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10 • 06 • 2016
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Volumen 13 • Número 20
10 • 06 • 2016
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Al Día en América
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Festival de cine latino-americano “Reel” Latin America en la Universidad de Louisville
10 • 06 • 2016
a versión número 23 del festival de cine latinoamericano “Reel” Latin America se inicia el 6 de Octubre.
Sal: la película Jueves, 20 de octubre, 7:00 p.m., Floyd Theater
Las películas escogidas para este año tienen en común el haber sido galardonadas con numerosos premios, incluyendo nominaciones al Óscar, y promover temas de justicia social en América Latina y los Estados Unidos. La mayoría de las películas tratan asuntos de comentario social acerca de la vida en las metrópolis de América Latina. Otros filmes exploran y perciben cómo la gente de América Latina y los US Latinos lidian con asuntos como migración, preferencia sexual, derechos del individuo y demás. Recomendamos todas las películas seleccionadas este año procedentes de varios países de América Latina. Ixcanul de Guatemala llega con gran reputación por la acogida que ha venido recibiendo de parte de las audiencias en donde se ha presentado. Todos se van versa sobre el choque emocional y el costo humano que pagan los que parten de Cuba en procura de mejores oportunidades en otros lugares. NN: sin identidad revisita el tema de los desaparecidos victimados durante el conflicto civil/militar del Perú de fines del siglo XXI. Una noche sin luna y El Club exponen temas de gran interés humano y nos ofrecen obras de gran valor estético que narran sus historias de una manera que cautivan a la audiencia. Mostraremos de nuevo el documental ¿Quién es Dayani Cristal? que explora las dificultades que atraviesan los inmigrantes que abandonan a sus familias y arriesgan sus vidas para cruzar el desierto y llegar a los Estados Unidos en procura de mejores oportunidades. Y por último mostraremos Atempa: sueños a la orilla del río explora el complejo tema de la sexualidad dentro de una sociedad conservadora en el interior de México. Contamos además este año con la visita del director argentino Diego Rougier que se ha establecido como cineasta y director de programas de televisión en Chile. Diego Rougier ha alcanzado grandes logros en su carrera y ha dirigido proyectos exitosos en el cine y la televisión. Su carrera como director se inició con el estreno de su pelicula Sal: la película, el primer western producido en Chile. Esta película ganó el primer premio
Al Día en América
Alma Sábado 22 de octubre, 7:00 p.m., Muhammad Ali Center en la primera edición del First Time Fest en 2013 en Nueva York. En resumen, Sal se ha convertido en la película más galardonada de la década recibiendo más de 60 premios en festivales internacionales. Él también ha dirigido Alma una especia de comedia romántica que también exhibiremos en el festival. Temprano en su carrera, recibió el prestigioso premio Martín Fierro por la serie de televisión Costumbres argentinas. Después de mudarse a Chile, Diego Rougier se ha dedicado a dirigir, escribir guiones y producir series de televisión tales como Bienvenida realidad, y Tiempo final en tiempo real. Su conexión el grupo global MEGA ha entregado shows que han recibido gran acogida de parte de la audiencia: Casado con hijos, La Colonia, y la versión chilena de Modern Family. Visite el sitio web http://www.picardiafilms. com si le gustaría ver trailers y más información sobre el director argentino. Diego Rougier estará presente en la presentación de sus dos películas y responderá a preguntas de la audiencia en estas dos funciones:
Funciones adicionales se presentarán en los siguientes horarios: Sábado 22 de octubre, 4:30 p.m., Muhammad Ali Center Sábado 29 de octubre, 4:30 p.m., Muhammad Ali center El festival lo organiza la Sección de Español del Departamento de Lenguas Clásicas y Modernas. Este año el festival de nuevo cuenta con el auspicio, la co-organización y el
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apoyo de Al Día en América. La lista de auspiciadores incluye las siguientes organizaciones, departamentos y programas: Department of Classical and Modern Languages, Commonwealth Center for the Humanities and Society, Modern Languages Fund, Ekstrom Library, Office of the Vice Provost for Diversity and International Affairs, Student Activity Board, The Muhammad Ali Institute for Peace and JusticeLBGT Program, Social Change Program, Diálogos y Perspectivas Discussion groups, University of Louisville Spanish Club.
Volumen 13 • Número 20
10 • 06 • 2016
www .aldiaenamerica.com • www .facebook.com/aldiaea
10 • 06 • 2016
UNA NOCHE SIN LUNA Storyline URUGUAY’S OFFICIAL ENTRY TO THE ACADEMY AWARDS® – BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM Up-and-coming Uruguayan director Germán Tejeira creates a moving, poignant, witty character study in his first feature film. On New Year’s Eve, three lonely characters travel to a small town in the Uruguayan countryside. Cesar, a divorced man, arrives at the town, where he will have dinner with his ex-wife’s new family in an attempt to win back his daughter’s love. Antonio, a small-time magician, is trying to get to the town to perform his routine at the community center, but his car breaks down. Stranded in the middle of the deserted road, he meets Laura, a woman working at the toll station. Miguel, a performer, prepares to sing at the community center’s New Year’s Eve party. By following their paths to the town, the characters have a chance to change their destinies.
Sinopsis En la víspera del Año Nuevo, tres personajes solitaries viajan a un pequeño pueblo en el campo uruguayo. Cesar es divorciado y llega al pueblo a cenar con la nueva familia de su ex esposa, en un intent por ganar de nuevo el amor de su hija. Antonio, un mago que trata de llegar al pueblo para actuar en el centro comunitario, pero su auto se lo impide. En medio de una carretera solitaria, conoce a Laura, una mujer que trabaja en los puestos de peaje. Y Miguel un cantante, se prepara para actuar la noche del Año Nuevo en el mismo centro comunitario. Siguiendo sus caminos al mismo pueblo, estos personajes encuentran la oportunidad de cambiar sus destinos.
Showtimes and Locations Thursday, October 6, 7:00 p.m. Floyd Theater Introduction: Prof. Christine Ehrick, Department of History Saturday October 29, 7:00 p.m. Muhammad Ali Center Friday, October 7, 12:00 p.m. 104W Ekstrom Library Title: A Moonless Night/Una noche sin luna Director(s): German Tejeira Country: Uruguay/Argentina Year: 2015 Language: Spanish with English Subtitles Genre: Drama Type: Full length feature film Length: 81 minutes. Format: Digital Rating*: NR
Volumen 13 • Número 20
10 • 06 • 2016
Presented in collaboration with the LBGT Program as part of Pride Week and the University Libraries.
Fernando and Alma have been married for 17 years. She has a mental disorder. She is bipolar. She kicks him out the house because she learns that he cannot deal with her illness anymore. When Alma meets a young Argentinean guy, Fernando realizes that he is still in love with his wife. But it is too late because she has gone to Buenos Aires. Fernando is determined to get her back and tries to convince her that they are soul mates.
Shot in Colombia (because the director didn’t get permission to film in Cuba) and featuring a cast consisting mostly of expatriate Cuban actors, Everybody Leaves is a celebration of freedom and a confrontation of the authoritarian Cuban regime of the 1980s, which led to one of the country’s worst economic crises. The film is based on the award-winning novel by Cuban writer Wendy Guerra.
An intimate journey into the heart of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Atempa, Dreams by the River raises important questions about the conflation of gender and sexual orientation and the influence of culture on gender identity. The film would make a vital contribution to courses in Latin American Studies, Gender Studies, Women’s Studies, Cultural Studies, Anthropology and more.
Fernando está casado con Alma, una mujer con trastorno bipolar, que lo echa de la casa porque se entera que él ya no la soporta. Cuando Alma conoce a un pretendiente argentino, Fernando reacciona y descubre que sigue enamorado de su mujer. Pero es muy tarde, porque ella se ha ido a Buenos Aires. Decidido a recuperarla, viajará a buscarla y convencerla de que ella es su Alma gemela.
Showtimes and Locations Saturday October 22, 7:00 p.m. Muhammad Ali Center Saturday October 29, 4:30 p.m. Muhammad Ali Center Title: Alma (Soul)/Alma Director(s): Diego Rougier Country: Argentina Year: 2015 Language: Spanish with English Subtitles Genre: Drama Type: Full length feature film Length: 97 minutes. Format: Digital Rating*:
Tino dreams of becoming a “Muxe Queen”. Though born into a male body, as Tino enters adolescence, she begins to dress as a woman and embrace her femininity, all while struggling to resolve a difficult childhood and overcome poverty. Tino considers herself neither male nor female, but rather a “muxe”, a third gender that has been integrated into Zapotec culture. A documentary that films for the first time a muxe child in its growth stage. This film is a portrait of San Blas Atempa, a town that heroically defended itself against the French invasion of Mexico. The region is known for the strength of its women, and this “magical town”, lost in the wild heel of Mexico, seeks a free and diverse society dominated by femininity.
Atempa has been supported by National Foundation for Arts and Culture.
Sinopsis Tino tiene sueños de convertirse en “Muxe Queen” . Al entrar en la adolescencia, se comienza a vestir como mujer y a aceptar su feminidad, mientras trata de resolver los sufrimientos de su infancia y vencer la pobreza. Tino no se considera ni hombre ni mujer, sino “muxe”, un tercer género que es aceptado en la cultura Zapoteca. Es el primer documental sobre la vida de un niño “muxe” en su tiempo de crecimiento. Atempa, levanta importantes preguntas sobre la fusion de la orientación sexual, el género y la influencia de la cultura sobre la identidad. Este film hace una contribución vital en cursos sobre Estudios Latinoamericanos, Estudios de Género, Estudios sobre la Mujer, la Cultura y la Antropología.
Showtimes and Locations Thursday, October 27, 7:00 p.m. Floyd Theater Introduction: Prof. Greg Hutcheson, Department of Classical and Modern Languages Tuesday November 1, 7:00 p.m. 104W Ekstrom Library Title: Atempa, Dreams by the River/Atempa, Sueños a la orilla del río Director(s): Edson J. Caballero Trujillo Country: México Year: 2013 Language: Zapoteco and Spanish w/ English subtitles Genre: Documentary Type: Short film Length: 85 minutes. Format: Digital Rating*:
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Eight-year-old Nieve is the object of her parents’ custody battle. Her mother, Eva, is an artist who believes in the revolution and disagrees with censorship or authoritarianism. She is remarried to Dan, a Swede working on the construction of a nuclear plant. Nieve’s father Manuel is a playwright who sacrifices his artistic career to write government propaganda in a remote area of the country. Through her diary entries, Nieve reveals intimate details of a turbulent family life while painting an authentic portrait of the social and political unrest in Cuba under the rule of Castro.
Showtimes and Locations Saturday October 8, 4:00 p.m. Muhammad Ali Center Introduction: Prof. Thomas Edison, Department of Classical and Modern Languages Thursday, October 13, 5:00 p.m. Floyd Theater Introduction: Prof. Tracy Heightchew, Commonwealth Center for the Humanities and Society Title: Everybody Leaves/Todos se van Director(s): Sergio Cabrera Country: Colombia Year: 2015 Language: Spanish with English Subtitles Genre: Drama Type: Full length feature film Length: 106 minutes. Format: Digital Rating*: NR
Al Día en América
www .aldiaenamerica.com • www .facebook.com/aldiaea
10 • 06 • 2016
Presented in collaboration with Al Día en América Spanish Newspaper.
Presented in collaboration with The Muhammad Ali Institute for Peace and Justice at the University of Louisville.
Director Diego Rougier will be in attendance and field questions from the audience after the 7:00 p.m. screening. Thanks to Diego Rougier, Picardia Films (Santiago, Chile).
Storyline GUATEMALA’S OFFICIAL ENTRY TO THE ACADEMY AWARDS® Maria, a 17-year-old Mayan girl, lives and works with her parents on a coffee plantation in the foothills of an active volcano in Guatemala. An arranged marriage awaits her: her parents have promised her to Ignacio, the plantation overseer. But Maria doesn’t sit back and accept her destiny. Pepe, a young coffee cutter who plans to migrate to the USA becomes her possible way out. Maria seduces Pepe in order to run away with him, but after promises and clandestine meetings, Pepe takes off, leaving her pregnant, alone and in disgrace. There’s no time to lose for Maria’s mother, who thinks abortion is the only solution. Yet despite her mother’s ancestral knowledge, the baby remains, “destined to live.” But destiny has more in store for Maria: a snakebite forces them to leave immediately in search of a hospital. The modern world Maria has so dreamt about will save her life, but at what price…
IXCANUL. María una chica maya, a sus
17 años vive y trabaja con sus padres en una plantación de café en las faldas de un volcán en Guatemala. Un matrimonio arreglado le espera; sus padres la han comprometido con Ignacio, el supervisor de la plantación. Pepe, un joven cortador de café, planea emigrar hacia los Estados Unidos y se convierte en su salida. María lo seduce para poder escaparse con él, pero después de promesas , Pepe se va dejándola embarazada, sola y en desgracia. Su mama no pierde el tiempo, y piensa que el aborto es la única solución. A pesar del conocimiento ancestral de la madre, el bebe sobrevive y está destinado a vivir. Ixcanul es considerada la entrada oficial de Guatemala a los premios de la academia.
Showtimes and Locations Saturday October 8, 7:00 p.m. Muhammad Ali Center Thursday, October 27, 5:00 p.m. Floyd Theater Friday, October 28, 12:00 p.m. 104W Ekstrom Library Title: Ixcanul/Volcano/Ixcanul, Volcán Director(s): Jayro Bustamante Country: Guatemala/France Year: 2015 Language: Spanish with English Subtitles Genre: Drama Type: Full length feature film Length: 62 minutes. Format: Digital Rating*:
Al Día en América
Storyline Peru’s submission to the Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film, NN is a compelling drama that won filmmaker Héctor Gálvez the Best Director Award at the Cartagena Film Festival for this powerful, nuanced look at a country’s efforts to come to terms with a dark chapter in its history. A group of forensic anthropologists digs up the corpses of eight people who disappeared without a trace 20 years ago during a violent political period in Peru. Among them, they find a ninth unidentified corpse. The only thing that can lead to the identity of the man is the vague photo of a smiling girl found in his shirt’s pocket. Fidel, a thoughtful investigator fascinated by the case, struggles to maintain a scientific approach to his work when a lonely widow shows up convinced this NN (Non Nomine) is her disappeared husband. Should he conduct a thorough investigation that may leave the widow’s plea unanswered or grant her the closure she has been searching for decades?
NN SIN IDENTIDAD La presentación peruana a los premios de la academia como mejor película en lengua extranjera, NN Sin Identidad, es un drama convincente que le dio a su director Héctor Gálvez, el premio al Mejor Director en el Festival de Cine de Cartagena. La película es una fuerte mirada a los esfuerzos en el Perú de cerrar un oscuro capítulo de su historia. Un grupo de antropólogos desentierran los cuerpos de ocho personas que desaparecieron sin dejar rastro 20 años antes durante un periodo de violencia política . Entre los cuerpos encuentran a una novena persona no identificada. La única pista que puede dar con la identidad es una vaga foto de una niña sonriendo, en el bolsillo de su camisa. Fidel un investigador fascinado con el caso, luchara por mantener la perspectiva profesional de su trabajo, pero una viuda se presentara convencida que el NN (sin nombre), es su esposo desaparecido.
Showtimes and Locations Thursday, October 13, 7:00 p.m. Floyd Theater Introduction: Prof. Enid Trucios-Haynes, Muhammad Ali Institute for Peace and Justice Friday, October 28, 7:00 p.m. Muhammad Ali Center Introduction: Prof. Luis Francisco Cárdenas López, Department of Classical and Modern Languages Friday, October 14, 12:00 p.m. 104W Ekstrom Library Title: NN (Non nomine)/NN: sin identidad Director(s): Héctor Gálvez Country: Peru Year: 2014 Language: Spanish with English Subtitles Genre: Drama Type: Full length feature film Length: 99 minutes. Format: Digital Rating*:
Storyline A film director obsessed with making a western decides to go to Northern Chile in search of a story for his screenplay. Being confused with another, a real adventure begins. Now he will have a good script... If he leaves alive The story of a man with no history. The journey of an author becoming his own character and his impossible return.
Sinopsis Un director de cine español obsesionado con hacer un western, viaja al norte de Chile en busca de una historia. Una vez ahí, será confundido por otro. Será el comienzo de una aventura que lo transformará en el protagonista de la historia que nunca escribió. Un autor convirtiéndose en su personaje y su imposible regreso.
Showtimes and Locations Thursday, October 20, 7:00 p.m. Floyd Theater Introduction: Prof. Guillermo Rougier, Department of Anatomical Sciences & Neurobiology Saturday October 22, 4:30 p.m. Muhammad Ali Center Title: Salt/Sal: la película Director(s): Diego Rougier Country: Argentina Year: 2011 Language: Spanish with English Subtitles Genre: Drama Type: Full length feature film Length: 114 minutes. Format: Digital Rating*:
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EL CLUB Storyline The Club is acclaimed director Pablo Larraín’s taut, blackly comic commentary on individual responsibility, organized religion and the combustible combination of the two. In a secluded house in a small seaside town live four unrelated men and the woman who tends to the house and their needs. All former priests, they have been sent to this quiet exile to purge the sins of their pasts, the separation from their communities the worst form of punishment by the Church. They keep to a strict daily schedule devoid of all temptation and spontaneity, each moment a deliberate effort to atone for their wrongdoings. Their fragile stability is disrupted by the arrival of an emissary from the Vatican who seeks to understand the effects of their isolation, and a newly disgraced housemate. Both bring with them the outside world from which the men have long been removed, and the secrets they had thought deeply buried.
Showtimes and Locations Thursday, October 20, 5:00 p.m. Floyd Theater Friday, October 21, 7:00 p.m. Muhammad Ali Center Introduction: Prof. John Gibson, Department of Philosophy and Commonwealth Center for the Humanities and Society Friday, October 21, 12:00 p.m. 104W Ekstrom Library Title: The Club/El Club Director(s): Pedro Larraín Country: Chile Year: 2015 Language: Spanish with English Subtitles Genre: Drama Type: Full length feature film Length: 97 minutes. Format: Digital Rating*: Foto 10
Volumen 13 • Número 20
10 • 06 • 2016
www .aldiaenamerica.com • www .facebook.com/aldiaea
10 • 06 • 2016
WHO IS DAYANI CRISTAL Storyline Deep in the sun-blistered Sonora desert beneath a cicada tree, Arizona border police discover a decomposing male body. Lifting a tattered T-shirt they expose a tattoo that reads ?Dayani Cristal.? Who is this person? What brought him here? How did he die? And who?or what?is Dayani Cristal? Following a team of dedicated forensic anthropologists from the Pima County Morgue in Arizona, director Marc Silver seeks to answer these questions and give this anonymous man an identity. As the forensic investigation unfolds, Mexican actor and activist Gael Garcia Bernal retraces this man?s steps along the migrant trail in Central America. In an effort to understand what it must have felt like to make this final journey, he embeds himself among migrant travelers on their own mission to cross the border. He experiences first-hand the dangers they face and learns of their motivations, hopes and fears. As we travel north, these voices from the other side of the border wall give us a rare insight into the human stories which are so often ignored in the immigration debate. Winner of the Sundance 2013 Cinematography award and nominated in the World Documentary Competition,Who Is Dayani Cristal? shows how one life becomes testimony to the tragic results of the U.S. war on immigration.
¿QUIEN ES DAYANI CRISTAL? En el profundo sol del desierto de Sonora bajo un árbol d Cicada, un policía descubre un cuerpo descompuesto. Levantando la playaera, se deja ver un tatuaje con dice ¿Quien es Dayani Cristal? ¿quiés es esa persona? ¿qué le trajo allí? ¿cómo murió?
Volumen 13 • Número 20
10 • 06 • 2016
El director Marc Silver busca respuestas a estar preguntas para darle identidad al hombre anónimo. Mientras la investigación se desarrolla, el actor y activista mexicano Gael García Bernal retraza el camino de éste hombre, sus pasos a través del camino migrante en Centro América. En un esfuerzo por entender como se pudo haber sentido ese hombre en su viaje final, se inserta junto a los migrantes viajeros en su propia misión por cruzar la frontera. Y experimenta de primera mano los peligros y aprende sobre las razones, los miedos y las esperanzas que les hace realizar ese viaje al norte. ¿Quién es Dayani Cristal? fue ganadora del premio Sundance 2013 Cinematography y nominada al World Documentary Competition.
Showtimes and Locations Thursday, October 6, 5:00 p.m. Floyd Theater Introduction: Prof. Samia Matthews, Department of Classical and Modern Languages Title: Who is Dayani Cristal?/¿Quién es Dayani Cristal? Director(s): Marc Silver Country: Mexico/USA Year: 2014 Language: Spanish with English subtitles Genre: Drama Type: Full length feature film Length: 85 minutes. Format: Digital Rating*: NR L, V *Rating System: Latin American films use a different rating system. However, we have used the following rating system to evaluafte these films. V includes violence | L includes strong language | N includes nudity | S includes sex
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Al Día en América
www .aldiaenamerica.com • www .facebook.com/aldiaea
10 • 06 • 2016
UNA NOCHE SIN LUNA Storyline URUGUAY’S OFFICIAL ENTRY TO THE ACADEMY AWARDS® – BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM Up-and-coming Uruguayan director Germán Tejeira creates a moving, poignant, witty character study in his first feature film. On New Year’s Eve, three lonely characters travel to a small town in the Uruguayan countryside. Cesar, a divorced man, arrives at the town, where he will have dinner with his ex-wife’s new family in an attempt to win back his daughter’s love. Antonio, a small-time magician, is trying to get to the town to perform his routine at the community center, but his car breaks down. Stranded in the middle of the deserted road, he meets Laura, a woman working at the toll station. Miguel, a performer, prepares to sing at the community center’s New Year’s Eve party. By following their paths to the town, the characters have a chance to change their destinies.
Sinopsis En la víspera del Año Nuevo, tres personajes solitaries viajan a un pequeño pueblo en el campo uruguayo. Cesar es divorciado y llega al pueblo a cenar con la nueva familia de su ex esposa, en un intent por ganar de nuevo el amor de su hija. Antonio, un mago que trata de llegar al pueblo para actuar en el centro comunitario, pero su auto se lo impide. En medio de una carretera solitaria, conoce a Laura, una mujer que trabaja en los puestos de peaje. Y Miguel un cantante, se prepara para actuar la noche del Año Nuevo en el mismo centro comunitario. Siguiendo sus caminos al mismo pueblo, estos personajes encuentran la oportunidad de cambiar sus destinos.
Showtimes and Locations Thursday, October 6, 7:00 p.m. Floyd Theater Introduction: Prof. Christine Ehrick, Department of History Saturday October 29, 7:00 p.m. Muhammad Ali Center Friday, October 7, 12:00 p.m. 104W Ekstrom Library Title: A Moonless Night/Una noche sin luna Director(s): German Tejeira Country: Uruguay/Argentina Year: 2015 Language: Spanish with English Subtitles Genre: Drama Type: Full length feature film Length: 81 minutes. Format: Digital Rating*: NR
Volumen 13 • Número 20
10 • 06 • 2016
Presented in collaboration with the LBGT Program as part of Pride Week and the University Libraries.
Fernando and Alma have been married for 17 years. She has a mental disorder. She is bipolar. She kicks him out the house because she learns that he cannot deal with her illness anymore. When Alma meets a young Argentinean guy, Fernando realizes that he is still in love with his wife. But it is too late because she has gone to Buenos Aires. Fernando is determined to get her back and tries to convince her that they are soul mates.
Shot in Colombia (because the director didn’t get permission to film in Cuba) and featuring a cast consisting mostly of expatriate Cuban actors, Everybody Leaves is a celebration of freedom and a confrontation of the authoritarian Cuban regime of the 1980s, which led to one of the country’s worst economic crises. The film is based on the award-winning novel by Cuban writer Wendy Guerra.
An intimate journey into the heart of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Atempa, Dreams by the River raises important questions about the conflation of gender and sexual orientation and the influence of culture on gender identity. The film would make a vital contribution to courses in Latin American Studies, Gender Studies, Women’s Studies, Cultural Studies, Anthropology and more.
Fernando está casado con Alma, una mujer con trastorno bipolar, que lo echa de la casa porque se entera que él ya no la soporta. Cuando Alma conoce a un pretendiente argentino, Fernando reacciona y descubre que sigue enamorado de su mujer. Pero es muy tarde, porque ella se ha ido a Buenos Aires. Decidido a recuperarla, viajará a buscarla y convencerla de que ella es su Alma gemela.
Showtimes and Locations Saturday October 22, 7:00 p.m. Muhammad Ali Center Saturday October 29, 4:30 p.m. Muhammad Ali Center Title: Alma (Soul)/Alma Director(s): Diego Rougier Country: Argentina Year: 2015 Language: Spanish with English Subtitles Genre: Drama Type: Full length feature film Length: 97 minutes. Format: Digital Rating*:
Tino dreams of becoming a “Muxe Queen”. Though born into a male body, as Tino enters adolescence, she begins to dress as a woman and embrace her femininity, all while struggling to resolve a difficult childhood and overcome poverty. Tino considers herself neither male nor female, but rather a “muxe”, a third gender that has been integrated into Zapotec culture. A documentary that films for the first time a muxe child in its growth stage. This film is a portrait of San Blas Atempa, a town that heroically defended itself against the French invasion of Mexico. The region is known for the strength of its women, and this “magical town”, lost in the wild heel of Mexico, seeks a free and diverse society dominated by femininity.
Atempa has been supported by National Foundation for Arts and Culture.
Sinopsis Tino tiene sueños de convertirse en “Muxe Queen” . Al entrar en la adolescencia, se comienza a vestir como mujer y a aceptar su feminidad, mientras trata de resolver los sufrimientos de su infancia y vencer la pobreza. Tino no se considera ni hombre ni mujer, sino “muxe”, un tercer género que es aceptado en la cultura Zapoteca. Es el primer documental sobre la vida de un niño “muxe” en su tiempo de crecimiento. Atempa, levanta importantes preguntas sobre la fusion de la orientación sexual, el género y la influencia de la cultura sobre la identidad. Este film hace una contribución vital en cursos sobre Estudios Latinoamericanos, Estudios de Género, Estudios sobre la Mujer, la Cultura y la Antropología.
Showtimes and Locations Thursday, October 27, 7:00 p.m. Floyd Theater Introduction: Prof. Greg Hutcheson, Department of Classical and Modern Languages Tuesday November 1, 7:00 p.m. 104W Ekstrom Library Title: Atempa, Dreams by the River/Atempa, Sueños a la orilla del río Director(s): Edson J. Caballero Trujillo Country: México Year: 2013 Language: Zapoteco and Spanish w/ English subtitles Genre: Documentary Type: Short film Length: 85 minutes. Format: Digital Rating*:
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Eight-year-old Nieve is the object of her parents’ custody battle. Her mother, Eva, is an artist who believes in the revolution and disagrees with censorship or authoritarianism. She is remarried to Dan, a Swede working on the construction of a nuclear plant. Nieve’s father Manuel is a playwright who sacrifices his artistic career to write government propaganda in a remote area of the country. Through her diary entries, Nieve reveals intimate details of a turbulent family life while painting an authentic portrait of the social and political unrest in Cuba under the rule of Castro.
Showtimes and Locations Saturday October 8, 4:00 p.m. Muhammad Ali Center Introduction: Prof. Thomas Edison, Department of Classical and Modern Languages Thursday, October 13, 5:00 p.m. Floyd Theater Introduction: Prof. Tracy Heightchew, Commonwealth Center for the Humanities and Society Title: Everybody Leaves/Todos se van Director(s): Sergio Cabrera Country: Colombia Year: 2015 Language: Spanish with English Subtitles Genre: Drama Type: Full length feature film Length: 106 minutes. Format: Digital Rating*: NR
Al Día en América