LSS 2011 Annual Journal

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Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

James & Gale Kaufman Guests of Honor

Dr. James Nussbaum Next Generation Leadership Award

Cantor Sherwood Goffin

Marilyn Osgood

Seventieth Birthday Celebration

Special Service Award

Photo by Roslyn Dickens

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! When I was asked by the incomparable Michael Laufer to suggest a theme for this year’s dinner, out of nowhere the words "shir ushvach, halel zimra" came out of my mouth. I didn’t even have to think about it. This year has been a year where the community has faced challenges that would have been thought insurmountable, and baruch hashem, we have stood together, we have survived and we have prospered. Tonight’s dinner is really a seudat hodayah – a meal of Thanksgiving, to the Almighty, for blessing our Shul. Beyond that – we literally sing the praises of five incredibly devoted individuals to our community, each of whom richly deserves our praise and abundant thanks for being there for our community and for klal yisrael. Dr. Jamie Nussbaum – whose physical therapy office is transformed into a Bet Medrash once a week to host a very special gemara shiur, whose work for Hatzalah, for the children of our community and as a leader of so many vital parts of our shul is so deeply appreciated. Marilyn Osgood – whose job title is financial administrator but who in reality is an unbelievable combination of social worker, therapist, crisis manager, and the glue that holds the shul together. Her knowledge and love of the community is legendary. I have relied on her advice on more occasions than I can remember, and I hope to continue doing so well beyond her retirement in October. We wish her and Armin a huge bracha of hatzlacha raba in the next chapter of their caring lives. Jim and Gale Kaufman have given of themselves to this community over and over again, and never need to be asked twice. They have been leaders and activists in almost every imaginable area of our shul, including the presidency. All who know them admire and love them for their passion for knowledge – music, the arts, literature, politics – and most of all Judaism. In this past year, Jim and Gale have devoted countless hours to helping the shul, and have done so graciously and selflessly. And last, but on no account least – our beloved Chaz, treasured colleague, mentor, inspiration – and most of all, I am proud to say – friend. On reaching this special milestone, and for continuing to lead us, unfailingly and perfectly, b'halel u'zimrah, shir u'v'shacha –words are simply inadequate to thank you properly. Mazal Tov. May you and Batya enjoy all of Hashem’s blessings in good health for many, many years to come. Everyone who has worked so hard for tonight’s dinner – Perry and Margy-Ruth Davis, Michael and Miriam Laufer. Michael Doppelt, Rose Landowne, Aviva Sussman, Bernard Kabak, Elana Nussbaum, Noreen Wachs, Joe Blank and Carol Gross, together with all of the hard working office staff and volunteers – thank you for making tonight so special. With my warmest regards and abundant hakarat hatov, Shaul Robinson

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Warmest Best Wishes and Congratulations to Lincoln Square Synagogue on this special night. To - Gale and James Kaufman, who served at the helm of the Synagogue. To – Dr. James Nussbaum who represents continuity of the younger generation of leadership. To – Marilyn Osgood who has been the face, voice and ears of the Synagogue with such grace and good cheer for so many years. For the two of us, however, the most compelling reason that we would have loved to be with you this evening is to celebrate the seventieth birthday of our friend and ever inspiring cantor – Chazan, Sherwood Goffin. Sherwood and Batya are not only close personal friends for almost five decades, but they were also our partners in establishing and developing the tone, the spirit, the music and love that always radiates from LSS. Sherwood's easy going personality, his sincere humility despite his enormous talent and his profound humanity which reaches out to embrace both young and old, serve as a constant inspiration. His faithfulness to 'nusach' while simultaneously creating and introducing new melodies transforms every prayer experience into an expression of love for and faith in our Father in Heaven. May he continue to inspire us all for many years to come. Shlomo and Vicky Riskin Efrat, Israel

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

“You are known by the company you keep,” is more than just a casual conversational comment, but it is a maxim of truth in interpersonal relationships. I am blessed and privileged to share this very special honor with four individuals that I admire and respect. It has made my inclusion in this august company a precious and joyous honor, and I am proud to be included in their ranks for this year’s dinner. Gale and Jim are personalities that run quiet and deep. They are never loud or aggressively “in your face.” Their connection to LSS is very strong, and they are committed to the welfare of the entire LSS family. I got to know Jim well during his term as president. I saw him experience and endure various “traumatic” moments in his presidency that he overcame by virtue of his calm demeanor. We are all beneficiaries of his sincerity and Gale’s warmth, and we look forward to their positive input for many years to come. Jamie Nussbaum is the epitome of “Emor M’at V’asai Harbei.” He is so talented in so many ways: Excellent Baal tefilla; Dedicated Gabbai; Devoted Hatzolo EMT; Physical Therapist, Sine Qua Non, of the highest professional skills and standards; and most importantly, an excellent father and devoted husband. You rarely get so many positive qualities in one individual! He is the model of what every LSS member should aspire to! Marilyn has kept the purse strings of LSS in order for decades, and I count her among my closest friends for all these years that we have been part of the LSS staff. She worries about every penny that goes out and is scheduled to come in. How many times has she called me to discuss certain benefits that were changing; or checks that had to be made out to teachers; or tuition monies that were owed by parents to the shul. She has always been on top of these things, and has done her job with dignity, expertise and a great deal of love for LSS. She will be missed sorely, and Batya and I wish her and Armin much mazal and good health on their journey into the heady atmosphere of Retirement. What can I say about myself? I can only tell that which is found deep in the inner recesses of my heart – that which I feel in my kishkes. This is my home, and has been such for 46 years. I love this shul with a deep, abiding love that I can barely explain or express. I have seen mountains; I have seen valleys. I have seen triumph and I have seen failure. Most importantly, I have seen miraculous recovery from failure. I hope and pray that The Kadosh Baruch Hu will give me the strength and health for a few more years to be able to continue to daven, and to exult in our new building, even as I mourn the old. Batya and I never dreamed that we would raise our children and spend our lives in Manhattan. We now could not even imagine how we could have done it elsewhere. May we all go from strength to strength and continue to enjoy Hashem’s overflowing bounty for many years to come. With Love, Chazzan Sherwood Goffin

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Rabbi Yose said, “May my lot be among those who complete Hallel each day.” Is this so? Does not Master say, “One who recites Hallel daily is a blasphemer?" Rabbi Yose’s comments refer to Psukei D’zimra (the daily praise taken from Tehillim) -Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 118b This passage highlights two distinct types of tribute- one which is recited daily (Psukei D’zimra) and one which is reserved for special occasions (Hallel). It is the difference between extolling God for the natural course of things and thanking God for events which supersede nature in order to resolve a crisis. Each must be appreciated separately if the praise is to be considered genuine. To take some poetic license with tonight’s theme, ‫וזמרה‬ ‫הלל‬ ‫ושבחה‬ ‫ – שיר‬tonight we focus on both the Hallel-worthy and the Psukei D’Zimra- worthy: that which is necessary for the daily running of the community and that which comes specifically at moments of challenge. There are few who better represent the Psukei D’Zimra than tonight’s awardees. Cantor Sherwood Goffin, along with his wonderful wife Batya, has served as a pillar of the spiritual life of the LSS family since its inception. His sweet melodies, matched only by the kindness of his and Batya’s demeanors, have been a stalwart that has literally built our synagogue. Whether with the Hebrew school children and parents, ascending to the heights of a Yom Kippur Musaf service or leading us in our weekly Shabbat worship, the Chaz truly is the purveyor of all verses of praise, psukei d’zimra, in our shul. Marilyn Osgood is perhaps the most dependable person many of us know. There is no issue too small to escape her attention. She dots her i’s and crosses her t’s. Thoughtful, wise, diligent and caring, she does more than even the gargantuan task of keeping track of shul finances. If ever someone is in need- physically or emotionally ailing- it is Marilyn who will mention that s/he could use a phone call or a visit. What Marilyn has done- and continues to do- for the people and the institution that are Lincoln Square Synagogue is absolutely priceless. Jamie is the member’s member. As a ba’al tefillah (as I tell him frequently, I could listen to his davening ALL DAY!), member of the ritual committee and former gabbai of the 9:45 Rabbi Herschel Cohen Memorial Minyan, Jamie’s consistent dedication is impressive. Always sitting with his gaggle of redheads, no doubt, Jamie is able to communicate the significance of tefillah and community to his children without saying a word. And when he does say a word, it is to discuss how to help the shul grow and progress. This year, for instance, he was instrumental in bridging the Amsterdam and 9:45 minyanim. (And of course, in the broader community, he is no stranger to answering the call for those in crisis. Always wearing his West Side Hatzolah cap, he is at the ready even at great personal sacrifice when the need arises.) As for Hallel: Tonight’s honorees, Gale and Jim Kaufman, have done their share of Psukei D’zimra for the shul, but they have been there to offer a hand in times of hardship as well. Gale, in her role on the chevra kadisha, literally stands in at the most difficult moments offering solace to the bereaved by performing chesed shel emet (true kindness) with no expectation of any recognition. And, as many know, there were moments this year when the natural order of things for our shul looked insurmountable. And with thanks to the Almighty, to human generosity, we persevered. But it was also not without the hard work of many who made phone calls, strategized, wrote letters, etc., etc., etc., to help us progress. Jim was one of those people- giving of his time, energy and creativity for a shul about which he cares so deeply. As a couple and as individuals, we appreciate all that they have done and continue to do, as well as the humble and unassuming way in which they go about their tasks. So, this evening, let us sing ‫וזמרה‬ ‫הלל‬- acknowledging the manifold ways in which tonight’s awardees and honorees have made their mark, and continue to do so, on our LSS family. May they, and we, continue to go from strength the strength. Warmest regards from parental leave, Elana Stein Hain, Community Scholar

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

‫כ‬ ‫פסוק‬ '‫ט‬ ‫פרק‬ ‫בראשית‬ ‫חכמה‬ ‫'משך‬: ‫משנקרא‬ ,‫משה‬ ,"‫האדמה‬ ‫"איש‬ ‫נקרא‬ "‫צדיק‬ ‫"איש‬ ‫משנקרא‬ ‫נח‬ ,‫מנח‬ ‫משה‬ ‫חביב‬ :‫ברכיה‬ ‫רב‬ ‫אמר‬ "‫בעבודת‬ ‫דרכים‬ ‫שתי‬ ‫דיש‬ ,‫הענין‬ .(‫א‬ ,‫לג‬ ‫)דברים‬ "‫אלקים‬ ‫"איש‬ ‫נקרא‬ (‫יט‬ ,‫ב‬ ‫)שמות‬ "‫מצרי‬ ‫איש‬ ‫צבור‬ ‫בצרכי‬ ‫שעוסק‬ ‫מי‬ ‫ויש‬ ,‫ומתבודד‬ ‫יתברך‬ ‫לעבודתו‬ ‫עצמו‬ ‫שמייחד‬ ‫מי‬ ‫אחד‬ ‫דרך‬ ,‫יתברך‬ ‫השם‬ ‫עבורם‬ ‫נפשו‬ ‫ומפקיר‬ ‫הכלל‬ ‫בשביל‬ ‫עצמו‬ ‫ומבטל‬. Rabbi Brachya said: “More loved [by God] is Moshe than Noach. Noach is originally called the “Righteous Man” followed by the “Man of the fields.” Moshe on the other hand, is first called the “Egyptian man,” and later he is called the “Man of God”. This, explains the Meshech Chochma, reflects the two different ways which one can serve God. The first way is to serve him individually and the second is to serve the greater community, to nullify oneself to the greater good and to be totally dedicated to the Tzibbur. The great Rabbi Simcha of Dvinsk explains that in the service of God it is greater to serve the community than to serve God directly as an individual. I want to extend my warmest Mazal Tov and Hakarat Hatov (Thank you) wishes to this year honorees: James and Gale Kaufman Dr. James Nussbaum Cantor Sherwood Goffin Marilyn Osgood Our honorees have truly distinguished themselves all in wonderfully different ways in the service of our Shul, our community and to the entire Jewish people. I have learnt so much from each of you and I hope that you only continue to inspire future leaders of ‫ישראל‬ ‫!!כלל‬ Rabbi Elli Ausubel

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner It is my honor to express my personal feelings of admiration and gratitude to this year’s deserving Honorees at Lincoln Square Synagogue’s Annual Dinner. Present at the time when the magic started, Cantor Goffin reminds us all of the special way in which this synagogue grew into a world renowned phenomenon, and touched so many lives with the positive, joyous songs and celebrations of Jewish life. “The Chaz” embodies the loyalty and commitment to this mission that inspires us all, and I feel so very fortunate to have the opportunity to celebrate his 70th birthday with him. In a different role, Marilyn Osgood has demonstrated a special loyalty to Lincoln Square Synagogue, and after 30 years of devoted service, has chosen to retire from her professional role in the office. It is clear to all who know her that Marilyn is a very caring person, who wishes to be helpful to everyone who walks through her door, or calls her on the phone. Marilyn has given this shul her every effort, and she will not be easily replaced. I know that I am not alone in wishing Marilyn much happiness and success with her future endeavors. Gale and Jim Kaufman have been volunteers of extraordinary quality throughout the years, and it may come as no surprise to you that they are being honored at this special occasion. I have personally witnessed the determination, wisdom and significant amount of time that Jim has given to the shul this past year. With Gale’s support, Jim’s work has yielded impressive dividends with helping the 180 Amsterdam Project get re-started, and I feel indebted to Jim and Gale for the success of this critical effort. Jamie Nussbaum, as some of you may know, is no stranger to me. Twentysomething years ago, Jamie and I attended the same high school, and it was clear to everyone back then that he was leadership material. To meet up with him again at Lincoln Square, and continue to be impressed at his energies, accomplishments and the way in which everyone holds him in such high regard, is truly heart-warming for me. With Jamie Nussbaum involved, I am certain that Lincoln Square Synagogue’s future is bright indeed. Mazal Tov to all our Honorees! May your example set the bar high for others – professionals and volunteers alike – who follow in your path. Sincerely, Eli Kornreich Executive Vice President

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

When I was first approached to put something in for the Journal, my first thoughts were Great! I’m already sitting here typing up THEIR ads. Now they want me to write my OWN letter, too?! followed by What to say? Well, here goes:

Gale & James Kaufman, Jamie Nussbaum Though I have never been privileged to work directly alongside you, simply reading about your accomplishments and praises from your fellow friends and family allows me a glimpse at how well‐ deserved these honors are.

Cantor Sherwood Goffin The Voice, Heart and Soul of Lincoln Square Synagogue (I WILL get that CD player and hold music working again!). Always with a smile on your face, even first thing on a Monday, I know that I can start my day off with a Good morning, Chaz! and have one come right back my way. Even when I inadvertently interrupt a Bar Mitzvah lesson to ask for the Musical Note, the smile remains the same. You lead our congregation, and teach scores of Chazzanim at the Belz School, ensuring the sounds of Tefillah will always continue. Happy 70th Birthday, and may the sweet, inspiring sounds of our Chaz continue Ad Meah V’Esrim Shana!

Marilyn Osgood I started working with Lincoln Square Synagogue part‐time, while still in College, in 2000. I left for a brief stint in the offices of the Carlebach Shul. Appropriately enough, in 2005, Lincoln Square Synagogue was bringing back The Journal to its Annual Dinner, and needed someone who knew the software, and could jump right into things. Marilyn thought of me, & gave me a heads up. I’ve been privileged to work with her every day since, and that is but one of the many memories I have over these past 11 years. As many will point out (sorry for the spoilers!), until now, if you were in a hurry and needed to know, the answer invariably has been, Ask Marilyn. On a more personal note, when I’ve needed someone to talk to, laugh with, or even complain about the workload or even weather, the answer has been the same. You haven’t just been a fixture of my week or a co‐ worker, you’ve been a good friend too. It won’t be the same here.

Our Volunteers Although they won’t be receiving any awards tonight, or mentioned by name – there are simply too many: Thank you to all of our hard working and always dedicated and loyal volunteers. Whether you were on the Dinner/Journal Committee or simply had only 10 minutes to help get out one of our many mailings for the Journal Dinner, you all made tonight possible.

Looks like I found something to say after all! Hope it wasn’t too much.

Phil Landsberg

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Our warmest, heartfelt congratulations to all the honorees. A special tip of the hat to Marilyn Osgood, with best wishes for the happiest retirement ever; and to the Chaz, who blesses all of us with his kavanah and kindness. Rabbi Melvin and Sharon Sachs

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

A Special Thank You to the Following Businesses, Vendors and Construction Companies who are supporting Lincoln Square Synagogue at our 2011 Annual Dinner: Alpha Stone Barone Steel Cantorial Council of America Cetra-Ruddy Compu-Phone Dr. Daniel Kaplan Dr. Naomi Freistat Eastern Air Goetz Fitzpatrick Kosher Marketplace Lincoln Business Machines Manhattan Mailroom McGowan Builders Metropolis Vital Edge Insurance Agency Levien & Company Nevco Contracting Park East Kosher Butchers Rovner & Company LLC Royal Wine Corp Seasons Winston Consultants Veyko

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Benefactor Page

Congratulations to all the Honorees

Paul J. Taubman

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Guardian Page

In Honor Of Gale & Jim Kaufman Dr. James Nussbaum Cantor Sherwood Goffin Marilyn Osgood Miriam & Michael Laufer Margy Ruth & Perry Davis

Alan Scovell

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Diamond Page

We applaud the life long philanthropic efforts, in support of the Lincoln Square Synagogue and the Jewish community here and in Israel, of our dear friends Gale & James Kaufman We are very proud of you! May you continue to go from strength to strength.

Michael Emmerman and Patricia Stockhausen and Michelle & Paul Shaviv

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Diamond Page

In honor of

Gale & James Kaufman

The Nash Family Foundation

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Diamond Page

To our dear and beloved friends Jim and Gale The whole world admires you and for good reason! May you be blessed until 120!

With love, Linda & Roy Neuberger and family

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Diamond Page

To Chaz, who has been together with us for these many years, our love and gratitude To Marilyn, who will always have a special place in our hearts, our affection To Gale and Jim, who have been such strong and steady LSSers, our friendship To Jamie, who does so much for this community, our thanks Congratulations to all!

Marion and Maurice Spanbock

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Platinum Page

We salute all of the esteemed honorees for their well-deserved tributes.

Mazal tov and affectionate regards!

Jonathan Herlands & Rachel Neumark Herlands

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Platinum Page

Mazal Tov to James & Gale Kaufman, to Jamie Nussbaum & to Marilyn Osgood. Acharon acharon chaviv: to the Chaz: You have been an everlasting inspiration and a source of constant light to LSS just like the Ner Tamid - Thank you for everything !

Chavie Kahn, Heshy Kofman, Simon, Sarina & Julian

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Gold Page

Chaz and Marilyn: Mazal tov on your honors. You have each been very special to our shul and to us over so many years. Jamie: Mazal tov on your honor. We look forward to many decades of your continued involvement at LSS. Thank you to Perry and Margy-Ruth, Michael and Miriam and the other committee members for all your dedication and hard work in putting the dinner and journal together.

Jim and Gale

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Gold Page

Thank you, Amos, Bernie, Bob, Dan, Ed, Fred, Gloria, Harry, Ian, Irv, Joyce, Ken, Perry, Phyllis, Richard, Stanley, Steve, and all the officers, committee members and many other LSS members who came to the rescue and helped our wonderful shul these past nine months. And special thanks to Rabbi Robinson, Eli Kornreich, Moshe Sukenik, and of course the Amazing, Anonymous Donor. Our extraordinary communal effort is not over yet, but there is definitely a bright light at the end of this long tunnel.

Jim and Gale

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Gold Page

We congratulate all the honorees for their selfless commitment to our shul. Mazal tov

Ivan and Francesca Berkowitz

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Gold Page

Mazel tov to all of the Honorees

Happy Birthday Chaz Ad Meah V'Esrim We love you!!

Special Thanks to Marilyn for her many years of service

Karen & David Eisner, Josh and Jason

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Gold Page

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Gold Page

In honor of Gale & Jim for all of their hard work on behalf of the shul Mazel tov Jamie You are an inspiration to all of us. Happy Birthday Chaz Thank you Marilyn We will miss you.

Joyce & David Friedman

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Gold Page

We are sorry we couldn't be with you tonight.

We are so grateful to all our honorees for their great service to our Synagogue and community and friendship to us.

Gloria and Richard Kestenbaum

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Gold Page

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Gold Page

We salute Gale & Jim Kaufman

Pamela & George Rohr

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Gold Page

Mazal tov to the Honorees

Martine and Jack Schenker

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Gold Page

Yom Huledet Sameach laChaz... Like wine (gematria yayin = 70) he only gets better with age! Yasher koach to all the honorees

Lu, Michael, Ilana, and Talia Schulder

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Silver Page

Mazel Tov to all the honorees on these well-deserved honors

Audrey & Sarge Aborn

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Silver Page

James and Gale Kaufman Cantor Sherwood Goffin Marilyn Osgood Dr. Jamie Nussbaum

We honor the quiet heroes who turn our synagogue into a community

Margy-Ruth and Perry Davis

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Silver Page

To Jim and Gale - whose incomparable efforts in getting the building project going have provided the basis for a wonderful future for LSS To the Chaz - whose sweet voice has graced our sanctuary for close to a half century and has made all our tefillot more meaningful To Jamie - who has been the backbone of the Rabbi Cohen minyan and is among the leadership of the LSS next generation To Marilyn - who has been so dedicated to LSS these many years, and has always made sure our finances and books were in order, a not inconsiderable task


Suzan and Fred Ehrman and family

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Silver Page

Congratulations to all the Honorees and thank you for the wonderful job.

Alla & Alex Eydeland

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Silver Page

Mazal Tov and thanks to Gale and Jim Kaufman for their outstanding dedication to LSS Mazal Tov to Jamie Nussbaum our "guardian angel" and great neighbor Happy Birthday to the Chaz and thank you for enhancing our lives with your music Mazal Tov to Marilyn Osgood and thank you for your many years of hard work and keeping the "balance" in our Shul

Elaine and Scott Liebman

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Silver Page

Mazel Tov to: Jim & Gale for your tremendous work on behalf of the shul, The Chaz: Thank you for being an inspiration, a teacher, a friend, Jamie Nussbaum: We admire you for your devotion to the community. You are such a mensch!! Marilyn: Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! We love you!!

Michelle and Bruce Ritholtz

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Silver Page

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Silver Page

We join LSS in honoring James & Gale Kaufman Guests of Honor Dr. James Nussbaum Next Generation Leadership Award Cantor Sherwood Goffin Seventieth Birthday Celebration and Marilyn Osgood Special Service Award May we continue to celebrate many happy occasions together in our new shul ad meah v'esrim shana! Aviva & Marvin Sussman and family

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Silver Page

Mazel tov to all the honorees on this well-deserved recognition

Jane & Warren Weiss

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

Mazel Tov to all of this year's Honorees. Thank You for helping to make Lincoln Square Synagogue such a special place.

Assaf Alster & Tovah Yamazoe

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

Special thank you to Marilyn Osgood who has been our friendly contact at LSS for many years Yasher Koach to the Chaz on this special birthday And a hearty Mazal Tov to all the honorees who make LSS our home away from home

Lolly and Hertzie Bak

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

In honor of Jim & Gale Kaufman Cantor Sherwood Goffin James Nussbaum Marilyn Osgood

Michelle & Ben Belfer

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

In tribute to the honorees and in loving memory of Ruth L. Belsky, Founding Member 1963

Miriam & Marvin Belsky

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

Warm Congratulations to ALL our Honorees...

Fran and Daniel Besdin

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page All of this year’s honorees are OUTSTANDING! You all contribute to make LSS the wonderful place that it is. Jim & Gale Is there anything you cannot do for the shul? It seems that you do it all while giving it your all: President, Legal advisor, General advisor, Moving committee, etc. Your contributions and energies are truly boundless. We hope this most well deserved honor does not keep you from doing even more! Mazel Tov! Jamie Nussbaum – Thank you for all of the many hours you have devoted to the shul. These hours have qualified you as part of the next generation already! Mazel Tov! Chaz Happy Birthday and thanks for filling the shul with wondrous tefillot and song. You are an inspiration. Mazel Tov! Marilyn You know everything there is to know about the shul. We are not sure how LSS will survive without you. Thank you so much for all you have done to keep the shul up and running. You are always a pleasure to work with. Mazel Tov!

Marcie & Ken Cappell

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

To all the honorees, Mazal Tov on your honor and thank you for your contributions to LSS

Shelley & Ruvan Cohen

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

‫ב’’ה‬ Mazel Tov to all the Honorees!

Vivien & Muk Eisenmann

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page


Phyllis & Stanley

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

In honor of James & Gale Kaufman Cantor Sherwood Goffin Dr. Jamie Nussbaum Marilyn Osgood

Elliot & Debbie Gibber

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

Best Wishes

Marge & Harry Heching

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

Congratulations on well deserved honors for Gale & James Kaufman Jamie Nussbaum Cantor Sherwood Goffin and Marilyn Osgood Your contribution to the shul and the West Side has been terrific and we all benefit. Tizku L'Mitzvot!

Jonathan & Laura Heller and Family

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

Mazel Tov! James & Gale Kaufman Dr. James Nussbaum Happy Birthday Cantor Sherwood Goffin Thank you! Marilyn Osgood

The Kirshenbaum family: Barry, Corinne, Matthew, Stephanie & Lauren

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

Mazal Tov to all the honorees on the well deserved honor

Rebecca, Emilio and Daniela Krausz

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

We are pleased to pay tribute to such a worthy group of awardees, all of whom are especially deserving of our thanks and deep appreciation and who, by what they do on our behalf, bring honor to our beloved Lincoln Square Synagogue: Cantor Sherwood Goffin Jim & Gale Kaufman Dr. James Nussbaum Marilyn Osgood

The Landowne Family

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

Mazel Tov to all the honorees All our best wishes,

Elana, Jamie, Jake, Max, Charlie, Kara

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

To All the Honorees: Jim & Gale Kaufman Cantor Sherwood Goffin Dr. James Nussbaum Marilyn Osgood You have all greatly enriched my life at LSS.

Bina Presser

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

With warm congratulations to the Honorees on your contributions to the community

Henry & Vivian Rosenberg Jacob Glueck

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

To All the Honorees Mazel Tov and best wishes

Irving Rotter and Family

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

Mazal Tov to Chazan Goffin May we privileged to hear your sweet voice for many more years.

With gratitude to the honorees for your dedicated service

Eli & Michelle Salig

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

Thank you to all our Honorees. Very well deserved. Guess who: Someone I spent until the wee hours going over her figures, and who calls me during the day more than my wife? And someone who organizes the batting order week in week out and without whom Shabbat afternoons would be such a drag. And someone else who fills our week with beautiful melodies. Happy Birthday. And finally a couple who organized a master class in Civil Engineering and without whom the new Shul building would never have gotten back on track. This is what makes Lincoln Square the special place to be. We appreciate you all.

Ian & Edina Silver

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

Thank you so very much JAMES & DR. GALE KAUFMAN for the professional way you've served our synagogue

CHAZAN SHERWOOD GOFFIN for your devotion to the beauty of prayer & LSS

DR. JAMES NUSSBAUM for the warm & sensitive way you volunteer for LSS & our community MARILYN OSGOOD for managing the financial details with a minimum of professional direction & supervision over many years


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Congratulations to all the honorees on their well deserved honors. Yasher Koach!

With great admiration and respect, Shira and Avi Spira

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Congratulations to all of the Honorees

Yasher Kochachem

Gale & Steven Spira

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

Mazel Tov to the Honorees Kol Ha'Kavod

Irina & Harvey Stein

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

Each and Every Honoree is so deserving!! Mazel Tov: Gale & James Kaufman Sherwood Goffin Dr. James Nussbaum Marilyn Osgood

Linda and Howard Sterling

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

IN HONOR OF GALE AND JAMES KAUFMAN CANTOR SHERWOOD GOFFIN MARILYN OSGOOD From a distant time And a distant place We still remember


Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

We salute our wonderful honorees James & Dr. Gale Kaufman Chazan Sherwood Goffin Dr. James Nussbaum Marilyn Osgood

Thank you for all you mean to our shul

Arlene & David Stone

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Bronze Page

In Honor of Marilyn Osgood & the excellent service she has given to L.S.S.

Herb Weinstein Winston Consultants, Inc.

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Mazel Tov to our parents, James and Gale Kaufman on this much deserved honor We love you and are very proud of you!

Love, Dahlia, Sherry, Dafna, and Meital Eli, Paula, Mira, and Stanley Shira, Hayyim, and Raanan Sam & Joanna

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To my devoted husband, To our caring father, To our loving Zaidy, Happy 70th Birthday! May your youthful exuberance continue to flourish, may your sweet singing voice always ring strong. You warm our hearts, and we will love you forever our family patriarch to whom we point with glowing pride.

With hearts overflowing with gladness that Hashem gave you to us,

Batya, Tsipi & Jerry, Yoni and Adina Nisa Hawk Chavi & Elly, Nisa Bracha and Ayala Goffin Yael & Uri, Binyamin, Chaya, Aliza, Asher Yosef, and Shmuel Goffin

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Mazal Tov Sherwood and Batya On this well deserved honor May all your prayers be accepted L’ratzon. With our love and best wishes for much Jewish Nachat Lily & Avi, Esther & Mel, Izzy & Diane, Malka, Zev & Terry, Larry & Linda

Dear Uncle Sherwood, You filled our childhood with enhanced, joyful & meaningful family Simchas. You made our weddings special. We feel blessed to have an Uncle Sherwood. Happy Birthday & many, many more

Love, your nieces & nephews, Elana, Azriel, Haviva, Melissa, Jason, Pnina, Chanie, Dassy, Dini, Ronit, Nachum, Ora, Yaffa, Bracha, Shifra, Nissan, and families

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‫גביהן‬ ‫עולה‬ ‫טוב‬ ‫שם‬ ‫וכתר‬ Jamie Mazel Tov With much love, we honor you! Your sincere and active involvement in so many community chassadim is an inspiration and a source of great pride. You are there when it counts, with devotion, dedication and expertise. We honor and send much love to Elana as well. You are a true Eishet Chayil as you stand by Jamie Jamie, encouraging him in his important work, all the while “holding down the fort”. Behind every great man………….. May HKB”H give you both the strength to continue in your good and important work and the zechut to enjoy your beautiful family who we pray will learn by your shining example.

‫וישמרך‬ '‫ה‬ ‫יברכך‬ Mom and Dad

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Mazel Tov Jamie Thanks for paving the way! We are very proud of your many accomplishments. Keep on trucking! Love, Aryeh and Keri, Sara, Adina, Yehuda, Moshe, Hillel and Shira Mark and Rena, Sandy, Chanina and Lily Jeremy and Keren, Daniella, Kayla and Zach

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James, to my husband and to our father, We are so proud of the many things you do for our family and for the good of our community. You are an inspiration and a wonderful role model for us all! Thank you for your kindness, patience, and love! May you continue to be a source of inspiration in health and happiness for many years to come! We love you and respect you completely and you are very deserving of this honor!

With love and admiration, Elana, Jake, Max, Charlie and Kara

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We congratulate our beloved JAMES NUSSBAUM on this special occasion. We are very proud of all your achievements and your dedication to helping others. Mazal Tov to you and Elana, and your wonderful children Jake, Max, Charlie and Kara. With great respect, love, and best wishes for the future, Mom and Dad Angel Rabbi Hayyim and Maxine Angel, Aviva and Dahlia Dr. Dan and Ronda Arking, Andrew, Jonathan and Jeremy Bubbie Schuchalter

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Dearest Marilyn, You have dedicated 30 years to Lincoln Square Synagogue. You work selflessly and rigorously as you do on any project with which you are involved. In addition, you have not deducted one iota from your devotion to being a Wife, Mother and Bubbie. Thank you for being you! With love, Armin

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Dear Mom, We are so proud of you. For 30 years we have watched your dedication and devotion to Lincoln Square Synagogue. You have such a strong work ethic, the likes of which is seldom seen these days. Not only have you worked hard, you have done it your way: with kindness, compassion, and a sense of justice. You have shown us the value of community and volunteerism by giving your time and your heart to bikur cholim, chevra kadisha, hachnasat orchim, and to fundraising for causes in which you believe. There is always enough to invite anyone who does not have a place to eat for shabbat lunch or a place to stay. We know that your midot will continue to shine as you move onto the next chapter. We love you with all our hearts, Davi, Marc and Ephraim

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Dear Sister in Law Marilyn, Mazel tov! We wish you many years to enjoy your well deserved retirement.

Much love, Barbara & Robert Hellen & Harvey

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Dearest Sister, You always give of yourself, over and above what is required, selflessly and quietly, without fuss or fanfare, yet you are deserving of every accolade and then some!!! For a job well done !!! Congratulations !!! I love you, Marilyn, and am honored that you are my sister.


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In Honor of James and Dr. Gale Kaufman Beyond the call of duty Cantor Sherwood Goffin Teacher of song to LSS and the Jewish World Dr. James Nussbaum LSS's Future (and our knees and ankles) are in good hands Marilyn Osgood "Finance Administrator" doesn't tell half the story!

Miryam and Amos Alter

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Mazel tov to all of the honorees on this well-deserved recognition

And a very happy birthday to the Chaz

Miriam and Alan Axelrod

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With Joy and Gratitude

For Years of Musically Inspired Kavannah, For Keeping our Souls in Order For Keeping our Shul in Running Order For presiding over the Shul in Good and Difficult Times For Future Leadership We Thank You Cantor Goffin The Soul of our Shul

Marilyn Osgood The Soul of the Shul's Machinery

Jim and Gale Kaufman Old Friends

James Nussbaum To be a New Friend

Wendy, Jonathan, Mitchell Baker and Laurie Baker Gafni

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Congratulations to all the Honorees on their well deserved awards

And a special Happy Birthday to the "Chaz"

Rachel and Martin Balsam

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With deep thanks to all whose labors on behalf of our Synagogue give joy to the mind and music to the heart.

Olga & Euval Barrekette

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Full Page AN OPEN LETTER TO PHYLLIS GETZLER Dear Phyllis, Freda and I have been out-of-neighborhood members of Lincoln Square Synagogue for some four decades and we have long been awed by your and Stanley's devotion to its welfare. We were thrilled but not surprised when you took the helm during the recent building crisis. For us you are "the fabulous Phyllis". We recall happy relationships with other LSS people. Star among them were Gale and James Kaufman who invited us when we came to the West Side for YomTov; they have done so much for the shul over the years. Many of our good LSS friends joined with us in our rescue efforts for Soviet and East European Jewry and made LSS a unique congregational base for the Movement. It all started with my getting to know the 20 year old Steven Riskin in Israel in 1960. I recall visiting the original LSS at 150 West End Ave. to discuss his becoming the founding Chairman of my newly created Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry (SSSJ). (A young woman, Rose (now Landowne), was there for a shiur.) Cantor Sherwood Goffin soon joined us and led us in songs of protest and hope for Soviet Jews. I recall on one occasion he traveled from a Jericho, Long Island event to participate in our great Jericho March of April 4, 1965. For us his combination of consummate Hazonus and heartfelt Baal Tefilah makes him very special. The teenage Effie Buchwald got into trouble with the administration of his Yeshiva for joining a matzo protest march organised by then Columbia student, the always-committed Bernard Kabak as early as 1962! Amos Alter was a lively activist in Flatbush where I established a Brooklyn office in the 1960s. Margy-Ruth Greenbaum (now Davis) joined me very early as a teenager. Eventually, she succeeded my Soviet Jewry disciple, Malcolm Hoenlein, to become the capable Director of the Greater New York Conference on Soviet Jewry with its mighty Solidarity Sundays. Glenn Richter early joined my core group of volunteers centered in Yeshiva University and eventually became our long-time valued National Coordinator. He married the leader of the Stern College "gang", the truly dedicated Lenore Wolfson. We have long cherished the productive enthusiasm of Bob and Elissa Burnat. Freda and I have had the special pleasure of working with two LSS members who have given unique service to the Jewish people. Cyrus Abbe worked on behalf of Romanian, Russian, Syrian and Ethiopian Jews and accompanied me a number of times to Washington to testify before Congressional committees. We will never forget our first encounter with Barbara Ribakove Gordon, on a Shabbos afternoon at an LSS summer retreat in the country. I appealed for volunteers to go to Romania. She jumped up and cried out “Send me!” It was the most ardent “Hineni” response I ever experienced. We feel privileged that her very successful Romania visit led her to create her truly wonderful NACOEJ, devoted to the rescue and Jewish renewal of Ethiopian Jews. Over the years, the office of LSS has been blessed with two remarkable women, the late Martha Cohn z”l and Marilyn Osgood. Despite their very different personalities, Marilyn proved a wonderful replacement for Mrs. Cohn and we will miss her sorely. The early years of LSS and SSSJ were played out against the backdrop of the first Star Trek years and we would like to adapt the famous Mr. Spock "bracha" to our dear Phyllis and the great LSS ship – “May you live long and prosper" under the outstanding and compassionate leadership of Rabbi Shaul Robinson. Dr. Yaakov Birnbaum Freda Bluestone Birnbaum

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Congratulations to the honorees for their dedication to the shul Mazal Tov to our beloved Chaz on this special birthday

Nitza and Micah Bloomfield

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Mazal Tov to Marilyn Osgood on being honored for her years of hard work and dedication to LSS. You are an inspiration to us all.

Bella and Stephen Brenner

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Mazel Tov and Best Wishes to the Kaufmans, Jamie, & the Chaz

Bernard Broome

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Mazal Tov to all of the Honorees

Esther Goldsmith & Jeff Buller

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Mazel Tov to all the honorees!

Thank you for your dedication and countless hours Each of you has done so much to make Lincoln Square the wonderful shul that it is. Our past was inspiring. Our future is full of promise

Elissa and Bob Burnat

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Mazel Tov and thank you to all our honorees

Francine & Jay Cinamon

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In honor of all of this year's honorees and our good friends, this years journal chairs, Miriam and Michael Laufer. May you go from strength to strength and continue working on behalf of Klal Yisroel.

Ann & Larry Cohn

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‫עחד‬ ‫לב‬ ‫אחד‬ ‫איש‬ Congratulations to: Jim & Gale Kaufman Chazan Sherwood Goffin Marilyn Osgood Jamie Nussbaum for bringing unity to the shul

The Epsteins

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Lincoln Square Synagogue First Morning Minyan Sarge Aborn Seymour Adler Anonymous Eugene (Shlomo) Brody Muk Eisenmann Rami Hori Leslie Katz Ronen Korin Jonah Kupietzky Morton Landowne Michael Laufer Bennett Leichman Scott Liebman Solomon Max Alan Pekelner Eli Salig Max Sclair Mark Wald Jay Ziffer Philip Ziffer

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Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Full Page

To Marilyn Osgood good luck Oh, if we could be what we would be! Mazel tov to all the other Honorees

Continue your work for the Jewish future

Maurice Friedman

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In honor of all the honorees and to our mother, Aviva Sussman, for their tireless commitment and devotion to Lincoln Square Synagogue

Shari, Josh, and Evelyn Goldberg

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Mazal Tov to Dr. James Nussbaum on receiving this well deserved honor We applaud your leadership and many acts of chesed on behalf of the Jewish community.

Lisa & Elie Gross

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To Marilyn From your OZ Co Journal Chairs; Your dedication, hard work and good spirits have spurred us on to success! We wish you and Armin many, many happy, healthy and fulfilling years. May you both continue to go from strength to strength. Mazel Tov to all the honorees,

Jake, Naomi and Rebecca

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Congratulations to Gale & James Kaufman to Dr. James Nussbaum to Marilyn Osgood

Happy Birthday Chaz

Walter & Reni Hanau

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Mazal tov to Jim and Gale Jamie Chaz and Marilyn

on these well-deserved honors

Rocky and Freddy

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Our Honorees Jim Kaufman: To the shul, a gushing font of untiring leadership; To us, a dear friend. Gale Kaufman: To the shul, a selfless and unstinting ba'alat chesed; To us, a dear friend. Cantor Sherwood Goffin: To the shul, the embodiment of sweet sound and sweet soul; To us, a dear friend. Jamie Nussbaum: To the shul, the generous contributor of multifaceted gifts; To us, a dear friend. Marilyn Osgood: To the shul, the irreplaceable Wikipedia of all that is L.S.S. To us, a dear friend. We salute you all with the greatest admiration and affection.

Ilana & Bernie Kabak

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Mazel Tov and Congratulations to our Guests of Honor

Jerry Kahn

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Mazel Tov to all the Honorees. Thank you for your past, present and future leadership. A special thank you to Marilyn Osgood for knowing all the answers to the many questions asked by our membership. AND A MOST SPECIAL THANK YOU TO THE CHAZ . MAY YOU CONTINUE TO LEAD US IN SONGS OF JOY AND PRAYER FOR MANY, MORE BIRTHDAYS. Eleanor Jakubovitz and Dr. Sandy Kahn

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To all the recipients, Mazal Tov on being recognized for all your efforts in making Lincoln Square Synagogue so special. May you always enjoy good health, happiness, and dreams fulfilled.

Janice and Marv Katz

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How grateful we are to have been part of this dinner honoring our friends who have personally touched our lives in so many ways. And what a wonderful treat it has been working with such an extraordinary set of pros who comprised this years dinner and journal committees. And finally, to the dedicated staff who made this dinner the success it is - thank you so very much to Eli, Marilyn and Phil. Miriam and Michael Laufer Tova, Jacob, Ben & Rebecca

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Mazel Tov to 3 Great Honorees and with much gratitude to the Chaz for the spiritual & emotional comfort he has provided; to Jamie for tendering to our physical needs while keeping us laughing; and to Jim for his leadership on the construction committee Kol Hakavod The Lipkis Family

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Best Wishes and Mazal Tov to all the Honorees

Tom Lowinger Miriam Lowinger

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Mazel tov to all the Honorees

Susan, Steven, Ariella, Danielle, Gabrielle, Sarah, Rebecca, and Jaclyn Mero

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In honor of Chazan and Mrs. Goffin and all the honorees

Jeffrey and Yehudit Neuman

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To a great ba'alat chesed whose family abounds in Torah and Chesed Marilyn Osgood May you and Armin enjoy many more years of health and nachas

Congregation Ohab Zedek Rabbi Allen Schwartz

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Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Full Page

In Honor of Chazan Goffin For Bringing Music to the World, Marilyn Osgood For Tirelessly Helping Others, Dr. Jamie Nussbaum For Always Being There In An Emergency!

Judy & Dr. Joe Pollak

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Congratulations and Mazal Tov to all the Honorees

Martin and Rosalind Pomerance

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Congratulations to All of the Honorees

Michael & Carol Raiten

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Congratulations to each of our well-chosen honorees this year. Your dedication to Lincoln Square Synagogue has benefited our entire community. Gale, Jimmy and Marilyn We have been friends since our children were in elementary school together. A toast to good times and your devotion to LSS. Chaz - Your davening has enhanced all our tefillot. Happy Birthday. L'Chaim! James - We have all benefited from your presence in our young leadership. Tizku L'Mitzvot Mazal tov

David & Andrea Penkower Rosen

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Remembering Our Past Anticipating Our Future Celebrating our Honorees

Zelda R. Stern & Stanley I. Rosenzweig

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We recognize our Honorees for their past service -We challenge them to carry us into a stellar future. CHAZAK VE'EMATZ

Susan Ruttner

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Mazel Tov to Jim & Gale Jamie the Chaz and Marilyn It is an honor to know you and have you in our community. With great appreciation for all that you do,

Robyn & Alan Samuels & Family

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Best Wishes to All the Honorees

Continue your good work in good health

Judy & Joel Schreiber

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It's all about L.S. S. Jim and Gale - Lincoln Square Stalwarts The Chaz - Lincoln Square Spirit...and Song Marilyn - Lincoln Square $tatements Dr. James Nussbaum - Lincoln Square Strides ahead

Recognizing the enormous efforts of all the honorees, Jeffrey and Milayna Subar Schwartz

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Mazel tov to Jamie Nussbaum Thanks for ALL your great work on behalf of our community! Happy 70th to the Chaz! Mazel tov to the Kaufmans and Marilyn Osgood

Yoni & Shani Schwartz and family

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Mazal Tov to each of the honorees for their extraordinary contributions

The Schwartzben family

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Lincoln Square Synagogue Second Morning Minyan

Norman Alpert Assaf Alster Amos Alter Alan Axelrod Bob Bernat Jonathan Bernstein Haskel Eisenstein Yechiel Eisenstein Les Erber Cantor Sherwood Goffin Rami Hori Pierce Neuman Marc Nudelman Harris Tilevitz Carl Wisotsky

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Mazal Tov

to all the honorees

Hans Seidemann & Marion Rettek

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Our family has been deeply touched by "the Chaz"- from the first time we heard his voice on his record "Neshoma" - which led us to L.S.S. and from there through our son's Bar Mitzvah and our daughter's Bat Mitzvah - until today as we listen to Cantor Goffin's voice in "One Heart One Soul" as we prepare for Shabbat. We thank Cantor Goffin for the joy he has brought into our home and wish him and his family many more happy, healthy and melodic years. Alice & Stephen Shapiro Jonathan Strauss Shapiro, Bar Mitzvah Mishpatim February, 1979 Ellen Lowenthal Shapiro, Bat Mitzvah Rosh Hodesh Sivan May, 1982

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Congratulations To all the Honorees!

Maura & Leonard Shaykin

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Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov to our wonderful honorees You have done so much for our beloved shul

Joseph & Shari Stern Sonnenberg

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Congratulations Jamie on your leadership award. You truly are an inspiration to us. Mazal tov

Nurit and Yehuda Srulowitz

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Happy Birthday to Cantor Goffin and Mazal Tov to my friends, Gale & James Kaufman, Marilyn Osgood, & Jamie Nussbaum

Aviva Stanley

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In celebration of Cantor Sherwood Goffin's 70th Birthday and forty-six years of outstanding service to the LSS community. Congratulations to Gale and James Kaufman and Dr. James Nussbaum for their leadership contributions. Thanks to Marilyn Osgood for years of answering our many questions.

Karen Luchter and Ed Stark

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Since it has become de riguer at LSS to quote Winston Churchill, we felt that the best way to express our feelings about this year's dinner honorees was to echo his sentiments about the RAF:

NEVER WAS SO MUCH OWED BY SO MANY TO SO FEW. Thank you all for all you have meant and will continue to mean to our shul

Shirley Stark, Mark Hus and family

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With thanks to Cantor Sherwood Goffin Your grateful Bar and Bat Mitzvah Students The Brown Family Alex Bulanov Jeremy Burton Noach Burton Keir Cavalier Elliot Eliashvili Mark Eliashvili Michael Grossinger Nathaniel Helfgot Gabriel Sam Kabak Joel Ross Krinsky Joshua Shane Krinsky Aryeh Landowne Jacob Laufer Benjamin Laufer Ethan Robey Joshua Robey Mordechai Rosen Shirah Rosenfield Shoshana Rosenfield Yitzchak Rothenberg Aaron Michael Rubin Lauren Herta Rubin Diana Rose Rubin Jonathan Strauss Shapiro (1979) Ellen Lowenthal Shapiro (1982) Alison Shay Ariel Shay Adam Silverman (1977) Mikey Stone Alexander Taub Julian Taub Benjamin Wolff

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It is because of the honorees and awardees of this year's dinner that we so enjoy LSS. Thank you Jim, Gale, Dr. James, Marilyn and The Chaz

Dalia, Eric, Rebecca and Ethan Sussman

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Kasirer Consulting LLC Joins Lincoln Square Synagogue in celebrating Gale & James Kaufman, Dr. James Nussbaum, Marilyn Osgood and Cantor Sherwood Goffin on all of their accomplishments! Suri Kasirer Kasirer Consulting, LLC 321 Broadway, Ste. 201 New York, NY 10007 (212) 285-1800

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Congratulations to all the honorees Gale & James Kaufman Cantor Sherwood Goffin Dr. James Nussbaum Marilyn Osgood Your commitment, devotion and dedication to Lincoln Square Synagogue is appreciated beyond words. To Rabbi and Mrs. Shaul Robinson: Thank you for your leadership, learning and devotion to Lincoln Square Synagogue and community. We are truly blessed by you and your family's presence. To Dr. James and Elana Nussbaum: Jamie, we take great personal pride in your well deserved honor. Mazal Tov to you , Elana, and the whole family. May we share many simchas together.

Raquel, Elisha, Joseph Verschleisser

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Nathan and Paula Vogel congratulate all the honorees. We also gratefully acknowledge the leadership of Rabbi Robinson and the Chaz's inspiring davening. We are proud to be members of a congregation that comes together to celebrate simchas and springs into action to provide assistance during life's more difficult times.

Nathan and Paula Vogel

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To Gale & James, To Sherwood, To Jamie, To Marilyn, Mazel Tov on your much deserved and long-time earned recognition.

The Wald Family

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Best Wishes to all of the Honorees Happy Birthday to the Chaz!

Tova and Howard Weiser

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To our Good Friend Jamie Mazal Tov on this perfectly bestowed honor. Wishing you and your entire family much Mazal and Simcha

The New Kids on the Block The Wieders PS This ad was not submitted in the last minute in any way shape or form.

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Mazal tov to all the honorees for the well deserved recognition

Trudy and Jay Zimmern

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Kudos to all the honorees

Happy Birthday & Many Happy Returns to our dear Chaz

Naomi, Bernie, Elliot, Josh & Gabi Zweig

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to our dear cousins Gale and Jim Kaufman a truly wonderful and deserving couple With a goodhearted willingness to serve they have dedicated themselves to Lincoln Square Synagogue May they enjoy good health and nachas from their children and grandchildren Lillian and Abe Kaufman

In honor of Gale & Jimmy With our very best wishes and congratulations Ruth & Jake Clarita & Abe Sonia & Jay

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Happy Birthday, Chaz Thank you for all the wonderful years of davening with you, ‫ועשרים‬ ‫מאה‬ ‫עד‬ Marilyn, Thanks for all the years of dedication to LSS and being such a great friend to all. Enjoy your retirement To the Kaufmans, thanks for your efforts on behalf of the shul ‫חביב‬ ‫אחרון‬ ‫אחרון‬ To Dr. Jamie, for all the years of being there for us Barbara and Arthur Alexander

In honor of Chazan Sherwood Goffin Happy Birthday! May you celebrate good health until 120 Mazal tov to Marilyn Osgood with great appreciation for your dedication to our shul Pnina Arbesfeld

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Mazal tov to all the honorees and thank you for all your dedication and hard work you have done and will continue to do for Lincoln Square Synagogue. Guests of Honor: James and Gale Kaufman Next Generation Leadership Award: Jamie Nussbaum Seventieth Birthday Celebration: the Chaz Special Service Award: Marilyn Osgood

Mordechai Beilis

In tribute to the Honorees In respectful appreciation of the many ways in which the honorees have used their impressive and diverse talents in sustaining and developing the growth of Lincoln Square Synagogue Daisy Berman and Family

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to all the deserving Honorees

Joe Blank

Congratulations and Best Wishes to all the Honorees

Stan & Janet Broome

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Congratulations to all the honorees! Happy Birthday Chaz many more happy and healthy ones! To Marilyn, I will miss seeing you and speaking on the phone! Shalom from Israel Sorry we can't be there to celebrate! Leah & Paul Buchsbayew Mazel Tov To all of the Honorees... Marilyn Osgood – To a great friend... Cantor Sherwood Goffin – You keep us singing…Happy Birthday Dr. James Nussbaum – Thank you for being here for the entire community, young and older and all in between……… James & Gale Kaufman – For being you… Iris Cahn

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner In honor of Cantor Sherwood Goffin Mazal Tov wishes of tribute to our esteemed colleague, Cantor Sherwood Goffin, CCA Honory President and BSJM faculty member upon this milestone celebration in his cantorial career Throughout the many years, Cantor Goffin has always exemplified the true meaning of a Shleiah Tzibbur par excellence! Cantor Leon Kahn President, Cantorial Council of America Cantor Bernard Beer Director, Belz School of Jewish Music, Yeshiva University

Somebody once said, "what a shul!" The character and caliber of our honorees embody the noble ideals of LSS--Torah inspired lives and dedication to communal service, klal yisroel and the land of Israel. How fortunate for our shul that they have been part of LSS over the years.

Congratulations to one and all, Shulie Cohen

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

To Jim and Gail Kaufman-Great friends and devoted shul members.... To Cantor Goffin- Your voice has taught our kids and uplifted us for so many years.. To Jamie Nussbaum- You're an exciting, caring young leader and "Good for our Health!" To Marilyn Osgood- For years of service and devotion with a smile..... THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!! MAY YOU GO FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH!!

Ann Crane and Samuel Zakay

Yom Huledet Sameach, Chaz! Wishing you good health & voice for many years to come

Bobbie Sue, David, Sarah Sue, Sophie Lee & Effie

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Lincoln Square Synagogue is our spiritual home and its members, leaders and volunteers are our family. Each of this year’s honorees truly deserves recognition for making this shul so special. James and Gale Kaufman Dr. Jamie Nussbaum Cantor Sherwood Goffin Marilyn Osgood We also salute and thank Rabbi Robinson, Rabbi Buchwald, Rabbi Ausubel & Mrs. Elana Stein Hain. Finally we honor all the volunteers of the Ushering and Security committees.

Beverly & Lenny Davidman

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Thank You to All of the Honorees for your Tireless and Humble Devotion to our Most Special Community Michael Doppelt



Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to Dr. James Nussbaum Looking forward to Oxnard - Part Round Deux

Dov & Rachael Eisenberger Vital Edge Insurance Agency

A hearty Mazal Tov and Thank You Chazan Sherwood Goffin & All the Honorees

Barbara Epstein a very grateful member

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner In honor of our dear friends

Cantor Sherwood Goffin Marilyn Osgood Dr. James Nussbaum All extraordinary oskin b'tzorchei tzibbur who strengthen the kedusha of our community Â

Fran and Shelly Fine

Congratulations to the Honorees

Ziporah and Fabius Fox

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Cantor Goffin, Happy 70 years young! Congratulations to the honorees James and Gale Kaufman Dr. James Nussbaum Marilyn Osgood

Kol Tuv, Bill and Dassa Greenbaum

Mazel Tov to all the Honorees, and a very Happy Birthday to our wonderful Chaz, who inspires us with his beautiful prayer and caring nature.

Pearl Glassberg

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Kol ha'kavod to all the honorees, and tizku l'mitzvot, Shoshana Mafdali Goldman Mazel Tov to Chazan Sherwood Goffin our dear friend and "landsman" from New Haven May Hashem bless you and your wonderful family ad meah ve'esrim! Mazel Tov to our wonderful friend Marilyn Osgood on this well-deserved honor

Helena & Marvin Goldstein and family

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Mazal tov and love to all the wonderful Honorees!

Barbara Ribakove Gordon and all of us at NACOEJ

Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Honorees

Dr. William & Esther Green

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to the Chaz on his milestone birthday and to all of our honorees who have done so much for LSS May you go from strength to strength

Doris & Marshall Greenberg

In honor of Marilyn Osgood for her devotion and dedication to LSS and OZ which know no bounds Rikki & Mendy

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to all the honorees!

Jeffrey Z. Grossman

Our Hebrew School Students Salute LSS Isabel Beck Michaela Beck

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Congratulations and warmest regards to Gale & Jim Kaufman LSS is fortunate to have them in the congregation.

Marjorie & Jerry Heyman

Mazel tov to the LSS Dinner Honorees! Jamie Nussbaum The Kaufmans Marilyn and The Chaz Love, Anne & Marty Hochberg (Happy Birthday Marty!)

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

B"H In honor of our dearest Chaz, whose sweet voice fills us all with extra kavanah as we daven and whose friendship we treasure deeply and to our good friends, Miriam and Michael, whose tireless devotion to our shul inspires others to do more themselves. With much appreciation and love,

Lee, Paul, Jacob and Eliana Holm

Congratulations to all the honorees. Thank you for your hard work on behalf of L.S.S. A special ‫כח‬ ‫ ישר‬, Mazel Tov, and Happy Birthday to Chazan Sherwood Goffin Carol Hornung

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

In honor of Marilyn Osgood Congratulations on this well-deserved honor Mazal tov to all the honorees

David & Rena Jaroslawicz

Happy Birthday Chaz Mazel Tov To dear Marilyn Congratulations To the Kaufmans Kol HaKavod to Jamie Nussbaum

Audrey Kallman

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

MAZEL TOV to Gale & James Kaufman - Guests of Honor Dr. James Nussbaum - Next Generation Leader Cantor Sherwood Goffin - 70th Birthday Marilyn Osgood - Special Service Award for honors well deserved Lois & Leslie Katz

Mazal tov to our honorees

Marjorie Lehman & Ari Klapholz, Jonah and Gabriel

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Kol HaKavod to all the Guests of Honor

Leah Koenig Mazal Tov and Yasher Koach to all the Honorees

Martin Koenig

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Mazel tov to the honorees

Ronen Korin

Congratulations to tonight's Honorees

Judge Sabrina Kraus Candidate for Civil Court September 13, 2011

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Best wishes to the honorees Gale & James Kaufman Dr. James Nussbaum Cantor Sherwood Goffin Marilyn Osgood

Sol & Meira Max

Mazel tov to all the Honorees!

Nina Moinester

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Happy Birthday Chaz! And Many, Many More!

Shaina & Ari Moses

Mazel Tov to all of this year's honorees on your well deserved recognition. Your dedication and service to LSS are greatly appreciated. May you continue your good work for many years to come. A special Happy Birthday to the Chaz. Ad Mea v'esrim. Best wishes, Enid Moskowitz

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

TO EACH OF OUR ESTEEMED HONOREES: A hearty mazel tov and ya'sha'koach. Kol HaKavod and warmest good wishes! TO MARILYN OSGOOD: For us, it just won't be the same; for you, G-d willing, the best is yet to come. TO OUR BELOVED CHAZ: Loving Happy Birthday wishes. May you, Batya, and your sparkling troop be blessed with good health and every joy and nachas - and may you continue to enrich us with your soulful and uplifting davening. Libby Peppersberg

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

If there were only more Gale & Jim Kaufmans, the world would be a better place.

Penny and Claudio Pincus

Happy Birthday to Cantor Goffin and congratulations to all the honorees Barry, Caryn and Charlie Pomerantz

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Marilyn & Armin Osgood -LSS, OZ, MDS and your many friends owe you a big THANK YOU, and a future with blessings of good health and good luck. Chazan Sherwood & Batya Goffin LSS and the world Jewish community also owe you a major THANK YOU. Keep on singing! Congratulations to the honorees James & Gale Kaufman & Dr. James Nussbaum. Thank you to the leadership and supporters of LSS and to Perry & Margy-Ruth Davis Dinner Chairs & Michael & Miriam Morgenstern Laufer Tribute Journal Chairs

Glenn & Lenore Richter

Mazal tov to the Honorees

Sara Rosen

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Mazel tov to all the Honorees! In memory of Joseph Roth z"l Sydell Roth Mazal Tov to all the Honorees

Marc Rovner Rovner & Company, LLC 2076 Flatbush Avenue Marine Park, NY 11234 T.718.412.3555 F.718.412.3559

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Rabbi Robinson and Rabbi Buchwald With Great Appreciation, We Thank You from Deep Within our Hearts. You both inspire us daily! Much Love, Lori and Bob Schecter

Mazel Tov to Marilyn!

Esther & Victor Schnitzer and family

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Congratulations to a great group of honorees: James and Gale Kaufman Dr. James Nussbaum Chaz Sherwood Goffin Marilyn Osgood

Deina Shapiro

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Congratulations to Our Honorees Jim and Gale Kaufman Chazan Sherwood Goffin Dr. Jamie Nussbaum Marilyn Osgood

Paul A. Slater

Happy Birthday Dear Chaz! You embody the continuous prayer that rises from our shul. We are fortunate that you are our shliach tzibur. Your students are fortunate to have such a dedicated and gifted teacher.

Paul A. Slater

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

In memory of my beloved parents, Benno & Elisabeth Steinlauf Michael Steinlauf

In Honor Of Cantor Sherwood Goffin, A Dear and Admired Close Friend Who has brought many Jews closer to the Ribono Shel Olam through his Inspiring Tefila, Song, Chesed, and Midos Tovos With Much Love, Moshe and Chana-Leah Stengel

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Heartiest Congratulations to the Honorees especially Cantor Goffin whose melodic voice I remember from the LSS Boat Ride

Elaine Strum

In honor of my dear friends, Jimmy & Gale Kaufman Mazal tov to the Chaz on his special birthday, Jamie Nussbaum on his leadership award and Marilyn Osgood for all her years of hard work on behalf of LSS Noreen Wachs

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

In honor of my favorite rebbitzens and rabbis: Aidel and Rabbi Buchwald Sarah and Rabbi Robinson In honor of Marilyn Osgood Chaviva (Shunli) Warner Congratulations to all the Honorees

Alvin Weiss Herbert Weiss

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov and Best Wishes to all of the honorees Sanford & Kim Gantz Wexler

Mazal Tov to our good friend Jamie Nussbaum and to the Kaufmans, The Chaz and Marilyn on this well-deserved honor!

Morey & Joy Wildes

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Mazal tov to all the honorees

Beth Wohlgelernter

Congratulations to all the Honorees

Barry Youngerman

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

‫טוב‬ ‫מזל‬ To all the Honorees on this Well Deserved Tribute! Fondly, Jay H. Ziffer

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

In honor of Gale & James Kaufman

Mazal tov to Chazan Goffin and all the awardees

The Moses Kaufman Family

Tina & David Berezin-Bahr Breeah-Dahlyt-Neesa & Shoava

Mazal tov Congratulations to all the honorees and to all our family at LSS.

to all the honorees

Ariella and Josh Berliner

Ruth D. Bernstein

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Congratulations to In honor of

Gale & Jim,

Rabbi Robinson

Wonderful friends,

and the

Lake Waubeeka and everywhere

esteemed honorees

Michael & Shelli Borkow Amy & Sylvain Cappell

In honor of

‫טוב‬ ‫מזל‬

Marilyn Osgood

to all the honorees

Lillie S. Chalfin

Phyllis M. Cohen

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

In honor of Gale & James Kaufman

Congregation Mt. Moses of Lake Waubeka

To the Chaz and Marilyn with heartfelt thanks for all you have done to make our shul the great place that it is.

Ruth Englander

Mazal tov to the Honorees! Mazel tov to Marilyn Osgood Debbie Engel & David Goldstein

Joan & Les Erber

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Congratulations to our honorees Cantor Sherwood Goffin Mazel Tov to all the Honorees upon their selection.

Marilyn Osgood James & Gale Kaufman and

May they, together with the entire LSS Community, go from strength to strength.

Dr. James Nussbaum

Valerie and Daniel Feder

Lori Jacobowitz, Faith Fogelman, and the Jacobowitz Family

Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Honorees

Congratulations to all the very deserving honorees

for all their many and fine contributions to Lincoln Square Synagogue

Happy Birthday, Chaz "ad meah v'esrim"

May they go from strength to strength.

Harriet Frank

Naomi Freistat and Sam Gold

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Happy Birthday Chaz! In Honor of all the Awardees and Special Tribute to Chazan Goffin!

and Mazel Tov to all the Honorees

Erika and Ira Friedman Barbara and Fred Gates

Mazal Tov to our dear friends, Marilyn and Armin. May Hashem grant you the health and strength to continue to serve your communities.

IN HONOR OF Gale & James Kaufman Dr. James Nussbaum Cantor Sherwood Goffin Marilyn Osgood

for keeping Lincoln Square Synagogue, the flagship of Modern Orthodoxy afloat, and forging onwards & upwards through rough waters. A special thank you to Rabbi Buchwald for all his prayer, well-wishes and personal comfort for Sid Gold's refuah.

Love, Miriam and Sam Gluck

Sid & Lynn (Malka) Gold and family

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to Jamie Nussbaum

To Marilyn Osgood All our love and best wishes on your retirement

Tizku L'Mitzvot

Ron Goldofsky

Mazal Tov to all the honorees. Â Your commitment to the shul is an inspiration to us all.

Lee & Abe Goldstein Barbara & Bert Goldstein

Best wishes to all of the Honorees

The Grossman Family Zachary and Elana Gorden

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

In Honor of Cantor Sherwood Goffin

The Hershey Family

Mazal Tov to all honorees for the well deserved honor

The Hudes family

To our really special cousin Marilyn!

(212) 489-4867 daniel a. kaplan, d.d.s. practice limited to periodontics and implantology 200 Central Park South Web-site: Suite 209 New York, NY 10019

Kol HaKavod and Mazal Tov on this wonderful and well-deserved tribute. We are so proud of you and all you do. B'Ahavah Rabbah The Katchen and Amin Families

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Happy Birthday, Chaz! Bon Voyage, Marilyn, we will miss you!

To: Cantor Goffin " 7 0 " Congratulations and best wishes

Mazal Tov to the Honorees: James & Gale Kaufman Jamie Nussbaum

Steve Kay Kupietzky

I love you, Marilyn!

Daniel Mars Margolis Family

Mazel Tov and Best Wishes to The Chaz on his 70th Birthday and in Honor of the Honorees

Jenny Michael

Beatriz & Jacob Muntz Ilene & Lou Vynerib

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov Mazal tov to the honorees to the Honorees

Barbara Neuhaus

Barbara Neuhaus

A hearty Mazel Tov

Diane Bloom

to all the Honorees!

& Ron Platzer

Chuck Pollack

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Mazel tov to Mazel Tov and best wishes to all the Honorees

Marilyn Osgood on this well deserved honor

Rande Price

Mazel Tov to our most deserving honorees

Joe Rich

With admiration and with thanks to all,

Sherwood Goffin, we wish you another 70, filled with health, happiness, and outstanding davening.

Barbara Robey Ruth and Bob Riemer

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Happy Birthday to the Chaz Mazal Tov to the honorees on their well deserved recognition for their work for L.S.S.

Jeff Rosenbaum

Mazel tov to all the honorees!

Shara, Gideon, and Sandy Schor

In Honor of Jim and Gale Kaufman Dear friends, devoted parents and grandparents and committed leaders of Lincoln Square Synagogue.

Much love, Susan J. Rosenthal and Larry Grosberg

Dr. Maish and Mary Shalit Wish Chazzan Goffin a Healthy and Happy 70th birthday

‫ועשרים‬ ‫מאה‬ ‫עד‬

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

Congratulations to all the Honorees

A special big hug to the Chaz on his 70th

Irving Gurman and Grace Shevel

Happy Birthday and Many More to

Congratulations to all the honorees, and a special Happy Birthday and thank-you to the Chaz

Chazan Goffin

Stanley Slater

Julian, Lily, Bluma, and Steve Snyder

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner

MAZAL TOV In honor of all the honorees


The Sokolows



Thank you Marilyn for everything you do every day.


Alene & Morris Krimolovsky ALAN H. ZWIEBEL

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner To the greatest task master the shul has ever known, we salute you Marilyn, Mazal Tov! Shlomo Bar-Ayal and Sarah Stambler

In honor of Cantor Sherwood Goffin Beatrice Brainin In honor of Marilyn Osgood Ronnie and Andy Schonzeit

Mazel Tov to the Chaz and all the LSS honorees Edna & Bill Caplow and family Compliments of Compu-Phone Voice & Data Abe Lemmer

Martin Finkel M.D. In Honor of Marilyn Osgood Dina Flusser

In honor of LSS, the rabbinic leadership and all this year's honorees Dr. Mark & Anna Freilich Mazal tov to the honorees Hannah and Paul Freilich

To our close friend, Marilyn, we are happy to welcome you aboard with us in retirement! May you only enjoy good health and lots of nachas in the future. Your Florida pals, Doris & Bernie Friedman, Florence & Ralph Davidson

In honor of Cantor Sherwood Goffin, Marcia & Cantor Daniel T. Gildar

In honor of Cantor Sherwood Goffin Herschel & Diane Hawk

In Honor of Rabbi Buchwald Susan Hecht & David Cohen In honor of Sherwood Goffin from his proud cousins Soshie & Sender Hirth

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner Congratulations to all the honorees, especially Cantor Sherwood Goffin and Marilyn Osgood (whom I know and appreciate) Yasher Koach to all! Renee B. Hoffman

In Honor of the Chaz Dr. Wolf & Gigi Kohn In Honor of Cantor Sherwood Goffin Ruthie & Abba Krieger In Honor of Rabbi Buchwald Leah & Larry Moss A heartfelt Mazel tov to my dear friend Chazan Goffin. May he continue with his beautiful voice for many years, and thanks to Marilyn for being so wonderful and accommodating whenever I call. Dasha Rittenberg

Mazal tov to the honorees Linda Rogers In honor or Marilyn Osgood Shelly & Werner Rosenbaum

Royal Wine Corp. To honor Marilyn Osgood, for receiving the Special Service Award Evelyn Rubinstein

Mazel tov Marilyn. Happy, Healthy Retirement. We look forward to spending lots of good times together. We love you, Mindy, Abe, Jeff, and Jen In honor of Marilyn Osgood Lila Sesholtz

Wishing you all the ‫ הצלחה‬in the world for this and all LSS projects! Warm regards, Longtime fans of "The Chaz", Congratulations to a Wonderful Friend, Marilyn Osgood! Suzanne Solomon and Family

‫טוב‬ ‫ מזל‬to ‫ חזן‬Goffin - Many many more Birthdays Kenny Sommer

Lincoln Square Synagogue Annual Dinner In Honor of Rabbi Buchwald Bianca & Alexander Sosnovski In honor of our dear Mechutan, Chazan Sherwood Goffin Aharon Yehuda and Shoshana Sussman To Marilyn, with much appreciation for all your help. Wishing you all the very best, Fondly, Bertha Trepp

In Honor of Marilyn Osgood Rhoda Turkel In Honor of Rabbi Buchwald Elisheva Lambert In Honor of the Honorees Ruth Cogan

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