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Supplemental Tables: conomic Well-Being Supplemental Tables: Educational Achievement
Note: Data no longer updated as of 2015/16. Due to the change in academic standards, Senate Bill 172 (Liu) was signed by the Governor to suspend the administration of th e CAHSEE and the requirement that students pass the CAHSEE to receive a high school diploma for the 2015–16, 2016–17, and 2017–18 school years
*The California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) tests high school sophomores, juniors and seniors on proficiency in English an d Mathematics. Students take both parts separately and only retake the parts they did not pass. A mean scale score is the statistical average of a group of scale scores. The CAHSEE provides scale sco res for individual students and a mean or average scale score for groups of students. The exam is administered in March; schools with year-round tracks may test in March and May. Since June 2006, passing the CAHSEE is a requirement for graduation. Students are req uired to take the CAHSEE in 10th grade, and may take it up to five more times as a junior or senior if they have not passed. The State Board of Education has also determined that alternative means to demonstrate proficiency on the CAHSEE are feasible (July, 2010). **Scores based on 10 or fewer students to protect confidentiality.
Source: California Department of Education