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Supplemental Tables: conomic Well-Being Supplemental Tables: Educational Achievement
Secondary Indicator: ENGLISH LEARNERS
According to California Education Code 306(a), an English Learner (EL) is “a child who does not speak English or whose native language is not English and who is not currently able to perform ordinary classroom work in English.” The process of identifying an English Learner begins with the home language survey, but this survey alone does not qualify a student as an EL. Districts administer the Ca lifornia English Language Development Test (CELDT) to students whose home language is other than English within 30 calendar days of initial enrollment. The CELDT assesses English comprehension, speaking, listening, reading and writing, and it determines whether a student is an EL. An overall CELDT score of Early Advanced or Advanced indicates a student is proficient provided no domain score (listening, speaking, reading or writing) falls below Intermediate. Students who do not achieve proficiency on the CEL DT are considered ELs and are assessed annually until reclassified. Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (R -FEP) students are former ELs who have met multiple criteria to succeed in an English-only classroom. These reclassified students are monitored for two years to ensure their success.
"All other languages" includes 54 other languages listed on the California Department of Education website at http://dq.cde.ca.gov/dataquest/.
Source: Orange County Department of Education