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Jimmy Evans

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ne of God's laws of marriage from Genesis 2 is that a man "shall cleave" to his wife. That word cleave means to pursue with all energy. It's an energetic word. From the very beginning, God told us marriages take work. Our culture, on the other hand, tells us that love just happens. That romance is some kind of magic that occurs between two people. Marriages fail because of these misconceptions about love and romance. In order to have a successful relationship, we have to get rid of these misconceptions. The first misconception is that marriage should be effortless. People think the emotions will always be there. Every morning they'll wake up deeply in love, because they married their soul mate.

When marriages fail, it's often because people are believing lies about their relationship.

Soul mates are not born. They're made. The best marriages don't come from some unexplainable chemistry between people who live happily ever after. They are made between two people who have high goals and a hard work ethic. The second misconception is that emotions never change. That's not true either. Emotions are unpredictable. They come and go. They change— even emotions toward your spouse. The best kind of love isn't ruled by emotion, but by choice. It's agape love—God's type of love. I don't know what my emotions will be tomorrow, but I'm always in control of my will. I've made a decision to love Karen Evans unrelated to how I feel. The third misconception is that positive moments fuel a marriage long-term. In other words, a vacation to Hawaii or a big Valentine's 4

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weekend can sustain the relationship between a husband and wife for a lengthy amount of time. But like the children of Israel who had to gather manna every day because it would spoil, marriage must be renewed every day. Love is a perishable commodity. It doesn't matter what your emotions were a year ago. Marriages don't operate on a point system. The fourth misconception is that love can't be restored. In some marriages, the emotions may disappear. A couple may fall out of love. They think it's over. But it's never over. In Revelation 3, the church at Ephesus has fallen out of love with God. So he tells them to return to their first love. To do the same things they did at first. Karen and I fell out of love early in our marriage. The loving emotions were gone between us. We didn't like each other and thought we'd made a huge mistake. Our marriage was only healed when we began to do the things we did when we first fell in love. We began to pursue each other. We spent time together. We worked on our relationship. I stopped playing golf. Within several weeks, we found ourselves more in love than we'd ever been before. The passion returned. When marriages fail, it's often because people are believing lies about their relationship. These come from the Devil. He wants us to believe these misconceptions because they lead to divorce. But they don't have to. Put each other first and start working on your marriage and you can get the love back. You can fall in love all over again. Blessings,



The name Adonai is translated Lord in the Bible. Adon means, “steward administrator, master, or Lord.” The addition of ai to adon intensifies or elevates its meaning, changing it to mean “the ultimate Lord, the Supreme Lord, or Lord of all.” Bible Challenge Adonai Magazine goes beyond The vision of Adonai Study to shew thyself approved unto God... denominational, traditional, ethnic and cultural barriers that are sometimes imposed and have interfered with the Lord’s vision for an international kingdom building.


Henry Ayensu Franklin Kwaku Kyei Pas. Abraham Obadare


Joyce Meyer


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Jimmy Evans


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Are you ready New Jersey for the Supernatural move of God?. We had powerpacked events in Brooklyn, where the presence of God was so great and powerful. Indeed the Lord in the midst of thee is mighty. There were great miracles, Word of knowledge, Prophecies, and Financial Release. The oppressed were set free, the sick were healed, and we are expecting greater works in New Jersey. Don’t miss your season of Miracles from the Lord. God is waiting with your miracle. Just be there. See advert on page 26

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Marks Of Spirituality: Discipline visit for more articles


iscipline, in the context of spiritual maturity refers to training or dealing with the mind, emotions, and will, by submitting them in acts of obedience to the instructions, training, pruning of God’s Word, the Holy Spirit, divinely sanctioned authority, and trials; to produce self-control and habits of obedience or the results of such dealings (Romans 5:3). It is a life in which self and its proxies for open rebellion against the will of God: - the flesh, the mind, the emotions and the volition (will), have been, or are practically and progressively being dealt with to enable us portray the beauty and character of Jesus in our lives.

Spiritual Maturity, seeks not its own, but God’s glory and the edification of others.

The absence of discipline in our lives weakens our testimony or Christian witness about the transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The lack of it weakens and destroys our fellowship with God and man; creates breaches in our divine protection systems, and impales our ability to receive and discern divine revelation. Such a condition also places us out of sync with the principles for divine service, and weakens our power for Christian service, our usefulness in the hands of God, and our strength in spiritual warfare (I Corinth 9:24-27; 2 Timothy 2:19-21). Its absence or lack of its pursuit sets us up for failure. Such was the story of the Corinthian Church, which led the Apostle Paul to describe them as carnal Christians. This was a church that came behind in the manifestation of none of the gifts of the Spirit, but was also the epicenter of di6

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visions, immorality of unusual sorts, litigations, selfpromotion, drunkenness, and gluttony, even at communion services; not to mention the chaos in the manifestation of the gifts of the spirit. Such was the paradox in the Corinthian Church story. It was, therefore, not strange that some came under divine judgment, where Paul had to challenge them at one point to examine their lives to make sure they were in the faith; because they were making a mockery of the message of the gospel. In contrast to the self-serving, self-promoting, selfsaving tendencies that seem to be so much of the pursuit of our times, a life that exemplifies discipline is full of self-denial, self-sacrifice, and self-control; where the Spirit of God is the guiding and empowering force, and the word of God is the regulator of perceptions and actions. A life of self-denial makes us less contentious, less boastful and vaunting, and less condescending. It makes us less egoistic and haughty, but more humble, and magnanimous; less alive to self, but more alive to spiritual values in all wisdom.

A life of self-sacrifice makes us less demanding but more generous, appreciative, and promotive of others; more serviceable, diligent, responsive to the needs of others and more responsible. It seeks not its own, but God’s glory and the edification of others, insofar as biblical values are not compromised. A life filled with self-control is not impetuous, impatient, or lustful; but temperate, sober, chaste, and restrained. This is what Paul referred to as death to self on a daily basis (II Corinthians 4:10-11, 1618).

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Joyce Meyer For more on this topic, order Joyce’s four-CD series Amazing Grace. You can also contact us to receive our free magazine, Enjoying Everyday Life, by calling (800) 727-9673 or visiting

Staying Faithful, Full Time visit for more articles


o you ever wonder what your life would look like if fear didn’t exist? For example, what if you had the confidence to pursue every passion God gave you? Just imagine for a moment what that would look like. Well, God gives us a special gift called faith so we can do amazing things for Him. And I want to encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and exercise that gift full time.

God constantly. God doesn’t want you be fearful at any time. He wants you to be bold, confident, courageous and full of faith every day of your life—not just until you have a problem or until someone mistreats you. There’s no until. And no one can stop God from answering a prayer that lines up with His Word and His will for our life.

You see, faith gives us so much potential. It motivates us to move forward in the plans God has for us. But fear is a feel-

Throughout the course of a lifetime, we spend a lot of time waiting. And that is often the case with prayer. We can spend years praying for something to happen. And during that time, Satan will do everything he can to discourage us. He will try to convince us that God doesn’t love us, that God’s promises are for more worthy people, or that we didn’t really hear from God in the first place. But if we will just choose to trust God continually, we can keep moving forward in His plans for us.

With God’s help, we can remain constant in the face of fear, putting one foot in front of the other…standing in faith full time. ing Satan uses to keep our focus inward. It makes us feel anxious, causes us to dread the future, and it can keep us from saying and doing things that would reveal more of God’s love to the world. We need to learn to interrupt fear at its onset, before it begins to settle in our spirit. The choice is to either let Satan stop us in our tracks or to go forward in faith, believing God is in control. The good news is, when we’re struggling with fear, we can turn to God’s Word for an inspiring, encouraging reality check. Romans 8:31 (AMP) says, “If God is for us, who [can be] against us? [Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?]” Psalm 27:1 says, “The Lord is my Light and my Salvation— whom shall I fear or dread? The Lord is the Refuge and Stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?” These scriptures are basically saying that if we believe God’s Word, then we have already won. Jesus tells us in Mark 11:22 that we are to have faith in 10

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What Faith Does In Times of Waiting

The truth is, even if you don’t see the fulfillment of every dream or desire of your heart here on earth, God will be pleased as you continue to believe in His perfect plan. And in the meantime, your faith will fill you with hope, joy and peace. Isn’t that wonderful? Romans 15:13 says, “May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope.” Now if you knew me years ago, you would know that I wasn’t always bubbling up with hope. In fact, I was in agony whenever God made me wait for anything, so I would always try to make things happen on my own. And it eventually wore me out! I remember being on the floor sobbing, saying, “God, I’ve tried everything and nothing’s working. I just give up!” At that moment, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and said: Really, Joyce? You mean, you’re going to let Me take it from here?

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Pastor Abraham Obadare

is a minister at Christ Apostolic Church WOSEM, New York City • For Our TV programs show: Queens: QPTV 34 on Wednesdays at 2pm & Fridays at 5:30pm • Brooklyn: BCAT 35/98 at 8:30 on 2nd & 4th Sundays Long Island: CABLEVISION 115 on Sunday 7am • Worldwide: LifezoneTV – on Tuesday @ 9am & Saturday @ 9pm

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Too young to succeed

great many people have gotten used to telling themselves that they are too young to succeed in life; this message is meant to assist such people cease from mediocrity and procrastination. I’ll begin by siting the names of some great and successful leaders in the bible in order to help you come to terms with the need to start doing something with your life now. Joseph: began his life’s journey to challenges and victories at age 17 (Gen. 37:1-4) and ultimately became the bread winner for his entire family. When do you think you need to begin yours?

If you will pray and are bold, standing upon the Rock – the Truth – Jesus Christ, you will overcome. You will be free.

Samuel: went through priesthood training while very young (1 Sam. 1:24-28); and started ministering before the Lord while he was still a child (1 Sam. 2:18)

David: started as a young athlete (1 Sam. 17:3436) and a fine musician who knew his job well enough to play before the king (1 Sam. 16:14-23). He was a shepherd boy with great courage who defeated Goliath and was made an army captain thereafter – while he was still a teenager (1 Sam. 18:13-14). Please note that you are not too young to find favor in God’s sight. He was about 30 years when he started to reign as king (2 Sam. 5:4) Josiah: was 8 years old when he became a king and reigned for 31 years (2 Kings 22:1). I think there is a spirit of a leader in you. Trust God and take the lead; you are not too young. 14

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Daniel: was about 19 years old when he was taken to the Babylonians but he did not consider himself too young to separate himself from the lifestyle of the worldly kingdom where he found himself (Dan. 1:8-12). The three Hebrews (Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego): were young people (Daniel 1:3 & 3:16-18) who were full of God’s wisdom and could decide to stand for God, contrary to general opinion and idolatrous societal requirements. How old do you think you need to be before you can decide solely for Jesus? Will you decide now or do you think you still have time? Timothy: was definitely a young, dynamic preacher who Paul had to advise that he should not allow anyone to despise his youth (1 Tim. 4:12) Jesus: At age 12 Jesus had already started devoting himself to teachings. He listened and taught the word of God (Luke 2:39-52), not saying that “church is boring.” Are you too young to work in your church and serve mankind? How old are you? Started His ministry at age 30 (Luke 3:23); and by age 33 He had already accomplished His goal in life – which was to die for and save mankind. There are many 30 year old people today who still see themselves as too small / young to start anything meaningful. I read about a young person called Philip Hartman who “is a home-schooled high school senior at the ripe age of 15. He won the 2008 Young Inventor of the Year award for inventing a new system for fusing optical fibers. His latest invention emits steam onto a windshield and is capable of defrosting a frost-covered windshield in about 15 seconds.”

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Auntie Elsie

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Inspirational Bible Quotations for Fathers Joshua 1:9 NIV: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

Psalm 103:13 NIV: As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;

Proverbs 3:11-12 NIV: My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, 12 because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in. Ephesians 6:1-4 NIV: 1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 "Honor your father and mother"--which is the first commandment with a promise-- 3 "that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." 4 Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. 1 Corinthians 16:13 NIV: Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. 1Thessalonians 2:11-12 NIV: For you know how, like a father with his children, we exhorted each one of you and encouraged you and charged you to walk in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and glory. Colossians 3:21 NIV: Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged. 18

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Dr. Kelafo Z. Collie M.D.

Dr. Kelafo is a life coach, leadership developer and trains persons into purpose worldwide. He is president of Kingdom Apostolic Ministries Intl. and Kingdom Apostolic School of Ministry. He is the author of two books “You are my Father, I am your Son- Understanding Kingdom Sonship” and “ Re Ordering the Nation- Principles to transforming the Bahamas”,

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Seasonal allergies: tips and remedies


or many people, the emergence of marauding ticks at this time of year is the least of their worries. The real struggle for these people is with seasonal allergies, also referred to as hay fever or allergic rhinitis. If these common symptoms seem to develop for weeks and months on end at the same time each year, it is likely that you could be affected by seasonal allergies.

Thankfully, despite how infuriating and disruptive seasonal allergies can be, there are many steps that can be taken to lessen their impact. In this Spotlight, we take a look at what seasonal allergies are and what the best strategies are for handling them. What causes such allergies? People develop allergies when their body's immune system reacts to a substance as though it is a threat like an infection, producing antibodies to fight it. These substances are referred to as allergens. The next time that the body encounters the allergen, it produces more antibodies in anticipation, releasing histamine and chemical mediators in the body that lead to an allergic reaction. It is these chemicals that typically cause symptoms in the nose, throat, eyes and other areas of the body. 24

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"Summer allergies start to pick up around May and those affected will usually get itchy and runny eyes, a runny nose and inflamed, swollen sinuses. Breathing through your nose can be difficult too, and you might have a cough Avoiding triggers - be aware of what sets you

off "People focus on the highs and lows of pollen counts," "What they don't realize is that a high total pollen count doesn't always mean you will have allergy symptoms. The pollen from the plant you are allergic to may not be high. The key is to know what you're allergic to, and how to treat your particular symptoms." says Dr. James Sublett, president of ACAAI. Minimizing the risk indoors It is impossible to remove all allergens from the air inside the home, but there are certainly steps that can help reduce levels of exposure. Keeping the windows shut is a simple strategy that should be one of the first to be adopted. Simple changes like wearing wraparound sunglasses, washing your clothes and hair more regularly, keeping your home clean, avoiding open, grassy spaces where possible and keeping your windows shut can help lessen the effect of summer allergies," Jan Batten told MNT.

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