The Adirondack Land Trust works to forever conserve the forests, farmlands, waters and wild places that advance the quality of life of our communities and the ecological integrity of the Adirondacks.
The Adirondacks thrive as a living model of how people embrace and respect the natural world. Our communities benefit from wild lands, clean water, healthy forests, family farms and outdoor recreation. The Adirondack Park grows ever more vital in a changing climate, inspiring new and diverse advocates for conservation.
We Value:
• The power of the Adirondacks
• The promise of people
• Diversity, equity, inclusion, and access
• Transparency, creativity and cooperation
• Conservation that endures
• Organizational excellence
28,257 acres
15 scenic vistas
miles of river and stream shoreline
*Additionally, the Adirondack Land Trust partnered in the protection of another 400,000+ acres through shared operations with The Nature Conservancy between 1988 and 2016.
The Adirondack Land Trust’s accomplishments span the region. This map highlights some areas of cumulative impact.
10 counties
32 acres of farmland
Here’s to 40 years together, with forever to go.
Dear Friends,
Summer in the Adirondacks brings reunions with old friends, like hearing a white-throated sparrow as we both return to mountain slopes after northward migrations. It’s also a season to pick a place on the map and find new wonders in this vast landscape. In recent months, I’ve made first visits to storied waters, paddling wild shorelines and contemplating the future of land conservation.
As the Adirondack Land Trust celebrates 40 years, I’m reminded that clean water, healthy forests, and wildlife habitat are easy to take for granted in the Adirondacks. That’s why it is so important for conservation work to continue, to adapt, to evolve.
Half a century ago, land conservation focused overwhelmingly on wild places. With time, how people relate to landscapes was factored into conservation planning, and land trusts emerged nationwide to ensure working farms and forests and community needs were part of the process. The conservation lens expanded further to consider ecological integrity at regional, national, and even global scales. And today, we recognize that access to nature is a human right. Our understanding of conservation needs in the Adirondacks has expanded considerably. From land protection to wildlife monitoring to accessible trails and more, the stories on these pages help illustrate the scope, scale, and trajectory of the Adirondack Land Trust’s work.
As a team, our staff of 14 brings 197 years of professional conservation experience to this work, further strengthened by the varied skills and experiences of our Board of Directors and Next Generation Council. We know that commitment and dedication are essential to effective conservation, and your support makes it possible for us to better serve the Adirondacks and everyone who loves this place with each passing year. Here’s to 40 years together, with forever to go.
Stephen H. Burrington Board Chair
Huddledinside a small home office, under dim light and a low ceiling, heat blasting from a wood stove, Martin Schwalbaum, a tall man in his 80s, exuberantly shared the story of his land with a handful of Adirondack Land Trust staff. He told us how in the 1960s he came to own a tract called Four Peaks, in Jay and Wilmington, Essex County. He described the cabin rental business he once operated here, and expressed his wish to ensure the forest remained intact.
It was December 2014. With Martin’s hand-drawn map, we plodded out through heavy snow to a small clearing with a view toward Wilmington. As he promised, it was a peaceful destination.
After evaluating the parcel through geographic information systems and field observations, we agreed the land had great conservation and community potential. We’d later learn that red cedars at the northern extent of their range meet jack pines at their southern extent, and uncommon species such as rusty woodsia, Bicknell’s sedge, and false pennyroyal are found here. Rattlesnake Knob, 1,892 feet in elevation, offers stunning views of the Sentinel Range Wilderness.
New York State
With Martin’s permission, in 2015, we shared information about the parcel with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and local elected officials. All were supportive of conserving it and excited about the potential to connect two communities through trails.
Martin passed away in April 2015, before we were able to make an offer. In 2018, however, we purchased the tract from his son for a market value of $509,000 and, in June 2024, sold it to New York State for a market value of $575,000. The revenue replenishes our Wild Adirondacks Fund, ready to deploy for the next land protection purchase. At 595 acres, this new state land adjoins the 700-acre Beaver Brook Tract, nearly doubling the amount of Forest Preserve between Hardy Road in Wilmington and Route 9N in Jay.
This is an example of the persistence behind protected places. The result is a promising future for the forest and communities.
The Four Peaks name derives from four prominent mountains visible from open areas: Ebenezer, Wainright, Basset, each on private land and off limits to the public, and Rattlesnake Knob, now Forest Preserve and open to the public.
Insidethe Old Forge Library, 6-year-old Ethan Honsinger raises a pair of binoculars to his eyes. “I see a moose!” he says. He’s right—a stuffed toy of the largest mammal in the Adirondacks rests on a bookshelf.
Ethan, his sister 8-year-old Aislynn, and their parents Sarah and Burt are there to check out a backpack with Vortex Viper HD 8X42 binoculars and two field guides, Sibley Birds East and Adirondack Birding, along with a tip sheet and field notebook.
The backpack is part of the Adirondack Land Trust’s Birding for All program launched in 2022. A Northern New York Audubon Cullman Grant provided initial funding, and the Glasser Foundation and other generous donors have enabled it to grow. Each backpack and its contents exceed $725 in value.
The program expands access to birding by removing cost barriers to participation. Eight Adirondack libraries now have Birding for All backpacks available for their patrons: the Au Sable Forks Free Library, Belden Noble Memorial Library in Essex, Lake Placid Public Library, Keene Valley Library, Old Forge, Paine Memorial Free Library in Willsboro, Saranac Lake Free Library, and Wadhams Free Library.
When the Honsingers visited Old Forge three years ago for Burt’s job interview, seeing an adult loon with two chicks aboard left an impression. Burt is now a teacher and Sarah a librarian at the local school. Today, the family heads to a pond east of town. Aislynn leads the way through firs and along water’s edge, looking for a bald eagle. While bird sightings elude the siblings, they flap their arms and call out “Caw! CAW!” to display their avian knowledge.
The family heads to the town waterfront, where white-tailed deer with twin spotted fawns meander nearby. Ethan and Aislynn pass the binoculars back and forth for a closer look before turning their focus to a mallard family. They aim the binoculars one last time, future conservation champions guided by nature.
“I love the variety on this trail—boulders, roots, granite steps, views and trees!”
“Great trail improvements. Much safer than before.”
In2020, the popular 0.8-mile trail to the top of 2,343-foot Cobble Hill in Lake Placid was at risk of being lost. Northwood School, which hosts the trail on its private land, began a process of closing its campus, where the trailhead was located, for safety reasons. What’s more, wear and tear from an estimated 10,000 visitors per year was taking its toll with visible erosion and herd paths around steep and muddy sections.
Thankfully, Northwood joined with community stakeholders to develop a plan to save access and improve the trail. The Adirondack Land Trust, which works with the school and other private landowners to protect forests on Cobble Hill, served as convener and expediter. Over the summers of 2023 and 2024, professional trail builders established a new trailhead, built a boardwalk, bridges, and stone staircases, and made other improvements to create a safer, more enjoyable, and more sustainable trail.
Now that the trail is living up to its reputation as beginner- and familyfriendly, as well as a local favorite, a survey is helping us learn about hikers who are using it.
249 responses representing 1,069 hikers
from 23 states and 2 foreign countries
of respondents
23% with kids under 10 in hiking party
Survey dates: July 17 to September 6, 2024
Funding through North Elba LEAF, New York State Conservation Partnership Program, and the Armstrong Foundation, along with other donations, made it possible for community partners to upgrade the trail and save access to Cobble Hill in Lake Placid. Learn more online: adirondacklandtrust.org/cobble-hill-trail-project
Trails to lakes, ponds, summits, bogs, rivers, meadows, and other wild places are a defining feature of the Adirondacks. But for the one in four New York adults with a disability, traditional hiking trails with steep, uneven or unpredictable terrain do not provide a path to wild nature. A $3 million grant from the Northern Border Regional Commission will help the Adirondack Land Trust address this disparity of opportunity by establishing trail networks at Glenview and High Meadow preserves that meet ADA standards for wheelchair accessibility.
The Adirondack Land Trust stewardship team visited 56 conservation easement tracts this year. All told, these lands add up to 16,714 acres. The furthest points west are in St. Lawrence and Oneida counties, and others are in six counties across the Adirondacks. Some represent working forests, some working farms, and others wild lands laced with rivers and streams, dotted with lakes and ponds, inhabited by wildlife. Each visit ensures that the mutual conservation objectives of private landowners and the Adirondack Land Trust are being met. Together, private land conservation and public land conservation, such as the New York State Forest Preserve, keeps the broader Adirondack landscape connected and resilient to threats like climate change, invasive species, and habitat loss.
“There are few accessible outdoor venues in the Adirondacks. This infrastructure would build toward critical mass to attract new outdoor visitors to the region and provide the health benefits of nature to a broad array of underserved people with disabilities.”
—Nick Friedman, president and executive director of Accessible Adirondack Tourism, in support of our grant application for accessible wildland trails
Listening can deepen connections, foster compassion, and give voice to the voiceless. At Glenview and High Meadow preserves, a Northern New York Audubon Cullman Grant is allowing the Adirondack Land Trust to listen more intently to birdsong. Data collected from four bioacoustic monitoring devices will inform land management, provide information for interpretive materials, and track the presence, absence, and abundance of species over time. The devices also connect the Adirondack Land Trust with a worldwide network of conservation practitioners listening carefully to what nature has to say.
Adirondack Land Trust events celebrate our special part of the world and the people helping to conserve it. In June, 45 young professionals gathered on the office porch in Keene with members of our Next Generation Council, portending a bright future with capable leaders. Buckets of rain did not stop a hardy group of naturalists from joining botanist Dan Spada to learn how to identify 10 trees on a field trip in partnership with the New York Flora Association. In July, rays of morning sunshine greeted participants during Joe Scrimenti’s mindfulness meditation walk. Many are already asking when the next walk will be offered. Visit our website to learn more about events and field trips: adirondacklandtrust.org
These lists acknowledge those who made donations between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024. If we have incorrectly listed or mistakenly omitted your name, please allow us to correct the error.
Contact Associate Director of Philanthropy Kimberly Corwin-Gray at (518) 576-2400 or kimberly.gray@adirondacklandtrust.org.
The Armstrong Foundation
The PCLB Foundation
Mrs. David A. Weir
David & Candace Weir Foundation
$20,000 – $49,999
Anonymous (1)
Deborah M. Adamowicz
Jameson Baxter
Reginald R. & Jameson A. Baxter Foundation
F.M. Kirby Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David Henle
The Joan C. & David L. Henle Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Klipper
Open Space Institute–Klipper Family Fund
Mr. Robert † & Mrs. Stephanie Olmsted
The Furtherance Fund
Overhills Foundation
Bill & Nan Paternotte
The Paternotte Family Foundation
Mrs. Sharon Sayles
John & Sharon Sayles Charitable Trust
$10,000 – $19,999
Terry & Lynn Birdsong
Birdsong Family Foundation
Dr. Louis E. Brus
Mr. William Chorske
The Chorske Family Foundation
Adèle & Tom Connors
Adèle & Tom Connors Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Timo & Caroline Fritzinger
George V. & Jean A. Smith Charitable Trust
Left: Cobble Hill is a prized destination within walking distance of the Village of Lake Placid. The Adirondack Land Trust worked with community partners to facilitate major trail upgrades to improve safety and sustainability.
Joan & Bill Grabe
Joan Grabe Family Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Stefanie Holderied
Richard Hooker III
Frank & Bonnie Keeler
Lee & Nancy Keet
Keet Family Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Bruce McLanahan
McLanahan Family Fund
Nancy L. Olsen
Peter & Patty Paine
Boquet Foundation
Tony & Kitty Pell
Pell Family Fund
Meredith M. Prime
Meredith M. Prime Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Matthew & Nina Quigley
The Bogosian Quigley Charitable Fund
Roger Smith & Rachelle Bose
Mr. & Mrs. Keith D. Stoltz
Charles & Sally Svenson
Susan Terwilliger & Michael Mulcahy
Robert & Kathleen Trainor
Robert & Kathleen Trainor Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Mr. Joel H. Treisman
Joseph & Joan Cullman Conservation Foundation
$5,000 – $9,999
Nancy Adams Sweet
Nancy Adams Sweet Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Mr. Richard DeMartini & Ms. Jennifer L. Brorsen
DeMartini Family Foundation
David Brunner & Rhonda Butler
Mr. Stephen H. Burrington & Ms. Abigail A. Swaine
Patricia W. Cirbus
The Wisnefski Foundation
Joan K. Davidson †
The J. M. Kaplan Fund
Hal M. Epstein
Betsy Folwell & Tom Warrington
Mr. Robert Friedman
Carson & Joseph Gleberman
Red Crane Charitable Fund
Dr. Daniel E. Karig & Dr. Joane Molenock
Mr. Arthur L. Loeb
The Arthur Loeb Foundation
The Makowski Trust
Catherine & W. Scott McGraw
Robert L. W. & Elizabeth H. McGraw
Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation–Donald C. McGraw Foundation/ Black Rock Foundation
R. Scott Miller
Miller Family Charitable Trust
Donella Rapier & Andy Pickett
Jeffrey Sellon & Marilyn Burns
Cerity Partners Foundation–
MSB Charitable Fund
Ms. Margaret J. Smith
Dr. Richard A. Stockton Jr.
Community Foundation for Greater Rochester–
The Fund for Nature
Peter F. Tauck
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Thomas
Julia Willis
The Julia Willis Fund
$2,500 – $4,999
Anonymous (2)
Sue D. Armstrong
Cloudsplitter Foundation
Pamela Coe
Mr. Thomas A. Curley & Ms. Marsha A. Stanley
Ray Curran & Kathy Daggett
Dave & Donna Curtis
Mr. J. Dennis Delafield
Delafield Fund
John & Margot Ernst Ernst Family Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Sarah Winter French
Lola A. & Raymond N. Johnson
Our Family Earth Fund
L.L. Kingsley
Ann Pfohl Kirby
Jefferson & Karen Kirby
Community Foundation of New Jersey–Broadfield Fund
Dara & Todd La Porte
Nature Nurture Fund
Brian & Diane Majeski
Majeski Family Fund
Sue & Dwight Mason
Linda & Chris McIsaac ∞
Elizabeth S. McLanahan
The Mountaineer
Nancy & Tom O’Neil
Mark & Kimberly Pacala
Pacala Family Charitable Fund
Martin & Elizabeth Presler-Marshall
Mrs. Evelyn J. Rinella
The Rinella Charitable Fund
Brian & Ginny Ruder
Ayco Charitable Foundation–Ruder Family Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Sherman II
The Jeffrey & Liliane Family Fund
Irene Smolicz
Jewish Communal Fund
Gabelli Group GGCP
Richard Strean
Owen & Jennifer Thomas
Thomas Family Foundation
Katherine & Peter Wyckoff
Donald Yanulavich
$1,000 – $2,499
Anonymous (3)
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Abrahamson
Abrahamson Family Foundation
Lawson Prince Allen
Ann & Joe Armstrong
Robert & Julianne Bertagna
Sally & Phil Bogdanovitch
Rocky Bog Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Mr. Marcus Brown & Ms. Kathy Hyland
Marcus F. Brown Fund
Ms. Sarah Brown & Dr. Thomas Brown
Alice Brown & Andy McClellan
Mortimer Buckley
Mr. & Mrs. Caleb W. Burchenal
Mr. & Mrs. G. Michael Bush
Fred Calder
Grant Calder
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Campbell
Charles & Judy Canham
Joe & Mary Kay Carr
Mike Carr
Mr. Charles Cerf & Dr. Cindy Dunbar Cerf-Dunbar Fund
Ms. Linda Cohen & Ms. Sarah Cohen
Linda & Sarah Cohen Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David Cuthell
Ms. Sandra Danussi
The Dooling/Danussi Fund
Drs. James C. & Caroline W. Dawson
MC Dillon
John B. Donovan
James Dooling & Sally Milliken
Julie & Jeff Dreebin
Dreebin Family Gift Fund
Gloria A. Drucker
Denise Elmer
Edwin J. Elton
Mark & Debby Epstein
Peter & Vivian Falco
Peter & Vivian Falco Family Foundation
Ms. Anne H. Faulkner & Mr. Robert E. King
The Sustainability Group–Limerick Charitable Trust
Bruce & Lindsay Fleming
Fleming Family Charitable Fund
Kenneth & Susan Forester
Mr. & Mrs. Drew C. Forhan
The Forhan Family Foundation
John Fritzinger & Janice Borzendoski Brooknoll Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Susan Gabrels
Rod & Dodie Giltz
Port Jackson Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Ms. Barbara L. Glaser & Mr. Paul Zachos
Northern Lights Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Peter H. & Susan R. Goodwin
The Peter H. & Susan R. Goodwin Fund
Robert & Margaret Goodwin
Christopher & Joan Gorayeb
Jorunn Gran-Henriksen & Todd Kempainen
Robert & Carol Gray
Bill & Leita Hamill
Leita & William Hamill Family Foundation
Barbara Matthews Hancock
Dr. & Mrs. William A. Harbison
William & Marsha Harbison Charitable Fund
Walter F. Harrison III
Harrison Family Fund
Gary F. Heurich
Andrew & Mandy Hoar
Caroline P. Hoffman
Rush Holt & Margaret Lancefield
Princeton Area Community Foundation–
Rush Holt & Margaret Lancefield Fund
Norman † & Nancy Howard
David P. Hunt
Richard Jarvis
David & Tamara Kaiser
Mr. Alexander Keeler
Keeler Motor Car Company
Barbie & John Kimberly
David Kirchner & Scott Warner
Howard Kirschenbaum
Robert H. Koppe
Holly Leicht-Weinstein & Adam Weinstein
Anja & Matthew Levitties
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Lewit
Robert & Jane Lewit Family Fund
Dick & Sally Lighty
George & Judy Lockhart
The George & Judy Lockhart Fund
Richard & Lucinda Longstreth
This April, Naishaly Vélez Galán bushwhacked up an Adirondack mountainside to watch a total solar eclipse. As the moon blocked the sun, birds went quiet and the sky darkened. “I felt like the world was moving and I was the only one on Earth that could feel it,” they say. Moving freely to enjoy nature was not an option for Naishaly growing up in Albany due to lack of transportation and safety concerns. Then the COVID-19 pandemic constrained their college years.
Seeking adventure, they explored safe trails at the Albany Pine Bush Preserve. Seeking deeper engagement, Naishaly joined the Adirondack Land Trust’s Next Generation Council, a volunteer advisory group of people in their 20s and 30s. Now, Naishaly visits the Adirondacks regularly, and each trip brings new discoveries. Like finding a pile of deer scat. “It tells me there’s an animal that walks around here,” they say. “I haven’t seen the animal with my own two eyes, but I know that it’s here.” And Naishaly gives time and financial support to the Adirondack Land Trust so these lands and waters are conserved, ready to welcome people whose first visit is still in the making.
Howard & Harriet Love
Love Family Foundation
Carol MacNeil
Kate & Hank Mannix
David M. & N. Heller McAlpin
The W.I.L.D. Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Woods McCahill
Therese McCarty
McCarty-Willis Family Fund
Amy McCune
Mr. & Mrs. James H. McGraw IV
Edward McNeil
Edward McNeil Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Susie Merrick
James H. Miller
James H. Miller Fund
Bill Miller & Ida Houby
Jim & Marcia Morley
Alexander G. Paine
Boquet Foundation
Philip Purvis
John & Anne Randolph
Elizabeth & Justice Reed
John & Sandra Reschovsky
Reschovsky Family Fund
John & Nancy Rosenthal
Meadowhill Fund
James & Frances Rucker
Rucker Family Charitable Fund
Doug & Laura Rumbough
The Whitehall Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Sargent
Sargent Family Donor Advised Fund
Michael & Laurel Skarbinski
The Laurel & Michael Skarbinski
Charitable Fund
James & Laurie Speer
Ted Stork & Mary Barrie †
Kenneth & Joanne Strike
Anne & Ken Stuzin
Kip & Julie Testwuide
Kip & Julie Testwuide Fund
Lanny & Anne Thorndike
Thorndike Family Fund
Harry & Marie Tobiassen
Paul F. Torrence
Nimesh Udeshi
Robert & Sarah Underhill
James Visconti
Amelia Weir & Terry Cundiff
Leslie Price & Michael Welles
Welles-Price Family Charitable Fund
Charley & Carole West
A. Morris Williams Jr.
David & Holly Wolff
Kiwassa Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil J. Wray Jr.
Wray Family Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Tony Zazula & Mark Chamberlain
$500 – $999
Anonymous (7)
Elizabeth A. Asiago Reddy
Robert P. Ball
Claire L. Barnett
Emily Bateson & Tom Cooper
Rosemary Kelly Corwin †
Frances Beinecke
Dr. Michael Bettmann & Ellen Hofheimer Bettmann
Big Slide Creative
S.E. & A.D. Bissell
Bill & Alice Boardman
Bill & Vicki Boies
Barry, Pam & Marion Breeman
Dean & Janice Butts
Patricia Calascibett
The Caliendo Family
Melany & Thomas Campanile
Mr. & Mrs. William Carifa
John D & Eleanore Carifa Foundation
Diane Cast
John Colston
Simon Cornelissen & Rebecca Crichton
Tony & Nancy Corwin
Chester Crocker & Pamela Aall
Crocker Family Charitable Fund
Phil & Lenore Defliese
Bradford Lees & Susan Divine
Marilyn Murphy DuBois
Lyn DuMoulin
Lauren & Mark Epstein
The Lauren & Mark Epstein Fund
Margo L. Fenn
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Flynn
Carol MacKinnon Fox
Ron & Paula Gehl
Michale Glennon & Scott van Laer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Glennon
Goldman Sachs Matching Gifts Program
Tony & Bunny Goodwin
David & Pat Gosda
Roger & Monica Gray
Lydia Williams Griffin
Lyn & Harry Groome
Daphne E. Hallowell
Headlands Farm
Ann & Michael Hankin
Patrick Hartnett, Katalin Ori, Gabriel Hartnett & Carolyn Hartnett
Hartnett Family Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hasselwander
Alan Hasselwander Charitable Fund
David & Ann Heider
The Ann & Dave Heider Fund
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Hubbard
The John C. & Susan K. Hubbard Foundation
Jerry Jenkins
Mary B. Johnson
Rosemarie & Dan Johnson
Elaine E. Joost
Rebecca T. Keese
Jean Keskulla
Wesley & Scott Kevelson
Kenny Kirsch
Ms. Jennifer Knapp McGrew
Houck Foundation
Denis & Mary Lafreniere
Mrs. Antonia Laird
Pamela W. Leighton
Deborah & Bruce Long
Lauren McDowell
Ellen & John McMillin
The John M. McMillin Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Moran
Mel Nelson
Robert & Sharon Ormerod
Sam & Melissa Perry
Carol Pinney
Tara Anne Pleat
Katharine M. Preston & John Bingham
Wild Orchard Farm Fund at Adirondack Foundation
The Prospect Hill Foundation
John & Alex Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Sattler III ∞
Lynn & John Savarese
Mike & Julie Schloat
Jim Seery
Dr. Judy Reed Smith & Mr. Normand Smith
Now available online for viewing
“One of the best nature
that we have seen on Zoom!!”
Caught in the SNOWstorm with ornithologist, researcher and author Scott Weidensaul shared information about Project SNOWstorm. This initiative came about when the winter of 2013–14 saw the largest invasion of snowy owls into the eastern United States in a century and created an opportunity to learn more about these mysterious Arctic hunters. A decade later, the project continues to yield insights. Scan this code to watch the presentation and learn more through a Q&A:
“Intelligent. Sensitive. Interesting. Informative.”
Traditional Conservation Through Gratitude presented David Kanietakeron Fadden of the Six Nations Iroquois Cultural Center in conversation with Adirondack Land Trust Conservation Program Director Chris Jage. David described the Haudenosaunee relationship to the natural world through the lens of the Ohén:Ton Kariwatékwen, also referred to as the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address, and how that perspective can inform nonNative American ways of environmental conservation. Both shared how they are applying this perspective in a partnership to conserve more than 300 acres of forest. Scan this code to watch the presentation and learn more through a Q&A:
Michael C. Steele
Michael Sterthous
Mary & Milton Stevenson IV
Paul R. Suits
Thompson & Susan Swayne
Stephen Teach & Libby Jewett
Nancy Tetz
Mr. & Mrs. Enos T. Throop Jr.
Maury Tigner
Anne & Jim Townsend
John & Evelyn Trevor
John & Evelyn Trevor Charitable
Doni & Michael Urfirer
Peter R. Van Brunt
Anne H. Van Ingen
Amy Vedder & Bill Weber
Stephanie Wagoner & James A. Kloiber
Kloiber/Wagoner Fund
Dave & Alison Warfield
Lee Wasserman
Susan & Bob Wei
The Susan & Bob Wei Fund
Donald & Mary Beth Western
Margaret Whitman & W. Charles Rogers III
Anne & Ethan Winter
Nancy & Greg Wolcott
Lauren & Matt Yaniro
Kanipe Family Trust Fund
Vicki Zion & William Bryant
Up to $499
Anonymous (56)
Ken & Barb Adams
Adirondack 46ers
Adirondack High Peaks Dog Training Club
Joseph Albarelli
Albright Family
Dr. Mary Elizabeth Alexander
Marianne Alexander
Patricia & William Alguire
Lucille & Richard Allen
Janet Allison & Gary Lovett
Nan & Steve Amstutz
John Andrejack
Stuart & Joyce Angert
The Stuart & Joyce Angert Fund
Griffin Archambault
Mary-Louise H. Armstrong
Tom Arras
Deborah & Larry Athens
James K. Au
Patricia Austin
Lisa Ayers
Ausable Brewing Company
Mary Ann Bahnsen
Paul Bakeman
LeeAnne Baker & Mike Orticelle
Leslie A. Baldwin
David Ball
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Banner Jr.
James Bark & Denise Erickson
Robby Barnett & Susan Mandler
Timothy Barr
Andrea Barrett & Barry Goldstein
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bautista
Edward & Joanne Beach
Richard Beamish
George & Marion Beaudoin
Reginald Bedell
Bedford Hills Woman’s Club
Alan & Louise Belensz
Colleen & Paul Bell
Peter & Lisa Bellamy
Brandon Beltz
Mr. & Mrs. Rodman W. Benedict
Chris Bengert ∞
Dr. Richard H. & Lynne Bennett
Michael Bennett
Erica & Herb Bergamini
Laurie Bergamini
Nancy A. Bernstein
Bruce Berra & Lorraine Duvall
Barbara & Rob Bettigole
Peter & Melinda Beuf
Dean Bianco
Willing & Catherine Biddle
John Bigelow ∞
Bill & Gail Billerman
The Birch Store
Birds & Beans Coffee
Gwyn-Anne Bissonette
Howard & Sara Black
John H. & Sunday K. Blackmon
Dr. Terry Blank
Terry Blank Family Fund
Mr. & Mrs. William Hall Boardman III
Kenny Boettger
Don & Betty Bogucki
Henry Bonner
Alan & Jennifer Booth
Booz Allen Hamilton
Peter Borrelli
The Boston Consulting Group
Faye Brackett
Kevin Brady
Kristi Brennan
Bill & Katherine Brown
Kirk & Connie Brown
Robin Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Bruns
Dr. & Mrs. James L. Budny
Christine Bula
H.B. Bullard
H.B. Bullard Giving Fund
Neal & Barbara Burdick
Peter & Gretchen Burk
Mary & Tim Burke
Ellen Burns
Heather Burrowes
Joseph & Lori Butera
My second week at the Adirondack Land Trust, I texted Conservation Program Director Chris Jage at 2 a.m. for a ride to the emergency room for what I suspected was Lyme disease. Chris drove me to the ER and waited hours as they ran tests. Thankfully, the summer was a smooth climb from there, and in true Adirondack fashion there was not a single switchback in sight.
The Internship for the Future of the Adirondacks creates opportunities for young people like me to develop skills and gain professional experience in the conservation field.
My internship focused on stewardship at Adirondack Land Trust preserves. One highlight was posting the boundary of High Meadow Preserve in Lake Placid and making the first sighting of a black-backed woodpecker there. I also contributed to conservation planning by designing land management and stewardship maps using ArcGIS Pro.
I’m grateful to have been part of a committed team working to conserve the Adirondacks, a place I now consider a second home. I’m returning to Wisconsin with a renewed sense of purpose to pursue a graduate degree in mapping.
The internship fund reached $1 million this year. We are deeply grateful to Barbara Glaser for establishing the fund in 2020 and all the generous donors who continue to invest in aspiring conservation professionals.
George Buttler
Joanne J. Bygall
John W. Caffry
Wynn Calder
Michael & Linda Cammiso
Nancy Duff Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Canuteson
James J. Carr
David & Lucy Carson
Bruce & Holly Catlin
Drs. Denis & Brita Chagnon
Cyndy Chandler & Terry McKee
Gary C. Chapin
Glen & Malinda Bergamini Chapman
Susan T. Chapman
Bob & Lynn Chase
Lucy Cheever
Robert N. Cherdack
Carl & Susie Chilson
Nina & Stephen Christiansen
Andrea Clark
Adeline Clayton
Tilly Close
Charles Clusen
Robert Cochran
John & Marie Cogar
Tomlin Coggeshall & Christopher Rice
Valerie Cole
Herbert Coles & June Fait
On Susie Smith’s first visit to the Adirondacks, the lakes reminded her of childhood in Minnesota. The mountains evoked her Colorado home. Then she learned what set New York apart: constitutionally protected forever wild forests. This inspired Susie to move east to the Adirondacks, and then, to start Dak Bar, a business that now brings her handcrafted energy bars to retailers from California to Maine.
In 2022, Dak Bar was the first to join the Adirondack Land Trust’s Business & Community Partner program. This initiative offers a way for enterprises and organizations to show their commitment to conserving open spaces and wild places that help people enjoy the Adirondacks. “It’s a way we can put out the message that we’re a company that’s mindful of giving back to the Adirondacks,” says Susie. Recently, she dedicated 1% of proceeds from her Moose bar—chock full of cherries, dark chocolate, and almonds—to local land conservation. We’re grateful for her generosity and that of every business and community partner that supports the Adirondacks from Main Street to mountaintops.
Ellen C. Collins
Joan Collins ∞
Laurie & Rick Conney ∞
Bonnie Cook
Ken & Mary Lou Cooper
Laura Cordts & Shawn Seymour
Peg & Grant Cornwell
Bob & Jamie Craft
Frith C. Crandall & Michael McClary
Daniel E. Crane
Jim & Christel Crane
Helen B. Crawshaw
William & Dale Creighton
David & Julie Crispino
Darlene & John Cullen
Tom & Sue Cunningham
Martha Cushman
Terri Cuthriell
Lisa & Kurt D’Alessandro
Morrisa & Mario Da Silva
George & Laurie Daniels
Lex Dashnaw
Christa & Jason Davis
Douglas & Vincenza Davis
John Davis & Denise Wilson-Davis
John R. Davis
Thomas R. Davis
Michael Davisson
Erik de Pol
Robert & Marion Dedrick
Gabriel Dee
Jackson DeLilli
Demont Associates
Elizabeth DeStefano
Laura W. Devinney Devinney-Woodard Fund
John E. Dewar & Sandra A. McCloy
Karen Dickinson
Anne Diggory
Elaine Dimase
Michael DiNunzio & Eleanor Garrell Berger
Divinely Sue Healing Arts
Carol & Emmett Dockery
John & Joan Dolen
Patrick Domaratz
Boker & Susanna Doyle
Kayleigh Dubois
Kathy Kernan & Milton Dudley
Tom Duffus
Thom Duffy & Moira Bailey
Barbara S. Dwyer
Elisabeth Dwyer & Benjamin Taylor
Elisabeth Dyssegaard
Matthew Eddy & Sarah Pelmas
Paul J. Edmunds
Betsy Ehrlich ∞
Edward R. Eisenlord
Dominic & Melissa Eisinger
Jacki & Sandy Elder
Sarah Elder
Michael J. Elliott
Beverly Emerson
Denise Erenstone
Peter & Christine Eriksen
Johnathan Esper
Richard Everhart
Hillary ‘Scout’ Exter
Vincent & Theresa Farinella
Deirdre Farley
John Farrell Jr.
Nancy Larsen Farrell
Dr. Richard & Mrs. Joanne Farrell
Cheryl & Scott Faust
Dorothy & Jay Federman
Bob & Carol Feldmeier
Rick Findlay
FEF Charitable Gift Fund
Edward P. Finnerty
C. Peter M. Fish
Diane & Peter Fish
Sam Fisk & Linda Coe
James & Blair Fosburgh
Evan Foster
Thomas Foster
Bruce Foust
Andrew G. Frank
Michael E. Freshman MD
Max Friedman & Tom Romich
Sally Friedman
Lisa Fulmer
Anthony & Kathleen Furman
Gabai LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund D. Galka
Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Garland III
Samuel Garland
Sarah & Marc Galvin
The Bookstore Plus
Janet Garrell
Ann & Berni Gastrich
Antoine & Jean Gerbini ∞
Mark Gibson ∞
Sue & Don Gilbert ∞
Mr. & Mrs. Randall G. Giltz
Joseph Giunta
Fred & Gloria Gleave
Chuck & Fru Glinsman
Phil & Marie Glotzbach
Amy Godine & Jack Nicholson
Victor & Christine Gold
Ryan Goodwin
Kara Gorgos
Charles P. Gosselink
Jim Gould
Jim Gould Family Fund
Nancy & Mark Graham
Hannah Grall
Anne C. Grant
Jess Grant
Jay & Carolee Gravina
Christopher & Shirley Greagan
Diane & Bruce Gregory
Linda Griffin & Tom Patterson
John L. Griffith Jr. & Elizabeth C. Griffith
John & Pamela Grimmke
Marilyn Gross & Kim Hausner
Don & Kathy Guglielmi
Ruth Guydosh
Gary Hackett
Karen Haight & Laurence W. Pittis ∞
Cheryl Haller
Pamela, Elizabeth & Patrick Hanke
Philip Hansen
Captain & Mrs. Douglas A. Hard
Linda R. Hare
Julie Harjung
Jane S. Harrington
Kathy & Glenn Harris
Ronald A. Harris
Wendy A. Harris
Justin & Elizabeth Harrison
Sarah Hart
Sarah L. Hart Charitable Fund
Amy Hatheway
Jonathan Heaton
Jonathan Heaton Fund
Elizabeth Henrichsen
John, Michael, Leila, & Michele Henry
Karen Herbst
Ellen, Lou & Chloe Herman
Mr. & Mrs. George Hezel
David & Nancy Hand Higby
Sandra Hildreth
Janice Kyle & Hans Himelein
Stephen Hoffman
Emma Hofmeyer
Elna Hoglund
Kim Holmlund
John & Patti Hopkinson
Hornbeck Boats
Charles Houghton
Alex Howard
Jim & Lisa Howe
Alfred Hunt Howell & Janet D. Howell
RB Howland Family
Michael & Lucia Hrinyak
Chuck Hughes ∞
Kelly R. Huiatt
Kelly R. Huiatt Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Kathy Hummer ∞
Sarah Hunkins
Jenn Hunt Dempsey
Jery Huntley
William D. Hutchens
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Hutchins
Sheila & Jim Hutt
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Hyson
Hyson Family Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Douglas Iszard
Veronica Iuliano
Carol Jackman
Kitt Jackson
Phoebe Jackson & Louis Palmer
Jim Jacob
Christopher Jage ∞
Michael & Barbara James
Anne M. Janeway
William & Mary Janeway
William & Mary Janeway Fund
Peter Janzen
Greg & Marion Jeffers
William & Lynne Johnson
William Johnston
Georgia E. Jones ∞
Janelle Jones
Susan Joor
Bill Joplin & Mary Bell
Henrietta Jordan ∞
Dr. & Mrs. Todd R. Jorgensen
Carol & Bob Kafin
Jonathan Kaledin & Nathalie Touzé
Sandy & Fred Kaplan
Kevin Karl
Kathy Kelley ∞ & Paul Mudie †
Matthew Kelly
Verena Kemp-Nugent on behalf of the PSWP Team
John & Laurie Kenrick
Joan S. Kepes
Doug & Jami Kerr
Jayne Kirber & Geoffrey Hill
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kirby Jr.
Mathis-Pfohl Foundation
Mr. Peter S. Kirby
Kirby Family Charitable Fund
Mr. Jeremiah Kirwan ∞
Jonathan Kislin ∞
John Kloosterman
Dianne & John Knapp
Martha & Kenneth Knowles
Beth & Russ Kohl
Dr. Martin & Phyllis S. Korn
Ellen Percy Kraly
Eli Kramer
Maris & Jesse Krasnow
Maris & Jesse Krasnow Fund
Rebecca Kremer, Georgia Lupica, Nick Childs & Stephanie Struble
Heidi Kretser & Andy Keal
Frank & Mary Krueger
Roman & Leslie Kucharczyk
Fidelity Charitable
Ruth M. Kuhfahl Designated Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Miles A. Kulukundis
Jeff Lacy
Susan Lacy
Nancy & Tom Laders
Kathleen Lamb
Brad & Bobbie Landers
Judith A. Lanza
Ronald Larsen
Fuat Latif
Anne Adams Laumont
Laura Laumont-Bennet & Thomas Bennet
Christopher F. Lawrence
Sarah Leavell
Michelle Leclair
Mark & Abigail Lee
Helen Lehtinen
Airlie C. Lennon
Leo & Martha Levy
Rich Levy
Nancy & Matt Liddle
Mark H. Likoff & Shelah T. Feiss
James Llamas & Bonnie Hoskins
David & Judith Lloyd
Robert & Sarah Locke
Anthony & Lori Lojo
Alice Long
Jeffrey Longtin
Pat Loud
Elizabeth M. Lowe
Dr. & Mrs. Richard F. Lutinski
Peter, Holli & Elisa Lynch
Lisa & Richard Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. John Maccabee
Catherine & Bird Mackay
Dr. Ian & Rebecca MacKellar
Sheila & Bill Mackintosh
Madison Wealth Management
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mainer
Eric & Suzanne Maltzan
Alison & David Mandelbaum
Jewish Federation Foundation of Greater Rhode Island–Baobab Fund
Lorraine & Joseph Mara
Henry & Jean Marcy
Michelle & Chris Maron
Diane B. Marr
Amey & John Marrella
Roger A. Marshall & Barbara Smorgans
Joe & Kathleen Martens
Ed Marx
Larry Master & Betty Spence
Edward E. Matthews
Emily Maxwell
Joy & Tom McCabe
Leonardine McCarthy
Steve & Sissel McCarthy
Scott & Tracy McClelland
Vinny & Barbara McClelland
Sarah P. McCormick
John & Anne McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred B. McDowell
Tracie & Mark McGill
Bright Funds Foundation
Mr. Bill McKibben & Ms. Sue Halpern
Mr. & Mrs. Schelling McKinley
Bernard Melewski & Mollie Lampi
John W. Melvin
Heather Menduke
Ms. Barbara Merle-Smith
St. Albans Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Metis Consulting Group
Tyler Metz ∞
Bob Meyers
Amy Miano & Maurice Hryshko
Nelson L. Miller MD
Rev. David J. Miller & Mrs. Linda A. Miller
Mirror Lake Inn
John A. Miskewicz
Dr. Emil P. Miskovsky
Bruce A. Moffatt
Thomas & Janet Mogren
Susan & Philip Moldenhauer
Loren Monroe
Daphne Montgomery & Frans Kasteel
Ana Maria & Jack Moore
Norman & Victoria Morey
Brother Roman Morris
Karen & Roland Morris
Ron & Belinda Morriss
Betsy Bullard Morse
Nancy Scheffel Morse
Lindsay Moskal
Edward Mrozik & Nancy Van Wie
The Mulveys
Brian & Kristen Murphy
Robert Murphy
Barbara L. Neilson
Richard T. & Jacquelyn A. Nelson
Tina & Michael Newman
Philip Newton & Dianne Fortado
Paula Nieman
Tom & Anne Niemann
Gary & Caroline Nordmann
Rose Marie O’Leary
Peter V. O’Shea
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Oles
John & Susan Omohundro
Lisa & Tim Onoff
Katherine Oser
Barbara Page
Nancy M. Page
Peter & Jennifer Palmiotto
Megan Papineau
Wayne & Sally Park
Susan Parry & John Montgomery ∞
Mary Passage
Bob Perkins
Eleanor J. Perkins
Mark & Karen Perreault
Jeffrey L. Peters & Sally Ann Webster
Carolyn Peterson
Glen & Dilys Phillips
David Pisaneschi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Plumb III
Daniel Plumley
Mark Plunkett
Eric & Gretchen Pohlman
Alberta M. Poland
Alexandra Pool
Mary & Bancroft Poor
Kim & Steve Pope
Everett & Susan Post
Justin Potter ∞
Ellen Prakken & John Smolinsky
Cassandra Prenn-Vasilakis ∞
Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Preston Jr.
Connie & Kevin Prickett
Marion Pritchett
Rodney, Barbara & Emily Prosser
Betty & Charles Prouty
Bob & Janet Quinn
Raytheon Technologies Matching Gifts Program
Arthur Reidel
Zach Reiner
Alexander Reisberg
Brooks & Steve Reynolds
Rebecca Richman
Alison Riley-Clark
Kianna Ripich
Holly Rippon-Butler ∞
Bruce & Ginny Roberts
Andrea Q. Robinson
Andrew Robinson
Jill & Rick Robinson
Rev. Mark K.J. Robinson
Noonmark Charitable Gifting Fund
Rockefeller Family Fund
James & Catherine Rodgers
Elizabeth S. Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Roland Jr.
Peter & Heidi Roland Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Janine Rome
Richard Rosen & Barbara Gordon P & F Kendrick Charitable Account
Peter Rosenberger & Dorit Gaedtke
Karen Ross
Jennifer Rossmere
Beth & Tim Rowland
Peter & Lisa Rowley
Yoko Rozano
Leslie Russek
Jeanne Anne Ryan
Tom & Linda Sargent
Jennie Sausville
Harriet Savage
Nancy & Steven Sayer
James R. Schaad
Ben & Barbara Schaffer
Paul Schielke
Leesa Schipani
William C. Schmidt
Don & Nancy Schoeps
Arnold Schultheis
Richard & Tymm Schumaker
Russell Schwartz
Charles & Helen Schwarz
Cree & Ned Scudder
Rebecca Sell
Carolyn M. Serota
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Shedd
Bess Shiels
Klaus & Linda Shigley
Shigley Family Charitable Fund
Cheryl Shimek
Harold & Carol Shippey
Conservation that lasts forever is a lofty goal. It underpins the Adirondack Land Trust’s work. Getting to forever takes sustained effort on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. This principle inspired our monthly giving program, Adirondack Sustainers. That idea resonated with Betsy Ehrlich, who has visited the Adirondacks from her home in Maryland for the past five decades. “Given the popularity of this region,” she says, “I support the Adirondack Land Trust and other organizations that protect the health of the Adirondacks and help to expand sustainable access.”
Betsy is among a growing number of donors who sign up to make recurring monthly donations at any amount they choose. Reliable support makes the future less uncertain, giving the land trust a predictable foundation to work toward conservation that will sustain ecological integrity and community health in the Adirondacks—forever. Scan this code to become an Adirondack Sustainer:
Frank & Myvanwy Shirley
Frederic Short
John Shullenberger
Linda Shuster & William Wonderlin
Lenton & Barbara Simms
Howard & Martha Simonin
Ms. Sally Ann Sims & Dr. James Supplee
Steven D. Singer
Ann Sayers & Peter Slocum ∞
Amy L. Smith & Donald J. Ream
Binnie Smith
Craig & Ruth Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Smith
Nulsen & Louisa Smith
Laurence Soroka & Cerise Oberman
Ken Spencer & Eliza Pillard ∞
Henry Sprague III
The Rev. & Mrs. Bevan Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Stearns
Jamieson R. Steele
Janet Stein ∞
Sue S. Stewart
Susan F. Stoddart
Linda & Raymond Straub
Steve Strauss
Barbara R. Strowger
Richard P. Suttmeier
Ronald M. Sverdlove & Melissa J. Bohl
Sharp Swan
Randall & Laura-Jean Swanson
Susan Y. Sweeney
Lucia Tasker
Karin Teschauer
Mary Lou Thall
Barb Thomas
David & Betsey Thomas-Train ∞
Paul † & Lindley Thomasset
Paul Thomasset & Marie Caliendo
Sally J. Thompson
Liz Thorndike
Mandy Ticknor
Samuel O. Tilton
Jacob Timmons
Jean Tisne
Martha Townley
Pam Tracy
Waino Tuominen
Breck & Julie Turner
Russell & Karen Turner
Gene & Kurt Tweraser
Joseph Van Gelder
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Van Heest
Tammara Van Ryn & Chris Lincoln
Mary Van Vleck
Mary Van Vleck Gift Fund
Edward & Katherine Van Woert
Cecile Vanech & Ronald Spitzer
Naishaly Vélez Galán
Andrea Viazenko
Mr. & Mrs. Jean C. Victor
Nancy & Wayne Virkler
Gregory Wait
Janet & Bob Wakefield
The Waldheim
Bruce T. Wallace
Brian & Jennifer Ward Park Avenue Capital Charitable Fund
Jay & Julie Ward
Jamie L. Waterstripe
Brian P. Watson
Diana Webster
Katherine M. Webster
Alexander Wei
Andrew & Denja Weibrecht
Mary Ann Weiglhofer
Martin Weiss
David & Mary Welch
Dr. Ross Whaley
Sue A. Whan ∞
Bob & Jan Whitaker
Polly Myers White
Susan Whiting & Bruce Van Dusen
Rachel Wiener
Rebecca Wiley
Sharon & Ernest Williams
Thomas & Patricia Willis
Philip Winterer
Winterer Fund
With Pipe and Book
Robert & Jennifer Withington III
The Wittpenn Family
Ellen Wood
Dr. Mary A. Woodhouse & Mr. Richard T. Costanza
Thomas Woodman & Jeannie Cross
Bob & Betty Woods
Blaikie F. Worth
Kathy & Bob Woughter ∞
Sue Wukovits
Richard Zack & Mary Brassel Zack
Charlene M. Zebley
Anne Zehler
Marilyn Zielinski & Gregory Shunick
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Zunino III
Along with gifts to the annual operating fund, support for special initiatives is important for engaging communities in conservation and keeping Adirondack forests whole and waters clean.
Farmland Protection Fund
The Kelsey Trust
The Nature Conservancy
NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets
Field Work Fund
Adirondack Garden Club
Ellen Lea Paine Memorial Nature Fund
Cloudsplitter Foundation
Joan & Bill Grabe
Joan Grabe Family Fund at Adirondack Foundation
John & Patti Hopkinson
Ellen Jones
Meredith M. Prime
Meredith M. Prime Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Quaker City Foundation
Internship for the Future of the Adirondacks
Anonymous (1)
Ms. Barbara L. Glaser & Mr. Paul Zachos
Jane N. Mooty Foundation
Nordlys Foundation
Fred M. & Walker D. Kirby
Land Stewardship Endowment
Estate of David & Liz Ackerman
Adirondack Foundation
John & Margot Ernst
Ernst Family Fund
Holly MacKintosh & Robert Sidloski
Brian & Diane Majeski
Majeski Family Fund
Derek Morton
The Nature Conservancy
Special Projects
David Brunner & Rhonda Butler
Generous Acts Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Land Trust Alliance
Linda & Chris McIsaac
Northern New York Audubon
Charles Svenson
Sam & Marjorie Ticknor
The Glasser Foundation
Emma Ticknor
The Glasser Foundation
Unrestricted Capital
Jameson Baxter
Reginald R. & Jameson A. Baxter Foundation
Mr. Stephen H. Burrington & Ms. Abigail A.
Adèle & Tom Connors
Adèle & Tom Connors Fund at Adirondack Foundation
Douglas & Sarah Luke & family
Caroline & Serge Lussi
Caroline & Serge Lussi Designated Action Fund at Adirondack Foundation–
Catherine & W. Scott McGraw
Mr. Robert † & Mrs. Stephanie Olmsted
The Furtherance Fund
Peter & Patty Paine
Boquet Foundation, Inc.
Bill & Nan Paternotte
Craig & Connie Weatherup
The Weatherup Family Foundation
Julia Willis
The Julia L. Willis Fund
Wild Adirondacks Land Protection Fund
Mike Gold
J.M. McDonald Foundation Inc.
William F. Koebbeman
William F. Koebbeman Fund
Abe & Pat Levy
Abe & Pat Levy Foundation
Mr. Jeffrey G. Mora
The Nature Conservancy
Paul B. † & Lindley Thomasset
Mrs. David A. Weir
David & Candace Weir Foundation
Willsboro Property Owners Association
Gifts in honor of:
Jim Bonville, PSWP Manager
Verena Kemp-Nugent on behalf of the PSWP Team
Grant Calder
Wynn Calder
Victoria & Lewis Case
Kathy Hummer
Kimberly Corwin-Gray
Barry, Pam & Marion Breeman
Demont Associates
Francis DeGaray
Bess Shiels
David Dimase
Elaine Dimase
Marilyn Dubois
Kayleigh Dubois
Dan Eno & Connie Kinch
Anonymous (1)
Peter R. Eriksen
Christine Eriksen
Robert E. Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. John Maccabee
Dan Galvin
Mark Plunkett
Noah Gettings
Amy Hatheway
Robert Glennon
Michale & Megan Glennon
Robert Goodwin
Ryan Goodwin
Frank & Alison Hain
Michael & Lucia Hrinyak
David & Joan Henle
Mr. Richard DeMartini & Ms. Jennifer L. Brorsen DeMartini Family Foundation
Emma Hofmeyer
Kathy & Bob Woughter
Robin Lair
Jackson DeLilli
Margot Livesey
Andrea Barrett & Barry Goldstein
Christopher Locaputo
Elizabeth DeStefano
Nicole & Matthew Masso
Cheryl Shimek
Chris McIsaac
Mortimer Buckley
Nancy & Tom O’Neil
Ann & Michael Hankin
Meredith Prime Grant Calder
Alvin Reiner
Zach Reiner
Derek Rogers
Lawson Prince Allen
Jim & Frances Rucker
Alan & Louise Belensz
Mike Short
Frederic Short
Edward Thorndike
Susan Lacy
Nancy Van Wie
Susan Gabrels
Amy Vedder
Bill Weber
Thomas Wei
Alexander Wei
The businessman from Ohio had white eyebrows and gold-framed glasses, a familiar face for more than 50 years at the Underwood Club in the eastern Adirondacks.
Tad Jeffrey and his wife Nancy first came with their four children in the 1960s. “He really loved to tramp around in every nook and cranny of the Adirondacks,” remembers their daughter Betsy Balderston.
Tad led hikes to the highest peaks and bushwhacks to any pond or cobble that caught his eye on the maps he tacked up and stuffed in drawers throughout the family’s cabin. As Betsy’s husband Tom recalls of following Tad into the woods, “We knew precisely where we started, and where we ended up, but were sometimes less sure of where we were in between.”
Tad passed away in 2016 at age 86; Nancy died two years later to age 88. They left a donoradvised fund for their children to distribute to causes their parents supported.
To honor Tad’s love of the Adirondacks, nature, and the outdoors, they made a gift to the Adirondack Land Trust. This philanthropic investment bolsters the endowment that ensures long-term stability needed for lasting conservation, as well as supporting land management initiatives such as trails for public use. And when Tad’s children and grandchildren return to the family cabin, they still pore over maps Tad marked with red ink to trace his steps through forests now made stronger by a love for nature passed down through the family tree.
The Adirondack Land Trust has conserved 7,589 farmland acres at 21 sites since 1984. Local farms provide food, bolster the economy, and contribute to a sense of place. They are also part of a regional food system that revolves around production, distribution, and consumption. How well a food system functions is determined by a multitude of factors, such as the availability of farmland, viability of farming, access to markets, and fair pricing.
At the Adirondack Land Trust’s Annual Conservation Celebration on August 17, Shaun Gillilland, proprietor of Ben Wever Farm and supervisor of the Town of Willsboro, and Josh Stefani, program manager of the Adirondack Food System Network, shared insights and perspectives on the future of farms and communities during a panel discussion moderated by Adirondack Land Trust Stewardship & Farmland Specialist Aaron Thomas. Scan this code to dig deeper:
Gifts in memory of:
Edwin Amidon Jr. and/or Louise McCarren
Cheryl Haller
Bruce Foust
John Shullenberger
Pam Tracy
Gaylon Arnold
Jacob Timmons
Anne Zehler
Timothy L. Barnett
Robby Barnett & Susan Mandler
Mr. Charles Cerf & Dr. Cindy Dunbar
Cerf-Dunbar Fund
Susan Y. Sweeney
Anne & Ethan Winter
Mary Barrie
Michael Davisson
Russell Schwartz
William J. Carr
James J. Carr
John A. Cunningham
Tom & Sue Cunningham
John Dillon
MC Dillon
Frances Noyes Elder
Sarah Elder
Raymond Foreback
Cheryl & Scott Faust
Samuel Garland
Daniel Thomas Harry
Adirondack High Peaks Dog Training Club
Patricia Austin
Nancy & Mark Graham
John, Michael, Leila, & Michele Henry
Alex Howard
Rodney, Barbara & Emily Prosser
Jennie Sausville
Anne & Jim Townsend
Michael J. Hartnett Sr.
Patrick Hartnett Hartnett Family Fund
Giles Hofmeyer
Emma Hofmeyer
Kathy & Bob Woughter
Larry Jackson
Kitt Jackson
Robert H. Joost
Elaine E. Joost
Fredrica Levinson
Elizabeth Henrichsen
Beatrice R. Lockhart
George & Judy Lockhart
The George & Judy Lockhart Fund
Douglas C. MacNeil
Carol MacNeil
Dr. James MacWhinney
Lucy Cheever
Mary Thacker McCormick
Sarah P. McCormick
William J. McCarthy
Nancy & Tom O’Neil
Bentley A. Merrick
Susie Merrick
Karin Teschauer
Heather Burrowes
Holger Nissen
Heather Menduke
Ed Petty
Mike Carr
Nancy T. Platukis
Anonymous (1)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bautista
George & Marion Beaudoin
Faye Brackett
Christine Bula
Douglas & Vincenza Davis
Karen Dickinson
John & Joan Dolen
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund D. Galka
Anne C. Grant
Anthony & Kathleen Furman
Jane S. Harrington
Karen Herbst
Ellen, Lou & Chloe Herman
RB Howland family
Rebecca Kremer, Georgia Lupica, Nick Childs & Stephanie Struble
Peter Janzen
Rosemarie & Dan Johnson
James Llamas & Bonnie Hoskins
Catherine & Bird Mackay
Leesa Schipani
Henri Sauvaige
Peter & Patty Paine
Mary Ann Schaad
James R. Schaad
Roger K. Schultz
Judith A. Lanza
Marilyn N. & Murray W. Seagears
Julie & Jeff Dreebin Dreebin Family Gift Fund
Dorothy Sutliff
Rebecca Wiley
Paul B. Thomasset Anonymous (1)
Lisa Ayers
Bedford Hills Woman’s Club, Inc.
The Caliendo Family
Brian & Alli Choi
Morrisa & Mario Da Silva
Gabriel Dee
Ann & Berni Gastrich
Jay & Carolee Gravina
Helen Lehtinen
Ron & Belinda Morriss
Yoko Rozano
Paul C. Thomasset & Marie Caliendo
Gertrude Port Vanderbilt
Mel Nelson
Larry Vito
Veronica Iuliano
Fay & Frances Welch
Rich Levy
Jake Wukovits
Sue Wukovits
Adirondack Visionaries
Those who have notified us that Adirondack Land Trust is in their estate plans. Anonymous (3)
Mr. John Andrews & Ms. Michelle Jack
Claire L. Barnett
Bill & Alice Boardman
Mr. Stephen H. Burrington & Ms. Abigail A. Swaine
Patricia Calascibett
Mike Carr
Francis & Dorcas Culross
Mr. J. Dennis Delafield
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Deneale
Mr. Perry W. Dimmick & Ms. Lindsay D. Ruth
John B. Donovan
Lyn DuMoulin
Mark & Debby Epstein
Richard A. Ferro
Carolyn J. Fowler
Sarah Winter French
Steven Gapp
Ms. Barbara L. Glaser & Mr. Paul Zachos
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Grinwis
John & Patti Hopkinson
B. Sue Howard
Sheila & Jim Hutt
Mr. Rodney Irwin
Howard Kirschenbaum
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Lee Jr.
Richard W. & Sally B. Lighty
Dr. Ian & Rebecca MacKellar
Catherine & W. Scott McGraw
Bruce McLanahan
Edward McNeil
Bob Meyers
Bonnie Miller
Rev. David J. Miller & Mrs. Linda A. Miller
David E. Morse
Edward Mrozik & Nancy Van Wie
Matt Olson
Peter & Patty Paine
Bill & Nan Paternotte
Mr. Edward Petty †
Meredith M. Prime
Mr. David Reling
Charles & Sally Svenson
Susan Terwilliger & Michael Mulcahy
Ms. Phyllis Thompson
Liz Thorndike
James Visconti
Craig & Connie Weatherup
Charley & Carole West
David & Holly Wolff
Polly Young †
Event Supporters
Adirondack Council
John C.M. & Mary D. Brust
Mr. Steven G. Cacchio
Pamela L. Coe
Lola A. & Raymond N. Johnson
Lee & Nancy Keet
John & Miriam Klipper
Brad & Bobbie Landers
Mark & Deena McCullough
Debbie & Tom Pastore
Dr. & Mrs. Mark H. Pohlman
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew M. Sonne
Sally Sonne
Business Partners
Adirondack River Rentals
Ausable Brewing Company
Birds & Beans Coffee
Black Rooster Maple
Dak Bar
Divinely Sue Healing Arts
The Mountaineer
Planet People
Spirit Sanctuary
Center for Earth and Environmental Science at SUNY Plattsburgh
Donors of Time, Talent or In-Kind Gifts
Nancy Adams Sweet
Adirondack Rock & River
LeeAnne Baker
Nancie Battaglia
Caitlin, Evan, Fiona & Drake Bottcher
Charles Bruha & Kathleen Regan
Nancy Duff Campbell
Valerie Cole
Leonard Cronin
Ray Curran
Dak Bar
Eastern Mountain Sports
David Kanietakeron Fadden
Lisa Grigoriadis & Jackie Irvin
Lisa Guide
Carl Heilman II
Henry Uihlein II & Mildred A. Uihlein Foundation
RJ Hillman
Thatcher Hogan
Sarah, Burt, Aislynn & Ethan Honsinger
Ellen Jones
Lake Placid Pub & Brewery
Elizabeth Lee
Beth Maher
Matt Craig Plumbing & Heating
Catherine & W. Scott McGraw
Brendan Mills
Kevin Prickett
John & Mike Quenell
Tiffany Rea-Fisher
John & Nancy Rosenthal
James & Frances Rucker
Ben Runyon
Barbara Schaffer
Fran Schiff
Kellee, Matthew & Luka Schmidt
Dan Spada
Strand Theatre of Old Forge
Jennifer Ward
Scott Weidensaul
† Deceased ∞ Adirondack Sustainer (quarterly, monthly or weekly giving)
Statement of Financial Position
Cash & Other Current Assets
Pledges Receivable
Land Holdings
Fixed Assets
Investments: Stewardship Funds
Land Protection Funds
Operating Funds Internship Funds
Total Assets Liabilities
June 30, 2024 200,878 3,491,358 4,508,370 82,975 9,822,020 5,654,271 4,700,797 1,098,644 $29,559,313 291,850 $29,267,463 Revenue
(unaudited) (audited)
Statement of Activities July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024
June 30, 2023 868.291 2,545,784 2,254,066 23,419 8,137,909 6,394,218 3,496,155 553,774 $24,273,616 608,615 $23,665,001
The information above is based on unaudited financial statements for the 2024 fiscal year, and is presented in a format designed to facilitate an understanding of the sources of revenue, the nature of expenditures, and the financial status of the organization. The latest audited financial statements for the Adirondack Land Trust are available upon request or by contacting the New York State Office of the Attorney General, Charities Bureau, charities.bureau@ag.ny.gov.
The Adirondack Land Trust is a tax-exempt public charity under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. All contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Federal tax ID 22-2559576.
DONELLA RAPIER recently retired as resident and CEO of BRAC USA, a nonprofit that helps people in Asia and Africa move from poverty to resilient livelihoods.
< MELISSA CASCINI hails from Greenwood, NY, and works for the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference supporting staff and volunteers throughout the region.
> OLIVIA JOBE lives in Albany, NY, and holds a bachelor’s degree from the University at Albany and a law degree from Albany Law School.
< SAFA MAMMERI is an interdisciplinary advocate and environmental lobbyist who lives in Latham, NY, and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in biodiversity, conservation, and policy.
> ABBY OMAÑA recently earned her bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University and now works at Full and By Farm and lives in Essex, NY.
< MOHAMED SAHRAOUI is an environmental engineer for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation managing environmental cleanup projects. He resides in Latham, NY.
Stephen H. Burrington, Chair
David L. Henle, Vice Chair
The Adirondack Land Trust’s accomplishments span the region. This map highlights some areas of cumulative impact.
Elizabeth McLanahan, Vice Chair
Timothy Fritzinger, Treasurer
Anne C. Stuzin, Secretary
David Brunner
Charles Canham, Ph.D.
Elizabeth Folwell
Lisa Guide
Heidi Kretser, Ph.D.
Brian T. Majeski
Joe Martens
Vinny McClelland
Amy McCune, Ph.D.
Catherine McGraw
Peter S. Paine, Jr.
Donella Rapier
Holly Rippon-Butler
Robert J. Trainor
Chairs Emeriti
Lionel O. Barthold
James C. Dawson, Ph.D.
Harry Groome
Edward W. McNeil
William L. Paternotte
Julie Willis
Advisory Directors
Bill McKibben
Amy Vedder, Ph.D.
Stephanie Campbell, Co-chair
Melissa Cascini, Co-chair
Adeline Clayton
Evan Foster
Maya Fuller
Daniel Galvin
Jess Grant
Olivia Jobe
Lura Johnson
Mike Carr Executive Director
Kimberly Corwin-Gray Associate Director of Philanthropy
Olivia Dwyer Communications Specialist
Becca Halter Stewardship & GIS Manager
Chris Jage Conservation Program Director
Carlie Leary
Safa Mammeri
Abby Omaña
Cassandra Prenn-Vasilakis
Mohamed Sahraoui
Renee Seacor
Charlotte Staats
Maddie Stuzin, Secretary
Meredith M. Prime
Charles O. Svenson
We are grateful to Barbara Glaser and Bill Paternotte, who completed their terms of board service August 2024, and Mike DiNunzio, who completed his service as an advisor.
Naishaly Vélez Galán
Thomas Wei
Brooke Wise
We are grateful to Brianna Larose, Matt Plouffe, Brian Woods, and Savannah Woods, who completed their council service.
Emma Ticknor, Exec. Committee
Connie Prickett Director of Communications
Derek Rogers Stewardship Manager
Susie Runyon Finance & Operations Manager
Joe Scrimenti Office Administrator
Mary Thill Grants Manager
Aaron Thomas Farmland & Stewardship Specialist
Nancy Van Wie Director of Philanthropy
Joseph Willman
Intern for the Future of the Adirondacks (summer)
Kathy Woughter Philanthropy & Outreach Coordinator
Adirondack Land Trust 2861 NYS Route 73, PO Box 130, Keene, NY 12942 (518) 576-2400 • info@adirondacklandtrust.org • adirondacklandtrust.org
Front cover: Steeplebush at High Meadow, our Lake Placid preserve named this year with community input. © Eric Adsit | Back cover: Gray fox © Larry Master | Design: Laughing Bear Associates
Megan Stevenson Land Protection Manager Printed with soy-based inks on unbleached mixed percentage post-consumer recycled fiber that is FSC manufactured.