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Supplemental Tables: Good Health
Substance-exposed infants refers to the number of infants with positive toxicology results for alcohol and/or illicit drugs at the time of birth that were provided Emergency Response services by the Orange County Social Services Agency (SSA), resulting in juvenile court intervention. Any indication of maternal substan ce abuse requires an assessment of the needs of the mother and child by a health practitioner or medical social worker prior to the child leaving the hospital. There is a mandatory assessment form that serves as a guide for medical staff to focus their assessment, and the decision to report a child to the Orange County SSA Child Abuse Registry is to be based on a reasonable suspicion that the parent may be unable to care for the child. This must be based on at least one factor other than the positive toxico logy screen. See Maternal Substance Abuse Assessment Protocol on the Conditions of Children Report website at www.ochealthinfo.com/occp/report
Number of Orange County Infants Taken into Protective Custody (or petition for dependency filed) as a Result of T esting Positive for Substance Exposure at Birth, 2007/08 to 2016/1 7