Adirondack Land Trust Spring 2022 Newsletter

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Farmlands in Transition

Supporting Farmers and the Land

update Spring 2022

Champlain Valley farmland protected by Adirondack Land Trust conservation easement.

C Photo © Bill Brown

arly Summers, agriculture issue leader for Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) in Essex County, recently wrote in a column for a local newspaper, “I was talking about farmland transition and succession planning with a group of farmers and one asked, ‘Why would a farmer need support selling farmland? Selling land is easy— people do it all the time!’ It’s a great question, and even though it seems simple, there are many reasons why it’s important to support farmers in the monumental task of solidifying what will happen to their land and business in the future. Every single farm faces this situation, yet most have not made plans for it.” Two thousand acres of farmland are built on or converted to other uses every day in the U.S., according to American Farmland Trust. A 2017 agriculture census found that half of Essex County’s farmers are at retirement age. With an

estimated 196 farms covering more than 49,000 acres in this northern New York county alone, the future of a lot of land is uncertain. A 2019 survey of Essex County farmland owners found 67% of respondents have not begun succession planning. Let’s go back to the farmer’s question. Selling land for development is one option, but support for farmland transition can achieve other goals: • Keeping land in agriculture • Financial security for retiring farmers • A stable start for new farmers Even transferring land within a family can be challenging. Without careful planning, estate taxes can force the breakup of a farm. That’s why we’re working with Carly and CCE to ease farmer access to professional services to navigate the tax, legal, business, real estate and interpersonal issues of succession

planning. Funding is provided by a New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets grant. The Adirondack Land Trust has protected 6,377 acres of farmland at 20 sites. We are currently working with three farmers on conservation easements that will help keep their lands in agriculture as well as improve water quality in nearby streams. We’re also exploring new ways to help farmers at all stages. As farming changes and real estate costs rise, young farmers struggle to overcome barriers to land ownership, whether new to farming or continuing a family farm. One step we’ve taken is adding a new position, and we’re delighted to introduce Aaron Thomas, farmland and stewardship specialist, on Page 6. We are grateful to Carly and CCE for their partnership, and to farmers, who take on challenges to feed the rest of us.

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