New Signings
Advocate Art Incorporated
Advocate Art Incorporated was founded in 1992, with a group of illustrators who liked the idea of having an agent but not the other things that often came with that. We call our ethos four “F.A.C.T.s”: Fairness, Ability, Creativity and Trust. It’s about doing the right thing and being with the right people. We think our principles set us apart from conventional agencies, sticking to them has meant we have attracted the most creative illustrators and artists who in turn attract (with a little help) the best clients.
The people we represent are perfectly able to conduct their own affairs but like working with Advocate Art Incorporated because we offer value to them in the services we provide. Clients are assured that we represent artists that are like-minded professionals, pre-vetted and able not only to get the job done without fuss, but also to surpass expectations.
It’s their choice to be with us, we have a high retention rate - with the most popular artists in our group being with us from the start!
We were one of the first Agencies to give direct client contact with our illustrators, allowing creativity to flow without being diluted in translation. We were one of the first to offer re-sales as an important secondary income to artists. Now we have gone beyond that too, with the development of an on-line portal - ARTicle which enables artists to have transparency into the back office functions of the business, such as royalty management and credit control, amongst other things.
Business is all about relationships, which is why we have a very high artist to agent ratio, clients often use us as artistic advisors, project managers as well a trend forward resource for pre-qualified talent.
It is for these reasons that Advocate Art Incorporated has become the largest illustration agency around and I’d like to think one of the most respected but- we understand we didn’t get that way by acting like the biggest. Come and find out for yourself…
Art advocates for a wide-ranging variety of talented and professional children’s book and art licensing illustrators.
30 years of building trusted relationships on the foundation of great communication, creative problem solving and personalised guidance, with the world’s leading art buyers.
Country of Residence: USA
National ty: American
Adrienne Green was raised n Scottsdale, Ar zona, by her architect
Dad and an Engl sh Ma or Mom She rece ved a BFA in Art from Ar zona State University n 2021. As a kid her very first hobby was scribb ing characters from her favorite books in a notebook she kept under her bed Still today, she is inspired by vintage storybook designs and class c books.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: USA
Ariyana Taylor – also known as Fumisketchies – is a freelance l ustrator and character designer based in Brooklyn, New York In 2020, she graduated from the Fash on Institute of Technology with a bachelor s degree in Il ustrat on. S nce then, she has llustrated for both smal businesses and larger an mation companies such as Titmouse, Netflix, and Bent Image Lab.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Brazi
National ty: Braz lian
Claudia Marianno is an il ustrator from Inda atuba, Brazi She holds a BA degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of São Pau o. For many years, Claudia worked as a graphic designer in an education design studio, where she started illustrat ng for textbooks and magazines. She began llustrating fu l-time n 2017.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Spain
National ty: Spanish
Dav d Pavón started his career as an l ustrator in 2013 after releasing h s first 2D animated short, wh ch was selected in more than 100 film festivals around the world and won prestig ous awards. He has a ways iked to draw and create cartoons l ke the ones he saw on TV, so he decided to study Fine Arts in Granada (Spa n) and animated fi m in Madrid.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Spain
Ester Gouw is a children's book l ustrator w th a pass on for chi dren’s education She grew up in the green town of Borneo, Indonesia where she drew every day, and now she resides n Madrid, Spain. After e ght years of teaching, she decided to continue educating young children by creat ng impactfu il ustrat ons full of storytelling Her nterest in d vers ty lead her to learn to speak Eng ish, Chinese, Spanish and Indonesian.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Canada
National ty: Canadian
Gabr el a Galvez s an i lustrator iving in the heart of Montreal, Quebec She creates artwork for chi dren’s books as we l as products ike wal paper, fabric and more.
Gabr el a grew up by a magical beach in Brit sh Co umbia, Canada
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Spain
National ty: Dutch
Ethnicity: Lat no/Mixed
Greco is an llustrator based n Valencia, Spain. He has always been fasc nated by creatures, both real and maginary, cute or creepy. He draws a great amount of insp ration from the natura world and you wil often find h m drawing an mals to h ghl ght their unique shapes, geometry, and patterns. He en oys using h s knowledge of biology to breathe ife into fictional be ngs that will populate fantasy and sc -fi worlds.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
National ty: Ukrain an
Ira s a Ukrain an il ustrator and surface designer based in Poland. Inspired by nature, an mals, and ife’s s mple joys, she creates warm and cozy illustrat ons. As an establ shed fine art st, Ira comb nes traditional and decorative art techniques with dig tal il ustrat on. In her spare moments, she practices yoga, walks n the woods with her dog, and reads books sometimes all at once, which eaves her dog both mpressed and confused.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Mexico
National ty: Mex can
Jimena s an i lustrator from Mex co City, il ustrating text books, graph c novels and fiction books. She s been teaching almost as long as she has been work ng. She s especially proud of the illustrat on courses she developed for Domestika - an online earning p atform, and has created work them, and other c ients
nc uding: Stone Arch Books, Cappelen Damn, Edelvives, Edebé, Ed torial Norma, Macmil an, Pearson and Televisa.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Mexico
National ty: British
Judy W lson is an art st and l ustrator, origina ly from the UK, now living in Mexico City She creates artwork for a l manner of books: search and find, activity and coloring. Most recently, she worked with Little H ppo Books to i lustrate a ser es of sensory board books She draws cute, whimsical characters with bright fun co ors.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Germany
Ka Schuettler was born on 31 October in Munster, Germany. He has always oved p cture books, comics and cartoons and started drawing at an early age, mproving h s sk lls over the years. He studied design and i lustration at the Münster School of Design. During h s studies, he started to work on freelance projects, and since graduating in 2012, he cont nues to work as a freelance llustrator for publ shers, design agencies and magazines.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Canada
National ty: Canadian
Kathar na is a Toronto-based character des gner and il ustrator who special zes in creating fun and cute characters in co ourful scenes. She loves to work w th coloured penci s to convey a feel ng of warmth and oy in ife’s simple things throughout her llustrations, and strives to give her dig ta il ustrat ons a more traditional feel.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
National ty: Indian
Kaynat Zehra a multi-l ngual I lustrator-Designer based between the UK and India Her diverse practice combines self-taught ski ls with digita expertise. Blending Procreate, gouache, and oi pastels she carefu ly crafts deta led l ustrations incorporating relatable, cultura ly rooted characters to play out heart-warming stories that evocat ve y connect audiences of al ages through subtle emot onal messages
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Portuga
National ty: Portuguese
Margarida s an i lustrator from Portuga She bel eves she s the gir The Beat es sing about, that she ives in the sky with diamonds, except she’s not Lucy. But she definite y has kale doscope eyes and that's how she likes to see the world: n a colorful and playfu way She draws everything digita ly, but a l her work starts on paper, that's the easiest way for her to deve op her deas.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: USA
National ty: American
Ethnicity: Lat no
Meet Max Mar n, M ami-born art rockstar! By day, Max s a history buff n Arizona. By n ght, he s an artist c genius, painting w th h s sidekick Mr. Coco. He s worked with Disney, Nickelodeon, and more Max s nspired by fantasy like Lord of the Rings, and his work is influenced by the old pa nting masters. Max s a Photoshop master now, but he's sti l rockin out with oil paints when he can!
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Germany
National ty: Polish
Monika Kucharska is a Po ish l ustrator, based in Berl n She has been llustrating for children’s books since 2019, such as the books Can I get a l tt e sad?’ and ‘‘Happy K dz ournal . She also en oyed volunteer ng as an i lustrator for a Po ish char ty ca led Wie ka Orkiestra Świąteczne Pomocy.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: USA
Nathan Kwan is a Hong Kong
American il ustrator, designer, and writer from suburban Texas
Unfortunate y, he does not have a southern draw - that wou d have been cool. The caricatures and comic strips he made as a toddler led h m to Art Center College of Design where he graduated with honors n I lustration Po gnancy, whimsy, and satire are recurring themes he is drawn to create in any medium.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: USA
National ty: American
Olivia Smith resides n Cal fornia. She was inspired to start drawing at an early age by going to the l brary, ook ng through chi dren’s books and watching cartoons. Ol v a realized how fascinating it was to create whatever she wanted and, paintbrush n hand, has been doing so her whole l fe. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Graphic Design from California State Un versity, East Bay.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: UK
Rhian Davie is a digital llustrator from Newport, South Wa es. She has been creative s nce an early age but t wasn t until her last couple of years of schoo that she found her ove for illustration and the dea of th s being a career. She graduated from Cardiff School of Art and Design n 2015 and since then has mainly focused on designing products for her shop and creat ng work for exhib tions.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: USA
Ryan Barr s a dig tal cartoon st and l ustrator born and ra sed in New Jersey In his early ch ldhood, Ryan developed a love for draw ng superheroes and cartoons that took h m al the way through to h s graduation from the Univers ty of the Arts with a BFA n l ustration n 2014 Ryan’s artwork comes from a p ace of wanting to appeal to an aud ence of al ages.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: USA
Sun la Paul, an il ustrator based in Minneapol s, Minnesota, earned her Bachelor of F ne Arts from the Cleveland Institute of Art n Oh o She uses dig tal software on a computer and tablet to bring her vibrant visions to life. Often ded cat ng her ta ents to plush design, crafting toys and wearable accessories
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: USA
National ty: American
Ethnicity: Afr can Amer can
Taylor Mob ey (He/Him, They/Them)
s an African-Amer can illustrator from E licott City, Maryland, current y res ding in New Eng and. They love l ustration, picture books, and an mation and create d gital l ustrations As an il ustrator who s both Black and Queer, their goa is to create works for LGBTQ kids who do not see themselves represented in media Taylor ooks forward to shar ng the stories they've yet to tel
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Portuga
National ty: Portuguese
Tiago M. is a chi dren’s book l ustrator from a small town n Portuga Tiago s artistic journey started when he was a child. Fascinated w th an mated mov es and p cture books, he fostered a love of br nging characters to ife through h s drawings After working n photography, videos, and marketing, Tiago red scovered h s pass on for drawing dur ng the pandem c.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Côte d Ivoire
National ty: Ivor an Tiemoko Sy la is an llustrator based n Abidjan, Côte d'Ivo re He enjoys regular y runn ng storytell ng workshops and events and s nce 2017 he has been work ng with Bayard Afrique, contributing to P anète J'aime L re and il ustrat ng chi dren's books Tiemko’s work is a med at young audiences.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: USA
Tinna Guo is a Chinese-American l ustrator who grew up both between the suburbs of New Jersey, USA, and the modern metropolis of Shenzhen, China. In 2018, she graduated with a BFA in Illustration at California College of the Arts in San Francisco.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: USA
Tryn Cheng is a Malays anChinese/Caucasian m xed i lustrator from Los Angeles, CA She graduated from the Academy of Art University in 2022 w th a B.F.A. in I lustration. She s a digita artist with a passion for v sua storytell ng, seeking to te l stor es n a mag ca ight With bright, v v d colors, her l ustrations capture the merge between fantast ca and reality to showcase the wonders of the world.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T E: mai @advocate-art com
Country of Residence: Canada
National ty: Canadian
V ctor Wong is an award-winning d gital llustrator residing near Toronto, Ontario, with a v brant eye for a l things fun, colorful, and s lly! His il ustration sty e s br ght and h s use of bold shapes gives his work a graphic qua ity Growing up in rural Nova Scot a sparked his passion for drawing and doodl ng.
Our key principles are Fa rness, Ability, Creat vity, Trust and that s a F A C T
E: mai @advocate-art com
Art advocates for a wide-ranging variety of talented and professional children’s book and art licensing illustrators.
Advocate Art Incorporated
Contact us: T +1 646 921 2585 | E
Our key principles are Fairness, Ability, Creativity, Trust and that’s a F.A.C.T.