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Academic programmes commence (All 2nd years
by adv-tech
The research capacity of the students will be developed and will prepare students for further research-based postgraduate study. The purpose of this qualification is critical to further the developmental path to a successful career in the health professions through providing students with competencies in theoretical and practical application of relevant principles, processes, procedures and research techniques. By understanding processes in the mental health context, as well as best practice in the field, graduates will be able to strategically solve individual and social problems. These strategic problem-solving abilities will be developed through a high level of theoretical engagement and intellectual independence. Furthermore, graduates will be adequately prepared to demonstrate competencies in contributing to the economic well-being of their organisation in a responsible manner. Graduates will be well-prepare with the insight and skills that are required for further specialised study in support of the principles of life-long learning.
1. Demonstrate knowledge and engagement in the area of clinical and counselling psychology. 2. Understand research theories, methods and techniques, and to apply this knowledge in order to conduct an independent research project. 3. Demonstrate the skills of interrogating multiple sources of knowledge in psychology, and evaluating both this knowledge and the process of psychological knowledge production. 4. Demonstrate an understanding of the complexities of selecting, applying and transferring standard psychological techniques to a range of unfamiliar problems. 5. Demonstrate specialised skills in order to identify, analyse, and address complex and abstract psychological problems through the systematic use of psychological knowledge and methods. 6. Identify and address ethical issues based on critical reflection and the suitability of mental health value systems in specific psychological issues. 7. Critically review information, synthesise data, manage and evaluate processes in psychological contexts in order to develop creative responses to psychological problems and issues. For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet and academic calendar options via the links below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here. Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here. Access the Contact Part-Time qualification fact sheet here. Access the Contact Part-Time qualification academic calendar here.
The purpose of this qualification is to develop students’ cognitive and practical skills in a variety of sectors and organisations. The programme will provide students with a firm grounding in the disciplines of Communication Science, English Literature, Media Studies, Psychology and Journalism, and is suitable for students interested in a general Arts degree. This 3-year degree is structured in accordance with the new HEQSF guidelines and the focus in this degree is on developing students’ ability to think critically, to act ethically, and to engage in active problemsolving across different disciplines.
Graduates of this programme should find employment in a variety of areas including, but not limited to: production coordination, communications practice and management, proofreading, editing, copywriting, relationship management, media relations and consulting, subediting, and teaching. The qualification also provides a strong foundation into postgraduate studies. This indispensable proficiency will provide students with an advantage in the workplace and promote access into a variety of entry level positions from which they may promote themselves.
1. Demonstrate the ability to apply and evaluate key theories within the disciplines of English, Communication, Sociology, Psychology and Journalism. 2. Demonstrate an ability to identify, analyse, and solve local and international problems of a communication and societal nature in an ethical, responsible, and creative manner. 3. Demonstrate an ability to employ communication, writing and English skills in order to communicate effectively, reliably, coherently and appropriately in professional and academic environments. 4. Demonstrate an ability to develop and communicate one’s own ideas and opinions in well formed arguments using academic and professional language. 5. Design a research project incorporating a range of methods to resolve problems or introduce change within communication, literary, or media contexts. For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet, academic calendar and postgraduate options via the links below.
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here. Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here. Access the IIE Distance qualification fact sheet here Access the IIE Distance qualification academic calendar here Access the IIE Distance 2nd Intake qualification academic calendar here
Social science studies require students to read, debate, examine and discuss issues. It teaches them to carefully build arguments and propositions. Students will be encouraged to think independently and to develop new ways of approaching problems. Students who have successfully completed the programme will be able to: - Critically review, analyse, evaluate and synthesise knowledge. - Critique arguments by displaying creative thinking in the social science disciplines, preceded by reviewing, consolidating, analysing and synthesising a body of knowledge. - Identify and argue current trends in the intellectual context of technological and social change. - Independently identify and solve problems en route to an attitude of lifelong learning. - Present clearly, concisely and coherently the current interpretations and potential future developments in the issues underlying the content of and approaches to the disciplines they study. - Write an exposition reflecting a broad understanding of a body of knowledge and theoretical concepts with advanced understanding in some areas.
1. Critically review, analyse, evaluate and synthesise knowledge. 2. Critique arguments by displaying creative thinking in the social science disciplines, preceded by reviewing, consolidating, analysing and synthesising a body of knowledge. 3. Identify and argue current trends in the intellectual context of technological and social change. 4. Independently identify and solve problems en route to an attitude of lifelong learning. 5. Present clearly, concisely and coherently the current interpretations and potential future developments in the issues underlying the content of and approaches to the disciplines they study. 6. Write an exposition reflecting a broad understanding of a body of knowledge and theoretical concepts with advanced understanding in some areas.
For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet, academic calendar and postgraduate options via the links below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here. Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
The Higher Certificate in Communication Practices is primarily an entry-level access qualification with the aim of building students’ academic literacy and English language skills that will enable them to articulate into a cognate Bachelor of Arts degree. The programme will provide students with foundational knowledge, cognitive and conceptual tools and practical techniques that are applicable to English Language and Communication Practices. Students will develop skills to gather, process, produce and present information, while also gaining foundational knowledge and conceptual tools in ideation and visualisation, and effective social media practices. Students will develop academic and professional, writing and presentation skills which they can apply in both the academic context and entry-level work positions. On completion of this Higher Certificate, students will have the required foundational knowledge for either entry into a cognate Diploma or Bachelor’s Degree, or the world of work.
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the use, structure and significance of appropriate language in written, oral, visual, and multimodal communication. 2. Apply the academic and digital literacies, critical thinking, ideation, and problemsolving skills necessary to understand and interpret information, solve problems and communicate effectively. 3. Present information within different communication contexts by gathering, interpreting, and constructing messages for diverse purposes and audiences. For specific information related to this qualification, including admission requirements and qualification structure, please download the fact sheet via the links below:
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification fact sheet here. Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
Phasing-Out/ Discontinuation of a Qualification
Phase-out/Discontinuation is the process used to discontinue an offering, which includes special assessment concessions to assist learners in completing their offering. The IIE may elect to discontinue offering a qualification, or curriculum, or mode of offering to new students on a campus, at a brand, or in its entirety. The offering is then phased out over a period and these are referred to as “phase-out” arrangements. The following qualifications are in Phase-Out at The IIE’s Varsity College for 2023 and letters have been issued to registered students: Qualification in Phase-out in the School of Humanities & Social Sciences 1. Year three of Bachelor of Arts (BAG0701)
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
2. Year three of Bachelor of Arts in Corporate
Communication (BACC0701)
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.
3. Year one semester one ONLY and Year 2 of
Bachelor of Arts in Corporate Communication (BACC0701)
Access the Contact Full-Time qualification academic calendar here.