1 minute read
Allora Days for Girls continue their good work
Our fundraising initiative Allora DfG “Container for Cash’ account has had several donations so far. People and businesses may like to use the code ‘C10749279’ when depositing their eligible containers and the refund will be directly deposited into the Allora DfG account. Please contact Kaylene via the Allora DfG email for containers to be collected or they can be dropped off at any monthly gathering which are held on the last Friday of the month.
As always, the group is requesting donations of ladies new knickers, hotel style soaps, new face washers, new 100% cotton (non-stretch) material or monetary donations. Items can be dropped into Allora True Value Hardware store, Cassaz Colourful Curls Allora or Bryson’s Florist Warwick marked as Days for Girls. If dropping items please text, phone or email contacts below so that we can collect. Monetary donations over $2 are tax deductible and can be transferred to: Allora Days for Girls, BSB 064032 Acc: 10127292. Items can also be dropped off at gathering times. Thank you for your support.
Allora and district Days for Girls Executive team – Heather Goonan Mobile-0434907904, Lenore Wissemann Mobile 0428973432, Shirley Cornhill and Kaylene Williams or email: alloraqld@daysforgirls.org.