20 December 2013
Annexure D (i)
Shelley Point Home Owners Association Building Rules Govern all building operations within Shelley Point.
1. The Shelley Point Building Design manual is applicable to building operations within Shelley Point. Where a conflict arises between the manual and these rules, the Building Design Manual shall have precedence. 2. All Building Contractors performing building work of whatever nature in Shelley Point must be accredited with the Shelley Point Home Owners Association before any work may commence.1 3. A refundable building deposit of R10 000 (Ten Thousand Rand) or R5000-00 (Five Thousand Rand) for extentions is payable to the Managing Agent before commencement of operations. 4. Once payment is made, a pre-building site inspection will be carried out by a representative of the Association in the presence of the Building Contractor. The Site Inspection Report, countersigned by the Building Contractor, shall serve as builders permit and this must be available on site during the entire building process.2 5. On final completion of the operations, a representative of the Association will undertake a site inspection. Once the site complies with all requirements of the Building Design Manual, such representative will issue a clearance certificate authorizing the refund of the Building Deposit by the Managing Agent.3 6. Where the site inspection results in a problem, the builder will be notified in writing and be given reasonable notice to correct such deficiency. Should such correction not occur within the time stipulated, the Association shall have the right to correct the problem and recover the costs from the deposit.4 7. Building operations must be confined to the plot on which construction takes place. The destroying of fynbos and the use of adjacent properties is expressly forbidden. Where use of an adjacent plot is essential, the builder must obtain the owner's written permission. This must be presented to the Association and note thereof recorded on the builder's permit. 8. Fynbos and other plants may not be removed or destroyed. It is expressly forbidden to disturb or harm any animal or bird.5 9. An owner shall be liable to rehabilitate adjacent properties e.g. the re-establishment of fynbos, at his own cost after the building process, prior to the refunding of the building deposit. 6 10. Every building site must have at least one toilet available for the builder's employees to use. 11. No workers will be allowed to stay on the building site overnight. 12. Working hours are between 07h00 and 19h00 daily on weekdays. Work outside these times, must be authorized by the Association's representative. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Added at A G M on 19 December 2012 Amended at A G M on 19 December 2012 Amended at A G M on 19 December 2012 Amended at A G M on 19 December 2012 Added at A G M on 19 December 2012 Added at A G M on 19 December 2012
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13. Any deliveries will only be allowed between 07h00 and 19h00 on weekdays. 14. Articulated construction vehicles and delivery trucks are not allowed to enter Shelley Point.
Builders are to advise their suppliers of this restriction.7 15. Building sites are to be kept reasonably clean and tidy, and packaging material, cement bags, plastic bags, bottles etc must be picked up at the end of each work day to prevent these items from being blown away by the wind. All building materials, like bricks, sand, stone, etc, as well as concrete mixing, is to be 1.5 metres away from the road edge. The road must be kept clean and unobstructed at all times.8 16. All building rubble and material are to be removed from Shelley Point. 17. NO FIRES are to be made on site for any purpose e.g. burning of paper, rubbish, cooking, etc. 18. Builders are to take precaution to ensure that heavy machines and equipment do not cause damage to roads, paths, pavements, etc. Such damages not corrected to the satisfaction of the Association will be recovered from the builder. 19. Heavy machinery and equipment (eg. excavators, digger-loaders, etc.)is to be escorted from the gate to the building site and back by the contractor, and may only be operated under direct supervision of the main contractor AT ALL TIMES.9 20. Wind blown sand is to be controlled through the use of nets, sprinklers etc. so as to minimise discomfort caused to neighbours and other residents.10 21. Contractors and sub-contractors who are required by law to be registered (eg. electricians) are to submit proof of registration to the SPHOA before performing any work on Shelley Point.11 22. All contract employees coming into Shelley Point are to be in possession of access permits and must present this to the Association and security personnel on request. 23. Workers are to be restricted to the work site and public open areas. 24. NO CRAYFISH IS TO BE REMOVED BY WORKERS. 25. All other Shelley Point rules and State Laws are to be adhered to. Note The trustees shall be empowered to make, repeal and/or amend these rules from time to time for the control, management, administration, use, enjoyment, safety and cleanliness of the Development. These rules will: Not conflict with the Constitution of the Home Owners Association; Be reasonable and apply equally to all; Be binding on all upon a copy being given to them and will remain binding until the next annual general meeting when they can be confirmed/rejected/amended in whole or in part by the owners.
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Added at A G M on 19 December 2012 Revised at A G M on 19 December 2012 9 Added at A G M on 19 Dber 2012. 10 Added at A G M on 19 December 2012 11 Added at A G M on 19 December 2012 8