The goddamned adrenal fatigue

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The “goddamned" adrenal fatigue Adrenal fatigue solution


Well... we will be more positive because "thought creates matter" and we want to get out of this vital moment victors! So to get a good start we must think that this experience is a mastery that has given us life. The disease as a path: What does our body mean when it makes such a stop? Why did you have to yell at me like that? What should we solve before we move forward? Let's get in the background... Do you recognize adrenal fatigue?                      

Continued stress at work Generalized anxiety. Crisis of anguish or panic. Emotional conflicts or tense relationships with the couple, family, friends... Mood changes (depression) Irregular sleep. Continuous infections with Candida-type fungi Permeable bowel or poor digestion thyroid problems (above all Hashimoto thyroiditis) Menopause or changes in the menstrual cycle Low ENERGY/Chronic fatigue Fibromyalgia Dizziness when getting up Premature wrinkles and grays Light-sensitive eyes (natural or artificial) Asthma, Allergies Muscle and joint aches Hypoglycemia (difficulty regulating blood sugar) Decreased sexual desire Weight gain (especially in abdomen) Palpitations Tremor in hands, legs... Low sodium in analytics

Energy and sleep patterns     

Low energy first thing in the afternoon, followed by a power surge at the last minute. Usual tiredness at night, but resistance to lying down, and then feeling very awake in bed. You feel exhausted in bed, but your head keeps turning things around. Difficulty sleeping, waking up around 2:00-3:00 in the morning. Severe insomnia Sleep for long periods (10 hours or more) but still with difficulty getting up in the morning.

Emotional and mental symptoms   

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Anxiety, often for no apparent reason. Panic attacks. Depression (from mild to severe) in its worst state you can feel trapped and feel that the world would be better without you. If your depression has reached this point you should seek professional help immediately. Short-term memory lack and lack of concentration. Lack of motivation.

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Pessimism, negative autosuggestion, feeling like you can't trust anyone. It can also be presented as a feeling that nothing goes well or that nothing matters. As symptoms worsen, these feelings can immobilize you, making you think "What's the difference?" Lack of self-esteem and loss of confidence. "Anesthetized" emotions, however with easy tear. Slowness and clumsiness of thought. Diction difficulties, dragging the words. It can improve after a stimulant like coffee. Irritability, anger, tension. In the final stages it can become bursts and strong arguments at home and at work. Hyper vigilance (very fast reflexes) Startle or scare easily. Tremors when you are in a stressful situation. Constant worries. Isolation, light resistance to socialize, avoids interactions with others. Lack of severe patience. Tendency to addiction (smoking, alcohol, sex, Internet, etc.) Nightmares.

Digestive and elimination Symptoms      

Constipation, usually in the early stages. Occasional diarrhea, especially in the final stages. Pale beige stools. Urinate very often, and soon after drinking. Irritable bowel syndrome. Abdominal distention, gas, cramps. Undigested food.

Skin, hair, teeth, bones, nails, Muscular             

Hair loss in the legs, arms, head and outer part of the eyebrows. The skin looks more aged than it should for your age. You get bruises easily. Muscle cramps. Muscle pain. Lumbar pain. Muscle weakness, fatigue in the legs when climbing stairs. White dots on the fingernails. Bruise, clench or gnash your teeth while you sleep. Jaw pain. Bone density reduction. Stiff neck. Muscle loss.

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Premature gray hair. Bone pain. Joint pain and stiffness. Waking up with sleeping hands. Dehydration. Excessive sweating with low activity, night sweats.

Body temperature, heat and cold exposure Intolerance to temperature and low body temperature usually occur in the final stages.    

Low body temperature. Inability to withstand low temperatures. You're cold when others don't. Cold hands and feet. Heat intolerance.

Food sensitivities, hypoglycemia, cravings      

Craving salty is experienced in practically every degree of adrenal fatigue. Loss of appetite. Exaggerated hunger, hungry even after eating. Hypoglycemia. Food sensitivities. Craving for chocolate and sweets.

Breathing problems If you have been in a state of chronic stress for some time, you may have symptoms of chronic subconscious hyperventilation, caused by stress.   

Feeling breathless. Frequent sighs and puffs of air. Asthma

Eyes, ears, nose, throat      

Light sensitivity, poor night vision. See floating spots in the eyes. Blurred vision or difficulty focusing the view Myopia. Eyecups. Sore throat.

Tinnitus, ringing in the ears, tinnitus.

Other symptoms         

Lack of libido. Dizziness, loss of balance, dizziness when standing up. Palpitations, accelerated heart rate. Low tension but can give spikes or are unbalanced in times of anxiety. Acute or dull pain in the area of the adrenal glands Environmental sensitivities, frequent reactions to perfumes, dust, etc. Volume increase in the float area. Inflammation. Chronic infections. Respiratory and coetaneous allergies. Mastopathy fibrocystic.

Now it's clear to you, isn't it? Or maybe you're more scared? So let's continue:

But what is adrenal fatigue? Health care professionals and physicians use the term adrenal fatigue, or more correctly called hypothalamic-pituitary (pituitary)-Renal dysfunction (HPA axis), to describe the uncontrolled stress that ages the body, it ends in extreme fatigue and disabling disease. The HPA axis dysfunction is an alternative name to the General adaptation syndrome. But there are also other names for chronic fatigue and disease resulting from chronic stress: Chronic fatigue syndrome, Burnout syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder. What you can see is that it is a global pathology in which it is necessary to intervene in a global way. We cannot act locally taking antidepressants today, some anti-inflammatory tomorrow and some corticoids. We must tackle the root and go to the core of the problem, which much species is of emotional origin although we can reinforce with a proper diet and supplementation. The adrenal glands are two small glands that are located in the upper part of the kidneys. Which pump regulating hormones, helping the body adapt to stress? These hormones are cortical and adrenalines, which raise blood glucose, activate the muscles of the body, and send oxygen to the brain. At a time of extreme need, stress hormones activate the fight or flight response, keep you in suspense and ready for action. Stress hormones (cortical and adrenaline) also weaken the immune system, stop tissue regeneration, and obstruct digestive function. When the stress is continuous (low thyroid hormones especially low T3) it becomes a very serious problem because it can weaken the adrenal glands because they cannot continue with the demand for hormones, which causes the production of cortical Drastically decrease, leading to the body experiencing adrenal fatigue and finally exhaustion. When this happens, with stress or without stress, your body doesn't have the energy it needs to respond. When the adrenal glands are exhausted and overworked, they lose their ability to regulate stress hormones. Unless you are born with a committed health, this type of exhaustion usually takes years to face but we have to extreme vigilance and care of our immunity as adrenal fatigue can derive, if not treated in time, in Addison's disease. Something we should have muumuu in mind are the blood sugars. Cortical makes our body's glucose stable. For example, when you skip meals often (not recommended), your body hurries to keep the blood sugar stable, and this raises your need for stress hormones.... your cortical goes up and gives the signal to the liver to release the stored sugar, called glycogen, So we can stabilize the blood sugar. Cortical is also very important for inflammation. But the solution is not a high-sugar diet, as stress hormones increase when meals are filled with refined sugar and carbohydrates.

If we do not maintain adequate levels of cortical, we can have not only fatigue, but problems with blood sugar, chronic inflammations and a tendency to an over-active immune system, which manifests in allergies and in more severe conditions as self-immune diseases. And what happens when we also have a Hashimoto's thyroiditis? Well, you know... thyroxin to the song! The famous Eutirox is the only thing that seems to be established as a unique protocol in Spain. But if read with attention its leaflet appears: "It is necessary to have good function of the adrenals before taking the medicine" already... has any endocrine have warned you of this contraindication ever? A person with hypothyroidism (Hashimoto's thyroiditis fluctuates between hiccups and hyperthyroidism) has low energy and very low metabolism so his adrenals are overreacted to try to keep the energy more stable. By taking Eutirox, the metabolism is artificially accelerated and this causes the adrenal glands to work hard to get on par. This is again a problem. That is why it is so important to work in an integral or holistic way our health. We are like a ball that you have to pull the thread little by little and without tangles. Let's go point by point:

Home tests to find out if you have adrenal fatigue If you have some symptoms and want to be more confident that the problem is the adrenals, there are 4 simple tests you can do at home, if they come out negative does not mean that you do not have adrenal fatigue, but can be mild, but if they come out positive with more certainty they point to that condition. 

Take the temperature, 3 times a day, starting 3 hours after getting up, for 5 days in a row, take an estimate of the temperature of the day and compared them. Very unstable temperatures, which fluctuate more than 2 or 3 degrees, are symptoms of adrenal fatigue. If they fluctuate and are low, below 37.0 need help the adrenals and also the thyroid, if they are stable but low, then the adrenals are pretty good, just need help the thyroid. In a darkroom, looking in front of a mirror, put a light of a flashlight on one side of the face at the height of the eyes for a minute, look at the pupils, contract and stay like this, but in the person with adrenal problems the pupil contract and Dilates And it can't be contracted. When the adrenals are healthy, the pupils contract and stay that way, but when they are tired of the adrenals, they contract, but after 30 seconds or less they re-dilate. This happens because in most cases of adrenal failure, aldosterone levels may also be low; resulting in low sodium and potassium abundance, and this imbalance cause’s weakness in the sphincter muscle of the eye, which helps Collapse the pupil. (When Aldosterone is low, the body disposes a lot of urine and salt (sodium), and so many patients accuse the desire to eat salty foods and often get up to urinate at night.) Sitting or lying down for at least 5 minutes, taking the blood pressure, immediately getting up and enjoyed again (the arm where the tension is taken should always be approximately at the height of the heart) if when standing up, the systolic (the highest number) is lowered or decreases in value, most likely there is a problem with the adrenals. (With normal function of the adrenals would raise the blood pressure about 10 points when you get up, so that enough

blood arrives to the brain)? It is advisable to do this test several times during the day, especially in the morning and night, because at times the adrenals can respond well and in others not. Go out under a strong sun, or make someone shine you with a flashlight in your face, if the light bothers you or you are sensitive to it can be because of adrenal deficiency for the same reasons of test # 2, and if you have a headache even more reason.

Well, do we have it a tad clearer? If not, do not worry that we will talk on more occasions on the subject since every time I treat more people with this problem and I have suffered in my own flesh. How I understand you!

Walking towards adrenal health. Recommendations: 

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Healthy eating (ecological, integral, quality protein, sugar control, essential fatty acids, high crude percentage, food-medicine, slow assimilation carbohydrates, histamine control, oxalate control, no soy, no Dairy, no gluten...) You can see how I work on my nutritional protocols here I'll be happy to help you. Mild and moderate exercise (intense exercise raises cortical levels) Relaxation to relieve stress (Yoga, dancing, swimming, meditation) Change of life. To be more aware of the essential, of what complements us, of where we want to be, what we want to be, where we want to go, what makes us free and ultimately happy? Go to bed early. 22:00h is a good time to go to sleep. The body needs sleep to repair and regain strength, and the adrenals rest between 11pm-5am when they start again to produce the day's cortical. Smile. Everything has a solution if we do not repeat everything that has brought us here.

Some supplements that will help you             

Eleutherococo (Siberian Ginseng) – Adaptogena herb (non-stimulating) that helps regulate cortical and respond better to fatigue and stress. Magnesium: It is taken before bedtime to fight the nervous Insomnia. Zinc: Low levels of this mineral influence negatively on fatigue. NADH: It is considered the most effective antioxidant. Increases the production of cellular energy. Rheidol Roseau: Decreases the amount of catecholamine’s and corticosteroids released by the adrenal glands during stress. Coleus: stimulates the adrenal receptors. And increases AMP levels in cells. DHA: Omega 3 fatty acids help regulate our hormones and protect us from oxidative damage. Mace: This Peruvian root regulates us hormonally and gives us the energy necessary to undertake the day. You should never take it at night. Ashwagandha: Strengthens the nervous system and adrenal glands. Lipoid acid: Removes heavy metals. Help against insulin resistance. Metabolizes carbohydrates and regenerates the liver. Selenium: helps lower antibodies. Very effective in autoimmune disorders. Anxiety Control. Vitamin D: Fundamental! Take more of the normal range. L-carnation: Without it there is no energy or effective combat of fatty deposits.

Adrenal fatigue solution Address: 100 Fillmore Street Fifth Floor Denver, CO 80206 Email: Facebook: Twitter: Website:

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