Waste to Treasure

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waste > treasure

What if... Develop an in house- office/building system that supports sorting trash and raises awareness of the best choices.

Case study Royal & SunAlliance Centre, Auckland

Case study Royal & SunAlliance Centre, Auckland Objectives: • they wanted to assess and reduce costs associated with solid waste disposal from the building. • this project enabled them to improve their company’s environmental performance while providing a model. • if successful, the project could be extended to include further cleaner production initiatives.

Case study Royal & SunAlliance Centre, Auckland The project consisted of two main stages: • Stage 1: To accomplish an effective recycling programme, with the three main tenants diverting paper, plastic, glass and cans from the waste stream • Stage 2: To extend the programme throughout the rest of the building.

Case study Royal & SunAlliance Centre, Auckland Overall results: • There was a small extra cost of $78 to $80 per week for the removal of recyclable material, which was balanced by the savings of $125 a week on compactor charges. • In May, after two months’ recycling, tonnage leaving the building for landfill reduced from approximately 12 tonnes weekly to 8 tonnes.

Case study Royal & SunAlliance Centre, Auckland Summary: • Savings are $500 per month. • Four tonnes of waste is diverted from landfill weekly.

Field research W&K • 4 floors • 150 c.a. people in different kind of business • 20% foreign people. • almost everyone speak english • chinese language remains the main one. • Main kind of waste are Plastic bottle, bags, paper, food and container

Stakeholders Primary Stakeholders - Chinese recycle system • The Poperty Manager (W+K) • The Consumer • The Ayi Secondary Stakeholders: The Informal Market, The Transfert Station, Industries, Shanghai City, World





Resources are limited

Zero waste is the goal

Waste is produced in all the steps to produce a good.


Western countries polluted for centuries, now it’s time for China

2015: “complete and advance” system to recycle the 70% of major waste products

Solutions could come from Western Methods & Systems?


Business have to turn as much green as possible.

The building already have ayis

Can the Ayi become the manager of the recycle system?


The Ayi sorts my garbage everyday

Who doesn't recycle do not have a reason

Need awareness, artifacts and engagement (emotiona approch)

(we couldn't talk with here..)

If the target sorts the garbage since the beginning, the quantity of not-contaminated recycle material increase. More material > more RMB.


Waste > Recycle > RMB

Reframe How to reduce waste to change behavior by doing something?

Stakeholders Primary Stakeholders - Chinese recycle system • The Poperty Manager (W+K) • The Consumer • The Ayi • The Provider • The Program Manager




Removing recyclables from the waste stream lowers the environmental ‘footprint’ of the building through reducing waste to landfill.

Environment foodprint / avoid landfill / less material / reduce / reuse / recycle / redesign


It is clear that our present levels of resource consumption and waste generation are not sustainable long term.

Sustainable / positive action / incourage / pratical solution / reduce consumption / reduce waste production


Organisations can achieve a better marketplace image through demonstrated responsibility toward the environment.

Marketplace image / responsability / organization / promoting / enhance relationship / sustainable purchasing


There are positive social aspects to recycling, such as improved staff moral from knowing they are looking after the environment.

Social aspect / Changing Behavour / Engagement / Tell me a story / Knowledge / do not forget / addressing / minimisation / resource as energy / compare


The cleaners will be key to the implementation of the recycling system.

Improve / Educate / Rispect / Sorting / Help / Understand


Green business – positive effects

Better environment / social exchange / business example / incremental innovation / green incubator


The ongoing management role will include: problem solving, monitoring, managing

Oversees / contact with all tenants / resolving problems / monitoring / reviewing / promoting / mangaging

Flow Chart Primary Stakeholders

First Idea Long Story Short

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