El Dorado de Enriquestuardo Alvarez

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CREDITS Francisco Borja Cevallos Ambassador of Ecuador to the Unites States Carla Portalanza Cultural & Press Attaché at Embassy of Ecuador in the United States Embassy of Ecuador to the Unites States 2535 15th St. NW. Washington DC 20009 © Photography Christoph Hirtz Represented by Alterego.ec Paúl Vaca paul.vaca@alterego.ec Catalog and event elements design Adn Montalvo @mujica tmp

CATALOG Embassy of Ecuador to the Unites States Washington DC, USA JUN - AGO 2017

is the myth of multiple meanings in which the deep longings and archetypes are translated.



Las culturas prehispánicas que estuvieron asentadas en lo que hoy es Ecuador alcanzaron un alto grado de abstracción estética. Esta obra interpreta ese lenguaje original con diversos elementos visuales y materiales como óleo, láminas de oro y acrílico para provocar nuevas y diferentes lecturas.

The pre-Hispanic inhabitants of the territories that became the country known today as Ecuador achieved a high degree of aesthetic abstraction.

El Dorado es una serie que regresa la mirada hacia las raíces ancestrales y propone un acercamiento al mito y la leyenda. Recoge los vestigios de la historia desaparecida en el misterio, reconstruida desde sus fragmentos y unida por pedazos. La mirada que explora en esos vestigios sumidos en el olvido y la incógnita está condenada a la imposibilidad de la reconstrucción del pasado. Cuenta como materia prima solamente con testimonios muchas veces reducidos a suvenires puestos en escena como parte de banales decorados. El Dorado es el mito de múltiples significaciones en el cual se traducen los profundos anhelos y arquetipos dormidos. Confluyen aquí la búsqueda del oro, su relación con lo divino, la transmutación alquímica, la noción de la mercancía, la ilusión y el paradigma de la riqueza. Las imágenes ancestrales siguen vivas, han sobrevivido al olvido. Son parte de nuestra esencia y de nuestra genética cultural, están latiendo y se abren paso desde nuestra más recóndita memoria. Enriquestuardo

This pictorial work interprets that old language through various visual and material elements like oil, gold foil, and acrylic to bring about new and different readings. The El Dorado exhibition looks towards the ancestral roots, proposes an approach to myth and legend. It collects the vestiges of the history disappeared in the mystery, rebuilt from its fragments and united by pieces. The search for gold, its relationship with the divine, the alchemical transmutation, the notion of the commodity, the illusion and the paradigm of wealth come together here. The ancestral images are still alive, they have survived oblivion. They are part of our essence and our cultural genetics, they are beating and they open their way from our most hidden memory. El Dorado is the myth of multiple meanings in which the deepest longings and archetypes are translated. Enriquestuardo

The ancestral images are still alive, they have survived oblivion.

El Dorado series returns the look towards the ancestral roots

El Dorado proposes an approach to myth and legend.

Ecuador, 1958. Master's Degree in Visual Arts with Mention of Honor, UNAM, Mexico City.



• Pollock-Krasner Foundation, NY, 1st Prize 1998 • The Northeast Hispanic Catholic Center, NY, Second Ibero-American Exhibition of Religious Art, 1st Prize, 2000 • Young Mexico Art, Mexico DF, 1st Prize, 1996 • National Congress of Ecuador, Medal for Artistic Merit, 2002.

• Luciano Benetton, Rome, Italy • 21c Museum Hotel, Louisville, Kentucky, USA • Hispanic Catholic Center, NY, USA • Museum University of Tokyo, Japan.

International Biennials

• Quilago, 32 billboards along 8 km of the Valle de los Chillos highway, Quito, Ecuador, 2009 • Women Libertarians, mural, Quito, Ecuador, 2010.

• Tokyo, Japan, 1996 • Cairo, Egypt, 1998 • Lublin, Poland, 1996 • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1996 • Pekin, China, 1995 • San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1997 -1996.

International Individual Exhibitions

• Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2016 • Lexington, Kentucky, USA, 2015 - 2003 • Havana, Cuba, 2012 • La Serena, Chile, 2010 • Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2009 • San José, Costa Rica, 2005 • Mexico DF, Mexico, 1996 • San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1996.

Urban Intervention

His work has been exhibited in 10 international and 40 local collective exhibitions,10 anthological publications of Ecuadorian art. Some of his books are Enriquestuardo and Revolutionary Women. Visiting art, 2015: Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond; Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green; and the University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA. www.enriquestuardo.com


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p. 24 - 25

RÍO DE ORO Acrylic 120 cm x 85 cm 2013 SUSURROS EN PEDAZOS Acrylic 85 cm x 120 cm 2013 LÁGRIMA INVISIBLE Acrylic & oil 140 cm x 180 cm 2016 HERENCIA REMOTA Oil & goldleaf 120 cm x 85 cm 2013 LATIDO OMNIPRESENTE Acrylic 140 cm x 180 cm 2013

FRAGMENTO Acrylic 85 cm x 120 cm 2013 RETORNO Oil & goldleaf 60 cm x 80 cm 2015 CORAZÓN QUE LATE Acrylic & goldleaf 140 cm x 180 cm 2013 RELIQUIA Acrylic & goldleaf 120 cm x 130 cm 2013 BITÁCORA DORADA Acrylic & goldleaf 140 cm x 180 cm 2016

GUARDIÁN DE MISTERIOS Acrylic & goldleaf 50 cm x 150 cm 2016 EL LEGADO Acrylic & goldleaf 50 cm x 150 cm 2016 ENIGMA Oil & goldleaf 60 cm x 80 cm 2015 HALLAZGO Oil & goldleaf 130 cm x 120 cm 2013 VIGILANTE Oil & goldleaf 75 cm x 100 cm 2014

ADORNO EN EL SALÓN Acrylic & goldleaf 130 cm x 120 cm 2013 ADORNOS EN LA VITRINA Acrylic & goldleaf Polyptique 20 cm x 30 cm each piece 2015 SHAMANA Acrylic & goldleaf 140 cm x 180 cm 2016


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