Win, a junior at Emme tt J. Conrad High S cho o l, is one of the first students to take the interior design and principles of architec tur e cour ses at Car eer In s titute Nor th, located jus t nor th of I-635 on Midway Road.
DID YOU KNOW? A new Career Institute North is being constructed at the site of Walnut Hill Elementary, which was damaged by a tornado in 2019. Visit prestonhollow. to read more about DISD’s school updates.
Career Institute North opened in 2019 in a 70,000-square-foot facility.
BU I L D I N G A F U T U R E Dallas ISD students construct careers from design classes ELINA WIN HAS BEEN INTERESTED IN ARCHITECTURE since she was young. T here isn’ t a specific instance that initially drew h e r t o i t , b u t b y th e time s h e was 14 , s he k n e w sh e wan te d to work t ow a r d a c a r e er in th e in d u s tr y.
S o w h e n s h e d i s c o ve r e d D a l l a s I S D ’s a r c h i t e c t u r e a n d i n t e r i o r design pathway, she jumped at the oppor tunity. “I looked into many occupations, an d with my inter es ts, I jus t decid ed to pur sue this,” Win says. Story and photo by RENEE UMSTED
APRIL 2021
T he program star ted last year with the principles of construction course, which was the prerequisite f o r t h e p l u m b i n g , H VA C , el ec tr ical and inter io r design pathways. Knowing architec ture courses would e ventually be added to the curriculum, the district began offering the principles of architecture course as a prerequisite to interior design. Bridget Williams is one of the instruc tors of these courses. She teaches about 60 students in interior design and 40 in principles of construc tion. Though Williams knew while she was in school she eventually wanted to teach interior design, she decided to firs t work in the industr y to gain e xperience. For six years, she was a comm e r c i a l i n t e r i o r d e s i g n e r, assisting with medical and