Adrenal fatigue and hair loss

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Adrenal Fatigue and Hair Loss Some people who suffer from adrenal fatigue report that they experience hair loss as one of their symptoms. This could happen for any number of reasons. Adrenal fatigue causes depression. Although it’s rare, depression itself can cause hair loss. Also, adrenal fatigue causes an upheaval in hormone levels. When certain hormones are not at their optimum level, this could cause hair loss. For similar reasons, when a woman is pregnant, her hormone levels cause her hair to be thick and lustrous, but within weeks of having her child, her hormone levels plummet, causing a lot of hair loss. The hormonal upheaval caused by Adrenal fatigue solution will be fixed once the adrenal fatigue symptoms have been treated.

There are a myriad of symptoms that are associated with Adrenal fatigue Denver. Having one or two of these symptoms does not indicate that one has adrenal fatigue syndrome. Rather, those with adrenal fatigue suffer from several (if not most) of these symptoms. 

Fatigue, lethargy

Lightheadedness and/or vertigo

Low blood pressure

Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)

Heart palpitations

Difficulty concentrating or remembering simple things

Frequently feeling “sick,” although no there’s no real illness

Difficulty recovering from infections

Craving sweet and starchy foods

Unexplained hair loss


Constipation alternating with diarrhea

Mild symptoms of depression

Decreased libido (sex drive)

Sleep difficulties

Unexplained pain in the upper back or neck

Increased symptoms of PMS for women

Menstrual periods that are heavy and then stop (or almost stop) on the 4th day, only to start flow again on the 5th or 6th day

Tendency to gain weight and inability to lose it – especially around the belly

High frequency of getting the flu and other respiratory diseases

Difficulty to recovery from respiratory infections

Photophobia (sensitivity to light)

Sensitivity to cold temperatures

Fear and anxiety

Panic and/or anxiety attacks

Irritability and impatience – being quick to anger

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