Yogafrica mar2015

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March 2015 CONTENTS

Ed’s Notes


Effects of inversions during menstruation and pregnancy


Medical Class Pune — January 2015


Blissful Breath — Leslie Peters


Yoga and Pregnancy


Corine Biria in Cape Town


Iyengar Yoga Retreat, Hogsback


Visits to Pune


Tribute to Denise Rundle








March 2015 ED’S NOTES


Dear Me mbers, I hope that you are a ll we ll and enjoy ing the tai l-end of the warm days o f summer. It h as been a busy few mon ths, wi th Corine B iri a visi ting both Cape To wn and Johann esburg for workshops. I am sure that those tha t a ttend ed her workshop wil l be pleased to know that Fa eq Biria wil l b e visi ting for Sou th Afr ica's 40 th year celebra tions . Make sure to d iarise the workshop when i t is advertised nex t year . We have lots o f ne ws for this ed ition. Four lovely articles have been written abou t trip s to Pune. Make sure you read the one by Jane who was ab le to get some he lp from Gee ta ji hersel f (a s wel l as so me o f our sen ior teachers) for her h ip . There seem to be ma ny pregnancies a t the moment. It is a lways wo nderfu l to s ee the pregnant ladies in class doing the ir Asana's particu larly the ir inversions. Viv and Jacqui have both wri tten lovel y articles for us as wel l as so me beau tifu l p hotograph s. It is very sad to men tio n the sudden pass ing o f D enise Rund le who w il l be missed both for her contributions to the Ins ti tu te and as a sen ior teacher wi th in her region . Thanks again to Stratford for the time taken to d o the layou t for the artic le as we ll as to a ll thos e who contribu ted. Be in ligh t Be in joy Yours in yoga

Ri va

riva.hirschow i tz@gma il .co m

"Yoga teaches us to cure wha t nee d no t be endur ed and e ndure wha t can not be cured . . " - B.K.S. Iyengar



March 2015

EFFECT OF INVERTED YOGA POSTURES ON MENSTRUATION & PREGNANCY GEETA IYENGAR Inverted yog a postures or inversions are those wherein the head re mains down and the body is in an inverted posi tion. The inversions include Asan as such as Sirsasana , Sarvangasana , Hal asana, V i parita Karani, Pincha Mayurasana e tc. T he varia tions of S irsasana and Sarvangasana are a lso includ ed i n this group. Hatha Yoga Prad ip ika o n Inversions The third chap ter o f Svatmarama 's Ha tha Yoga Pradipika is named mridav idhana m men tions abo ut the inverted yoga postures . Ha tha Yo ga Pradioka de als w ith as anas in the first chap ter, pranayama i n the second chap ter, mudras as we ll as bandhas in th e third chap ter an d sa madhi in the fourth . Mudra means a se al whi le ban dhas means bondag e. Mudra seals the energy and bandha regu la tes the energy. Sva tmara ma devo tes six stanzas (slokas) to expla in vipad ta kami in the th ird chap ter. Vipari ta karn i is a mudra w here the h ead is dow n and legs are up , pala te is down and the nave l is up , moon or soma chakra wh ich lies in the center o f the brain is down and sun or surya chakra whic h lies in between the nave l and d iaphragm is up . It ha s to be learnt under the guidance of a Guru and practices ev eryday gradual ly increas ing the dura tion of s tay in the pos ture. In the uprigh t posi tion th e sun (navel) swal lows the nectar which is dropped do wn by the moon bu t in v ipari ta karn i the sun ab sorbs the nec tar. The practice o f vipari ta karni increa ses gastric fire and improves the d igestion and keeps the person younger preventi ng h im from ge tting wrinkles or grey h air an d pos tpones death. The Effects of the Inverted Postures on the En docrine System All th e o ther inverted postures come under vi parita kami. Inversions don e accurately are al ways relaxing and reduce stress and s train . The b lood c irculation to the brain is improved in S irsasana; the s luggish cel ls are re juvenate d and the bra in be ing the seat of in tel ligence is stimu lated . It als o stimulates the p i tui tary and pi neal glan ds on wh ich the grow th, hea lth and vi tal s trength of a person dep ends. Sarvangasana works effec tive ly on the thyroi d and parathyro id by increasing th e b lood supply . Ha lasana is e ffec tive on adrenals . The secretions o f the pi tui tary regula te sexual ch aracteristics and growth o f the reproduc tive organs. It also regu lates th e function of adrenal , thyroi d a nd the ovaries . It is the hormone wh ich s ti mula tes the production of milk in nursing mo thers. Thus , p i tu itary is the mas ter g land which plays a very i mp ortant role in regula ting menstrua tion and pregnancy . T he i nverted pos tures in turn regula te the func tion ing of this mas ter g land . Guruji h as righ tly sa id that one mus t practice as anas regularly and in case , one do es not have e nough ti me then one shou ld a t least do the inversions . If S irsgsana is the fath er of asanas , then Sarvang sana is th e mo ther o f isanas. The h eal th o f the body and mind is dependen t on the practice o f these two isanas as the heal th and happiness o f the chi ldren is depend ent on the ir paren ts. Practice of Menstruation Inversions One should no t perform inver ted postures dur ing menstrua tion . Inversions performed during men struation arrest the mens trual flow . Th ey dry up the uterus and can lead to wards comp lica tions like cysts and fibro ids i f practiced during mens truati on. On the o ther hand , inversi ons can contro l me nstrual bleeding when i t exceeds its n ormal dura tion or i f i t occurs in b etwe en. Th ey c heck the flo w an d strengthen the u terine syste m. They dry up the a rea fas ter than any o ther As ana. One shou ld immed iate ly co mme nce the practice of inversions after co mpl etion o f mens truation si nce i t is the time for re-establ ishme nt of hormon al bala nce. Such a practice wi ll prevent d iseases like e ndo5

metrios is, leucorrhea and also miscarriages . Th ey he lp in main ta ining the hea lth o f the reproductive organs. Practice of Invers ions during Pregnancy Pregnancy is an opposi te sta te of mens truation , as the fe tus has to be reta ined . Inverted pos tures should be per formed in the first three mon ths when there is a chance o f miscarriage esp ecia lly for those who are prone to miscarriages and ab ortio ns. One c an con tin ue prac tic ing the m up to the end o f pregnancy. The ir regular practice s trengthens th e spine , i mproves bl ood circu lation , checks wa ter retention , preven ts in fec tion , ma inta ins hormona l balance, lubrica tes the reproductive passage, c hecks blood pressure , main tai ns e motiona l and menta l balance. Inversions are har mfu l during mens truation and helpfu l during pregnancy. Av oid invers ions durin g menstruation bu t practice them rel igious ly during pregnancy. One shou ld continue wi th the prac tice of inversi ons even after menopause in order to k eep a ch eek on the b lood pressure, hear t proble ms, circula tory defec ts and ag ing . We have to learn to be in an inverted pos ition as long as w e are in an uprigh t p osition.

“Action is movement with intelligence. The world is filled with movement. What the world needs is more conscious movement, more action.� -BKS Iyengar



March 2015

MY EXPERIENCE IN THE MEDICAL CLASS AT PUNE, JANUARY 2015 JANE TREFFRY-GOATLEY We arrived in Pune a fter a long and tiring journe y. A fter a wel l needed res t we proceeded to the Institute to reg ister . It was a tru ly amaz ing experie nce. I fe lt so happy to have been able to make this journey to the he art of Iyen gar yoga . As I had a h ip injury, tendon i tis o f the med ial g lutea l tendon and bursi tis, I was ra ther anxious as to how I w as going to manage the classes . Wi th th e suppor t of Pat and G il l I was for tuna te enough to be placed in the Me dica l C lasses . Thes e are schedu led three ti mes a week for two hours per class . The first two w eeks o f Medica l Classes Pa t and Gil l assis ted me wi th inpu t from Step hanie Qu irk. The inten ti on was to create ex tensio n in the spi ne an d to atte mpt to bring the femur heads correctly in to the hip socke ts using support w here necessary. W hen perfor ming sta nding poses , there was to be no weigh t b orne on the in jured hip l eg. Rop es were used to main ta in correct ro tation o f the thigh s and opening of the respective groins . These classes have been very valua ble and they taug ht me abo ut al l the th ings tha t I do incorrectly in my Asan as!!! In week three Geeta ji a ttended the medica l clas s. Gi ll and I were summoned to her desk . This was a huge priv ilege tho ugh very n erve wracking a t the time . Geetaj i, after hav ing assessed my cond itio n and what I was able to do and not do , proceeded to work ou t a su i table sequence for me . Under Ge etaj i’s keen supervis ion we worked through the sequenc e. G il l ass isted me w ith the Asanas an d Abh i (her granddaughter) he lped as wel l. I fel t very sel fconscious w ith a ll the atten tion g iven to me but extreme ly grate ful . I was overwhe lmed by the knowledge, insig ht and sk il l o f th is great teacher. Ge etaj i was ab le to p in poin t the problem and prescribe suitab le Asanas to bring reli ef fro m pa in and h elp correct “i ncorrect pos ture ”. The emphasis was on opening the h ips wi th su pport and ach ieving the correct pos ition of th e pelvis . After one sessio n in whic h Abhi worked on openi ng my h ips I fel t a major release in the hips . I c ontinued to imp lemen t Gee taj i’s sequence for th e rest of the mon th . Every med ical class was exhaus ting . I was push ed and pul led in to the correct a lig nmen t. It was a lo t of work for G il l . Lawrence Batc helor, a teacher from Cape Town and my husband Kevin assis ted . Pat made cop ious notes o f the ins tructions. All the teachers in th e med ical classes work extremely hard. The classes are a hive o f ac tio n wi th teachers and assis tan ts help ing more than 5 0 medical s tuden ts, a ll wi th d ifferent problems . O ne has to keep an eye on one ’s props as they disappe ar in the b li nk o f a n eye . I am ex treme ly grate fu l th at I was able to exper i ence the teachi ngs of Gee taj i firsthan d and for th e help from everyone involve d. My h ip is so much be tter though I stil l have to be carefu l wi th standin g and balancing poses . I look forward to my nex t trip to Pune and hope fu lly I w il l be in the General C lasses, a ll bei ng w el l !!! (Pictures o n Pag e 8 .)


Jane Treffry-Goatley is the pa tien t...




LESLIE P ETERS You’ve probably heard that the word "yoga " c omes from the S anskrit root yuj , which me ans to y oke or unite . And tha t the ul tima te go al of yoga is l iber ation , also known as Samadh i , through the union of the indiv idual sel f wi th the un iversal sou l . Bu t jus t h ow do we uni te what we perceive as a sma ll indi vidual self w ith some th ing as vas t, inv isib le , and ineffab le as the un iversal soul? An anc ien t yoga textbook , the Ha tha Yog a Prad ipika , offers this s imp le answer : "Brea th is the key to ultima te e mancip ation." The Upan ishads, th e H i ndu sacred scriptures , likew ise equ ate prana, i n the form o f brea th, wi th the un iversal so ul . When it is done properly and when a yoga practi tio ner is ready, pranayama, the yog ic prac tice of regula ti ng and ch annel ing one’s breath , ca n provid e a bridge between the indiv idua l se lf and the un iversal sou l. B.K .S . Iyen gar expla ins how the three s tages o f the brea th in pranayama—i nhala tion (puraka), retention (antara ku mbhaka), and exha lation (rechaka )—can connect us to the universal soul . During our inhalation , we are inv iting prana to come in . Accor ding to Iyeng ar, the i ndiv idual sel f mus t then mo ve out of th e way in order to make room for the so ul . Iyengar be lieves tha t through th is process, w e are ab l e to gen erate energy, expansio n, and awareness w ith in. Iyengar tel ls us to th ink o f the contac t of the br eath aga ins t the inner lung as the connec tion be tween universal sou l and ind ividua l se lf. When w e cons ciously s top the flo w o f breath (reten tion), we or ganize the mind ’s though ts a nd the bo dy’s experience . The leng th o f the reten tion varies . It shou ld la st just unti l the c onten t (prana) beg ins to move away from the con tainer ( the lung). We must keep the mi nd connected to the exper ience o f the body to know when it’s ti me to exha le. The Breath /Brain Bo nd It is our goal to kno w a t exactly wha t second the soul and the se l f beg in to release a way fro m each other. Tha t is exac tly when the exhala tion shou ld b egin . Devel oping the abi li ty to feel so methi ng as subtle as w hen the un iversal soul and the ind iv idual sel f beg in to separate in the course o f a breath takes regu lar practice and is what pranaya ma is all abou t. Iyengar bel ieves that in norma l breath ing , the brain in itia tes the action o f inha lation and draws e nergy to i tsel f. This k eeps the brain in a state o f tensi on. When th e brain is tense , the breath is cons tricted . But in pranayama , the bra in remai ns passive , a nd the lu ngs, bones , and muscles o f the torso i nitiate the inha lation . R ather than suck in air , the lungs , d iaphragm, ribs, and abdo men rece ive the brea th. In describing the prac tice , Iyengar says tha t the br eath must "be enticed or ca jol ed, l ike ca tching a horse in a field , no t by ch asing a fter it, but by s tand ing stil l wi th an app le in on e’s hand . No thing c an be forced; recep tiv ity is everyth ing." We are to do pranayama wi th our in te ll igence , as opposed to our brains, Iyengar says. By practic ing pranayama and regula ting the flow of prana w ith measured observa tion a nd dis tribu tion of the brea th, the mind beco mes s ti ll . When this ha ppens, we can a llow the energy we normal ly sp e nd engaging wi th and process ing the world to ben d inw ard. According to Iyengar , asana practice makes the body fit for pranayama, and pranayama practice makes the mind fi t for medi ta tion . In order for us to rea ch the u ltima te un ion o f our ind ividua l se lf wi th the un iversal soul , we mus t first exp erience dhyana, or true med ita tion . Iyengar ins ists th at true medi ta tion cannot be done i f the prac ti tioner "is under s tress, has a weak body, weak lungs, hard muscles , c ol lapsed sp in e, fluc tua ting mind , menta l a gi tation , or ti mi di ty." Furthermore, h e says tha t si tting q uie tly is no t cons idered true medi tation , nor does he recognize medita9

tion as a stress re liever. He bel ieves tha t the p ractitioner shou ld a lready have achi eved a stre ssless state in the body and bra in be fore medi ta tion ca n occur. When performed correctly and wi thou t strain , pranayama coo ls and res ts the brain and floods the body wi th vi tal energy . It re lieves stress and , therefore, prepares us for true med ita ti on. A Word to the Wise Patan jal i wrote in the Yoga Su tra tha t mov ing fr om asana to pranaya ma is a b ig step . He w arned that we mus t bu ild eno ugh streng th and stab il ity in th e body and nervous sys tem through our asana practice first, in order to w iths tand the i ncrease in energ y flow tha t pranaya ma g enerates . Pranaya ma is an advanced practice. It was on ly a fter many years o f asana practice tha t Iyengar says he s low ly be gan to build a pranaya ma prac tice . It took h im many more years and grea t e ffor t to sus ta in it. He d idn’ t have the gu idance o f a teacher and made al l the mis takes th at P atan jal i warned ag ains t. Because making these mis takes can be qui te harmful , Iyengar advises tha t i f you wa nt to prac tice pranayama, yo u should do so only i f you h ave a teacher w ith wh o m to work. Iyengar a lso cau tions tha t if a t any ti me dur ing the prac tice o f pranaya ma you experience pa in in the head or tensio n in your temp les , i t means tha t you are ini tia ti ng the breath from your brain , no t your lungs. If th is happens, return to normal breath ing and re lax. Supine Pranayama In th e ancien t yog ic texts , th e practice of pranayama was a lways taugh t in a seated posi tion . Ho wever, Iyengar no tice d tha t main ta ining the correct sea ted p osture required s o much effort for many s tudents that they were no t able to practice the various br eathing exerc ises wi thou t great s train . He dec ide d that allow ing practi tioners to li e down i n a variation o f Savasana , in w hich the spine an d c hest ar e supported, created enoug h rel axation so tha t the br eath work cou ld be done s afe ly. He recommend s tha t students lie down i f they are ne w to the practice or are i ll or fa tigued . The drawback to lying do wn is tha t the brea th is cons tricted because the back lungs press aga in st the support. Lo ngtime prac ti ti oners prefer to si t beca use the en tire torso is free to move— in front, in back, and on the s ides . In Ligh t on Pranaya ma , Iyeng ar says the practitioner needs two essen ti al thi ngs: a stable sp ine and a stil l, b ut a lert, mind . Bo th of these are bui l t up w ith a strong asana practice . Given the haz ards o f forcing a pranaya ma practice , i t’s best to bui ld yo ur practice s low ly and w i th care . When lying dow n for pranayama , use b lanke ts to support the spin e and head . When the props are positioned correctly , the ches t ope ns and re laxation results . When pos i tioned incorrectly, the lo wer back and neck harden . Lie so that the bu ttocks rest on the floor an d the b lankets suppor t the sacra l an d l umbar regions of the back. Your he ight and level o f f lexib il ity w il l dic tate the dis tance be tween you r buttocks and the end o f the bo ttom blank et as wel l as between the botto m edges of the two bla nkets. The end o f the to p blanke t w il l be be tween three-four ths of a n inch and an inch a nd a hal f from the e dge o f the b ottom b lanket. If your head tips back when y ou l ie down , pu t a block under it w i th a b lanket o n top . The skin o f the forehead shou ld flo w toward th e eyebrows. Pranayama beg ins w ith observation. As you li e there, relax your en tire body and b egin to o bserve your breath. A fter several minutes , you wi ll notice th at your breath has become slo wer and sl igh tly d eeper, because you have relaxed . As you breathe nor mal ly, no tice where you feel the breath i n your body . Does your a bdomen move w i th each breath? Do you fee l your ribs move when you inha le and e xhale? At the end of a norma l exha la tion , pause for a second or two b efore tak ing your nex t inha lati on. It should be so ft and smo oth . If you fee l tense, or are gasping for air, your pause was too long . Add a sligh t re tention at the end o f the exha lation seve ral times. Then try tak ing a s ligh tly deeper inha l ation . To ini tiate the breath , move your ribs ou tward to the s ide. Ins tead o f forcing the brea th in, mo ve the ribs to al low it in. When you have taken that s ligh tly deep er brea th, pause for a second be fore you slowly and smoo thly exha le. If you fee l tens ion anywhere in th e body , or if yo u find yoursel f gasp ing for air , you have done to o much and have been too a ggressive. If you fee l relaxe d and cal m in your body , espec ial ly in your head , practice the co mple te cycle : a sh ort pause at the e nd of an exha lation ; then a slow , relaxed in hala tion in itiated by the rib cag e movin g o utw ard; a sl ight pa use a t the end o f th e inha lation ; then a s low , co mple t e 10

tension in the body . If you fee l tense or nervous at any ti me , s imp ly return to normal breath ing , o bserve your breath , and relax. Practice this pranaya ma as long as you can stay focused and relaxed . S tart slowly and bui ld up your practice over time . Seated Pranayama Sitti ng properly takes a great dea l o f effort and s trength . In order to do pranayama i n a sea ted po sit ion with out strain , the bo dy mus t be qui te supp le an d strong. A s teady asana practice w il l bu ild the necessary streng th an d fl exib il ity to s i t correctly. Whe n you’re l earning to do sea ted pranayama , i t is essentia l that you fee l s table in the pos ture be fore ad ding the brea th. If y ou canno t take a deeper inh alat ion with out strain wh ile se ated , just practice si tting wi thou t add ing the breath. You can co ntinue to learn the brea th whi le ly ing do wn. When the sea ted po sture is correct, the breath w il l co me. Do n’ t force i t. Sit in a si mple cross-legged pos i tion . Use enoug h b lankets under your hips so tha t y our knees ar e paralle l to or belo w your hips , n ot above the m. In a n attempt to l i ft th e sp ine, ma ny o f us harden th e lu mbar spine and draw i t i nward, which moves us to the front o f our s itting bones . To s it correctly , center yourself on the po ints of the s ittin g bones and d raw the front sp ine and s ide ches t up w ith out cr eating hardness in the low back. Re lease the back of th e neck an d move the head down . When you practic e pranayama in a sea ted pos iti on, you mus t mov e the head down to crea te Ja la ndhara Bandha. A l ifted head brings pressure to the hear t, brain , eyes, and ears. Post-Pranayama Savasana , v ariatio n After practicing pranayama of any k ind, i t is important to end wi th Savasana in order to soo th e the nerves and erase any tens ion tha t you may hav e i nadverten tly created during the practice . A lso , after pranayama, you shou ld wai t at leas t 3 0 minu tes before practicin g asanas . It is too jarring to the nervous syste m to g o immedia tely fro m the quie t, ca l ming practice o f pranaya ma to the more active, physically de manding prac tice o f asana . A llow for a g entle transi tion b etw een your pranaya ma and any ac tivity you ch oose to engage in fo llo wing the prac tic e. To se t yourse lf up properly place one thin , fo lde d blank et on the floor . L ie over it so that the b la nket is perpendicular to the spine and below the base of the shoulder blades . Place ano ther fo lded blank et under the he ad. A llo w the shou lders to res t o n the floor. Th is sup port creates a gen tle li ft for th e s te rnum, which is sooth ing to the nerves . L esl i e P eter s, cu r r en tl y th e d i r ecto r o f th e B. K. S . I y engar Y oga I n sti tu te o f L o s An g el es

“S o m e t i m e s o u r b o d y i s w i l l i n g , b u t o u r m i n d i s w e a k . S o m e t i m e s o u r mind is willing, but our body is weak. Do not be afraid. Str ive to extend your capacity but do not be disappointed with yourself. What does not challenge us, cannot change us.” - B.K.S. Iyengar




I have been blessed with a beautiful son. Jacqui Acres Nuan Laxmana Arumugam was born on the 26 October 2014. He was born in what I can only describe as t he m ost subl i m e, powerf ul m om ent of m y l ife. Never bef ore ha ve I f el t so cl ose t o t he uni versal l i f e f orce, an experi ence of com pl et e surrender and oneness. I am deepl y grat ef ul f or t he pract i ce of yoga which al l owed m e t hi s experi ence. 19 years ago I met a with him in his home home. I continued to Town and met Brigitta

yoga t eacher i n a sm al l vi l l age out si de of Varanasi . I st udi ed st udi o f or 2 weeks. I t was exhi l arat i ng. I t f el t li ke I had com e pract i ce by m ysel f unt i l 6 m ont hs l at er when I ret urned t o Cape Tum m on who was t o becom e m y l if el ong m ent or.

Becom i ng an I yengar yoga st udent and t eacher prof oundl y t ransf orm ed m y l i f e. Wi t h m any years of pract i ce I l earnt t hat f l ui di t y needs t o al ways be bal anced wi t h st abil i t y and t hat awareness and sensi t i vit y are f undament al t o t rue i nt ell i gence. Yoga gi ves m e space. I t creat es a consci ousness t hat allows m e t o be t he ki nd of presence I st ri ve t o be i n t he worl d. I t i s undeni abl y a sci ence of li berat i on. I di d not t ake f or grant ed t hat I woul d have a birt h chi l d. Pregnancy i s a pri vil ege. I t i s a st at e of grace, a wom an’ s great est and deepest experi ence of becom i ng one wit h t he uni versal l if e f orce. I di d not f ul l y appreci at e t hi s unt il Nuan was concei ved. The energy growing inside of me was the sweetest being and it was through my practice that I was able to nourish and nurture that energy. I had t he honour of havi ng weekl y pri vat e cl asses w i t h Bri git t a t hroughout m y pregnancy. Yoga emphasises the relationship between the teacher and student. A true teacher is able to teach much more than asana. Through this relationship I had the space t o ref l ect on t he ki nd of m ot her I want t o be – a cal m, cent red, j oyf ul m ot her. Bei ng pregnant al l owed m e a gentl eness i n m y pract i ce and l i f e t hat I had not experi enced bef ore. Al ways st ri vi ng t owards new goal s, new hori zons. Suddenl y I had t o be. To em brace t hi s energy wi t hi n. To t urn i nwards and breat he. Sim pl e and prof ound. M edi t ati on i n m ovem ent . W ondrous t o experience with your unborn child. Our Sadhana t eaches us t o m eet pai n and t o em brace i t so i n t hi s aspect I f elt t hat I was prepared f or t he pai n of chi l d bi rt h. W hat I l earnt duri ng l abour was t hat you cannot know t he i nt ensit y of t he pai n but you can be prepared t o accept it and not f i ght i t . Thi s i s a f undam ent al aspect of yoga – I shvara-pra ni dhana – a j oyf ul surren der – t o keep peacef ul and qui et under t he m ost di ff icul t ci rcum st ances, not resi st i ng, not st ruggl i ng, j ust bei ng. Then everyt hi ng i s one. If you have been abl e t o em brace t hi s aspect of yoga there can be no better preparation for childbirth. If you can truly surrender then there is no fear, no separation and all of creation is with you as you becom e t he passage f or li f e. Vi brati ng wit h t he uni versal energy of l i f e t here i s not hi ng t o do but l et go. And so Nuan was born ef f ort l essl y boundi ng al ong wi t h t hi s li f e f orce that is everywhere and everything.


Pregnant with Twins Vi vi an du Preez I t al l st art ed al m ost 20 years ago when as a be gi nner I yengar Yoga p ract i t i oner I saw an ol d bl ack and whi t e phot o of one of t he I yengar f am il y wom en i n a headstand about 8 months pregnant. I thought to myself, well that’s ok then, if they can do it so can I! Two decades later I found myself pregnant for the f i rst t im e, i n peak heal t h and f i t ness…wi t h t wi ns. W el l, t hat was st il l ok, I was st i l l goi ng t o recreat e t hat phot o but i n f ull col our. Ecstatic as I was after 5 years of trying to conceive to have arrived at this poi nt , I was not goi ng t o put m y f eet up and t ake i t easy and wai t f or t he twi ns t o pop out i n a hospi t al under anaest het i c at t he usual 37 weeks of gest at i on. I bought the Iyengar Yoga for Motherhood book and studied it intensely for my own practice and to pace myself each week as my belly expanded in my regular classes with my teacher. I kept thinking baddha konasana is surely one of the most important poses but no one really talks about inversions the way Iyengar yoga does. I regularly experienced the benefits of head stands and shoulder balances albeit with more props and balanced against walls rather t han f ree st andi ng wit h m y now 8 m ont h t wi n bel l y. Through sequenced yoga pract i ce I was abl e t o reduce t he i nt ensit y of poses and st op som e alt oget her due to the physical changes to my body shape. Al l t he years of yoga have gi ven m e an i nner st rengt h bot h physi cal l y and em ot i onall y as well as a good understanding of my body which has allowed me to carry 2 beautiful babies for 42 and a half weeks t o f ul l t erm. I t all owed m e t o wal k up and down t hree f l i ght s of st ai rs at hom e and t hen agai n t hree f l i ght s of st ai rs at m y off i ce t il l t he end and onl y put on 15 ki l ogram s i n ext ra body wei ght. Yoga allowed my mind to endure 17 hours of seemingly non-stop labour contractions. It enabled me to know how t o fi l l m y l ungs com pl et el y wit h t he sal t y sea ai r i n f ront of m y house on a hot Apri l ni ght and f ul f i l m y hom e bi rt h pl an. M y body al l owed m e t o then exhal e t he pai n away ri ght down t o m y t oes f rom all the pranayama practice. The years of strength building and stamina from doing advanced yoga cl asses al l owed m e t o t rust t he i nt ernal hi p expansi on as t he bi rt h t i m e neared. Yoga al so hel ped m e t o al l ow t he pai n t o be som ewhat pl easurabl e like t he i nt ensi t y of Hanum anasana preparat i on. I coul d rel ax when I want ed t o scream and exhal e when I want ed t o cry and af t er 10 hours of f l oat i ng i n a huge warm bath, I could bear down when my baby boy Skye wanted to meet the warm water and float up to take his first relaxed breath. I wasn’ t t oo sure what t o t hi nk when I saw t hi s beaut i f ul li tt l e bei ng, onl y t hat t here was anot her one right behind him too, so we better get him wrapped up and into his father’s arms while we wait a few minutes for his sister. 6 hours l at er, af t er rei nit i at i ng l abour cont ract ions by breaki ng her am ni ot i c sac, Eden was wit h us with a head circumference 6 cm’s larger than her brother! Again all the mental and physical preparat i on f or years and years brought m e i nt o present ti m e and al l owed m e rel ease any t ensi on t hat was st oppi ng nat ure f rom doi ng what i t does best and has done f or t housands of years. There t hey were, as t raum at i sed as I was, qui et and t i red and we al l t ucked up i nt o bed at m i dni ght , a f am il y of f our. For t he days and m ont hs t hat f ol l owed, I was back on m y yoga m at f ol l owi ng t he reverse sequ enci ng back up t o t he f ul l power. It i s now ei ght m ont hs l at er and I am i n bet t er physi cal shape t han I have ever been, t en ki l ogram s li ght er t han bef ore I f el l pregnant ! So here is to yoga and the hypnobirthing course I did, my incredible unwavering calm husband and the two wonderful midwives that were quietly there in the backg round all day as well as to Cape Town’ s onl y hom e bi rt hed twi ns, Eden Sophi a and Skye born on t he 12th of Apri l 2014.




RIVA HIRSCHOW ITZ Corine is a senior teacher with a wealth of technical knowledge and exper ience, which she imparts with passion, energy and generosity. It is a combination of her love of yoga, her solid grounding in its moral code and her constant emphasis on precision that makes her an excellent and well-respected teacher. She has wr itten a book on the sages in India mythology and has run the Iyengar Yoga Centre of Par is with her husband Faeq since 1984. Early march brought a flurry of activity as Corine Bir ia returned to Cape Town after 5 years. My memory of the previous intensive with Corine was that she was strong, knowledgeable in a way that made learning old and new poses interesting and accessible. After the first session I was reminded that she is indeed an incredible teacher . In 5 wonder ful days, we were brought closer to the muscles, ligaments, joints, organs, and skin. Every part of the body became alive with energy and awareness. With humility, compassion and many years of experience, she guided us through the poses that we have done so many times in a way that they felt as if they where being done for the first time. Time to rethink the regular paths of moving into, staying and coming out of the poses. The collarbones (groins) of the legs will be well remembered by those that attended the course. We where made to become intricately aware of this area in each standing pose. The afternoon sessions of restorative poses and pranayama where equally enlightening. By taking the few props that where available, she made whales out of the blankets, blocks and blankets. We were kept in the poses for long restorative times. Using the baby being fed as an analogy for pranayama guiding us to use the breath to feed the body in a gentle, nutritious way. In her gentle humorous way, students where chosen to demonstrate areas that needed attention. Everyone learnt and integrated the lesson once back on the mat with repetition and intricate attention to detail. It is always wonderful to come together as an Iyengar community. We are reminded of our Guruji, to whom we owe the wonderful gift of this method of yoga and the teachers that come into our lives to guide us to a practice that is no t har mful to our bodies. To intr icately understand how the body comes together as bones, muscles , ligaments, organs and an awareness of how all the par ts work together . Having Corine in South Africa is a wonderful reminder of the work of our beloved Guruji as she brings to us her devotion to this path of yoga and guides us to our own centre.




After Guruji’s pass ing on the 20th Au gust las t year and Raya’s seminar in September of the same year, it became clear to me that the teachers have to maintain the legacy and purity of Iyengar yoga. It has always been my dream to host yoga retreats and these two events spurred me into action. After considering various locations, I opted to hos t the retreat at King’s Lodge Hotel in Hogsback, a country hotel nestled in a beautiful park-like garden in the Hogsback mountain village. Hogsback is incredibly beautiful with forests, clear mountain streams, gentle forest walks, mists and waterfalls. The retreat was structured to be suitable for students at all levels, including those new to yoga. Nothing is more rewarding then introducing people to yoga and hopefully instilling a passionate and lifelong commitment. A total of 15 people registered, compr ising of 2 gents and 13 ladies, all between 42 and 65 years of age. The participants came from different towns in the Eastern Cape such as Bedford, Stutterheim, Grahamstown, East London and King Williams Town. I spent many hours working out my sequences, keeping in mind all the medical conditions that I came across on the registration for ms. It was a little daunting prepar ing for people I had never met, not knowing what ‘bodies’ to expect. I prepared a weekend schedule that included asanas, restoratives and pranayama as well as a glimpse of the Yoga sutras of Patanjali, specifically focussing on the yamas and how to apply them in and out of class. The retreat star ted on Fr iday at 18h00 with an introduction and ‘meet-and-greet’ session, followed by dinner and from 20h00 – 21h00 I taught res toratives. An ear ly breakfast on Saturday 07h00 was followed by a 2 hour asana practice, a half hour tea break and another 2 hour asana practice. Lunch was served at 13h00. Thereafter, Siya the guide took the participants out into the forest to see one of the many water falls and breathe the fresh Hogsback air. At 17h00 we were back in the yoga room for 1.5 hours of restoratives and pranayama. After dinner the participants were free to do as they pleased, however all stayed in the dining room chatting before departing for bed. Sunday breakfast was at 07h00, followed by another 2 hour asana session, a tea break and finally restoratives and pranayama. The retreat ended with lunch at 13h00 to give everyone an oppor tunity to get back home in time. The rooms at the King’s Lodge Hotel were clean, cosy and comfor table. The chefs prepar ed 15

delicious vegetarian food (with some chicken and fish on the side as 2 husbands joined the weekend) . The husbands did their birding and photography while we did the yoga. There are many activities available in Hogsback for the ‘other halves’, from hiking, abseiling to mountain biking. The retreat was very well received. I was tr uly blessed with a wonderful group of people. I don’t know who was enjoying the retreat mor e, me or them…… .Some of the feedback from the participants is included below: ‘Thank you so much for such a beautiful weekend. I feel so much better for it, on every level. On my arrival home, I spent about 2 hours pottering in the garden. Everything had a greater definition, the smells were sharper, the colours clearer. I feel longer, stronger, sharper, softer, cleaner, leaner. I both respect and appreciate your attention to detail, knowledge, skill, patience and love of yoga.’ Penny from King Williams Town

‘Thank you for a fantastic weekend, really enjoyed it and now more than ever wanting to do yoga properly!’ Mel from Stutterheim ‘It was an absolute privilege to be part of the retreat and under your nurturing guidance and tuition. We had a lot of fun and laughs too and the surroundings were just perfect. All in all a very special experience.’ Sheila from East London ‘Michael and I are still talking about how transformational this weekend was for us! As we retire from a hectic academic life and seek more balance, it seems as if this retreat was the ideal context for us to re-align our goals and aspirations. Thank you so much for the gentle, principled and humane way in which you taught us. You have left an indelible imprint on our minds, not just as a yoga teacher but as a human being!’ Michael and Esther from Grahamstown

‘What a special weekend for me. Thank you so so much preparation, caring, professionalism and for setting allowed us beginners access. It meant so much to me way I look at life forever. The people I met will be

for all your effort, up a retreat that that it will change the everlasting too.’ Kim from Bedford

We were all sad to leave on Sunday and the participants made me promise to do another retreat so on. Th e next re trea t is schedu led fro m the 7 th – 9th Oc tober 2015 a t K ing ’s Lodge Hotel in Hogsback. For more information contact: M oni que W escht a m oni que@shakt i shant i yogawea r. com ht t ps: / / www. f acebook. com / backt owel l nessI yenga ryog a

“Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.” ― B. K. S. I yengar,




Pune Magic d iscovered by Tanya G lazer The streets of Pune met me with an explosion of the senses. The smell of fresh limes and pomegranates masks the sour odour of street life. The friendly chatter of Chai-makers softens the frenetic hooting, and the colours of the saris emulate the vibrancy of the city and its soulful people. Add to this setting a yogic experience – pure bliss. Yoga is the golden key that unlocks the door to peace, tranquility, and joy . ―B.K.S. Iyengar. Arriving at the Iyengar Institute after years of study and practice was a surreal experience. I was feeling both excited and apprehensive, as the moment had finally arrived. Here was an opportunity to step out of my yogic comfor t zone and learn from a different, unimaginable perspective – renewing my yogic passion. Doing yoga amongst the locals brought a different dimension to the experience. It was also a rar e time to be completely focused on my yoga without the demands of day- to-day life and wor k towards the achievement of peace, tranquility, and joy. We were privileged to be taught by members of the Iyengar family, including Prashant, whose philosophical way of teaching was both inspiring and char ming, Sunita, with her immense yogic knowledge, as well as Abby, whose youthful approach to imparting her grandfather’s wisdom was fresh and welcoming. We were also lucky enough to have Geeta attend some of our practice sessions. Within days, we had developed a r itual; after an ear ly star t, we’d meander through the nearby park for class and practice, followed by a visit to our favour ite coconut-water seller and Chaitea stall. At end of every hard week of yoga, we were rewarded with a beautiful, rejuvenating class of pranayama with Navaaz – a real tr eat. We also had the opportunity to observe some classes, the highlight being the children’s classes. It was heart- warming to see these children learning and developing their passion for yoga from such a young age. We incorporated some very interesting, cultural exper iences which added highlights to our journey. These included a historical walking tour of Pune and an interactive bazaar and cooking tour where we found ourselves in the home of one of the locals. We took a weekend visit to the caves of Ellora and Ajanta as well as to the Kare Ayurvedic Centre. A few days touring in Delhi included yoga in Lodi Gardens, a humbling but inspiring slum tour , a walking food tour in the Old City and a day visit to Agra to view the spectacular Taj Mahal. I was for tunate to share my Pune experience with a group – Pat ( my teacher who started me on this journey) , Gill, Jacqui, Mar ianne, Diana, Batch, Jane, Kevin and Madelaine – thank you all for adding to the enr ichment of this life-changing exper ience. We shared much quality time also at meal times while enjoying the delicious Indian cuisine! As I flash through the plethora of photographs, I have only wonder ful, positive memor ies of a great adventure! Words cannot convey the value of yoga; it has to be experienced. ―B.K.S. Iyengar So, take the plunge and book your ticket!


My wonderful month in India Marianne W iid We arrived in Pune at the end of December 2014 surrounded by at least 8 million people. My first impression was the sound, the noise of all the auto r ickshaws I learn later in my month there – not out of aggression, but as a friendly warning to make space. The people of Pune are fr iendly, compassionate people. Their postures are upright, open. Not harbouring any fear. The city is like an ant colony, in the midst of the chaos there is a plan, order. Many acting as one. And in the end, everything functions. Pat Deacon was our Mother-of-all, we were her ducklings. She guided us all through the processes of the Institute, to the best eats and shops. It was wonder ful to be under her wing, especially as a first timer visiting Pune and the institute. Thank you Pat. Gillian also showed me the short-cuts, guided me to have the best Masala Dosa ever and fixed my Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana with such patience. Thank you. My first day at the Institute was a shock. From our normal, comfor table space of practicing yoga at home, there, after the first asana in Prachant’s class, amongst 160 other yogi’s, I lose my precious yoga spot and had to scramble for another spot. Normal there. As the month progressed I learnt to become NON ATTACHED to it. It was sad to have missed seeing Guruji in real life, but his spirit is there, everywhere, in the other teachers, in the Institute. I felt him watching over all of us. The month at the Institute indeed gave me the precious gift of establishing my own se lf-practice. For me, everything was just per fect. The ear ly morning walk to the Institute with the chor us of the birds was special; as was the yoga, the food, the colours, the friends. I even loved the chaos; the dogs on the street. And nothing better than to be in the hands of a crazy rickshaw driver, to realise you can do nothing but to r elax and just to enjoy the mad r ide.

Pune January 2015 By Jacqui Pretorius Finding peace amidst the chaos… I guess that is India! My experience of Pune in Januar y this year was extraordinary! The pollution, poverty, noise and chaos was completely overwhelming but we were drawn to the delicious food, Indian charm, welcome routine of yoga, massage, coconut water , chai tea and rest. Our accommodation at the Hotel Chetak was basic and I would definitely recommend taking your own pillow, but the staff were warm and caring and the rooms were kept clean. The Iyengar Institute was quite an experience! Classes were very disciplined and both physically and mentally challenging but it was ver y insp iring to be part of such a large, committed, international group of talented yogis. We had many wonder ful experiences including a very peaceful, restful, pamper ing weekend at the Kare Ayurveda retreat. We did a very interesting 3 hour Her itage walk around Pune and a lovely cooking food tour organized by Tanya through I consider the month to have been a real gift to myself to focus on yoga and indulge in the richness of Indian life.


Visit to Pune in Pictures Pictures by Jacqu i Pretorius



March 2015 TRIBUTE TO DENISE RUNDLE With the death of Denise, we all feel a pr ofound sense of loss and sadness as well as profound shock. She was such an invaluable member of our community and gave so much of herself and her energy to us. I would like to say to Ian, who must have had to bear the brunt of her dedication, and to her friends, that her efforts and her devotion to Yoga were very much appreciated and valued.

She was National Chair of our association from 2008-2011, and Chair of our Region for 3 years before that. She ably led us through significant events in our story, and was unwaver ingly committed and courageous. She gave unstintingly - her time, her enthusiasm, her attention to detail and her determination. She had the capacity to look beyond our present situation, and through it all, she gave us the opportunity of seeing a new and different perspective, because whatever she under took, Denise brought her own personality and unique touch to it. Having spent so much time with us all - as a pupil to some, as a beloved teacher , or a teacher trainer, a leader -deep and meaningful friendships were for med, many which have spanned decades. It is a testament to her that so many of our members from all around the country have sent messages of love and condolence. Her contr ibution will be remembered with great respect. She was bright and enthusiastic and completely involved. We shared so much with her - success, frustrations, laughter, sometimes pain (often literally, and accompanied by the same laughter...) I hope that somewhere beyond the shock, and sadness of her passing, beyond our human emotions when faced with a precious life cut shor t, we can learn to find acceptance. To feel that perhaps Denise had learnt all she needed from being here, that she had completed her journey, and was ready to become one with the universe and meet God. Denise, we honour you, thank you sincerely for everything, and above all, as a fr iend, we will miss you sorely. Carla Reich Why you!!! And then… how could you go… we were to grow old together and look after each other , we talked about it so often… we laughed about our old age and all the things that annoyed us and then they began to creep up on us! And we laughed some more!! All the knitting and sewing we were going to do and talk of the things we loved to do and try to keep doing our yoga, you pushing me, and me pushing you!! Who will I go and shop with now!!! Dearest friend – the years we have shared, so many things, ups and downs and you were always the first person I called when I needed someone and you or Ian responded in every way possible. Darling friend – you just couldn’t manage the shift and now you are free. We will shoulder on with all the wonder ful memor ies and Ian and I will talk about you often to keep you in our hear ts forever…. From Liz Critten and Benjamin Van Niekerk ( Denise and Ian’s God Child)




The fol lowi ng teachers were success ful in passi n g the ir In troductory Leve l assessmen ts in Februa ry 2015. Gauteng Elaine Bann is ter Ellen Crab tree Carala de G ouveia Maya Jaram Nuschka Leroni Kwa-Zulu Nata l Celia de Me llo Machado Marc Kress Ingi Sa lgado Hazel Singery Kaz Wi lson Southern Cape Shavonne H i ll Marion W itte Roberta Lombardi Sharon van Niekerk Western Cape Rahle Dushe iko Groschaan E mmanue l Gerda Gen is Linda Kel lett Sally S tephens We wish the m al l the best as they con tinue their yoga journey and may al l tha t they do be success ful !

“Yoga allows you to find a new kind of freedom that you may not have known even existed.�- B. K. S. I yengar




2015: Firooza Razvi: Johannesburg:

General Classes: For teachers only:

03 — 04 October 05 — 09 October

2016: Faeq Biria Goudini Spa :

dates to be confirmed


YogaPoise Retreats 2015 With the continuous inspiration of the late BKS Iyengar, Brigitta Tummon will be leading several retreats in Bodhi Khaya. The retreats will be periods of yoga practice and quiet time within a peaceful and holistic setting overlooking Fynbos and the Atlantic Ocean. It will include intense asana practice, pranayama and restorative sessions. The Bodhi Khaya centre offers a wide range of accommodation and all meals, vegetarian, will be catered for. Bodhi Khaya has walks and swimming dams, a labyrinth and a very well stocked and interesting library May 22-24: Integration August 7-10: Delving deeper in the practice November 13-15: Dynamic Restoration For more info:



The BKS Iyengar Yoga Centre, Schoemanshoek, Oudtshoorn, Klein Karoo South Africa March — May 2015

This Centr e is d ed icate d t o t he teac hings of S ri B .K .S .Iy engar Welcome to the BKS Iyengar Yoga Centre, nestled in the beautiful and tranquil Schoemanshoek valley on the way to the famous Cango caves. Surrounded only by nature and the majestic Swartberg Mountains, the Centre offers the complete yoga exper ience. Our fully equipped Centre is designed to give the Iyengar yoga practitioner the oppor tunity to experience high-quality yoga tuition in a peaceful and pristine setting. David and I are actively involved in the teacher ’s training program for both Introductory and Junior Intermediate levels. Training is done as a semester-style program – more details available. For information about the 3 & 6-day retreats, regular workshops and our residential teachers training program, please visit our website, which has been specifically designed to give you a comprehensive picture of what the Yoga Centre has to offer . The Schoemanshoek valley offers a variety of suitab le accommodation to complete the experience. The town of Oudtshoorn compliments this quiet, rural environment and Geor ge airport is a mere 65kms away.

More abou t us a t h ttp://www .iyengaryogawi thdav i h ttp ://w ww .iyengar-yoga-seq Upcoming retreats SUMMER: - Sunday , 22 n d March 2015 – Thursd ay, 26 t h March 2015 WINTER:

Saturday 1 3 t h June 2015 – Wednesd ay, 17 t h June 2015



Iyengar Yoga Practice with

Senior Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher David Jacobs Cape Town, 25th & 26th April 2015 Saturday:

09h00 – 12h00


12h00 – 13h30


13h30 – 16h00



09h00 – 12h00



Rosebank Junior School, Rosebank



Props required: Mat, 2 blocks & 2belts, bolster, yoga chair, blankets and your support for shoulder balance


R1,000 per student

Bank Details: Account name:

David Jacobs

Standard Bank:

Sea Point Branch

Current Account number: 071040749

Please give your NAME as reference when making electronic transfers. Workshop fees are NOT refundable, or transferable to another workshop

BKS Iyengar Yoga Centre , Oudtshoorn, Klein Karoo, Western Cape Tel: 082 886 7568 David Jacobs (Senior Intermediate III) Jürgen Meusel (Introductory II)




“Pranayama removes the veil covering the light of knowledge and heralds the dawn of wisdom” Sutra 11.47 Pranayama, the 4 t h Li mb o f yoga, is the science of the breath . Regular prac tice o f Pranaya ma is as essen ti al as a regu lar Asana practice . On Sa turday 24 t h January 2 015, I w il l start a new course (1 Sat. per mo nth) of Pranayama Sad han a; In the L ittle Glen , Camps Bay . This beau ti ful , peace ful space al lows for quie t a nd focuse d Yo ga Sa dhana (practice). (Please d iarize the fol low ing da tes for your conv enience 18 t h April ; 23 r d May ; 20 t h June; 25 t h J uly ; 29 t h Aug; 26 t h Sep; 31 s t Oct; 2 8 t h Nov .) The c lass runs from 0 8h30 – 10h00 ; A ll leve ls o f practitioner are mos t welco me. For further de tai ls and book ings please con tact J udy on 082 825 6792 or e mai l judy@yogasou tha frica .com www.y ogasoutha frica .com IYEN GAR Y OGA AT B UDH IST RET REAT CE NTR E, IX OPO

WITH JUDY FARAH 26 June to 2 July 2015 This magni ficent Re treat Cen tre in KwaZu lu-Nata l o ffers a p eacefu l sp ace for the heart and so ul to open up to some qu iet and focused Y oga Sadhan a. It ca n be done in two sections: 1

Begin ning Friday eveni ng 19h0 0, 26 t h June to Sunday lunch 28 t h Ju ne


B eginn ing Friday evening 19h0 0, 26 t h June to Thursday lunch 2 n d July . (Friday Di nner is served at th e B RC at 17h30)

The re treat w il l cons ist o f Asana (Pos tures) and Pranayama (breathing), wh ich wi ll bu ild up over the course of the 7 days . Al l levels o f prac ti tione r are mos t welco me. For further de tai l an d book ings please con tact th e BRC on 039 8341863 or e ma il brcixopo@fu turene .za. Check the web si te http ://w ww.brc .za



YOGA RETREAT KING’S LODGE -HOGSBACK 9 th – 11 th October 2015 Calm your mind, free you r body and n ourish your soul. R1930 per person sharing (twin or double) R2230 per person single The price includes 2 night’s accommodation, 3 me als pe r day, y oga tuiti on and a guide d hike in th e forest. Early bir d registr ation - R300 discount (befor e 1st A ugust 2015). This weekend of yoga is suitable for students at all levels, including those new to yoga. Kings Lodge (where the Retreat is held) is a Sanctuary nestled in a beautiful park-like garden in the Hogsback Mountain Village. Hogsback is famous for its forests, waterfalls, clear mountain streams, gentle forest walks and mists. Monique Weschta was born in the Netherlands and moved to South Africa at the age of 22. She has practiced Iyengar Yoga for 17 years and became a certified Iyengar Yoga teacher in 2009.

For enquiries and bookings contact: Monique Weschta 083-330 6948

PRANAYAMA IN SOMERSET WEST Pranayama on Saturdays workshop in Somerset West Ina Gerber’s yoga studio. Date and times to be confirmed 4 weeks prior to the event via email Contact Ina at 083 303 5477

RETREAT WITH PAULA VILJOEN Karoo Game Farm Retreat - Freedom Day weekend. 3 nights 24,25,26, April 2015 Contact Paula Viljoen for further details re: cost and location.



Blocks for a yoga practice

Compiled by David Jacobs and JĂźrgen Meusel this e-guide with photographs and basic instructions of the many uses of blocks in a yoga practice is available online. The e-book is a .pdf file and has 200 pages with more than 440 photographs. The block is used on its own, in pairs or even sets and sometimes enhances the use of other props, such as benches, chairs and the wall. We have selected some of the most practised asanas.

For more information, as well as a sample on what you can expect, can be seen on our website:!blocks-for-yoga-practice/c1ao9


For Sale at R220.00 each. Contact Janel Rust at or phone 071 856 3222



March 2015 NOTICES

Newsle tter comp iled and ed ited by Riva H irschow itz . Typesetting by Stra tford Cann ing. Our sincere thanks to a ll who took the time and made the effort to con tribu te to the con ten ts o f this magaz ine . Anyone w ishing to con tribu te arti cles, pho tos, in forma tio n or s uggestions to th e newsle tter may contac t our ed itor : Ph 082 782 8275, ema il : r iva.h irschowi tz@g mai l .com

“W e m ust creat e a m arri age bet ween t he awarenes s of t he body and t hat of t he m i nd. W hen t wo part i es do not cooperat e, t here i s unhappi ness on bot h si des. ” –B. K. S. I yengar—Li ght on Li f e


The Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute Pune, India


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