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by adv-tech
The inclusion of Work Integrated Learning (WIL) modules will result in graduates who are more work ready and employable than is currently the norm with legal graduates. The WIL modules, running over two years, will include work directed theoretical learning, problem based learning (PBL) and where possible, real workplace learning. The WIL module is dedicated to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Students are grouped in a ‘law-firm’ context, an effective strategy supporting the simulated workplace environments required by the practical WIL components found in first and second year modules of this qualification. Throughout the degree, students will be encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and its progress, within a well structured and managed learning environment. In the first year of study, the foundational and introductory Law modules are offered in conjunction with non Law modules (three of which are electives from which students need to select one) in order to develop socially integrated law graduates, capable of interacting successfully with society and eventually enabled to access a variety of alternative careers and opportunities for Postgraduate study. The second year of study focuses on developing the students’ range of theoretical and substantive legal knowledge, together with an increased understanding of legal content and structure of the South African legal system. Deeper levels of insight and understanding than was the case in the first year of study are required.In the second year of study, application of legal sources matures as students engage with decided cases and more advanced academic texts. Students are expected to become conversant with those techniques, allowing the critical analysis and application in practice of legal texts. Emphasis is placed on positioning the Law modules in the broader South African context, legal system and constitutional dispensation. The final year focuses on the ability of the student to demonstrate a critical understanding of the disciplines and to present this in the form of original and meaningful solutions to a range of problem scenarios. As far as the Law modules are concerned, the practical emphasis of the qualification shifts to the development and refining of advanced skills of critical analysis, deductive thinking and the interpretation and application of legal texts: This qualification adopts a scaffolded approach to skills development. Accordingly, the practical skills and attributes acquired over the three years of study will be consolidated in the practical (WIL) component of the year’s work. This qualification is designed to graduate students with the ability to think and act intelligently, rationally, strategically, professionally and ethically. The development of a well rounded knowledge base in the chosen core discipline (communications science, English or criminology) is facilitated in partnership with substantial knowledge of the law, allowing professional entry practice in a broad range of law, media and communications-related careers as well as further studies in either law or the three core disciplines.
1. Critically analyse fundamental legal concepts, principles and theories related to underlying values and norms, including those supporting the South
African Constitution. 2. Critically evaluate information and evidence from a legal perspective. 3. Work effectively as a team in the legal process. 4. Solve problems ethically and creatively in a given legal and social context. 5. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concepts, principles, theories and practices of the various disciplines in the programme. 6. Solve problems using relevant research methods in theoretical and applied contexts.
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here. Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
This qualification is designed to foster the ideals of transformative constitutionalism so as to enable students to think critically, be able to understand the Constitution and its impact on the development of the law, be concerned with the advancement of social justice, adhere to the highest levels of ethical legal practice and be able to situate local events within a globalised world. It will equip students with the necessary theoretical background, professional practice skills and thorough understanding of the distinct methodologies required for the professional practice of law and the administration of justice in the modern South African Constitutional State.
1. Apply relevant methods, techniques and strategies involved in legal research and problem solving in theoretical and applied situations. 2. Obtain detailed knowledge about, and the ability to critically analyse fundamental legal concepts, principles and theories and to relate these principles and theories to underlying values and norms, including those norms and values supporting the Constitution. 3. Collect, organise, analyse and critically evaluate information and evidence from a legal perspective. 4. Display adequate written and oral advocacy skills and the ability to communicate effectively in a legal environment. 5. Resolve complex and diverse legal problems creatively, critically, ethically and innovatively. 6. Work effectively with colleagues and other role players in the legal process as a team or group and contribute significantly to the group output. 7. Display computer literacy and numeracy skills to effectively communicate, retrieve and process relevant data in a legal environment. 8. Solve problems ethically and creatively in a given legal and social context. For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here. Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
This qualification is aimed at promoting access to higher education and equipping students with appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes attuned to the demands of business and industry. Students will gain a critical understanding of the interplay between the disciplines of modern business management, strategic financial planning and the governing rules of our law. The qualification design reflects the logical progression of learning by introducing students to the foundational and fundamental aspects of their learning areas in the first year and then progressing to the higher order skills of analysing, interpreting and applying the principles and theories of focus areas in the second and third years of study. This Bachelor of Commerce in Law is designed to develop the student’s ability to think and act strategically and professionally and to contribute meaningfully to the organisations they will be serving. Consequently, it facilitates the development of a well rounded strategic business knowledge base in conjunction with substantial legal skills, knowledge and insight to allow for professional practice entry into a broad range of business enterprises as well as further studies in law or commerce.