ASSIGNMENT 3 FINAL PRESENTATION Sofia Pinheiro, Adriano Gariglio, Tina Mohammadi Simone Miraldi, Juan Mendez, Yin Liang
Service Description Abstract Our aim is to create a local food delivery system to bring high quality food directly from producers to the final clients’ house, through the postal office delivery network (Poste Italiane).
SERVICE DESCRIPTION Abstract Our aim is to create a local food delivery system to bring high quality food directly from producers to the final clients’ house, through the postal office delivery network (Poste Italiane). How does it work? It is based on group orders done by people who live in the same building or neighborhood through an online platform in order to match offering and demand.
SERVICE DESCRIPTION Abstract Our aim is to create a local food delivery system to bring high quality food directly from producers to the final clients’ house, through the postal office delivery network (Poste Italiane). How does it work? It is based on group orders done by people who live in the same building or neighborhood through an online platform in order to match offering and demand.
Why? »» Farmer: small business that aim to get bigger have to be able to reach the critical mass.
SERVICE DESCRIPTION Abstract Our aim is to create a local food delivery system to bring high quality food directly from producers to the final clients’ house, through the postal office delivery network (Poste Italiane). How does it work? It is based on group orders done by people who live in the same building or neighborhood through an online platform in order to match offering and demand.
Why? »» Farmer: small business that aim to get bigger have to be able to reach the critical mass. »» Customer: get high quality food delivered at home or nearby joining orders to have significant discount.
SERVICE DESCRIPTION Abstract Our aim is to create a local food delivery system to bring high quality food directly from producers to the final clients’ house, through the postal office delivery network (Poste Italiane). How does it work? It is based on group orders done by people who live in the same building or neighborhood through an online platform in order to match offering and demand.
Why? »» Farmer: small business that aim to get bigger have to be able to reach the critical mass. »» Customer: get high quality food delivered at home or nearby joining orders to have significant discount. »» Service: join a group of customers and a group of farmers and producers in order to optimize the organization, sorting and delivery of high quality food from local farmers and producers to local customers.
SERVICE values
Facilitate communication between »» farmers: new business to business possibilities »» users: network
SERVICE values
Facilitate communication between »» farmers: new business to business possibilities »» users: network
Create awareness about high quality food from around Zona 4
SERVICE values
Facilitate communication between »» farmers: new business to business possibilities »» users: network
Create awareness about high quality food from around Zona 4
Deliver long lasting food with a service (Poste Italiane) »» that already has the whole know-how »» without changing the internal infrastructure and workflow
SERVICE values
Facilitate communication between »» farmers: new business to business possibilities »» users: network
Create awareness about high quality food from around Zona 4
Deliver long lasting food with a service (Poste Italiane) »» that already has the whole know-how »» without changing the internal infrastructure and workflow
Sophisticated products delivered with a service based on simplicity and user-friendliness
Concept: »» 4 neighbors »» 4 seasonal boxes »» 4 times a month »» Zona 4 »» Italian word quattro can be used with the meaning “some”
ADvertisement poster Concept: »» 4 neighbors »» 4 seasonal boxes »» 4 times a month »» Zona 4 »» Italian word quattro can be used with the meaning “some”
Buy through an online platform high quality local food, directly from producers certified by Slow Food »»
Choose from a variety of four seasonal assorted boxes according to your preference and taste, try out suggested recipes from other users to better enjoy the products
Choose the frequency in which you want buy that can go up to 4 times a month
Find up
through an online platform high quality local food, directly from producers certified by Slow Food
to four neighbors through a web platform, to join your order so the delivery costs are reduced
Choose from a variety of four seasonal assorted boxes
according to your preference and taste, try out suggested recipes from other users to better enjoy the products »»
Choose the frequency in which you want buy that can go up to 4 times a month
Choose the range of proximity of neighbors according to what is more comfortable for you
Get a Slow Food membership to also have discounts in the product prices.
Find up
through an online platform high quality local food, directly from producers certified by Slow Food
to four neighbors through a web platform, to join your order so the delivery costs are reduced
one responsible neighbor in your group that is available to receive the package at his/her home.
Choose from a variety of four seasonal assorted boxes
according to your preference and taste, try out suggested recipes from other users to better enjoy the products »»
Choose the frequency in which you want buy that can
Choose the range of proximity of neighbors according
to what is more comfortable for you »»
Get a Slow Food membership to also have discounts in
If you are available you can be the responsible of the group and receive a discount
the product prices.
Go pick up the box at your neighbor’s house and enjoy this opportunity to know him/her better and maybe even
go up to 4 times a month
make new friends »»
Swap some products if you want
Find up
Go to pick up
through an online platform high quality local food, directly from producers certified by Slow Food
to four neighbors through a web platform, to join your order so the delivery costs are reduced
one responsible neighbor in your group that is available to receive the package at his/her home.
the box at your neighbor’s house and enjoy this opportunity to know him/her better and maybe even make new friends
Choose from a variety of four seasonal assorted boxes
according to your preference and taste, try out suggested recipes from other users to better enjoy the products »»
Choose the frequency in which you want buy that can
Choose the range of proximity of neighbors according
to what is more comfortable for you »»
Get a Slow Food membership to also have discounts in
If you are available you can be the responsible of the group and receive a discount
the product prices.
Go pick up the box at your neighbor’s house and enjoy this opportunity to know him/her better and maybe even
go up to 4 times a month
make new friends »»
Swap some products if you want
Swap some products if you want
Expand your businessand arrive at more clients without much effort or waste of time
your businessand arrive at more clients without much effort or waste of time
with other farmers to make assortment boxes that valorise your products.
Make part
your businessand arrive at more clients without much effort or waste of time
with other farmers to make assortment boxes that valorise your products.
of a strong collaborative image and a known association, Slow Food, that can certify the quality of your products. 
If you still are not part of their network and you want to take part in the service, you can join and enjoy all their other advantages, too.
Make part
Don’t worry
your businessand arrive at more clients without much effort or waste of time
with other farmers to make assortment boxes that valorise your products.
of a strong collaborative image and a known association, Slow Food, that can certify the quality of your products.
about the delivery to the client, we take care of it using Poste Italiane.
If you still are not part of their network and you want to take part in the service, you can join and enjoy all their other advantages, too.
System Map Material FLow
System Map financial flow
System Map Role of Poste italiane
Stakeholders main stakeholders: Costumer
»» raise awareness about local food and its quality »» comfortable »» directly from the producers »» purchase food online »» get to know people in their neighborhood »» know the amount of money spent »» get to know the producer of the food »» more sustainable lifestyle »» enjoy suggested recipes
main stakeholders: FARMERS & PRODUCERS »» catch more clients »» expand the business »» no need to put much effort to join the service »» involved in a delivery system network to sell their products »» collaborate with other hi-quality F & P
Secondary Stakeholder: Poste italiane »» already have the platform to deliver goods so there is no need to have extra tools to join the service »» get the opportunity to catch more clients by offering supporting services »» get involved in a new network to offer their own service
Stakeholders service Provider: SLOW FOOD »» promotes local food »» has already the desired platform »» has food system network »» has the tools needed to launch the service website »» has the network of clients and producers »» has food quality certifications »» gets more clients and more memberships »» gets another way to promote its ideas
INTERACTION SB Order - front office
INTERACTION SB Order - back office
preparation and delivery - back office
preparation and delivery - front office
Costumer Journey CANVAS
Regular client
. Advertisement in Slow Food website.
4Sapori - vicini d’acquisto locale
Slow Food
. The service from the point of view of the regular costumer.
. Advertisement in Slow Food markets (Mercati della Terra). . Slow Food proposes Service to farmers in their network and to their registered members.
Pinheiro, Gariglio, Mohammadi, Liang, Miraldi, Mendez
. 4Sapori provides the tools for costumers who are interested in making a new order to give feedback and contact the other group members keep the same group. . The website provides a platform for people to rate the quality of the products and suggest recipes using them so they can create a human bond with the service. . 4Sapori gives consumers the guaranty that products are good quality and in case of something going wrong, the costumer will immeadiatly be contacted. . Clients have 4 choices of boxes and a swap option.
. Website of Slow Food advertises the new website of 4Sapori. . QR codes on all physical advertisements that connect to the service’s website. . Website connected to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. so that users can spread the word about ordering. . Gamification of orders on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.
. Website offers guidelines to advertise the service to neighbors that might want to join it and fliers to distribute advertising it. . The service works with community based orders so people interested in the service will be interested in spreading the word to find new people living near their homes and create new groups.
. As the service and service provider are based on high quality certification and on community of people, satisfied clients will advertise it spontaneously to their friends, family and neighbors living in Zona 4. . People who participate in GAS have similar experiences of having local food at home but in exchange they have to give some of their time to work and the products are usually standard products that can be an alternative to going to the market. . People participating in other group ordering services usually have problems with getting problems they do not want and experience disapointment with the service, leading them to give up.
. As 4Sapori is offering a service certified by Slow Food and of high quality products, people will expect a high level of products.
. The regular costumer has a positive experience of the service, because the offering and the price are coherent and they have the quality products delivered directly at home, this client can even join Slow Food or become a responsible neighbor to enjoy one of the discounts available.
. Since the service delivers through Posta at home of in the neighborhood, people will expect it to be more comfortable than usual purchase groups.
. A client who is not satisfied about the choice of products, can enjoy a swap option so that he can exchange the product he does not like for something he prefers.
. As our service is based on community orders, clients will expect to meet more people that share the same interest for food.
. People enjoy the possibility of receiving products confortably at home or in the neighborhood, and in case someone does not find a group the website will provide the possible tools to help this person to meet new people who can join him/her.
. People who already experienced other group ordering services will be satified with the quality of the products and the way they are delivered, even if they do not substitute the trip to the supermarket to buy all the fresh products. . People who want to swap will be satisfied by the variety and eventually will start trying new things and new groups of people to build a wider community in their neighborhood.
EVIDENCES packaging and box
The dimension are derived from Poste Italiane - Pacco Ordinario policy »» Maximun size: 1 m »» Maximum sum of the 4 sides: 2 m »» Maximum weight: 20 kg
20 kg maximum
EVIDENCES packaging and box
The dimension are derived from Poste Italiane - Pacco Ordinario policy »» Maximun size: 1 m »» Maximum sum of the 4 sides: 2 m »» Maximum weight: 20 kg
20 kg maximum
4 assortments maximum
EVIDENCES packaging and box
rich assortment
comparable to a laptop bag
suggestion for smart reuse
Enabling toolkit Costumer
Web application for finding neighbors to join order »»
spread the word through internet (Facebook, Twitter, Email, Google+, etc.)
guidelines to spread the word and possibility to request fliers to distribute in the condominium
Enabling toolkit Costumer
Web application
Web application
for finding neighbors to join order
for responsible neighbor to contact other neighbors in the order
spread the word through internet (Facebook, Twitter,
Email, Google+, etc.) »»
guidelines to spread the word and possibility to request fliers to distribute in the condominium
guidelines and tools to agree on a time to meet to pick up the boxes
guidelines and examples of alternative solutions in case you are the responsible ( leave package to the doorman, cleaning lady, family member, etc.)
Enabling toolkit Costumer
Web application
Web application
E-mail, SMS or call
for finding neighbors to join order
for responsible neighbor to contact other neighbors in the order
notification from Poste Italiane to inform about delivery time
spread the word through internet (Facebook, Twitter,
Email, Google+, etc.) »»
guidelines to spread the word and possibility to request fliers to distribute in the condominium
guidelines and tools to agree on a time to meet to pick up the boxes
guidelines and examples of alternative solutions in case you are the responsible ( leave package to the doorman, cleaning lady, family member, etc.)
Enabling toolkit Costumer
Web application
Web application
E-mail, SMS or call
Web application
for finding neighbors to join order
for responsible neighbor to contact other neighbors in the order
notification from Poste Italiane to inform about delivery time
to give feedback and agree on a new order
spread the word through internet (Facebook, Twitter,
Email, Google+, etc.) »»
guidelines to spread the word and possibility to request fliers to distribute in the condominium
guidelines and tools to agree on a time to meet to pick
people can say if they liked the experience or not
up the boxes
people can choose to suggest a new order with the
guidelines and examples of alternative solutions in case you are the responsible ( leave package to the doorman, cleaning lady, family member, etc.)
same group
Enabling toolkit Farmer
Instructions and Regulations Catalog »»
guidelines for minimum of commitment and penalties
how to prepare products, packaging andlabels
how to put products inside the boxes
how to pack the ready boxes into the big one
quality standards of products according to Slow Food
Enabling toolkit Farmer
Web application
and Regulations Catalog
for product sorting
guidelines for minimum of commitment and penalties
to organise the whole year’s assortments
how to prepare products, packaging andlabels
inform about products quantities and yearly availability
how to put products inside the boxes
inform about prices
how to pack the ready boxes into the big one
inform about any special conditions about the products
quality standards of products according to Slow Food
Enabling toolkit Farmer
Web application
ID card
and Regulations Catalog
for product sorting
to access hub
guidelines for minimum of commitment and penalties
to organise the whole year’s assortments
how to prepare products, packaging andlabels
inform about products quantities and yearly availability
how to put products inside the boxes
inform about prices
how to pack the ready boxes into the big one
inform about any special conditions about the products
quality standards of products according to Slow Food
Enabling toolkit Hub responsible
Guidelines on how to interact with farmers »»
how to inform/explain
how to establish orders
how to receive feedback about service
how to deal with an emergency (a farmer who cannot deliver products on time, a farmer who has a problem, etc.)
guidelines on how to interact with clients
Enabling toolkit Hub responsible
Phone Line
on how to interact with farmers
number to reach the hub
how to inform/explain
how to establish orders
how to receive feedback about service
how to deal with an emergency (a farmer who cannot deliver products on time, a farmer who has a problem, etc.)
guidelines on how to interact with clients
to enable conversation between stakeholders
Enabling toolkit Hub responsible
Phone Line
ID card
on how to interact with farmers
number to reach the hub
to access hub
how to inform/explain
how to establish orders
how to receive feedback about service
how to deal with an emergency (a farmer who cannot deliver products on time, a farmer who has a problem, etc.)
guidelines on how to interact with clients
to enable conversation between stakeholders
to differentiate hub responsible from farmers
Opportunities possibilities
»» agreement with P.I. to specify a network system for delivering food and to get discounts for mass delivery
»» tools to avoid limitations for food to be delivered (covering all types of food, providing refrigerators, etc)
»» spreading the service in other areas of Milan
»» new box sizes to cover cover more groups of clients (offices, dorms, restaurants, etc.)
»» collaborative cooking events using the local products, to share recipes and creating community
»» events that take place in farms to let people know their farmers and have idea about the production process
Opportunities constraints
»» trust to be responsible for the order or to depend on someone else
»» launch of the service, finding the critical mass to make the service work
»» food and weight policies of Poste Italiane that, now, do not make possible to expand the service
»» Being able to change the mentality of people who are not yet convinced about the usefulness of building a community in their neighborhood and getting to know
THANKS Sofia Pinheiro, Adriano Gariglio, Tina Mohammadi Simone Miraldi, Juan Mendez, Yin Liang
DESIGNED BY Sofia Pinheiro, Adriano Gariglio, Tina Mohammadi Simone Miraldi, Juan Mendez, Yin Liang
SPECIAL THANKS Andrea Di Stefano, Consorzio Cantiere Cuccagna Daniela Moretto Giovanni Petrini, Avanzi Anna Spreafico, Esterni
CREDITS Prof. Anna Meroni, Giulia Simeone, François JÊgou Tutor: Marta Corubolo, Daniela Selloni Nutrire Milano, energie per il cambiamento
Politecnico di milano School of Design, A.A. 2011-2012 Master in Product Service System Design - Studio 2