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Description Of Indicator
This indicator tracks the number and percent of students who graduate from high school having completed the course requirements to be eligible to apply to a University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU). The UC/CSU eligibility requirements are presented below.
Why is this important?
The UC/CSU minimum course requirements are centered on a well-rounded curriculum that fosters content mastery and ensures that students are ready to take college courses without remediation. Courses include an applied learning component to help students improve comprehension and practice critical thinking skills. The more students master the content in conjunction with these skills, the more likely they are to pursue and succeed in college, as well as in the workforce.1
• In 2016/17, Orange County had 37,355 high school graduates, of which 52.0% were UC/CSU eligible, higher than California’s eligibility rate of 46.8%.2
• UC/CSU eligibility in Orange County increased 15.8% in 10 years, from 44.9% of graduates in 2007/08 to 52.0% in 2016/17.
UC/CSU Requirements
• 4 years of English
• 3 years of Math, including Algebra, Geometry, and Intermediate Algebra
• 2 years of History/Social Studies, including one year of U.S. History or one-half year of U.S. History and one-half year of Civics or American Government; and one year of World History, Cultures, and Geography
• At 77.5%, Asian students had the greatest proportion of graduates who were UC/CSU eligible, followed by White (58.1%), Multiracial (56.7%), Black (38.3%), Hispanic (38.0%), and American Indian (32.9%), graduates.
• Hispanic graduates comprise the largest group of total graduates (44.0%), while only 38.0% of those were UC/CSU eligible. This is lower than Asian (16.0% of total graduates, of which 77.5% were UC/CSU eligible) and White (31.0% of graduates, of which 58.1% were UC/CSU eligible) graduates.
• Since 2007/08, the UC/CSU eligibility rates for graduates have increased the most among students in the Migrant Education program (159.1% increase), followed by students in the Socioeconomically Disadvantaged program (71.9% increase). The eligibility rate for graduates of the English Learner program has declined 67.7% since 2007/08.3
• 2 years of Science with lab required chosen from Biology, Chemistry, and Physics
• 2 years of Foreign Language and must be the same language for those two years
• 1 year of Visual and Performing Arts chosen from Dance, Drama/Theater, Music, or Visual Art
• 1 year of Electives