Adriana Criado Guerrero Mario Machado Gámez Alfredo Galán Santos Alejandro Román Robles
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUร A Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gรกmez, Alejandro Romรกn Robles, Alfredo Galรกn Santos
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
INDEX: B.1. Type of rural establishments ………………………… 5 C.1. Characteristics of the establishments’ management… 7 D.1. Reservation websites of rural establishments………….page 9 E.1. The environment and the rural establishments ……….page 10 F.1. Architecture……………..……………………………… 13 G.1. Gastronomy…………………..………………………….page 20 H.1. Quality standards ………………………………………page 22 I.1. Disable people in the rural establishments …………….page 26 J.1. Activities in the rural establishments ………………… 29
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUร A Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gรกmez, Alejandro Romรกn Robles, Alfredo Galรกn Santos
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
B1. El/la alumno/a ha elaborado una tabla que caracterice la tipología de alojamientos rurales de las diferentes comunidades autónomas. Debe comparar 6 comunidades autónomas To answer this question you can use the PDFs “b1. Clasificación de alojamientos de Turismo Rural Blog de Turismo Rural” and “b1.La regulación del turismo rural en España”. To answer this question you can do a Google search as well. We have made a comparison between Andalucía, Cataluña, Castilla La Mancha, Murcia, Comunidad Valenciana and Galicia. The types of establishments are very similar, the houses are the same, the hotels too… the unique differences are in some types for example Casas-Cueva in Andalucía or the Pazos in Galicia. The main difference between the communities is the decree that regulates each community because the decentralized model (autonomías), each community can choose its own law. This table explain the types of establishment, the characteristics of the establishment and de decree that manage each community.
*Albergue *Aulas de la Naturaleza *Casa forestal *Casa molino *Casas-cueva *Cortijos *Granja-escue la *Hacienda *Refugio *Alojamiento s especiales *Masía *Masoveria *Casa de pueblo compartida *Casa de pueblo independiente
It allows the specialization of accommodation according to representative elements of its popular architecture DECREE 194/2010
The are two types: -Casas payés -Alojamientos rurales
These establishments must be integrated in pre-existing buildings before 1950 and must respect the architecture of
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
the area DECREE 159/2012
*Casas-cueva *Molino de agua *Cabaña
Singular rural accommodatio ns are those that by their nature cannot be framed in any of the above types
The accommodations must be located in buildings with historical, architectural, cultural or ethnographic value. DECREE 36/2018
*Casas-Torre *Alquería *Casa almazara *Casa molino *Casa huerto *Casa palacio
Also according to the location we find a house in a rural center and a house in rural areas. Attending to the location can be isolated or grouped.
The accommodations will be located in buildings with historical, traditional or cultural value. DECREE 256/2019
*Masías *Alquería *Riuraus
All the rural houses, lodges and hotels can have the previous categories.
To request the specialty must be located in isolated buildings with more than 50 years old duly equipped and cataloged. DECREE 92/2009
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
*Pazos *Castillos *Monasterios
Its categories are Trisqueles.
They must be in buildings before 1900. DECREE DOG nº29 2017/2/10
C1. El/la alumno/a ha identificado las peculiaridades en la gestión de este tipo de establecimientos dependiendo del tipo, modalidad y características. To answer this question you can use the PDF “c1. Gestión Hotelera manual establecimientos rurales”. In order to have a good management of the establishment is important to keep in mind some aspects. –At first have all the information, complete and clear. Have a website with all the information of the establishment like category, prices… Inside the hotel and in the informations media is also very important to have all this information. –Have a good reservation system, keep in mind the online use and the new technologies. –Have customer care protocols and a basic staff manual. –Caring the characteristics of the hotel, rooms, building to get the best integration with the environment. –Have complementary services in order to make bigger the experience. Those services like excursions, sports and so on must be offer like a complement of our hotel. –Always keep in mind the environmental rules and the care of this because sometime our establishment will be in the nature. Depending of the type of establishment, the place where it is, the especiality, the facilities that its are offering you can keep in mind some things in order to have a good organization and management. These things could be, the marketing campaign of the hotel, making focus in the natural area, building or place that it is, the facilities we offer, have facilities according to the type and area where our hotel is, for example if we are in <<sierra de Cazorla>>, offer some sport and nature activities, or offer a wood houses for tourists…
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUร A Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gรกmez, Alejandro Romรกn Robles, Alfredo Galรกn Santos
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
D1. E l/la alumno/a ha reconocido las principales centrales de reserva y mayoristas dedicadas a la distribución y la intermediación del alojamiento rural. To answer this question you can do a Google search. The main reservation websites to look for a rural accommodation in La Axarquía are, among others: –Booking.
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
–Escapada rural.
–Top rural.
E1. El/la alumno/a ha identificado los procesos para la gestión ambiental integral de los alojamientos rurales. You can use the PDF “e1 Gestión medioambiental”. The ISO 14001 Standard establishes the requirements of an EMS that allows rural tourism accommodation to develop and implement a policy and objectives, detect aspects, as well as establish a system to comply with current legislation and the proposed objectives.
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
The EMAS Regulation establishes a system whereby voluntary participation of organizations is allowed in order to promote continuous improvements in their environmental behavior. The main objectives of the Community Ecological Label, among others, is to limit energy use, water consumption and waste generation, favor the use of energy sources and renewable products, which are less harmful to the environment; and favor communication, awareness and education on environmental issues. Some measures: –Reduce energy consumption and gradually replace sources of more polluting energy. –Reduce water consumption (especially in houses located in areas geographical with low rainfall) –Reduce waste production and have some system of separation that includes at least batteries, glass and paper. –Avoid, or otherwise reduce, the use of harmful or aggressive products for the natural environment. –Include measures aimed at environmental education and awareness of both employees and customers in all aspects related to the care of the environment and its natural resources. –The establishment will have an information leaflet with a series of basic recommendations for both employees and for customers aimed at conservation and respect for the environment. This brochure will be provided to customers upon arrival at the establishment. Example of good environmental practices: –Maximum use of natural lighting. –Cold air inlets and heat outlets are avoided in order to save energy. –Lights are checked once customers have left the same. –Fluorescents do not turn on and off frequently. –Energy saving light bulbs are installed. –Energy efficient appliances are purchased (energy efficiency refrigerator "A"). –Separation in origin of paper / cardboard glass and light packaging. –No used cooking oil is poured down the sink.
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
–When fluorescent tubes (considered toxic waste and dangerous) are depleted or damaged, separated and sent to the point nearest clean for proper management. –Adequate wastewater management is carried out. –Detergents and phosphates and biodegradable are used. We must also take into account the integration of the facilities with the environment: –The architecture and general structure of the establishment must be respectful of the environment, regardless of whether it is a restored house or modern construction. –The additional services provided in the establishment and the processes to prepare them will be adapted to the environmental characteristics. And the care and conservation of the environment: –The establishment will be located at sufficient distance, or conveniently isolated, from the possible sources of noise pollution (noise and vibration emission) such as factories, roads, train tracks so as not to disturb the feeling of tranquility of the customers. –Excessively loud, repetitive noise, etc. will be controlled especially. Whatever its origin. If they come from the main economic activity of the owners of the establishment, the client will be notified before the formalization of their reservation.
–The necessary measures will be taken to eliminate all the bad odors that do not come from the agricultural activity of the establishment, in any case it will comply with the current regulations that apply to it. If they come from the main economic activity of the owners of the establishment, the client will be notified before the formalization of their reservation. –Garbage will be stored in a place that is not visible and closed until it is collected and transported to the place of disposal.
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
–The necessary measures will be taken to maintain the cleanliness and care of the environment of the establishment, avoiding the accumulation of waste and / or plant or animal remains in areas belonging to or near the facility installation. –For washing lingerie, dishes and other utensils will be used detergents with low phosphate content and cleaning products that are biodegradable. –Whenever there is no connection to the municipal sanitation network, they will properly purify wastewater and other discharges from the facilities through appropriate individual systems with periodic waste removal. The progressive use of those fuels that pollute will be encouraged less and be ecologically cleaner and the recycled from materials (briquettes from agroforestry waste, etc.) or the use of renewable energy (solar energy, etc.).
F1. Se han identificado los estilos arquitectónicos y las construcciones propias de la Alpujarra. To answer this question you can use the PDFs “f. Alpujarra’s architecture Visitar Granada” , “f. Know the Architecture of the Alpujarra” and “f1. Know the Architecture of the Alpujarra2” With the Christian conquest, at the end of the 15th century, mosques disappear. Many of the Muslim fortresses were also reinforced and repaired.
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
With the Napoleonic invasion, at the beginning of the 19th century, castles were used militarily. Years later, in the face of the profound economic crisis in the country, convents, such as Colmenar or Capuchinos de Vélez, will disappear forever and others, such as San José de la Soledad de Vélez, will be almost destroyed, being sold to individuals or by hands foreign many works of art, which were irretrievably lost.
The caves of Rincón de la Victoria and the cave of Nerja, key elements of Malaga's prehistory, have their continuity in time in light of new findings, such as the Dolmen of Totalán, with which a new path of investigation on the currents of in uence of megalithism.
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
The Phoenician sites of Vélez and Algarrobo, magnificent pieces of their material culture that are now part of one of the most valuable collections of the Museum of Malaga, where there are also the mosaics of the Roman village of the Torrox Lighthouse, which, next to that of the Loma de Benagalbón, tell us about the importance of these production units, in the economy of ancient Rome.
The Islamic era will be reflected in impressive fortresses such as Comares, Bentomiz, Zalia and Vélez-Málaga, or in elements as unique as the minarets of the old mosques, never better represented in number and quality than in the small towns of the region. With the Christian conquest, and the survival of the ancient Islamic population, will come one of the representative artistic expressions par excellence of the Axarquía: the
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
Gothic-Mudejar, so significant in the small churches of a ship, as in the large convent and parish constructions. There are beautiful examples of domestic and civil architecture of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and significant buildings of a utilitarian architecture for public use such as the Mercado de Vélez, which has come to link almost nowadays, with elements representative of the modern movement, in this case applied to leisure architecture, such as the Torre del Mar Yacht Club.
The Arab past of the Axarquia is especially visible in many of its villages. Among the most famous is Frigiliana, whose narrow streets and unique buildings are a good example of that rich heritage. Not far from there, Torrox can boast of also having a great legacy related to Al-Andalus. In fact, it has some thematic itineraries through its narrowest streets. To this we must add its beacon towers in its coastal area or the fact of being the possible birth of Almanzor. Torrox
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
To Torrox and Frigiliana you have to join the villas that make up the so-called Mudéjar de la Axarquía Route. Minarets, fountains and other constructions built in the last years of the old Al-Andalus make up the main attraction of this historic itinerary. The most obvious architectural elements are those minarets that were built in their day for mosques and today, several centuries later, they serve as bell towers for the churches of towns and villages in the region, such as Árchez, Corumbela (Sayalonga) or Daimalos (Arenas ). Árchez
-Árchez has the minaret of the church of La Encarnación, built in the fourteenth century, declared a historical artistic monument for three decades. Almohad style, this minaret is next to Salares one of the emblems of the Axarquía region. Not far from there, next to the Turvilla river, you can visit one of the old mills in the area. Salares
-In Salares, the Torreón House or the minaret that serves as the bell tower of the church of Santa Ana draws attention. In one of the entrances of the town a solemn bridge of medieval origin awaits, which is, next to the minaret, one of the Emblems of the municipality. You can visit the Church of Santa Ana and its minaret, Casa Torreón and medieval bridge. 17
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
-Located on one of the slopes of the steep Sierra Tejeda, this villa is closely linked to the natural park that bears that name - and that of Almijara and Alhama. Not surprisingly, it has a visitor center where the traveler can learn more about this protected area shared by the provinces of Malaga and Granada. On the other hand, among its historical vestiges stand out both the church and a tower of Arab origin. What to visit: Church of San Andrés Casa Torreón and visitor center of the Natural Park of the Sierras de Tejeda, Almijara and Alhama. Sayalonga
-The municipality of Sayalonga has an extensive historical heritage, in which its famous Redondo Cemetery and the village of Corumbela stand out. This small population has its minaret as its main attraction, which is part of the Mudéjar de la Axarquía Route. Other pearls of this municipality are the Morisco Museum, the church of Santa Catalina or the alley of La Alcuza - the narrowest in the region - all of them in the old town of Sayalonga. 18
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
What to visit: Church of Santa Catalina. Redondo Cemetery, Corumbela, Morisco Museum and Fuente del Cid. Arenas
-Although the main parish is of a relatively recent construction, this municipality treasures an important heritage of the Andalusian era. To verify it, it is enough to approach Daimalos, a small village where a minaret is preserved, which serves as a bell tower, as an ancient Arab fountain. The remains of the Bentomiz fortress are still erected on a nearby hill. What to visit: Bentomiz Castle, Daimalos minaret and Arabic fountain. Frigiliana
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
-This town has become famous for its careful old town, better known as Barrio Alto or ‘Barribarto’. There the white of the lime contrasts with the color of the pots, doors and windows, painted in blue, green or red colors. This typism, along with its narrow streets and passages, remember its Arab past. In this space you can also see some historical vestiges, such as the remains of an old castle or the church of San Antonio. What to visit: ‘Barribarto’, San Antonio church, El Ingenio, Archaeological Museum or Casa del Apero.
G1. El/la alumno/a ha caracterizado las elaboraciones típicas de una zona susceptibles de ser ofertadas en diferentes menús y los productos gastronómicos más representativos. To answer this question you can use the PDF “g. Gastronomy_ Las Alpujarras, Spain Tip – VirtualTourist”. The cuisine of the Axarquía is very varied. The products of the sea are found on the table in the coastal villages, while the interior cuisine retains its Arab influence.
Of its typical products, two are the ones that enjoy the most prestige: olive oil and grapes, from which you get a delicious wine and the best raisins in the world. In the seafood cuisine we can find Victorian anchovies or a sardine spit. From Rincon de la Victoria to Nerja, countless restaurants and beach bars offer the succulent fried fish alongside other dishes of seafaring tradition, such as monkfish soup or paprika with clams. In the Andalusian gastronomy we can find by the Sierras de Tejeda, Almijara and Alhama the goat with almonds, the fennel stew or the porridge. La Axarquía also has the only traditional cane honey factory in Europe. With this product, fried eggplants and cod tortillas are accompanied, and the arropia is prepared. La Axarquía is a region known for its famous wines and its unique raisins. In Moclinejo, Cómpeta, Almáchar or El Borge you can buy these products and try some delicacies of native cuisine, such as maimones soup or ajoblanco. Other typical products are the loquat of Sayalonga, the honey of Colmenar and the green oil of Periana.
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
The top 5 of typical dishes are: -El Chivo de Canillas: One of the most characteristic dishes of the inland villages. The most renowned is the Chivo de Canillas (from Aceituno), the garnish is to taste, but it is usually served with “potatoes to the poor”.
-Potaje de Hinojos.
-The "Emblanco" (of fish). It is a soup / boiled fish with potatoes, onion, carrot and lemon.
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
-Ajoblanco: It consists of garlic, almond, olive oil, bread, salt and vinegar. All this beaten, it is served very cold and is usually accompanied by muscatel, apple grapes or even pieces of melon.
-Gazpachuelo: It is a soup of white fish (monkfish, pink, etc) with some seafood (clams, prawns, mussels) and cooked potato. Once the soup is made, an egg mayonnaise is made and joins the above.
H1. El/la alumno/a ha analizado los estándares de calidad específicos en los establecimientos de alojamiento rural. Se aporta un ejemplo que ilustre dichos estándares en un hotel real. To answer this question you can use the PDF “h1. Towards Quality Rural Tourism”, then you can do a Google search to find a suitable example. The Integral Tourist Quality System in Destination
The SICTED (Comprehensive Tourist Quality System in Destination) is a fundamental part of the PICTE (Comprehensive Spanish Tourism Quality Plan) initiated in 2000. It is a quality management system based on the integral awareness of the destination. The system is complemented with the manual of good practices of Turespaña.
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
It increases the satisfaction of the traveler, the reliability of the offer, training and improves the coordination between the establishments of a destination. Example of a hotel that has integrated this standard of tourist quality: CASA RURAL ARRIJANA.
The "Q" of Quality
It is a certificate of quality systems, which comes from the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE). The entity is private and independent, although not for profit, and it works throughout the country together with the Ministry of Tourism. It brings prestige, differentiation, reliability, rigor and the traveler associates the "Q" of a rural house with the guarantee of a good stay. Example of a hotel that has integrated this standard of tourist quality: CASA VENTA REAL.
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
Energetic certification
It establishes the energy efficiency of a rental accommodation, through a standardized improvement and maintenance method. In rural tourism, most travelers are aware of the care of the environment, then this quality standard will help them choose the destination. Example of a hotel that has integrated this standard of tourist quality: CASA RURAL ALCAUCÍN.
Environmental management system
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
It is the UNE-EN ISO 14001 standard: a system that takes into account respect for the environment in the management of a company, regardless of the size, activity or location of each of them. This system optimizes the management of resources and waste, reduces the negative environmental impacts derived from the activity and the associated risks. Example of a hotel that has integrated this standard of tourist quality: CORTIJO BALZAIN.
International Quality Management
It is the most valued Quality Management system in Europe and complements the good practices proposed by the Quality "Q". This generates greater trust for customers. Example of a hotel that has integrated this standard of tourist quality: TOURIST OFFICE, IN GIJÓN // CONJUNTO RURAL LAS ROSAS.
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
European Charter for Sustainable Tourism
This certificate is a quality certification for natural parks that is granted by the European Union to the natural spaces of the member countries. It is a brand of quality and commitment to the sustainable economy. It also grants collaboration between housing and protected space as a cooperative collective. For example: “Parque Natural de las Sierras de Tejeda, Almijara y Alhama”.
I1. El/la alumno/a ha analizado las dificultades en el medio rural para las personas con algún tipo de discapacidad y su posible solución. To answer this question you can do a Google search. There are eight rural houses adapted for the disabled in La Axarquía. 26
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUร A Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gรกmez, Alejandro Romรกn Robles, Alfredo Galรกn Santos
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
Disabled associations complain about accessibility problems. The configuration of the towns in the region makes traveling difficult. Public transport, buildings and streets are not adapted. In the creation of new buildings and infrastructure, accessibility for the disabled is not taken into account (ramps with steep slopes, narrow doors or with opening systems that make access difficult ...). They need a greater involvement of society in solving these problems. There are architectural and other barriers that cause problems of accessibility and mobility for disabled people. Possible solutions would be the following: -Create new centers and services for dependent public and private dependents. -Train professionals in dependency care. - Involve society in solving the accessibility problems of people with disabilities. -Consult disabled associations when building adapted buildings and improve existing infrastructure. In addition, the Axarquía beaches will have a comprehensive accessibility plan.
The highest figure corresponds to Vélez-Málaga with 425,000 euros, an amount that was used in the construction of 20 fords and 21 access ramps, and in the arrangement of three other ramps, eight stairs, 190 walkways, six showers, six parking spaces. parking and a toilet house. 28
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
Last summer, Torrox City Council offered three areas that have a bathroom service adapted for people with disabilities or reduced mobility: the Las Palmeras area, in El Morche and in the Ferrara area. However, in specific situations the specific case is studied and a team can be moved to any other point. For its part, in Vélez-Málaga, the ISO 14001 environmental certifications have been renewed this year on the beaches of Torre del Mar, Benajarafe, La Caleta and Almayate. Therefore, we can see that numerous actions have been applied and the great investment made to eliminate barriers on the beaches of the Axarquía, although much remains to be done throughout the region.
J1. El/la alumno/a ha identificado diferentes actividades susceptibles de ser ofertadas en los establecimientos de alojamiento rural, así como su organización y los medios materiales y humanos para su desarrollo. To answer this question you can do a Google search. Activities offered
Material resources
Humans resources
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUÍA Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gámez, Alejandro Román Robles, Alfredo Galán Santos
Multi Adventure, Mountain biking MTB, Hiking trekking.
The customers organize themselves, there are no monitors.
The establishment does not provide materials to carry out the activities.
The customers themselves.
Water activities: Fishing, Boat Trips, Diving, Canoeing Kayaks, Sailing, Surfing. Motor activities: 4x4 routes, Quads. Land activities: Climbing, Mountain biking - MTB, Archery, Hiking trekking, Gastronomic routes, Horse Riding.
The customers organize themselves, there are no monitors.
The establishment does not provide materials to carry out the activities.
The customers themselves.
Water activities: Sailing, Canoeing Kayaking, Fishing, Diving, Canyoning. Motor activities: 4x4 routes, Quads, Karting, Buggies. Land activities: Hiking - trekking, Mountain biking MTB, Golf, Horse Riding, Climbing, Hunting.
The customers organize themselves, there are no monitors.
The establishment does not provide materials to carry out the activities.
The customers themselves.
El MIRADOR Water activities: DEL Rafting, Canoeing ABUELO Kayaks. Land activities:
The customers organize themselves, there are no monitors.
The establishment does not provide materials to carry out the
The customers themselves.
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUร A Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gรกmez, Alejandro Romรกn Robles, Alfredo Galรกn Santos
Trekking - trekking, Horse Riding, Via Ferrata, Donkey Rides.
BIG TASK: LA AXARQUร A Adriana Criado Guerrero, Mario Machado Gรกmez, Alejandro Romรกn Robles, Alfredo Galรกn Santos