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Awards and Bursary Opportunities
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School of Finance & Accounting
A career as a chartered or professional accountant is stimulating and fast paced, where ambition, attention to detail and the ability to process financial information quickly and accurately is highly valued and handsomely rewarded. The School of Finance & Accounting prepares students for such a career by delivering a student centric accounting programme that facilitates learning in all disciplines. The School’s IIE qualifications embrace the core academic competencies of professional accounting frameworks. As a student you will study content relevant to your chosen qualification, you will be inspired by professionally qualified lecturers who are passionate about the training of accountants and you will develop lifelong learning skills to prepare you for the highly competitive and ever evolving world of business. The flagship qualification, The IIE Bachelor of Accounting degree (BAcc) is specifically designed to cover the core content of the educational component of the SAICA Competency Framework of the Chartered Accountancy profession. The IIE’s Varsity College School of Finance & Accounting is responsible for the academic operations of the professional accounting qualifications at The IIE’s Varsity College.
Mission Statement
To prepare students for a future career in business, by delivering a student centric accounting qualification that facilitates learning in all disciplines and embraces the core competencies of the professional accounting frameworks, to equip students with the necessary pervasive skills to succeed as professionals in the business world.
Meet The Head of School
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Qualifications Offered in SOFA
The following programmes are offered in the School of Finance & Accounting
Postgraduate Qualifications
The IIE Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting provides the knowledge and skills required within the fields of Auditing, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Financial Management and Taxation, that affords a successful learner admission to the South African Institute of Chartered Accountant’s Initial Test of Competence examination. The Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting is presented for learners who wish to qualify as Chartered Accountants. The programme is therefore designed to meet the academic requirements of the Competency Framework of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA). This Competency Framework provides the academic programme requirements for entrance to the Initial Test of Competence, the first of two professional exams assessed for the Chartered Accountant qualification. This qualification is designed to graduate students with the ability to think and act strategically, professionally and ethically and to contribute meaningfully to the Accounting and Business sector. The programme design thus facilitates the development of a well-rounded Chartered Accountant. Graduates have both the theoretical depth and the applied skills relevant to further study or to succeed in the world of work.
1. Prepare and, critically review complex company and group financial statements and supporting notes in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards. 2. Demonstrate awareness of the regulatory environment applicable to a registered auditor when conducting an assurance or nonassurance engagement. 3. Application of advanced costing techniques, performance management, decision-making problems and strategic and financial management in a broad range of complex and unfamiliar business applications. 4. Application of complex taxation legislation. 5. Application of advanced knowledge to a variety of business simulations by integrating information from the core disciplines to arrive at an appropriate solution to a complex problem. For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet and academic calendar via the links below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here. Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
This qualification provides students with a thorough theoretical grounding and knowledge base in the key principles of Accounting, including the disciplines of Auditing, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Finance and Taxation. The scope of the qualification is aligned to the syllabus requirements of professional accounting organisation and related accounting professional bodies. Thus, the Bachelor of Accounting is for students who intend to pursue a career in accounting. Students will be well prepared with the insight and skills relevant to further specialised study in support of the principles of lifelong learning. The specific skill sets incorporated in the design present a combination that is highly attractive to prospective employers and adds value to the organisation that employs them.
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the broad South African business and legal environment and the national economy in which businesses operate. 2. Demonstrate the ability to provide accurate financial information from the processing of initial transactions to the preparation of financial statements for a complex range of business enterprises and groups in accordance with relevant legislation and the International Standards of Financial Reporting. 3. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate and resolve a range of business problems for both long and short term decision making purposes. 4. Complete audits in a range of business environments using International Audit Standards. 5. Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively with all interested stakeholders in business in a professional and responsible manner on a range of business related topics. For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet and academic calendar via the links below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here. Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
The IIE Bachelor of Accounting (BAcc) degree is a SAICA accredited Bachelors’ degree designed to meet the specific educational requirements of SAICA. The programme design supports the core disciplines of Auditing, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Finance and Taxation which form the backbone of the SAICA competency framework.
Phase-out/discontinuation is the process used to discontinue an offering, which includes special assessment concessions to assist students in completing their offering. The IIE may elect to discontinue offering a qualification, or curriculum, or mode of offering to new students on a campus, at a brand, or in its entirety. The offering is then phased out over a period and these are referred to as “Phase-Out” arrangements. The following programme is in Phase-Out at The IIE’s Varsity College for 2023 and letters have been issued to registered students. Programme in Phase out in the School of Finance and Accounting: • Year 3 Bachelor of Accounting (BAC0701).

Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
The path to qualify as a Chartered Accountant in South Africa (CA(SA)):
SAICA accredited 3 year Bachelors Degree in Accounting
SAICA accredited postgraduate qualification (CTA)
Two professional exams assessed by SAICA
3 year training contact
SAICA Membership
The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) is the leading professional accounting institution in South Africa. Its main role is to develop Chartered Accountants to become leaders in government, business and communities. Accreditation by SAICA of The IIE BAcc degree confirms that the appropriate resources have been put in place to effectively deliver the programme and that the programme is designed to meet SAICA’s requirements in terms of the standards of teaching and learning. The IIE BAcc degree is accredited by SAICA at five of The IIE’s Varsity College campuses: • Cape Town • Durban North • Pretoria
• Sandton • Durban Westville
The SAICA Competency Framework
The education and training of a Chartered Accountant CA(SA) is competency based. It focuses on ensuring that the CA(SA) has the necessary level of underlying knowledge and the practical skills and experience to apply that knowledge effectively. The SAICA competency framework identifies and describes the professional competencies (knowledge, skills and attributes) that a Chartered Accountant should demonstrate at entry point to the profession (i.e. on completion of the required academic programme, training contract, professional programme and SAICA assessments). The competency framework therefore underpins how The IIE BAcc degree is developed and delivered. In accordance with this framework, students will receive a thorough theoretical grounding and knowledge base in the key principles of Auditing, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Finance and Taxation and develop the pervasive skills as required by the accountancy profession.
The final assessments on the path to becoming a CA(SA) are administered by SAICA and include: • The Initial Test of Competence (ITC) is written after the completion of a SAICA accredited
CTA programme and is an assessment of core technical competence. There are two examination opportunities per year for the ITC - January and June. • Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) is the second part of the qualifying examination and assesses professional competence. To qualify for APC a student must have passed the ITC, completed a minimum of 20 months of the training contract and successfully completed the professional programme with a registered provider.
Training Contracts
All students must complete a three year learnership contract at a registered training office. The learnership contract is skills based and includes compulsory skills, elective skills and residual skills.

School of Information Technology
The IIE’s Varsity College School of Information Technology is a part of The IIE’s Faculty of Information and Communications Technology. The dynamic and fast paced Information Communications & Technology (ICT) sector of the economy is experiencing a skills shortage. The IIE’s Varsity College School of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), through The IIE degree, diploma and higher certificate programmes, is addressing this shortage with its industry ready IT graduates. What sets the School apart is that it continually engages with the IT industry, keeping abreast of evolving IT technologies and amending its curricula in sync with developments in the IT world. The School uses the latest technologies in its classrooms which make for a relevant blended learning approach that promotes practical learning. Lecturers employed by the School of Information Technology consult and work in the industry and share a wealth of industry experience and knowledge.
The following qualifications are offered in the School of Information Technology. A brief description of each programme follows below.
1. Postgraduate Qualifications
The IIE Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences Honours will provide candidates with advanced theories and knowledge in key disciplines of Computer and Information Systems. These key disciplines inform the professional practice of Information Technology (IT). Graduates will be equipped with research skills which will form the foundation of further postgraduate studies.
The design for this Honours degree has been informed by issues affecting enterprises and future technologies. This Honours degree will also develop graduates’ abilities to understand the role IT plays in the information systems and applications in a business environment.
1. At the completion of this programme students will have developed the skills to critically analyse research literature and conduct a literature review. 2. At the completion of this programme students will have developed the skills to design a research project. 3. At the completion of this programme students will have developed the skills to plan and undertake rigorous independent research. 4. At the completion of this programme students will have developed the skills to communicate research activities and findings. For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet below.
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here. Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
The purpose of the IIE Postgraduate Diploma in Data Analytics is to undertake advanced reflection by means of systemic thinking, practices and research methods in data analytics. The programme aims to further the development of fundamental knowledge in Big Data, Data Visualisation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Statistics. On completion of the programme, graduates would have attained the theoretical and technical skills in Data Analytics to inform business decisions and articulate into an appropriate Master’s degree. Since the aim of the qualification is to develop a Data Analyst who is equipped with theoretical, technical and practical knowledge, it is also important that graduates attain a thorough grounding in statistical and mathematical fundamentals. Therefore, the Statistical and Mathematical Analysis module will provide students with mathematical and statistical theory, concepts and practical knowledge which are required to interpret and interrogate data.
1. Identify, manage, analyse and interpret data through the application of appropriate techniques to inform business decisions. 2. Design, develop, maintain and implement data collection and management approaches to support data analysis. 3. Identify, analyse and interpret trends or patterns in complex data sets and present information using multiple visualisation techniques For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet below.
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here. Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here. Access the IIE Distance qualification fact sheet here. Access the IIE Distance qualification academic calendar here.
2. Degrees
The purpose of this qualification is to qualify students to follow a career in Software Application Development. The outcomes for this qualification were identified as critical to drive a successful career in software development providing competent desktop and mobile application developers in the private and the public sectors. By understanding business processes in the context of business rules, students will be able to solve business problems and meet business needs through software application development. Students will be suitably prepared to demonstrate competencies in application development, and to contribute to the economic wellbeing of their organisation in a responsible manner. The qualification design supports the logical progression in learning throughout the programme by introducing students to the foundational and mathematical concepts, theories and fundamental knowledge in the first year to position them to master the more complex skills of analysing, interpreting and developing the principles and theories of desktop software development, mobile application development, cloud computing development and dynamic web development in the context of current IT trends and requirements. The design of the qualification will facilitate critical learning through the exposure to and application of specialised learning areas plus relevant support learning areas to enable the student to manage the versatile and dynamic context of application development. This qualification is designed to graduate students with the ability to think and act strategically and professionally and to contribute meaningfully to the organisations that employ them. The qualification design thus facilitates the development of a well rounded Software Developer.

1. Demonstrate the ability to apply key theories in the design and development of software applications. 2. Provide ethical and professional software solutions. 3. Design software applications on a variety of platforms. 4. Communicate effectively and professionally as a member of a software design and development team. 5. Demonstrate the ability to conduct research related to IT programming and Cloud Computing. For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here. Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
The purpose of the Higher Certificate in Mobile Application and Web Development is to provide learners with the basic introductory knowledge, cognitive and conceptual tools and practical techniques for higher education studies in the field of mobile application and web development. This qualification is primarily vocational and will enable qualifying learners to be employed in entry-level positions in the Information Technology (IT) sector. The qualification aims to equip learners with the insight and skills required to keep abreast of emerging trends and build in-demand skills, which supports the principle of life-long learning. Successful completion of this qualification signifies that the learner has attained a basic level of higher education knowledge and competence in the field of mobile application and web development and, can apply such knowledge and competence in an occupation or role in the workplace. This qualification includes a simulated Work-Integrated Learning component.
Introduce and apply problem-solving techniques to a mobile application and web development environment. Conceptualise, design, develop and maintain basic mobile and web-based applications. Apply design and user-experience principles to mobile and webbased interfaces. Communicate and participate effectively and professionally as a member of a development team. For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here. Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here. Access the IIE Distance qualification factsheet here. Access the IIE Distance qualification academic calendar here.
Phasing-Out/ Discontinuation of a Qualification
Phase-out/discontinuation is the process used to discontinue an offering, which includes special assessment concessions to assist students in completing their offering. The IIE may elect to discontinue offering a qualification, or curriculum, or mode of offering to new students on a campus, at a brand, or in its entirety. The offering is then phased out over a period and these are referred to as “Phase-Out” arrangements. The following qualifications are in Phase-out at The IIE’s Varsity College School of Information Technology for 2023 and letters have been issued to registered students: • Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences in
Network Engineering (BCNE0701)
• Diploma in Information Technology in Software
Development (DISD0601)
• Higher Certificate in Information Technology in
Support Services (HCSS0501)
Access the Contact Full-Time academic calendar here.
Access the Contact Full-Time academic calendar here.
Access the Contact Full-Time academic calendar here.
We realise that you would need access to the software you use during your studies. This software is made available to you via the following platforms:
Azure Lab Services
You will have access to a virtual machine which will have all the software that you require for your qualification installed. You will be able to access the virtual machine from anywhere.
Azure Dev Tools for Teaching
Azure Dev Tools for Teaching is a Microsoft program that provides students with free software and development tools through Varsity College. You will use your VCCONNECT email address to get access to licensing for a wide range of software that you will need during your studies. Each campus has a FTP server that will allow you to download course specific software not provided by Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching. The FTP server address and guide is in the ICT student handbook on the IIE Library Connect website. Once you are a registered student, you will have access to the Student Software page on the IIE Library Connect website accessible via this link https://iielibraryconnect.iie.ac.za/ The software per programme may be accessed via the links below:
Programme Software
BCAD0701 Download document here.
BCNE0701 Download document here.
DISD0601 Download document here.
PDDA0801 Download document here.
HMAW0501 Download document here.
Laptop Specifications
NOTE: It is advised that you purchase your own: • 500GB HDD • I3 Minimum CPU • 8GB RAM minimum Should you wish to run android studio on your laptop - you will need the following: • Processor: i5/i7 • RAM: Minimum 8GB/ideally 16GB • HDD: 500GB/andy SSD The School of IT has the IIE Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences Honours and IIE Postgraduate Diploma is Data Analytics. However the IIE Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences in Application Development is a NQF level 7 qualification which is registered with the CHE (Council for Higher Education). Students who have completed this qualification will be allowed entry into an NQF level 8 qualification (Honours or Postgraduate Diploma) at any South African Higher Education Institution. This is dependent on the requirements of the institution you apply at.
Azure Dev Tools For Teaching How To Guide
The Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching guide provides you with a step by step guide that will enable you to access the license keys for the software used during your program. You will also have access to online resources which will be very useful during the course of your studies. Download the Azure Dev Tools Teaching Guide here.

School of Law
Introduction to the School of Law (SoL)
The IIE’s Varsity College School of Law is a part of The IIE’s Faculty of Law. The overarching vision of The IIE’s School of Law at The IIE’s Varsity College, is to produce high performing, quality graduates who are equipped to thrive in the evolving landscape of the legal profession. Our small classes allow for collaborative interactive debates and discussions on topical legal issues and our Law Information Evenings, Career Fairs and online webinars give our students the opportunity to network with members of the legal profession. School of Law students are enabled to take an active role in using their legal skills to create meaningful change in the careers that they pursue. These skills include trial advocacy, critical reasoning, critical thinking and team work. Law is multi-faceted and opens up a world of possibility in many different industries. It allows students to become social engineers of change, particularly within the realm of legal technology. To Watch Video:
Contact Full-Time Qualifications Offered in SOL
The following qualifications are offered within the School of Law: IIE Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree, IIE Bachelor of Commerce in Law degree, IIE Bachelor of Arts in Law and IIE Higher Certificate in Legal Studies. Our flagship qualification The IIE Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree is designed to respond to the current developments in innovation and technology, which is redefining 20th Century legal practice and allows for the development of a holistic law graduate.
Undergraduate Qualifications 1. Degrees
The primary purpose of this qualification is to prepare graduates to function effectively in a variety of careers and specialisations in which the disciplines of Law, media and communications science, language and/or criminology intersect. In support of the principles of lifelong learning, the Degree equips students with the insight and skills required for further specialised study, for example, further studies in Bachelor of Laws Degree (LLB). This three year degree is structured in accordance with the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework (HEQSF) guidelines. On the one hand, the degree will provide students with the knowledge, skills and applied competencies necessary for employment as legal specialists with significant language and communication skills. On the other hand, graduates specialising in media, language and communications will be able to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of critical aspects of modern South African Law. This qualification, therefore, integrates traditionally independent learning areas into an interdisciplinary degree. Students will develop essential problem solving, critical thinking and communication skills. Students will be able to work in teams, be adaptable to change, acquire skills and knowledge relevant to both Law and the chosen area of specialisation, and be adequately prepared for a range of professional work environments. Critical learning is facilitated through exposure to, and application of, specialised and support learning areas in the study and practice of language, communication, criminology and modern South African Law. There is a logical progression of learning. Students are introduced to the more basic and fundamental aspects of their learning areas in the first year and then progress to the higher order skills of analysis, interpretation and application of the principles and theories of their specialised learning areas during the second and third years of study. The inclusion of numeracy, reasoning and writing skills and the consideration of ethical issues will address the concerns that have been expressed by the organised legal community with respect to legal education in general. Graduates will also, depending on the electives they select, gain additional specialised skills in critical thinking, media related legal issues, communications science and/or criminology. The specific skillsets incorporated into this qualification are designed to present combinations which are attractive to prospective employers, will add value to the work place and will facilitate further study.