#13 statu(e)s

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Booklet Seri 13

Statu(e)s 2009-2012 Oleh: Phoenix


Facebook hanyalah satu dari sekian banyak media sosial yang ada di dunia maya, walau memang termasuk yang paling sering dipakai juga. Ribuan kata-kata dan informasi, bahkan juga emosi, terecampur aduk dan mengalir deras dalam kubangan raksasa itu. Terkadang hanya kepuasan batin yang diburu oleh jutaan penggunanya, membuatnya seperti tempat tumpahan segalanya, mulai dari curhatan remeh hingga pemikiran yang dalam. Well, tak bisa dipungkiri aku adalah salah satu dari orang-orang yang mengapung dalam sungai informasi deras itu. Ratusan kata dari yang tidak jelas hingga yang jelas aku bagikan di sana. Alangkah sayang bila semua kata itu hanya tenggelam begitu saja dalam arus tak terbendung, maka melalui dua booklet, aku arsipkan dengan rapih semuanya. Aturanku sendiri yang membatasi halaman booklet harus berada pada rentang 40-60 halaman lah yang menjadi alasanku membagi kumpulan status Facebook ini menjadi dua bagian booklet. Well, kerapihan adalah hal yang sangat penting untuk dijaga, seperti kata seorang kawan: “karya itu suci, jadi penempatannya gak boleh kayak moral koruptor, tercecer-cecer�. (PHX)


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Januari-Agustus 2009 is Confused

I believe what i want to believe

is study hard for national exam


is crazy


is study hard for the final exam

I cannot Lie.....


There is No Different.......

Blajar, blajar, dan trus balajar>>....

Ooohh Yeah!!!! Mission Accomplished!

....... Damn!!!!

Atra esterní ono thelduin, Mor'ranr lífa unin hjarta onr, Un du evarínya ono varda. September 2009

Atra esterní ono thelduin, Un du evarínya ono varda. Hanya orang tertentu yang bisa mengerti........

Close the door before it's late. We were born to love and hate. Turn it down for our own sake. We do no wrong........

If you love me, won't you let me know?

You get us into thiz, so get us out of this, get us out....

Look at the stars, look at they shine for you

But It's Not for me decide.....

I took my love down to Violet Hill. There we sat in snow. All that time she was silent still. So if you love me. Won't you let me know?.

It'z a number i can't see... Khu khu khu khu,,,,

This is wrong..... Damn the Hell!!! What'z again now?!

Life is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think....heh eh

Urgh,, my head! It hurtz

I hope i can get well with her,,, hhh

I think i like today,,, i think it'z good

Now my feet won't touch the ground...

Oh, Love, Don't let me go

Allahu akbar.. Allahu akbar

grr,, aq slalu payah mslah cewek

Ke purworejo sharian, fyuh,, melelahkan

Besok pesantren kilat.....siap-siap

FORget but not FORgive......

Fyuh,, very tired. Let's get some rest

"Pada Pandangan pertama,,,, tidak ada yang tampak lebih jelas daripada bahwa segalanya memiliki awal dan akhir."

So, she's angry. I think i must leave her from now on.... Hari yang menyenangkan di pesantren

Ilmu pengetahuan itu semacam kemalasan yang sistematis

Ngantuk bgt....

Dunia ini, dari waktu ke waktu makin berkurang kemustahilannya....

Hoahhhmmm...*yawning*.... -_Mataku g'kuat lagi.....

I lost my chance today,,,,Damn! I must can do it ASAP! ·

Finally, it'z holiday!

A friend, the only friend who whispers in your ear. Just to say good luck and that is all you need to hear


Oktober 2009


bru plang jam sgini. . . huft, ksel tnan

Sgala sesuatu yg trjadi scra spontan hnya akan mngakibtkan trjadinya 'penyebaran'


Broken heart = Lost spirit = The foolest thing I ever heard....... Damn!!! I feel it

war. . war. . warong, mega olite. . .

Yeah! Finally, Mission Accomplished!!!

cinta sjati adalah mencintai drimu sndiri. . .

what a dilemma...

But It's not for me,, to decide.....


Who am I?

We were born to LOVE,,,, and HATE


sgala sesuatu di khidupan nyata tdak bsa diukur dari teori, tpi hrus diukur dgn prcobaan

akhirnya ada jga hsil mid yg bsa dibanggakan. . haha It's something unpredictable. But In the end is right....... I hope you had the time of your life, , , ,

khidupan nyata tdk bsa dramalkan dri teori, tpi hrus diukur dgn percobaan


Forget, but not forgive....

When you try your best but you don't succeed.....

I took my love down to violet hill. There we sat in snow. All that time she was silenced still. So if you love me, won't you let me know?

huft. . . kpalaq pnas, spanas sayap brung phoenix yg lg mrah

You've won.. Me over

skrang aq benci angka 3, aq bnci angka 3, aq benci angka 3......!

Kembali pada kegilaan....hahahahaha

when i see your eyes.... i can, see the flames is gone. . gone

Atra gülai un ilian taught ono un atra ono waíse skölir frá rauthr

penilitianq brlanjut. . .

bhasa jwa lbih gmpang dri yg aq duga. Hahaha

it's a number i can't see. . .

Mmmmm...... Aneh

Saatnya membayar Kesalahan.....

Beginning a new day with hurty heads...urgh

. . . and the black in my eyes, fades out

ndhlok dbat bhsa inggris, marai ngantug

Now, attack! Flamin' Bird, Phoenix.... Burn them!!

November 2009 I'm not me!

Damn! What a bad day i hav!

You're no one. I connect a little in disguise. I reflect a little in your eyes.....

Logic.... never die I know it's wrong, but when I see ur eyes, I can, see the flames, is gone, it's gone, gone

No Comment....

It's gettin' worse. . . Damn!

I know I shouldn't mope around, I shouldn't curse. But the pain feels so much worse

My name is "Pride".....

Confusing again, , ,

I'm gettin' bored with facebook......

Apa yg trjadi jika matahari menda2k mnjadi black hole?

No comment......

It'z enough!

Imposibble is a thing,, ,

People get down on ur knees for the crowd. .

Hip hip, hore!

Beetwen love ang logic.....

Belajar = menghilangkan pusing, dan skit kpala lainnya. ..

Love never need logic, Logic never accept love......



Study, brain refreshing. . .

Knapa smua orng pada mw nonton 2012, padahal msih 3 thun lgi? Hmmm

A bright future........

The rains stopped, pein must be bored with it

I've seen it, in the future, . . .a something, . . will change the world. . . .

Nice mornin'. .

Analysis, shyntesis,,, that's Logic...... never wrong


Pasti dnk, , ,

Feel...... the pain

A wisdom, , ,

You wake up, set ur distance a miles apart when u go. But I'm there, anyway

Nothing to say. . . . Time goes so fast, , ,


Bored with it.......*sigh

Desember 2009 what if.......

hmmm, hm, hmm? mmm, hm, hm ,hm, mm, hmmm?

I don't know which where I'm going, I don't know what I've become.........

I am None Neutral......

I'm sorry......but, I can't do anything. This is the path I choose, and I think is the best way I can do

Installing mind controlling device........10%......20%........30%...........

I have no belief,,,,,,,, but I believe I'm a walking contradiction, and got no rights

0000000100000010000000110000001000000010100000110 Error 404. Data corrupted. Unable to access the main sector. Retried the progress.......5%.......10%.........15%...............

Nobody likes u, everyone left u, they're all out without u, havin' fun The shit so deep I can't run away..... It's contain us, It's control us.......

I'm bettter school than holiday like this.....nothing to do, bah! I'm bored

First thing first. . .

Holiday with some tasty experiments......

It's a final......

Holiday or Holy day?......

We, human, 'av 2 ears n' 1 mouth.....remember it

It's a number I can't see. . . .

busy, busy, busy

What's the different between a strategist and a tactician?

It's a new day, but not a new world.........

Year 2010.....Hmm, 2 years more........

Near end of thiz half year,,,,,, near to 2012, near to end




Januari 2010 103 weeks more......

Bzt, bzzz, bzztt, bzzzttttttt!

ha...ha.....hasyim! *sniff

Khabisan ide status. . .




Talk Less do more, but It's better do less think more....... .......males ganti status........

Don't! I said don't do it!

Februari 2010 So if u love me, won't u let me know?

Just gimme a chance, n' I'll try to 4give, , ,

It's a number I really can't see, It's a complicated degree.....

If there's an unsolved mysteries in diz world, It's AlQur'an....

.....wondering..... for the answer.....

I'm nothing but an endless traveler in this live, in this world........

....still....wondering.......the answer.......

No, no, no! Please don't!!

Juzt wait n' see how'd the things happen

Huft, a complex thoughts, ,


This world still just an unanswered question, an unsolved mysteries, a complicated complex thoughts.....We, humans, live here, in this world, to find the answer

shining legacy, noble steel, fierce regalia, cerulian flux, furious roar, ancient covenant, tatau council, twin blades, endless travels, boundless amber, resonant horror, peaceful end.......Show ur strength!

Still. . . this world confusing me, its unanswered mysteries, its unseen truth, its reason to be exist.....why,,,,why

Hope a peaceful end, , , As usual, It's Nothing but a resonant horror in an endless travels with the boundless amber

I must can! Whatever it cost, no matter the resistance, I'll take it! I'll reach it!

a fierce regalia......

Eka fricai un Shur'tugal......

Gara2 masalah cewek, sekolahq terlantar meneh.....wah,wah

It's Nothing but a Resonant Horror.......

Still. . .

Maret 2010 Heh.... Looks like I must said it again, a thousand times...."Masya Allah Remaja!..."

Never emotion.....everything must be solved with clear head

Again, I must say "MaysaAllah Remaja!!".......

low on spirit......

Your heavy heart....is made of stone. And it's so hard to see you clearly.... You don't have to be on your own

Janganlah kecewa jika dunia tdak mngenal kmu, tpi kecewalah klw kmu tdak mngenal dunia.......

I don't know which way I'm going, I don't know what I've become, , ,

See? That's why I decided to ignore her...... Fibonacci membunuhq....

I've changed,,,,, since a years ago......

Otakq kepenuhan angka....huft....mlah pusing wrong step.......

Damn! I'll never do it again!!!


But it's not for me to decide......

1 orang yg berpergian adalah setan, 2 orang yg berpergian adalah setan, 3 orang yg berpergian adlah khafilah..

For you I wait.... till kingdom come, , till my day, my day is done.......

Emosi sama dengan nafsu.....

Questions of science don't speak as loud as my heart.....

I'm just a man, not a hero, , ,

You don't know how lovely you are.........

We'll never know what will happen untill we give it a shot.....

Masa muda, waktu luang dan harta merupakan hal-hal yang paling besar peranannya dalam merusak seseorang.......

April 2010 a "choice" is better than a "loop"......

Complex algorithm in this crucial circulation of space and time...... to its end

Now it seems to me we can't be "free" from diz complex world. . .

I swear.... I'll find it, no matter how crucial it is, , I must find the answer

I feels dying, , , urg, , ,

Don't too believe the next day, DO it now....

Damn, 1 more day I must stay at home, , , I'm bored, n I want to go to school, , to meet her. . .

Be true to urself,,, don't miss ur chance.....

Trying to understand. . . . . . . .

Don't follow where the path may lead, , just go, make ur own path.....for ur future

Learning is different than studying...... and Understand is different than know.....

Your head up. . .. Up above where you put your love out of reach...... But I'm there anyway

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising whenever we fall.....

You wake up....set your distances miles apart, when you go, I'll be there, anyway.....


Look at the stars, look how they shine for you......

My one and the only love is just Allah SWT......followed by my parents and family..... and next, her.....

That's fine,,,, There's nothing wrong,,. . Forget what just I say, ok? (yang gag mrasa, jangan comment)

bingung mw bkin statz apa......

Kearifan hanya lahir dari kbenaran. . .

Mei 2010 I love trigonometry, except cos, , , hhaha

I'm yours, , , oh my mighty God, Allah SWT, the ruler of the universe. . .

When the tears come streaming down ur face, , ,

Nice day......:)

Pemerintah Pelit!..... Grr

memeng gawe status,, , , ,

I won't.... . . . . leave

Megaminx completed. Next mission, gigaminx octaminx and pyraminx

Libur seminggu, sabtu depan baru masuk tpi pulang cepet, mnggu depannya libur lagi,, wah, pahit tnan.....

I missed "something", or I should called it "someone"

Everyting's looks fine,,,, but . . . . . . . What The....!

Arep tuku pyraminx koq ra duwe duit y, wah, , , hrs ngmpulke sek ki

Sorry....... It's all my responsibility.......

It's 20th...... I see, , , , ,


It's something important to me...... It's her.......

4give me. . .

I'm Phoenix, I am a hacker, and a rubick master......

Uang d.dompetq bgaikan limit rupiah mndkati 0 ni, jiand, bangkrut

Hbis ngotak-atik cmd, lhat sesuatu yg putih kyknya gag enak bgt

kok aq ngelih yo Prepare for war at 2nd June,,,,, brain war, with Logic

Forever....... For a better future! Chaaaaaarge!!!!!

Juni 2010 ALIF, ba, ta, sya, ja, kha, , , , , , , haha

Well,,,, I'm still on my way..... to a better future!


pusing sjak tdi ngutek2 template blog osis gag jadi2

Melon or Strawberry? Hmmm

web osis, persentasi DT, SE, dan Rohis.... ok, ok,,,, sepertinya aq akan sibuk

aq baru lhat ada cewek se-tega "dia"...... well....

Kebanyakan maen warcraft.... pusiiing

My head's gonna burn......

Walah,,,, web osis kok aq dewe sing urus.....

piala dunia sma skali gag mnarik prhatianq

Nice results at my Report Book.... haha.. IPA, I'm coming!

Ubuntu, Fedora, or Mandriva? Which one is the best Linux OS?

Looks like I missed someone..............

Habiskan waktu download linux Sabily ma Fedora, total hampir 1.5 GB,,,, waaa

Facing a bright future!!!

Well, I don't know which one I should care.....

Liburan harus dipergunakan dengan baik....... Belajar!!!

masih mncari tahu pnybab shutdown problem d.komputer, , kondisi yg jrng q tmukan, , , tpi slama datanya aman, kslamatanq jga aman, haha

bdanq loro kabeh, , , tlah mncapai limit energi khidupnq, , ,

Juli 2010 sial... badanq sulit bergerak,,,,, loro tenan

THC = (T + H + C) x T x H x C. ..... Jika T, H, dan C msing2 mwakili sebuah bilangan bulat.... Berapakah T, H dan C?

Tugas tersisa: Makalah dan Persentasi C2 Ambalan (deadline 6 Juli), Persentasi SE (Deadline 12 Juli), Persentasi DT (Deadline 12 Juli), buat Web untuk MOS (deadline 12 Juli)

gawe persentasi abot tnan,,,, mw dibuka aja nunggu stngh jam....

i'm with netherlands, , ,

males banget ganti status

Makalah C2 Ambalan Selesaaai!!!! Tinggal buat persentasinya.......

Wah, kayaknya sie tugas paling sibuk dalam MOS ni, tiap detik periksa tugas,,,,,

trjebak d.utara, , , kyknya snin bru bsa mlhat bantul lg ni

Wewh, web mos sukses besar, pngunjung mencapai 2000 dalam 1 hari!! Hahaha

. . . . .. . .. . .. .. .

Weh, Lembuuuur

.- -.. .. - -.-- .- / ..-. .. -. .. .- .-. . .-.. / .--. .... --- . -. .. -..- / .. ... / .- / .-. .--. --. / -- .- ... - . .-.

IPA 3, IPA 3, IPA 3, horeee!!!!! brangkat jam 4, plang magrib, capek, laper, , nympe rumah, sial, jatuh, kaki kna knalpot, melepuh, bkannya


nolong atw apa kakakq datang2 lngsung blang aq tolol, wah jiand, , , ya sudahlah. . . Mana aq hrus priksa tgas mneh ngnti jam 11, waaa

Hari ini 4,5 jam melihat angka..... (Fisika+Matematika) Kepalaku terbakar Di atas gurun sunyi, panas terik mentari, Langit bumi menjadi saksi perjuangan di jalan Ilahi Semua yang kau rasakan, darah yang kau cucurkan, Akan selalu ku kenang

Baru pulang habis isya, fyuh, di sekolah udah tinggal aq,Muhammad Asad 'Abstrak', dan mas huda Ngedit Web Rohis bentar.....

Asemm. . . .pilek mnyrang mneh, , sak klas sntrap sntrup kabeh

Weh, penyakit tremorq ternyata masih

sekarat. . . .T.T

Come to Ambalan's Fair 2010!! Tomorrow just at "Aula Bawah"SMAN 1 Bantul

I'm in an endless travel, this life

Somethin's happen....... I'm really in bad mood

Untuk ke-5 kalinya dalam semester ini aq pulang sekolah hbis magrib.haha

Untuk kedua kalinya dalam semester ini aq pulang sekolahhabis magrib.......

Profile Picture-q apik... :D

Tiap hari kerjaannya pulang magrib trus,,,,,,

Agustus 2010 well..........

ngantuk. . . =.= Tdur ah. .

A willingness to change

I'm still on the way........ to my bright future!!

fasting, not feasting

I'm a flamin' phoenix....... And I'll burn anything that resist my will to my dreaam!!!!! Chaaaaarge!!

weh..... mendadak banget pesta download, mumpung kecepatan.e tinggi :D

3 hari izin trus, hahahaha...... paling tidak terbebas dari pikiran plajaran

tarawih tercepat yang pernah kualami,,,, hahaha

"we will always be................"

I won't give up! There must be some other way...... I believe I can *The flamin' wings of phoenix burning up

2 hari yang lalu lomba, kmaren gerak jalan 17 km, hari ini ngawal pawai + makan bareng cah SE, besok bersih2 ambalan + ngeDOTA bareng SE (msih rencana), besoknya lagi pengajian + pelantikan ROHIS,,,, hahaha Senangnya masa SMA :D

Mengakhiri 10 hari pertama..... Rugilah orang yang hanya mendapat lapar dan dahaga di setiap puasanya.......

Maaf untuk ambalan ratnaningsih, aq gak bisa bantu.... gak bisa pergi dari rumah SIaaaaaalllll!!!!

Searching for the savior, searching for a hero....... Where? Still.........

I'm the true hero....... I'll get my dream, whatever it cost! whatever the resistance!

Terus kita bela Islam hingga akhir masa,, perjuangan ini takkan pernah terhenti.........

How long, before I get in, before it starts, before it begin.......

..... Let's back to work Kok do ra bosen ngupdate statz yo.... aq ket wingi bosen tnan bka fb......

pusing. . .squint emoticon

Kok alumni do ngmpul neng skolahan yo.... buber paling

*Growl............ weh, nganggur, bosen..........

Weh.... nyebai tnan ki browser.....

A handbook of Wisdom...... I just read it :D

Opo meneh iki?! Ket mw marai emosi trus.......


September 2010 diantara males, pngen brontak, ma pengen mata2i......hmmm

dengan rmahq yang lmayan jauh dri skolah plus banyaknya kegiatan, rasanya pingin pindah k.skolah aja,,,, jdi apa2 gampang Phoenix on the fire!!!

brangkat gak ya? Sloth... damn!!

Sekutu...... hmmm

mata kiriq..... T.T

Well...... Just with trust, I hope, I believe, I'm on the right way, do no wrong..... prepare the worst for the best, better future..... (thinking......urgh, My head overloaded, too much to think)

damn......... Remember the 7 sins of human..... don't let them control you jiaan.... joomla membuatku pusing, code editor.e mbingungi

*sniff *sniff..... huaaachim!!! *sniff

Joomlaaaaa!!!!! Kenapa kau begitu aneh dan membingungkan

lama-lama sakit tnan aq ki..... *sniff wah.... makin parah aq ki..... *sniff

Ngene ki nek mengabaikan kata-kata.ne confucius, jadi confused

..........Download mania...... Joomla sedikit membingungkanq......

ngajak gelut tenan joomla ki.... apik tpi kok bermasalah ki, kwalikan.e wordpress

Well, well..... being white and clear......

I'm out......

Oh well,, again, that thought......

3 person that always inspired me with their words and minds..... Aristoteles, Al-Khuwarizmi, and Confucius........ I loved them aaallllll!

We can't get something without sacrificing the other (alchemy principle) hmm, melakukan hal yang sama tiap tahunnya, tpi gak da yg berubah.... well,it's useless

Time to sharpen my math logics..... Well, combinatorics, matrix, function, cryptography, algorithms, graph teory... &^%$#

ngancam bakar qur'an eh? what a spineless devil u r! Go on! hey, isn't someone notice it? Idul fitri thun ini kurang berjaya.... so many things is different

Ternyata lelah pikiran tu lbih tidak enak dari lelah fisik...... otakq panas, kepalaq mendidih, mataq bagaikan magnet tak bisa terlepas dari rentetan tulisan bermakna tinggi... ..... dan sekarang omonganq mulai kacau

Is it a "Real" victory for moslem? Is it "really" true that we were won against devil? Well, I doubt it..... it's not "real"

aq baru sadar klw wall-q bersih dari postingan orang lain.... hahaha.... cukup statusq saja yang nampang,

Sloth.... how dare you control over my body! (Wrath)

Gila game online-q kumat meneh ki......

Full Metal Alchemist, tamatnya cepat tapi ceritanya hebat!!! The 10 Top Anime decade 2000-2009!

"Sloth" mulai menyerangq ni.....wah Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibnu Musa Al-Khuwarizmi => my favourite logician

udah pada pergi.... akhirnya just with my grandma again, well

Essensi dari matematika adalah kebebasannya.... Math is Freedom!

Finiarel........... the bright future!

Oh tidaak.... cerobohnya diriku, waton nghapus, mlah database web rohis ikut terhapus, jiaand..... harus kerja ulang ni, mana FTP-nya nyebai mneh

haa.. ha... hasyim!!! *sniff my experiment went out nowhere.....but I got the conclution:)

Entah apa orang skrang bisa bedain mna "sang pemimpi" mna "sang penidur"

Untuk sementara waktu aq TERPAKSA mencintai Indonesia, haha..... ntar ganti hati mneh....

Opo wae iso...


Your skills are nothing with "pride"....

wah,,, sudah gak muncul dalam 1 thun terakhir, sekarang akhrnya muncul juga kau, jerawat

An expert or a professional?

strong mind, weak physics.... Well, It needs a ballance

I've changed up my mind.............


Don't call me Phoenix if I throw away my dream!

Oktober 2010 Time to apply Al-Khuwarizmi's theory........For our better future!!

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.”—Albert Einstein --- To Carl Seelig – March 11,1952. AEA 39-013

Koleris, sanguinis, phlegmatis, atau melankolis?

There is no happiness,, , , , , ,

Inspired again..... Keep going phoenix!

Bahasa Jawa...... *&^%%$#^

Damn my feet.........urgh

Seminar STUDYING ABROAD FOR BETTER FUTURE!! Ayo ikut!! Untuk masa depan kita semua! 24 Oktober di UGM....!

“Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics; I can assure you that mine are still greater.”—Albert Einstein --- To Barbara Wilson, January 7, 1943. AEA 42606.

I won't! That's juzt a foolish human emotion, it's nothing! Jika semua itu menyebar (teori penybaran energi / entropi).... maka bgaimana jika yg terkumpul itu habis?

“Where there is love, there is no imposition.” —Albert Einstein --- Quoted in Sayen, Einstein in America, 294.

Keep my brain working...... Logic never die!

I don't know which way I'm going.... I don't know what I've become....I

The flame of phoenix, the rage of its fire, the flame of my dream, never die!

aq lbih suka angka-angka memenuhi pkirnq dripada sprti ini....wah

Q: Two cats are on a roof. Which slides off first? A: The one with the smaller mew (Greek letter mu - "μ").

perutq...... gak ada makanan.......urrg......lapaaar........tak tertahankan.....

If it wasn't for Thomas Alva Edison, we'd all be watching TV to the light of a candle.

Memplajarai kompleksitas ruang memori dan waktu algoritma mmbuatku berfikir akan kompleksitas ruang dan waktu di jagat raya...... teori persebaran .........membuatku merindiing..... bgtu bsar dan kompleks ciptaanMu Ya Allah

Sejak kmren dpet e-mail dri orng luar negri mnta bntuan trus..... Gmana aq bsa bantu seorang yatim piatu di Bosnia yg ortunya meninggal krna perang??? dan drimana mereka bisa mngtahui e-mailq?? aneh-aneh aja,

ngerjain soal d.temani mozart dri soundtrack suikoden, , , mmprtenang hti, mnunjang krja otak :) , rasanya soal fisika jdi sprti plajaran sd bgiq

Gravity is a law. Lawbreakers will be brought down! ...........ivory coast? USD$6,500,000.00?? Gila! knp aq bsa mnerima email sperti ini,,,,, Bingung, bingung...

pkirkan..... trnyata dunia ini smakin lama smakin berkurang "kemustahilannya"..... Dunia ini gak sbesar Indonesia oy,,,, kmbangkan citacitamu seluas dunia yg sbnarnya....

Astagfirullah... buku-buku membuatku lupa shalat dzuhur!! Tidaaak! Efek samping seorang kutu buku....

weh.... aq memang gak pandai ilmu sosial.....urgh ok, pling tidak teori bilangan adalah spesialisasiq......

Otakq..... pusing..... kbanyakan mikir.....mulai dari alam, sejarah, politik, hingga agama..... spertinya aq hrus berhenti mmbaca smua buku utk smntara wktu......refreshing skik....

Damn it..... Research more..... I'm researching Judaism religion now..... (pdhal bsok mid....)

Jiand..... mumet squint emoticon ... turu wae ah



Kompleksitas dunia mmbuatku pusing.....


Tangan dan mulutq takkan q buat tuk mnyakiti siapapun, aq udu wong atos, hha

Foto Profilq apik :D

mumet mneh T.T Knp tiap kali aq bca bku klamaan lngsng mumet. . .

Keep my eyes sees through the future!

kau mw mmbunuhq ya??

what the heck is happened to my body???

It is disconcerting to reflect on the number of students we have flunked in chemistry for not knowing what we later found to be untrue. – Quoted in Robert L. Weber, Science With a Smile (1992)

Teman-teman, pengumuman, untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah, besok saya bakal telat Lelah pikiran lebih melelahkan dibanding lelah fisik.......... Pusing..squint emoticon

dunia d.kndalikn n d.hncurkn olh politik, jiand

Pulang magrib, gerimis, ngejer shalat, agak ngebut, jalan gelap,,,,, mlah tabrakan.... sial trus aq sjak kmaren T.T

entah apa yg diblang einstein tu bner atw gak: - “Where there is love, there is no imposition.”—Albert Einstein --- Quoted in Sayen, Einstein in America, 294. - “Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.”—Albert Einstein --- To Fred Wall, 1933. AEA 31845

Simpangan rata-rata, ragam/varians, deviasi standar, ogive, desil..... aaaargh, Satu2nya cabang yg pling gak q suka di matematika hanyalah STATISTIKA

feelings vs logic, heart vs mind, emotion vs math....?

Mengingat masa lalu aq brcrita mngenai cita-citaku, trnyata smpe skarang aq masih di jalan yg sama, gak melenceng, tetap menuju 1 cita-cita.... Go!!

Foto profilq mengingatkanq pada Sumbawa,,,,,, hmm

.. .----. -- / .--. .... --- . -. .. -..- / .- -. -.. / .. / .-- --- -. .----. - / -. .. ...- . / ..- .--. !

Berangkat dari rumah jam 6, sampe rumah jam 6 juga.... itulah masa SMA ^^

Bersama kita bisa!

Philosophy meaning of Phoenix

pulang isya mneh.... Ha...ha.... hasyim! *sniff

Such a Foolishness.......

Gak enak bgt dihafal ma guru2..... . stres aq

Sudah banyak yang berubah pada diriku smenjak "hijrah"q ke Bantul.......

wah mumet, bnyak kerjaan trus........ we need a strategy......

.....sedang mencoba membuat sebuah "timeline" mengenai perkembangan ilmu pengetahun untuk mempermudah penelitian

alhamdulillah... hujannya baru turun setelah aq sampe' rumah.... gak perlu khujanan

Lihatlah perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan seiring dengan semakin kompleksnya ilmu politik yang mengakibatkan konflik dimana2

Untuk prtama kalinya aq mrasakan pulang jam 12, senangnya :) P. ***** MARMOS!!!

Keep my brain working...... Bzzt....bzzt...zzt........



Unstable mind, too much thought, , , what a complexity.............. squint emoticon

Untuk sementara malam ini pnelitianq dihentikan aja,,, udah gak kuat aq T.T

"Homunculus: Why did you not become mine God!? God: Because you did not believe in me." — Hiromu Arakawa (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Ketemu artikel mnarik, pusing.e d.tahan skik....... Hmmm.... rumit

"Humans are so foolish, pity creature" - Homunculus (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Ngantuk Rimba!!! Raya!!!


beware of "Subliminal images".... it's around you

"But even so, we're not devils, let alone gods. We're human. We're human!" Hiromu arakawa (Mystery of Fullmetal Alchemist)

November 2010 well, now all of it become more complex,,,,, I don't know how I should think about this..... I hope all this research can conduct one right conclusion

"Enduring and forgiving are two different things. You must not forgive the cruelty of this world. It's our duty as human beings to be angry at injustice. But we must also endure it. Because someone must sever this chain of hatred." — Hiromu Arakawa (Fullmetal Alchemist, Volume 18)

Quo successu Quantum theory habet, spectat ineptius principio adpropinquavit finis, facite ut quam primum

They control us...... wake up now!! Q33NY........

sampe rumah selamat, wlwpun hampir tersesat dan terjebak gelap

msh kurang bnyak, , intensitas blajar hrus dperbnyak

why I hav this feeling?

"I'm the original homunculus. My name is 'Pride'."

can't think clearly, urf

It's complexity more attacking my mind........ too much unanswered question

Now I've got some conclusion about multiple intelligence theory...... Einstein really inspires me

back to study.......... I'll research it more later

need some rest..... my head can't hold it anymore I studied as long as I living in this complex world

stlah brtanding 2 jam, brhasil mmukul 38 kali, mnendang 25 kali dan mmbnting 8 kali, namun kna pkulan tlak 5 kali, tndangan 6 kali dan d.banting 19 kali, , kalah telak T.T

mind vs heart..... logic vs emotion again, this feeling.......

Enigma, a mystery....

the law of equivalent exchange in Alchemy....."To gain something, you must sacrifice something with equal value" It's same as Antoine Lavoisier's law of conservation mass. Well......

Mystery.... urgh.....

it's time to hunting and research

hari kamis memang memuaskan.... haha

suus oculus determinationis.................. spes pertingendi

again, it's a conspiracy.....

well, I must admit now I'm a conspiracy theorist

I see.... it's not the end of time, but the beginning of the end..........

oh damn.... now I'm stucked in the middle of life intersection

sempat-sempatnya aq plajari polustat relativitas einstein saat mau lomba LBB PPI,,,... Penasaran.....

melihat lemariq,,,,, skrang aq sdar btapa numpuknya buku yg menantiq utk dibaca Oh sial, seandainya aq bbas dari sekolah, aq sdah mngurung diri d.kamar sndirian utk mmbaca smua buku-buku itu

cryptograph..... interesting, let's study more about it It's an EYE...........

e pluribus unum...... in God we trust, eh? It's still a conspiracy, as well as it's a mistery

Well, well.... human always just a foolish creature, as homunculus said........ They never understand it, , , , , ,

It reminds me about something..... well..... research begins......

They're coward! spineless worm! dirty pigs! Pug-nose shrimp! The unforgivable human I ever know along history in this world!!!!!!

Ego Phoenicis ambitionis meus ignis non morietur!!!! oh conspiracy.... you make me more and more confused

Non est alius deus absque ALLAH!!

Allah tantum speramus et credimus


I'm a little losing "something" this night.....

Now with Eye of Determination, we'll destroy that brat "Eye of Providence"

I'm waiting for you..........

think. . . . .

Lapaaar upset emoticon Tpi berat juga rasanya untuk meninggalkan layar komputer

Damn clever that "brat" Ternyata aq memang harus jadi sejarawan.......terlalu bnyak misteri yg hrus q ungkap sendiri dalam sejarah

Now...... let's think........................(concentration)

Trnyata sistem bahasa latin rumit banget,,,,, upset emoticon

Once Finiarel, I'll be a "Finiarel"...... I'll prove it!!!! Finding for hope, searching for hero........ (Suikoden III ST)

wah, aq bru tau 18 November ada hari filsafat sedunia....

kali ini kepalaku benar-benar panas....

Looks like Aristotle's principle is right...... Dr. Howard Gardner theory about multiple intelligence is wrong

We just have 2 choice in life, Win or Win!

oh well, sekarang aq bnar-bnar pngin polustat ke-2 Einstein berlaku..... krna memang "Demi WAKTU, sesungguhnya manusia itu benar-benar berada dalam kerugian"

arg, why I'm feeling something like this, , , my head's gonna explode with all these complex n complicated things, urgh it's why status quo must be changed radically

“Why is it that nobody understands me, yet everybody likes me?�

I'm impressed...... :D

My life is really like a race, , , , , I don't even can think what's behind and what's in the front

Sial tenan ni mati listrik bru nyala sekarang, ra iso garap tugas ki, mah wis ngantuk squint emoticon

I don't know which way I've come, I don't know what I've become....... But I know which way I'm going...............

think.... or study? Scientia nihil sine mente.......

Well, galileo, I hope Allah make you happy in the heaven for what you did to us :D, even you're not a moslem,,,, I'm impressed

Desember 2010 Ulangan kali ini lebih lancar d.bandingkan sbelumnya..... fisika tdak akan menghalangiku :D Namun besok............................... squint emoticon

Ra betah sinau aq. . . well, it seems I should make a list.... too much things I MUST know and learn..... This world is complex


Damn.... now it became more complicated......

Well, I hope my sister can pass the test..... ^^

Well..... let's back to study.....

Cukup puas malam mingguan di toko buku...... :D

........understand, understand, understand..............! bener-bener gak niat blajar sejarah aq squint emoticon

Buku-buku smakin menumpuk menunggu untk dibaca.... habis UUB lngsung pesta :D

flamma perennis determinatio

Spero......spero intellegas......spero affectus capias.....

daripada blajar bhsa jawa mnding blajar bhsa arab aja sekarang......besok pasrah wae

Noli sollicitari, semper nobĂ­scum Allah :) Seandainya aq pnya uang, satu2nya hal yg pling ingin ku beli adlah setumpuk buku science religion...... gak ada harta lain yg lbih brharga bagiku kcuali ilmu

Credo Poterimus......cum virtute Allah!

Credo in te, Allah. Nos bello viver


Power of Science is the power from Allah SWT........

we're different..... different.............. upset emoticon

dari muslim menuju mukmin, dari mukmin menuju muttaqin.........

I'm glad I've done it......... it's tough There's no justice in this world, there never was........

Memahami lingkunganku dngn ideologi berbeda sama sja dgn memutar balikkan pmikiranku..... tpi aq gak akn menyerah..........

Shining Legacy, Noble Steel, Fierce Regalia, Cerulian Flux, Furious Roar, Twin Blades, Tatau Council, Ancient Covenant, Endless Travels, Boundless Amber, Resonant Horror, and finally, a Peaceful End

Seeking for justice, waiting for hope, searching for hero........

Inilah rasanya kalau emosi mulai menghancurkan pikiran logika dan rasionalq..... Tunggu pembalasaku wahai "Emosi"!

It's science and religion........ Gratias omnia, ***** :)

little disappointed, but it's the beginning of my struggle

baca buku Perang Salib dgn tebal 808 halaman, seperti baca bku Eragon,,, tapi ini kisah nyata!

Smakin hari badanku semakin gak enak,,,, cpat atau lambat, aq akan sakit

‫سكينيف انأ‬

it hurts. . .

I will show you something different..... I will only stop you drifting so far.........

Hasbunallah wanikmal wakil. . . Ckuplah Allah yg mnymbuhkanq. . .

You wake up, set your distances miles apart..... When you go, I'll be there,, anyway

you makes me better

Aditya bin Muhammad Ihsan bin Abdul Majid bin Muhammad Zain bin Darius al-ʿAnqāʾ

Mrasa baikan sedikit, cari kesempatan didpan komputer.... Betapa rindunya aq dngan layar monitor........

Dengan senyummu, senjata membeku, tentara bernyanyi, ikuti tingkahmu.....:)

Kalau ada yg pnya prinsip "Be Yourself", brarti dia brusaha jadi dirinya yang statis tnpa ada perubahan......Msa' mau brtahan dgn pmikiran yg sama trus smpe tua, , , Jadi mungkin harus sdikit di ubah "Be your growing self"

Study biology or Islamic History of Crusade War? Well............... Dengan senyummu, langit terpeluk, bintang bertekuk, ku butuh kau sentuh..... Tak ada lagi yang kutakuti, ku terlindungi, dengan senyumanmu..... :)

Aneh-aneh, Zainuddin bener jadi Zinedine, kok Fahruddin jadi Faraday.....

Even most people think that science and religion can't be combined and it's totally different...... but I believe there's a connection between it.......

but.... it hurts

tumben aq seharian nang ngarep komputer ra mumet..... Alhamdulillah,, energi mata dan otakku msih ada utk blajar buat bsok

I hate "Red Shield".... they're coward, spineless snail, heartless worm, pitiful pig,,,, damn they are!

Baru kali ini gak ada yg dapat mnghiburku, wah.....

Kembali kangen dengan kosmologi

When space and time fusing in your head, realize it complexity......

Empty-hearted........ Empty-minded........

“Why is it that nobody understands me, yet everybody likes me?”

Again, , It hurts. . . .

Your head up...... Up above where you put your love out of reach But I'll be there, anyway :)

Nobody will ever can understand me. . . . No one I must try to control it..... it's too far

Ulangan berakhir, sekolah tinggalkan, pnelitian kembali dilakukan, kepala pusing dilanjutkan, hingga semua ilmu benar2 kudapatkan, dari agama hingga pengetahuan..... Long live education!

So, that's it...... Dari 17 ke 2, eh? It's strange


You can hate me if you want, , , you won't need me though

jadilah selalu versi kelas satu dari diri sendiri daripada versi kelas dua dari seorang yang lain

This research must be done before holiday ends..... be focus phoenix!

It's you who control your mind, not controlled by mind......... (Aditya-Finiarel Phoenix -- Seeker of Justice)

"do you think you deserve your freedom? No, I don't think you do"

A justice lies beyond the heart and mind of people who have well-controlled balance of feelings and logic (Aditya-Finiarel Phoenix -- Seeker of Justice)

You won't need me.......

Trperangkap pmikiran yg tak trjawab. . . . There are so many unanswered question in this complex world, aren't there?

Forget it...... "we were born to love and hate" eh? It's just foolish human emotion.... be rational

Para ilmuwan paling mudah dalam menjawab prntanyaan "bagaimana", namun mereka paling silit dalam menjawab pertanyaan "mengapa"....... Karena pertanyaan "mengapa" hanya dimiliki para filsafat.... (well, maybe it's me)

I'm sorry..... but I have no other choice.... Now, now.... what happened to my life, , , , squint emoticon

filsafat waktu bnar2 membunuh akal sehatku......

"Even if things didn't turn out the way you wanted them to, you simply have to accept them and move on. Understand?"

to be a man thinker........ That's why I choose u. . . .

Controlling self is the damn most difficult things a person can do in his life...... --Aditya-Finiarel Phoenix-- an endless travelers

hah.... akhirnya password fbq jadi 25 digit, proteksi menggila..... jika ada yg bisa menghafal passwordq selain aq sendiri, aq beri tepuk tangan

The emotions of humans, including sad, panic, and happy, never make our minds clear, real and rational. -- Aditya-Finiarel Phoenix -- The seeker of justice

well, internet is source of emotions..... I'm not surprised if someone can summons demons from internet.....

Damn hurt y'dummy.....arrgh, my lef' eye!

Sekarang aq mengerti knp sebagian besar filsafat tidak beragama......

Let our mercy as deep as the Feitas and our authority as powerful as the Sun be revealed to the entire World!

kadang-kadang rasa nasionalisme membuat perpecahan di agama.... sperti saat kau ditanya mana yg kamu pilih agamamu atw negaramu, itulah yg terjadi antara malaysia dan indonesia sekarang ini, ingatlah bahwa malaysia adalah negara mayoritas muslim.....

Complex....crucial circulation of space and time..... to its end......to its destruction...... For you I’d wait 'til kingdom come Until my day, my day is done

ck ck ck..... aq gak bisa mmbenci malaysia krena mreka mayoritas muslim.... toh aq gak peduli pada apapun yg terjadi pada indonesia selama islam tidak terancam

4get 'bout it y'dummy....we hav sumthin' more important here this damn left hurtin' eye.... get better soon y'little!

Waktu brakhr ktika tngkat entropi energi alam smesta mncpai titik maksimum, well, , , entah kpan itu trjadi

Questions of science... science and progress.... don't speak as loud as my heart

I'll wait for it.... I swear in the wing of flaming phoenix I promise.... I'll wait, 'till my days are done

oh well..... people 'round here still didn't realize it, huh? Sepertinya aq memang selalu diiringi kesendirian dalam hidupq..... well, but I'm fine with it, to be alone

seeing through the future... and in the end, we lie awake and we dream to making our escape.... escaping through this cruel world

There is no happiness, there is no sadness, in my life..... I'm neutral with my crucial logic

aku siap untuk lupakan mimpi ego mudaku..... strange....what's happened to me?

dengarkanlah, jika tidak lidah akan membuat kita tuli gasp emoticon

unstable heart..... damn, I'm trying to control it


semoga cepat kau lupakan aq...... Heart-defense forces......

janganlah bola membuatmu lupa ke masjid utk shalat isya....!!

it looks like a dream..... so, it's really true

Itulah akibat pnontnnya mlpakn shalat isya. . .

When you try your best, but you don't succeed When you get what you want, but not what you need When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep Stuck in reverse And the tears come streaming down your face When you lose something you can't replace When you love someone, but it goes to waste Could it be worse?

For you I'll wait, 'till kingdom come...... "God not only plays dice, He also sometimes throws the dice where they cannot be seen." (Stephen Hawking)..... U're genius prof. hawking, but I hate u, because u blame the power of science to become an atheist....... U never know who God it is

You and me are floating on a tidal wave‌ together

Nobody said it was easy, it's such a shame for us to part, no one ever said it would be this hard.....

Klw prediksiq bnar, ntar mlam psti trjadi krusuhan. . . . Aq ykin moral Indonesia tdak lbh baik dri mlaysia. . . . . .

it's 1 year more, the end of venus' transit period, and solar storm at maximum energy will be occurred......

I don't care football.... all I care just science and religion

Why I'm feeling like this, I hate it





Januari 2011 The Theory of Everything, is that really exist? Prof. Hawking sometimes can be insane in his genius

No one's care. . . . Ketika seseorang hidup, dia berkembang, tumbuh, blajar banyak hal, mlai mencari jati diri, tjuan hidup, dan selanjutnya mencari nafkah, menikah, mempunyai anak dan membesarkannya, tua, dan kemudian meninggal...... Siklus yg gak ada hentinya hingga entropi alam semesta mencapai maksimum...... Pasti ada hal lain dibalik siklus itu.................

So, this is the fate, , , it hurts frown emoticon venus' transit period is going to end.... let's see what will happen in the sun after it My heart is combined with my twisted logic....

Kenapa orang lain gak punya namanya "kebutuhan berfikir" dalam jiwanya? Aq gak bisa hidup klw "kebutuhan berfikir"q gak terpenuhi......

What's this feeling. . . . I'm glad I can't crying. . . better now........

habis ngobrol panjang dengan Taufiqurrochman Jogja danIkhwan Catur Rahmawan di lab multi smpe' gak ada orang di sekolah....... :D Visi yang gila, tpi semoga sukses!

it's not an empty-handed this holiday.... :D When scientist fall in love. . . .

hermetic order of the golden dawn, hermetic order of luxor, hermetic order of lights, order of rose croix, order of red cross, order of templar knights, teutonic knights, hospitaller knights.....bla, bla, bla....... memplajari sejarah sebenarnya bisa memutar balikkan pikiran logikaq

Back to my real self again.... :D now I understand the difference between "believer" and "thinker"...... I'm better be a thinker in science but a believer in religion :D

Wah, otakq bolak-balik, dari komputer ke sains, skarang balik lgi ke komputer.....

"My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all." (Stephen W. Hawking) Kenapa kata2nya Prof. Hawking persis dgn alasanku mmpelajari ilmu fisika ya....

Terdampar tnpa jalan kluar d.tngah htan rimba. . . Kita anak wanabakti! Wanabakti gave me an Unforgottable experience, The most incredible adventure I ever had! I want it again :D

You must pay 4 ur crimes against the earth! You will beg 4 their lives n their souls! N you will burn! You will burn in hell! Again, when scientist fall in love. . . .

Itulah rasanya adventure golek jalan dewe,....... :D

So if u love me, won't u let me know. . . .

well, well..... now I hav "happiness".... and d'y'know? it's better :)

Give me ur heart n ur soul. . . . .

Logics, u're d' true art of science. . .

Lagi sibuk mikir, tiba-tiba gak enak badan..... apa brhbungan ya pikiran ma fisik? Tpi urgh.... aq gak bisa mikir lagi squint emoticon

otakq mondar-mandir..... mlah bngung mw fokus ke yang mana

It's the end.....

gmana ya caranya biar otakq fokus di satu t4 pling tidak utk 1 bulan?

After all this problem solved.... I'll be back to my real self again, as a logician and thinker.......

Would u be. . .? tanyalah kpada stiap orang tjuan hidup mreka..... maka sebagian bsar dari mereka tidak mampu mnjawabnya................

Swim out on a sea of faces, The tide of the human races, An answer now is what I need. See it in a new sun rising See it break on your horizon Oh, come on love, stay with me...

Percayalah.... Logika murni tidak akan menipumu, tidak seperti hati dan emosi. give me a chance.... and I'll try to forgive

I'm not feeling well today, , , Ya Allah, kpan smua pnderitaan ini brakhir?


complex, complex, complex.... soooo complex! All this complexity made me CRAZY!!!! Damn! my head......... ouch

Siapapun yg pernah atau sedang marah, benci, jengkel, emosi ma aq,,,,, aq tetap mnganggap kalian temanq :D inilah manfaat tlah bersihnya hatiku dari emosi

I'm barely have emotions in my heart, , , but. . .

The governments of the world and the royal elite are not here to take care of you. They are here to kill you. They are not unwittingly trying to kill you. They are deliberately trying to kill you. They are deliberately trying to kill you, but for a reason that eludes even them.......

it's a promise..... Periode pembuatan statusq jadi agak jarang..... Gara-gara pulsa habis.... haha The worst problem a human ever had is "final destination".....

We are naive children being hammered with a hefty dose of reverse psychology. By threatening to take away our rights, our physical health, our material wealth and our spiritual freedom, we react and scream bloody murder. No way can you do this to me ‌ to us!

It's a waking dream...... "I won't believe that brawn defeats brains" -- Shu, Jownston Army strategist, Dunan Unification war Suikoden II --

I'm with science

"Fear is stupid emotion" -- Luca Blight, King of Highland Kingdom, Suikoden II --

It's time for us to make a move! As I said before, we're not powerless!!!!!

Brains will defeat brawns......

My research keep going.... I hope I can conclude something from all this hypothesis...... I won't give up

semoga pemikiran2ku slama ini tetap brada pada jalur yang benar..... Penelitianq takkan sia2....

Saatnya ku tinggalkan masa remajaku.... aq gak butuh apa2 yg dibutuhkan remaja. Dan q hancurkan semua ideologi yg berkaitan dengan remaja dalm tubuhq......

statzu ktok ra yo? ..... give me ur heart and ur soul........

My brains is science, my heart is religion...... Science and religion.... fused to become a perfectibility....

Aku mulai membuat berbagai hipotesis-hipotesis gila.... apa aq mulai menjadi atheist? Semoga semua penelitianku selama ini tetep dituntun Allah di jalan yang di-ridhai-Nya..... smua teori yang aq tahu harus q seimbangkan dengan ilmu agama lebih banyak.... Berjuanglah Phoenix!

how can we win.... when FOOLS can be king?? Perfectibility, the fusion of science and religion....... is that exist? If yes, I'll take it, no matter what the resistance.........

intelektual tnpa spiritual dpt mmbunuh moral suatu individual

If u don't need me, just say it..... my heart and mind.... aren't feeling well frown emoticon

Belum lama ini terjadi suatu "ledakan" artikel-artikel dan buku-buku dalam filsafat agama Anglo-Saxon tentang eksistensi dan kodrat Allah.....hmmm

Menjadi bingung akan pilihan yang haris aq ambil, apa yng hrus ku utamakan......

Akan ku ukir satu kisah tentang kita ......... Dimana baik dan buruk terangkum oleh indah ..... :)

Ini namanya melacak tempat yang belum pernah kita tahu dan datangi hanya dengan peta......... susah juga

Just say you'll wait, you'll wait 4 me......

That's why I like u.... :D oh damn..... why my parents become like this...... Butuh metode pendekatan yang bener ni.....

Gratias omnia...... :) Te amo

Kebijaksanaan takkan muncul jika emosi msih dalm diri seseorang.... dan insyaAllah.. now I don't hav any emotions, I won't feel anything, I won't happy either sad...... And that wisdom, I'll take it

If we really don't have any power against it.... then what the reason of our life?? There must be a way... They just a bunch of spineless worm We're not powerles!!!!!!!!

But....... for "her".... My heart.......... am i really needed?


I'm worried.... frown emoticon

seek ur own wisdom, lad.... I just can guide u to reach it.........

Februari 2011 Pemikiran2ku yang mngkin mnurut orang aneh kadang2 mnyiksaku jga..... Aku ingin berhenti berfikir, tpi syangnya ini sbuah kbutuhan.......

I just can share my knowledge, but I can't share my wisdom, , ,

Wah,,,, twitter trnyata apik jg, haha

You've got to change the world..... your time is now kulit kok gak pernah sehat ki loh... jiand..... dibuat pusing aq ma tubuhku sendiri

well..... Thanks to u, my mind is better now :) complexity comhng back to my mind, again

My brain is scientist..... but my body is a moslem...... My mind is a thinker.... but my heart is a believer......

Well..... stelah bbrapa lama tidak "istirahat", akhirnya kompleksitas-kompleksitas itu kmbali mmbayangi pikiranku.... oh damn


Seeing through the horizon.... keep seeking for justice......

164 tahun yang lalu.... sang inventor bohlam lampu, Thomas Alva Edison lahir..... :D

d u 4get me dear? frown emoticon

No one's gonna take me alive......

I don't know how....... but I believe there must be a way..........

My Dad : "Don't be such an idealist, lad...." Sudah kuduga.... pulang2 kena ambek kr sister....

Aku mengabdi kepada keagungan ilmu pengetahuan.......

You give me an inspiration dear.... :D

I see a new sun rising..... I see it breaking your horizon......

For her, I leave a few of my emotions behind...... just a few

Home.... :D

waduh.... akeh gawean ki

A scientist won't believe a miracle....... (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Swimming the sea faces, tides of human races, The answer now is what I need.....

I'm a scientist, but I'm a believer......

you're the target that I aiming at...... :)

Pikiranku bahkan terlalu kompleks untuk aq phami sendiri... haha :D *mah bangga

you cut me down to size, and open up my eyes, made me realize.....what I could not see..... Just say you'll wait...... you'll wait for me.

Pikirkan hidup ini secara luas, dari lingkup seluas jagad raya hingga lingkup sekecil atom, partikel, hingga materi2 penyusun partikel....... Dunia ini tidak hanya sebesar lingkup sosial masyarakat dan seluas indonesia kawan... :D Dunia ini luas, dan kompleks :D

change. . . . Change. . . . I'm a philosopher.......and always be a philosopher...... 3 hal yg masih ku teliti smpai sekarang.... - Konspirasi - Relativitas umum Einstein - koneksi Sains dgn Agama

I don't like relativity, , , , Hari ini adlah hari yg pnuh politik

dgn nama Allah, aq ikti mechanical competition dgn serius

*sniff....... hachyim!! *sniff

oh damn.... it's time to resolve, , , , ,

*kecewa frown emoticon

siang2 mrake ngntuk

Fantastic experience with Nilam Cindera Dewi dan Allayyer Fate'frustrated :D I won't regret it ..... too wonderful to be descibed..... Rimba raya!!!

So if u love me, won't u let me know. . . my head hurt again, damn, too much thoughts


Damn..... caught again in a complex thought of global universe.... squint emoticon

back to my complex thought again. . . As long as my brain still active, i never stop thinking. . . .

But it's not for me to decide.........

Sucks..... I don't feels right......

I don't know which way I'm going, I don't know what I've become.....

kalo pigi liak2 surabaya, isa ndak isa bo' lupa mampiro tempate cak cuk surabaya. Ntik daripada sampek rumah nyesel soro :D

goes to surabaya

well.... when science and power of mind destroy religion and power of heart....damn

at madiun blum apa2 sdah ngrusak properti orng, haha

Oh sucks it..... Come on everyone, don't forget the wide side of this world.......

jalan2 d.surabaya bingungi squint emoticon

Seeking for justice, searching for wisdom...... my main target. I'll get it no matter what the resistance......

mnikmati suasna malam kta pahlawan alhamdulillah, lolos ke final. . 2morrow is the last day, the last fight! Keep spirit!

Taufiqurrochman Jogja..... wlaupun sdah tidak ngajar lagi, tetep mampir di SABA trus yo.... :D Perpisahan skik kr Ikhwan Catur Rahmawan, Izzachz Udden, Muhammad Asad 'Abstrak', Imam Habib Pamungkas...... mkan2 mas! hahaha

preparing for the final...... bismillahirrahmanirrahim! ademme. . .brr *mnggigil* going home. . . :)

Maret 2011 I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing, Roman Cavalry choirs are singing...... be my mirror, my sword and shield... my missionarries in a foreign field......

oh well.... why I must caught in this problem again..... damn this problem really makes me crazy again.... squint emoticon

Tapi kerinduan tinggal hanya kerinduan, anakmu sekarang banyak menanggung beban......

Nilam Cindera Dewi, 118 tahun yang lalu Nikola Tesla mempublikasikan radio pertama di Missouri, 115 tahun yang lalu Henry Becquerel menemukan radioaktivitas, dan 75 tahun yang lalu Hoover Dam selesai dibangun.......

It's like a "resonant horror" in searching for "peaceful end"..... But I'm a "endless travels" seeking for "boundless amber" of justice......that "shining legacy" and "fierce regalia" destroy my "cerulian flux" as a "twin blades" make a "furious roar"........

Semoga dengan tgl 1 Maret klahiranmu, kesuksesan2 orang2 dahulu pada tanggal yg sama menular padamu.... selamat jadi fisikawan yang genius :D

target: mastering limit function in one night. . . Don't call me Phoenix if I can't do that!

it's my research..... don't bother me

ketika sseorang bermimpi utk sperti burung, bebas, tanpa beban, gak punya masalah....... seseorang tersebut sdah tak perlu hidup lagi.....

target 1 : mastering Limit Function in one night.... status: completed. Rank:S next, Target 2 : answer all chemistry, math and biology in lastyear mid-term exam.... Status: In progress. Rank:B

my brain destroy the power of my heart....... I barely can feel anything.....

Oh nice! walaupun otakku smpai mndidih, ternyata Fungsi Limit itu menyenangkan! :D :D

I don't have heart..... I barely can feel anything.......

target 2 : answer all chem, math, and bio mid-term exam last year.... Status : pending. Rank : B continue... target 3 : learn 3 chapter of biology in one night... Status : wait ... Rank : A

There must be a way.... I won't give up!

am I an atheis? oh well...... I'm distressed frown emoticon I'm with NAZI .... ĺ??


target 4 : learn all study material of religion in 2 hours tomorrow morning... Status : wait .... Rank : S

dalam sekejab makin mumet aq mkirkan mkin bnyak yg hrus ku pikirkan.... kenapa aq harus jadi salah satu ketua FKPPA squint emoticon

that's why I never like "heart domination"...... "Mind" is the absolute leader in my life!

cahaya bulan menusukku, dengan ribuan pertanyaan.... yang takkan pernah ku tw, dmana jawaban itu.... bagai letusan merapi, bangunkanku dari mimpi, sudah waktunya berdiri, mencari jawaban, kegelisahan hati.........

Dengan ini memutuskan gak belajar apapun hari ini dan mngandalkan kemampuan analisis dan logika murni dari otak..... I'm a logician!

I'm living in a perfect symmetry.... 'cause I'm feeling low

agamaq brgejolak. . . .

132 tahun yang lalu.... sang pembawa peradaban telah lahir...... Albert Einstein, .... I hope my brain can be like yours......

arep ulangan mlah blajar kristologi dlam perspektif islam. . . Berat menerima keputusanmu.....

Prospekt's March..... :)

sekali lg mmtuskan utk tdak blajar intensif mlam ini. . . Mid kali ini akn jadi tes pngukuran kmampuan analisis n logikaq

leave me alone..........

I'll leave it be........

#Questions of science, Science and progress, Do not speak as loud as my heart

y'know.... that hurts...... looks like I'm fated to always be.... alone

don't lose hope..... I won't accept any fate or destiny..... My life is in my hand!

between emptiness and happiness......... where should I go?

I won't believe in fate...... there is no such thing

"I don't know which way I'm going, I don't know what I've become"

#thanks 4 everything dear... :)

YOU can change the world.......

my eye..... it's eye of determination.... :)

Daaamn!!! filthy devil, spineless worm, pug-nosed pig, shrimp brain, unforgivable bastard, weakling, worthless fools.....!!!!

well.... stuck at north

Leave no words.......

wah dilema.... di antara pengen melu workshop pembuatan game dengan pengen caving di cermai......

Learning must not always by studying...... I'm not studying doesn't mean I'm not learning...... But when I'm studying, I'm always learning.....

#so I'm not your friend, eh? YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD!!!! aw man... come on buddy, let's get this over and now!

Happy birthday for Yuri Gargarin..... I hope I can fly like you... :D

#g'nite dear..... :)

I can't wait...... but it's still 5 days more.... come on!

once more.........I don't even know what I've become...... and..... in the end..... we lay awake, and we dream to making our escape....) -_-)2

tamen, te amo tanto, Cupitus..... ***** ...... well.... let's begin our journey, to the center of my brain...........

..................damn, why...?

.aku sekarang kok allay ya.?? hmm...

#you don't have to be alone, you don't have to be on your own......

From Mega Bazaar Computer 2011 at JEC with Fikri Intizhar Rahmatullah and Ikhwan Catur Rahmawan...... amazed with jogjanimation's work and hav a fun at kaskus stand :)

...... I'm always alone, right?... there's no doubt 'bout it.... I'm alone #though that I trust you.....

gak sabar mnunggu tanggal 14 maret.....

time to make a determination.....come on, just 4get "her" for a while.... (in my heart: but I can't you dummy! I'm barely stop thinking her...)

turu bar magrib..... efek samping: mumet squint emoticon


untuk pertama kalinya dalam 2 thun trakhir..... I'm feeling sad.. frown emoticon frown emoticon frown emoticon

<wheeze> # For you I'll wait. . . . . ..................<wheeze again> # It doesn't matter, Semper amabo te... **r**

When you love someone but It goes to waste, when you lost something you can't replace...... could it be worse?

g'nite . . :)

smile 4 me.....forever#

"I'm not alone" --Cloud Strife-- (Final Fantasy VII - Advent Children)

it's for our better future..... :)

Looks like she forgot about me......

"Yes, we can." .....sbuah mantra utk mnyelesaikan segala rintangan, cobaan dan masalah.......

#don't leave me alone............. #I've said it..... don't leave me alone.........

"I know You can" -- Tifa Lockhart -- (Final Fantasy VII - Advent Children)

it's my way to the future.... :)

"Let's save this world" -- Vincent Valentine (Devil mode)-- (Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerebrus)

buat kakak2 klas 3.... sya punya teori baru utk lulus :D

sorry guys..... I hav my priority....... don't jump into any conclusion too quickly, you still don't understand me.......

"Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth." --Alphonse Elric-- Fullmetal Alchemist #37

“I am truly a ‘lone traveler’ and have never belonged to my country, my home, my friends, or even my immediate family, with my whole heart. In the face of all this, I have never lost a sense of distance and the need for solitude.” —Albert Einstein --- From “The World As I See It” (1930), reprinted in Ideas and Opinions, 99. I feel the same my lord.....

There is no pointless things in this life.... We always obtain something after sacrificing something...... "The beginning exists for the end and the end exists for the beginning." --Quon-- Fullmetal Alchemist

I am truly a endless lone traveler.............. Let's make a blueprint of our plan........we can do this!

"The King is exist for his people, and The people exist for their king" -- Lin Yao -- Fullmetal Alchemist

hah.... learning something today.... :) I'm master as manager and plan maker, not as executor... :D #Thanks for inspiring me dear :)

Nurmalitha Puspitaningrum.... Eris amor meus permaneo, non me solum relinquatis, okay? #Diligam te semper.....

I'm Aditya Firman Ihsan or Aditya-Finiarel Phoenix or Aditya bin Muhammad Ihsan bin Abdul Majid or Aditya the Master of Logic

walaupun baru pulang malem2 msih pke seragam sekolah, sampe rumah dari ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki basah smua..... saya senang mendapatkan pelajaran berharga hari ini.... :)

now..... move! I know it..... we can.

It's a number I can't see.......It's a degree of complexity.... It's a delicate conspiracy.........

It's time to wake up my friend!! See the world with your mind, with your brain! Don't to be such a fool and closed from the world outside......

"The more steps we take forward, the longer we see the path is ahead" -- Shou Tucker -- Fullmetal Alchemist

Barrack Obama, David Cameron, Nicolas Sarkozy..... 3 idiots dunia beraksi lagi squint emoticon

all of the love we threw away all of the hopes we cherished fade. . . . .

I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature. ---Adolf Hitler---

promise to hold you close and pray watching the fantasies decay nothing will ever stay the same................

.......................why..... why I hav diz feelin'? damn...... I never want it...... it's my fault, It's my risk,


all of the love we've left behind watching the flash backs intertwine memories I will never find...............

I need someone who understands I need someone, someone who hears For you I’ve waited all these years.......

Sekali browsing lngsung buka 11 tab squint emoticon Begitu bnyak yg harus q teliti, zoroasterism, hermeticism, rose croix, seleucid empire, sassanid empire, ahura mazda, scottish rite..... ouch.....that's too too much for me to think

# I'll love u whatever u become n forget the reckless things we've done. . . I think our lives have just begun. . . .

April 2011 change it. . . .

Para filsuf punya otak lebih kompleks dibandingkan manusia yang hanya bisa berpendapat tnpa melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan FAKTA bukan OPINI. I'm with philosopher

#.... * **** *** *** # Hope you get cured and healthy.... :)

Tuhan para filsuf dan ilmuwan.............

Let me think.... :)

ehm...... a twisted logic of my mind

Knowledge is power......... brains wil always defeats brawl

PhoeĂąix merupakan simbol keabadian. . . . .

we hav a lot of work to do.........

#please again dear.... take care of your health okay? I'm worried.....

Sepertinya aq hrus lbih mnggabarkan scara struktural dan komplit gambaran permasalahan yg mnghadapi dunia....... Sekarang sudah bnyak orang terkena propaganda dan termanipulasi tnpa sadar sdikitpun

Philosophy...... the god of all knowledge, the base of fundamentalistic rasionality..... Banyak yang bilang statusku aneh2 dan sulit dimengerti..... tapi percayalah terdapat makna filosofi tinggi dapat diambil jika logika bekerja dengan baik.....

#please, take care of your health, okay? Don't make me worry too much.....

*brains defeat brawns

Nothing is predetermined....... I don't believe in fate, destiny, or something like that........ We won't know what the future will be until we do it!!

Logic combined with heart? You gotta be kiddin'..... Logic and heart are very opposite things.......

"Do you believe in God?".... I'm answered "I can't say I don't" "So what is the answer? Yes or no?" I'm answered "Then I don't have the answer..........."

We won't know what we can do until we try.......

I'm an endless traveler, a lone philosopher, and a seeker of justice.......

hey, don't you think "heart" is just all your mind suggestion and imagination?

bingung..... bsok kuliah msuk Fisika murni, Informatika, Sospol, atau Filsafat ya? Decide it now phoenix!

It's the risk I've taken......... Life is simple, do what you think is right and don't ever regret it

Bsok Outdoor..... satu2nya yg ku persiapkan hanyalah buku dan headset :)

It's my struggle......... Nobody would understand it

Finally! Final Fantasy VII Original Soundtrack! It's download time :D

You won't hav any other reason to live except SURVIVING YOUR LIFE

wah, mas Taufiqurrochman Jogja ultah to.... makan2 mas, kro Ikhwan Catur Rahmawan, Muhammad Asad 'Abstrak', dkk.... kmaren jga blum perpisahan to..... kapan2 mampir ke saba mas :D

Life is a COMEDY for those who THINKS, and a TRAGEDY for those who FEELS Maaf kawan, mngkin bbrapa dri kalian mnganggpq sdkit aneh n gak mnentu. . . .tpi inilah aq, 2 kpribadian, kdang manusia kdang bukan, Resiko seorng pemikir

Saat mereka mengatakan sebagian besar filsuf dan ilmuwan adalah atheis alias tidak bertuhan, brarti mereka benar-benar goblok.


Aku berfikir, maka aku ada.

Demi mensukseskan acara SMAN 1 Bantul yg akan datang :)

Aaaargghhh...... damn! Too much to think, it's too much, too complex, too confusing...... It'll make my head explode! But I can't stop, it's my duty, it's my job, it's my rensposibility.....Keep spirit phoenix! :)

......"Pkoke ra entuk, orang tuane rene kok mlah lungo" squint emoticon sorry ya, kwan2, aq tak bisa pergi kmana2 hari ini It's my duty..... get back to work

Ketika kalian menuju sebuah akhir, apa yang kalian pkirkan?

ck ck ck...... the geometrian, the architect, the omnipotence, the devil.......

make the structural map of your mind.............

wah, sharian di rumah bnar2 revolusi jadi orang pemalas aq...... berjam2 cma di tempat tidur, depan komputer, depat TV, dan depan meja belajar...... Gak betaaaah

Aku mau jdi manusia normal, hdup nrmal, tnpa pnya pkiran extreme dan mnyiksa sprti ini Apa yang kalian pikirkan setelah melewati suatu awal?

do you really need "brawns" this age? You make me laugh dude, when everything get more complex and complicated, you can only use your "brain".....

Janganlah berfikir sesimpel bendera Indonesia, berfikirlah sekompleks struktur DNA (Aditya F. Phoenix - Seeker of Justice - Lone Philosopher)

wah, Fatma Khoirunisa ulang tahun bersamaan dengan kematian "sang pencerah ruang dan waktu", Albert Enstein 56 tahun yang lalu. squint emoticon Tapi selamat aja kau lahir brtepatan dgn klahiran seorang ilmuan politik yang terkenal pada masa perang dingin, Samuel P. Huntington 84 tahun yang lalu :)

#thanks for everything........ :) Ketika semua mlai terjadi, manusia baru sadar dan terlambat utk mnyadari.... bahwa "mereka" telah mengendalikanmu, dan kita smua menuju akhir kita masing2.......

Arah arus politik membawa kita ke suatu pola tertentu...... Dengan pembacaan serta analisis pola politik tersebut dengan tepat, kita bisa membaca kondisi masyarakat dunia di masa depan......

Logic, that's how my brain works kepada sobatku 'Kokopandaz Itu Koko, 559 tahun yang lalu, sang ilmuan, seniman, dan penulis terkenal dalam sejarah, Leonardo da Vinci, lahir Di hari yang sama, 146 tahun yang lalu sang pahlawan USA anti-konspirasi, Abraham Lincoln, meninggal dunia. Semoga bbrapa tahun lagi, kau dapat meneruskan perjuangan mereka Berjuang sas! Doaq bersama Vallery menyertaimu :)

"Mereka" memang pintar dan berintelektual, tapi itu tak mnutup kmungkinan bahwa kita bisa lebih dari mereka..........(sayangnya bnyak remaja gak peduli dgn yg namanya intelektual,,, jelas kita kalah dari "mereka" _-) Brains will always defeat brawns.......

"Together we stand, divided we stand" :D Untuk apa akal jika tidak kau gunakan secara intensif kawan? Tentunya Allah memberi kita akal untuk mengungkap misteri2 dunia dan kehidupan bukan? :)

Ayolah kawan..... kita smua tahu mereka menang di otak...... Jangan mau kalah dengan orang2 seperti mereka yg mnggap diri mereka "Omnipotence".......... Belajarlah!

Dunia ini penuh misteri, dengarkan informasi dengan akalmu, perhatikan sekeliling dengan hatimu, dan rasakan fakta dengan jiwamu..........

wah...... kapan latihan programming nek ngne ki..... belum mengumpulkan fakta dan data untuk penelitian konspirasiku lagi, ,,,, mumet

"Rasah dipikirke dinia ini arep kpiye, biarkanlah mengikuti takdir yg telah ditetapkan"..... dalam hati ku pikir.... "Are you insane? everything's not predetermined! you won't know what will happen untill we try it!"

mumet memplajari undang-undang........... I won't accept any fate or destiny!!!! Nothing is predetermined!! We won't know what gonna happen untill we do it! There must be a way, there must be.......

Para kanca yang baik hati, sya mnta tlong utk mengaddJogjatronik Mall sebagai friend yaa.....

I won't accept any future that YOU determined....... and THAT is reason enough to fight......!


Lutfy Utami Aryawan, slamat anda lahir bersamaan dengan kelahiran sang politikus ekonomi dari Inggris, David Ricardo, 239 tahun yang lalu. Masih di hari yg sama, 129 tahun yang lalu, sang "Biological hero", Charles Darwin meninggal...... "Love is a better teacher than duty" --Albert Einstein--

tambah lagi dengan kumpulan quarks yang menyatu sebagai partikel elementer tiap zat...... Maka kau akan pahami betapa kompleksnya dunia ini :) memikirkan perilaku manusia dalam klompok masyarakat, mrenungi arus alam semesta menuju titik entropi maksimum, menganalisis pola politik dunia dalam suatu skenario konspirasi, memahami fundamentalitas dari hukum alam yg merasionalitaskan segala konsep khidupan, mencermati hukum agama sebagai keyakinan melawan rasionalitas dari logika........

frown emoticon hunger of knowledge. . . . Damn....... Aku terkadang kurang menyukai hidup sperti ini...... kenapa aku gak pernah bisa mnjadi manusia normal? Entah aku orang yg beruntung atw sial mmpunyai pkiran sperti ini, tapi aq tersiksa dngn pemikiraku sndiri..................

semua bercampur dalam pikiranku............ Again, leave it be. . . . . wah, tak ku sangka mas Ghozy Ul-Haq ultah.... pantes ketrima di rusia mas, lha ultah.e sama dengan hari kelahiran sang kaisar rusia, musuh besar Rothschild dan bankir2 konspirasi saat itu, Tsar Alexander II, 193 tahun yang lalu..... Dan di hari yng sama 65 tahun yang lalu, Hitler menikah dng Eva Braun dan bunuh diri esok harinya :)..... Smoga perjalananmu slalu sukses mas, akan ku ikuti jejakmu,,,, :)

But..... I can't go back, it's the path I choose.... I must continue.... I mustn't give up Lupakanlah.............sepertinya ini memang bukan yg terbaik untukku....... Namun aq sdah terlanjur "terperangkap" di dalamnya...... heh...... (tersenyum sinis) So that's it, huh?........ It's tougher than I thought

Global social, individuals psychology, political affairs, conspiracy theory, law of universe, flow of time and enthropy, historical world, future prophecy, religion and philosophy connection, way of thinking, the destruction of the future....... and so on..... It all combined in a thought of my twisted logic...........

Following the path, searching the truth, seeking the way........ oh dang....... these darn 'things' really annoying me....... Struggling at the most inner self...........

Do you know that I missed that moment of happiness?...........with you

Jika kau tahu arah arus politik dunia ini...... di campur dgn teori ruang dan waktu fisika kuantum....... di

Mei 2011 sometimes...... my future dimmed..... but sometimes.... my future got very bright

kau tahu kawan..... saat kau bertanya untuk apa dunia ini dibuat...... aq rasa itu pertanyaan yang paling sulit untuk dijwab filsuf dan pemikir manapun.......

we won't know how things gonna turn until we try it......

Jadi seorang filsuf seperti narkoba..... sekali masuk kau gak bisa keluar lagi sebagai orang normal....... Tapi karena terlanjur semua pemikir gak punya pilihan lain selain meneruskan pemikirannya

Menikmati dinginnya hati.... pria kesepian Someone : "Aneh2 sing kwe pkirke dit, mbok ya hidup ki rasah dipikir abot" Me : "Terlanjur, karena aku adalah seorang pemikir :). Hidup itu tidak sesimple bendera Indonesia." Someone : ".......(silence) karepmulah dit.....semoga tjuan2 anehmu tercapai aja deh"

wah jian.... mumet aq.... Aku rasa gak akan pernah ada orang yg dapat mngerti isi pikiranku sedetail apapun...... Menggila dengan ilmu filsafat.......

Akan ku ukir satu kisah tentang "kita"..... dimana baik dan buruk... terangkum oleh indah

You're my spirit of life. . . .you're my motivation to live. . .#

Bersenang2lah.... karena hari ini akan kita rindukan, di hari nanti.... sebuah kisah klasik untuk masa depan........

ikut, ikut :D


Sebuah kisah klasik untuk masa depan........

Bahkan ketika semua hal paling fundamental di dunia ini di gabungkan, semesta ini masih terlalu kompleks untuk disederhanakan dalam sebuah pemikiran sosial kehidupan sederhana :) Aku mengabdikan diriku untuk mencari jawaban itu, membongkar kompleksitas itu,.... dengan ilmu pengetahuan dan filsafat :D Perjuanganku benar2 gila, bahkan aku sendiri mnganggap driku sdah gila, tpi ini jalanku, ini kehidupanku..............

Filsafat merupakan kebijaksanaan........ Knowledge and wisdom........

wah, skarang msih hrus makan...... msih ada byang2 kenyang saat pesta di pondok cabe tadi..... :)

Karna engkaulah satu2nya untukku, dan pastikan kita slalu bersama.... karna dirimulah yang sanggup mengerti aku, dalam susah ataupun senang :)

....... I'm still on my journey...... to find a wisdom, to find a knowledge, to find the truth

damn...... my life's like an equilibrium...... Bilaku lelah tetaplah di sini, jangan tinggalkan aku sendiri...... bilaku marah biarkanku bersandar, jangan kau pergi untuk menghindar Hingga nanti di suatu pagi, salah satu dari kita mati. Sampai jumpa di kehidupan yang lain :)

Targetku yg paling akhir dalam hidup.... : pengetahuan, kebijaksanaan, dan kebenaran

Hanya bisa ngangguk-angguk dan geleng2 membaca buku "Berpikir seperti Filosof" yang kubeli di Islamic Book Fair tadi..... isinya benar2 menggoncang pikiranku :)

Perjalanan hidupku masih panjang....... masih banyak yang harus aku ketahui, masih banyak yang harus aku plajari....... dunia ini begitu luas kawan :)

wah.... mumet krna organisasi ternyata berbeda dngan mumet karena ilmu pengetahuan..................

..... I lose my own heart?........ you want to understand the complexity with a simplicity? it's impossible

Oh tidak.... krisis squint emoticon

Scouts..... creating a better world

you're the only one..... :)

G'nite dear.... hav a nice dream :)

Capailah titik kebijaksanaan yang hakiki dengan filsafat......

5 days focus on subjective thoughts, and now back to my complex objective endless thoughts........

Learning something..... as a leader

Don't ever underestimate.....the voice of youth.......

aku janji..... :)

Vox Dei Vox Populi

Beban yang satu hilang, muncul beban yang lain lagi.... haduh, kapan pikiranku bisa fresh ni.... mumet squint emoticon

Akan aku telusuri jalan yang setapak ini, semoga ku temukan jawaban.......

wehlah, nek gini trus kapan penelitianku terhadap dunia berlanjut..... jalan di tempat ni wawasanku, gak maju2

Wahai kalian yang rindu kemenangan, wahai kalian yang turun ke jalan, demi mempersembahkan jiwa dan raga, untuk negeri tercinta......


Training Hacker bersama Ikhwan Catur Rahmawan, danIzzachz Udden

walah.... tak ku sangka beban masih bnyak menumpuk..... Aku butuh waktu tenang squint emoticon

Ternyata ikatan kita msih belum kuat.............. Ikhwan Catur Rahmawan... sabaaaaar,

That's why I'm used to be alone.... :) Falling in love is not at all the most stupid thing that people do -- but gravitation cannot be held responsible for it. (Albert Einstein)

Emosinya msih ada......ternyata...... frown emoticon Sejak kapan aku mirip sule?

Pelajarilah semesta ini. Janganlah kecewa jika dunia tidak mengenal anda, tpi kecewalah jika kau tidak mengenal dunia :) Sungguh, dunia ini begitu indah dengan setiap kompleksitasnya.....

arep motong rambut kok ra sempat2..... akhirnya potong jga..... tpi...... Wah.... garap film pke sony vegas memang joss.... the best film editor


all I wanted to be.......... living in the perfect symmetry,....

Pertahankan cahaya masa depanmu nak, jangan sampai itu redup..... karena redup sedikit saja, jalan menuju kesana akan sulit terlihat :)

I don't know which way I'm going, I don't know what I've become.....

Setelah melalui berbagai pemikiran, akhirnya memang benar.... filsafat satu2nya sumber kebijaksanaan

I live in a complex existence of an abstract philosophy...... Think is my life

akulah sang pemikir.......

Tak pernah berhenti berjuang, pecahkan teka-teki malam.... tak pernah berhenti berfikir, menjawab teka-teki alam

Wah jiand.... mumet Ketika pikiranmu subjektif maka kau melupakan yang obyektif, tpi saat kau fokus pada yang obyektif, kau melupakan yang subyektif.... pikiranku benar-benar seperti kesetimbangan kimia :)

I'll be a master of philosophy..... I'll solve all this world puzzles 3 jam di depan komputer dengan penuh emosi

Juni 2011 wah, sekarang ketika aku berfikir, kepalaku tidak sepusing dahulu.... mungkin karena terbiasa, akhirnya tingkat kemampuan berfikirku meningkat :D

etika, estetika, metafisika, logika, filosofi sosial, filosofi politik dan epistemologi bersatu menyusun akar2 dari pohon segala ilmu pengetahuan, kebenaran dan kebijaksanaan.... :D

It ain't nothing..............

Aku tak bisa bertahan pada ketidaktahuan.......... 2 aturan pemikiran filsafat..... kritis dan holistik

pikiranku kembali subyektif --" Pelajari etika dan estetika dalam kehidupan.......... prinsip dasar filsafat

ada yg bilang aku aneh, ada yang bilang aku atheis, ada yg bilang aku islam sekular, ada yg bilang aku extrimis dan radikal, ada yg bilang aku sesat, ada yg bilang aku perfectionist, ada yg bilang aku perennialis..... walah, hanya karena filsafat dan pemikiranku, gelarku jadi banyak banget --" , dan semua gak ada yg bener upset emoticon

good or evil, right or wrong, vice or virtue...... I'm a metaphysician...... hebat jga pengaruh musik dalam mengendalikan orang,,,,,, pola arusnya semakin terlihat,..... hedonisme dan materialisme merupakan senjata terhebat mengendalikan dan menghancurkan manusia.... tepuk tangan utk para pelaku konspirasi :D

sudahlah.... lupakan semua buku2 dan pemikiran2 itu.... aku mau kembali menjadi manusia biasa utk beberapa hari :D sejarah sebagai suatu fakta, dan fisika sebagai suatu hukum.... benar2 dari akar yg berbeda dalam phon pengetahuan.....

I hate it...... bagaimana dunia ini bsa menghindari kehancurannya jika seperti ini..... There must be something we can do.... but what? There must be a way, there must be...................

.......memperhatikan skali lagi lemari bukuku..... --" ternyata ada setumpuk buku yg gak selesai aku baca.... sesudah semesteran harus mengurung diri di kamar ni, pesta membaca buku :D

dengarkan lagu instrumental, pikirkan dunia ini secara holistik, obyektif dan universal, kaitkan semua masalah dalam hidupmu, bayangkan masa lalu dan masa depan, dan kau akan rasakan hatimu bergertar bagaikan atom cesium terkena tembakan neutron..........

shining legacy, noble steel, fierce regalia, cerulian flux, furious roar, twin blade, tatau council, ancient covenant, endless travels, boundless amber, resonant horror, and the last..... peaceful end :)

ternyata internet sebagai sumber informasi terbesar payah juga.... mending ke toko buku......... kau akan menjadi bijaksana saat kau sadari bahwa kau masih jauh dari bijaksana :)

belum nyentuh buku satupun --"

Satu target utama dalam hidupku...... "kebenaran"

Damn.... I never can have my mind focused..... too obejective, too complex

Agama memecah manusia, tapi Keyakinan menyatukan manusia......

Curiousity.... kumat squint emoticon dan sekarang kepalaku mendidih


Percayalah kawan, dunia tidak sesimpel bendera Indonesia, tidak sesempit lubang tikus, tidak seindah pacarmu...... tapi dunia lebih dari itu, dan saat kau mengetahuinya, menangislah.....

my dad, my knowledge, my wisdom......

Argumen tnpa dasar dengan mnggunakan emosi dan ego gak pernah bisa kalah........ tpi itu sama sekali bukanlah argumen yg berkualitas.... kau akan bisa menilai saat debat dengan tiap orang, argumen yg berkualitas slalu menang dengan sehat.....

wah, Fadhilah Nur Amini ulang tahun. Ternyata dirimu lahir bersamaan dngn 2 fisikawan terkenal Thomas Young, sang ahli pegas, lahir di hari yg sama 238 tahun yg lalu :) dan jga, bapak elektromagnetik, James Clerk Maxwell lahir pada 13 Juni jga 180 tahun yg lalu Melihat sperti itu, mending kmu jadi fisikawan aja min, hehe :D Atau smoga kmu bsa mngikuti jejak ksuksesan mreka, wlaupn di bidang lain :)

Yerussalem, 1 City 3 Symbols.......The Cross, The Hexagram and The Crescent

Saat kita menyebut suatu pembicaraan dengan kata "debat" berarti kita berbicara menggunakan emosi, ego dan keinginan pribadi, tapi saat kita berbicara dengan logis, rasional, dan patuh pada fakta, maka kita menyebut pmbicaraan itu "diskusi" :) Aku gak pernah mau berdebat, karena aku anti-emosi :)

I'll leave it at your hand.... :)

Jangan pernah buat teori tanpa dasar :D (said my father) dan jangan lupakan pendapat itu merupakan teori yg kita buat sendiri, jadi kesimpulannya, Jangan pernah berpendapat tanpa dasar yang kuat dan logis :D

Banyak orang yang meng-salahartikan "be yourself" sehingga bner2 bertahan pada kyakinan dan kepribadiannya dan tidak mau bergerak menuju perubahan yg lebih baik.....

.......move phoenix, move!

Yes, we can..... we always CAN

World is fighting for G.O.D..... Gold, Oil, and Drugs

Kenapa orang bisa2nya bilang "TIDAK BISA" padahal blum mngerti sma skali atau blum pernah mncoba sdikit pun........ You never know what will happen if you never try, you dummy! SO, DO IT! TRY IT!

I never can focus.... why? why? damn.... this is my worst disadvantage.... I need some rest..... forget all those thoughts, forget all those books, forget all those facts, forget all those problems......... My mind's searching for an "escape".....

Hanya orang takut yg bisa berani, karena keberanian adalah melakukan sesuatu yang ditakutinya........

Kehidupan itu lebih kompleks dari sekedar mencari kebahagiaan dan kesenangan

Nothing can be predetermined... we won't know what's gonna happen until we give it a try!

Today's schedule : Book hunting :) Bookstore! I'm Coming! :D

Do you know the greatest power of mind? It's positive thinking.....

Pulang-pulang bawa 6 buku masing-masing setebal 2 tumpuk kue lapis... :D

Segala jenis pusing sudah ku alami, tapi kok skarang aku mrasa pusing jenis terbaru ya.... rasanya gak enak bnget.....

Akhirnya aku memasuki masa-masa longgar, setelah dibuat pusing ma organisasi, tugas yg mnumpuk, olimpiade, dan ulangan umum..... saatnya refreshing :) *lega

Oh sial, kepalaku..... apa karena kebanyakan mikir ya.... haduh Dunia ini terlalu kompleks untuk dipikirkan hanya dengan spontanitas, ego, kyakinan dan pengalaman semata.....

ada film kok judlnya "KENTUT" :D :D My father.... you're my greatest teacher, my only guide, my inspiration...... Just you see, dad. I'll make you proud..... :)

Leaving my emotion behind............. Do you know something, buddy? This world no longer have its life..... It's not as beautiful as it looks

tiap bapak ke rumah, slalu aja ada ilmu yg ku dapet.... :) Thanks dad

Dude, when this world flows slowly but surely to its destruction, what will you do? Just sit and watch?? Trying to enjoy the rest of your life?? hmph, That's the worst joke I ever heard......

wah, symphony ke-9nya Beethoven apik :)...... pdahal aku bru denger 1/5 bagiannya....



For some reason I can't explain, once you go there was never.... never an honest world....

welah.... bukuku smakin menumpuk menunggu untuk dibaca.... ayolah, beri aku waktu...........

People wouldn't believe what I'd become..... Revolusionaries wait.....

Bring me to the truth.... I need that knowledge, I need that wisdom......

Bangun fundamental makna dalam hidup.... tntukan tujuan akhir.... berorientasilah padanya..... dan fokuskan jalan menuju kesana.......

"Opo wae iso" Gambaran kita (remaja) sekarang merupakan gambaran Indonesia 20 tahun lagi....

Believe me...... this world contains more than it looks....

Keep smiling dear :)

Tetep msih banyak pikiran..... squint emoticon

They're everywhere...... they're watching us.......

I'll take the risk.... this is the path I choose.......

Owl.... symbol of wisdom...... it's watching from darkness.....

Let me guess..... next year, there will be a chaos all over the world...

Kepada yang belum mau bergerak, bergeraklah,... kepada yg mau bergerak, gerakkanlah mereka yg belum bergerak...... Move! For our better future!

preparing for tomorrow.................. Ambiguitas makna terjadi dimana-mana...... It's my success.... :)

Phoenix.... symbol of eternity..... an undying spirit..... :)

If our lifes are already predetermined.... then what the reason of this life? So, fate is nothing.... I believe in neither fate nor destiny..... My future is in my own hand

Finiarel........the elf honorific title for a young man of great promise..... So.... I, Aditya-Finiarel, will bring a great promise with me..... for the future of this world! :)

Was a long and dark December From the rooftops I remember There was snow White snow

Atra gülai un ilian tauthr ono un atra ono waíse sköliro frá rauthr.... :) I don't believe in fate..... My future is in my hand.....

Was a long and dark December When the banks became cathedrals And the fog Became God

My life.... an endless journey.... Bila kita memandang diri kita sendiri kecil, dunia akan tampak sempit dan tindakan pun akan menjadi kerdil, namun bila kita memandang diri kita besar, dunia terlihat luas, dan kita akan melakukan hal hal penting dan berharga.

Mantep nang tawangmangu.... telkomsel cen joss.. :) endless curiousity..... boundless amber of truth, come with me, come!

Tindakan adalah cermin bagaimana melihat dunia.... :)

One more research.... :)

Selama kalian masih punya prinsip "hidupku ya hidupku, hidupmu ya hidupmu".... dunia gak akan pernah bsa mnjadi lebih baik dari sekarang..... Silakan kalian hidup bersama liberalisme, jika kau merasa urusan atau hidup tiap orang tu kepentingan masing2.....

Still in my way....for my wisdom

wah. jumlah friendsku 2012 :D,

arep liburan kok tetep aja bnyak pikiran squint emoticon Gak pernah bsa fresh pikiranku klw bgini..........

Prinsip orang berfikir positif : "Opo wae iso" :)

kepala panas ditambah udara panas..... squint emoticon otakku serasa mendidih

Anda bisa mencintai atau membecinya, tapi ingatlah dia akan selalu mnjadi milikmu hingga jantungmu berhenti.... So, syukurilah apapun tubuhmu :)

Entah kenapa aku slalu lbih nyaman sendiri..... always, alone Forget about philosophy, back to conspiracy theory :)

It won't make sense...... leave it be


This world contains so much mystery...... too much.... too much....#thinking

haduh I'm trying, I'm trying, I'm trying.... but..... I must CAN

24 hours......

Semangkin terungkap..... :)

Arep sinau terlanjur sdah mencapai limit kepuasan... (hukum gossen)

Kedewasaan bukan dilihat dari umurnya, bukan dilihat dari fisiknya, tapi dari kualitas pikirannya, dari kebijaksanaannya,

Come on dude.... don't controlled by those "limitation theory" of yours.... It won't make sense

Ketika keyakinan berbenturan dengan rasionalitas.... Hal yang dihasilkan dengan berfikir bisa menjadi fakta, tapi yg dihasilkan dengan keyakinan menjadi opini

Let's study.... thermodynamics really made me curious... :)

There's something I need to learn..... I'll change the plan... this is worse than I expected

Sekolah selesai, belajar tidak pernah usai.... So, ayo belajar :)

Leaving the conspiracy.... leads me more to quantum physics... damn,... Okay, let's do this.... :)

Finiarel msih dalam kebanggaan.... semoga beban ini terwujud... amiin :) wah, udah malam, tergoda.... gak sempat blajar banyak nih (_ _)a

I don't feel right..... Too much to learn.... Maybe I need some refreshing

Ok... that's enough for tonight.... let's sleep :)

Nilam Cindera Dewi, Allayyer Fate'frustrated, ada yang mau ikut aku hunting buku lagi? :)

To gain something, we must sacrifice something with equal value..... :)

new knowledge.... Eschatology.... wow.... :D

alhamdulillah utk hari ini :)

Sudah kuputuskan.... Aku akan mengisi liburan ini dengan meneliti Eschatology dalam berbagai sudut konsep..... be ready :)

makaaan..... There's nothing we can do.....

Takjub.... seandainya aku mengetahui itu semua

Waktu cepat berlalu... aku seperti telah melakukan revolusi besar-besaran pada diriku dalam kurun waktu setahun.... Mengingat diriku stahun yang lalu dan mmbandingkannya dgn skarang, sungguh bagaikan kpompong mnjadi kupu2 :)

Now is the beginning of the end.... and in the end, it will begin the new beginning.... Entah kenapa stiap kali aku mraup dan mengolah informasi berturut2 scara berlebihan, aku slalu mrasa mual.... Penyakit yang aneh,,, efek kebanyakan berfikir

Dari kekosongan menuju kebijaksanaan.... ayo teruskan perubahan besar pada diri sendiri...... For our better future! :)

Multi-talent.... "I can do everything" #bepostitive

I still have one year to be a great person... be ready phoenix :)

Katakan padaku hal yang tidak bisa ku lakukan.... dan aku hanya menjawab "I just need some time, and I can do it"

Now it's the time... :D

Kekerasan hati tidak akan mengubah apapun.... sifat yang sangat tidak boleh dimiliki seorang pemimpin atau KETUA,..... Wahai kalian yang keras hatinya, belajarlah utk dikritik, belajarlah utk kalah, belajarlah utk menerima pendapat orang lain.... janganlah berdebat hal yang tidak penting hanya utk mempertahankan pendapat pribadi.....

KESALAHAN SAAT MUDA ADALAH PELAJARAN YANG MEMBAIKKAN MASA DEPAN. MENUNDA IKHLAS = MELANJUTKAN GELISAH sentrap-sentrup ra rampung2 squint emoticon Sudah lama gak berfikir dan baca buku filsafat.... jadi kehilangan inspirasi squint emoticon Fokus konspirasi, mlah menuntunku belajar sejarah...

#bagi yang merasa, sgera berubah yaa... :) oh damn... everything's going worse.... I never expected Eschatology is that horrible....


"Semakin kmu dekat dengan kebenaran, semakin kebenaran itu membunuhmu"

My Profile Picture... :) It's Tarot card for 9th force of arcana, The Hermit :D

Need some holiday.... squint emoticon

Someone please give me an inspiration....

walah.... kwe ki ra tau iso fokus dit.... Sekarang malah browsing tentang Demon di shin megami tensei wikia....

Gak ada liburan dalam kamus hidupku squint emoticon Is that so? Consider that as "Persona"

"Listen, don't overdo it, you need some rest. So, forget all those prophecy, conspiracy, eschatology, or something like that. And get some refreshing..., ok? :)"

Target : Sesudah C1, dalam waktu 1 mnggu hrus dapat mengumpulkan data yang komplit.... Sesudah C2 tinggal analisis. Terus ditulis :) Penelitian Eschatology begins! :D

#nowwatching Mario Teguh Golden Ways Ok.... it's my determination.... :)

frown emoticon

Focus phoenix! I said Focus!!!!!

Kita hanya "satu", bagian kecil dalam "semua". Namun tanpa gabungan dari "satu", "semua" tidak akan ada..... *Satu untuk semua, semua untuk satu*

I've finished that book, so then let's change my brain's theme again

Nurmalitha Puspitaningrum Terima kasih :)

Membuat sandi dan teka-teki, ... pekerjaanku di tiap kegiatan slalu sama aja squint emoticon

Juli 2011 Persona!!

Ditambah juga ternyata 4 Juli merupakan hari kematian 3 presiden Amerika, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson dan James Monroe. . . 4 Juli memang hari keramat utk amerika :D Smoga dngn itu mas aji bisa sehebat Amerika tpi dalam sisi yang positif :)

:) Nonton Insidious bareng TSC di Empire.... masih membayang2 pkiranku... squint emoticon Amelia Nucifera, kalau nonton bioskop gak usah narik2 jaket orang yaa. . . :D

Hidup Amerika! :) It's our judgement..... God's ordeal is upon us......

Ayo temen2 daftar TSC, bisa nonton bareng gratis tiap jum'at di Empire loh :D

I can sense my determination.... It's decided.... Now I know what I'm living for :)

Sepertinya aku mulai merasa liburan 2 minggu terlalu singkat.....

Seeker of Truth...... It's in me

Asyiknya jadi member TSC (Telkomsel School Community) bisa HOMESTAY ke Singapura dan Hong Kong, ayo guy's buruan So Don't Miss it.. ketik SEKOLAH spasi SCHOOL ID kirim ke 2323..... Untuk SMAN 1 Bantul, school IDnya 160514064 :)

..... something's strange in my mind..... Ambiguitas makna.... Jari metal :)

Makin banyak buku hrus dibaca..... squint emoticon

Saatnya friday movie mania with Telkomsel ď Š

Gak ada operator lain yang saham mayoritasnya dimiliki Indonesia selain Telkomsel... :D Telkomsel memang paling Indonesia :D

Seek more for the "truth".... Happiness, eh? Itu kata yang aneh di telingaku hingga stahun yg lalu..... dan sekarang aku mngerti... :)

Damn..... Dengarkan aku.... merindukanmu... :) #

I used to live in sorrow..... in loneliness..... in a deepest thoughts But now I realize something.... I'm not alone

Hampir lupa, my brother sekarang ultah. Mas Aji keren, ultah bareng Amerika yang merdeka 235 tahun yang lalu.


No need for happiness..... No need for sadness..... damn....

for me, or you, or anyone... the meaning of our lives is something that we make but don't see. the meaning of my life is not something I should worryabout....... It's really what others think of my life or what I was able to do for them.

Once more..... it's an emptiness..... my heart doesn't feel anything It's still unstable, isn't it? I see...... I guess my heart hurts.....

Fate is nothing

Gak ada gunanya...... Aku menyerah..........

If your path to your fate is closed... open it with eyes and heart of determination...... feel the bright light of your future :)

Back To School.....

Open the path of fate.... I don't belive fate if it's predetermined......

The death will always awaits you..... always.... Any struggle is useless.... The End draws near.... YOU can't do anything... The death will always come, always awaits you..... just understand it, feel it

Focusing is the only worst thing I can't do squint emoticon Thou art I and I am thou.... It's a represantive power from your inner mind

Ya Allah, smakin banyak kebenaran yang aku tahu.... semakin aku terjebak dalam jurang pertanyaan yang lebih dalam..... Ayolah phoenix, kluar dari jurang itu, carilah jawabannya, carilah kebenaran sejati dan lhatlah dunia bersinar dengannya

Wisdom is a product of logical rationality of doubtful inner self Thee must know the fate.... I choseth my fate of thine own free will.....

You brought something to my heart........ Something that I never felt before.... with my emptiness

I've made a "contract" with my inner self.... It's a determination

The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate... Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope. Yes, the arcana is the means by which all is revealed. Attaining ones, dream requires and stern will and unfailing determination.

The only answer of your life meaning.... is the end you'll understand..... Every things that live... will be disappear... Find it.... the true meaning of life Memories are ambiguous... Old ones can be replaced with new ones, creating a new reality.....

Who we are shapes what we do. What we do shapes what we experience. What we experience shapes who we are. In this great cycle, lies the one true answer. Beyond the Beaten Path lies the absolute end. It matters not who you are, Death awaits you.

Man cannot face death without first finding meaning in life... But the world has realized that any meaning in life was lost long ago......

The End, The Death, The Judgement, The Ordeal.... draws near.... You all humankind, be prepared....

Every human being will become like "The Lost"... leading to the extinxtion of mankind, and the end of the world...........

Misery is a harsh mistress....

Two in harmony surpasses one in perfection....

I'll always be by your side..... don't worry :) #

Don't be a person who can't escape his fate........

Death is not a hunter unbeknownst to its prey, one is always aware that it lies in wait. Though life merely a journey to the grave, it must not be undertaken without hope. Only then will a traveler's story live on, treasured by who bid him farewell. But alas, my guest's life has ended, his tale left unwritten......

Everyone is waiting to die if you think about it. ...Some just have longer to wait than others.

I may discover an answer to my question...the truth of my existance.

What is there to gain by staying in this world for a long time, anyway?

The truth exist in the end..... lies between life and death


Death is not a hunter unbeknownst to its prey, one is always aware that it lies in wait.......

Enveloped in eternal tranquility, love through all eternity

Even if there was a thing as eternity, how would we ever know? It would be the same as if it didn't exist. ......

The Fall.... It's the end of everything Death, is something you don't need to fear,,,,,,, Face the death, understand it, feel it.... it lies the true answer of your life

Die....... and the path will be closed As proof of one's life, there exists death. This proof exists as a flame, painfully burning one's life away. Yet though a life crumbles to dust, time moves ever onward.........

The uncertain, unforeseen, the unexpected...... It's not fate, It's a probability of life, the path you must choose......

follow your own path to seek the true answer of truth of your existance..... feel the severe struggle.....

Admit it..... face the fate of your own...... "Whichever path you choose, I will respect your decision. However, only you will bear the responsibility for your actions, no matter what end they may bring about."

He who had been your proof, your life itself...The answer has been lost, never to be found again.............. Tear up your fear The end is coming near......

"I chooseth this fate of mine own free will" It's a promise, it's a contract...... I'll bear it until my life is burned away

You protected this empty, wavering world with your own hands So now just fold your wings and sleep peacefully........

Agustus 2011 You know something? Human is a foolish creatures.....

Well.... It's not the matter what will you do in this month, but what will you get.....

..... I'm back to my old self.....

My own target..... Al-Qur'an research this month.... Its contained mysteries, its prophecy, its language, its meaning...... My brain + my mind..... Go!

I'm used to be alone..... Tunjukkan bahwa kita semua bersaudara, luka mereka, luka kita semua...... Tunjukkan, tunjukkan oleh kita, derita yang ada, derita kita juga... Bersatu Indonesiaku! :)

It feels nothing...... something bothering my mind..... What the.....!

Luka mereka luka kita semua..... Tunjukkan! Tunjukkan jika kita semua bersaudara!

Je pense, donc je suis.....

Now I see....

La mort est personnifiée comme figure anthropomorphe ou personnage fictif dès le début de l'humanité.......

Satu lagi teori mengenai Tuhan ku dapatkan :) Ku harap pencarianku tidak sia2.... aku gak mau beragama hanya karena dapat begitu saja dari lahir......

Ealah.... pada nyari yg ceramah cepat.... apa yang kalian dapatkan di bulan puasa jika niat kalian sama sekali berbeda?

inochi kukumasake, yomotoko haido.. noshino nikawa guchi, sokoko raite.....

Well.... I'm a phropecy specialist....

Inochi kuku masake yomotoko haido nosino ni kawakuchi so kakaraite Bersama rakyat negeri kami berjanji tuk selamatkan negeri ini dari sang tirani disini kami berdiri kan slalu bernyanyi dendangkan lagu revolusi sampai akhir nanti

You don't know the pain of the absolute death..... Light versus dark..... Life versus death..... Mencari kebijaksanaan..... mencari kebenaran..... memento mori This is fate.....


rakyat bersatu tak bisa dikalahkan 'kan s'lalu terus berjuang hidup adalah perjuangan melawan penindasan hidup adalah perjuangangan melawan ketidak adilan

Do you believe in fate?

Don't ever underestimate philosophy!

It's time to move..... If you believe in fate, then you have no future

So that's it.... it looks like I've missed something in my theory Filsafat oh filsafat.....

Sebuah kehampaan..... konsep ketiadaan dalam ketidakterbatasan kekuatan ruang dan waktu...... terasa

So that's how it turn out...... I just don't want it become irrational

Tell your inner self.... you are NOT alone!

‫انا ملعلا فوسليف‬

Sebuah ambiguitas makna dan konsep bergejolak dalam lautan jiwaku.... damn

Ealah.... dasar Islam, gak pernah 1 pendapat squint emoticon "Mereka" tertawa mlhat kita shalat idul fitri aja gak bsa bareng seluruh muslim.....

This tears...... of loneliness Human's existance is never without meaning...... I hope I'm still on the right path......

You know NOTHING of diversity.....

Search for a wisdom :) Go go go

“Berpuasalah kalian karena melihat bulan, dan berbukalah (berhari rayalah) kalian karena melihatnya. Jika mendung telah menghalangi kalian, maka sempurnakanlah (genapkanlah) hitungan Sya’ban.” (HR. Muslim)

Gara2 aku belajar sedikit sejarah sihir kuno, tarot, myth, demon, dll, orang2 mlah jadi berpkiran aneh2 --" Padahal aku mempelajari atas dasar ilmu pengetahuan,

Ada alsan kenapa pemerintah menetapkan ini semua kawan, jgn buat kesimpulan sendiri2..... lebih baik diam kalau tidak mengerti

It's in me....

Thanks to 'Kokopandaz Itu Koko, now I've completed my theory about diversity....

See? It's my own struggle.... no one would understand it I'm alone

My only reason to live is to find for an answer..... of life's greatest question

Kita hanya butuh satu persamaan untuk menyatukan berbagai perbedaan :) @vallery(sayang gk pnya fb).... kata2mu yg mengatakan itu smua filsafat menginspirasiku untuk memikirkannya lebih lanjut dengan cara filsafat :D

Still.... I'm in the middle of 2 paths..... I'm confused, once, I still need a lot of learn This world contains too much and ambigous mysteries Cahaya bulan menusukku, dengan ribuan pertanyaan, yang takkan pernah ku tahu, dimana jawaban itu.........

September 2011 Feel it, think it, learn it

Who's God? What Its shape? Where is It? Some dumb questions.... well, can you answer it?

Don't you notice it? Everything needs an end to have a beginning

Hear the voice of your inner self.... feel it

Shalt thy path be illuminated throught the ordeal and propechies......

dream requires and stern will and unfailing determination.

Lack of information and lack of patience of people throughout the world........ So that's how "they" planned all of this scenario, huh?

God doesn't allow human to know some secrets, huh? Then for what your brain is created? The most profound wisdom...... hear it....in the whispers of the silent voice within ones heart

The struggle of my heart..... seek for a revelations.... for a truth


well, kita lahir secara "tiba-tiba", dituntut untuk sesuatu secara "tiba-tiba", bahkan kita akan bingung knp kita bsa "tiba-tiba" ada di dunia ini dengan tuntutan-tuntutan yang jga ada scra "tiba-tiba" sebelumnya......dan kita tidak akan tahu "tiba-tiba" apa lagi yang akan terjadi pada hidupmu, krna kau tidak bsa memegang hidupmu secara penuh..... Dunia ini penuh ke"tiba-tiba"an.... kmu tidak pernah berharap untuk ada di dunia ini kan? Semua terjadi secara "tiba-tiba"......

bagaikan limit mendekati tak berhingga........ Two in harmony surprass one in perfection...........

Berterimakasihlah kalian semua pada setan dan iblis, tanpa mereka kita tidak akan tahu mana yang baik.... :) Karena mereka ada untuk menuntun kita menuju kebenaran,... Kita tidak akan pernah tahu mana yang benar jika tidak tahu mana yang salah kan? Jadi salah dan buruk itu ada untuk yang benar dan baik... Terima kasih oh setan :D


Manusia memang kreatif melaksanakan godaan setan, wah, wah

‫ﻟَ ُﻜ ْﻢ ِﺩﻳ ِﻦ َﻭﻟِ َﻲ ِﺩﻳﻨُ ُﻜ ْﻢ‬ Untukmu agamamu dan untukku agamaku :)

The only thing that alwayas ambigous to me is concept of mind and heart......

Sepertinya sejak dulu ada yang ganjel di otakku.... seandainya penghambat itu bsa hilang, pling tidak kecepatan berfikirku gak selambat sekarang squint emoticon Ayolah, berfikir, berfikir

There's something wrong in my mind..... damn Dengan senyummu, senjata membeku, tentara bernyanyi, ikuti tingkahmu tak ada lagi naluri menguasai, perlahan berganti naluri berbagi.....:)

complexitas menyerang lagi..... Terkadang, hidup itu tidak membutuhkan tujuan, tapi membutuhkan makna :) Kau mencari makna hidup kawan? Percayalah, kau takkan menemukannya, karena makna sesuatu hanyalah diketahui orang-orang yang merasakannya :)

Once you have the courage to face doubt of your inner self, your path will find its bright guidance Besok sekolah.... damn....

Statusku smakin tak terupdate akhir2 ini,,, haha Gara2 kelas 3, aku terpaksa mngucapkan selamat tinggal utk sementara kepada pemikiran-pemikiran aneh dan kontroversial yang ku buat,,, :D

Aku masih butuh hari2 damai tanpa urusan sekolah.... Aku bertanya pada bapakku, "Pak, apa fungsi sekolah?" Beliau menjawab "sekolah itu utk lulus." well, itulah pendapat dari mahasiswa S3 manajemen pendidikan..... terasa agak sederhana, ternyata bermakna juga.... Think.....

I'm the rationalist...... I'm the determinist.... I'm the phsycian..... and I'm the philosopher..... Brain is my sword

Well.... my parents will go back to Sumbawa tomorrow....

Do you know who I am? I am the Truth Seeker

Apa itu bahagia? human beings are teachable, improvable and perfectible through personal and communal endeavour especially including self-cultivation and self-creation........

Conspiracy Theory? I'd say goodbye buddy, I won't touch that topic for some month :) Don't ask me anyhing about that anymore

kata orang sempurna itu tidak mungkin, tapi apa salahnya mendekati sempurna

Oktober 2011 I'll show you what my mind can do!

semua faktor peruntuhnya..... :) As long as you have brain, no fear

Well, evertyhing's full of mystery, , ,

Terkadang, semua akan terlihat jelas jika kita melihatnya dari aspek luas.... So, zoom out-kanlah pikiranmu hingga berbagai aspek

Kau tahu kawan? kondisi para generasi muda kita yang sedang akan menghadapi ulangan sejarah esok hari ini menggambarkan Indonesia besok saat menghadapi


Oh sial.....

dan hal dapat terhubung dan menghasilkan konklusi yang valid :)

Pling tidak aku bisa membantu membereskan ruang ambalan sebelum diambrukkan.... mnyusun kmbali memori "Memories are ambigous, a new ones replaced the old ones, creating a new reality" - Pharos

Katakan padaku teman, apa arti sebuah kebahagiaan? owh damn..... karena hidup banyak rasa

If limit x approach zero of 1/x is infinity, then zero will be the initial, infinity will be the end, and one will be the God :)

every transaction in the world must sum to zero..... Katakan mudah untuk hal yang dibilang orang sulit....

Kesempuranaan sepenuhnya hanya ada pada pada perbedaan selaras..... layaknya yin dan yang, gelombang stasioner, hitam dan putih...... "Two in harmony surprass one in perfection" :)

gain something, sacrifice something..... The time when someone is falling down is the time when he forget his friends.... Don't ever shoulder everything alone.....

Full of ignorance..... I always want to be

kejatuhan cicak, ditertawakan sampe nangis oleh Vallery Voantris n 'Kokopandaz Itu Koko squint emoticon

Now I've got another fundamental theory.... :) The theory of harmony perfection

You need a weapon for all your life problem? It's simple buddy, power of ignorance.... :)

Ex ratione causae efficens

hey dude, do you want to know the greatest mystery in the universe? It's simple, your God

Tuhan..... "Sesuatu" yang orang-orang bilang sebagai tempat mengadu, atau apapun itu..... aku rasa.....

I don't think God goes arround damn people to hell :)

Tuhan, ku merindukanMu

Now I realize something.... The hidden truth can only be seen by courage and bright light in heart :)

Everything should be balanced.... in harmony.....

Ketika entropi tak lagi meningkat.......

Human hearts are weak.... Human minds are pity....

Mau download film, tpi bngung film apa....

Feel it..... something you never understand....

Thou shalt hear the voice of thy inner heart..... As foolish as you point it..... Human never want to admit it..... with this foolishness, an answer will come "two in harmony surprass one in perfection"

I don't think God goes around damning people to hell :) Why'd you so afraid? Find it, understand it, feel it.....

Fate, the bearer of cruelty..... Tell me buddy, do you belive in fate?

aneh-aneh itanimulli.... besok aku buat namanya Indonesimulli :D

Making the wisest of decisions requires one to escape from the desires of temptation..........

Don't you think life is ambigous?

Jadilah seperti gas mulia, :)

This universe always needs a harmony, a balance.... That is why there's a law called The Equivalent Exchange :)

When one is plagued with doubt, it is hard to see what truly makes one shine......

November 2011 Savvy?

It's all just illusion....all this world..... even the God itself hmm

Apple of knowledge..... As I thought..... the boundaries is more than any human can imagine

If something would happen, so be it......


struggling with my doubts...... Losing over self-confidence..... Leaving a twisted logic of mind.....

When the other men are limited by morality or law, remember, Everything is Permitted....... none,,,,, nothing,,,,,

you believe it.... but you don't know it.....


Information..... another concept of souls.....

And.... in the end, we lie awake... and we dream to making our escape......

aw, forget it.... stucked at loneliness..... pure emptiness......

Limited by morality, traditions, law, and religion? Remember, Everything is permitted....

Damn it.... my old personality come back.... bring again a complete doubt and emptiness in my struggling heart.....

Niente è vero. Tutto è permesso

Again... I don't know which way I'm going, I don't know what I've become...

Remember amici, Nothing is true.....

hmm...... thoughtless Something doesn't feel right.

Walaupun aku tak bisa merasakannya, biarlah orang lain merasakannya.... Tataplah kebahagiaan orang lain dengan kelegaan,.....

Feeling lifeless..... sucks.....

Matikan matamu, nyalakan hatimu.... Tutup telingamu, buka hatimu.....


I'm lack of self-confidence........

When the other men blindly follow the truth, remember, Nothing is True.

I don't feel anything.... It feels..... empty

as complex as your cell.....

Desember 2011 Dasar pemikir.....

In this world, there are strong men and weak men. Strong men take everything and weak men die..... Hmm.... close to evolution thory

I feel nothing..... It's really empty....

Musuh dari musuhmu adalah temanmu.... :)

follower of destiny..... follower path of fate thou shalt control thyself, bringth the truth upon humankind....

Every siren is a shymphony and every tear is a waterfall..... :)

oh sial, penyakit lama... squint emoticon

As we saw oh this light, I swear you, emerge blinking into.....to tell me it's alright As we soar walls, every siren is a symphony and every tear's a waterfall...

Dasar otak reptil thou art I and I am thou....

Hear it, feel it.... every their teardrop is a waterfall

Sloth... damn you! C'mon dude, give me some idea and inspiration....

Death and all his friends.....

Every teardrop is a waterfall..... :)

Thou, son of man, feelth thy power throughout you, faceth any destiny, change thy fate.....

WAKE UP HUMAN RACE. All of us are the brothers and the sisters. We have the power to finish all of the wars and the darkness. If we do not wake up, we will be too late and the darkness will arise...

HUMAN, such an arrogant creatures.... you have the power, but you still don't understand Only man with a pure eyes to face destiny can find a great answer of life's greatest question.... Remember, Nothing Is True

I'll see a new sun rising..... new light new world... :)

Teman dari musuhmu adalah musuhmu, musuh dari temanmu adalah musuhmu, teman dari temanmu


adalah temanmu, musuh dari musuhmu adalah temanmu....

I am Phoenix, and I'm searching for every truth in this cruel world. I am a truth seeker...... All knowledge, all wisdom, all truth, will bow down before me.....

Nothing is but the truth..... Every lie contains truth and every truth contains lie..... remember that :) In other words, NOTHING IS TRUE

You don't need a brawn if you have a brain...... remember.... brain defeats brawn

Enjoy the moments you have together, because nothing lasts forever.... :)

Inget tadi AMT, keynotenya ngomong mslah spiritual quotient dgn terbuka..... (yng ikut pasti tahulah mkdku) Padahal aku Islam, tapi aku benar2 muak saat dia berbicara mslah islam dimana ada "Tuhan" lain di ruangan itu... "Hey, mbak, apa kamu pikir semua orang itu Islam?"

If you want to fly, all you need is friendship... :) The world is overflowing with many things, reveal every unknown to you...... I am but a seeker of truth

Go and do what you need to do human! You have all freedom you need to do anything! You don't need laws, religions, traditions, or morality to limit your whole deeds!! Freedom is everyone's right, you know!! Everything is permitted, human! But in one condition.... don't harm the other's freedom............

Sometimes hope can turn people into madness.... isn't that right buddy? :) When other people blindly follow the truth, remember Nothing Is True. When other people are limited by morality or laws, remember Everything Is Permitted. We work in the dark, to serve the light.

We don't need any laws, religions, traditions, or morality.... because remember human, Everything Is Permitted

Don't ever comment everything just with a mere translation.... It full of mysteries..... Like they said, every lies contains truth and every truth contains lie Remember amici, Nothing Is True

Leaving Bantul To dark, cold, rainy cruel world outside, alone. . . . Bgtu smpe lmbok, aku lngsung brtmu hal yg tdak mngkn aku temui di Jogja, tpat d.smpingku

This world contains profound mysteries, You need to understand it, before believe in it..... Every truth just a mere imagination, , , , ,

Orang makan pke tangan kiri, hahaha Akhrnya aku kmbali k.pradaban yg dulu lg :D

well, it's really a "perspective"

Sucks, 3 hours floating on a tidal wave of sea. . .

I know the sun must "set" to "rise".... :)

It has been 30 months since I leave this city It's getting bigger

Through chaos as it swirls, It's us against the world. :)

................. Aku? Galau? kau bercanda?

"For some reason I can't explain I know Saint Peter won't call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world....."

God, the Answer now is all I need..... I don't need anything, just answer my confusion and question..... every riddle and mysteries You gave us, human race........

Hey everyone... don't forget to smile with each other, okay? :) Life will be more beautiful with every smile on everyone's face :)

Hey Human! Smile while you can! Smile to everyone you meet, smile to each other, smile and give every happiness to every hearts in this cruel World.... Feel happiness together! Feel pain together...... WAKE UP HUMAN RACE! We must unite, to face this crazy universe, TOGETHER!

So you can hurt, hurt me bad.... but still I'll raise.... the flag The heaven is in sight..... :)

Swimming the sea faces.... tides of human races.....

No one ever said it will be this hard......


Empty...........? Phoenix always reborn everytime its spirit dies......

And everything is torn apart.... It's the hardest part.

Va bene.....

Orang pintar tidak akan berhenti mempintarkan dirinya, orang kaya tidak akan berhenti memperkaya dirinya, orang yang bermimpi tidak akan berhenti menggapai mimpinya, orang beriman tidak akan berhenti memperkuat imannya.... itu sebuah pola kawan, utopia, jangan kaget melihatnya, itu hal yang wajar, kalian manusia :)

forget and forgive :) Well, well buddy.... home sweet home :) Ada 3 cara untuk mencapai puncak pohon 1. Memanjat sendiri 2. Duduk di atas daun/batang yang lagi tumbuh 3. Berteman dengan burung

wake up human race.... Jangan melihat segala sesuatu secara sempit, jangan mendeklarasikan sesuatu tanpa fakta dan kebenaran, jangan melakukan sesuatu tanpa alasan, jangan berfikir dengan kesederhanaan, jangan maknai tiap kata dengan kebodohan!

"Many ways lead to Rome" :) Dengarlah pepatah lama, Banyak jalan menuju Roma kawan, jangan terpaku pada 1 jalan Death is personified as an anthropomorphic figure or fictional character from the beginning of humanity.

Orang yang mengatakan Indonesia mengecewakan adalah orang yang hobinya kecewa :) Ayolah kawan, berfikir positif, jangan kebanyakan kritik, kecewa, mengeluh, dan lain2.... Jika kita ingin yang terbaik untuk Indonesia, just do it!!

Belajar bagaikan menyusun rantai yang sangat panjang :) Sebelum kau berharap memiliki kepercayaan orang lain, buatlah dulu kepercayaan akan diri sendiri :)

2012, the beginning of the end Once upon a time, we burn bright Now all we ever seem to do is fight On and on... And on and on and on...

It's not about winning, it's about fun! :) Tiada yang abadi... Dunia selalu berubah dan ditata ulang... Jadi tubuh dan bahkan kesadaran sebagai pribadi hanyalah ilusi...

Target 2012 : 1. Timeline umum sejarah peradaban manusia dari mulainya Bronze Age hingga renaissance selesai 2. Pemahaman kesalahan sistem ekonomi dunia selesai 3. Mampu menganalisa ilmu sosial lebih cepat dari sekarang (Just you see dad :), my skill's not just in exact science) 4. Berhasil mengontrol paling tidak 2 dari 7 musuh manusia (Pride, lust, greed, envy, sloth, gluttony, wrath) (ini yang tersulit) 5. Meraih inner peace (ini yang lebih sulit lagi!) yah, smoga tercapai.... Go on phoenix, reborn everytime your spirit dies!

Remember buddy, Enjoy every moment you have together.... because nothing lasts forever :) Tujuan hidup adalah mencari makna hidup...... Belajar itu mengisi air ke sumur tanpa dasar.... tidak akan pernah berhenti :) Best music in my ear this year: "Every teardrop is a waterfall" and "Paradise" by coldplay in their last album "Mylo Xyloto" :) It really inspirative! Everything I know is wrong Everything I do, it's just comes undone




Januari 2012 Hey, I feel it, the peace in my heart, a moment :) So this is how it feel to hav an inner peace...... I like it :)

kenapa akhir-akhir ini sering pusing ya.... (dasar penyakitansquint emoticon, payah)

Well dude...... now it's really time to get serious. Tomorrow's the beginning of the Last semester and I'm still not completely prepared for the Final Exam.... Now phoenix, forget all your research, forget all your curiousity, forget all your endless thoughts, This is the time for FOCUS!

Apa ini cuma aku atau memang orang lain merasakan hal yang sama? Apa tiap orang akan merasakan seperti ada cacing menggeliat di otaknya ditambah dengan denyutan teratur di kepala setelah berfikir keras cukup lama? Well,,,, now I'm stuck in my own dualism riddle of this world.... so many puzzles, so many mysterries..... so many truth

*sniff*.... masa2 pabrik di hidungku aktif berproduksi... sial *sniff*

Learning how this country works...

Computer science, or Computer Engineering..... hmmm

Kita tidak tahu apa yang ada di balik pintu jika tidak membukanya :)

Capitalism is the root of all evil in the world.....

You want to be wise? then think... Philosophy is the god of knowledge, god of wisdom

Once upon a time somebody ran Somebody ran away saying fast as I can I've got to go... got to go


Kena sindrom berfikir lagi.... damn!

Semakin lama semakin kehilangan keinginan untuk update status.... udah lama gak berfikir

Don't you know, everyone, even everything always change...... This world is just a mere illusion....

People moving all the time Inside a perfect straight line Don't you wanna curve away

Lari ada peningkatan jadi urutan 2 malah pusing siangnya, payah,

Reign of love I can’t let go To the sea I offer This heavy load Locusts will Lift me up I’m just a prisoner In a reign of love...

makin lama fb mkin sepi, pada sibuk belajar unas apa ya? ya aku jga kurangi ajalah.... mnghormati yang pada belajar :) Confussion never stops.... All I want to be....living in perfect symmetry

Locusts will Let us stop I wish I’d spoken To the reign of love Reign of love By the church, we’re waiting Reign of love My knees go praying How I wish I’d spoken up Or we’d be carried In the reign of love...

It just for somebody listen into what you say..... How can you know it if you don't even try? Every step that you take Could be your biggest mistake It could bend or it could break But that's the risk that you take What if you should decide.....?

Februari 2012 You can climb a ladder up to the sun Or write a song nobody has sung Or do something that's never been done

Dan sekarang aku merasakan dunia di sekililingku berputar.... Oh god, what's happening to me?


Trapped.... in this illusion....

Gak usah ngucapin klw gak niat... menuh2in timeline aja.

Mendengarkan curhat pak ********* disaat kagalauan kami menatap cahaya senja menyelimuti pekarangan sekolah semakin menghilang di horizon barat, hanya sekedar untuk sebuah memori. Damn you "Godfather"!

It's how to force.... and how to hold Aw dude... Coldplay, you are very awesome! :D argumentum ad ignorantiam, ab uno disce omnes

I want to save this earth, this world, not in the name of God, not in the name of divinity, but in the name of humanity

Right or wrong....? From one person, learn all people.

Remember human! Religion divide us, but faith and belief unite us. So let's unite, in the name of humanity, in the name of this world!

Remember, all learn from one.... Remember, you are mortal... Remember, everything's changed...

fallacious arguments.... those who not understand...... Those who trapped in simplicity and illusion....

Remember, l'm losing doesn't mean I'll stop... Remember, big gamble has big risk...

Well, well.... It's a memory

Remember, a man can always change his destiny.....

Now, it's time to move, for battle of illusion...... Recognize it, laws arise not from divinity, but from reason

Remember, the sun always set before rise Remember, your dream is your reason to live....

For me, it's still the end of the beginning.... but for world, this is the beginning of the end.....

Remember, winner takes nothing..... Remember, nothing lasts forever....

17 eh? oh damn, my time is running out.... Well, C'mon Phoenix, we don't hav much time left.... We must do! For our world, for humanity, for better future!

Remember, forget doesn't mean forgive.... Remember, this world is an illusion....

Oh damn.... apa gak ada kata yang lebih panjang dikit daripada "HBD"? HBD... HBD.. dan HBD....

Remember, life is for living.....

Maret 2012 Remember, running away is not a survival.....

Remember, God understands us.... If not, then He is not God.

Remember, to live is to love.... and to understand

well, I'm glad I've been recovered from my ill. Just "hold" my healthy condition as long as I can. Remember, life is a cycle of good and bad....

hmm, what a mess. I never thought I broke through right in the core of the pseudo-tornado yesterday. Glad I'm okay. It can be our lesson. Remember, nature gives what human give...

For years I learned conspiracy just from books and internet. And yesterday, I've seen it with my own eyes. What a f*ck! Remember, a smallest seed can always be a biggest tree.

Happy brithday for Christopher Anthony John Martin (Chris Martin) in your 35. You're the best musician I ever know. Hope u with Coldplay can make more awesome music for us. I'll always be ur fans :D

Facts are always different than the ideals.... Remember, this world is not as beautiful as we think..... Like what crusader said.... Remember, always speak truth even it means your DEATH.

Come on, remember, everything's not lost..... Remember, love bounds you..... Remember, to keep is more difficult than to get....

Remember, your fate and future is not predetermined......

Remember, wisdom needs sacrifice and sacrifice needs wisdom....


Remember, beyond the relative always lies the true absolute....

It's all about your honor and meaning as human! Don't make yourself as animal by disgracing every deed you've done. Remember human, even at our most powerless, human's existance is never without meaning!

Remember, time is a cruel changer..... Remember, to find the one true path one must seek guidence admist uncertainty

well, it looks like some people didn't fully understand some of my status... Maybe I better write the meaning for my every status Remember, human's perspective always creates thousands meaning.

Now I see its true meaning, Remember, We forgive, for give and we forget, for get.....

Sorry for my thousands meanings status update guys. I just don't want my facebook wall become a wailing wall (Tembok ratapan) like jews. My wall is a reminder wall, a wisdom wall..... Remember, I'm a philosopher....

To give is the opposite of to get, then forgive is also the opposite of forget. So remember, if you don't forgive then you must forget and if you don't forget then you must forgive....... What a persepective things..... Remember, every lie contains truth...

It's about how to hold thyself.... Remember, just do what you need to do, speak what you need to speak, and think what you need to think....

Now it comes to my mind again.... Remember, social links are the base power of your mind....

It's the most difficult and the most wanted thing in my life, wisdom.... the highest degree of knowledge Remember, be an owl...

One advice for any conspiracy researcher or truth seeker... Remember, every truth contains lie and every lie contains truth... o be wise is to recognize and understand every truths and lies you get....

It's disappointing, just few people realize the true essence of knowledge.... Remember, no knowledge is useless..... well, let's call it a day... Remember, life is a cycle of black and white, good and bad, fall and rise, yin and yang....

Now I'm learning the past for the future.. haha Remember, learning history means learning uncertainty....

It doesn't matter how long you will keep, it's always changed... Remember, faith and trust is your life force in society....

Believing in fate will give me nothing I guess... hmm... Remember, it's for you to decide, viva la vida or death and all his friends... Memento mori o humana!!

same destination, same reason, same target, different everything... that's unity Remember, your true power comes from colleagues with whom you share your ideals.....

Beyond the absolute end, lies an unpredictable path Beyond the beaten paths, lies a glimmer of hope Beyond the destroyed hope, lies a drop of tear Beyond that drop, lies a huge waterfall of will and determination. Beyond that waterfall, lies a bright future. Remember, light in thy heart is thy only guide to walk through dim paths of life.

Everything must have a reason.... that's how nature works Remember, we all are part of a system, part of a plan... It's how you decide things.... Remember, fight uncertainty with flexibility......

Well, sometimes we didn't recognize the limitless power we have... Remember human, we're not animals...

Damn, this problem won't end softly I guess... Remember, faith and trust is the most powerful weapon of your heart....

At least, that's what I learned... Remember, lack of information can turn your emotion to uncontrolled.

Hey you "maha"student (LOL)!, Can't you just sit and watch with faith and positive thinking to goverment? You make riots with the name of intelectuals, but you all do all those riots like u don't have brains. Remember, deeds represent thoughts.... what you think shape what you do

It's not about where you will go, but it's about how you go there... Remember, better lost with honor and justice than win with disgrace and dishonor.....

Do you remember why we are different? because our intelect, our brain differ us from other creatures.... but I


think the reality is far away from the ideals...... Brain is misused.... Remember, Brain defeats Brawn....

akhir-akhir ini wallku jadi gak "bersih"... pyah... dlu aku pke status rumit berbahsa inggris, gak ada yg intervensi, skarang mlah pada mainan di wallku squint emoticon Back to old self again I think, think with complexity and enjoy the abstraction.... then anyone won't distrub...

A word or two, my friend There's no telling how the day might end And we'll never know until we see That there's gold in them hills..... So don't lose heart Give the day a chance to start :)

Don't ever underestimate the power of knowledge.... Remember, complex exist from the simple and simple exist because of the complex....

Nothing matters Except life and the love you make....

Aw, why I never have a period of liberty of my "carrier"? Remember again and again, life is a cycle of virtue and evil, black and white, yin and yang.....

Untuk semuanya... Ingat, orang yang mngatakan bahwa Indonesia mengecewakan adalah orang yang hobinya kecewa.... :) Indonesia gk akan maju jka orang yg berfikir positif terus berkurang :)

we live in liberty, do anything we like, because we have the full control of our lifes. Yeah, Everything is permitted.... But remember, don't ever disgrace your degree as human and the essence of humanity.....

wah payah, kasihan demokrat.... (salah sendiri main politik) Ingat, ada 2 pembual dan pembohong pling besar, politikus dan pengacara....

April 2012 *whistle*..... too much perspective....

One statement for UN.... "Come back!! and I'll destroy you again!!" --(N-gin)-Let's celebrate our liberty :D

Remember, your thought represent your world you see.....

Well, I hope it will be a nice holiday :) Too much task to be done.... Make film, research some issues, create a history timeline, end some game, watch some anime, study for more knowledge, bike for health, practice music...... et cetera, et cetera..... And thanks for 2 movies, 1 dinner, and 1 film survey "adventure" for Sasongko and Vallery.....

If you really realize it, number is the only absolute guidance in your path..... Remember, the infinite is imaginary and irrational number.... Ad infinitum et absurdum! So, everything must have an end See! It's really number I can't see.... Damn, the essence of number is too hard to be thought as a firm understanding. Remember, the signs and guidances are all over around you.... only those who have determination can see it

Hey human, do you want to know the most crucial and important things in this world? It's Information.... Only those who hath determination and a brightful heart can understand the true meaning of information and knowledge.... Remember, what you know shapes what you see....

Well, there's so many things in this world I don't know yet... too complex, too vast, too wide..... celeberate its magnificence, its brilliance Remember, more things you know, more stupid you feel you are....

Be an owl doesn't means u must wait forever.... Do small things is part of do big things... It's one way progress. Remember, every existance is never without meaning....

Well, this will be the last time I log on facebook 'till next week.... Hocus pocus phoenix, Focus! No thoughts, no complexity, no curiousity....and... no emotion. Thy path will be opened with guidance.... thy determination will light upon streets of mind and time..... follow it o seeker of truth. Thou shalt get what thee deserve. Remember, what u get depends on what u give.......

Be a chandelier of hope, light up every dim souls from eternal darkness of solitude and sorrow.... Guide thy own path with bright glimmer of determinations and dreams.... then guide the other... Remember, better protect the small glimps of hope than curse over the darkness in vain.....


Truth... sometimes hidden in an abstraction of complexity, waiting for the lighten ones, the true seeker come...... only those with clear and clean faith of mind can understand its presence. Allow me, the truth seeker, to begin my journey for you..... Knowledge, Information, Wisdom.... all contains truth. I pledge my oath for it

We must use the ideal ways to develop practical ways.... Be flexibility...... "Tiba-tiba langkahku terhenti. Sejuta tangan telah menahanku. Ingin ku maki mereka berkata, Tak perlu kau berlari mengejar mimpi yang tak pasti Hari ini juga mimpi, maka biarkan, ia datang di hatimu" --Ebiet G.Ade (Camelia II)--

Every one have its own ideals.... its own world.... We have liberty but we don't see it, we have time but we don't use it, and we have love but we don't feel it....... Liberty, time, and love.... provide your life to have its meaning....

Power of Destiny, eh? I understand now.... It's an odd of change. It's the foundation of your deeds.... Somehow, I felt something I can't understand.... It's like... a new candle of hope light up far beyond our future. I'm glad seeing it. Light of reliefness and determination flows in my mind.

The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.... Truth is one.... and absolute....

All this time my thought always full of the fact that our future doesn't have much hope. But I know it's wrong.... Remember, don't ever curse the darkness if a glimmer of hope still exist.....

Everyone's opinion is just a relativity persepection.... blur the true color of the truth... Well, just imagine so many colors combined together, all you get will just a black and dusty color...

We were born to fight and we will die with honor.....

Mei 2012 Knowledge is power... too much and too great for human.... that's why religion limit your mind by "believe"..... Now it's makes sense... But unfortunately, vast majority of people don't understand the true essence of knowledge. Its power to destroy, or its power to help Yet, because of it, many common people are so easily "fooled" by the intellegence....... believing what they shouldn't believe Remember, knowledge is power, and every power needs responsibility to use it

It's complex, but now I understand, how "Fate" works..... The fundamental theory is that everything MUST have a reason, The only way to predict our future is by shaping it ourself.... Manipulate the chain of reactions in a predictable sequence with limitaion of choice and factors... and voila, we control our fate. It's hard to do it anyway, u must be an expert strategist to make a plan to shape our future properly by synchronize every factors of millions people in a great web of destiny. And you know what? the only one who can do it perfectly is God :) But in my research, human can do it too... of course, with intelligence.... that's why Knowledge is always be a greatest power.

Weak mind, less control.... strong mind, full control.... That's 'thing' inside thee..... What thou call it "emotion", what thou mention it "desire" This is Fate, not a mystical higher power, but a system created by human's hands....

heh, as I predicted before, understanding is better than believing........ Believing is for something unseen, something abstract, and something that out of possibility..... At least, now I understand Fate with some logical explanations....

It's obvious now, It's not like our destiny or fate are predetermined, it's all a system created by human.... No mystical power controls our fate.... it's all on our hand. But abstractly, it's like a web with so many influence of millions people. Even our actions just influence small factors of our own fate with some complex chain of reactions of people's actions.

The sign that I couldn't read, or a light that I couldn't see, some things you have to believe, but others are puzzles, puzzling me........


Still.... mysteries really won't leave us

hundreds choices of life paths, that made a very huge abstract web of fate.... That's why religion forbid you to think it, or at least question it.... It's too abstract and complex to be thought by human. Just believe in it :)

Kita bisa berpengetahuan dengan pengetahuan orang lain, tpi kita tidak bisa bijaksana dengan kebijaksanaan orang lain..... Because you just can lead anyone to know, but you can't make him think... Find your own wisdom human..... But do it with faith and guidance will come upon you and light your way to a bright hope.

men's struggle for peace is only and always be a journey.... it's never be an arrival. But at last... you can have the smallest peace exist.... because you can love

You can exit your fate human.... you can escape from every destiny that awaits you.... but remember, you change your fate means you change the other's too. Remember, Fate is a huge great web of everyone's choices, influences, and possibilities....

Someimes hope can drive people mad.... That's why even hope must be controlled in our deepest mind. "My name is Ezio Auditore. When I was young man, I had liberty but I did not see it; I had time but I did not know it; and I had love but I did not feel it. It would be thirty long years before I understood the meaning of all three."

Life is for living... so live up your life human :) We live in a beautiful world.... :) Even the imaginery can be counted... the true essence of math

3 good news today... but... it's not totally good. Still out of my hope, but that's okay, I won't regret it, life goes by.....

you live with people,... so ur success depends on the people, or how u interract them. X and Y..... The land, sea, rivers, trees, the stars, the sky That and this.... We're part of a bigger plan Don't know what it is

"How could I regret the only life I ever know?" -- Altair Ibn La'Ahad, The Master Assassin –

You can take a picture of something you see In the future where will I be? You can climb a ladder up to the sun Or write a song nobody has sung Or do something that's never been done.....

Just do what you think is right, and let the great webs of destiny react your deeds with some kind of chain of reactions, result in one event and destination.... Thought that the variables of this equation is way too many, the possible future created will be many too....

You are wise if you don't think you are wise..... Remember, wisdom is abstract perfection of knowledge...

That's why future is not predetermined, there is no fate.

Don't tallk big about fate.... it's too complex for you to understand...

"you won't know what will gonna happen 'till you try it!"

Mysteries are all around you, giving you meanings of life.... Even what happen a second later is still a mystery... That's why everyone, remember, mysteries won't leave us, never.

What is predetermined fate for then? :) Future is virtual multiinterpreter human. My journey won't reach its end.... Thought that this is an endless flow of process, I just do what I think is right. I am seeker of truth....

Nobody is innocent.... even a sheep watching 2 wolves fight each other is guilty.... Remember, in a great web of destiny, a little deed can influence a big effect....

Do you need some guidance? Then find the answers in your heart, hear the most profound voices in your deepest maze of thoughts.... Thou shalt find thy path :)

The moral of any story matches the temper of the man who tells it... well, that explains the variations of story in history..... We can't avoid it Assume every person have at least 10 different paths, and assume in an isolated area, there are lived 100 people... That made 10x100 possibilities of that area fate... Imagine it in this world, millions of people with

Brain defeat brawns... That's why strategy is always needed, not only depends on power.... "To defeat 20,000 army with just 2,000 army, we need the right strategy" --Apple, Suikoden 2--


The balance of the world is the its true soul,

Orang berani bukanlah orang yang tidak memiliki rasa takut, tpi orang berani adalah orang yang tidak pernah memikirkan rasa takutnya :)

black and white, night and day, good and bad, yin and yang....

Two in harmony surpasses one in Perfecion.... Juni 2012 You live in universe, so u must obey the law of universe.... You live with people, so u must follow the way of the people... You live by the God, so u must do everything in the name of your God........ You're not alone human, u must obey and follow the way of your surrounding.

I'll leave bantul.... :) Goodbye everyone buset dah, gila pisan euy hidup di bandung, ayak2 wae Makan ama Jundy Makhshuddien, batagor 10rb, mie ayam 12rb... Bisa tekor aku mah lama2 hidup di sini squint emoticon Keliling2, jadi hobi naik angkot nih :D dan gramed Bandung trnyata lebih gede daripada gramed jogja.. #puas lihat buku-buku

Magic is just a science which we don't understand yet... Remember, everything must have a purpose, and a reason...

Lari keliling Saraga 13 menit baru 5 putaran, aduh... Pdhal harus 6 putaran 12 menit bsok. Capek skaligus seger :)

Seeing the past... feeling nostalgic... Ternyata aku udah seperti ini cukup lama, aku bahkan tidak mengira SMP sdah mulai berfikir akan kompleksitas dunia :) I was.. and always be a lone philosopher

Bener kata Jundy, di Bandung entah knapa mngalami dilatasi waktu, sgalanya terasa lama disini....

Thanks to the vast wonderful world that gives us life, and keeps us guessing... The essence of mysteries... is not the solution, but the way u solve it. U just can keep guessing, wondering, suspecting, every complexity and beauty of this world... Remember, mysteries won't leave us

Belum 1 minggu disini, sandal udah hilang di masjid wktu shlat magrib squint emoticon jalan2 di area car free day smpe dpan gdung sate. Rame bgt euy, ada smacam sunday morningnya ugm di sktar gedung sate.

Feel free to use ur liberty, as long as u hav it.... But remember, u live with people, so ur liberty will be limited by the ways of the people :)

time to get serious.... For few days, I left my complex thoughts somewhere in the mazes of my mind.... but now, it all haunt me again, remind me about this vast wonderful world of mysteries..... The world that I can't leave, the world that I can't enjoy... the world that I need to reveal....

simplicity is the source of complexity.... a great complex tree of life, must be based on one simple thing.... That's why everything in this world must be connected somehow, nothing is totally different or opposite.... even religion, magic, and science hav a connection. It is all united in one fundamental simple thing.... God

Now I missed my old self... I must get free from this 'illusion' as soon as possible. Time can't wait.

U can climb a ladder up to the sun, or rather song nobody has sung, or do something that's never been done... Do anything outside of ordinary.... because normal is boring.

Damn, what kind of sickness is this.... That's it....proof of perspective ambiguity in human's mind.... We can't avoid it... we live in thousands worlds of image and perspective


Walau mungkin sebagaian dari kata-kata itu merupakan kutipan, yang terpenting dari pengarsipan bukankah pengabadian memori dan informasi? Walau juga mungkin semua ini tidak akan berarti untuk kebanyakan orang, tapi yang terpenting terkadang kata-kata yang terlepas itu memiliki makna tersendiri yang juga terkadang mengingatkanku akan banyak hal yang sering ku lupakan. Meski hanya rentetan status-status, semua ini tetaplah karya. Dan bukankah karya sekecil apapun harus bisa dihargai dan diapresiasi? (PHX)


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