CancerAlive - Exploding the Myths

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Cancer ~ Exploding The Myths! 7 Little-known facts that will transform the way you look at cancer and the results you experience! By Dr Janey Little

“This report by Dr Janey Little is a must-read for all those concerned about cancer! It can be truly eye-opening and life-changing. Please pass it on to as many people as you can”. Andreas Moritz (author of numerous health books including, ‘Cancer is Not a Disease!’)

Introduction: Let’s look at some facts........ The year 1900: 1 in 8000 was the likelihood you stood of being diagnosed with cancer. Fast forward over a century to the year 2010: the likelihood you now stand of being diagnosed with cancer is approaching 1 in 2 during your lifetime! Adding to that, cancer has overtaken cardiovascular disease as the leading cause of death in the western world, and breast cancer has become the 2nd highest cause of death in women. Why, in spite of the considerable advances in modern medicine over the last century and a ton of money being thrown at the ‘war against cancer’, are we losing this ‘war’ so spectacularly? This question deserves answers! I have spent the last 13 years exploring this question; researching the real reason for why cancer develops and the seemingly endless different approaches and treatment techniques. My research, aided by my medical background has revealed facts that I was not prepared for. Some of this information has been surprising, some of it exhilarating because of its potential, but sadly also, some of it has been disturbing and even shocking! I began on this mission to understand cancer more thoroughly after the loss of my dear mother, Peggy, who was the life and soul of my early years. My research began purely as a curiosity to understand more of this disease for my mother’s sake. In time however, because of the powerfully life-changing potential of the information I was unearthing, information that wasn’t common knowledge and that wasn’t being shared with people being treated for cancer, I became compelled to share it. I ‘stand on the shoulders of giants’ as I share this with you. My research has spanned countless different thoughts and approaches from medical professionals and practitioners of paramedical fields across the globe, as well as non-professionals who have helped themselves

and others with their chosen methods of healing cancer. I have also interviewed countless cancer patients who were receiving treatment, in recovery and fully recovered. I have observed what does, and doesn’t work. To reap real benefits from this report will require that you read this with an open mind- so different is it from what you are likely to have been conditioned to believe thus far about cancer. If you can hold aside any preconceived beliefs, then an exciting new awareness awaits you.

My promise to you is that if you are ready for this paradigm shift in approach, that you will feel empowered and that you will never have to live in fear of cancer again!

Enjoy the journey!

The 7 little-known facts of Cancer

1. Cancer is not the enemy...... it is your ultimate ally! Cancer is arguably the most misunderstood condition of our modern times! Misunderstood conditions are approached wrong and treated wrong, and unfortunately millions pay the price! Cancer is not some rebellious uprising of cells that one day decide to change their genetic program and turn against you. Nothing could be further from the truth! The truth is that your body is on your side- it is not out to destroy you! Your body will do anything to survive and cancer is no exception. In fact when you begin to understand what cancer really is, you begin to realise that it is actually your body’s final and most desperate attempt to survive! Allow me to explain...... Cancer does not choose its victims randomly, contrary to general opinion. On the surface of things cancer may appear to be indiscriminate; affecting young and old, male and female, rich and poor, black and white, those that appear to live healthily and those that don’ one seems to be spared. However, digging deeper one soon learns that cancer is not so unpredictable. There is always a reason, even if it might not be immediately apparent. And that reason is the terrain we create in our body at the level of our cells. Either we create the right terrain for cancer to develop or we don’t. We are not simply hapless victims who are unfortunate enough to be ‘struck down with this dreaded disease’.

Let’s consider the moss plant as an analogy. In order for this beautiful green velvety plant to grow, it needs a very specific ‘recipe’ of conditions or requires shade, moisture, acidic soil, and a particular temperature and humidity. If any of these elements are lacking, moss will struggle to grow, in fact take these conditions away and there will be no moss! The growth of cancerous tumours is not dissimilar. If we cultivate a particular terrain in our bodies that is healthy and life sustaining, we need never concern ourselves of the threat of cancer! Conversely, if we adopt habits that harm the terrain of our body, we create ‘ripe conditions’ for cancer to take hold. So what then is the all important ‘terrain’ that will either resist or succumb to cancer? Quite simply: •

A well-oxygenated, alkaline environment will avoid/treat cancer and conversely....

An oxygen-deprived, acidic environment will invite cancer

Note: while the reasons and the mechanism behind this are fascinating and helpful to understand, for the purpose of this report and my wish to convey the crucial main points, while avoiding getting bogged down with the details, I have elected to avoid these lengthy background explanations at this point. However, for those who wish to gain a deeper understanding of how and why a cancer-inducing terrain is created, these details will be available for you at

The knowledge of what dictates a good or bad terrain in terms of cancer development is not new. The following statements were made by the scientist Dr. Otto H. Warburg in 1931 who was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work in this field. "Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar." "…nobody today can say that one does not know what cancer and its prime cause is. On the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known, so that today ignorance is no longer an excuse that one cannot do more about prevention."

The question of course naturally arises then.....

If this information was known 80 years ago, why are the modern methods of treatment not addressing this fundamental root cause? (and they are not!) It is a crucial question, and the answer will be clearer to you by the end of this report. However, moving on for now....while knowing what constitutes a good or bad terrain, and how to create a good one, is crucial information, knowing what happens next is important too. When the cellular terrain has deteriorated into an acidic, oxygen-deprived environment, the cells are faced with a crisis situation. Oxygen is the most fundamental requirement to all living mammals and every cell in our bodies requires it constantly to survive and perform their individual functions. When the cells find themselves in a terrain that is low or lacking in oxygen, desperate measures become necessary in order to survive. Many cells at this stage will die in these acidic, low-oxygen, nutrient-deprived conditions, however some, in an ingenious attempt to survive will become genetically altered ie they mutate to cancerous cells, in order to adjust to the conditions they are faced with. By mutating, they become able to ferment glucose (instead of using oxygen which they would normally rely on) to fulfil some of their energy requirements. It is not their method of choice as it is a highly inefficient way of producing energy but they have no choice if they are to survive in the continued absence of oxygen. In addition, these mutated cancer cells begin to utilise lactic acid as well as the huge build up of other acidic, toxic waste products in the tissue fluids around the cells (which initially contributed to the oxygen-deprived terrain) to meet their energy needs. In summary, in mutating to adjust to the low oxygen conditions, these cancer cells are performing 2 vital functions which are seldom noted: i.

By mutating, and thus finding a way to survive in the lack of oxygen, the cancer cells avoid all the cells dying at once which would almost certainly result in a sudden death of the person


The cancer cells utilise some of the harmful, acidic waste products for their own energy use, controlling to some degree the progressive build up of these toxic wastes that threaten the survival of the person

Note: The cancer cells are actually weak ‘shadows’ of their former selves, forced to generate energy inefficiently through fermentation and utilising toxic waste products. They cannot even carry out the normal functions of a cell, and contrary to accepted opinion they are certainly not capable of ‘killing’ other cells. Due to their inefficient

means of generating energy, the cancer cells are very ‘hungry’ for glucose and in their desperate efforts to have their energy requirements met, contribute to starving the other normal cells of their nutritional requirements. However, it must be remembered that the acidic, low-oxygen and low-nutrient terrain existed before cancer took hold; it is the only reason cancer developed, and is the main reason for the ‘starvation’ of the other normal cells which ultimately causes the death of the person. Andreas Moritz, author of the brilliant and insightful book, ‘Cancer is NOT a disease’ sums it up this way; “Cancer does not cause a person to be sick; it is the sickness of the person that causes cancer”. In summary then, cancer is the body’s ingenious response designed to help you to survive in the short-term, while you (hopefully) take heed of the warnings and address the reasons that led to cancer developing. The only sensible way to respond to it is to correct the acidic and oxygen-deprived terrain that made it necessary for cancer to develop in the first place!

2. It’s not about the tumour! Modern medicine has become obsessed about the tumour and destroying it at all costs. We’ve all heard the famous words from the beaming surgeon or oncologist; “we got it all!” after emerging from surgery or completing a protocol of chemotherapy or radiation sessions. And yet x number of months or years later, it is back more aggressively than before! What happened to “we got it all?” We never dealt with the root cause (the terrain) is what happened, and in the process we suppressed or disabled the most crucial component we possess in overcoming cancer- our immune system! When you understand what the cancer tumour really is, you understand that annihilating the tumour is akin to dismantling a smoke alarm when it goes off to warn you of a fire! Tumours develop in the presence of a toxic and oxygen-deprived cellular terrain- they are simply the ‘smoke alarm’ or warning system of the ‘poor state of affairs’ that our body is in. They are the symptom of what is wrong; they are not the disease itself! A cancerous tumour should therefore serve as an alert that it is time to address the ways we have been living that were responsible for creating the conditions for a tumour to develop.

When we attempt to remove the tumour (through methods such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation) while failing to address what caused the tumour to develop, we not only miss the point, but in using these methods that suppress the immune system, we hinder the body in its efforts to heal itself. Doctors choose their armory of drugs based on the FDA’s definition of what an effective cancer drug is- one that achieves a 50% or more reduction in tumour size for 28 days. What they may not mention to their patients is that there is no correlation between tumour shrinkage and curing or extending life! This makes sense when you understand that the tumour is just a symptom of the real problem. Even if the tumour is eliminated (we got it all!) if the underlying problem is not addressed, the likelihood of a relapse is good. And when there is a relapse, the cancer is likely to be more aggressive than before because some of the cancer cells will have now evolved and adjusted to the chemotherapy you were exposed to, in their effort to survive and in their effort to help you to survive! Our immune system, and the part cancer plays in it, is a marvel to behold; every day our body clears itself of 50-70 billion dead cells in the perpetual process of creating new and clearing out the old. 1% of these cells are cancerous. Our ingenious immune system recognises these cancerous cells and ensures that they are expelled. It is actually an essential process in keeping our immune system primed. At times when our body is subjected to unusually high demands, we may create many more cancerous cells and tumours develop as a result of it, and yet most of the time we never know about it! In fact millions of people get cancer and recover from cancer, and never know about it thanks to our ever-vigilant and highly efficient immune system. It is only when the excessive demands on our body continue to mount over an extended period of time- sometimes years- that we succumb to cancer as we know it. At this stage, when our body is bogged down in an acidic, toxic, oxygen-deprived, and nutrient-deprived state, the immune system ‘knows’ that these cancerous cells and the tumours in which they’re contained must continue to survive if the body is to survive and so it does not expel the cancer cells as it normally would. Instead, it supports the tumour in its growth and against chemotherapy which threatens to destroy it. It is a miracle of ingenuity whose purpose is to protect us in the short term while we address the underlying reasons for the tumour developing! To attack the tumour (and not the cause) is insanity and it is the reason why millions of people die from cancer and conventional approaches!

3. Cutting, poisoning and burning doesn’t work! If you have followed what has been said in the previous points, then you will understand that cancer is actually a ‘wake-up call’ to how we are living our lives and you will know that cutting (surgery), poisoning (chemotherapy) and burning (radiation) cannot work; not only because they are focused on the tumour, but because they paralyse our immune system! And the statistics prove that..... "2- 4% of cancers respond to chemotherapy” Ralph Moss Ph D - breast cancer is not one of them! Success in chemotherapy is generally measured by a patient living 5 years after starting treatment. Based on these parameters, numerous studies as published in the ‘Journal of Clinical Oncology’, have shown that chemotherapy on all types of cancers has achieved a 2.1% success rate in the US and a 2.3% success rate in Australia. In plain language, that means that for every 100 patients who undergo chemotherapy, 2 will survive their treatment with chemotherapy for longer than 5 years, while almost 98 will die! [This does not take into consideration the quality of life (which is often abysmal!), experienced during that time, nor if the patient ‘happens to die’ just days after the 5 year period]. Would you be happy with hiring an architect to build your home knowing that he had a history of a 2% success rate? Of course not, and this is your life we are talking about! These grim statistics do not go unnoticed by the oncologists who prescribe the very chemotherapy protocols responsible for the statistics given above. When a confidential questionnaire was given to the oncologists of one of the largest and most prestigious cancer treatment hospitals in the world, the McGill Cancer Clinic in Canada, 54 out of 64 doctors confessed that chemotherapy would be an unacceptable mode of treatment for them or their families!

This is what Hardin B Jones Ph.D, former Professor of medical physics and physiology at the University of California at Berkeley, as well as being one of the top statisticians in the field of cancer, had to say after many years of analysing clinical records; "My studies have proved conclusively that untreated cancer victims live up to four times longer than treated individuals. If one has cancer and opts to do nothing at all, he will live longer and feel better than if he undergoes radiation, chemotherapy or surgery” Hardin B Jones Ph.D.

Dr Ulrich Abel, a highly respected German epidemiologist at the Tumor clinic of the University of Heidelberg who carried out the most comprehensive study on chemotherapy drugs ever conducted, was more blunt on the matter, calling the overall success rate of chemotherapy “appalling”. He went on to add that there was “no scientific evidence available to show that chemotherapy can extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancers.” A quote with specific reference to breast cancer..... "Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy... Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade. Yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors... Women with breast cancer are likely to die faster with chemo than without it." - Allen Levin, M.D.

Albert Braverman M.D sums up the current cancer treatment model in saying, “Many medical oncologists recommend chemotherapy for virtually any tumor, with a hopefulness undiscouraged by almost invariable failure.”

Dr. Alan C. Nixon, past president of the American Chemical Society writes, “As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good.”

These quotes represent a small sample of what has been said by those who have had the courage to speak out against the atrocious results of conventional cancer treatment methods. Our immune system, with its inherent wisdom way beyond anything that man is able to replicate through manufactured chemical drugs, is ultimately what is responsible for healing us, while the methods we choose to deal with the cancer are simply tools to support it. It would be sensible then to do everything we can to support the immune system in its pivotal role in healing us!

"I look upon cancer in the same way that I look upon heart disease, arthritis, high blood pressure, or even obesity, for that matter, in that by dramatically strengthening the body's immune system through diet, nutritional supplements, and exercise, the body can rid itself of the cancer, just as it does in other degenerative diseases. Consequently, I wouldn't have chemotherapy and radiation because I'm not interested

in therapies that cripple the immune system, and, in my opinion, virtually ensure failure for the majority of cancer patients." Dr Julian Whitaker, M.D.

When we subject our bodies to surgery in our attempt to eliminate the tumour, we place enormous stress on the body. This is also exacerbated by the fear most patients experience when contemplating and undergoing surgery. This exerts enormous strains on an already overburdened immune system. Chemotherapy drugs are some of the most toxic, carcinogenic drugs known to man. When these drugs are accidentally spilt, they can burn holes in concrete and such an accident is regarded as a major biohazard. It is no surprise then that the patients who receive these drugs as treatment during cancer suffer such devastating side-effects and that their immune systems are dismantled- sometimes permanently. Does it make any sense to put toxic, carcinogenic (yes-cancer causing) chemicals in the body, when we know that cancer has developed precisely due to a toxic crisis? How about radiation therapy? Apart from the well documented side-effects of nausea, fatigue, low blood counts of both red and white blood cells (crucial elements of your immune system), skin damage and others; it is also known to be a cause of cancer. Is this making any sense to you?

It is time to stop putting our blind faith in others just because we think they offer us our only salvation; this could not be more untrue! We have entered an age where it is time to start trusting in, and developing our own inherent skills of healing, while supporting our immune system. Having said that, if this is a new direction in your journey, it is recommended to get advice and guidance from someone who has experience in this field on how you should embark on this journey. The coaching advice you get should include the positive changes that need to be made to create the terrain that will be ‘unfriendly’ to cancer, thus crucially correcting the cause, while strengthening your immune system. The tumours in your body will then ‘dissolve’ away as a result when they have no more reason for being there. This can often be achieved in the convenience and comfort of your own home, while getting the necessary support and guidance. The massive upside of this is that you won’t ever need to live in fear of a ‘relapse’ as so many cancer patients do following conventional treatment. Instead you will know, assuming that you maintain these good habits that ensure a healthy terrain in your body, that your immune system will prevent that ever happening!

Note: this approach, while being the most sensible approach in terms of attaining a true healing, will be considerably more effective if you do it as your first choice! Unfortunately, once you have gone down the ‘conventional route’ first and it has failed you, your devastated immune system will not respond as readily to a natural approach. In spite of this though, there is always hope for everybody, and it is always worth doing as so many heart warming stories can testify to!

I believe it was Albert Einstein who was attributed with the somewhat funny, yet quite sobering quote that states, ‘the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results’! And so it is with the treatment of cancer; if we continue to do more of the same, ie surgery, chemo and radiation, we will continue to get more of the same results. These results as you have read above, are failing millions of people and their families!

To achieve real success, we need to replace our current mechanistic approach of simply identifying and suppressing the symptoms (in this case tumours) with drugs that are not only strongly immunosuppressive, but carcinogenic in themselves; in favour of addressing and correcting the cause while respecting and nurturing the miraculous healing abilities of the body.

4. Your oncologist is not the answer to all your problems! Why in the world would my oncologist be recommending surgery, chemo and radiation, if all the above were true?? Well, that would be an excellent and most pertinent question! I found it very revealing when interviewing cancer patients that a very common response was that of disbelief when explaining the superior success rate of natural treatment options for cancer- options which address the cause (ie the factors that led to the acidic, oxygen-deprived cellular terrain) versus conventional treatments’ approach of suppressing the symptoms by attempting to destroy the tumour. Ty Bollinger, author of the excellent and very informative book, ‘Cancer- Outside the Box’ calls it the ‘no way’ phenomenon. If natural methods worked so well then there is ‘no way’ doctors and oncologists everywhere would still be recommending conventional treatments. As he goes on to explain, it is unfortunate that most doctors and oncologists suffer from the same phenomenon assuming that there is ‘no way’

they would have graduated from medical school without being told about alternative approaches to cancer if they were valid options. However, while most doctors and nurses are genuinely caring people and concerned about your health, they are simply pawns of the multi-billion dollar industries of ‘Big Pharma’ and ‘Big Medicine’. They actually weren’t taught this stuff, and it takes a great deal of courage to question the very fundamentals of what you have been taught at medical school, and which you now believe to be the truth.

The pharmaceutical companies dictate what methods of treatment are taught at medical school because they are largely funded by them. The conventional approach is worth a fortune to them; the alternative approach would cost them their fortune! In addition, in the USA for example, the AMA (American Medical Association) which is a private entity, controls what is included in the curriculum and if medical schools offer alternative medicine courses, they are asked to discontinue them or lose their accreditation. The immensely powerful pharmaceutical companies control the media and the politicians. The media companies know that if they upset their biggest advertisers- the pharmaceutical companies, they are likely to see their largest source of funds dry up. So instead, you and I get drip-fed with exactly the kind of information the pharmaceutical companies want us to hear on our televisions and in our newspapers and other media, every day. That information may come in various forms; the promoting of new and cutting-edge drugs or the lure of a cure for cancer that lies ‘just around the corner’. Or the information may be directly denigrating of alternative medicine or perhaps promoting the not-to-be-questioned authority of doctors. If you are one of those who are inclined to assume that this may be yet another conspiracy theory, I invite you to do the research yourself. You will find that this ‘conspiracy’ is alive and thriving! Yes, we are victims (unless we choose to educate ourselves) of a carefully masterminded propaganda machine of massive proportions and the average individual is blissfully unaware of it! Cancer is an extremely lucrative ‘cash cow’ for Big Pharma and Big Medicine. A patient who undergoes chemotherapy treatment is worth in excess of $300 000 per year to these industries. If word were to get out en masse that cancer is fundamentally a simple disease to treat and avoid and that the natural healing approaches are very cost effective, their giant billion dollar industries could begin to unravel overnight! They will do everything in their power to avoid this happening!

For this reason, there are endless examples of alternative treatments that have been very successful in treating cancer (and therefore threatened conventional methods), that have been ruthlessly suppressed by the FDA while the doctors who chose to prescribe them were branded as ‘quacks’, thrown in jail or had their medical licences revoked. In the book entitled ‘Politics in Healing: The Suppression and Manipulation of American Medicine’, the author Daniel Haley states.... “In a free market, where non‐toxic therapies can openly compete with toxic therapies, and information is not suppressed, consumers will make informed choices. This is exactly what the pharmaceutical companies don’t want. Dancing to their tune, the FDA ferociously keeps off the market effective, non-toxic therapies that might provide formidable competition for patented, and often toxic, pharmaceutical drugs. By keeping these therapies off the market, the FDA is not protecting the public from harm. It is protecting the pharmaceutical companies from effective competition.” In short, if we needed a ‘cure’ for cancer, and we don’t- we have all the answers we need to cure cancer now- the answers wouldn’t come from the cancer industry- there is a multi-billion dollar fortune at stake! The fact that the mere word ‘Cancer’ can strike such fear into the hearts of people, not only demonstrates how effective the propaganda machine has been, but also how ineffective our current treatment regimes are. In addition, if you have doubts about ‘alternative medicine’ and ‘self-healing’, then that too is a sure sign that the cancer industry’s massive propaganda campaign has been effective in its mission. When the realisation dawns on people for the first time that the Cancer Industry has a very different and rather self-serving agenda; that it is first and foremost a business looking after its shareholders, it is an unpleasant and bitter-tasting pill. Many are left in disbelief that the industry that proposes to be looking after the public’s health could be suppressing the very life-saving information they pretend to be searching for, in the name of power and money. It is shocking, but sadly it is true, and it is virtually solely responsible for the sad state of affairs of the escalating ‘plague’ of cancer and the state of health of the masses in general. You will note that I used the word ‘virtually’ in the previous sentence. While the Cancer Industry is accountable for a mammoth disservice to the public (to put it mildly), for knowingly withholding information that is life-saving, and intentionally promoting the public’s dependence on the medical industry for answers; we as individuals are accountable too. We have also been ‘guilty’ of handing over

our power and reneging on our own responsibility to our health. It always ‘takes two to tango’! It is time for us to stop waiting for doctors and scientists to deliver the elusive ‘magic pill’ and to start recognising our own responsibility in creating the terrain that made it necessary for cancer to take hold in the first place. When we can do that, we realise that because we played a role in creating a cancerinducing environment in our body, we also have the power to reverse it to one that is healthy and life-sustaining. In doing this, we begin to harness our own immense powers and take a giant step forward towards creating true health and freedom from independence on others to make us healthy.

5. Don’t worry about the genes! It is a gigantic travesty when beautiful young women choose to mutilate their bodies by having mastectomies when they are very possibly in the peak of health, simply in an attempt to avoid breast cancer. Such is the fear that has been engendered into these women by the Cancer Industry that they are forced to take such drastic measures! The women who resort to this are usually family members of women who have already being diagnosed with breast cancer or perhaps have died from it. They become convinced by the ‘experts’ that they run a high risk of becoming a victim too, and so overwhelmed with fear of this ‘dreadful impending disease’, they do the unthinkable; they have their breasts surgically removed! It is almost too sad to contemplate this, especially when you understand what cancer really is, the power you have to avoid it, and that genes do not decide whether or not you will get breast cancer. Andreas Moritz puts it this way when talking about genes; “Cancer has always been an extremely rare illness, except in industrialized nations during the past 40-50 years. Human genes have not significantly changed for thousands of years. Why would they change so drastically now, and suddenly decide to kill scores of people?......any good genetic researcher would tell you that such a belief is void of any logic and outright unscientific. ” He goes on to say that blaming the genes is simply an excuse to cover up ignorance of the real causes. While it is true that breast cancer ‘runs in families’ in some instances, it is not for the reasons people assume. The fact is that people of the same family often have similar

habits- they eat the same types of food, they do/don’t take exercise and they have similar emotional patterns (destructive emotions can be highly acidic and toxic to the cells). It is because of these tendencies to live their lives in similar ways that these families who have adopted, often unknowingly, habits which predispose them to developing the terrain for cancer, experience it more. Identifying and addressing these ‘bad’ habits that are being passed down through the generations is the only sensible approach in avoiding breast cancer in those families who experience it.

6. To survive you must stop fighting! When you understand that your body is on your side and you can trust in its innate wisdom, you can feel at ease knowing this, and can concentrate on supporting it and nurturing it during the healing process. Contrastingly, when you feel you are under attack by a life-threatening disease, you are frightened by it and you feel the need to fight back. Your perception of what cancer is will determine everything- the experience of having it and your success (or not) in overcoming it! Let’s look at the 2 options; a) When you understand that cancer is in fact an ingenious rescue mission to save you, and that you have every chance of attaining true healing, you will feel encouraged and hopeful and every cell of your body will feel this. In turn, you are likely to take positive steps towards improving your lifestyle, your eating habits, your emotional patterns -whatever is required for the unique person that you are. Coupled with this, your immune system which knows exactly what to do, will be enhanced by your positive and hopeful approach and will support you in your efforts. b) In contrast, when you are frightened by a disease which you understand to be attacking you and threatening your survival, you feel paralysed and unable to take action. Instead you hand over your power to others such as the doctors because you feel that they offer you your best chance (when in fact they don’t). Added to this, your immune system that knows more than any doctor about how to heal you, is suppressed by the hormones that you release while in a state of fear. If you add chemotherapy and radiation to this concoction, with their devastatingly immunosuppressive actions, you are indeed facing a frightening uphill struggle!

The modern approach talks constantly about the ‘war against cancer’. All the anticancer campaigns, talk of the ‘need to fight cancer’. And yet, one of the oldest laws of the Universe, the Law of Attraction, tells us that ‘what you resist, persists’. We have been resisting cancer a long time and it has not been serving us! Our modern ‘health system’ is so utterly focused on disease; identifying it, screening for it, suppressing the symptoms that warn us of it and trying to eliminate it, that our preoccupation with disease, rather than eliminating it, has perpetuated it! In fact our ‘health system’ might be more aptly called our ‘disease system’. It is worth reminding ourselves that health is in fact our natural state, and it is health and the mechanisms that constantly work in our favour, such as our immune system, that we should be supporting and focusing on. Until we learn to focus on health, we can never really attain it! Could it be that our ‘war against cancer’ and our obsession with destroying cancer at all costs (including the greater health of our body as is the case with employing chemotherapy and radiation), has helped to create such an overwhelming fear in the population at large that it has contributed to the horrifying current cancer statistics? Cancer is not the enemy and if we continue to fight it, it will continue to grow. As we move forward in our collective plight to rise above cancer in the future, it is crucial that we remind ourselves of the timeless insights of the true workings of the body in accordance with natural laws that provide answers where our current medical system has failed to. Only then can we begin to make real progress with our health and with cancer.

Undertaking a paradigm shift in our understanding and approach to cancer is not only crucial to the survival of the individual experiencing cancer, but also to mankind as a whole if we are to reverse the escalating cancer statistics that we are faced with today!

7. A gift in disguise? There is meaning and purpose in everything that occurs in our life. There are no accidents or coincidences. Yes, even cancer can have meaning if you allow yourself to see it. While this may not be easy to see initially, if you are able to put aside your fears for a moment and instead take the time to remind yourself that your body is miraculous in

its ability, and that it wants you to survive and thrive; in time you will begin to see the meaning. Cancer is a reminder that you have not being looking after yourself and that your body is not currently in balance (and may not have been for some time). Balance however, can be easily restored with awareness and the appropriate actions. Seek the people you need to assist you in identifying the actions you need to take that will create a healthy terrain while supporting your immune system. The cancer will have no reason to persist in your body when you have done this effectively. Some of the answers will come to you about the changes you need to make if you take the time to be alone and quieten your thoughts. Perhaps you have put off resolving past conflicts, or your life has been so busy that you haven’t felt you had the time to ‘eat right’. Maybe you have been so preoccupied in looking after everyone else that you’ve forgotten how to look after yourself. The possibilities are many, but there are always solutions. The message to you in the shape of cancer, is that it’s time to act! You can’t put if off any longer. Don’t be frightened by arriving at these cross roads, a new and exciting dawn awaits you full of wonderful possibilities if you are ready to step up and make the necessary changes. Gifts come in different packages and this could prove to be one of the greatest! Many people who once stood in your shoes now talk of a life enriched- a life full of gratitude and purpose! Above all, never forget that your body is on your side and that if you support it, it is never too late to overcome cancer! I will leave you with a couple of quotes to ponder.....

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Albert Einstein

"The philosophies of one age have become the absurdities of the next and the foolishness of yesterday has become the wisdom of tomorrow.” Sir William Osler (1902)

Wishing you immeasurable health and happiness!

Dr Janey

PS. It has been my pleasure sharing this with you! I trust it will help you on your journey and I welcome you to share your comments on my site at where you can also learn more about this ‘New Era’ in the approach to preventing and treating cancer. I would also like to invite you to sign up for my ‘Free Tips’ on how to prevent (and heal from) cancer. Many of these ‘tips’ are little-known facts that could be lifesaving! You can get these tips while joining our growing worldwide community at In addition, I offer a coaching program for those with cancer who feel they would benefit from personal one-on-one guidance through the unique challenges they are facing. Coaching includes all the details of my highly effective program called ‘Authentic Healing’. Within the program is a simple, step-by-step ‘7-Point Protocol’ that will help you in overcoming cancer completely and permanently! It is a cost-effective, life-changing program and can be instituted immediately from your home.

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