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quc6 qAluotlf


b Arrwal

Mo Peculiar round shapes peeped out

from beneath the sneaky mist. Haunting

honking noises erupted from behind the bushes and splashing sounds interrupted the otherwise still morning. Boulder Bill stretched out his small, insignificant wings

and gave an almighty


scaring the wits out

of his small, well-rounded wife, Pernickety.

"l wish you wouldn't do that without some warning," she


trying to smooth her feathers back into place.








'qlearq ro; pasned ranau ,{1a>;:1ula6 ,,2nor( aJe aJeqM

{;yoa araq elppnul p a^eal


parltollp s! auo ou {pea.r;e

epeur aneq no{ ssau p leqm 1oo; asoobuor.u 6unor( lsau


']aa1 req otr

padunf {1a1:rula6 uaql


'a:e1 {.r.rn; srq uo

upb palrrrvr e qllrlt rQuon paurel)xa ,,'t!tq laeru o] ]tpM

ulJ-l aaq s! aJaq6 'uos learb e a^eq no,( 1eq1 preaq I 'r{ert aq1{g 'un; elull e anpq ol a.raq }snf 'Jg5 'ou qg,, alaq lueua}lfxa ,,ilpuelsJapun nor{ op

paau ],uop


a6 lno{ ale slenu ,(ue ur lleJ

ro tsol ta6 ol araq loN 'no{ lnoqe lol p preeq aA,aM,, 'uMop pue dn r.urq 6ur1oo; ';1rg.rap1nog ples ,,2nor{ a.re ,(1uo1z1 ar,no{ os 'uil.u1u11,, ',{ldaap pemoq pue }no paddoq asoobuou snorrepne aq1 ,,'surn6uad aq1 qlnt rru:rd e burneq alll llet ; pue 'qrsoquelsJr) r-uol; asoo6uoyl ,{1uo4 ' t.ue ; 'surn6uad eql aas o] auro) Jo]rsrn e lsnf lalsodurr oN, 'pa6.rauua asou {1urod e pue sJea lleq-pelaals {1aeqt 'fq6Uq ,{.ren olq 'qsnq e putqaq uoJl

or"r1 'sar{a

,,';laSlnOr{ MoqS puP

lno auro3 alsplru lno ur lalsodutr ue enpq aan oC,, 'pauooq pup ]poJrll stq perpalr ';;e1 pools lltg raplnog 'alqrssod se ,{;1rrnb sp }aal s!q ol 6ur166n115 'leq] alll ol alods llrg raplnog

auo oN'afualrs pauunls e servr aJaql ,,isurn6uad paradural-peq




aql ut spuplspeaq - aas o] altl I lpqm s,]eql MoN,, 'parltolloJ a166r6 snonetqfstut v re aq] ur 6ur;reg s6a; srq pue pues aql u! leaq stq qlran burpuel 'p.reruol palddol eq lq6ul p qfns 1o6 urn6uad plo {drunrb aq1 'alaqMou urorl efron {1aaqr eue) ,,']pL1l eltl astou e salptu asle euo ou 1aq lsnu ll .11rg lap;nog ,eqy,, e

'sMoJJnq Jtaql ut plq pup r(e^ae pe;pn:s surnouad Jaqlo aql ;y'lnpqbul aJeM quatunbre ,slualed srg ,{ep aqt Jo auq lpr.l} }e afJp)s Jlastltq ]t Meul 'uoqs roy r{1yo6 .ro ';enrpo4 uos Jtaql uan3 .6uru.toLu

eleur ol Naq


aql u! pa.radual peq ,{1snor.ro}ou sean oqM 'lllg Japlnog pa;rvro.r6 ,,'s)eet{ lr ot pasn aq plnoqs no etnoqe 6urure;dr.uo: no{ are leq6,, asaqt llp raue

tuuv s,lt-Non


did you call?" came a young volce. And out of the mist waddled a rather



plump penguin. "We have a visitor to Boulders, dear. This is Monty Mongoose and he is keen to meet some of the other penguins. Why don't you

4q *

show him around while we finish the chores?" suggested PortlY's mother.


"At last, someone to play with. All the


penguins run away and leave me all alone - can't think why. So I would love to!" exclaimed Portly, happy' too' to get out of cleaning the burrow. His mother was a stickler for cleanliness and tidiness. "come on, Monty - | am the best guide there is." Monty could hear sniggers from behind the bushes, but still, no other penguins had emerged.

As Monty and the little penguin made their way through the rough undergrowth, penguin burrows and coarse sand, Portly never stopped talking' ,,Look out here, Monty, this is a steep bit. I can manage but you may slip," warned Portly. "Noy see these Boulders - isn't it amazing to think that I am the only little penguin who can get to the top - isn't that incredible?" he continued' Monty,s sharp little eyes spotted other eyes peeking out of the nooks and your crannies on the beach, and he could hear hushed giggles. "Where are all


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']saleer6 aq] pue lsalsPt

aq] puP ]saq aq] spM aq ]pq] pelstsul ,{luoa aur} q)ea pue 'sa6e rol uo }uann slqt 'Lulq lo ller] daal ,(1preq p;no: sa,{a s,rQuoyl ]eq] lse] os lalpm aq] lo lno pue ur Ouryep sean urnbuad 'JaMsue "ql ol afueql e peq ,fuo4 aJoJaq ]nB ,,ZultMS nOr{ Ue3 '.rnOq

ue saJtarlolll g I o] dn urans uer I pue 'seJnutLu aloqM o^^] tol JaleM aql Japun ue: I eraurrurMs }satea.rb aq} | }ou I Llrv,, 'dn paddod afp} a}rqm-pue-))elq

al]l!l V 'ralpMrapun are;d aqt ra^o lle pauep ,(luoa se staddr;l luprllrrq aurp)aq sburnn ssalasn 'r{surg s,urnbuad aq} altqm luaulazpue q}tM paq)}pnn ,{1uo4 '1se; fuan pue r(;;n;arel6 urnns ol pauels pue ialenn aql olut padrunf aq ,dr1s e pue doq e q]l6 ,,'s!ql qrlpM - tlrms I uaqM Inl]neaq arour uana ue | ]nq - lnJr1npaq a6pa s;a1eM aql ]e aJp a/!{ aJaq ,rroN, .r{I.rre ,{;yo6 parlda.r

eas aq] l,ust


,,'saop aq aJotaq o6 l,uonn ,{aq1 'qreaq aq} uo a:e;d lsaq aq} pup slods 6urqsrl

aq] to 1:rd aq1 la6 ol salrl aH 'ulrq aJolaq a.raq1 s1a6 auor{ue ;r snor.rn; s1a6 peo 'q)eaq aq] o] uMop o6 o1 pe6 lo; 6urlrenn are ,{eq1 ,r{erur,{uy .spuau} paau

l,uop ; iqduLl - spua!U,, 'ulr{ Jo }uoJJ ut Xlpnord 6urpnlls seM pup }uauoul e.ro; 6ur1;e1 paddors,pctlJln6uad aq1 se ';;et o1 pa6eueu aq ,,2,{;po6 ,spuaul

.-e-it w.




tuuv s,ll_Not


did you call?" came a young voice. And out of the mist waddled a rather


ilr 4'q 't


plump penguin "We have a visitor to Boulders, dear. This


Monty Mongoose and he is keen to meet some of the other penguins. Why don't you show him around while we finish the chores?" suggested Portly's mother.


"At lasf someone to play with. All the other

penguins run away and leave me all alone

- can't

think why. So I would love to!" exclaimed Portly, happy, too,

to get out of cleaning the burrow. His mother was a stickler for cleanliness and tidiness. "Come on, Monty - | am the best guide there is." Monty could hear sniggers from behind the bushes, but still, no other penguins had emerged'

As Monty and the little penguin made their way through the rough undergrowth, penguin burrows and coarse sand, Portly never stopped talking. "Look out here, Monty, this is a steep bit. I can manage but you may slip," warned Portly. "Now see these Boulders


only little penguin who can get to the top

isn't it amazing to think that I am the


isn't that incredible?" he continued.

Monty's sharp little eyes spotted other eyes peeking out of the nooks and crannies on the beach,, and he could hear hushed giggles. "Where are all your



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']sateer6 aq] pue tsalseJ

aql puP ]saq aq] se^^ eq ]eq] patstsul ,{;1.loa aur} qfpa pue 'sa6e Jo} uo }uam slql 'urlq ]o l)er] daa>1 ,{lpleq p;nor sa,{a s,r{1uogA1

leq} }se} os ra}ellt aq} lo }no pue

ur Ouryep sean urnOuad



o] a)ueq) e peq ,{1uo1z1 arolaq }ng ,/Zt!rMs no{ ue3 'lnoq ue sallatrlolll

I L o] on rut^^s uef

I pue

'salnulur aloqM oMl lol JaleM aql tapun

,{e1s ue: I eraurrurMs 1sa1ea.rb aq} | }ou I Luv,, 'dn paddod afp} alrqM-pue-l)plq alrlll V iralpmrapun ate;d aq1 ra^o llp pauep ,{luoa se s.raddr11}uerlluq aule)aq sOuran ssalasn 'r{surg s,urnbuad aql altqM }uaulazeue q}trlt paqr}pan {1uo141 ol pauets pue raleM aq] olut padr_unl aq ,drqs e pue

'1se1fuan pue X1;n;ate:6 urrrns

doq e qll6 ,,'slq] q)]ernt - urMs I uaqM InJrlnpaq aJour uana urp I ]nq - In#tneaq pas aq] l,usr - a6pa s,la1e^ lp aJe aM aJaq 'rvroN, ,(1rrre ,(;yo6 par;da.r "q] ,,'saop aq a,tolaq oO l,uonn r{aq1 'q:eaq aq} uo ate;d lsaq arl} pue slods 6urqsr; aq] +o 1:rd aql 1a6 o1 salrl aH 'rurq aJo;aq a.raq1 s1a6 auor{ue ;r snor.rnl qa6 pec 'qleaq aql o] uMop o6 o1 pe6 lo1 6urlrean a.re ,{aq1 ,{ervr(uy .spuerJl paau

l,uop ; irldutt - spuapl,, 'Lu!q lo ]uoJl ur ,{lpnord 6urpn.r1s sem pue }uauout e.ro; 6ur11el Raddor.Rrynbuad aqr se ';1er o1 paOeueu aq ,,2,{;po6 ,spuau;



J/7 fur,,



Monty was getting bored just watching Portly, and he looked around for some other action. He noticed that some other penguins had arrived on the beach. He turned to chat to them, but Portly saw that he had lost Monty's attention, and quickly leapt out of the water and grabbed Monty's paw. "Come on, Monty

you don't want to hang around here - | have other things to show you." Monty was dragged off all over the beach and shown each and every marvellous thing that the penguin could do. At last he was exhausted. "Enough for one day - | must find a bite to ea! and then get to bed!" he insisted to the sad little penguin. "l will see you in the morning." Firmly Monty waved goodbye to Portly, found himself a a delicious lizard for supper and crawled into


an unused burrow for the night. He thought it strange that he still hadn't met any of Portly's friends, nor had he had his picnic yet. He was determined to do so in the morning.


At last they came to a big cave under an enormous boulder. Moonlight filtered through little cracks, providing at least some light. Monty's eyes took a little while to adjust to the strangeness. His heart trembled a little, and he wondered

why he had been dragged out on this cold and foggy night. A gruff old voice called the meeting to order. Monty could just make out the shape of a pair of big bright eyes and tufty ears. lt was Ndala the Owl.

"We welcome Monty here and all the other animals who could attend this meeting. Let's get straight to the point

- we haven't

much time. The Boulders

animal community has a problem, and we need a solution." The tiniest penguin stood on his tiptoes and piped up: "Portly is a pain never lets me do anything!"





'upld Janal) s,r{1uo61 }noqp patnxa

&an 'san;asueql o1 burp;rnqr 'paq ot #o pepln)s lle sleuitue aql

,,'pJoM e ,{es

of s! auo ou

pue 'nor{;o llP paq o1 go 'ano11,, 'ue;d aq1 preaq peq eLl ueqm

'elppN paa.rOe ,,'nnorotuol l! op ttal 'sa^'luPrlluq s,leql,, eql pallr,luauea.rOe;o qnoqs


pue sa;66rb uoos

'radsrqrvr ol

uebaq aq pue 'asoobuouu 6unor{ aq1 punorP r{;aso1: palppnq sleutuP

aqt lv {u


l! l!


,,'uo!lnlos xalpm eql olur durnl

nor{ 11a1 llt^^ | pue 'auortana 'punor Jaqleg .lloM lou tup I lng,, 'r(;1arnb ,{1uo4 ptps ,,ieapt ue enpq 1,,

u.re1-6uo; e paau {1;ea.r am 'ou -

1se; J,uoM

ol patueM,{;1.roa uaqr* fta1rru.ra6





go paqsnd 6ulaq ;o peJrl spm oqnn 'luelourJo) e pa1sa66ns ,,'uossa; p tuaq] qleal llrrvr leql - uaql o] leads ol asnleJ s,lal 'Moul 1,, aql paure;duor ,,'sMoJJnq 'lrvro

Jreql ol lfeq aurof s{ean;e surnbua6 'lJoM },uom 1pq1 'oN,, 'urn6ued 6unor{ e patnoqs ,,'[uo1o) Jaq]oue



ol lno uaql Llstusq qle1,,

,,4suo4sa66ns r{ue auor(ue

seq 1;npseoq ,{lqe.reaqun s! uos Jtaq} pup 'dn ueal:


sn 6ur;;a1sr{eqe srrQaq:rula6 '{ssoq pue r{dr.unt6 sl urnbuad

plo aql 'a;qee6euer-u aror-u ,(;rue; qlrg Jeplnog alpul ol r(erur ol anpq eM,, 'lmo plo aql pepueuulo) ,,iJapJo laplg,,

p pull

,,'afpad aql sqJnlstp aq pup JaleM aqt ul lJo elull p patltelfxa ,iseA,

6urrvroqs sr(em;e s! eH,, 'qsryep uotqsn)


IH9lNOlh,l V


Ihe Vare eame The next morning, the fog was thicker than ever as Monty gingerly made his way to the sea, nursing a sore tail after his slide the night before. lt wasn't long before lots of little penguins had gathered around him, all chanting the Penguin

Waddle and chatting excitedly. Just then there was a loud thump, as Portly jumped off a high rock and landed smack bang in the middle of the circle. "Come on, Monty, you don't want to stay here


| have great things to show

you today," shouted the rude little penguin, barging past the others.

Monty shook his head firmly. "No, I decided that it would be fun to play game with your friends today."

"But I don't want to, that's boring," moaned



who was used to getting his own way. He began to

sulk behind the rock and the other penguins looked a little frightened.

Monty laughed. "You'll lose out on all the fun!" He turned to the others. "Listen, this is how the game works." Before he could continue, Portly interrupted loudly, "l told you I don't want to play

- | want

you to come with me." "Sorry, chap.



to play this game and


don't break my promises. Right everyone, gather round, and listen carefully. This


the Dare Game. I start, and I can choose anyone I like.

That animal must do what I dare him to do and then it is his turn to choose an animal and think of a dare. The dares are not allowed to be too difficult - just

fun." All the penguins were intrigued by this idea, remembering the plan Monty had shared with them at the secret meeting. They couldn't wait to start.

"Come on Monty, let's start. We can't wait." There was a sullen silence from behind the rock, followed by a muttering that this was all far too boring. Monty ignored Portly and started the game. He closed his eyes, spun round three times and pointed. The penguin he chose was very small and very shy, and was often teased by Portly. Monty put his paw

around him and reassured him. "Righg Tiny, here's your dare! You have to climb onto the rock behind me and jump off," commanded Monty.


,,iaJep Jno{ rol {peat 'r{lpod 'lqblg,, 'sugnbuad Jeq}o aq} }e palutM ,(1uoy1 ,,'oo] aLu luelt ,(;1ea.r no{ g ,(e|d llrrur t 'lq6U lle 'qO, ',{luoa 1e palurod pue 'sau11 aarql punoJ pazztqM aq pue 'uge6e ulnl

s,r{1uo1z1 seM

'Lurq ]noq]l/!{ un; 6urneq a:a,rn surnouad

}t uaql 1sn[ 'ur uro[ o] 6urr{p seM aq pue

taqlo aql lle teq] ]lel aql pateq ,{luoa

'lpof paaMeas srq ur pplr qlpaq aql lnoqe pape.red 6uo1-e -dog se paqOnel pue paqOnel g;e,{aq1 tauutp tol dn ssarp pup paaMpas;o arard e pull o] urq paJep {ur1 'atep e op o} }tem l,uplnot pue 'un;;o ;;n1 'urnbuad a^erq p se/!\ arl 'ssalaqlauoN 'q)eaq aql uo Ual uaaq ppq ]eql sse;6 ;o .,\ atard pa66ef e uo pools peq aq uaqM ]oo+ srq pa.rnfur peq 6uo1-e-dog \t,\ 'uasoql senn 6uo1-e-do;1 'auuq srqf 'patutod pue saur] aarql punoJ i,l*,t ]! nnoN 'eJep aq] op o1 paOeueu unds ag 'asooll) o]


srq seM


peq aq 1eq1 pnord os senn arl pup s6nq 6rq learb rurq ane6 /..]; pup urq o1 dn paqsn: auortan3'rfiuo4 ol lxau puno.rb aq] uo l'. ,(lruellltrg papuel ag 'padr.unf pue sar{a stLl pasol) 'lfot aq} o}uo i *di ,

paqurll 'a6prnot slq llp dn pa1:n;d ulnbuad al]]tl aql oS ,,il! op ue: nor{'{ur1 'uo aruo],, '6ur1noqs paue}s

spualrl slq llv 'urnbuad alpll aql pa.radurqr* ,,'paua1q6r: ! pup 'aro;aq ]eq] auop Janau oA,l 'r(1uo4 'lng, LUe












Pphhl Of course

I am. l'm

the bravest penguin at Boulders!" declared the cocky little penguin. It was still so foggy that you couldn't even see the sea, but the waves were splashing on


to think hard. Portly was getting impatient. "Come on! Come on! | can do beach. Monty pretended

anything!" he insisted. "Portly, I want you to go deep-sea diving and to catch the biggest fish you can find. Bring it

to us, and if it is bigger than mine, you can

choose the next game." Portly laughed. "ls that all? You all know I am great at fishing


that isn't even a challenge!" With one hop, Portly disappeared

into the fog, and they heard him splashing in the water. Monty began to giggle. "Wait until he sees the fish that Corky the Seal caught for me this morning. He will never be able to catch anything bigger. That will teach him not to brag so much. Come on, teach me the Penguin


Waddle until Portly comes back." All the penguins

round and started teaching Monty how waddle. lt was hilarious, watching him try the

. different actions.



,,'Mou {q lreq eq plnoqs ag lauo6 r(Hod seq eJeqm 'r{a;1,, 'pauJn}eJ l,uper.l ,(Hoa a4suaqa.rddp alull

leql ppJ aqt lnoqp

p laal ot ue6eq ,!uol 'urlms ot ulq ta6 ol paul {aq1 se 'fiuoy1 paqbnel ,,'do1s 'dols,

oB ,laq1 snddnJ tlttlrr oas aql olul iort tol, tort

- A sulntuad ss!4 o7 a>Et



anol u! uaral




alppuln surn&uacl

llddVt'^ Nh0NU







Ihe Vlack Snake Just then,

the mist began to clear, and a cormorant screeched a warning.

"Danger! Danger! The black snake is in the water


it's coming closer! Flee the

sea! Beware, beware!"

Monty had never heard of the black snake. His heart went cold as the penguins began to waddle away from the sea as quickly as their short legs could carry them. "Hey, wait! What is the black snake?" he shouted. 14


ol pauaddeq sPq lPqM itno ]! llds iuo aruof 'uo auro),,

,"' slLll no{ llal ol Moq /v\ou)l l,uop 1,, asoo6uou ,(ep.ralsar( 1o

,{qaaq: eql },usPM eH 'aflon 6ur;qurarl e ur ue6aq

aq ,,'r{lalrguJad 'lllg Jeplnog,,

iMoq lnq - qlrul aqt Luaql llel ol peq aH 'uaqt ol sMau aql lParq ol /!{oq Moul l,uprp eq 1ye1s o1 lnoq Moul l,uplp eH 'sluarBd s,r(;uod sprertol


slq apeu {p*o1s pue peeq srq 6unq r(1uo4 '1eads ol ulq .ro1 Outlternt 'r{luol le palool pue pauJnl surn6uad aq] lV ,,ir..t.trq Jol araqruv0ana 6ur1oo1 uaaq an,aM ar{gyo3 Jno uees auo{ue spH, 'lfoJ aq] uo surnbuad ;o bur.raqleb aq1 o1 plno: ,{eqt se }ssl sp u/v\op pue llrg raplnog 'pallpl 6uraq aurpu Our;ppean arann ,(1a>;ruJad

s,r(;yo6 pJeeq eq pue


aruso;dxa ue sem a.raq1 'r{;uappn5

'peJe^rqs,{1uo4 ireururqs pue 1ur;6 pue 1q6r1uns aLl} qltPl plnoM pue rvrou ,{.ran3 'qreaq aLl} spJpmo} ,(ervr qr apet! alpus lrplq

1 'ure6e

snoulruo aq1 lea1r o1 ue6aq 6o1 aq1 sV 'Ifrs


{1uoy1 'aJoleq srear{ rural



lro ue ur 6uruuurans auob peq eq ueLlM JaqloJq p lsol peq oqrvr '{u11 pelquaJl ',,;to pa1;el s,l! lu!q] I 'sleoq a6nq uro.r; saulof l! pue 'gnp {1rr1s /l)plq s,ll, 'pa66aq aq ,as! alpus srq] leqr* ure;dxa aseald euoeuros ;1114,, 'sutnbuad butleqs 'paua1q6r.r1{q papunoJJns lroJ e uo buoueleq ilesulq puno} r{1uo61 }sel }V '{ervr r(ue u! ilnq aq o1 urnbuad ap1rl pno.rd aql pa}uerlt },uppq ,{1uoy1 aLulLl ot pauaddeq ppq tpqM pue 'aq spM eJaLlM a,{luoa }noqe lpqM puv 'Mollprlts ol llnlrgrp 11 6urpur; spm aq pue 'preq os burdurnql sem ueaq slH 'raqlo aqt lo luoJl u! rted auo lnd ol alqe ,(1p.req 'q:eaq aq1 dn ,(;rto1s pa^ot! ,{1uo1z1 peu] ,,iqfeeq aq1 dn sn 'surnbued

Mollol 'nor{ s}eb f! il elp lllM no

1.rn1.rnor{ surnJ


ll ilrrnb eg ,Quo4

'r(eMe auuo3,,

)l\fls lHr


our son?" screamed Boulder Bill, his pink eyebrows quivering with anxiety.

Monty began


explain what had

happened. Boulder Bill and Pernickety went pale. Some of the penguins began to sob.

Nobody had wanted to hurt Portly. When Monty had finished explaining, there was silence, except for the call of the cormorants and the sound of the sea lapping against the beach. Unexpectedly, the swoosh of white wings broke the silence. "What is going on here? ls someone hurt?" lt was Ndala. He had been awakened from his morning snooze by the loud honk. Boulder Bill had lost all his bossiness. He sobbed as his wife stood next to him

with her head bowed. Once again Monty explained what had happened, and pointed to the sea. "Don't stand there sobbing. That won't help anyone." scolded Ndala, taking command of the situation. "Come on, we have to send out a search party." Ndala immediately started mobilising everyone into action. The cormorants and gulls were sent to scour the sea from above. Corky the Seal and his friends were told



the sea from below.


scouts were placed on every rock


lookouts to watch for any sign of

the little penguin. Monty started to comfort and reassure Portly's parents. Everyone was involved

in the search for Portly, and they all hurriedly took up their positions to look for him. The long wait began. The first hour passed. There was no sign of Portly, and no reports of sightings. The beach

seemed unnaturally quiet. Boats started




'uaql lnoqP


,{;;ea.r ser* {1uoy1 ']Pa ol 6ursn1a.r

'uMPJpqr!M eupfaq pue lualrs llal pep

pue ulnul


'urn6uad ellr!l aqt ,o ubrs ,(ue rol $lfoJ eql pue aql 'q:eaq eLll paq)JPas


spJlq pue sleuirue agl 'f,ep {e6 'urp6e uebaq qfreas aql


pue 'auo{.rana aIoM PlepN '$l)oJ aql

paqrnol umep lo 1qbrl prt; eql se uoos sV '{lrunuuo: sJaplnog aq},{q uMoqs uJa)uof pue ssaupuH aql ,{q pauulaqMJeno aJeM ,(aq1 ar.uq eues aq] ]p tnq 'r(pod lnoqe parJJoM ,{;ale.radsap ararvr ,{aq1 'rvrolnq Jlaqt o} )|]eq pue lllg raplnog ,{gpes pa6pn.r1 {1a1:ru.red

'qfJPes ssaprnjJ rraql ,{9 pa$neqxe


'sg)or eql otuo


slueJourJor aq1 '6urq1ou ueas peq aq leql uoda.r ol eue: {1to1 'slods ]nolool Jraql uroJl lfeq atupf surn6uad aq1'{puapuodsap'r{pnto;5

'lq6!lfv\f eql ul auoLls sraplnoq aql pue lurd snor.ro16 p paurnl ,{>gs aq1 ue6aq 6uruan3 'aleradsap





peuels ,{}uo61 'raqloue

puv ',(q ]uaM rnoq Jaqtouv irPal puP ]uarlJaplmaq ur uo palool

sleturup pue spJrq aql 'qles 6rq olur pa:e;d pue ueu ,{q dn 6np ,{;1:rnb alar* $llll elnll 'lllls llo eql dn uealr ol r{.r} ol 6unuB pup qleeq eql oluo pea.rds llo to

ilvNs )t\flâ‚Ź lHr


Ihe Rescue Six whole days and six whole nights passed. Everyone was exhausted, and started to give up hope. Monty took his turn as watch-mongoose on the rock. Every frond of seaweed that danced before his eyes looked like a penguin, and each

time he checked and checked again to make sure that it wasn't Portly. Nonetheless, he kept his eyes peeled. lust then he saw a strange shape bobbing up and down



lt looked like Corky the Seal, but he had a strange shape on his back. Monty's


heart leapt. He stared hard at the shape as

it crept closer. Could it

be? No, the seal disappeared under the sea for what seemed like ages. Monty sighed. There it was again,

closer now. Craning his neck so far

that he nearly fell into the water,

Monty was, desperate




purl 'apue6


lnq 'll!g raplnoB #nr6 'plo aq] lou


llrg raplnog 'a)uo

le 6urllel

pailpls auo,tana se 'paq6ne; aq ,,"{}np Jo asJnof aql u! llp s,}l ise}eu 'u too],, '6uru.roru auo u! ;;e r{1uoy1 pue r{po6 qloq pan)saJ

peq eH 'oJaq e sem oqr* ',{1.ro3 punoJ pa.raq1e6 sprq pup slprurup aql lV 'fiasturq lnoqe ,{ps o} pJoM P }ou peq pue 'sran>sal srq Jol asrerd q}rrvr 6uruur.uuq sem ,{;yo6 ,,Mau,, stql 'Moul ol atuol ppq aq euo aql uo.r; ulnOuad ,{p-ro6 ftan e lvrps aq 'lq6!lap pue,{o[slq oI 'sa,{a srq pauado,{;rnro;s,{1uoy1


'uo ,,'eLu uo uMoJp nor{ aneq o} l)eq ,{ervr aq1 lle auo) l.,uplp I ieq}eeJq "Quo71 aruo3,/ '6ur1noqs urn6uad e ol ]xau pues aq] uo 6urr(1 flasulrq punol aq uaqm

burleqs pue 6uua11n;ds ;1r1s sean ,fiuo61 ,,'pupl o1 ur 6uruo1,, ,(1ro3 palnoqs ,,ilq6n uo ploH,, 'alpunq elrqm-pue-lrelq pal66erpaq 'urql ,{.ran e aprsbuo;e t:eq a;qeyoJurof 'dun1d p oluo dn padoonts 6uraq llasurq llal aq ,,'eaaq11,, ,f uoyl palnoLls,,Zauoauros idlaH,, 1ueM aq u,vro6 'ralem Jel

ool paueel


;o llnl qlnou

s1q 'parapn;ds



irutMs ],uplnof aH 'eas 6ur;.rrms aq] u! jlasultq punol pue 'rano sdoo jauue: }r Jasolf pue Jasol) 'sp^^ ,,qolq,, aL{} }eqM







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ln)S:lu lHl-



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\ i I


Boulder Bill touched Corky's face with his wing. "How can I ever thank you? | am so grateful to you." Pernickety didn't even notice the seaweed draped all

over her son and the seal. She kept jumping up and down, shouting, "He's back, he's back!"

As the animals heard the story of Portly's rescue and how he had been cleaned and saved from the oil spill and almost certain death, it was clear there were many changed animals at Boulders.

Not once did Portly mention his own bravery or courage. He had only admiration and praise for the two-legged animals called humans, who had helped to clean his oil-soaked wings and feathers. He couldn't say enough about Corky and the other anignals that had helped him to safety. 20


iureoe aurPs eql alrnb Ja^au sPM


lo {}runuruo) sJaplnog eql

,,16u1rue1s Lu,; '1pa s,1a1 2r{1uo1z1 'r(aq

'uaddeq Janau plnom 1r lqbnoql pasruold aan

nor{ 1aq



rtu:td ]Pqt Jo] 'rt;,n6 O Q;1, "r,1,, i7 palnoqs aq ,,iauortana n 'saleuur{e'' run \-/

'uo eLuo3,,

.ro; pa6uo;



peq aq pue 'spuall} ppq aq,{luappn5 'paureaq ,{|}Joa 'saJn}ue^pe srq lo Jpaq o}

6urbuo; ',{luoa punore palppnq surn6uad e|}]rl aql ;;y ,, r{ddeq os ur,l ioo} spuau} a^pq I MoN,, ,{luod papl)nq) ,,')no\el p au auop anpq no1 'ln;1spoq 6uraq lnoqe pauJpel aneq Janau

plnoM 1 aue6 arep aql par{e;d },upeLl ragy ,{1uo4 'asrno);9,, I




anr6.ro1 lurebe saJep ]sa66ns ranau

11,1,,'K1ltod o1 patadsrqrur r{1uoy1 'anoJtnq

srq rol sraqlpal ]tos pu4 o1 ,{ur1 6urdpaq ,(11ua6 serur r{1a1:rura6 allq,vr'slods

6urqsr; lsaq aql pur; surn6uad .ra6unor{ dlaq o1 6uua;;o seM llrg raplnog


tnfstu tHr


lnrrrEsflNe Fncrs Foulders V.pfih




The Boulders for which Boulders Beach is named are found nestling in' a sheltered cove between Simon's Town and Cape Point in the Cape. The Boulders are a cluster of huge granite rocks, which provide a home for many indigenous animals and birds, including the African penguin.


Afincan ?engvin

ln'1982, two pairs of breeding penguins were spotted at Boulders. Amazingly, this colony has grown to some 3 000 penguins in recent years. The African penguin is the only penguin species that is onlyfound on the African continent and the colony at Boulders near Simon's Town is the only breeding colony in South Africa. 22


'JoordralPM s! prlq aq] ]Pq] arnsua o] sJaqlee] s,urnouad aql ra^o pPaJds aJP leLl] slro lPJnlPu alaJ)as spuelo ueald



lpuelO tpems p sr ar(a s,u1n6uad

'railoq sla6 urn6uad aql se JalJep qrled lurd aqf


'llnouj ,(aql q:1qnt 6ur.rnp qaa/v\

aLl] a^oqe


y J

aaJLl] aq] Jo, pool Jol JaleM

aql olur o6 louup: ,(aq1 se 'slaaan a^rl lnoqe lo1 ,{;snonurluot OurqslJ }eJ ^q a)uo }lnotu surn6ua6 Jo saruesal dn plrnq ,{aql

,{aq1 aro;ag 'rear{ e

s66a aq1 uo ]rs o] surnl

q)lnll euo sa)npo.rd .rred qfea pue 'rea{

alpl qua.red qlog 's66a




aq} 1noq6no.rq1 paaJq surn6ua4y

'looq)s aql uo.t1,{er*e anou.r leql qsrl aql burlea ';eoqs aql al)lt ,{aq1 'sanoqfue pue sp.req:;rd leq] qs4 Jo 'qsr; 6ur;eoqs 1ea surn6ua6y se q)ns 's;ooqrs a6re; ur urMs

'paaJq ol MoJJnq aups Jraq]

o] uJnlal pue 'ay; .ro;.raq1a6o1.r;ed

.rBar{ ,{.rana



's,aleural aql upql Jallrq] pue .ra66rq sr lpaq taleur aql mq 'sar:ads urn6uad ue)ulv aq] lo saleual pue seleur uaeMlaq a)uaraJlp aql llal ol lln)!J+!p s! ]lJ 'p1o s.rea,( g t-O t {laleurxo.rdde aq o] anrl pue a.raqdsruleH uJaqlnos aqt ur {;uo Jnf)o surn6ua6


'aurq p lp selnurur oml Jol JaJpM Japun {e1s uer pue 'rnoq ue salaulolll uanas lo paads e lp seruplsrp.ralea.rb urans {aq1 'rnoq ue sarlauolll g l to spaads buruurans q)par ue) ,(aq1 qbnoqly 'sraddr1l lualla)xa aq o1 paldepp aneq sburrvr Jraql lnq 'ssapq6r;; a.re surnbua6


i '' /noq oo^ pI!




Turrnrs ro our Prueuus Natural ?redators There are some animals

and birds that feed on

our penguins. On land, these include dogs and leopards. Penguins are

protected from dogs at Boulders as the area is fenced in, and Cape Peninsula National Park staff keep a careful eye on the birds. In the sea, some of the penguin's predators include the killer whale, sharks

and gulls. However, the penguin's black back provides clever camouflage,

which makes it difficult to see in the darker, deeper waters, and protects it to some extent.

Threats The greatest threat to our penguins is the danger of oil

pollution from tankers. Virtually every year tons of oil are accidentally deposited in the Table Bay area, and thousands of penguins have to be rushed to SANCCOB

to be rehabilitated. The oil destroys the insulating ability of the feathers and the birds die of exposure in the cold water if they are not rescued and cleaned. lt costs approximately R1 500.00 to clean just one bird. The penguin's food supply is also reduced by commercialfishing industries, so we need to monitor fishing very carefully.


'lle no^ ol no{ lueq} os 'peford aql tnoLl6noJqt uoddns ]ea.r6 e pue burbetnofue uaaq ,s{ervrle se 'seq ue; 'pueqsnq {y1 {ro1s aql uo



paJaJ+o anpq pup buruana pue {ep aq} lo saurl a6ue4s te pue raqleeM 1;e ur surnFuad aq1 pue sraplnog pa:uauedxa aleq 'ualppqt r{r-u 'ane6 pue pqlupulps 'no{ 1ueq1 - sJapuom euop a^eq pue pafo.rd aq1

1noq6no.rq1 6ur6plnorua pup anriloddns

fian uaaq

a^eq Jpruprc JaqlpeH .rau6rsap lnor(e1 pue JoleJ$nlll {r-u pue upuDl)ug epuarg roltpa {y1 .sa;es aql tuo.r; ,{llerruputJ }tlauaq

pue poddns

ll$ go))Nvs

laqt rol lred lpuotlpp

's}uauiesropua e;nsurua6 ade3

pue SO))NVS lupq] ot alll plnom I ue par{e1d e^pq oq/v\ r{|;urel pue spuauJ



lupql ol elll

plnoM I pue looq slql 6u!t!rm unl ]eal6 ppq a^pq

ilaqlte ulaql lp sauoN Jo pups MoJql l,uo6 'sJeplnoâ‚Ź le surnOuad aq] aspLll ],uop eseeld 'eeJp



aq] ur 6uua11r; 1ou ,{q leltqeq Jteql

Jol eJpf pue surnbuad eql padsal 'sJeplnog


'atues aq] op ol looqls lnor{ pue spueuJ gO)fNVS ol suotteuop elpn J

.rnor{ a6ua;;pqr pue

'ta6 upr,{aq1 dlaq llp paeu



- gO)fNVS 1e dlaq o} raalunlon J

i$u!oouad oM

roo dpq UUI


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Ali Corbett runs her business from home in Hout Bay with lots of helP from her husband, Ian, hu two childrm, Samantha and Dave, and all the animals! Ali's business, Cape For Kds, aims to introduce children to the beautiful Cape through the medium of PuPPetry and stoies. Monty's Picnic with the Penguins is the fourth book in the



Cape for Kids series.


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Cobe Peninsula

National Park

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