8 minute read
The IIE’s Varsity College closes for December break
by adv-tech
• Contact Part-Time students need to familiarise themselves with the test and exam weeks in advance so that appropriate leave can be arranged with your employer. • The PAS is subject to change, so please ensure that you are always referring to the most recent version.
• Integrated Curriculum Engagement (ICE) due dates will be issued to you by the lecturer. • Please take note of your programme Continuous
Assessment (CASS) release dates. During this period, you are required to check all your results on the Student Portal and bring any concerns to the Customer Relations Centre. Changes to results cannot be made once the CASS release date has passed. • Past exam papers are available on the Library website. Access to the Library website via: https://advtechonline.sharepoint.com/sites/
AllItems.aspx • Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with The IIE009 Assessment Strategy and
Policy by accessing all The IIE policies using the following link which will direct you to the MyVC
Student Intranet.
• Access to the MyVC Student Intranet via https://advtechonline.sharepoint.com/sites/
Student Identification
You will be issued with a student card, either physical or digital, once your registration is complete. Have your student card with you at all times, as well as a valid form of photo identification should you only have a digital student card, especially when writing tests and exams. You will not be permitted into the examination venue without valid photo identification as laid out in The IIE009 Assessment Strategy and Policy.
Cumulative Assessment (CASS)
The entry requirement for all The IIE exams is a CASS mark of 40% average. It is important to keep an eye on the Student Portal and your CASS mark leading up to the final exams to ensure that you know if you qualify to write the exam.
Integrated Curriculum Engagement (ICE)
Integrated Curriculum Engagement (ICE) tasks will be conducted throughout the semester for each module. The completed tasks contribute 10% towards your CASS mark. It is your responsibility to attend classes and receive copies of the ICE tasks and requirements in order to benefit from these activities.
ICE tasks are not limited to in-class activities. ICE tasks have been designed for completion on VC Learn before, during or after class.
Referencing and Plagiarism
It is important that you attend the very informative referencing and plagiarism workshops offered on campus to familiarise yourself with the requirements for referencing when submitting any formative or summative submissions. Plagiarism is academic theft and will be treated very seriously.
All theoretical assignments must be submitted through the relevant anti-plagiarism tool, SafeAssign (this will be indicated on your PAS). It is your responsibility to ensure you submit your assignment using the correct anti-plagiarism tool. You will receive your login details for the site with the list of all your assignments you have to submit onto the site in the first few weeks of class.
Your Other General Responsibilities
• To contribute to a harmonious and positive learning environment that is respectful of all those who are in the environment. • To comply with the rules, policies and procedures of The IIE (which includes the assessment strategy and policy, student code of conduct, SafeAssign assignment submission process and assignment submission time). • To participate actively, honestly and positively in all activities that constitute the teaching and learning process. • To monitor your own progress during your studies and to seek advice when you experience any difficulties, using facilities available such as the Student Portal and VCConnect. • To ensure that you are familiar with when and how to communicate any administrative and operations concerns you may have. • To order academic material timeously before lectures commence. • To ensure that your contact details are always up to date on the student system (The
Student Portal). • To ensure that you have a student card at all times when on an IIE site of delivery (this is your official identification on campus). • To ensure that you are familiar with all platforms of communication (The Student
Portal, VCConnect, Blackboard, SMS, etc.) and, if required, to respond to the communication appropriately. • To ensure you are familiar with The VC
Student Hub and VC Assist platforms.
Supplementary Exams
If you do not pass your modules with a result of 50%, you may qualify to write a supplementary exam, but you must have at least achieved a sub minimum of 30% in your final exam for undergrad qualifications and 40% for post-grad qualifications. You have to keep an eye on your final results to know if you passed or not. If you do not pass the first exam sitting, you need to ensure that you apply and pay the required fee for the supplementary exam. Alternatively you will be automatically billed for this exam. It is important to be aware of the supplementary exam dates. Always ensure that you have the most updated timetables and PAS. Your timetable indicates a weekly schedule for the semester and the PAS contains the dates and times of all your assessments. You will be notified via your VCConnect e-mail address of any updates and changes to both these documents, therefore it is important to check your VCConnect emails every day. Supplementary Exam dates are communicated in advance on the PAS and it is your responsibility to ensure that you check your results and are prepared for the supplementary exams should you qualify.
If you are preparing to take the next step towards your future by graduating it is your responsibility to contact the Admissions Centre for graduation details. You also need to check with your Campus Admissions Centre that they have a certified copy of your ID or Passport and your NSC or equivalent. In the event that you are eligible for graduation, you will receive a graduation pack which will include your invite to graduation as well as details about your graduation attire, photographs etc. Should you wish to apply for “Early Graduation” so that you can apply for Honours or External Universities please do so on the Student HUB. Click on this link: https://www.varsitycollege.co.za/student-hub/ Application/confirmation-of-graduation-saqaverification-syllabus-request.aspx Once you have graduated you can access The IIE Marque https://www.iiemarque.ac.za and use this to share your academic history and transcript with prospective employers.
Being part of an Alumni is an old tradition that allows graduates to stay in contact with fellow graduates and to grow through the support of their tertiary institution. As an IIE graduate you will form part of our exciting VC Alumni Community.
The IIE’s Varsity College Career Centre, in partnership with industry, serves to support you with all aspects relating to your career development and growth through coaching, mentoring and engagement. We want you to thrive in industry! But for you to do so, you need to proactively stay connected with us.
Consult with your Career Centre Coordinator (CCC) on campus for CV development, interview support and navigating your career. Recently qualified IIE graduates are invited to attend the annual Graduate Employment Workshop (GEW). The aim of this workshop is to equip those individuals who have not yet secured employment with the necessary practical work readiness skills to enter into the job market.
website: https://www.varsitycollege.co.za/alumni The VC Alumni Career Platform allows you to discover your “professional” self by encouraging you to complete various career assessments, plan and execute your next career move, learn how to maintain a healthy work life balance and act on growing your leadership and business skills. Access the Job Search Engine on the VC Alumni Career Platform to explore and apply for full-time and graduate employment opportunities. Reconnect with fellow Alumni by attending the VC Alumni Connect Evenings and Alumni reunions. This is a great opportunity to grow your business network.
Encourage your company to recruit students or graduates through The IIE’s Varsity College Career Centre or offer your skills and experience. Link up with your Career Centre Coordinator for more information on how you can get involved. If you are a high flyer in industry or know of Alumni who have achieved great success in their career, we want to know about it! Contact us at: alumni@varsitycollege.co.za
Assignment Submission Dates and Times
Give yourself enough time to complete all your assignments on time. Late submissions are not accepted. Online assignment submissions are due by 21:00:00 on the due date. Physical assignment submissions are to be submitted to your campus designated assignment submission area on campus before 17:00:00 on the due date unless otherwise stipulated. A completed assignment coversheet is required with each physical submission. Online assignment submissions are made via VCLearn.
Academic Credit Applications
You will have the option to apply for academic credits onto your current programme if you have studied at The IIE previously or at another tertiary institution. Should you want to do this, submit your application through the Student Hub. Credit can only be granted for up to 50% of the credit value of a qualification for learning completed in: • Another completed qualification or • Through short learning programmes Only up to 50% of the credit value from one completed qualification can be presented for recognition in another qualification. Any and all credits for an incomplete qualification may be granted for a different qualification. Certain qualifications require you to achieve a minimum result before academic credit for that module may be approved. To avoid disappointment, please ensure you understand these requirements for the programme you are registering. Academic credits will not be automatically awarded so you must attend lectures and complete all assessments for the module until the result of your application has been determined. If you would like to benefit from the financial credit received from an approved academic credit, please ensure your applications are received by: Semester 1: 31 March 2023
Semester 2: 15 August 2023 Any applications received after the closing dates above will be processed but will be subject to the full fees irrespective of the application outcome.