
Advocate Art Incorporated was founded in 1992, with a group of illustrators who liked the idea of having an agent but not the other things that often came with that. We call our ethos four “F.A.C.T.s”: Fairness, Ability, Creativity and Trust. It’s about doing the right thing and being with the right people. We think our principles set us apart from conventional agencies, sticking to them has meant we have attracted the most creative illustrators and artists who in turn attract (with a little help) the best clients.
The people we represent are perfectly able to conduct their own affairs but like working with Advocate Art Incorporated because we offer value to them in the services we provide. Clients are assured that we represent artists that are like-minded professionals, pre-vetted and able not only to get the job done without fuss, but also to surpass expectations.
It’s their choice to be with us, we have a high retention rate - with the most popular artists in our group being with us from the start!
We were one of the first Agencies to give direct client contact with our illustrators, allowing creativity to flow without being diluted in translation. We were one of the first to offer re-sales as an important secondary income to artists. Now we have gone beyond that too, with the development of an on-line portal - ARTicle which enables artists to have transparency into the back office functions of the business, such as royalty management and credit control, amongst other things.
Business is all about relationships, which is why we have a very high artist to agent ratio, clients often use us as artistic advisors, project managers as well a trend forward resource for pre-qualified talent.
It is for these reasons that Advocate Art Incorporated has become the largest illustration agency around and I’d like to think one of the most respected but- we understand we didn’t get that way by acting like the biggest. Come and find out for yourself…
Art advocates for a wide-ranging variety of talented and professional children’s book and art licensing illustrators.
30 years of building trusted relationships on the foundation of great communication, creative problem solving and personalised guidance, with the world’s leading art buyers.
Country of Residence: UK
National ty: British
Ab gail Burch is a London based l ustrator, who uses express ve l nes and colour to create p ayful l ustrations fi led w th oy and humour. She draws nsp ration from both the natural world and the peop e and p aces around her, to create cute and qu rky characters full of charm and personal ty.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: France
National ty: Indian
I was born in India, into a family of artists. At a very ear y age I was exposed to Art, Culture and Design. I choose llustration as my profess on after graduat ng from Rubika Sup nfocom in 2017 I initially worked on commissions for Indian wedding l ustrations. My Instagram posts started to get more attention and my cl ents diversified.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
National ty: British
A ice s a freelance i lustrator and pattern designer from London, where she has ived a l her l fe She has a degree in Dig tal Texti e Des gn, a profession ingrained in her by her mother, who was a so a text le designer Since graduat ng in 2008, A ice has bui t up a personal portfolio and roster of clients w thin magazines, books, greeting cards and chi dren's clothes.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Spain
National ty: Spanish
Ana Berme o, a so known Ana Sondesa born in a small town in Northern Spain She ater moved to Valencia to attend art school. Th s is where Ana really learned to draw. Some of her favorite th ngs to draw were goats, unicorns, and deer Not content with five years at art school, Ana went to London to study more at St. Martins. S nce graduat ng, she has been working as a free ance l ustrator w th pub ishers around the world
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
National ty: Indian
Archita Khosla is a trad tional l ustrator based in London, with a BA in Design Communication from Goldsm ths' Co lege, University of London. Archita started her journey n the advertising industry n S ngapore but soon after, her passion for ch ldren s illustrat ons took her to London. Her llustrations show a love for bright and happy colours.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Italy
National ty: Ita ian
Beatr ce was born and raised in Bo ogna, Italy where she sti l l ves and works as a freelance illustrator, author, and visual artist. After complet ng her degree in F ne Art Pa nting, she cont nued to study Medical Illustration and Animation In 2016, after 15 years of exper ence as a graphic designer n advertising, she became a ful -time free ance l ustrator and now works primarily in the children’s l ustration ndustry.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Spain
Betania Zacarias s an Argentin an l ustrator and graphic designer based in Barcelona Her portfol o nc udes children's books, toys, games, and educationa materia s, which have been published in more than 10 countries.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
Country of Residence: Netherlands
National ty: Dutch
Carlo Beranek is a free ance
l ustrator based in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands He studied animat on at a creative co lege in Rotterdam but soon discovered that h s true pass on was for i lustration, particular y the creation of wh ms ca characters that bring people, children espec al y, joy
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: New Zealand
National ty: New Zealander
Carol Herring is an illustrator based n Canterbury, New Zealand While most of her il ustration work s done d gital y, she loves paint ng fun characters with gouache. Growing up n a creative househo d, she did a lot of paint ng and drawing, and loved making unusual looking pottery an mals and doll house furniture.
Carol gets a ot of inspirat on from her five kids and the menagerie of an mals that surround her wh le she works from home
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Sw tzer and National ty: Swiss
Carole Aufranc is a illustrator based above Murten Lake n Switzerland She did a Bachelor in Il ustrat on n Lausanne and specialized herself with a Master n Children s Book I lustration at the Schoo of Art of Cambridge She creates work for all kind of supports such as children's books, stat onery, packaging and textile.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
National ty: British
Cee grew up surrounded by paint ngs and scu ptures and was encouraged to draw from an early age After school, she stud ed Graphic Design and began a tentat ve illustration career whilst at college, designing punk record covers and gothic stationery! Then she had other jobs for many years, which were total y unrelated to art.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Greece
Christos Skaltsas was born and raised n Athens, Greece, and rece ved his BFA in Animation from the School of V sual Arts He worked as a freelancer on animated fi ms and TV ser es for severa years, working in association w th Sony p ctures, Paramount pictures and many more
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Italy
National ty: Ita ian
Daniela was born in 1984 in a smal town near Milan, Italy She has a ways loved draw ng S nce she was very sma l, her favour te pastime has a ways been sketch ng and dood ing, g v ng life to the fantasy stories n my head She studied Graphic Des gn in Mi an and n London, where she ived for four years. There she had the chance to work as a Children's Book designer at Egmont UK.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
Darcie Olley is an llustrator based n the east of England. She graduated with a B A in Textiles n 2018 Her final collection at University, based on a series of weird and wonderfu extinct an mals, was selected by Sir Pau Smith to receive the Nicole Abbott Award. Darcie spent some t me working in the texti e design ndustry, before dec ding that l ustration s where her heart ies.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
I was born in Roehampton and I’m current y based in south London. I studied Graphic Design, which makes that conceptual thinking plays a huge part in my idea process. I take a lot of inspiration from watching films, animations, browsing the Internet, col ecting vinyl toys, kawai culture and sc ence fict on I have a character driven approach to my work and I am passionate about story tel ing.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Poland
National ty: Polish
E a Jarzabek (E żb eta Jarząbek) ives in Katow ce, Poland Graduated from Cracow Academy of Fine Arts and since then she has been working as a freelance il ustrator. She loves working on watercolor paper w th gouache and co or penc ls and creates l ustrations bright and colorfu with funny characters
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Spain
National ty: Argentinian
I was born on June 28th, 1971 n Buenos Aires, Argent na S nce I can remember I always wanted to be a cartoonist, I grow up watching cartoons and comedy s series, such as Tom and Jerry, The Pink Panther, The three stooges, Astroboy, and many more Later, in my teens, Robert Crumb, Shultz, Don Martin, Matt Groening and Mad Magazine nsp re me for good. I started pub ishing professionally in the early 1990s and I never stopped
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
National ty: British
Estelle oves creat ng gent e, affectionate scenes, that are also fun She il ustrates using both a gouache style wh ch is bright and cheerful and a watercolour sty e, that a lows her to create both delicate and nteresting textures
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Belgium
National ty: Argentinian
Facundo Aguirre is an llustrator from Quilmes, Argent na He origina ly earned his degree n public account ng and spent t me in Buenos A res n the world of econom cs. After four years as a credit analyst, Facundo made the l fe-chang ng decision to move to New Zealand in search of new exper ences. This is when he first d scovered his pass on for drawing. It became his sanctuary and h s source of ca mness.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
National ty: British
Gail Yerril ives in a village in Bedfordshire, England After gaining her BA (Hons) n 2D design n 1998 she became a free ance i lustrator and designer of greetings cards and g ftwrap for a major Br t sh supermarket cha n, and has also l ustrated items for other sign ficant British inst tut ons. She has l ustrated many books for well known pub ishers, several of which are translated into many languages.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
National ty: British
Gareth was born in H ll ngdon, West London, but ventured (when he was two) to the green valleys of South Wales. At an early age he loved to draw. He quickly realised that h s dream of becoming the first Welsh astronaut would be sidel ned by his creative abi ities and ta ents (but he sti l secretly wishes he could have rocketed nto Space).
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Portuga
National ty: British
Hannah Abbo s a se f-taught
l ustrator from the UK, currently iving and working in L sbon, Portuga . She lives with her partner and chi d, and their (slightly) overweight cat. When she's not drawing she loves making ceramics
n a loca studio, visiting the botan ca gardens and bak ng bread.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
National ty: British
Born and ra sed n Sheffield, James studied i lustration at Wolverhampton University after a childhood spent sketching and painting. He went on to have a ong career as an in-house l ustrator for severa greeting card pub ishers, ncluding Hal mark cards, working on branded characters and a so on or ginal llustration. Over the years, th s taught him to develop many different sty es and to work n many different med a.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
National ty: British
Jayne was born in Morecambe, by the sea in Lancashire, and after many years of trave l ng she came back to this area to raise her fam ly. Her grandfather was an art st and she spent most of her younger days sitting with him learning to draw and pa nt She spent every avai able moment mmersed in her sketchbooks!
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
National ty: BRITISH
Jennie – an i lustrat on addict, colour-er-innerer extraordinaire, ser al picture book purchaser and wild lama jugg er*. Jenn e has a ways loved to draw, but it was whilst studying for her degree that she discovered drawing in a digita form and never looked back She graduated n 2007 and has been dood ing profess onally ever since (freelance since 2011).
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Brazi
National ty: Braz lian
Jul ana E gner was born in São Pau o and current y l ves in Ubatuba, a smal coastal town in Brazil Since graduating with a degree in design Jul ana has experimented w th many d fferent types of art, including ewelry, ceram cs, porce ain, collage, and pa nting In 2006 she became enchanted by surface patterns and ts count ess applications. Over the years, she has expanded her research to il ustration.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
National ty: British
Kevin grew up with a ove of books, comics and cartoons which nsp red h m to draw Someone once told h m that he sees life as a cartoon. And that is pretty ok with Kevin. H s artwork a ways starts with h s sketchpad before mov ng on to d gital and his stud o s filled with sketches, colours and coffee. He oves bring ng ideas to l fe and, as a primary school teacher, has a keen nterest in educational deas.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Spain
National ty: Spanish
L rios Bou was born n 1988 n a small c ty between mountains called A co (Alicante, Spa n) She isn’t one of those peop e who always knew they wanted to be an i lustrator, actual y she wanted to be many th ngs: teacher, journalist, photographer, wr ter but finally, drawing was the most fun opt on!
She studied Illustration, F ne Arts and a so a Master Degree in Arts Education.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
National ty: British
L sa was born in Lancash re, but now ives and works n a love y village near York After gaining her degree n Scient fic and Natural H story I lustration at B ackpool co lege she went straight into freelance work as one of Advocates artists, and has stayed there ever s nce Over 15 years later she‘s stil doing her first ove – creating artworks.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
National ty: British
Or gina ly from Taiwan, Liv has lived n the UK for the last 14 years and happ ly lives n London since 2022
In the UK, she worked as a chef but t red of the chef ifestyle, she sw tched to her other passion of drawing She gained a degree from Ed nburgh Col ege of Art and has worked with high profile c ients nc uding Snapchat, and World V s on. She creates everything from prints, and postcards to mugs, stickers and jigsaws
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
National ty: American
Madison LaRose is an award w nning l ustrator spec alising in chi dren’s books, stat onary, and products for chi dren. Her work is deve oped d gital y in order to create whimsical and fr endly il ustrations. Se usual y work n Adobe Photoshop, or Procreate depending on what the project requires. Madison received her BFA in 2018 at Massachusetts College Of Art major ng n I lustration.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Poland
National ty: Polish
Malgorzata Detner is a Poland based l ustrator, born n 1989 She current y lives with her family, a cocker spaniel, snails, and two ove y rats in Warsaw. Her love of drawing appeared at a young age, influenced by her mother's paintings but grew ser ous y when she decided to follow art n middle schoo .
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: France
National ty: French
Marine grew up n the French Riviera After graduating in art in 2012, she moved to Montreal in the Canadian snowstorms. Since then, travel ng has been an important part of her life and where she draws most of her inspiration from Today she ives under the sun of Bali, enjoying the warm weather, palm trees and the beach. As a chi d, she used to spend her time imagining and l ustrating stories.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: United Arab Emirates
National ty: American
I was born one snowy wintery night in the far north of the Un ted States As I child, I spent most of my t me coloring and painting. Fo low ng in the footsteps of many artists in my fam ly, I studied fine art at university For severa years I worked n graphic design, but after the birth of my twin daughters, I began illustrating d gital y. As my sk ll and passion for t grew, so d d my dream of becoming of children’s book illustrator
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
From a young age N cho a kept herse f busy constantly draw ng and creating Much to her parents dismay there wasn t a surface in the house that N chola d dn’t like to draw on. She went on to study Graph c Design at Southampton University. Or ginally from Wales but now l v ng in London with her fami y and two cats Nichola works as a ful -time illustrator Before turn ng to illustration N chola was a Graphic Designer in children’s pub ishing.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
National ty: British
Noopur is a chi dren’s illustrator and a surface patterns designer based in Eng and She began her career in Ind a as an in-house texti e designer at a large soft furn sh ng company where she created art for a variety of home furnish ng products serving g obal manufacturers and retailers She went on to become the creat ve head of a des gn studio lead ng a team of des gners.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Canada
National ty: Canadian
Rae Minos is an artist from Canada, who current y ives in Sydney She comes from a fam ly of animators and grew up surrounded by art and cartoons. Rae graduated from the An mation program at Sheridan College n 2022 and has since been working full-t me in the animation ndustry. Although she oves an mation, it’s always been Rae’s dream to create art for children’s books and toys.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Spain
National ty: Spanish
Rocío, also known as Ro, was born n Ga icia, in northern Spain
Growing up, Ro enjoyed many ra ny days that were perfect for stay ng ns de and spending hours creat ng maginary worlds. After graduating with a degree in Advert s ng from V go’s University, she worked as an art d rector n the advertising ndustry. In 2015, Ro decided to make a change and moved to Barcelona, and became a free ance l ustrator
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Poland
Roksana Barwinska s an i lustrator based in Poland, where she graduated from the high schoo of visual arts In 2018 Roksana found her passion in children s illustration and became a freelance l ustrator. S nce then, she has llustrated p cture books, educat onal books and board games for clients a l over the world Roksana works digita ly and oves to create playful and co orful l ustrations, with a pinch of mag c.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
National ty: British
Sam Rennocks is a British Illustrator born and raised n Leicestershire He studied Il ustration at Plymouth University and now l ves in Loughborough, close to where he grew up. Sam has worked with cl ents from across the g obe, creating vibrant and fun images for magazines, book publish ng, traditional games, and even the the UK’s own NHS. His passion for art is nsp red by ancient history and the natural wor d, espec ally cute an mals
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
National ty: British
Sean was brought up in Middlesbrough in the north-east of Eng and and studied i lustration at Cleveland College of Art & Design, before moving to sunny Brighton where he now lives & works with his partner and two chi dren Stan ey & Mabel He has always had a passion for mid-twentieth century design & l ustration and has had a big nfluence on his sty e of illustration.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
National ty: British
Award-w nning i lustrator and author
S mon Abbott has been llustrating and writing children's books, games and stationery for over 20 years. He special ses in bold colours and de ightful characters of all kinds and describes his work as fun, fresh and happy H s easy style has instant appea and he ps to communicate complex ideas and concepts to chi dren of all ages.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
National ty: British
S nce graduating from Falmouth col ege of art in 2008 w th a degree n il ustrat on, Sophie has worked with a var ety of museums and heritage s tes on a range of pro ects, such as guide books, educational earning resources, website design and nteractive onl ne games Sophie s currently deve oping her own p cture book ideas, as wel as creating work for the licensing and g ft market.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
National ty: British
Steve is origina ly from a smal vi lage in North Yorkshire, but he now lives on the outskirts of the vibrant city of Leeds with his partner and their daughter. There are lots of arty folk in Steve’s family, so t was on y natura that he shou d have a ove for drawing from a young age, taking his early influence from the Beano and Dandy com cs to Warner Brothers and Disney cartoons.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Romania
National ty: Romanian
Teodora Oprea is a freelance chi dren’s illustrator iving in Oradea, Romania After study ng Design at the local Univers ty, she started out as a graphic des gner in 2012, but d scovered she had a different ca l ng when she got a ob at a game company, des gning games for ittle g rls. Since then, she has used her skil s to illustrate books and products for the youngest of aud ence.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Spain
National ty: Spanish
Teresa Bellon born n A bacete, Spa n in 1987 She was a few years wandering around ife, she was study ng different things and do ng drawings just for Mom and Dad; unti she fina ly accepted h s fate and d d a Illustrat on Course n Madrid As a resu t, she began work ng for nat onal and internationa cl ents and she has made several exh bitions. Their references are mainly Portuguese and Nordic i lustrators of chi dren's books
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Spain
National ty: Spanish
Veronica lives n a small beach
vi lage near Al cante, Spain. She studied F ne Arts at UPV n Valencia. Her main influences come through books, class c tales, nature, and da ly life She loves to draw by pencil and to add co or and textures d gital y. She has worked for many d fferent publishing houses such as B oomsbury Publ sh ng, M les Ke ly, Pearson, Benchmark Educat on, and others
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Germany
Yayo Kawamura s a Berlin based l ustrator w th a penchant for clean and m nima ist design, infusing her work with a sense of warmth and a dash of humor. She was ra sed b cu tural y in Germany and Japan. Stemm ng from a line of artists, she a ways felt a connection to the myr ad of colors, shapes, and textures around her
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Art advocates for a wide-ranging variety of talented and professional children’s book and art licensing illustrators.
Advocate Art Incorporated
Contact us: T +1 646 921 2585 | E mail@advocate-art.com
Our key principles are Fairness, Ability, Creativity, Trust and that’s a F.A.C.T.