Greeting Card Portfolio 2024

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Gr ting Card Coection

Cover art by Amy Hodkin

Advocate Art Incorporated

Advocate Art Limited was founded in 1992, with a group of illustrators who liked the idea of having an agent but not the other things that often came with that. We call our ethos four “F.A.C.T.s”: Fairness, Ability, Creativity and Trust. It’s about doing the right thing and being with the right people. We think our principles set us apart from conventional agencies, sticking to them has meant we have attracted the most creative illustrators and artists who in turn attract (with a little help) the best clients.

the services we provide. Clients are assured that we represent artists that are like-minded professionals, pre-vetted and able not only to get the job done without fuss, but also to surpass expectations.

It’s their choice to be with us, we have a high retention rate - with the most popular artists in our group being with us from the start!

the business, such as royalty management and credit control, amongst other things.

Business is all about relationships, which is why we have a very high artist to agent ratio, clients often use us as artistic advisors,

It is for these reasons that Advocate Art Limited has become the largest illustration agency around and I’d like to think one of the

Atlanta JappErin TisdelVickie Savanella
Amanda Hendon

Our mission is Great Available Illustrations by Great Available Illustrators.

Millicent Venton
Christine Sheldon
Millicent Venton
Alice Potter
Christine Sheldon
Alice Potter
MIVE 272484
CHSH 272887
MIVE 272482
ACP 272766
CHSH 272886
ACP 272765
Joanna Little
Teodora Oprea
Rose Halsey
Jenny Wren
Debbie Edwards
Debbie Edwards
JOLI 265847
ROHA 268969
Amy Hodkin
Amy Hodkin
Amy Hodkin
Amy Hodkin
Amy Hodkin
Amy Hodkin
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
David Creighton-Pester
CPE 272390
CPE 272394
CPE 272397
CPE 272396
CPE 272395
DCP 272447
David Creighton-Pester
Josh Cleland
David Creighton-Pester
Juliana Eigner
Josh Cleland
Juliana Eigner
DCP 272447
JOCL 272360
DCP 272450
JOCL 272164 JE 272809
Juliana Eigner
Laura Silveira
Juliana Eigner
Laura Silveira
Laura Silveira
Laura Silveira
JE 272810
Laura Silveira
Madison LaRose
Laura Silveira
Madison LaRose
Madison LaRose
Madison LaRose
LASI 272155
MALA 272780
LASI 272156
MALA 272781
MALA 272779
MALA 272790
Marianna Lokshina
Marianna Lokshina
Marianna Lokshina
Marianna Lokshina
Steve James
Yulia Gorkina
MAL 274771
MAL 274772
MAL 274774
MAL 274773 STJ 274720 YG 274762
Joanna Little
Joanna Little
Joanna Little
Joanna Little
Joanna Little
Liv Wan
JOLI 273087
JOLI 272813
JOLI 272798
JOLI 272926
JOLI 272799
Abigail Burch
Abigail Burch
Steve James
Liv Wan
Liv Wan
ABBU 273113
ABBU 273115
STJ 274723
WT 273178
WT 273179
Liv Wan
WT 273132
Lauren Radley
Lauren Radley
Lauren Radley
Lauren Radley
Beatrice Tinarelli
LARA 271973
LARA 271962
LARA 271974
LARA 271970
BT 274761
Lizzie Preston
Lizzie Preston
Lizzie Preston
Lizzie Preston
Lizzie Preston
Lizzie Preston
LPR 272002
LPR 272007
LPR 272004
LPR 272010
LPR 272003
LPR 272005
Mel Armstrong
Catherine Worsley
Alice Potter
Alice Potter
Joanna Little
Mel Armstrong
CW 272302
JOLI 272797
MAR 272442
Mel Armstrong
Felicity French
Claire McElfatrick
Felicity French
Di Brookes
Yulia Gorkina
MAR 272441
FLF 270109
CMC 272073
FLF 270110
YG 274052
Debbie Edwards
Rose Halsey
Debbie Edwards
Rose Halsey
Rose Halsey
Rose Halsey DEE 272466
ROHA 269259 DEE 272467
ROHA 271704
ROHA 269260
ROHA 269261
Christine Sheldon
Debbie Edwards
Christine Sheldon
Debbie Edwards
Debbie Edwards
Debbie Edwards
CHSH 272884 DEE 272469
David Creighton-Pester
Mel Armstrong
David Creighton-Pester
Jaime Cromer
Jaime Cromer
DCP 272444
MAR 272437
DCP 272449
Jaime Cromer
Jaime Cromer
Joanna Little
Joanna Little
Jaime Cromer
CRJA 272514
CRJA 271932
JOLI 273148
JOLI 273149
CRJA 271933
Laura Silveira
Michael Buxton
Rose Halsey
Millicent Venton
Mel Armstrong
LASI 268281 MIB 271497
ROHA 267507
Mel Armstrong
Mel Armstrong
Mel Armstrong
Lara Skinner
Lara Skinner Lara Skinner Lara Skinner MAR 272435
LSK 272847
Bethan Richards BERI 273197
Lara Skinner
Debbie Edwards
Lara Skinner
Debbie Edwards
Debbie Edwards
Debbie Edwards
LSK 272844
LSK 272845
Sharon Montgomery
Bethan Richards
Bethan Richards
Sharon Montgomery
BERI 273195
BERI 273193
Bethan Richards BERI 273190
Sharon MontgomerySMO 273020
Holly Bushnell HOBU 274670
Debbie Edwards
Harrison Ripley
Debbie Edwards
Harrison Ripley
DEE 272464
DEE 272465
Harrison Ripley
Harrison Ripley
Faye Buckingham FBU 270245
Laura Silveira
Jaime Cromer LASI 271936
CRJA 271934
Faye Buckingham
Beatrice Tinarelli
Faye Buckingham
Charlotte Pepper
Beatrice Tinarelli
Charlotte Pepper
FBU 272134
BT 274764
FBU 272135
CPE 272393
BT 274763
CPE 272398
Charlotte Pepper
Amy Hodkin
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
Amy Hodkin
Amy Hodkin
AH 261631 CPE
AH 261632 AH 262033
Amy Hodkin
Abigail Burch
Jaime Cromer
Katie Abey
Kathryn Selbert
Katie Abey
AH 262048
ABBU 273112
CRJA 261607
KSE 273947 KTA
Kathryn Selbert
Kathryn Selbert
Sharon Montgomery
Laura Silveira
Kathryn Selbert
Laura Silveira
KSE 272414 KSE 272495
SMO 273028 LASI
KSE 272415
LASI 272176
Laura Silveira
Rose Halsey
Laura Silveira
Rose Halsey LASI 272177
ROHA 271702
LASI 272178
ROHA 271638
Yulia Gorkina
Yulia Gorkina YG 274766 YG 274765
Amy Hodkin
Amy Hodkin
Amy Hodkin
Debbie Edwards
Amy Hodkin
Sharon Montgomery
Sophia Touliatou
Carol Herring
Millicent Venton
Carol Herring
STO 272399
HC 272429
HC 272431
Abigail Burch
Abigail Burch
Amanda Hillier
Abigail Burch
Amy Hodkin
Amy Hodkin
ABBU 273119
ABBU 273114
AHR 273348
ABBU 273117
AH 265902
AH 265906
Laura Silveira LASI 267941
Amy Hodkin
Amy Hodkin
Amy Hodkin
Amy Hodkin
Amy Hodkin
Amy Hodkin
271990 AH 274036
271994 AH 271992
AH 274035
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
CPE 271829
CPE 271831
CPE 271830
CPE 272088
CPE 272089
Charlotte Pepper
Christine Sheldon
Charlotte Pepper
Jaime Cromer
Christine Sheldon
Jaime Cromer
CPE 272090
CHSH 272889
CPE 272087
CRJA 272507
CRJA 272508
Jaime Cromer
Lara Skinner
Lara Skinner
Lara Skinner
Lara Skinner
Marianna Lokshina
CRJA 272506
LSK 272843
LSK 272838
LSK 272839
LSK 272842
MAL 274770
Marianna Lokshina
Jane Ryder-Gray
Pimlada Phuapradit
Aditi Kakade Beaufrand
Pimlada Phuapradit
Aditi Kakade Beaufrand Pimlada Phuapradit
PHP 272497
AKB 269998
PHP 272498
AKB 271627
ASH 258627
PHP 272499
Lizzie Preston
Lizzie Preston
Lizzie Preston
Lizzie Preston
ASH 273957
LPR 272008
ASH 271930
LPR 272011
LPR 272009
LPR 272006
Pimlada Phuapradit
Pimlada Phuapradit
Pimlada Phuapradit
272501 PHP 272502
Charlotte Pepper
Paula Doherty
CPE 251151
PD 251229
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
CPE 272168
CPE 272169
CPE 272167
CPE 272166
CPE 272172
CPE 272171
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
CPE 272174
CPE 272170
Michael Buxton
Beatrice Tinarelli
Catherine Worsley
Charlotte Pepper
Catherine Worsley
Charlotte Pepper
Catherine Worsley
BT 274769
CW 272488
CPE 271555
CW 272303
CW 272306
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
Charlotte Pepper
CPE 271670
CPE 271560
CPE 271554
CPE 271559
CPE 271626
Michael Buxton
Charlotte Pepper
Madison LaRose
Michael Buxton
Gareth Williams
MIB 272472
CPE 271630
MALA 272848
Michael Buxton
Michael Buxton
Michael Buxton
Michael Buxton
Amy Hodkin
Jane Ryder-Gray
MIB 272473
MIB 272474
MIB 272480
AH 270413
JRG 272046
Lizzie Preston
Rose Halsey
Millicent Venton
Rose Halsey
Amy Hodkin
Bethan Richards
LPR 272284
ROHA 272038
MIVE 272184
ROHA 272039
AH 274090
BERI 273703
Alice Potter
Alice Potter
Kathryn Selbert
Kathryn Selbert
Kathryn Selbert
Kathryn Selbert
Kathryn Selbert
ACP 272767 KSE 272413
KSE 272408 KSE 272409
KSE 272407
KSE 272424
Victor McLindon VML 273290
Rose Halsey ROHA 273522
Faye Buckingham
Faye Buckingham
Jaime Cromer
Faye Buckingham
Jaime Cromer
Faye Buckingham
Jaime Cromer
FBU 272136
CRJA 272512
FBU 272137
CRJA 272509
FBU 272372
CRJA 272510
Pimlada Phuapradit
Laura Silveira
Pimlada Phuapradit
Laura Silveira
Laura Silveira
Laura Silveira
PHP 272503
LASI 272148
PHP 272505
LASI 272147 LASI 272149 LASI
Rose Halsey
Lizzie Preston
Jaime Cromer
Faye Buckingham
Bethan Richards
Faye Buckingham
ROHA 271716
LPR 269985
CRJA 269383
FBU 272138
Victor McLindon
Ray Shuell
Victor McLindon
Lisa Alderson
Victor McLindon
VML 273283
VML 273284
VML 273288
Ray Shuell
Alan Lathwell
Victor McLindon
Victor McLindon
Alan Lathwell
Mikki Butterley MIK 272772
Mikki Butterley
Mikki Butterley
Mikki Butterley
Harrison Ripley MIK 272775
MIK 272778
MIK 272773
Mikki Butterley MIK 272774
Ray Shuell
Ray Shuell
Ray Shuell
Ray Shuell
Ray Shuell
Ray Shuell
Annabel Spenceley
Annabel Spenceley
Annabel Spenceley
ASY 274297
ASY 274343
ASY 274298v
Harrison Ripley
Mikki Butterley
Harrison Ripley
Harrison Ripley
Mikki Butterley
Ileana Oakley
MIK 272777 MIK 272776 IO 271547
Alan Lathwell
Marianna Lokshina
Marianna Lokshina
Marianna Lokshina
Marianna Lokshina
Marianna Lokshina
MAL 274779
Daniel Rodgers
Alan Lathwell
Alan Lathwell
Ileana Oakley
Ileana Oakley
Alan Lathwell
Alan Lathwell
Alan Lathwell
Alan Lathwell
Alan Lathwell
Alan Lathwell
Alan Lathwell
Alan Lathwell
Alan Lathwell
Alan Lathwell
Jaime Cromer
Alan Lathwell
Jaime Cromer ALL 268735
ALL 272794 ALL 268736
CRJA 272905
ALL 268737
CRJA 272906
Amy Hodkin
Amy Hodkin
Amy Hodkin
Catherine Worsley
Amy Hodkin
Catherine Worsley
AH 272161
AH 272160
AH 272158
CW 272307
AH 272159
CW 272305
Catherine Worsley
Claire McElfatrick
Catherine Worsley
Catherine Worsley
Claire McElfatrick
Claire McElfatrick
CW 272309
CMC 272083
CW 272304
CW 272308
CMC 272085
CMC 272082
Claire McElfatrick
Claire McElfatrick
Claire McElfatrick
Claire McElfatrick
Claire McElfatrick
Claire McElfatrick
CMC 272084
CMC 272299
CMC 272298
CMC 272301
CMC 272300
CMC 272355
Claire McElfatrick
Josh Cleland
Claire McElfatrick
Claire McElfatrick
Josh Cleland
Josh Cleland
CMC 272356
JOCL 272060
CMC 272791
CMC 272792
JOCL 272058
JOCL 272057
Josh Cleland
Kathryn Selbert
Josh Cleland
Kathryn Selbert
Kathryn Selbert
Kathryn Selbert
JOCL 272059
KSE 272428
JOCL 272061
KSE 272418
KSE 273946
KSE 273945
Kathryn Selbert
Kathryn Selbert
Kathryn Selbert
Kathryn Selbert
Kathryn Selbert
Kathryn Selbert
KSE 273948
KSE 272427
KSE 272426
KSE 272419
KSE 272420
KSE 272417
Kathryn Selbert
Kathryn Selbert
Kathryn Selbert
Kathryn Selbert
Kathryn Selbert
KSE 272517
KSE 272423
KSE 272425
KSE 272412
KSE 272410
Lauren Radley LARA 271963
Sophia Touliatou
Victor McLindon STO 272400
VML 273287
Lauren Radley
LARA 271975
Katie Abey
Jaime Cromer
Katie Abey
Jaime Cromer
Abigail Burch
Joanna Little
KTA 272963
CRJA 272907
KTA 272960
CRJA 272908
JOLI 272072

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