BIM Portfolio

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PORTFOLIO BIM Adrian Montero


Architect BIM Computational Designer ||


University studies:


Structuralia. Isabel I International University Master in programming applied to BIM, 2022 Now

UPC Tech; School of Professional & Executive Development Master BIM Project Development Management, 2020 2021

Polytechnic University of Catalonia, ETSAB, Architecture Degree, 2010 2018

School: French School of Barcelona, 1996 2010


Revit ARC

Revit STR

Revit MEP



Dynamo Python


January 2023 - Now

BIM Consultan

ARC Modelling in Revi

CreatingARC / MEP Familie

Modelling from Cloud Poin

ACC Trainer to Adif (Railway Infraestructure Manager)

Seys Tic, Golden Partner Autodesk, Barcelona (SPAIN)

March 2021 - June 2022

BIM Architect / Drone PilotTraine

ARC / STR Modelling in Revit and OpenBuilding

Audit Architecture Project

Creating Dynamo Routine

Creating Parametric Familie

Drawings in AutoCAD

TYPSA Group, Barcelona (SPAIN)

June 2020 - March 2021

BIM Coordinator / Architec

ARC / STR Modelling in Revi

Creating Dynamo Routine

Organize Dynamo Routines Librar

Creating Office templat

Creating ARC /STR Familie

Implementing Agile Strategie

Drawings in AutoCAD

C# Revit API Revit Families


ACC Dynamo Python





BIM Management Office template

FRENCH Native Language

A112 Architects, Barcelona (SPAIN)

January 2019 - January 2020

Junior Architect / BI

Modelling ARC /STR from Cloud Poin

Creating Commercial Plans in Revi

Drawings in AutoCAD

Borrell Jover Office of Architecture, Barcelona (SPAIN)

November 2018 - January 2019

Junior Architec

Competitions in Frenc

Drawings in AutoCA

Creating of physical Models

B720 Fermín Vázquez Architects, Barcelona (SPAIN)

May 2017 - July 2018

Urban Planne

Creation of competitions base

Drawings in AutoCAD & Microstatio

3D Printing

Advanced Revit Course: Management Pixel 51, Autodesk, Oct Nov 2018

Advanced Revit Course MSI Academy, Autodesk, january April 2019


English Executive Language Center, ESADE, July 2019 English Magister Academy, Malta, July 2010


BIM BIM Communication Maximizer Adaptability Futurist Leadership


Barcelona s Council, Barcelona (SPAIN)

May 2017 - July 2018

BIM Modelle

ARC / STR Modelling in Revi

Creating new Parametric Familie

Drawings in AutoCAD

PINEARQ, Barcelona (SPAIN)


Wikihousing, Barcelona, (SPAIN)

July 2013



DVR and Drone Scannin

Restorer of Civil and Rural Heritage Reemparts , Peyrusse-Le-Roc, (FRANCE) Professional Drone Pilot A1/A3 & A2 Violin Piano Tennis Travel
g Empúries Greek
d Rom
WORKSHOPS April 2018, 2019 and 2022
Barcelona (SPAIN) 630079622 www linkedin com/in/adrian montero abadias
SPANISH Native Language
CATALAN Native Language ENGLISH B2 Level 2022 - Now Wood constructor of Alternative Public Housing System


© A112 Arquitectes

Docume tatio


Dy am Agile odelli

Docume tatio


Dy amo odelli

Docume tatio


Families 4 Office Buildi g


aster BI Fi al Project



odelli Docume tatio Familie Naviswork


odelli Docume tatio

Dhaka TOD odelli Familie Docume tatio


Dy amo & Pytho

aster BI Codi g Trai i g

BI Coordi atio

Codi g i Pytho

Dy amo

VII Towers El
Brot School A112 Architects A112 Architects A112 Architects odelli
2 3 El Bormio Reside ce PINEARQ odelli Docume
Families Water Statio 6

CLOT V TOWERS A112 Architects

1 © A112 Arquitectes

CLOT V TOWERS, A112 Architects

Cl t V T wers is a luxury reside tial c mplex l cated i a key l cati i d rra. Escaldes E g rda y is l cated ext t d rra La Vella, the capital f d rra. With its 20 fl rs, it marks a p i t f refere ce i the city. Its 3 t wers f differe t heights ge erate a very i teresti g set f v lumes. I additi , the upper fl rs e j y spectacular views f the d rra valley.

Task d n M delli D cume tati Familie Dy am gile S ftwar us d: BIM M deller
Fl r type 1 Fl r type 2 x metry x metry

Distribution plan

Elevation Elevation Toilet axonometrics
Detail flat section
Commercial plan Flat axonometry
Change name and numer of rooms
schedule Rooms schedule Fire doors Electrical cabinet
of bathroom type 1
IFC in site Sheets
Site photo KANBAN Axonometry

CLOT VII TOWERS A112 Architects 2

© A112 Arquitectes

CLOT VII TOWERS, A112 Architects

Cl t VII T wers is a luxury reside tial c mplex l cated i a key l cati i d rra. Escaldes E g rda y is l cated ext t d rra La Vella, the capital f d rra. With its 20 fl rs, it marks a p i t f refere ce i the city. Its 2 t wers f differe t heights ge erate a very i teresti g set f v lumes. I additi , the upper fl rs e j y spectacular views f the d rra valley.

Task d n M delli D cume tati Familie Dy am gile S ftwar us d: BIM M
deller BIM C rdi at r
Fl r ax metry Secti ed ax metry x metry Fl r ax metry
Ceiling plan Section Floor plan Floor plan Floor plan Floor plan
Window family MEP Navisworks
© A112 Arquitectes
MEP Navisworks

EL BROT SCHOOL A112 Architects


El Brot School, A112 Architects

E Br t sch is dedicated t chi dre with disabi ities. This sch arises fr m the E Br t f u dati . It is a simp e c structi but it meets the eeds f this sch . The façade has perf rated meta pa e s that a w ight t fi ter i t the i teri r. O the ther ha d, the distributi is rga ized by mea s f a ce tra c rrid r a d the c assr ms its sides.

Task d n M de i D cume tati Fami ie Dy am C rdi ati S ftwar us d: BIM M de er BIM C rdi at r
R f f r Third f r Ax metry Ax metry
Gr u d f r First f r
d f r

Ground floor plan

Longitudinal section

Wall types plan


Annotation families

Structural axonometry

Structural column family

Window with shared parameters

Shared parameters .txt

3D Family



Bormio Residence, PINEARQ

The Bormio ursi g home seeks first of a to i tegrate i to the a dscape. Bormio is a tow ear the Ita ia A ps. Therefore o e of the prerequisites is the s oped roof. This cover seeks to i tegrate with the façade, thus formi g two e eme ts that come together. The i tersectio of both ge erates a terrace space. The i terior ayout revo ves arou d a a dscaped ce tra patio.

Reside ce Bui di g 3D Model

Reside ce Bui di g 3D Model

Reside ce bui di g 3D Axo ometry

Task don Mode i Docume tatio Fami ies Softwar us d:
BIM Mode er
3D Detail axonometry 3D Axonometry 3D Axonometry 3D Detail axonometry

Detail plan

Ground Floor

Single bedroom Plan


OFFICE BUILDING BIM Master Final Project 5

Office building, BIM Master Final Project

This pr ject f cuses the deve pme t f a b ck i Barce a's Eixamp e. As it is a mu tidiscip i ary pr ject, differe t age ts fr m the discip i es f Civi W rks, Architecture, Structures a d I sta ati s are i v ved. A the w rk is d e i BIM, s c rdi ati i this pr ject is key t av id p ssib e c st verru s site. The e tire pr ject has bee deve ped ar u d a EIR a d a BEP which set the BIM guide i es.

Task d n M de i D cume tati Fami ie Dy am C rdi ati S ftwar us d: BIM M de er
3D Ax metry 3D Ax metric MEP Model STR Model BIMSync Navisworks Navisworks Ground Floor 4rth Floor
6th Floor Plan Plan
Façade Façade composition ARC - STR - MEP Clashes IFC Element Properties IFC Incidences Render 3D Axonometric Navisworks
IFC Export BIM Sync Web Browser
PSETs for



BIM Coordi ator

Water station treatment, Seys

The Esparraguera 2 dri ki g water storage statio is ocated south of Barce o a. The objective is to obtai a we mode ed As-Bui t fo owi g the GuBIMCat BIM Guide a d taki g i to accou t both the BEP a d the GMAO. My task has bee to review the architecture mode , mode some fami ies ike the o es show be ow a d make some adjustme ts to the MEP mode .

Task don Mode i Docume tatio Fami ies Softwar us d:
BIM Mode er
Mode i g i Revit Visua izatio i ACC

Walls compositions

Modelling from cloud point Detail section Detail section Detail plan Detail plan
Stairs Railing Cover Profile Elevation 3D Axonometry 3D Axonometry 3D Axonometry Plan Elevation 3D Axonometry 3D Axonometry Cloud point Grommet
MEP model



B M Coordi ator


The Sadarghat River termi al co sists of four buildi gs to segregate traffic. Two of them are for lo g-haul vessels a d the other two for short-haul vessels. The termi als ext to the square will have two metro exits attached to them. The buildi g is composed of 2 boxes o each side with a tra spare t ski that e velops them. There is a light pillar structure that supports the thi roof i te di g to float. O both sides of this lobby, ope to the river, there are 2 waiti g rooms creati g a separatio betwee paid a d u paid.

Task d n Modelli Docume tatio Familie B M Coordi ation S ftwar us d: B M Modeller
Exploded axo ometry Circulatio axo ometry Co cept axo ometry

Location plan

First plan

Transversal section with viewpoint

Roof plan

Transversal section with viewpoint

Longitudinal section

Longitudinal section



Circulation plan

Area schedule Color scheme Revit by area type




Scheduli g is the ext step i BIM. I BIM there are ma y processes that are repetitive a d ca be automated. I the first part, the applicatio s to the differe t discipli es of Dy amo Architecture, Structures a d I stallatio s will be see . With this you will see several routi es a d packages. I a seco d part, traditio al programmi g with C# a d Pytho will be see . This allows savi g odes a d creati g more efficie t routi es as well as plugi s for REVIT

Task don Codi g i Pytho Dy amo Softwar us d: BIM Developper
Ge eratio .stl for 3D pri t Data extractio to Excel 3D rei forced co crete Extract railing way Duplication of structural columns from a Excel file Generation of reinforced concrete steel

Dynamo routine for structures

Concatenate strings

Organize rooms by number

Filter rooms with area >50m2

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