use.

The mountain should have a standing fire tower on the date of the ascent

(View the Summit List PDF for the updated list at https://www adkgfs org/firetower challenge php )

When registering the dates of the climb, use extra sheets of paper to describe details of interest: weather, wildlife sightings, impressions, companions anything that caught your attention

Send the Summit List and additional pages name and address on each along with a check for $5 00 per patch (Kids 15 and under are free ) Make checks payable to “ADK Glens Falls-Saratoga Chapter” and send to: Fire Tower Challenge, Glens Falls-Saratoga Chapter Adirondack Mountain Club, P O Box 2314, Glens Falls, NY 12801. It may take four to six weeks before the patches are mailed


Adirondack Park

Mount Adams

Mount Arab

Azure Mountain

Bald (Rondaxe) Mountain

Belfry Mountain

Black Mountain

Blue Mountain

Cathedral Rock

Goodnow Mountain

Gore Mountain **

Hadley Mountain

Hurricane Mountain

Kane Mountain

Loon Lake Mountain

Lyon Mountain

Owls Head Mountain

Pillsbury Mountain

Poke-o-Moonshine Mountain

Snowy Mountain

Spruce Mountain *

Stillwater Mountain *

St Regis Mountain

Vanderwhacker Mountain

Wakely Mountain

Woodhull Mountain

* Closed during hunting season

Catskill Park

Balsam Lake Mountain

Hunter Mountain **

Overlook Mountain

Red Hill

Mount Tremper

** Because this is a hiker challenge, ADK asks Challenge completers submitting Gore and Hunter mountains do so on the trails (rather than a ski lift).

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Mount Arab fire tower near Tupper Lake (Provided photo ROOST)

(Provided photo ROOST)

The Great Adirondack Moose Festival in Indian Lake will return this year from Sept. 22 to 24.

(Provided photo ROOST)

Death Falls is a short hike (0.3 mile) near the hamlet of Raquette Lake. Get more information, including directions, online at

(Provided photo ROOST)

C e n t r a l A d i r o n d a c k s A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / A d i r o n d a c k V a c a t i o n G u i d e • S u m m e r / F a l l 2 0 2 3 49
Great Camp Sagamore, Raquette Lake

Welcome to Plattsburgh

Up north, the city of Plattsburgh on Lake Champlain is a center for shopping, health care and education, yet it retains its historical and outdoor recreation roots while growing as a cultural center in northern New York.

One can find the typical outdoor activities, such as boating, paddling, sailing, swimming, hiking, camping and fishing.

For sports fans, there’s the Plattsburgh Airborne Speedway (www plattsburghairbornespeedway com)

Plattsburgh is also home to a professional baseball team, the Thunderbirds, which plays other teams in the Empire Baseball League during June and July Their home stadium is the Chip Cummings Field at 225 Rugar St The 2023 season begins June 9 on the road against the Tupper Lake Riverpigs, and the first home game is on June 12 against the Japan Islanders. Learn more at https://plattsburghthunderbirds com

In Plattsburgh, cultural institutions and museums include the Plattsburgh State Art Museum, Strand Center Theatre, Strand Center for the Arts, Clinton County Historical Association Museum, War of 1812 M u s e u m , K e n t - D e l

Air Force Base Museum

History Center in the village of Champlain and the Alice T Miner Museum in Chazy Plattsburgh is also a transportation hub in the North Country, providing air service at the Plattsburgh International Airport

The annual Clinton County Fair is set for July 2530 at the fairgrounds in Morrisonville. For more details, visit www clintoncountyfair com

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / A d i r o n d a c k V a c a t i o n G u i d e • S u m m e r / F a l l 2 0 2 3 P l a t t s b u r g h 50
o r d H o u s e M u s e u m a n d Plattsburgh
N e a r b y a t t r a c t i o n s i n c l u d e t h e S a m u e l d e
L e a r n m o r e a b o u t P l a t t s b u r g h a n d t h e L a k e C h a m p l a i n r e g i o n a t w w w . g o a d i r o n d a c k . c o m o r www lakechamplainregion com
A hiker relaxes on the summit of Poke-o-Moonshine Mountain, south of Plattsburgh. (Staff photo Justin A Levine) Hikers reach the historic Poke-o-Moonshine Mountain fire tower, south of Plattsburgh. (Staff photo Justin A Levine)

PAUL SMITHS Officials at the Adirondack Watershed Institute of Paul Smith’s College remind the public about a state law that affects anyone using a motorboat inside the 6-million-acre Adirondack Park, and within 10 miles of its boundary Boaters must carry a certificate showing their watercraft has been cleaned, drained and dried for every trip.

T h e s t a t e D e p a r t m e n t o f E n v i r o n m e n t a l Conservation enacted the law on June 8, 2022, in the middle of the Invasive Species Awareness Week. The law’s goal is to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species such as zebra mussels, Eurasian watermilfoil and hydrilla.

Therefore, anyone putting motorized watercraft in Adirondack waterways has to prove that their boat is free of harmful aquatic invasive species.

The new law is meant to complement the AWIoperated Adirondack Aquatic Invasive Species Spread Prevention Program. The AWI has a mission “to protect clean water, conserve habitat and support the h e a l t h a n d w e l l - b e i n g o f t h e p e o p l e i n t h e Adirondacks through science, collaboration, and realworld experiences for students ”

There are online educational tools on the AWI website about the law and how boaters can make sure their watercraft are free of invasive species The web page w w w . a d k w a t e r s h e d . o r g / c l e a n - d r a i n - d r y includes a video about the DEC’s Aquatic Invasive Species Spread Prevention Certification program; a map to find boat washing stations throughout the Adirondack region; and a frequently asked questions section Plus, there is a link to the DEC’s Aquatic Invasive Species Boat Stewards web page explaining the law (www dec ny gov/animals/107807 html)

The DEC has a map of all the boat launches in the region where stewards are located this summer,

including decontamination stations

The AWI has a Stewardship Program to educate the

Continued on Page 52

P l a t t s b u r g h A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / A d i r o n d a c k V a c a t i o n G u i d e • S u m m e r / F a l l 2 0 2 3 51
Protect the Park from invasive species Motorboats must be certified clean
Lower Locks along the Saranac Chain of Lakes (Staff photo Justin A. Levine)

Continued from Page 51

public about aquatic invasive species. Most notably, it hires dozens of stewards during the summer about 90 in 2022 to operate educational tables at boat l a u n c h e s t h r o u g h o u t t h e A d i r o n d a c k r e g i o n . Moreover, stewards also operate boat washing stations at some of these boat launches

“With high pressure, hot water (120-140 degrees F), these boat wash systems reduce the chance of introducing AIS into pristine waterways and further harm partially infested waterways,” the AWI states on its website “Each wash station is run by individuals trained to identify invasive species and properly decontaminate any evident or suspected threat. A full wash/decontamination takes less than 15 minutes ”

The AWI had the following boat wash stations in the Adirondack Park in 2022:

¯ Blue Mountain/Lake Durant: Route 28/30 pulloff

¯ Caroga: Route 10 pull-off

¯ Chateaugay Lake: DEC boat launch

¯ Chazy Lake: DEC boat launch

¯ Great Sacandaga Lake: Broadalbin DEC boat launch

¯ Great Sacandaga Lake: Day (Edinburg) DEC boat launch

¯ Great Sacandaga Lake: Northampton DEC boat launch

¯ Great Sacandaga Lake: Northville DEC boat launch

¯ Hudson River: (Luzerne) DEC boat launch

¯ Indian Lake: DEC boat launch

¯ Inlet: Rocky Mountain trailhead, Route 28 pulloff

Continued on Page 53

Invasive species field guides now available

KEENE VALLEY Two organizations that work to protect our region’s lands and waters from environmental and economic harm caused by invas i v e s p e c i e s T h e N a t u r e C o n s e r v a n c y ’ s Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program and the Lake Champlain Basin Program have released a pair of free complementary guides on invasive species in the Adirondacks.

Together, APIPP’s “Field Guide to Terrestrial Invasive Species of the Adirondacks” and LCBP’s “Lake Champlain Basin Aquatic Invasive Species Guide” provide information on more than 70 invasive plants and animals that have been identified in the Adirondack region

Both booklets can help people identify these plants and animals, and include the defining characteristics of each species, common look-alike species, habitat descriptions and photos

L C B P ’ s n e w g u i d e c o v e r s a q u a t i c i n v a s i v e species and includes anatomical diagrams and k n o w n d i s t r i b u t i o n w i t h i n a n d n e a r t h e L a k e Champlain watershed.

APIPP’s new guide focuses on terrestrial invasive species, and includes information on managing terrestrial invasive species and a primer on plant identification It also includes information about how to use the iMapInvasives app to enter data into New York state’s invasive species database.

Both guides were developed to help outdoor recreationists, property owners and others recognize potentially harmful non-native species in the region’s lands and waterbodies in order to help reduce the spread of these species

To download or order a copy of the field guides or other free outreach materials, visit www adkinvaisves com or www lcbp org

For a species to be considered invasive, it must be non-native to the ecosystem under consideration and the species’ introduction must cause, or be likely to cause, harm to the economy, environment or human health

More than 70 terrestrial invasive species have been documented in the Adirondack region, and species like small carpetgrass, Japanese hops and oak wilt are found just outside of the region

Lake Champlain is home to 51 known aquatic non-native or invasive species The last invasive species detected in Lake Champlain was the fishhook waterflea in 2018, but several species, including round goby, quagga mussel and hydrilla, pose an imminent threat The Great Lakes, Hudson River, and St. Lawrence River, which are all connected to the lake, harbor dozens more potential invaders

(Staff photo Lauren

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / A d i r o n d a c k V a c a t i o n G u i d e • S u m m e r / F a l l 2 0 2 3 A d i r o n d a c k P a r k 52
A “ N u i s a n c e I n v a s i v e S p e c i e s D i s p o s a l Station” at Second Pond in Saranac Lake offers a place for boaters to dispose of bait buckets and any aquatic invasive species found clinging to their boat.

¯ Lake Champlain: Port Douglass DEC boat launch

¯ Lake Champlain: Willsboro DEC boat launch

¯ Lake Champlain: Port Henry DEC boat launch

¯ Lake Champlain: Ticonderoga DEC boat launch

¯ Lake Champlain: South Bay DEC boat launch, Whitehall

¯ Lake George: Mossy Point public boat launch

¯ Lake George: Rogers Rock Public Campground and boat launch

¯ Lake George: Norowal Marina, Bolton

¯ Lake George: Million Dollar Beach launch

¯ Lake George: Dunham’s Bay Dock and launch

¯ Lake Placid: DEC boat launch

¯ Long Lake: Route 30 pull-off

¯ Loon Lake (Warren County): Town boat launch

¯ Northern Schroon/Paradox (Severance): Route 74 pull-off

¯ Piseco: Poplar Point campgrounds

¯ Saranac Lake: Second Pond DEC boat launch, Route 3

¯ Schroon Lake: Horicon DEC boat launch

¯ Speculator: Route 8/30 pull-off

¯ Star Lake: Route 3 pull-off

¯ Upper Saranac Lake: DEC boat launch

¯ Upper St. Regis Lake: Municipal launch

Just outside the Adirondack Park, the following boat wash stations were in place last summer:

¯ Colton: Route 56 pull-off

¯ Glens Falls: Adirondack Welcome Center (I-87 Northbound Between Exits 17 & 18)

¯ Lake Champlain: Peru DEC boat launch

¯ Lake Champlain: Plattsburgh DEC boat launch


Boaters can get certificates one of two ways:

¯ By visiting a DEC-designated aquatic invasive species inspection station Boat stewards will inspect or decontaminate watercraft and provide boaters with a certification card.

¯ Self-issue your own certificate after performing the Clean-Drain-Dry steps yourself An electronic Self-Issued Certificate is available as a PDF download

stand by their informational tent in July 2022 at the Lake Placid lake boat launch off Mirror Lake Drive. They offered free boat inspections to make sure motorboats are free of invasive species such as zebra mussels and Eurasian watermilfoil. This boat launch also features a decontamination station at the village’s water plant to wash boats if necessary.

suedcertificate1.pdf. Just print out the certificate, fill it out and have it with you during your boating trip

Clean: Be sure to clean your boat and equipment by removing any visible plants, animals, mud or debris. Also, discard items far away from water and on dry land, in trash cans or in one of the invasive species disposal stations that have been installed at many boat

Continued on Page 54

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w w w d e c n y g o v / d o c s / l a n d s f o r e s t s p d f / s e l f i s -
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A kiosk at Peacock Park in the village of Lake Placid— maintained by the Mirror Lake Watershed Association gives users of the lake useful tips to protect the environment. (Staff photo Andy Flynn) Boat stewards Oliver Hess and Whitney Pierrot (Staff photo Andy Flynn)

launch sites.

D r a i n : D r a i n a l l w a t e r - h o l d i n g c o m p a r t m e n t s , including live wells, bait wells, ballast tanks and bilge areas.

Also, don’t forget to check fishing gear, floats and the outboard motor for any residual water prior to leaving the launch.

Dry: Dry boats, trailers and all equipment before use in another water body

There are about 2,800 lakes and ponds, and over 30,000 miles of rivers and streams in the Adirondack Park

“With an abundance of high-quality water resources comparatively uninvaded by the scores of invasive species in other state waters, the Adirondacks present a crucial opportunity for stewardship and AIS prevention,” the AWI states on its website

The Adirondack Park Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Program is funded by the New York State Environmental Protection Fund

Certificates are not needed for canoes or kayaks H o w e v e r , p a d d l e r s a r e a l s o r e q u i r e d t o Clean Drain Dry their vessels and equipment

FAQs from DEC

1 What is the purpose of Cleaning, Draining and Drying?

We know that all watercraft can transport aquatic invasive species like Eurasian watermilfoil, hydrilla, and zebra mussels Cleaning, draining, and drying protects New York’s waters by reducing the possibility of aquatic invasive species being introduced into new waterbodies

2. Is cleaning, draining, and drying my boat mandatory?

YES New York state law requires that every boat (including motorboats, kayaks/canoes, and associated equipment) operated anywhere in the state is to be cleaned, drained, dried or treated before launching into a public waterbody. This requirement can be met by the boat operator OR by visiting a watercraft i n s p e c t i o n s t a t i o n A t s e l e c t l o c a t i o n s w a t e r c r a f t inspection stewards can assist with watercraft and

Boat steward Oliver Hess, right, inspects a motorboat with New Jersey plates looking for possible signs of invasive species in July 2022 at the Lake Placid lake boat launch off Mirror Lake Drive.

(Staff photo Andy Flynn)

gear inspections and direct boaters to a decontamination station if AIS are found or suspected

3 What’s involved in clean, drain and dry?

Follow these steps to make sure your equipment is not harboring any invasive species:

a Clean any mud, plants, fish, or animals from your boating and fishing equipment (trailer bunks, axles, rollers, lights, transducers, license plates, motor props, tackle, waders, etc ) and discard the material in trash cans, at a disposal station, or well away from the waterbody, so it won’t get washed in during a storm

b Drain all water holding compartments, including ballast tanks, live wells, and bilge areas, before you leave an access site

c Dry everything thoroughly before using your boat or equipment in another waterbody. (Drying times can vary but a minimum of 5-7 days in dry, warm conditions is recommended )

d. Disinfect boats, trailers, and equipment when possible Use high pressure, hot water that is at least 140 degrees F or visit a boat steward/decontamination site to perform this step. Water holding compartments including bilges and live wells should be disinfected

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / A d i r o n d a c k V a c a t i o n G u i d e • S u m m e r / F a l l 2 0 2 3 A d i r o n d a c k P a r k 54 Continued from Page 53
Watershed stewards educate the public at the Second Pond launch near Saranac Lake. (Staff photo Lauren Yates)

Ausable Chasm

Ausable Chasm: 2144 Route 9, 518-834-7454, h t t p : / / a u s a b l e c h a s m c o m S i n c e 1 8 7 0 , A u s a b l e Chasm has amazed the public More than 10 million visitors have witnessed what mother nature has provided: a uniquely-carved, vertical-walled canyon made of 500-million-year-old rock As one of the earliest and oldest attractions in the U.S., Ausable Chasm has developed a history filled with adventures, disasters, and many famous visitors A horse nail factory was located here on the east bank below Rainbow Falls between 1877 and 1910

North Star Underground Railroad Museum: 1131 Mace Chasm Road, 518-834-5180, northcountryundergroundrailroad com The North Country U n d e r g r o u n d R a i l r o a d H i s t o r i c a l A s s o c i a t i o n researches, preserves and interprets the history of the Underground Railroad, slavery and abolition along the Upper Hudson River-Champlain and Canal-Lake Champlain corridor of northeast New York.


The history of Keeseville can be seen along the Ausable River, which helped drive industry in the 19th century. It is home to Adirondack Architectural Heritage (, a nonprofit historic preservation organization that gives regular tours of properties in the Adirondack region. AARCH is located in the form e r o f f i c e b u i l d i n g o f t h e A u s a b l e H o r s e N a i l Company The circa 1849 stone building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as part of Keeseville’s large historic district Adjacent to the AARCH building is an 1849 stone mill This is a rare surviving group of mid-19th century, water-powered, industrial buildings, which were once the heart of the booming horse nail manufacturing industry

2023 Fort Ticonderoga schedule


Here is the 2023 schedule for Fort Ticonderoga (

¯ May 6: Daily visitation begins 10 a m to 5 p m Tuesday-Sunday through Oct 29 Each day, follow the story of 1760, as British and American provincial soldiers make one last push into the heart of French Canada See Fort Ticonderoga’s garrison of British regular soldiers, guarding this supply and naval base along Lake Champlain

¯ May 26: Carillon cruises begin

¯ May 27-28: Memorial Day Weekend. Join the Fifes & Drums of Fort Ticonderoga for a special commemorative ceremony on Memorial Day

¯ June 17: Scots Day. Discover your own Scottish connection by visiting clan tents and vendors and enjoy the sounds of Scottish music

¯ June 28: Fifes & Drums begin daily performances (through Aug 24)

¯ J u l y 1 - 4 : I n d e p e n d e n c e D a y W e e k e n d Celebrate freedom by exploring the year 1777.

¯ July 8: Battle of Carillon commemoration Stand on the very ground where the epic Battle of Carillon took place on July 8, 1758. Remember the daylong battle where the British had suffered casualties of nearly 2,000 men killed and wounded The Battle of Carillon would prove to be France’s greatest victory of the French & Indian War

¯ July 22-23: Battle Reenactment: Defiance and Independence. Witness the epic 1777 siege of American-held Ticonderoga

¯ July 29: The Heroic Corn Maze: A Corn Maze Adventure opens. Open 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday-Sunday through Oct 15

¯ Aug. 5: Annual King’s Garden Party

¯ Aug. 5-6: Sound of 1776. Hear the rousing sounds of the Fifes & Drums, which hoisted the spirits of an American Army in 1776 Through m u s i c a l c o n c e r t s , l i v i n g h i s t o r y v i g n e t t e s a n d weapon demonstrations discover the story of the Northern Continental Army, which rebuilt itself at Ticonderoga beginning in July 1776.

¯ Sept. 8: Homeschool Day

¯ Sept. 30: Heritage Harvest & Horse Festival.

¯ Oct. 14: Girl Scout Day

¯ Oct. 14: Bon Voyage Cruise

¯ Nov. 11: Living History Event: 1775 British Prisoners of War Discover the stories of captured British soldiers and their families as they were escorted through Ticonderoga. Following American victories at forts along the Richelieu River in the fall of 1775, British soldiers and their families that were unlucky enough to be captured faced an uncertain future as they were marched south

¯ N o v . 1 8 - 1 9 : W i n t e r W o r k s h o p S e r i e s : Regimental Coats. Learn the latest research on Revolutionary War enlisted regimental coats as you build your own

¯ Dec. 2: Winter Workshop Series: Men’s & Women’s Cloaks Build one of your choice of outwear; women’s cloak, sentry’s cloak, or horseman’s cloak.

¯ Dec. 16: Living History Event: Noble Train of Artillery Relive Henry Knox's epic feat as he prepared to move a massive cannon from Ticonderoga to Boston to force the British evacuation in 1776

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Ausable Chasm (Provided photo ROOST) North Star Underground RR Museum (Staff photo Andy Flynn) Continued from Page 20

¯ Adirondack Regional Tourism Council: https://visitadirondacks com

Clinton County

¯ Adirondack Coast Visitors Bureau: 7061 Route 9, Plattsburgh, 877-242-6752

Essex County

¯ Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism and Lake Placid Convention/Visitors Bureau: 518-523-2445, with offices in Lake Placid (2608 Main St.) and Crown Point (814 Bridge Road), www lakeplacid com

¯ Whiteface Mountain Regional Visitors Bureau: 5753 Route 86, Wilmington, 888-944-8332, www whitefaceregion com

¯ Lake Champlain Region: 866-843-5253,

¯ Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce: 94 Montcalm St , Suite 1, Ticonderoga, 518-585-6619,

¯ Town of Newcomb: 5639 Route 28N, Newcomb, 518-582-3211,

¯ Schroon Lake Chamber of Commerce: 1075 Route 9, Schroon Lake, 518-532-7675,

Franklin County

¯ Saranac Lake Area Chamber of Commerce: 39 Main St , Saranac Lake, 518-891-1990,

¯ Tupper Lake Chamber of Commerce: 121 Park St , Tupper Lake, 518-359-3328,

¯ Malone Chamber of Commerce: 497 East Main St , Malone, 518-483-3760,

Fulton County

¯ Fulton County Tourism/Fulton Montgomery Regional Chamber of Commerce: 2 North Main St , Gloversville, 800-676-3858,

¯ Northville Civic Association: 518-863-7199, www villageofnorthville com

Hamilton County

¯ Hamilton County Department of Economic Development & Tourism: 102 County View Dr., Lake Pleasant, 800-648-5239, www adirondackexperience com

¯ Town of Long Lake Parks, Recreation and Tourism: 1130 Deerland Road, Long Lake, 518-624-3077, https://mylonglake com

¯ Indian Lake Chamber of Commerce: 6301 Route 30, Indian Lake, 518-648-5112, www indian-lake com

¯ Inlet Information Office: 160 Route 28 at Arrowhead Park, Inlet, 315-357-5501, www inletny com

¯ Adirondacks Speculator Region Chamber of Commerce: 2960 Route 30, Speculator, 518-548-4521, www speculatorchamber com

Herkimer County

Town of Webb Visitor Information Center: 3140 Route 28, Old Forge, 315-369-6983, www oldforgeny com

Lewis County

¯ Lewis County Chamber of Commerce: 7576 South State St , Lowville, 315-376-2213,

St. Lawrence County

¯ St. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce: 101 Main St , first floor, Canton, 877-228-7810, www visitstlc com

Saratoga County

¯ Saratoga Convention & Tourism Bureau: 60 Railroad Place, Suite 301, Saratoga Springs, 518-584-1531, www discoversaratoga org

Warren County

¯ Warren County Tourism Department: 1340 Route 9, Lake George, 800-958-4748, www visitlakegeorge com

¯ Lake George Regional Chamber of Commerce: 2176 Route 9, Lake George, 518-668-5755, www lakegeorgechamber com

¯ Bolton Landing Chamber of Commerce: 4928 Lakeshore Dr., Bolton Landing, 518-644-3831, www boltonchamber com

¯ North Warren Chamber of Commerce: 3 Dynamite Hill Road, Chestertown, 518-494-2722, https://northwarren com

¯ Gore Mountain Region Chamber of Commerce: 228 Main St., North Creek, 518-251-2612, www gorechamber com

¯ Lake Luzerne Regional Chamber of Commerce: 37 Main St., Lake Luzerne, 518-696-3500, https://lakeluzernechamber org

¯ Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce: 518-623-2161,

Washington County

¯ Washington County Tourism: 383 Broadway, Fort Edward, 888-203-8622, https://washingtoncounty fun

A d i r o n d a c k D a i l y E n t e r p r i s e / A d i r o n d a c k V a c a t i o n G u i d e • S u m m e r / F a l l 2 0 2 3 A d i r o n d a c k P a r k 56 Learn more with these tourism resources
(Provided photo ROOST)

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