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Vol. 63 – March 2020
Annual Report 2020
Marriott Portland Downtown Waterfront • 25 minutes from the Portland Airport. • Located on the Waterfront. • Walking distance to 60 breweries, restaurants and shops
Field Courses • Landslides and Engineering Geology in the Columbia River Gorge
Join us for the 63rd AEG Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon, September 15-20, 2020 at the Marriott Portland Downtown Waterfront! The 2020 Annual Meeting Planning Committee has arranged a variety of unbelievable and unique Field Courses, Guests Tours, Technical Sessions, Symposia and Special Events that are sure to attract geologists from around the country for this memorable event. Don’t miss this great opportunity to network with industry professionals.
• Mt St. Helens - Highlights of the 1980 Eruption and Engineering Geology after the Event
Symposia and Technical Sessions • Dams • Landslides • Coastal Processes & Hazards • Tunneling • Transportation & Infrastructure Projects • Joint Hazards • NOA and more…
Special Event A night at the Oswego Hills Winery with special guest speaker, Scott Burns.
Guest Tours • Johnston Ridge Observatory • Willamette Valley Wine Tour • Evergreen Museum • Tour of the Columbia Gorge
s w e N
Vol. 63, No. 1 – March 2020
AEG News (ISSN 0899-5788; USPS 954-380) is published five times a year by the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists (AEG). This includes three regular issues published in April (#2), July (#3) and December (#5) and two special issues: the Annual Report and Directory (#1) in March and the Annual Meeting Program with Abstracts (#4) in September (digital publication only). Digital copies of the Program with Abstracts are distributed at the AEG Annual Meeting. Association members receive an electronic copy of all five issues of the AEG News as part of their dues. Print subscription for Association members, which includes all three regular issues of the AEG News, is $40 in addition to annual membership dues. Nonmember annual subscription is $50 and includes only the three regular issues; the Annual Report and Directory issue is priced separately. Back copies of AEG News regular issues are $12 each. Inquiries should be sent to AEG Headquarters: Association Manager, 3053 Nationwide Parkway, Brunswick, OH 44212 330-578-4900. Periodical Postage paid at Brunswick, OH, and additional mailing offices: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AEG News, 3053 Nationwide Parkway, Brunswick, OH 44212, USA. AEG News is printed by Allen Press, Lawrence, KS, 66044, USA. © 2020 Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists—All Rights Reserved
Views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those officially representing the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists except where expressly stated.
AEG News Co-Editors Acquisitions Anna SaindonEditor: Visty P. Dalal Inc. Geotechnology, visty.dalal@maryland.gov 11816 Lackland Road, Suite 150 St. Louis,Editor: MO 63146 Content 314-581-6286 TBD news@aegweb.org
Managing Editor/Production Andrea Leigh Ptak Communicating Words & Images 6542 52nd Ave. So. Seattle, WA 98118 206-300-2067 www.andrealeighptak.com andrealeighptak@me.com
Submission Information
Table of Contents 2019 Annual Report
Association Contacts
Previous Annual Meetings
President’s Report
Headquarters’ Report
Treasurer’s Report
2019–20 Officers/Structure
Association History
Mission, Values & Vision Statements
The Practice of Environmental & Engineering Geology
Association Awards
AEG Foundation
2020 Directory of Membership
2020 Committee Contacts
Region and Chapter Key
Member Roster – Alphabetical
Chapter Officers
Chapter Membership
On the Cover Scenes from the venue, field trips, guest tours, and sights around Asheville, North Carolina, site of the 2019 AEG Annual Meeting. PHOTO DETAILS IN KEY ON PAGE 3.
In order of preference: 1. Send files via email, preferably as attachments, to both email addresses above. Optimum file format is MSWord. Users of other software programs should convert their file to ASCII or text only. Photos and other images, charts, graphs, etc.) should be sent as separate images but may be included in the Word.doc for placement purposes. 2. Images should be sent as high-resolution (250 dpi at 4” wide or larger) jpeg or tiff files and should be named with a strong identifier such as HF-Texas-John Jones —NOT P204679.jpg. Corresponding photo captions should be included in the text along with an attribution of the source/photographer. 3. The policy of AEG News editorial staff is to limit the credentials of an individual to two. No effort will be made by the AEG News editorial staff to determine if individuals whose credentials are missing from the submitted copy actually have academic or professional credentials, nor will the staff verify the existence or correctness of the credentials submitted. For detailed guidelines visit: https://aeg.memberclicks.net/assets/docs/aeg_news_style_guide_0713.pdf
Advertising in the News Contact AEG Headquarters at advertising@aegweb.org.
Submission Deadlines https://aeg.memberclicks.net/aeg-news Canada Agreement number: PM40063731; Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Station A, PO Box 54; Windsor, ON N9A 6J5; Email: returnsil@imex.pb.com
March 2020
The association 2019–20 Officers President: CYNTHIA PALOMARES Texas Engineering Extension Service, Texas A&M University, Caldwell, Texas, president@aegweb.org Vice President/President Elect: WILLIAM GODWIN Consulting Geologist, Carmel, California, VP@aegweb.org Treasurer: MADDIE GERMAN Geologist, Municipal Engineering, Raleigh, North Carolina, treasurer@aegweb.org Secretary: NATHAN SARACENO Senior Geologist, DiGioia Grey and Associates, Monroeville, Pennsylvania, secretary@aegweb.org Past President: DAVID FENSTER Geologist (Retired), North Potomac, Maryland, PP@aegweb.org
Association Contacts Headquarters: Association Manager: SHERI MASKOW J&M Business Solutions 3053 Nationwide Parkway, Brunswick, OH 44212 330-578-4900, manager@aegweb.org AEG Foundation—President: WILLIAM FLANIGAN, president@aegfoundation.org Communications Director: BILL ROMAN, wroman@gfnet.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
2019–20 Officers President: Cynthia Palomares, Texas Engineering Extension Service, Texas A&M University, Caldwell, TX, president@aegweb.org Vice President/President Elect: William Godwin, Consulting Geologist, Carmel, CA, VP@aegweb.org Treasurer: Maddie German, Municipal Engineering, Raleigh, North Carolina, treasurer@aegweb.org Secretary: Nate Saraceno, Digioia Gray & Associates, Monroeville, Pennsylvania, secretary@aegweb.org Past President: David F. Fenster, Geologist (Retired), North Potomac, MD, pp@aegweb.org
Publication Contacts Communications Director: Bill Roman, wroman@gfnet.com, Gannett Fleming, Inc., Chief Geologist, 717- 497-7073
AEG Insider: Insider Team, manager@aegweb.org AEG/GSA Journal – Environmental & Engineering Geoscience Co-Editors: AEG – Abdul Shakoor, Department of Geology, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242, 330-672-2968, Fax: 330-672-7949, ashakoor@kent.edu
GSA – Brian Katz, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, 2600 Blair Stone Road, MS 3575, Tallahassee, FL 32399, 850-245-8233, Fax 850-245-8236, eegeditorbkatz@gmail.com AEG News: Acquisitions Editor – Visty P. Dalal, Sr. Engineering Geologist, Dam Safety Inspection and Compliance Division, Maryland Department of the Environment, Baltimore, MD, 443-271-8122, visty.dalal@maryland.gov Content Editor – TBD Managing Editor/Production – Andrea Leigh Ptak, Communicating Words & Images, 6542 - 52nd Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98118-3402, 206-725-9169, Cell 206-300-2067, andrealeighptak@me.com
Association Contacts Headquarters: Association Manager – Sheri Maskow, 3053 Nationwide Parkway, Brunswick, OH 44212, 330-578-4900, manager@aegweb.org, contact@aegweb.org, Meetings Manager: Heather Clark, 303-518-0618, heather@aegweb.org, www.aegannualmeeting.org AEG Website Editor: AEG Headquarters, webeditor@aegweb.org AEG Web Page: www.aegweb.org AEG Social Media: Bradley C. Isles, PO Box 23, Grove City, PA 16127, socialfeeds@aegweb.org
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
s r e s i t r e v Ad
AEG would like to thank the companies, organizations and individuals who advertised with us in the News, on our website and/or in the Insider during 2019. BQE Software, Inc.
Maccaferri, Inc.
McMillen Jacobs Associates
Missouri University of Science and Technology
GISCO Geophysical
University of Arizona - Department of Mining Engineering
Instrument Supply Company
University of Pennsylvania – School of Arts and Sciences
INTERA CORPORATION If your company could benefit from reaching working professionals and decision-makers in the fields of environmental and engineering geology, please consider becoming an advertiser. Send an email to advertising@aegweb.org for rates and technical specifications.
r o s n o p S e t Corpora
AEG is grateful to the corporation that contributed to our operating fund through their sponsorship in 2019. 2020 Sponsors are listed on page 37.
Kilauea HomeAdvisor 877-800-3177 https://www.homeadvisor.com/c.Lexington.KY.html
Add Your Company to This List of Supporters! An investment in AEG is an investment in the future of engineering and environmental geology. For information on sponsorship opportunities: https://aeg.memberclicks.net/corporate-sponsorsand-advertising
Scenes from the 2019 Annual Meeting in Asheville:
On the Cover March 2020
L to R, Top to bottom: Close-up of a rock outcrop viewed during the debris flow field trip1 Sunrise over the city 2 Fusegates viewed during the North Fork Dam improvements field trip3 North Carolina flora and fauna on display at the Biltmore Gardens4 Lecture during the debris flow field trip3 Attendees take in the exhibitor booths on their off hours.1 Students get the opportunity to present their research at poster sessions.1 Works at the North Fork Dam3 Destruction caused by debris flow1 Photo Credits: 1. Chris Mathewson, 2. Derk Olson, 3. Loren Lansky, 4. Visty Dalal
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
s r o t i b i h x E g n i t e e M l Annua
AEG would like to thank the companies and organizations that exhibited at the 2019 Annual Meeting.
Access Limited Construction
ESP Associates, Inc.
Contact: Simon Boone, simon@alccinc.com 805-592-2230 www.accesslimitedconstruction.com
Contact: Ned Billington, nbillington@espassociates.com www.espassociates.com
Ameritech Slope Constructors, INC.
Gannett Fleming
Contact: Roger Moore, bmackey@ameritech.pro www.ameritech.pro
Contact: Brian Greene, bgreene@gfnet.com 412-503- 4802 www.gannettfleming.com
Contact: Jim McCombs, jmccombs@cascade-env.com 740-350-6611 Contact: Anthony Giannetti, agiannetti@cascade-env.com 267-304-0783 www.cascade-env.com
Contact: Jeff Tallent, jeff.tallent@gel.com www.gel.com
CCI Contact: Justin Williams, justin.williams@cci-env.com www.cci-env.com
Clean Vapor, LLC
Geobrugg North America, LLC Contact: Tim Shevlin, Tim.Shevlin@geobrugg.com www.geobrugg.com
Geobuild Contact: Paul Hale, phale@geobuild.com www.geobuild.com
Contact: Lorine Barone, lbarone@cleanvapor.com 908-362-5616 www.cleanvapor.com
Con-Test Analytical Laboratory
Geologic Exploration, Inc.
Contact: Adam Phillips, adam.phillips@contestlabs.com www.contestlabs.com
Contact: Chris Schappell, cschappell@gexnc.com 704-872-7686 www.geologicexploration.com
ConeTec, Inc.
Contact: Joelle Lang, jlang@geokon.com www.geokon.com
Contact: Bruce Miller, bmiller@conetec.com www.conetec.com
Draper Aden Associates
Contact: Brian Morgan, brian.morgan@geo-search.com 980-389-0988 www.geo-search.com
Contact: Brandy Barnes, bmbarnes@daa.com www.daa.com
GEOVision Inc.
Contact: John Diehl, jdiehl@geovision.com 951-549-1234 www.geovision.com
Contact: Rand Ratterree, rand@enviroequipment.com www.enviroequipment.com
Enviroprobe Service, Inc.
Hazmat Emergency Response & Remediation, Inc.
Contact: Matt McMillen, mattm@enviroprobe.com 856-858-8584 www.enviroprobe.com
Contact: Alan King, Al.King@herrteam.com 910-640-2607 www.herrteam.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
HI-TECH Rockfall Construction, Inc.
Pyramid Geophysical Services
Contact: Dane Wagner, dane@hitechrockfall.com 503-409-9180 www.hitechrockfall.com
Contact: Eric Cross, eric@pyramidenvironmental.com 336-335-3174, ext. 137 www.PyramidGeophysics.com
IDS GeoRadar
Redox Tech, LLC
Contact: John Metzger, john.metzger@idsgeoradar.com 303-726-6024 www.idsgeoradar.com
Contact: John Haselow, jhaselow@redox-tech.com 919-678-0140 www.redox-tech.com
Schnabel Engineering
Contact: Hayley Maher, Hayley.Maher@keynetix.com +44 (0) 1527 68888 www.keynetix.com
Contact: Gary Rogers, grogers@schnabel-eng.com 336-274-9456 www.schnabel-eng.com
Lettis Consultants International
Contact: Hans AbramsonWard, abramsonward@lettisci.com 925-208-4359 www.lettisci.com
Contact: Bart Jordan, bart.jordan@seequent.com 303-525-0108 www.seequent.com
University of Pennsylvania
Contact: Justina Simmons, j.simmons@maccaferri.com www.maccaferri.com
Contact: Master of Science in Applied Geosciences, lps@sas.upenn.edu 215-898-7326 www.sas.upenn.edu/lps/graduate/msag
National Association of State Boards of Geology – ASBOG® Contact: Deana Sneyd, dsneyd@asbog.org 678-713-1251 www.asbog.org
US Army Corps of Engineers Dam Safety Production Center Contact: Coralie Wilhite, Coralie.P.Wilhite@usace.army.mil 916-215-7744
There’s still time to become an exhibitor at AEG2020 in Portland, Oregon.
As a prime location for attendees to gather, the Exhibitors' Hall ensures a high volume of quality traffic for exhibitors and serves as the site for a number of very popular events like the Opening Icebreaker, the Exhibitors' Luncheon, and more during AEG's Annual Meeting. Information on how to secure a booth at the 2020 Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon, can be found at https://www.aegannualmeeting.org/sponsors-exhibitors
March 2020
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
s r o s n o p S g n i t e e M l a u Ann
AEG would like to thank the companies and organizations that sponsored parts of the 2019 Annual Meeting.
Premium Sponsors
Technical Sessions 4, 5, & 15A:
Lanyards Cascade
The Changing Times of Engineering Geology at Dams and Levees Symposium, Part I, Part II and Part IV
Contact: Jim McCombs, jmccombs@cascade-env.com 740-350-6611
Contact: Gary Rogers, grogers@schnabel-eng.com 336-274-9456 schnabel-eng.com
Schnabel Engineering
Contact: Anthony Giannetti, agiannetti@cascade-env.com 267-304-0783 WWW.CASCADE-ENV.COM
Giveaway Clean Vapor, LLC Contact: Lorine Barone, lbarone@cleanvapor.com 908-362-5616 www.cleanvapor.com
Student/Professional Networking Reception University of Pennsylvania Contact: Regina Cohen, cohenreg@sas.upenn.edu 215-746-1167 www.upenn.edu
SILVER Sponsors
Opening Session Gannett Fleming
Poster Reception GEL-Solutions
Contact: Brian Greene, bgreene@gfnet.com 412-503-4802 www.gannettfleming.com
Contact: Jeff Tallent, jeff.tallent@gel.com www.gel.com
Gold Sponsors
Annual Banquet RED Lab, LLC
USB CCI Contact: Justin Williams, justin.williams@cci-env.com www.cci-env.com
Contact: Felecia Owen, fowen@redlabllc.com 919-278-8926 www.redlabllc.com
Technical Sessions 12 & 18:
Icebreaker Reception Geobrugg North America, LLC
Environmental Characterization and Remediation, Part I and Part II
Contact: Tim Shevlin, Tim.Shevlin@geobrugg.com www.geobrugg.com
Exhibitor Luncheon Geobuild
Contact: Paul Hale, phale@geobuild.com www.geobuild.com
Young at Heart Student and Young Professional Event Contact: Peter Byer, pbyer@saedacco.com 803-548-2180 www.saedacco.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
Sponsors All-Day Coffees
Technical Session Breaks
Earthquake Insight, LLC
HI-TECH Rockfall Construction, Inc.
Contact: Phyillis Steckel, psteckel@charter.net 636-239-4013
Wednesday Morning
Contact: Dane Wagner, dane@hitechrockfall.com 503-409-9180 www.hitechrockfall.com
Wednesday Afternoon
AEG St. Louis Chapter Contact: Stephanie Kline-Tissi, klinestephaniej@gmail.com
Access Limited Construction
Thursday Morning
Contact: Simon Boone, simon@alccinc.com 805-592-2230 www.accesslimitedconstruction.com
GeoEngineers, Inc. Contact: Mark Molinari, mmolinari@geoengineers.com 206-348-0200 www.geoengineers.com
AEG Sacramento Chapter Contact: John Murphy, John.Murphy@Waterboards.ca.gov https://aegsacto.wordpress.com/
Young at Heart Student and Young Professional Event
Speaker/Moderator Breakfast Wednesday
Rick Kolb rkolb@dunckleedunham.com
AEG Foundation Contact: Alex Vazquez, vazquezam@gmail.com www.aegfoundation.org
Women in AEG/AWG Luncheon Deborah Green
AEG Student and Young Professional Support Committee (SYPSC)
Contact: Morley Beckman, MBeckman@kleinfelder.com www.aegweb.org/operational-committees
Steele and Associates, LLC Contact: Susan Steele Weir, steeleweir@aol.com 303-333-6071
Technical Sessions
Contact: Todd Elmore, telmore@edrnet.com 706-818-3310 edrnet.com
#3B: PFAS/GenX Symposium
Bryan Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Prism Laboratories, Inc.
Contact: Patricia Bryan, pbryan@bryanenv.com 708.922.9020 http://www.bryanenv.com
Contact: Robbi Jones, rjones@prismlabs.com 803-448-6005 www.prismlabs.com
#8A: Hydrogeology, Groundwater and Karst & #14A: Risk / 3D Modeling
Rick Kolb rkolb@dunckleedunham.com
AEG Corporate Business Meeting and Awards Ceremony Earth Consultants International, Inc.
Collier Geophysics, LLC Collier Consulting, Inc. Contact: Hughbert Collier, hughbert@collierconsulting.com 254-968-8721 www.collierconsulting.com
Contact: Tania Gonzalez, gonzalez@earthconsultants.com 714-412-2654 www.earthconsultants.com
March 2020
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
#12 & #18: Environmental Characterization and Remediation, Part I and Part II
SAEDACCO Contact: Peter Byer, pbyer@saedacco.com 803-548-2180 www.saedacco.com
Field Courses #3: Debris Flows, Rock Slides, Rock Falls and Big Slow Movers: Who Could Ask for More?
Subhorizon Geologic Resources LLC (SGR) Contact: Jim Stroud, stroudjr@subhorizonresources.com 336-416-3656 www.subhorizonresources.com
#14B: Geophysics
GEOVision Inc.
#4: These Rocks are Mined, But You Can Look at Them: Mining and Geology
Contact: John Diehl, jdiehl@geovision.com 951-549-1234 www.geovision.com
IDS GeoRadar Contact: John Metzger, john.metzger@idsgeoradar.com 303-726-6024 www.idsgeoradar.com
#16: Environmental Remediation and Geochemistry Symposium
EA Engineering, Science and Technology, Inc., PBC Contact: Melissa Smith, masmith@eaest.com 410-329-5116 www.eaest.com
Subhorizon Geologic Resou.rces LLC (SGR) Contact: Jim Stroud, stroudjr@subhorizonresources.com 336-416-3656 www.subhorizonresources.com
Vulcan Materials Company
#19: Geologic and Geotechnical Site Characterization
GroundLogs Contact: John Gobins, john.gobins@groundlogs.online 949-390-9699 www.groundlogs.online
#9: The Changing Times of Engineering Geology at Dams and Levees Symposium, Part III
RJH Consultants, Inc. Contact: Edwin Friend, efriend@rjh-consultants.com 303-225-4611 www.rjh-consultants.com
Contact: Denise Hallett, hallettd@vmcmail.com www.vulcanmaterials.com
AEG 2019 Annual Meeting Mobile App Exhibit Hall Map ERIS Contact: Tom Hamill, thamill@erisinfo.com 727-698-7171 www.erisinfo.com
Student Mini-Grant Program
#s 4, 5, and 15A: The Changing Times of Engineering Geology at Dams and Levees – Symposium, Part I, Part II and Part IV
Contact: Gill-Editing Online Jane Gill-Shaler, janehgillshaler@gmail.com
Schnabel Engineering
Contact: Stephen Evans, sevans@pangeoinc.com 206-262-0370 www.pangeoinc.com
Contact: Gary Rogers, grogers@schnabel-eng.com 336-274-9456 schnabel-eng.com
Student Professional Networking Reception EGIS
Spotlight Geophysical Services Contact: Ron Kaufmann, ron@spotlightgeo.com 305-607-2377 www.spotlightgeo.com
Contact: Mike Vaught, Mike.Vaught.PG@gmail.com 919-740-0284 www.waterwellvideos.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
Previous annual meetings Meetings held by the Association and Chapters include discussions of professional practice issues, social functions, and field trips. Some activities are held jointly with other professional engineering or geological societies. Representatives of Chapters participate in the work of the committees of the Association. Further information on Chapter activities may be obtained by contacting Chapter officers.
Meetings of the Association are held annually. The Annual Meeting, as generally scheduled, consists of a corporate business session, technical and professional practice sessions at which individuals present papers, short courses, field trips, guest activities, banquet with awards, and symposia at which invited speakers present talks related to the subject selected for the meeting.
The first meeting, on October 11, 1958, in Sacramento, CA, was restricted to essential business leading to permanent establishment of the organization. Succeeding meetings have been held as follows: Order
Los Angeles, California
Robert G. Thomas
Oct. 3–5, 1959
Berkeley, California
Burton Marliave, R. C. Treasher
Oct. 14–16, 1960
Sacramento, California
Wilferd W. Peak
Oct. 13–15, 1961
Santa Monica, California
John T. McGill
Oct. 12–14, 1962
San Francisco, California
Cole McClure, Jr.
Oct. 25–27, 1963
Sacramento, California
Ira E. Klein
Oct. 28–31, 1964
Denver, Colorado
R. M. Valentine, H. E. Simpson
Oct. 21–24, 1965
Anaheim, California
Dennis A. Evans
Oct. 20–23, 1966
Dallas, Texas
A. D. (Pete) Henley, W. E. McIntosh
Oct. 24–28, 1967
Seattle, Washington
Richard W. Galster
Oct. 22–26, 1968
San Francisco, California
Peter Vardy
Oct. 21–25, 1969
Washington, D.C.
Raymond E. Whitla
Oct. 20–24, 1970
Portland, Oregon
R. K. Dodds, J. L. Holland
Oct. 19–23, 1971
Kansas City, Missouri
H. Richard Loepp
Oct. 24–28, 1972
Los Angeles, California
Charles A. Yelverton
Oct. 22–26, 1973
Denver, Colorado
John B. Ivey
Oct. 14–19, 1974
So. Lake Tahoe, California
Carl J. Hauge
Nov. 2–8, 1975
Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Albert J. Depman
Oct. 4–7, 1976
Seattle, Washington
Jon W. Koloski
Nov. 1–5, 1977
Hershey, Pennsylvania
D. Richard Thompson
Oct. 16–21, 1978
Chicago, Illinois
Abraham Dolgoff
Oct. 2–6, 1979
Dallas, Texas
A. D. (Pete) Henley
Oct. 20–25, 1980
Portland, Oregon
Mavis D. Kent
Sept. 27–Oct. 2, 1981
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Luc Boyer
Sept. 27–Oct. 1, 1982
San Diego, California
Dennis Hannan
Oct. 3–8, 1983
Boston, Massachusetts
Richard G. Sherman
Oct. 8–13, 1984
Winston–Salem, North Carolina
Norman R. Tilford
Oct. 7–11, 1985
San Francisco, California
Alan D. Tryhorn
Oct. 5–9, 1986
Atlanta, Georgia
Robert T. Dickerson
Oct. 8–14, 1987
Kansas City, Missouri
William Bryson
Oct. 16–21, 1988
March 2020
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Vail, Colorado
William K. Smith
Oct. 1–6, 1989
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
H. Pat Oshel
Oct. 1–5, 1990
Chicago, Illinois
Theodore R. Maynard
Sept. 29–Oct. 5, 1991
Long Beach, California
John W. Byer
Oct. 2–9, 1992
San Antonio, Texas
Edward Miller
Oct. 9–15, 1993
Williamsburg, Virginia
Stephen G. Werner
Oct. 2–7, 1994
Sacramento, California
James M. Parsons
Oct. 2–8, 1995
East Brunswick, New Jersey
David Muscalo
Sept. 24–29, 1996
Portland, Oregon
Gary L. Peterson
Sept. 30–Oct. 4, 1997
Seattle, Washington
William R. Clevenger
Sept. 29–Oct. 3, 1998
Salt Lake City, Utah
Jeffrey R. Keaton, David B. Simon
Sept. 25–Oct. 1, 1999
San Jose, California
Robert E. Tepel
Sept. 21–25, 2000
St. Louis, Missouri
Lawrence C. Rosen
Oct. 2–6, 2001
Reno, Nevada
Gary C. Luce
Sept. 23–29, 2002
Vail, Colorado
Michael D. Hattel
Sept. 15–21, 2003
Dearborn, Michigan
Lon Michael Cooper
Sept. 26–Oct. 2, 2004
Las Vegas, Nevada
Jim Werle, Barbara Luke
Sept. 19–24, 2005
Boston, Massachusetts
Richard G. Sherman
Oct. 30–Nov. 4, 2006
Los Angeles, California
Jeffrey R. Keaton
Sept. 24–29, 2007
New Orleans, Louisiana
James H. May, Darrel W. Schmitz
Sept. 15–21, 2008
Stateline, NevadaSouth Lake Tahoe, California
Bruce R. Hilton, Gary C. Luce
Sept. 21–26, 2009
Charleston, South Carolina
Briget Doyle
Sept. 20–26, 2010
Anchorage, Alaska
David W. Bieber, Paul A. Metz
Sept. 19–24, 2011
Salt Lake City, Utah
Daniel Horns, David Simon
Sept. 15–23, 2012
Seattle, Washington
Mark Molinari, Kathy Troost
Sept. 9–15, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
Pancho Garza, Jessica Humble
Sept. 20–28, 2014
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Paul Hale, Dale Andrews
Sept. 19–26, 2015
Kona, Hawaii
Ken Neal, Steve Evans
Sept. 18–24, 2016
Colorado Springs, Colorado
David Bieber, Julia Frazier
Sept. 10–16, 2017
San Francisco, California
Sarah Kalika, Gary Luce
Sept. 17–21, 2018
Asheville, North Carolina
Paul Weaver, Briget Doyle
Sept. 15–21, 2019
Future annual meetings 2020 – Portland, Oregon September 15–20 2021 – San Antonio, Texas September 18–26 2022 – Las Vegas, NV September 13–17
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
AEG and You – What Do You Want To Get from Your AEG Membership? Dave Fenster, AEG President 2018–19
have some questions for your consideration. What do you want to get from your membership in AEG? Do you have some expectations that are not being met? If not, what can you do to help us improve AEG so that we not only meet, but exceed those expectations? There are several things you can do to help AEG become even better than it is today. During my tenure as Vice President and President I have seen us accomplish some notable goals. For example, with the help of our association management company, AMR, our Board of Directors (with committee support) have developed and begun to implement a new Strategic Plan. As many of you know, the new Strategic Plan is different from previous plans in that the main goals can be attained by our successful accomplishment of time-driven tactics. So how have you helped in this process? You’ve helped by letting us know during the “needs assessment,” by responding to surveys and during discussions that AEG needs to improve both our internal and external communications. One high-priority tactic to help attain this goal of our strategic plan was to revamp our outdated, difficult-to-use website. I am very happy to say that we have successfully completed this tactic. This was accomplished by a team approach with guidance from the Executive Council, coordination by the Strategic Initiatives Committee, dedicated work by our three-person Website Task Force, and work by Headquarters and our new database company, MemberClicks. We are still fine-tuning our highly improved website. You, our members, can help us make it even more responsive to your needs.
AEG’s 2018–19 President Dave Fenster with incoming President Cynthia Palomares at the AEG 2019 Annual Meeting in Asheville, North Carolina March 2020
Chapter officers and committee co-chairs can help by contacting Headquarters to let them know that you have scheduled meetings, short courses, field trips, holiday parties, or any other activity that members should be aware of. If you have a Chapter webpage linked to the website, you can make those updates yourself. This will not only help boost attendance but will help members know of a presentation or short course that might address a knowledge gap or help execute a professional project. These types of timely notifications on the new website will also inform non-members about these opportunities, thereby boosting attendance while enhancing AEG’s professional reputation. Another benefit is that members will see all Chapters’ scheduled meetings and can decide to attend a different Chapter’s event if they are traveling to that location. You can help to a greater extent by joining an Operational Committee or Technical Working group. You will find that participation on a committee not only helps to build friendships and your professional network across the country, but will give you a sense of community and accomplishment. If you think we need to improve our social media communication, AEG News or the Insider, consider joining the Communications Committee. If you have some ideas that will help us improve our support of students and young professionals, the Student and Young Professionals Support Committee would interest you. If you think your Chapter can be doing more to meet your expectations, become a Chapter officer or join a committee. At the Association level, you might want to join the Chapter Support Committee. This is a great way to get help in running a field trip, conducting a short course, boosting membership, and recruiting sponsors for your Chapter activities. If you think AEG should reflect the technical excellence exhibited by our members’ accomplishments, we have several technical working groups (TWGs) that will give you the opportunity to enhance technical skills and work with your peers to communicate best practices to both members and non-members through symposia at our Annual Meetings and focused technical forums or workshops. Our Dams & Levees, Environmental Characterization & Remediation, Coastal Hazards, Geohydrology, Geophysics, Landslides, Naturally Occurring Asbestos, and Tunneling TWGs will be happy to use or expand your experience. We are also in the process of forming a TWG focused on the use of UAV (drone) technology. If you are interested in joining any of our committees/working groups, please check out the descriptions on page 36 of this issue or under the “volunteers” tab on our website. If interested in an operational committee contact our Vice President, Bill Godwin, at vp@aegweb.org. If interested in a technical working group, contact me, the immediate Past President at pp@aegweb.org. Thank you for all you do for AEG.
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Creating a Strategic Path
Kristy Howard, 2019 AEG Association Manager
he year of 2019 was a very busy one as AEG leadership focused on implementing the various tactics and goals outlined within the Strategic Plan. Under the leadership of the Strategic Initiative Coordinators, committees and volunteers continue to move the Association forward and are striving to continue to create more value for AEG members. One of the goals achieved in 2019 was to “Redesign and refresh the AEG website to create a more intuitive resource for members to obtain quality information about the Association and applied geology professions, and to improve interaction and communication between AEG and its Headquarters, members (Create custom along with a boardhomepage experience by appointed task force, member type: students, nontook on this daunting members, members, etc.).” task and launched the Headquarters, along with a new website in board-appointed task force, December. took on this daunting task and launched the new website in December. If you haven’t had a chance to check it out, please do so. We love to hear member feedback on the changes. As we look to the year ahead, please see the accompanying list for events and important deadlines to remember.
Grants and Awards
Make sure that you submit your application/nomination(s) for the following opportunities! Student Chapter Grant – application deadlines are January 31st and September 15th each year Student Professional Paper Award – deadline for entry submissions is May 1st Outstanding Student Chapter Award – application deadline June 15th each year Outstanding Chapter Award – Annual Reports and applications are due on August 15th each year Terzaghi, Johnston, Piteau, Holdredge & Honorary Member – nomination deadline each year is March 15th
Meetings/Symposia Thank you to the hardworking volunteers and committee members who work tirelessly to make each meeting a success! 2020 AEG Annual Meeting September 15–20 in Portland, OR
Summary of Membership Categories 2014
Post Graduate*
Total Membership
*Category established in 2014
You’ll also want to mark your calendars for these future AEG Annual Meetings: 2021 AEG Annual Meeting September 18-26 in San Antonio, TX 2022 AEG Annual Meeting September 13-17 in Las Vegas, NV
Regional Director Nominations and Elections Thank you to these Regional Directors for their hard work throughout their initial terms. Upon the conclusion of the nominations and election of the Directors for these Regions this year, all Directors will be on staggered three-year terms as planned. Notices will go out to each of the voting members in the regions listed below to request nominations, and subsequently ballots will be sent out for voting. Region 1, Northern California (current Regional Director: Sarah Kalika) Region 6, South Central (current Regional Director: Jeff Neathery) Region 7, Midwest (current Regional Director: Phyllis Steckel) AEG News Disclaimer Authors alone are responsible for views expressed in signed articles. Advertisers and their agencies are solely responsible for the content of all advertisements printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising therefrom against the publisher. AEG and AEG News reserve the right to reject any advertising copy.
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2019–20
William Godwin, AEG Treasurer 2018 –19
his year was a decent one for AEG financially as an Association. We continue to meet our goal of maintaining one years’ worth of operating expenses in our Treasurer’s reserve fund. While AEG projected a decent surplus from our 2019 Annual Meeting, we still need to place more effort on membership revenue and professional forum events. As of the end of 2019 (November), our balance in the Treasurers Reserve is approximately $369,698 (which grew by $33,944 from the same period in 2018). Our Fidelity investments, which hold the Treasurers reserve, have been performing well over the life of the fund. The Annual Meeting held in Asheville, North Carolina, was very successful. It netted a surplus of approximately $51,000, however these are preliminary numbers as the final accounting generally is not settled until spring of the following year. We plan our Annual Meetings to meet a minimum $25,000 surplus and we are confident we will achieve this. As usual this is due to the excellent meeting planning committee, the meeting location and venue, the technical program, short courses, field trips, and other events. There were over 500 registered attendees, which included full registrations, one-day registrations, exhibitor registrations and guest registrations. The poster and technical sessions were successful this year as always. Our Membership revenue for 2019 was $193,468, down from $212,522 in 2018. While this is a substantial drop (as seen in similar professional societies), the dues-paying membership total dropped as well with (as of October 30th) approximately 1,713 members for 2019, down from 1,897 members in 2018. These numbers do not include student members, who do not pay dues. The number of student members in 2019 is 638. We recruit student members with a “dues free” policy with the projection that they will retain membership as full-paying professional members once they graduate. This will be helped by a newly structured Post Graduate membership category with member rates available to previous Student Members for their first three consecutive years as a professional. The number of dues-paying post-graduates in 2019 is 31, up from 20 in 2018. Included in this report is a summary of the Association revenue and expenses for 2019. The surplus of $49,914 noted in the 2019 Expenses is largely because of revenue from the 2019 Annual Meeting and two successful professional forums. These forums were both held in Colorado and included the 7th International Conference on Debris Flow Hazards Mitigation and the Dam and Levee Foundation Risk Forum. The finances for the 2018 Annual Meeting in San Francisco were finally settled this year. As it was a joint meeting between AEG and the International Association of Engineering Geologists (IAEG), the complexity and accounting procedures have taken a long time to resolve. In summary, the meeting earned enough revenue to pay all expenses, share with the local sponsoring Chapters, pay seed money back to both IAEG and AEG and basically come out even. AEG had a full audit of our 2018 March 2020
2019 Revenue (as of November 30, 2019) Budgeted
Sponsors and Website
Legislative Fund
Mtgs and Continuing Ed
Pubs and Merchandise Annual Meeting
Total Revenue
2019 Expenses (as of November 30, 2019) Budgeted
Sponsors and Website
Legislative Fund
Mtgs and Continuing Ed
Total Expenses
Total Revenue - Expenses
Pubs and Merchandise Annual Meeting
books this last year. The results showed that in general our accounting practices are solid but it also showed that we need to track and report finances better at the Chapter level to reduce tax penalty risk from the IRS. The 2019–20 budget looks similar to the 2018–19 budget with another projected deficit, due largely to not having a professional forum lined up, declining membership, and continued high expenses for publications. Since we are a dues-paying organization, we rely largely on those dues to fund our member benefits and provide value to our members. Our membership numbers have remained relatively flat for the last few years. The Executive Council, the Board of Directors, and headquarters is actively working to reduce expenses as well as implementing Goal 3–Membership as part of the Strategic Plan. Ultimately, we need to show value as a way to recruit new members and also to improve retention of existing members, and thereby increase membership. It has been a pleasure serving as your Treasurer and I look forward to my year as Vice President.
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
2019–20 Officers/Structure Introduction
he Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists initially was developed to meet the professional needs of geologists who are applying their scientific training and experience to the broad fields of civil and military engineering. Engineering Geologists have worked in close coordination with construction, foundation and highway engineers, hydraulic engineers and hydrologists, and representatives of other branches of civil engineering and related scientific professions. The Association of Engineering Geologists emerged in 1963 from its parent organization, the California Association of Engineering Geologists. This Directory contains a summary of the history of the two organizations and is intended to introduce the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists to prospective members, others in the engineering and geologic professions, and the public. This Directory assembles the Association’s major documents: the Mission, Values and Vision, the Principles of Ethical Behavior, the Constitution, the Bylaws, and Policies. The Association, through these documents, endeavors to aid the public welfare and to promote environmental and engineering geology. The membership carries out these responsibilities through general and technical publications, local geographic sections and their meetings, recognition of individual technical achievement, encouragement and financial assistance to students, formulation of policy statements on important topics, and specific pursuits of various national committees formed of knowledgeable specialists. This Directory also contains qualifications required to gain membership (Bylaws, Article III), membership rosters, and other general reference information on the Association.
Executive Council – 2019–20 Cynthia Palomares, President Bill Godwin, Vice President Maddie German, Treasurer Nate Saraceno, Secretary Dave Fenster, Past President
Board of Directors/Regional Directors Region 1: Northern California Sarah Kalika Region 2: Southern California Darrin Hasham Region 3: Pacific Linda Mark Region 4: Southwest Nick Saines Region 5: Mountain-Prairie Julia Frazier Region 6: South Central Jeffrey Neathery 14
Region 7: Midwest Phyllis Steckel Region 8: Southeast Rick Kolb Region 9: Mid-Atlantic Ryan Fandray Region 10: Northeast Curtis Schmidt Region 11: International Oliver Barker
2019–20 AEG Executive Committee (l to r): Cynthia Palomares, President; Dave Fenster, Past President; Bill Godwin, Vice President; Nate Saraceno, Secretary; and Maddie German, Treasurer
Publications Manager, Bill Godwin
Communications Director, Bill Roman Environmental & Engineering Geoscience Journal Editor for AEG Abdul Shakoor Editor for GSA Brian G. Katz Editorial Board Chair Jerome V. DeGraff Editorial Board Member Syed Hasan Editorial Board Member Chester "Skip" Watts Editorial Board Member Thomas Burbey Editorial Board Member Robert Sydnor Editorial Board Ex-Officio Member Abdul Shakoor Editorial Board Ex-Officio Member Brian G. Katz AEG News Acquisitions Editor, Visty Dalal Content Editor, TBD Managing Editor/Production, Andrea Leigh Ptak
Association Structure The Board of Directors of the Association is the principal policymaking body of the Association and is responsible for management of its affairs and funds. It is composed of the four (4) elected officers, the immediate Past President, and the eleven (11) Regional Directors. Members of the Board take office at the close of the Annual Corporate Meeting following their election and serve until the close of the next Annual Corporate Meeting. The Executive Council (EC) consists of the elected Association officers and the immediate Past President. Between meetings of the Board, the EC attends to the routine affairs of
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
2018–19 ANNUAL REPORT OF THEHEADER ASSOCIATION HERE the Association and has the powers of the Board. The EC submits reports to the Board of the intervening meetings. Local Chapters are the basic regional units of the Association. Contact information for the current 26 AEG Chapters can be found starting on page 80.
Alaska Chapter University of AlaskaFairbanks
Atlanta Chapter University of West Georgia
New Chapters of AEG may be formed where desired, by written application to the Board of Directors signed by 8 or more members from a given area. New Chapters are supported by such local dues, assessments, and/or fundraising campaigns as are necessary. We heartily encourage groups of Environmental and Engineering Geologists elsewhere to form new AEG Chapters in their areas. Please write to the Secretary for further details.
Carolinas Chapter North Carolina State University University of NC–Charlotte Wake Tech Community College
Student Chapters By the end of 2019, AEG has developed 45 Student Chapters at colleges and universities to promote Environmental and Engineering Geology. The Student Chapter Coordinator works with the faculty advisors to develop successful Chapter programs. Student Chapters are the training grounds of future members. The vibrancy of the profession and this organization is developed at these institutions. The association recognizes this potential and strives to develop new AEG Chapters at schools with appropriate programs. Please contact AEG Headquarters for additional information. Student Members of individual chapters should be contacted through their advisors.
AEG Chapters/Student Chapters
Chicago Chapter Michigan Technological Institute Purdue University University of WI–Madison
Nisqually Chapter Ohio Valley Chapter Oregon Chapter Portland State University Phoenix Chapter University of Arizona Puget Sound Chapter Central Washington University University of Washington Western Washington University Sacramento Chapter California State University–Sacramento
DC/Maryland/Virginia Chapter James Madison University Radford University
San Francisco Bay Area Chapter San Jose State University –SF Bay UC Berkley
Great Basin Chapter University of NV–Reno
San Joaquin Valley Chapter
Greater Pittsburgh Chapter California University of Pennsylvania Kent State University
Southern California Chapter Central Coast San Diego Region
Inland Empire Chapter
Southern Nevada Chapter University of NV–Las Vegas
Kansas City/Omaha Chapter University of MO–Kansas City
St Louis Chapter Missouri University of Science and Technology
Lower Mississippi Valley Chapter Millsaps College Mississippi State University University of Mississippi University of Southern Mississippi
Texas Chapter Stephen F. Austin State University University of Arlington University of Houston University of Texas– San Antonio
Mile High Chapter Colorado School of Mines South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Utah Chapter Brigham Young University The University of Utah Utah Valley University
Nashville Chapter
New England Chapter
International Student Chapter
Bylaws & Policies In conjunction with our Policy Statement on Environmental Sustainability and to ensure the membership is provided with the most current versions of documents available, the AEG Bylaws, and Policies are available for review/download at the following respective links. Please log into the website and then select the link you would like to follow.
Operating Policies http://aegweb.org/operating-policies
New York-Philadelphia Chapter Rutgers University–Newark University of Pennsylvania Widener University
March 2020
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Association History
n June 1957, 13 local engineering geologists met in Sacramento, CA, to discuss the need for organization of a society in the specific field of engineering geology. During the next eight months, this group of Founding Charter Members (enumerated at right on this page) set up the framework of the California Association of Engineering Geologists by formulating the aims of the organization, a definition of Engineering Geology, and membership qualifications. In February 1958, although the Constitution and Bylaws were yet to be completed, membership recruitment was begun. Three Sections (Los Angeles, Sacramento, and San Francisco) were established. The Association was incorporated according to the laws of the State of California on June 19, 1960. By this action, the original Executive Committee of twelve became the Board of Directors, and requisite constitutional changes were made accordingly. During the early years following the formation of the Association, it became increasingly apparent that a need for a similar organization existed with engineering geologists everywhere, not just in California. Evident from the first were the geologists outside the State of California, who were concerned with the application of geology to problems of civil engineering, who showed a marked interest in the organization. In recognition of this need and interest, the membership voted better than 10 to 1 in late 1962 to remove all geographical limitations on the organization and to change the name to Association of Engineering Geologists. Constitutional changes to effect this organization were subsequently completed in early 1963. In 1963, the first Section outside of California (Washington State) was established. Seventeen Sections, including two outside the United States, were recognized by 1973. On the occasion of the Association’s twenty-fifth year, 22 Sections formed the regional units of the Association. In 1964, AEG was accepted as a member society of the American Geological Institute. Our membership is presently located in 15 countries. In the United States, AEG’s membership comes from each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. At the Past Presidents’ Luncheon held at the 2004 Annual Meeting, the Past Presidents unanimously petitioned the Executive Council and Board of Directors to have the Association’s name changed to the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists. The name change proposal was put up for a vote before the Association membership and was approved. On September 22, 2005, the name change became official at the AEG Corporate Business Meeting at the 2005 Annual Meeting. The name change reflects important changes in the public awareness of services provided by the Association members. The Association has been serving members from both the environmental and engineering geology community for a numberof years, and the name change serves to provide formal recognition of this support.
The membership of the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists continues to grow, as the field of Engineering Geology and Environmental Geology gains greater recognition and the need for our organization becomes more apparent. Ever-increasing interest is being shown by geologists from countries around the world as the importance of applied geology, in both the development and restoration of the earth, gains international recognition.
Founding Charter Members William I. Gardner – U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Bruce M. Hall – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Charles E. Hall – U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Claire P. Holdredge – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Laurence B. James – California Dept. of Water Resources John C. Manning – Consultant Elmer C. Marliave – Consultant Joseph F. Poland – U.S. Geological Survey Robert W. Reynolds – California Division of Highways Ted L. Sommers – California Division of Highways Harmon Ray Taber – Consultant Harold D. Woods – California Dept. of Water Resources George F. Worts, Jr. – U.S. Geological Surveyx
2019 Deceased Members We recognize the following AEG Members who left us this past year… Senior Emeritus Member Gerald Burk Greg Seigner Owen White International Senior Emeritus Member Anthony Hammond
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Emeritus Member Don Byerly Life Member Lloyd Cluff David Petefish Full Member Kathryn Castelli
March 2020
Past Presidents 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977
Claire P. Holdredge* William I. Gardner* Bruce M. Hall* Robert T. Bean* Edward J. Zielbauer* Burton M. Marliave* Harmon Ray Taber* Edwin B. Eckel* Glenn A. Brown* Arthur M. Hull* Robert H. Russell* Lloyd S. Cluff Richard W. Lemke* Bruce M. Hall* Aubrey D. Henley Frank W. Wilson* Samuel C. Sargent* Raymond T. Throckmorton, Jr.* Jasper L. Holland* Noel M. Ravneberg*
1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Howard A. Spellman* Richard J. Proctor John B. Ivey* Albert J. Depman* William C. Paris, Jr. Richard W. Galster* Robert M. Valentine Allen W. Hatheway Norman R. Tilford* Theodore R. Maynard John W. Williams Christopher C. Mathewson* Gregory L. Hempen Mavis D. Kent Stephen L. Garrison* Jeffrey R. Keaton Robert E. Tepel Richard E. Gray Susan Steele Weir Eldon M. Gath John H. Peck James H. May
2000 Arthur H. Stukey 2001 R. Rexford Upp 2002 Myles A. Carter 2003 Scott F. Burns 2004 David B. Simon 2005 David W. Bieber 2006 Darrel W. Schmitz 2007 Terry R. West 2008 Dorian E. Kuper 2009 Mark P. Molinari 2010 Duane T. Kreuger 2011 Bruce R. Hilton 2012 Jennifer B. Bauer 2013 Matthew B. Morris 2014 Gary C. Luce 2015 Ken Fergason 2016 Paul Santi 2017 Dale C. Andrews 2018 Gregory L. Hempen 2019 David F. Fenster * Deceased
Mission,Values & Vision Statements AEG’s Mission
AEG’s Vision
The Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists (AEG) contributes to its members’ professional success and the public welfare by providing leadership, advocacy, and applied research in environmental and engineering geology.
AEG is the acknowledged international leader in environmental and engineering geology, and is greatly respected for its stewardship of the profession. AEG offers information on environmental and engineering geology useful to practitioners, scientists, students, and the public. Other geoscience organizations recognize the value of using and sharing AEG’s outstanding resources.
AEG’s Values AEG’s values are based on the belief that its members have a responsibility to assume stewardship over their fields of expertise. In support of serving an international network of environmental and engineering geologists devoted to excellence: ■ Upholding sound principles of scientific inquiry with respect to the study and evaluation of geologic processes, their impact on humans, and the human impact on Earth ■ Encouraging and facilitating ongoing education and training as well as supporting members in their dedication to their work ■ Building public appreciation for how environmental and engineering geology contribute to public safety and the protection of property
March 2020
AEG leads the profession in its advocacy for: ■ Legislation ■ Professional Licensure ■ Regulation ■ Codes and Standards as each affects the practice of applied geosciences. AEG’s administration assures representation for all its members. Its outstanding staff assists members with a wide range of services that enable them to be more effective in their professional lives. Staff regularly reviews and modifies these services to adapt to the membership’s changing needs. AEG’s membership continually grows. Members and students are attracted by the educational and networking opportunities, and the quality services provided.
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
The Practice of Environmental and Engineering Geology
nvironmental and engineering geology is the application of the practice of geology to engineering, environmental concerns, and the public health, safety and welfare. Environmental and engineering geologists apply geologic data, techniques, and principles to the study of a) naturally occurring rock and soil materials, b) surface and subsurface fluids, and c) the interaction of introduced materials and processes with the geologic environment. Such applications allow geologists to evaluate geologic factors that affect the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of engineering structures (fixed works); and develop, protect, and remediate groundwater and surface-water resources. Environmental and engineering geologists utilize specialized training and experience to provide quantitative geologic information and recommendations, as well as judgmental interpretations and recommendations. In recent decades the scope of engineering geology has grown beyond its original, close connection to civil engineering, and environmental geology has become a significant practice. Environmental and engineering geologists now work with and for land-use planners, environmental specialists, architects, engineers, public agencies, public policy makers, private enterprises, and property owners to provide geologic information on which they base decisions. Typical activities of environmental and engineering geologists include: 1. Investigate foundations for all types of major structures, such as dams, bridges, power plants, pumping plants, airports, large buildings, and towers. 2. Evaluate geologic conditions along routes for tunnels, pipelines, canals, railways, and highways. 3. Explore and develop sources of rock, soil and sediment for use as construction materials. 4. Evaluate siting, design, impact mitigation, reclamation, and resource characterization for aggregate mines and rock quarries. 5. Investigate and develop surface and groundwater resources; manage groundwater basins to protect and remediate groundwater and surface-water resources that may be subject to degradation due to exposure of chemical degradation. 6. Assess and mitigate radon, asbestos, and other naturally occurring hazardous substances. 7. Evaluate geologic hazards such as landslides, faults and earthquakes, subsidence, expansive and collapsible soils, expansive bedrock, cavernous rock, acid-producing rock, and liquefaction. 8. Evaluate geologic conditions, including groundwater, that may affect residential, commercial, and industrial land use and development. 18
9. Evaluate geologic factors that affect construction, such as slope stability, dewatering, subdrains, grouting considerations, and excavatability. 10. Evaluate geologic conditions related to safe siting and geologic design for waste-management and -disposal facilities, and assist in establishing the basis for remedial actions for mitigation of related environmental threats from unengineered and uncontrolled waste disposal. 11. Characterize and assess geology and hydrology, and potential environmental impacts related to the geologic and hydrologic environment for environmental impact reports and permit applications. 12. Participate in land-use planning, reclaiming mined land, planning timber harvests, reviewing insurance claims, and assisting in forensic investigations. The environmental and engineering geologist, in cooperation with the civil engineer, bears an important share of the responsibility for the public health, safety and welfare related to engineering works that may be affected by geologic factors. The engineering profession has distinctively and effectively met its responsibility to the public through state registration laws throughout the United States. The Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists actively supports state registration or licensure of geologists and has published a Suggested Geologists Practice Act to assist in achieving professional registration or licensure for geologists. The Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists is devoted to developing a spirit of professional responsibility on the part of engineering geologists, environmental geologists, and hydrogeologists. One goal of the Association is to focus attention on environmental and engineering geology and its expanding role. The Association seeks to maintain high professional standards and enhance awareness of the responsibility of the environmental and engineering geologist to the public in general. In the final analysis, environmental and engineering geology is applied geology for people who want to modify the geologic environment for their use and convenience while mitigating impacts, want to live in harmony with it, and restore previous impacts to the geologic and hydrologic environment. Environmental and engineering geologists help people understand their geologic and hydrologic environment, accommodate it, and correct their geo-environmental mistakes.
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
Association Awards Honorary Members The Association confers an honor of such high esteem that the distinction is recognized as a membership class: Honorary Member. This recognition is given to those persons whose careers have exemplified the ideals of our organization. "At the discretion of the Board, persons who have contributed long, distinguished, and outstanding service to the advancement of 1958 1965 1969 1971 1972 1972 1973 1974 1974 1976 1976 1977 1979 1979 1980 1980 1981 1983 1983 1984 1985
Claire P. Holdredge* Ray C. Treasher* Ray E. Marsell* Robert F. Legget* Edwin B. Eckel* Ruth D. Terzaghi* Ian Campbell* William I. Gardner* Bruce M. Hall* Floyd T. Johnston* Charles F. Richter* Jasper L. Stuckey* Howard A. Coombs* Gordon B. Oakeshott* Portland P. Fox* Richard W. Lemke* W. Harold Stuart* Richard H. Jahns* David J. Varnes* Eugene B. Waggoner* George A. Kiersch*
1986 1986 1987 1988 1990 1990 1992 1992 1993 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 1998 1999 2000
Engineering Geology, Environmental Geology, Hydrogeology, or other areas of applied geology, may be elected as Honorary Members." Restated Bylaws Article III, Section 3.2 (a) (2). Nominations for this award are due March 15, and should be submitted to the President.
Alice S. Allen* Shailer Philbrick* Gordon W. Prescott* Joseph F. Poland* William R. Judd* Harry F. Ferguson* Willard C. Lacy* Don U. Deere* F. Beach Leighton* Martin L. Stout* Robert L. Schuster Lloyd B. Underwood* James E. Slosson* Douglas A. Williamson* Aubrey D. “Pete” Henley* Jasper L. Holland* Anthony (Tony) Brink* Richard W. Galster* Norman R. Tilford* Theodore R. Maynard Roy J. Shlemon
John Noble Allen W. Hatheway 2003 Robert G. Thomas* 2004 Richard J. Proctor 2005 David B. (Burt) Slemmons* 2006 Richard E. Gray 2007 Robert M. Valentine 2008 Susan Steele Weir 2009 Marcel Arnould* 2010 Barry Voight 2012 Robert E. Tepel 2013 Terry R. West 2014 Gregory L. Hempen 2015 Abdul Shakoor 2015 James Hamel 2016 Richard E. Goodman 2017 Jeffrey R. Keaton 2018 Frank Netterberg & Kerry Sieh 2019 Scott Burns * Deceased 2001 2002
Claire P. Holdredge Award This award, first established in 1962 by the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists, is named in honor of Claire P. Holdredge, a founding member and the first President of the Association. The award is presented for a publication by an AEG Member(s) within the five previous years that is adjudged to be an outstanding contribution to the Engineering 1965
George A. Kiersch, The Vaiont Reservoir Disaster, Civil Engineering, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 32–39, 1964.
F. Beach Leighton, Landslides and Hillside Development, in Engineering Geology in Southern California (R. Lung and R. Proctor, eds.), Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists Special Publication, pp. 149–206, 1966.
Geology profession. Nominations for this award are made by the membership at large to the Awards Committee. The Committee, at its discretion, selects a candidate from the nominees for confirmation by the President. The award, not necessarily conferred annually, is presented at the Annual Banquet. 1971
Manuel G. Bonilla (two papers) 1. Surface Faulting and Related Effects, in Earthquake Engineering (R. L. Wiegel, ed.), Prentice Hall, pp. 47–74, 1970. 2. Effects of the Earthquake of March 27, 1964, on The Alaska Railroad (coauthor D.S. McCulloch), U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 545D, 1970.
Lloyd B. Underwood, Classification and Identification of Shales, American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, vol. 93, no. SM6, pp. 97–116, 1967.
George M. Hughes, Hydrogeology of Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Northeastern Illinois (coauthors, R. A. Landon and R.M. Farvolden), U.S. Public Health Service Bureau of Solid Waste Management, Cincinnati, Ohio, 137 p., 1969.
J. F. Poland, Land Subsidence Due to Withdrawal of Fluids (coauthor, G.H. Davis), Geological Society of America, Reviews in Engineering Geology, Vol. II, pp. 187–269, 1969.
1974 Robert F. Leggett, Cities and Geology, McGrawHill, 1973.
March 2020
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
HEADER HERE 2018–19 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ASSOCIATION Samuel R. Bartlett and Mark McKeown, Engineering Geology Field Manual, Second Edition, Volume 1, US Bureau of Reclamation, 1998.
Frank Netterberg, Calcrete in Road Construction, [South Africa] National Institute for Road Research Bulletin 10, CSIR Research Report 286, 73 p., Pretoria, 1971.
Shailer S. Philbrick, Kinuza Dam and the Glacial Foreland, in Geomorphology and Engineering (D.R. Coates, ed.), Dowden, Hutchison, and Ross (Stroudsburg, PA), pp. 175–197, 1976.
No Award Bestowed
Sir John L. Knill, Core Values: the First Hans Cloos Lecture, in Engineering Geology for Developing Countries, Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the International AEG and the Environment, Durban, South Africa, 16–20 September 2002 – J. L. van Rony and C. A. Jermy, Editors.
David L. Royster, Some Observations on the Use of Horizontal Drains in the Correction and Prevention of Landslides, Proceedings of the 28th Annual Highway Geology Symposium, Rapid City, South Dakota, August 10–12, 1977.
Douglas R. Piteau, Regional Slope Stability Controls and Engineering Geology of the Fraser Canyon, British Columbia, in Reviews in Engineering Geology, Vol. III, Landslides, Geological Society of America, pp. 85–111, 1977.
Fred G. Bell, Engineering Geology and Construction, Spon Press (U.K.), 2004.
Earl W. Hart, Ridge-Top Spreading in California, Contributions Toward Understanding a Significant Seismic Hazard, California Geological Survey, CD 2003–05, 2003.
A.B.A. Brink, Engineering Geology of Southern Africa, Vol. 1, Building Publications, Pretoria, 1979.
William C. Haneberg, Computational Geosciences with Mathematica, Springer, August 2004.
Christopher C. Mathewson, Engineering Geology, Merrill Publishing, 1981.
David L. Royster, Landslide Remedial Measures, Tennessee Department of Transportation Publication Authorization 101, 1982.
Roy E. Hunt, Geotechnical Engineering Investigations Manual, McGrawHill, 1984.
Paul Santi, Douglas D. Boyer and William Pat Rogers, Engineering Geology in Colorado: Contributions, Trends, and Case Histories, AEG Special Publication No. 15 and Colorado Geological Survey Special Publication No. 55; and A. Keith Turner and William Pat Rogers, History of Engineering Geology Development in Colorado (a paper within the publication).
Perry H. Rahn, Engineering Geology An Environmental Approach, Elsevier, 1986.
Roy E. Hunt, Geotechnical Engineering Techniques and Practices, McGrawHill, 1986.
Harry S. Audell, Field Guide to Crack Patterns in Buildings: A Guide to Residential Building Cracks Caused by Geologic Hazards, Published as AEG Special Publication #16, 2006.
John T. McGill, Geologic Maps of the Pacific Palisades Area, Los Angeles, California, U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I 1828, 1989.
Allen W. Hatheway, Julie C. Keaton and Robert M. Valentine, Perspectives: A Collection of Lessons Learned from a Career of Intense Practice in Engineering Geology, AEG Special Publication No. 13, 2005.
Robert B. Johnson and Jerome V. DeGraff, Principles of Engineering Geology, John Wiley and Sons, 1988.
Richard W. Galster and the Washington State Section, Engineering Geology in Washington, Volumes I and II, Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Bulletin 78, 1989.
William R. Lund, Tyler R. Knudsen, Garrett S. Vice and Lucas M. Shaw, Geologic Hazards and Adverse Construction Conditions – St. George-Hurricane Metropolitan Area, Washington County Utah, Special Study 127, Utah Geological Survey, CD, 2008.
Terry R. West, Geology Applied to Engineering, Waveland Press, Inc., 2010.
Eldon Gath, Neotectonics and Paleoseismology of the Limón and Pedro Miguel Faults in Panamá: Earthquake Hazard to the Panamá Canal, (coauthors, T. Rockwell, T. Gonzalez, C. Madden, D. Verdugo, C. Lippincott, T. Dawson, L. A. Owen, M. Fuchs, A. Cadena, P. Williams, E. Weldon and P. Franceschi), Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 100, No. 6, pp. 3097–3129, December 2010. Allen Hatheway, Remediation of Former Manufactured Gas Plants, and Other Coal Tar Sites, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2012.
George Kiersch, The Heritage of Engineering Geology; The First Hundred Years, Geological Society of America, Centennial Special Volume 3, 1991.
Bernard W. Pipkin and Richard J. Proctor, Engineering Geology Practice in Southern California, Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists Southern California Section, Special Publication 4, Star Publishing, 1992.
David J. Varnes, The Slumgullion Earth Flow: A Large-Scale Natural Laboratory (coeditor, W. Z. Savage), US.Geological Survey Bulletin 2130, 1996.
A. Keith Turner and Robert L. Schuster, Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation, Transportation Research Board Special Report 247, 1996.
Syed E. Hasan, Geology and Hazardous Waste Management, Prentice Hall, 1996.
2014 Patrick Barosh and David Woodhouse, Civil Engineering Practice – A City Upon a Hill: The Geology of the City of Boston & Surrounding Region, Boston Society of Civil Engineers, 2012.
James P. McCalpin, Paleoseismology, Academic Press, 1996.
Frederick G. Bell, Environmental Geology: Principles and Practice, Blackwell Science (U.K.), 1998.
2015 Nazrul Khandaker, Geoengineering Constraints on Foundation: Case Study from Queens, New York City, USA, (coauthors, S. Schleifer, A.R. Slaughter, M. Ahmed and B. A. Sayeed,) Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 5, no. 14, 2015.
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
2018–19 ANNUAL REPORT OF THEHEADER ASSOCIATION HERE 2016 Jeff Keaton, Engineering Geology: Fundamental Input or Random Variable? (J. L. Withiam, K. K. Phoon and M. H. Hussein, eds.), Foundation engineering in the face of uncertainty: Geotechnical Special Publication 229, The Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 232-253, 2013.
Steve D. Bowman and William R. Lund, Utah Geological Survey Circluar 122, Guidelines for Investigating Geologic Hazards and Preparing Engineering-Geology reports, With a Suggested Approach to GeologicHazard Ordinances in Utah.
No Award Bestowed
No Award Bestowed
Richard H. Jahns Distinguished Lecturer in Engineering Geology Award This award was established in 1988 in co-sponsorship with the Engineering Geology Division of the Geological Society of America to provide funding for a distinguished Engineering Geologist to present an annual series of lectures at academic
institutions, in order to increase awareness of students about careers in Engineering Geology. The award is presented during the banquet at the Annual Meeting proceeding the award year.
James E. Slosson*
Allen W. Hatheway
William C. Haneberg
Robert L. Schuster
Robert J. Watters
Scott F. Burns
Ellis L. Krinitzsky
Perry H. Rahn
James P. McCalpin
Barry Voight
Chester “Skip” Watts
Gregory L. Hempen
Roy J. Shlemon
Jeffrey R. Keaton
Eldon Gath
James F. Quinlan*
Richard Iverson
Jerome De Graff
Robert S. Yeats
Jerry Higgins
2016 Scott A. Anderson
J. David Rogers
John Moylan*
2017 John Wakabayashi
Don U. Deere
John Clague
2018 Deborah Green
Thomas L. Holzer
Edmund Medley
2019 Scott Lindvall
Mavis Kent
Paul G. Marinos
* Deceased
Douglas R. Piteau Outstanding Young Member Award This award, established in 1985, is named in honor of Douglas R. Piteau, a deceased Member of the Association who distinguished himself early in his career as an expert on landslides and rock slope stability. This award is presented to a Member who is age 35 or under (not 36 until January 1 in the year following the Annual Meeting in which the Award is given) and has excelled, either singly or in combination, in the following areas: Technical Accomplishment, Service to the Association, and Service to the Engineering Geology Profession.
Each Chapter is, at its discretion, to choose an individual deserving of the Award, to publicize the nomination at the Chapter level, and to nominate the individual to the Awards Committee. Nominations can also be made by the membership at-large to the Awards Committee. The Committee, at its discretion, selects a candidate from the nominees for the President’s confirmation. The award, not necessarily conferred annually, is presented at the Annual Banquet.
Nicholas Sitar
Paul Santi
Briget C. Doyle
Robert A. Bauer
Daniel Scott Kiefer
Paula Jo Lemonds
Peter M. Hansen
Courtney A. Christ
Nichole J. Wendlandt
No Award Bestowed
Wendy A. Schell
Charlene Mary Herbst
Margaret A. “Peggy” Ganse
2012 2013
Serin D. Bussell No Award Bestowed
William D. Flanigan
Corinne Stewart
Jennifer Bauer
Robert A. Hollingsworth
Tim Petz
Katherine T. Clemence
Duane Kreuger
2015 2016
Nathan R. Saraceno No Award Bestowed
Kerry D. Cato
Jessica P. Humble
Stephanie Coffman
No Award Bestowed
Matthew B. Morris
No Award Bestowed
Jeffrey S. Neathery
Daniel A. Vellone
No Award Bestowed
Darrell Sofield
March 2020
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Floyd T. Johnston Service Award This award, established in 1982 on the occasion of his retirement on the Association’s Twenty-fifth Anniversary, is named in honor of Floyd T. Johnston, the first Executive Director of the Association. The award is presented to a Member for outstanding active and faithful service to the Association over a minimum period of nine years to coincide with Floyd’s tenure as Executive Director. Contemporary Board members are not eligible until one year after leaving office.
Nominations for this award are made by the membership at-large to the Awards Committee. For nominations to be valid, they must be endorsed by three Members having different Chapter affiliations. The Committee chooses the candidate(s) from the nominations for consideration and selection by the President. The award, not necessarily conferred annually, is presented at the Annual Banquet.
Gordon E. Cordes
Robert E. Tepel
Jeffrey R. Keaton
Aubrey D. “Pete” Henley*
John W. Williams
Gary D. Rogers
John B. Ivey*
Susan Steele Weir
Richard E. Gray
Noel M. Ravneberg*
Janet M. Mathewson
William K. Smith
Richard W. Lemke*
Luc Boyer
Paul A. Hale
Frank W. Wilson*
Gregory L. Hempen
Terry West
Norman R. Tilford*
Oliver B. Barker
Marie Marshall Garsjo
Richard W. Galster*
Abdul Shakoor
2016 Duane Kreuger
Allen W. Hatheway
Deborah J. Green
2017 Brian H. Greene
Christopher C. Mathewson*
Howard A. “Buzz” Spellman*
No Award Bestowed
Edwin A. Blackey, Jr.*
Julia E. Turney
Rick Kolb
Eldon M. Gath
* Deceased
The Schuster Medal The Schuster Medal is a joint award from the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists and the Canadian Geotechnical Society that recognizes excellence in geohazards research in North America. All nominees for the Schuster Medal must meet at least two of the following criteria: ■ Professional excellence in geohazards research with relevance to North America—Medalists should be residents of North America ■ Significant contribution to public education regarding geohazards
■ International recognition for a professional career in geohazards ■ Influential geohazards research or development of methods or techniques ■ Teacher of students who work on geohazards issues An awards committee containing representatives from the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists and the Canadian Geotechnical Society will select future candidates. The award will be presented at the annual or special topical meetings of either society, as deemed appropriate by the awards committee.
2007 Robert L. Schuster
No Award Bestowed
2016 D. Jean Hutchinson
2008 Oldrich Hungr
Derek Cornforth
2017 Abdul Shakoor
Barry Voight
Jacques Locat
2018 Scott Burns
Norbert R. Morgenstern
Keith Turner
2019 John J. Clague
David Cruden
Karl and Ruth Terzaghi Mentor Award This award, established in 2008, recognizes outstanding individuals for their achievements as Mentors throughout their career. The recipient should be an individual who has made lifelong efforts in providing professional, ethical, and technical mentoring for environmental and engineering geologists. The recipient need not be a member of any particular class within the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists,
and shall not be an active member of either the Executive Council or the Board of Directors of AEG at the time of award. Also, this special recognition is intended to recognize both our members in academia, where mentoring is a natural part of their job, and our members who have made extraordinary efforts in the workforce, where it is less expected but equally important.
Christopher C. Mathewson*
Roy J. Shlemon
2016 J. David Rogers
Terry R. West
Abdul Shakoor
2017 James H. Williams
Jerry Higgins
No Award Bestowed
2014 2015
No Award Bestowed Scott Burns
2018 Donald West
2019 Louis van Rooy * Deceased
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
The Outstanding Environmental and Engineering Geologic Project Award The Outstanding Environmental and Engineering Geologic Project Award was established in 1993 to recognize a project that meets the following criteria: 1. Displays national or international significance. 2. Demonstrates the application of the principles of environmental and engineering geology to the solution of a problem affecting the public. 3. Shows recognition of and respect for the environment and history and culture of the project area. 4. Provides an opportunity for public education in: a. environmental and engineering geology, b. environmental issues, and c. culture and history of the area. The Association has gained a significant amount of public relations value from this award.
Award Conditions 1. Only one project may be designated per year. 2. The award is not necessarily given every year. 3. The award consists of: a. A large plaque to be placed in public view on or near the project. b. A small metal photo-reproduced copy of the award plaque on a wooden plaque to be presented to each project honoree. c. The dedication date on the plaque shall be the date of the opening session of the AEG Annual Meeting. 4. The award ceremony shall be the opening session of the Annual Meeting, followed, if possible, by a general technical session or symposium on a topic related to the Outstanding Environmental and Engineering Geologic Project.
Selection Procedure 1. Projects may be nominated by anyone, but must be endorsed by an AEG Chapter. The Planning Committee for the next Annual Meeting is encouraged to nominate an appropriate project in their region. 2. Nomination documentation must be sent to the President, who serves as chair of the selection committee, at least 90 days prior to the next midyear Board meeting. 3. The Selection Committee shall consist of the President (chair) and the two immediate Past Presidents. 4. Nomination documentation shall include and describe: a. National or international significance of the project. b. Project description, including: history of project need, problem solved, environmental and engineering geologic principles applied, protection and enhancement of the environment, benefit to the public, advancement of public’s understanding of geology and engineering geology, enhancement of local cultural and historical understanding, and photographs of the project. c. Proposed citation for large plaque March 2020
d. Proposed public location of plaque. e. Proposed technical session or symposium moderator/ organizer and topics including titles and authors. f. Author committed to write the article about the project for the December issue of AEG News. g. Person committed to organizing the award ceremony, including invitations to speakers, representatives, project honorees and public representation, and preparing printed ceremony program. h. Person who will coordinate production of the large plaque and other awards. i. Name, title, and address of project honorees. Nomination documentation must be sent to the President, who serves as chair of the selection committee, at least 90 days prior to the Mid-Year Board Meeting.
Previous Awards 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
The San Antonio River Walk, San Antonio, Texas Interstate Highway 70 through Glenwood Canyon, Colorado The West Coast Basin, Dominguez Gap, and Alamitos Seawater Intrusion Barrier System, Los Angeles, California No Award Bestowed Westside Light Rail Transit Tunnel, Portland, Oregon Spirit Lake Memorial Highway (State Route 504), Gateway to Mount St. Helens, Washington State Inland Sea Shorebird Reserve, Mining with Environmental Enhancement, Salt Lake County, Utah Silicon Valley Groundwater Cleanup Project, California Weldon Springs Site Remedial Action Project, Missouri Sparks Marina Park, Sparks, Nevada Lachine Canal – Revitalization of the Canal and Neighborhood, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Ford Rouge Center and Dearborn Truck Plant Hoover Dam and Lake Mead, Nevada Boston’s “Big Dig” (no award – presentation only) Metro Red Line Subway, Los Angeles, California Strategic Petroleum Reserve U.S. Department of Energy, Gulf Coast USA Devil’s Slide Tunnel Project, California George Washington Memorial Parkway, Arlington, Virginia: Innovative Rock Slope Stabilization Trans-Alaska Pipeline System, Alaska San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge East Span Seismic Safety Project, California Elwha River Restoration Project, Washington Hoover Bypass Dam Project, Arizona and Nevada No Award Bestowed The US 89 Bitter Springs Landslide Repair, Arizona Colorado Inactive Mine Reclamation Project Calavares Dam Replacement Dam, California Boone Dam Internal Erosion Remediation Project, Kingston, Tennessee
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
AEG Publication Award This award was established by the Association in 1968 and is to be presented to the person presenting the most outstanding paper published in any AEG publication during the fiscal year.
The award is presented during the Annual Meeting at the Awards Luncheon and Corporate Business Meeting.
Richard H. Godson and Joel S. Watkins, “Seismic Resonance Investigation of a Near Surface Cavity at Anchor Reservoir, Wyoming” (Vol. V, No. 1, of the Bulletin).
Thomas K. Collins, “New Faulting and Attenuation of Fault Displacement” (Vol. XXVII, No. 1, of the Bulletin).
Howard A. Coombs, “Leakage Through Buried Channels.” (Vol. VI, No. 1, of the Bulletin).
Malcolm F. Schaeffer, “A Relationship Between Joint Intensity and Induced Seismicity at Lake Keowee, Northwestern South Carolina” (Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, of the Bulletin).
Donald H. Gray, “Effects of Forest Clear Cutting on the Stability of Natural Slopes” (Vol. VII, No. 1–2, of the Bulletin).
Murray T. Dougherty and Nino J. Barsotti, “Structural Damage and Potentially Expansive Sulfide Minerals” (Vol. IX, No. 2, of the Bulletin).
James L. Nelson, “Clay Mineralogy and Residual Shear Strength of the Santa Clara Formation Claystone, Saratoga Foothills, California” (Vol. XXIX, No. 3, of the Bulletin).
Dr. W. H. Easton, Dept. of Geological Sciences, USC, “Earthquake, Rain, and Tides at Portuguese Bend Landslide, California” (Vol. X, No. 3, of the Bulletin).
William F. Kane, Robert C. Milici, and Thomas M. Gathright II, “Geologic Factors Affecting Coal Mine Roof Stability in the Eastern United States” (Vol. XXX, No. 2, of the Bulletin).
Edwin L. Harp and Marlene A. Noble, “An Engineering Rock Classification to Evaluate Seismic Rock Fall Susceptibility and its Application to the Wasatch Front” (Vol. XXX, No. 3, of the Bulletin).
Donald C. Helm, “Hydraulic Forces That Play a Role in Generating Fissures at Depth” (Vol. XXXI, No. 3, of the Bulletin).
L. J. Brown, R. D. Beetham, B. R. Paterson, and J. H. Weber, “Geology of Christchurch, New Zealand” (Vol. I, No. 4, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience).
R. W. Jibson and E. L. Harp, “The Springdale, Utah, Landslide: An Extraordinary Event” (Vol. II, No. 2, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience).
David L. Royster, “Highway Landslide Problems Along the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee” (Vol. X, No. 4, of the Bulletin). Robert Strazer, Keith Bestwick, and Stanley Wilson, “Design Considerations in Deep Retained Excavations in Over Consolidated Seattle Clays” (Vol. XI, No. 4, of the Bulletin). M. King Hubbert, “Energy Resources: A Scientific and Cultural Dilemma” (Vol. XIII, No. 2, of the Bulletin).
Alice S. Allen, “Basic Questions Concerning Coal Mine Subsidence in the United States” (Vol. XV, No. 2, of the Bulletin).
Linda Zall and Richard Michael, “Space Remote Sensing Systems and Their Application to Engineering Geology” (Vol. XVII, No. 3, of the Bulletin).
Richard J. Proctor, “A Chronicle of California Tunnel Incidents” (Vol. IV, No. 1, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience).
John E. Costa and Sally W. Bilodeau, “Geology of Denver, Colorado, United States of America” (Vol. XIX, No. 3, of the Bulletin).
David H. Randell, Jeffrey B. Reardon, James A. Hileman, Trevor Matuschka, George C. Liang, Alexander I. Khan and John LaViolette, “Geology of the City of Long Beach, California, United States of America” (Vol. XX, No. 1, of the Bulletin).
D.W. Love, T.M. Whitworth, J.M. Davis, and W.R. Seager, “Free-Phase NAPL-Trapping Features in Intermontane Basins” (Vol. V, No. 1, Spring 1999, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience).
E. L. Krinitzsky and W. F. Marcuson III, “Principles for Selecting Earthquake Motions in Engineering Designs” (Vol. XX, No. 3, of the Bulletin).
O. Hungr, S.G. Evans, M.J. Bovis, and J.N. Hutchinson, “A Review of the Classification of Landslides of the Flow Type” (Vol. VII, No. 3, August 2001, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience).
Roy J. Shlemon, “Application of Soil Stratigraphic Techniques to Engineering Geology” (Vol. XXII, No. 2, of the Bulletin).
John W. Bell, Falk Amelung, Alan R. Ramelli, and Geoff Blewitt, “Land Subsidence in Las Vegas, Nevada, 1935–2000: New Geodetic Data Show Evolution, Revised Spatial Patterns, and Reduced Rates” (Vol. VIII, No. 3, August 2002, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience).
Nikola P. Prokopovich, “Subsidence of Peat in California and Florida” (Vol. XXII, No. 4, of the Bulletin).
David E. Alexander and Helen M. Rendell, “Stability of the ‘Lucanian Dolomites’ Sandstone Outcrop, Southern Italy” (Vol. XXIII, No. 3, of the Bulletin).
John J. Clague, Pierre A. Friele, and Ian Hutchinson, “Chronology and Hazards of Large Debris Flows in the Cheekye River Basin, British Columbia, Canada,” (Vol. IX, No. 2, May 2003, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience).
Sally W. Bilodeau, Donald Van Buskirk, and William L. Bilodeau, “Geology of Boulder, Colorado, United States of America” (Vol. XXIV, No. 3, of the Bulletin).
Douglas N. Swanston and Robert L. Schuster, “Long Term Landslide Hazard Mitigation Programs: Structure and Experience from Other Countries” (Vol. XXVI, No. 1 of the Bulletin).
Jeffrey A. Coe, John A. Michael, Robert A. Crovelli, William Z. Savage, William T. Laprade, and William D. Nashem, “Probabilistic Assessment of Precipitation-Triggered Landslides Using Historical Records of Landslide Occurrence, Seattle, Washington” (Vol. X, No. 2, May 2004, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience).
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
David M. Doolin, Donald L. Wells, and Patrick L. Williams, “Assessment of Fault-Creep Deformation at the Memorial Stadium, University of California, Berkeley, California” (Vol. XI, No. 2, May 2005, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience).
Craig M. dePolo, Steve Boron, John W. Bell, D. Burton Slemmons, and James L. Werle, “Latest Quaternary Fault Movement Along the Las Vegas Valley Fault System, Clark County, Nevada,” (Vol. XII, No. 2, May 2006, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience).
Arash Eshraghian, C. Derek Martin, and Dave M. Cruden, “Complex Earth Slides in the Thompson River Valley, Ashrcroft, British Columbia,” (Vol. XIII, No. 2, May 2007, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience).
Charles M. Brankman and Laurie G. Baise “Liquefaction Susceptibility Mapping in Boston, Massachusetts” (Vol. XIV, No. 1, February 2008, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience).
Thomas J. Wiles and John M. Sharp, Jr., "The Secondary Permeability of Impervious Cover" (Vol. XIV, No. 4, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience).
Jerome V. DeGraff, Arlington James, and Patrick Breheny “The Formation and Persistence of the Matthieu LandslideDam Lake, Dominica, W.I.” (Vol. XVI, No. 2, May 2010, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience).
Thomas L. Holzer, Thomas E. Noce, and Michael J. Bennett, “Liquefaction Probability Curves for Surficial Geologic Deposits” (Vol. XVII, No. 1, February 2011, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience).
George R. Priest, William H. Schulz, William L. Ellis, Jonathan A. Allen, Alan R. Niem, and Wendy A. Niem, “Landslide Stability: Role of Rainfall-Induced, Laterally Propagating, Pore-Pressure Waves,” (Vol. XVII, No. 4, November 2011, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience).
David A. Lienhart, Long-Term Geological Challenges of Dam Construction in a Carbonate Terrane (Vol. XIX, No. 1, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience).
Shaun E. Cordes, Greg M. Stock, Brandon E. Schwab, and Allen F. Glazner “Supporting Evidence for a 9.6 +/- 1 KA Rock Fall Originating from Glacier Point in Yosemite Valley, California” (Vol. XIX, No. 4, November 2013, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience).
2015 David S. Parks, "Bluff Recession in the Elwha and Dungeness Littoral Cells, Washington, USA" (Vol. XXI, No. 2, May 2015, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience). 2016 Philip L. Johnson, “Geologic and Geotechnical Factors Controlling Incipient Slope Instability at a Gravel Quarry, Livermore Basin, California” (Vol. XXII, No. 2, May 2016, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience). 2017 Jerome DeGraff, Vicki McConnell and Bill Burns, "Landslide Risk Reduction in the United States-Signs of Progress" (Vol. XXII, No.3, August 2017, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience). 2018 Mirko Francioni, Doug Stead, John Clague & Allison Westin, “Identification and Analysis of Large Paleo-Landslides at Mount Burnaby, British Columbia” (Vol. XXIV, No. 2, May 2018, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience). 2019 James R. Damico, Robert W. Ritzi, Naum L. Gerhenzon, Roland T. Okwen, "Challenging Geostatistical Methods to Represent Heterogeneity in CO2 Reservoirs under Residual Trapping" (Volume XXIV, Number 4, Environmental & Engineering Geology)
Outstanding Reviewer for Environmental and Engineering Geoscience Journal Award The Outstanding Reviewer for Environmental and Engineering Geoscience Journal Award, first presented in 2007, is given to an individual who has provided extended service by reviewing numerous manuscripts. This service includes providing, in a timely manner, critical evaluations, detailed comments, corrections of grammar and syntax, thoughtful suggestions for changes to improve the quality of the manuscript, and guidance to the Editors in making a decision regarding the manuscript. Environmental and Engineering Geoscience journal is always looking for reviewers. If you would like more information, please contact AEG at contact@aegweb.org. 2007 2008 2009
Roy J. Shlemon
No Award Bestowed
2015 George D. Gardner
Jeffrey R. Keaton
Resat Ulusay
2016 Matt Polizzotto
Barbara Mahler
William Gates
2017 Terry Stransky
Douglas F. Hambley
William C. Haneberg
2018 William Roman
Michael W. Hart
No Award Bestowed
2019 Brian Bruckno
Advocacy Award Established in 2018, this annual award is to recognize and showcase the accomplishments of effective advocates for geological practice and for their advocacy and outreach work to promote the value of geological practice among the general public and/or a legislative body. 2018 March 2020
Jennifer Bauer
Jerome De Graff
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Student Professional Paper The Association acknowledges the work of geology students by the Student Professional Paper Contest. Annually, the Association may make two awards at the Annual Meeting to student members in good standing in undergraduate and/or graduate divisions. The professional paper award is made for papers of merit prepared in the style of the Environmental & Engineering Geoscience journal. The award in each category includes a cash prize, certificates to the student member and their academic institution, and publication of the paper in the Spring issue of Environmental & Engineering Geoscience. Topics of the papers worthy of publication may range from literature searches to original work. The papers are judged by
seven full members of AEG selected by the President. None of the judges may be employed by an academic institution. Each paper is assessed on a number of criteria. The award in each of the two categories is made to the student whose paper has received the highest score above a minimum level. Papers should be written and submitted in standard AEG/GSA journal format (refer to http://eeg.allentrack.net/cgibin/main.plex). Electronic copies should be submitted to the Student Professional Paper Contest Coordinator, Cynthia Palomares at president@aegweb.org. Please send either pdf files or MS word files where all figures have been compressed. The deadline for entry submission is May 1, 2020.
William F. Cole, Texas A&M University (Graduate)
Clifton F. Wise, Texas A&M University (Graduate)
Cynthia L. Cason, Texas A&M University (Graduate)
Eric Triplett, University of Missouri Rolla (Undergraduate)
Clifford Pollock, Texas A&M University (Graduate)
Kirk Palicki, University of California, Berkeley (Graduate)
George W. Skladal, Jr., Texas A&M University (Undergraduate)
M. R. Cox, University of Missouri Rolla (Undergraduate)
Martin J. Woodard, Radford University (Graduate)
Richard S. Hazen, University of California, Los Angeles (Graduate)
Christoph Michael Goss, Colorado School of Mines (Graduate)
Alan B. Brillinger, Texas A&M University (Graduate)
Bradley A. Crenshaw, Colorado School of Mines (Graduate)
Jeffrey S. Neathery, Texas A&M University (Graduate)
Briget C. Doyle, University of Missouri-Rolla (Graduate)
Katherine T. Clemence, Texas A&M University (Undergraduate)
Greg D. Naugle, Colorado School of Mines (Graduate)
Adam Prochaska, Colorado School of Mines (Graduate)
James S. Eblen, Texas A&M University (Undergraduate)
Diana I. Cook, Colorado School of Mines (Graduate)
Paul M. Santi, Texas A&M University (Graduate)
Kevin Mininger, Colorado School of Mines (Graduate)
T. E. Beehner, Texas A&M University (Graduate)
Nathaniel R. Swanson, Colorado School of Mines (Graduate)
David G. Harwood, Texas A&M University (Graduate)
2015 Benjamin Haugen, Colorado School of Mines (Graduate)
Runner-up: Heidi Sieverding, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (Graduate)
Students have many opportunities to show off their work and skills to professionals through membership in AEG, not the least of which is the Poster Sessions at the Annual Meetigs.
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
Outstanding Chapter Award Submittal of an Annual Report by the specified deadline will qualify a Chapter for consideration for the “Outstanding Chapter Award.” This award was established by the Board of Directors in 2001 to honor a Chapter of the Association judged to excel in a number of areas including Professional Activities, Communications, Membership and Networking. The Outstanding Chapter will receive a $750 monetary award to be used by the Chapter. 2002
Utah Section
Rocky Mountain Section Oregon Section
Southwestern Section
Rocky Mountain Section
Oregon Section
Allegheny-Ohio Section
Carolinas Section
St. Louis Section
Carolinas Section
St. Louis and Washington Sections
Carolinas and Oregon Sections
Oregon Section
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
2015 San Francisco Section Runner-up: St. Louis Section
2016 Carolinas Chapter Runner-up: Texas Chapter 2017 Carolinas and San Francisco Bay Area Chapter Runner Up: New York-Philadelphia Chapter 2018 Outstanding Chapter: San Francisco Bay Area Chapter “Chapter on the Rise” Award: Nisqually Chapter
Outstanding Student Chapter Award The AEG Board of Directors established the Outstanding Student Chapter award in 2001 to honor the AEG Student Chapter judged to have excelled over all others in a given year. The award is AEG’s way of recognizing a Student Chapter for its outstanding performance. The award is also intended to help revitalize and encourage student chapters by challenging them to excel in a number of areas. Application for the award should be made for the preceding academic year. The required application can be made in the form of the annual report of the chapter activities that is required by the student activities coordinator on the home campus, or as a report directly to the AEG Board of Directors (BOD). A committee composed of three members of the BOD is chosen each year at the Mid-Year BOD Meeting to review the applications. The committee selects the Outstanding Student Chapter and two runner-up chapters, and presents its selection to the President of the Association at least 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting. Nominations are due June 15 and should be submitted to Headquarters.
March March 2020 2020
Judging Criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Runner-up: Sacramento Section 2004
This award shall be presented to a representative of the chapter at the Annual Meeting. The award shall consist of an engraved plaque for the chapter’s host school, a cash award and registration for two student representatives at the Annual Meeting. Runner-up chapters will receive certificates and smaller cash amounts.
Number of Chapter meetings and attendance. Number of field trips and attendance. Attendance at Chapter meetings. Attendance and talks at AEG Annual Meeting. Talks at Chapter student nights and total student attendance at the event. Outreach to other campuses to start new student chapters. Number of members at the time of the report and percentage increase from prior year. Fundraising activities. Help at Chapter level: meetings, short courses, etc. Help at AEG Annual Meeting and Board Meetings. Number of applicants (and recipients) to Marliave, Stout, and Tilford Scholarships. Other awards the Chapter or individual students have won.
Annual reports should be written in outline form following the above-listed criteria. The order of the report should follow the above list. 2002
Colorado School of Mines Runner-up: Kent State University
First Place: University of Wisconsin, Madison
Portland State University
Portland State University
Kent State University
Portland State University
Portland State University
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Radford University
Portland State University
Portland State University
Colorado School of Mines
No Award Bestowed
No Award Bestowed
Portland State University
Wake Tech Community College
Rutgers University – Newark
University of Utah
Nominations for Outstanding Student Chapter are due June 15 and should be submitted to AEG Headquarters.
AEG AEG 2019 2019 Annual Annual Report Report /2020 /2020 Directory Directory
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2018–19 Presidential Citations Presidential citations are issued at the termination of the President’s service at the Corporate Business Meeting. The award are intended to recognize and thank individuals for their assistance to the Association and/or the President during the past year(s).
Counsel and Fellowship For long-term encouragement, guidance, information, and availability to AEG and the President: Dale Andrews, Jennifer Bauer, Scott Burns, Dick Gray, Allen Hatheway, Greg Hempen, Bruce Hilton, Jeff Keaton, Ted Maynard, John Peck, Paul Santi, Susan Steele Weir, Bob Tepel, and Terry West.
For rolling up your sleeves and doing the work that makes our organization function. You provide careful oversight, have helped to implement high priority aspects of our strategic plan, inspire volunteers and make AEG valuable to its members: Advocacy: Phyllis Steckel Awards: Rosalind Munro Chapter Support: Stephanie Coffman and Curt Schmidt Communications: Ryan Marsters
Finance: Niall Henshaw and Brook Brosi
For your time and dedication in overseeing the AEG Annual Meeting, a Forum, Technical Workshop or Field Trip. These activities are important benefits to our members and non-members within our technical community. We put our trust in you and you performed to the highest standards.
Governance: Jeff Neathery and Jason Hinkle K–12: Ryan Fandry Meeting Advisory: Maddie German and Sarah Kalika
2019 Annual Meeting Planning Committee Co-Chairs:
Student and Young Professionals Support: Morley Beckman and Rebekah Bieber
Paul Weaver and Briget Doyle
Licensure: Ken Neal and Jim Struthers
2019 Risk Assessments for Dam and Levee Foundations Workshop
Ed Friend, Todd Loar and Cassandra Wagner
For your amazing work as AEG News Co-editors: Christina Villeneuve and Ashley Washhaus
2019 Grand Canyon Rafting Field Trip Ken Ferguson
For your tireless work as Co-editors of the Environmental & Engineering Geoscience Journal:
2019 7th International Conference on Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation
Abdul Shakoor and Brian Katz
Paul Santi
For doing the work of the organization as Chair of the Editorial Board of the Environmental & Engineering Geoscience Journal:
Chester “Skip” Watts
Strategic Initiative Coordinators
For providing many years of tireless guidance for our Special Publications:
For doing the difficult work involved with actually implementing an ambitious strategic plan and coordinating and integrating the work of two task groups and several operational committees: Renee Wawczak – for your meeting agendas, summaries and action tracking Nate Saraceno Curt Schmidt Bruce Hilton – for your willingness to get re-involved
Website Task Force Dale Andrews, Sarah Kalika and Kara Jacobacci
William Smith
Special Issues For their dedication and diligence in resolving critical issues to help AEG meet or exceed member expectations: Oliver Barker, Morley Beckman, Ryan Fandray, Julia Frazier, Eldon Gath, Mimi Garstang, Maddie German, Bill Godwin, Greg Hempen, Sarah Kalika, Rick Kolb, Linda Mark, Jeffrey Neathery, Cynthia Palomares, Nick Saines, and Curt Schmidt
Board of Directors Membership Task Force Julia Frazier, Rick Kolb and Renee Wawczak
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AEG AEG 2019 2019 Annual Annual Report Report /2020 /2020 Directory Directory
March March 2020 2020
AEG Foundation www.aegfoundation.org / staff@aegfoundation.org 4123 Broadway #817, Oakland, CA, 94611 Established by three Past Presidents of the Association of Engineering Geologists (AEG) in 1992 The AEG Foundation’s mission is to advance the science, scholarship, and education in environmental and engineering geology for the benefit of all.
Funds for Students Beardsley-Kuper Fund This fund provides financial support for field camp tuition and expenses. Established in 2009 by Cathryne Beardsley with her daughter Dorian Kuper and son-in-law Tom Kuper.
Carolinas Scholarship Established in 2015 with initial funds from the Carolinas Chapter, supports geologic studies by undergraduate students enrolled in a Geology or Geoscience program at an accredited university in North or South Carolina.
Susan Steele Weir (Women of “Steele”) Scholarship Fund This fund was established by the AEG Foundation in 2017 in order to promote and support the continued development and advancement of women in the profession of engineering geology.
Stout Fund Established in 1994, in memory of Martin Stout, this fund supports graduate and undergraduate students in Environmental and Engineering Geology.
Tilford Fund The Tilford Fund was established in 1998 in memory of Norm Tilford. It awards grants to graduate and undergraduate students in support of field studies.
Lemke Fund
Robert J. Watters Great Basin Chapter Scholarship Fund
Established in 2007, the Lemke Fund supports the scholarly and professional development of student members of the AEG by awarding grants intended to offset part of the costs of AEG Student Members who participate in AEG Annual Meetings or in meetings and conferences in which AEG has a substantial sponsorship, co-sponsorship, or management position.
This fund supports geoscience studies by students at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
West-Gray Scholarship Fund
Marliave Fund
Established in 2015 with generous donations from AEG Past Presidents Terry West and Richard Gray, the West-Gray supports undergraduate and graduate geology students in the eastern half of the United States through scholarship grants.
Established in 1968, Marliave scholarship awards are intended to support academic activity and reward outstanding scholarship in Engineering Geology and Geological Engineering.
Funds for Practitioners Cornerstone Fund
Mathewson Fund This fund provides funds to both undergraduate and graduate AEG Student Members studying in Texas. Established in 2007 by the Texas Chapter of the AEG, the Mathewson Fund is named for Dr. Christopher Mathewson.
John Moylan Student Chapter Grant This program supports AEG Student Chapters for field trips, visiting professionals, and other program needs through small grants.
Shlemon Quaternary Engineering Geology Fund Established in 2016, the fund supports graduate students conducting field studies in Quaternary Engineering Geology. The fund was established by a generous gift from Roy Shlemon, Honorary Member of AEG.
March March 2020 2020
This fund supports university-level teaching of engineering geology and geological engineering in the United States.
Jahns Fund This fund supports speaker programs, including the Jahns Lecturer selected by the AEG and Engineering Geology Division of the Geological Society of America.
K–12 Education Fund The purpose of this fund is to encourage K–12 students, K–12 teachers, and elementary, middle, and high schools to explore methods and technologies to teach geology.
Legget Fund Supports traditional and web-based publications in environmental and engineering geology, including public information outreach and a web-based library.
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Research Fund Supports small research projects that advance the science and application of environmental and engineering geology and related fields.
AEG Foundation honor roll
Shlemon Continuing Education Fund
William D. Mack Beal
John B. Ivey
This fund supports local workshops through the AEG Chapters.
Glenn A. Brown
Robert A. Matthews
Shlemon Specialty Conference Fund
George H. Davis
James McWhorter
This fund supports specialty conferences in engineering geology and related fields.
Edwin B. Eckel
Nancy J. Peck
Philip A. Frame
Ena Proctor
Richard W. Galster
Noal M. Ravneberg
William I Gardner
C. Michael Scullin
Stephen L. Garrison
Sigmund Schwarz
Richard C. Harding
Eugene K. Shaw
E. Paul Hartzell
Richard G. Sherman
Fund supports the Foundation’s business operations. Contributions to this fund reduce the burden on program funds. Advance the profession by contributing to AEG Foundation.
Aubrey D. “Pete” Henley
David B. “Burt” Slemmons
Onys Burke Henley
Richard C. Thompson
Memorial Fund
Seena N. Hoose
Norman R. Tilford
James D. Hume
David J. Varnes
Roy J. Shlemon Distinguished Mentor Fund This fund supports an AEG Distinguished Mentor.
Foundation Support Programs Greatest Need Fund Donations support program areas of greatest current need.
Johnston Operations Fund
This unrestricted fund accepts gifts of any amount in memory of any individual. Our AEG Foundation Honor Roll recognizes those memorialized by gifts totaling at least $1,000.
Taylor Dwight Hunt
AEG Foundation 2020 Board of DirectoRs Officers
William Flanigan
Steve Evans
Kerry Cato
William Smith
Duane Kreuger
Loren Lasky
Rosalind Munro
Jason Lenz
Ken Neal
Alex Vazquez
Bob Tepel
Operations Manager
Nichole Wendlandt Vetter
The Foundation’s silent auction held at each AEG Annual Meeting is just one way members can support the various funds.
You can participate in the AEG FOUNDATION by joining the BOARD or one of our committees! Contact AEGF Operations Manager Alex Vazquez at staff@aegfoundation.org. 30 30
AEG 2019 2019 Annual Annual Report Report /2020 /2020 Directory Directory AEG
March 2020 2020 March
AEG Foundation 2019 Awards Beardsley-Kuper Field Camp Scholars
Susan Steele Weir (Women of “Steele”) Scholar
The Beardsley-Kuper Geology Field Camp Scholarship provides funding support for summer geologic field camp. The scholarship is made available to undergraduates and post baccalaureate students on a yearly basis to fund the field camp cost at an accredited school. Students are required to be an AEG Student Member, and complete an application, that includes two professor references and an essay discussing their future goals and how the geology summer field camp is applicable.
The Susan Steele Weir Scholarship Fund was established by the AEG Foundation in 2017 in order to promote and support the continued development and advancement of women in the profession of engineering geology. Regan Wess, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
Caleb Ring, Colorado School of Mines Kasey Buckley, Missouri University of Science & Technology Jennifer Stephens, Austin Peay State Universit
Carolinas Scholar The Carolinas Scholarship provides support to geologic studies by undergraduate students majoring in geology or a related geoscience field at a university in North Carolina or South Carolina. Awards are made based on demonstrated academic ability, letters of reference, and an essay on how the funds will be used. Evan Miller, North Carolina State University
Martin L. Stout Scholars The Martin L. Stout Scholarship Fund supports environmental and engineering geologic studies by students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Recipients of grants will be designated as “Martin L. Stout Scholars.” Awards will be made by the AEG Foundation to outstanding and deserving students based on demonstrated ability, scholarship, potential for contributions to the profession, character, and activities in student/professional societies. Matthew Tello, Graduate Division 1st place, Colorado School of Mines Ogochukwu Ozotta, Graduate Division 2nd place, University of North Dakota John Andrew Krone, Undergraduate Division 1st place, Colorado School of Mines
Marliave Scholar The funds are distributed as grants, which are intended to support academic activity and reward outstanding scholarship in environmental and engineering geology. Recipients of grants will be designated as “Marliave Scholars.” Awards will be made by the AEG Foundation to outstanding students on the basis of demonstrated ability, scholarship, potential for contributions to the profession, character, and activities in student/professional societies. Andrew Graber, Colorado School of Mines
Audrey Woo, Undergraduate Division 2nd place, Rutgers University Sage Gandolfo, Undergraduate 3rd Place, University of Nevada, Reno
Norman R. Tilford Scholars These graduate-level awards support field research by Masters and/or PhD students, and undergraduate-level awards help the student to attend field camp.
Mathewson Scholar
Matthew Ellison, Graduate Division, Utah State University
These scholarships support geologic studies by students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Applicants must be students enrolled in an accredited Texas college or university or graduate students conducting their field studies inside Texas (although enrolled in an accredited university outside Texas). Awards will be made by the AEG Foundation to outstanding and deserving students based on demonstrated ability, scholarship, potential for contributions to the profession, character, and participation in student/professional societies.
Lily Beth Bosworth, Undergraduate Division 1st Place, University of Utah
Steven Follmer, University of Houston Clear Lake
Shlemon Quaternary Engineering Geology Scholar The Shlemon Quaternary Engineering Geology Scholarship is awarded to an outstanding graduate student to support their field work in Quaternary Engineering Geology. The Shlemon Scholar is chosen based on academic achievement, potential for contributions to the profession in general and Quaternary Engineering Geology in particular, letters of reference, and essays describing their research and how the funds will support their research. Nicholas Ferry, University of Cincinnati March 2020
Judith Avila, Undergraduate Division, 2nd Place–Tie, California State University, Fullerton Astrid Garcia, Undergraduate Division, 2nd Place–Tie, University of California, Riverside
West-Gray Scholars West-Gray Scholarship recipients must be graduate students enrolled in a university or conducting field research in the eastern half of the United States, or undergraduate students studying at a university in the eastern half of the United States. Nicholas Ferry, University of Cincinnati
Robert J. Watters Great Basin Chapter Scholar The Robert J. Watters Great Basin Chapter Scholarship Fund supports geoscience studies by students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Justine Overacker, University of Nevada, Reno
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Committees Operating Committees
Committees are activated or deactivated by the President, in consultation with the Executive Council and/or Board of Directors. Committee Chairs are appointed by the President unless the committee charter states otherwise, and Committee activities are managed by the Vice President/President-Elect, as Coordinator of Committees. Committee Chairs are requested to provide semi-annual reports of activities, to the Vice President/President-Elect at least 30 days prior to each Board of Director’s meeting. The Vice President/President-Elect is the Coordinator of Committees and shall provide coordination among the committees, liaison between the committees and the Board, and distribute Association information to various committee chairs. [Bill Godwin]
The Awards Committee is responsible for selecting recipients for the Claire P. Holdredge Award, Floyd T. Johnston Service Award, and the Douglas R. Piteau Outstanding Young Member Award (see Awards, pages 21–30, for more information). [Rosalind Munro]
Advocacy The AEG Advocacy Committee provides ideas, insight, and tools for all members of AEG to become advocates for the professions of environmental and engineering geology. The Committee recognizes that there are many audiences that need to know about our profession, and each audience hears our message from different perspectives. These audiences include legislators and the voters who elect them; industry decision-makers and project owners; collateral professionals; educators, from K–12 through post-graduate; the general public; and the next generation of geoscience professionals. The AEG Advocacy Committee also recognizes its role as facilitator for the Association Liaison Representatives. [Eldon Gath and David Bieber]
Annual Meeting Annual Meeting Committee members are appointed by the host Chapter to plan and carry out the activities of each Annual Meeting. The individual Committee is formed usually two or three years ahead of the Annual Meeting and carries through the final report, generally six months following the Annual Meeting. Each Committee is responsible for the financial, logistical, and technical planning of an Annual Meeting and is expected to report progress to the Board at stated intervals. [Mark Swank and Mike Marshall – 2020 Portland, OR]
Meetings Advisory The Meetings Advisory Committee provides guidance and technical assistance to the current Annual Meeting Planning Committee and any other nationally sponsored conference. The committee also maintains a continuity of experience and management of the Association's National Meetings. The Committee updates the Annual Meeting Guidebook following each meeting to ensure its accuracy. This Committee is also responsible for the development and implementation of the strategies related to National Meeting goals in the Association's Strategic Plan. [Sarah Kalika]
Honorary Member Award The Honorary Member Screening Committee shall consist of the President as Chair, two immediate living Past Presidents, and two Honorary Members appointed by the President. The Committee shall review all Honorary Member nominations received each year and review each candidate based on the defined criteria. The Committee will make its recommendation to the Board for approval. [Cynthia Palomares]
Schuster Medal Award The Schuster Medal Award Committee is charged with selecting a recipient for the Schuster Medal (see Awards, page 24, for more information). [Robert Schuster]
Terzaghi Mentor Award The Terzaghi Outstanding Mentor Award Committee (Committee) is charged with developing objective criteria for the award, reviewing nominations for the award, developing and maintaining a list of potential award nominees/candidates, and voting on proposed nominees for the award. The Committee consists of six total members of the Association; five voting and one non-voting. The five voting members include; one Past President, one Honorary Member, one Floyd T. Johnston Award recipient, one Piteau Award recipient, and one Karl and Ruth Terzaghi Outstanding Mentor Award recipient. The current Past President shall serve as the Committee Chair and be a non-voting member. [David Fenster]
Communications The Communications Committee oversees the Association’s publications and website and is responsible for maintaining their continuing quality and advising the Board of areas where publications and website may be improved, on new special publications, and the publication and website budget. The Manager shall be the Vice President of the Association. [Bill Godwin, Manager; Bill Roman, Co-chair]
Finance The Finance Committee's primary mission is to review the budget of AEG and advise and educate the Board of Directors and AEG Members about financial matters independent of the Board of Director's Executive Council. [Niall Henshaw and Brook Brosi]
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
Governance The Governance Committee reports to the Board of Directors (BOD) and is charged with acting as an advisor to the BOD in the following respects: 1) review and summarize options for BOD and Executive Council (EC) structure, policy, bylaws and protocol; 2) provide training and monitor performance of the BOD & EC; and 3) interact at regular intervals with the BOD, EC, and associated committees including but not necessarily limited to the Strategic Planning and Finance. The committee is made up of current and/or former BOD members who are not serving on the EC. [Jeff Neathery]
K–12 Education The K–12 Education Committee advocates the science of geology in K–12 education. The committee is responsible for leading initiatives in K–12 Education, being responsive to K–12 issues, and advocating the professions within the geologic sciences to K–12 students and educators. When a new member joins our committee, their background and experience helps to provide opportunities for implementation of innovative solutions to K–12 geoscience issues, resulting in a better K–12 geology education for children across the country. [Ryan Fandray]
Licensure The Licensure Committee’s primary function is to provide the Association with guidance and support in its implementation of the AEG Policy on Licensure. [Charles Nestle and Jim Struthers]
Nominations The Nominations Committee consists of the last three (3) living Past Presidents of the Association. The most recent living Past President serves as the Manager. The Nominations Committee selects, from the membership, possible nominees to serve as Officers of the Association and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors for selection of such members. Each nominee is contacted by the Committee to determine his or her willingness to serve, company support, and availability of time in the specified office, if elected. The Nominations Committee recommends to the Board, for approval, a candidate for each office. [David Fenster]
Publications This Committee oversees the Association's publications and is responsible for maintaining their continuing quality and advising the Board of areas where publications may be improved, on new special publications, and the publication budget. The Manager shall be the Vice President of the Association. [Bill Godwin]
AEG News AEG News, the Association’s news publication, contains information on the profession, committee reports, the President’s message, and other information and news of interest to the membership. AEG News is published in April, July, and December. Two special issues are also published: the
March 2020
Annual Report and Directory is published in March, and the Annual Meeting Program with Abstracts is distributed at the meeting. [Visty Dalal, Acquisitions Editor; TBD, Content Editor]
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience This respected journal was published continuously for more than 30 years as the Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists, the authoritative journal in its field. In 1995, renamed, it became a joint publication of the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists (AEG) and the Geological Society of America (GSA). At the same time, it was broadened to include several referenced articles on applied topics in the environmental and hydrological geosciences. It continues familiar features such as the Geology of Cities series, offering scientific insights into geological factors controlling urban challenges and opportunities; technical notes on current topics; a comment and reply forum for discussion among authors and readers; and book reviews of interest to practicing professionals. Environmental & Engineering Geoscience is co-edited by AEG and GSA and contains new theory, applications, and case histories illustrating the dynamics of the fast-growing environmental/applied disciplines. Four issues are published annually, with about 500 pages total, plus covers featuring geological studies of special interest. [Abdul Shakoor and Brian G. Katz, Editors]
Geology of Cities The Committee actively seeks contributions of manuscripts for the Geology of the Cities of the World series of technical papers. The Committee was established in 1980 and its members serve as special editors to the incoming papers of the series. [TBD]
Special Publications Special Publications of the Association focus on specific topics of interest and value to practicing professionals in the fields of Engineering, Environmental, and Groundwater Geology. The special Publications Committee proactively oversees all such publications of the Association, from initial concept and market analysis, through editing. The Committee is responsible for soliciting AEG Board of Directors approval for proposed publications and establishes document formats and quality control procedures for approved publications. The Committee coordinates its activities and planning with the Technical Working Group Chairs and the editors of AEG News and Environmental & Engineering Geoscience. [TBD]
Chapter Support The Chapter Support Committee is responsible for actively assisting and supporting Chapters and their programs. In addition, the Committee is responsible for the development and implementation of the strategies related to Chapter Support goals in the Association’s Strategic Plan. [Jacob Hundl and Curt Schmidt]
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Strategic Initiative
The Strategic Initiative Committee is charged with coordinating successful implementation of AEG’s Strategic Plan. This committee is also charged with reviewing and updating the Strategic Plan on a regular basis, with input from various sources including the AEG membership, other geoscience organizations, and outside experts on strategic planning and implementation. The committee is made up of AEG members and AEG Executive Council members. [Bruce Hilton, Curt Schmidt, and Renee Wawczak]
This group has the responsibility of reviewing environmental, engineering geology, and geotechnical questions and issues related to dam siting, construction, and safety. The group makes recommendations to the Board for consideration with respect to position or policy statements on dam-related matters. The technical working group activities include: informing our membership of new and emerging technologies, improving public awareness of dam safety issues and promoting our profession, providing input to local, state, or federal regulations, and publishing papers and organizing AEG Dam Symposia and Short Courses. [Kevin Richards and Cassie Wagner]
Student and Young Professional Support The Student and Young Professional Support Committee is responsible for the development and implementation of strategies related to supporting and increasing student and young professional members, and related goals in the Association’s Strategic Plan. [Morley Beckman]
Website Website responsibilities are managed through AEG Headquarters. If you have comments, please address them to Headquarters. [webeditor@aegweb.org]
Technical Working Groups Responsibilities Technical Working Groups are activated or deactivated by the President, in consultation with the Executive Council and/or Board of Directors. Chairs are appointed by the President and Working Group activities are managed by the Immediate Past President. Technical Working Groups are requested to: 1) provide material for each AEG News that may include activity reports, news items, meeting notices, or important literature references; 2) organize and hold symposia at an Annual Meeting at least every three years; and 3) update the technical portion of the website with literature references and technical resources annually.
Coordinator of Technical Working Groups The Immediate Past President is the Coordinator of Technical Working Groups and shall provide coordination among the Groups, liaison between the Groups and the Board, and distribute Association information to various Technical Working Group Chairs. [David Fenster]
Coastal Hazards This group is charged with disseminating information, organizing conferences and workshops, developing training, and writing general and technical articles regarding geologic hazards along the coasts of the United States—Atlantic, Arctic, Caribbean, Great Lakes, Gulf, and Pacific. This group will foster the integration of engineering and environmental geologic information into policy and management actions in order to reduce the nation’s future vulnerability to these hazards and to create more resilient and sustainable environments along the nation’s coasts. [Marty Goff and Dave Parks]
Digital and Electronic Technology in Geology This Group is charged with keeping the membership current on advances in digital and electronic technology related to the practice of environmental and engineering geology data collection and analysis including remote sensing, lidar, GIS, analytical and modeling software, etc. [Darrell Sofield]
Environmental Characterization and Remediation This Group is charged with keeping the membership current on regulations and regulatory guidance and methods of investigation and remediation of soil, groundwater, sediments and surface water impacted by release of petroleum products, chemical constituents, mining wastes, and naturally occurring contaminants such as asbestos and radon. [Syed E. Hasan]
Geophysics This Group is charged with keeping the membership current on methods, applications, and limitations of surface, subsurface, and on-water geophysical surveys for engineering and environmental projects. [Doug Lambert]
GEO-Unmanned Aerial Systems This Group is charged with keeping the membership current on the utilization of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and it's ancillary technologies for geo-professionals. It will foster cross-discipline collaboration, provide best-practice standards and guidelines, explore the vast potential of UAS derived datasets, and aid individuals and organizations in developing responsible and successful UAS programs by publishing white papers, and hosting seminars, webinars, and technical short corses. [Bryan Simpson, Josh Wagner]
Hydrogeology This Group is charged with keeping the membership current on significant developments and methods of data collection and analysis within the fields of groundwater control, usage, protection and regulation, and karst hydrology. [TBD]
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Landslides This Group is charged with keeping the membership current on information on the stability of slopes, landslides, and rockslides. The Group also provides data on the investigation and mitigation of slope stability and hazards and coordinates with similar committees of other technical organizations. [Casey Dowling and Kevin McCoy]
Naturally Occurring Asbestos This Group is charged with keeping the membership current on news and regulatory information regarding management, mapping, sample collection, laboratory analysis techniques, construction mitigation, education, and regulatory requirements related to the natural occurrences of asbestos and asbestiform minerals within the United States. [Sarah Kalika, Mark Bailey, and Dave Sederquist]
AEG Encourages Members to Participate in Chapter Events Active participation in your AEG Chapter can be rewarding in a number of ways—both personally and professionally. Most AEG Chapters offer networking, educational, and/or social events during the year for their members. These can include dinner meetings with speakers, student poster nights, short courses, field trips, and holiday or other social gatherings. Check out your Chapter’s web page at www.aegweb.org or contact any of the officers for more information.
Rock Mechanics This Group is charged with keeping the membership current on activities and aspects of rock mechanics that are of interest and have technical application to engineering geology, including upcoming meetings, seminars and conferences. [Benjamin Black]
Seismic Risk and Hazards This Group is charged with keeping the membership current on items relating to seismic hazards assessment and safety of engineered structures, effects of earthquakes and other seismic events, and state-of-the-art matters relating to engineering seismology. [Thomas Oommen]
Solid, Hazardous & Mine Waste Management This Group is charged with keeping the membership current on technical advances and regulatory changes involving the two aspects of solid and hazardous waste management: a) siting, design, operation, monitoring and closure of solid and hazardous waste management facilities, and b) conduct of hazardous waste cleanup operations. [TBD]
Oregon Chapter members gathered at the Old Market Pub for their monthly meeting and talk.
Subsidence This Group is charged with keeping the membership current on field investigation and mitigation procedures, associated with the various causes of subsidence (e.g. mine, fluid extraction, karst, soil settlement, etc.), and forming liaisons with other subsidence investigative groups. [TBD]
Sustainability The purpose of this group is to explore and research industry wide standards/practices that may be established and implemented in the engineering and environmental geology professions that allow the professions to become more sustainable. [TBD]
Tunneling This Group is charged with keeping the membership current on investigative and construction practices on tunneling and other underground excavation. [Alan Howard] March 2020
San Francisco Bay Area Chapter’s Sarah Kalika (Past Regional Director) and Justin Lindeman (Field Trip Co-Chair) in action at AEGSF’s booth at Discovery Day at AT&T Park in San Francisco
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
2020 Committee Contacts Coordinator of Operating Committees
Bill Godwin (831) 884-3308 aegodwin312@gmail.com
Special Publications TBD
Operating Committees
Geology of Cities Editor TBD
PAST PRESIDENTS COUNCIL Dave Fenster (301) 520-6507 pp@aegweb.org ADVOCACY Eldon Gath (714) 412-2653 gath@earthconsultants.com David Bieber (720) 245-6423 david.bieber@martinmarietta.com ANNUAL MEETING PLANNING 2020 PORTLAND, OR Mark Swank (503) 729-1992 markswank@comcast.net Mike Marshall (503) 641-3478 geomikemarshall@gmail.com MEETINGS ADVISORY Sarah Kalika (925) 672-2969 sarah@georx.net AWARDS COMMITTEE Rosalind Munro (949) 278-8223 rosalind.munro@amec.com HONORARY MEMBER AWARD Cynthia Palomares (979) 567-6372 president@aegweb.org JAHNS LECTURER AWARD Dave Fenster (301) 520-6507 pp@aegweb.org SCHUSTER MEDAL AWARD Robert Schuster (303) 279-9849 rlschuster25@msn.com TERZAGHI MENTOR AWARD Dave Fenster (301) 520-6507 pp@aegweb.org
AEG News Visty Dalal - Acquisitions Editor (443) 271-8122 visty.dalal@maryland.gov TBD - Content Editor Environmental & Engineering Geoscience Brian Katz - Editor (850) 245-8233, eegeditorbkatz@gmail.com Abdul Shakoor - Editor (330) 672-2968, ashakoor@kent.edu CONTINUING EDUCATION – TBD FINANCE Niall Henshaw (801) 572-5999 niall.henshaw@parsons.com Brook Brosi (501) 324-5633 kygeologist@yahoo.com GOVERNANCE Jeff Neathery (210) 710-6406 jsn@neathery.com K–12 EDUCATION Ryan Fandray (412) 399-5241 r.fandray@gaiconsultants.com LICENSURE Charles Nestle (626) 233-9260 ctnestle@gmail.com Jim Struthers (360) 709-5409 jrstruthers@comcast.net NOMINATIONS Greg Hempen (314) 608-5843 pp@aegweb.org Dave Fenster (301) 520-6507 pp@aegweb.org
COMMUNICATIONS Bill Godwin (831) 884-3308 aegodwin312@gmail.com
Bill Roman (717) 497-7073 wroman@gfnet.com
Jacob Hundl (979) 709-6869 geotex02@gmail.com
WEBSITE webeditor@aegweb.org
Curt Schmidt (908) 448-8579 schmidtcas.AEG@gmail.com
Morley Beckman (510) 628-9000 mbeckman@kleinfelder.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
NATURALLY OCCURRING ASBESTOS Sarah Kalika (925) 672-2969 sarah@georx.net
Curt Schmidt (908) 448-8579 schmidtcas.AEG@gmail.com
Mark Bailey (510) 704-8930 mark@asbestostemlabs.com
Renee Wawczak (847) 219-0419 renee.wawczak@gmail.com
Dave Sederquist (530) 295-0172 dcsederq@pacbell.net
STUDENT AND YOUNG PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT Morley Beckman (510) 628-9000 mbeckman@kleinfelder.com
ROCK MECHANICS Benjamin Black (770) 428-9009 benjamin.r.black@comcast.net
COORDINATOR OF TECHNICAL WORKING GROUPS Dave Fenster (301) 520-6507 pp@aegweb.org
SEISMIC RISK AND HAZARDS Thomas Oommen (906) 474-2045 toommen@mtu.edu
Technical Working Group Committees
DAMS Kevin Richards (847) 373-9993 kevin.richards@comcast.net
Cassie Wagner (303) 445-3147 cwagner@usbr.gov
DIGITAL AND ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY IN GEOLOGY Darrell Sofield (360) 224-7606 darrell.sofield@gmail.com
TUNNELING Alan Howard (720) 560-0558 ahoward@brierleyassociates.
FLOODING AND COASTAL HAZARDS Marty Goff (202) 549-1166 marty.goff@usace.army.mil Dave Parks (360) 480-7312 david.parks@dnr.wa.gov GEO-UNMANNED AERIAL SYSTEMS (UAS) Bryan Simpson (303) 445-3094 bksimpson@usbr.gov Josh Wagner (925) 471-1278 joshua.wagner@gsi.us GEOPHYSICS Doug Lambert (314) 997-7440 D_lambert@geotechnology.com HYDROGEOLOGY TBD LANDSLIDES Casey Dowling (780) 466-0538 cdow88@gmail.com Kevin McCoy (831) 247-5086 kevinmccoy8@gmail.com
March 2020
Submit an article for the July issue of AEG News by May 31. See page one for Submission Information and a link to our full guidelines.
Corporartse 2020 Sponso Glacier Peak
The University of Arizona College of Engineering (888) 658-2042 onlineengineering@arizona.edu https://online.engineering.arizona.edu/online-eng-mining/
Kilauea Lettis Consultants International, Inc. Earth Science Consultants (661) 287-9900 1000 Burnett Avenue, Suite 350 Concord, CA 94520 http://www.lettisci.com/ AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
2020 Region and Chapter Key
10 5 7
4 2 8 6
New York-Philadelphia
1: Northern California
2: Southern California
Ohio River Valley
Puget Sound
Great Basin
6: South Central
Greater Pittsburgh
San Francisco Bay Area
7: Midwest
Inland Empire
San Joaquin Valley
8: Southeast
Kansas City-Omaha
Southern California
9: Mid-Atlantic
Lower Mississippi Valley
Southern Nevada
10: Northeast
Mile High
St. Louis
New England
3: Pacific (includes AK and HI) 4: Southwest 5: Mountain-Prairie
11: International
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
2020 Member Roster Directory Listings of Renewed Memberships as of January 17, 2020 Adams, Jon
Notes: Full Member FM Honorary Member HM Life Member LM Affiliate Member AF Student Member S International Member IM International Student Member IS Post-Graduate Member PG Senior Emeritus Member SE Emeritus Member EM Teacher Member TM (Preferred mailing address and phone number are listed) If your address or phone is not correct, please contact AEG Headquarters: 3053 Nationwide Parkway Brunswick, OH 44212 330-578-4900 contact@aegweb.org Abbott, David W
607 Chetwood Street Oakland, CA 94610 510-928-4543 dabbottgw@gmail.com
Abdelhaleem, Shaimaa
4505 S Maryland Pkwy UNLV - Geoscience Las Vegas, NV 89154 702-695-4754 aliabdel@unlv.nevada.edu Department of Earth Science, Unversity of the Western Cape Modderdam Rd Bellville 07530 South Africa 276-104-2725 oluseyiblessed@gmail.com
1210 NE Hancock Street, Apt C Portland, OR 97212 503-577-5953 johnrobertadams@gmail.com
March 2020
759 Panther Mtn Rd Highlands, NC 28741 828-482-2196 radrian1@uncc.edu
Affeldt, Irving D
Boone Pickens School of Geology Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK 74075 405-334-7184 aghayan@okstate.edu
1050 Darlene Ave Springfield, OR 97477 jaguila4@uoregon.edu
20 Knickerbocker Ave Fl#1 Paterson, NJ 7503 862-823-7398 tjs255@scarletmail.rutgers.edu 16588 W 73rd Dr Arvada, CO 80007 303-919-5712 kgainslie@gmail.com
Allison, Grace
Allison, Susan Elizabeth
Alsaddik, Abd Alrahman Mostafa Kamel
32 Hassan Al Akbar St, Abdeen. Cairo 11111 Egypt abdelrahmanalsaddik@gstd.sci.cu.edu
Altai, Ali
75 Montrose Street 77, Quarrywood Road Glasgow, G1 1XJ, United Kingdom 44-7717651171 jamiu.aladejana@strath.ac.uk
7404 Espina Dr Austin, TX 78739 512-758-2485 ali.altai@live.com
Alani, Philip
3647 S Logan Ave Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-944-6186 lanette.altenbach@aecom.com
Altenbach, Lanette
Altenberger, Samuel G (FM)
14425 S 980 W Bluffdale, UT 84065 801-501-0583 hirama@geostrata-llc.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
14 Club Forest Lane Greenville, SC 29605 864-752-5603 susanea@clemson.edu
4005 Port Chicago Hwy, Ste 200 Concord, CA 94520 925-288-2003 wayne.akiyama@aptim.com
1027 Houston Springs Rd Greenback, TN 37742 865-481-7837 jalbert@specproenv.com
1705 Hinkson Ave, Apt 12 Columbia, MO 65201 314-775-1518 gkawxc@mail.missouri.edu
P O Box 4906 Ilorin 00234 Nicaragua adeolaonline@gmail.com
Albert, Jeffrey L
1 Bear Pl., Unit 97354 Waco, TX 76798 254-644-3336 peter_allen@baylor.edu
207 Parkview Ln Verona, WI 53593 262-719-0532 aaaken@wisc.edu
Alba, Hiram
432 Goodnight Trail Justin, TX 76247 469-544-5997 kique1999@gmail.com
Allen, Peter M
214 Bellemeade St, Apt 102 Greensboro, NC 27401 713-515-9032 applerocks155@gmail.com
11 East Main Street St Charles, IL 60174 630-995-6999 Alisa@A3E.com
Allen, Kim
Birlik Mah. 450. Cad. No:23 Çankaya / ANKARA, Ankara 06070 Turkey 530-223-4469 jlcan10@hacettepe.edu.tr
Aladejana, Jamiu A
601 Haybrooke Dr Maineville, OH 45039 algborr@miamioh.edu
Allen, Alisa
No 6B, Ladipo Bateye GRA Ikeja, Ikeja 37101 Nigeria 234-9064894554 deborah.jummie@gmail.com
Akiyama, Wayne S
510 Catanbo Court San Antonio, TX 78258 210-912-3263 ashleyvaguilar@gmail.com
Ainslie, Kristi G
83 Bonojo Street, Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State, Ijebu Ode Nigeria 234-8169662087 aiyelokuntobi@gmail.com
Akinrinmade, Adeola O
Aguilar, Ashley V
Algbory, Raghad (IS)
Aken, Andrew A
Aghayan, Afshin
Alen-Bella, Johanna L F 11450 Church Street, Unit 58 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 jlalenbella@cpp.edu
Akbay, Sabri C
4000 N McDonald St McKinney, TX 75071 972-740-1876 afshar@msn.com
Agnew, Allen B
2456 Fortune Drive, Ste 155 Lexington, KY 40509 859-252-7558 jainslie@legregg.com
Ajibola, Deborah O
545 Columbia Creek Dr San Ramon, CA 94582 925-938-2801 dean@ageotechgroup.com
Afshar, Farzin R
Ainslie, Jason
Aiyelokun, Oluwatobi
Adrian, Remy
Ahmed, Tazrin
1405 Simone Dr Conyers, GA 30094 404-988-5288 fadams4@gsu.edu
Adams, John
206 Deer Drive McGaheysville, VA 22840 330-289-8226 admassyx@jmu.edu
Aguilar, Jerod
940 N Clarkson Street, Apt #1 Denver, CO 80218 908-294-3019 rabousle@gmail.com
Adams, Faisal
Admassu, Yonathan
7104 NE 55th Ave Vancouver, WA 98661 360-695-2800 abagnew42@comcast.net
Abegunde, Oluseyi Ayokunle (IS)
Abousleiman, Rami
2204 Bobby K. Marks Drive Huntsville, TX 77340 jxa135@shsu.edu
PO Box 750695 Fairbanks, AK 99775 206-434-0984 sgaltenberger@alaska.edu
Alvarez, Leonardo (FM)
1648 Danromas Way San Jose, CA 95129 408-398-3539 leo.lalvarez@gmail.com
2020 DIRECTORY Amador-French, Christopher G
Andrews, Dale C (FM)
4742 San Fernando Rd Glendale, CA 91204 503-544-3709 frenchcg@gmail.com
543 31 Road Grand Junction, CO 81504 252-904-6986 frank@gsi.us
2882 Prospect Park Dr, Ste 200 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 916-366-1701 banderson@kleinfelder.com
Anderson, Douglas A
610 East Fifth Street Vancouver, WA 98661 360-701-0389 leg516daa@gmail.com
Anderson, Gery F
151 W Hatterleigh Ave Hillsborough, NC 27278 919-590-0662 gerya42@yahoo.com
2807 Daniel McCall Drive, #422 Lufkin, TX 75904 254-715-5556 Hka121491@gmail.com
8420 Gas House Pike, Ste B Frederick, MD 21701 301-663-6630 mwanderson@seismicsurveys.net
Anderson, Scott A
701 12th Street, Ste 211 Golden, CO 80401 720-289-9430 scanderson@bgcengineering.ca
Anderson, Scott William
Andrade, Kevin 2232 Lapis Lane Harrisonburg, VA 22801 910-546-4151 Andra2kd@dukes.jmu.edu
Assini, Claudia Teresa
Al-Jamawat District Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah 00344 Saudi Arabia ben_aqeel_2005@yahoo.com
842 Manning Villas Court SW Marietta, GA 30064 770-422-5060 assinct@yahoo.com
Arcand, Will J
Atkins, Rachel
801 K St, Ste 2015 Sacramento, CA 95814 916-319-9581 will.arcand@conservation.ca.gov
9201 University City Blvd Charlotte, NC 28223 505-280-3617 jarmour@uncc.edu
9908 168th Ave NE Redmond, WA 98052 425-885-2457 knots@drizzle.com
171 Eureka Pl Upland, CA 91786 jarroyo@cpp.edu
1302 Dove Lane Lockhart, TX 78644 832-475-0973 lavi_glandrea@yahoo.com
Bacellar, Luis Prado
UFOP/EM/DEGEO Campus Universitário s/n Ouro Preto 35400 Brazil 55-3135591845 bacellar@ufop.edu.br
2205 New Garden Rd, Apt 2711 Greensboro, NC 27410 302-462-5018 sash@schnabel-eng.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
1215 W Dayton St Madison, WI 53706 608-262-5513 jmbahr@geology.wisc.edu
600 Bancroft Way, Ste A Berkeley, CA 94710 510-289-1931 mark@asbestostemlabs.com
Baird, Andrew Scottmunro (FM) (S)
15115 SW Sequoia Parkway, Ste 130 Portland, OR 97224 andy@southwestgeophysics.com
Baker, Noreen A (FM)
9600 Great Hills Trail, Ste 300W Austin, TX 78759 512-425-2000 nbaker@intera.com
Baldwin, William J (S)
817 Franklin Ave Westminster, MD 21157 410-848-1402 bill_baldwin@usa.net
Ball, Scott (FM)
2332 Euclid Ave El Cajon, CA 92019 619-244-1860 daayres@hotmail.com
8179 W 50th Ave Arvada, CO 80002 303-819-0372 james.arthurs@dot.gov
140 E Stetson Ave, #116 Hemet, CA 92543 951-551-7804 jessie.p.bagby@gmail.com
Bailey, R. Mark
1164 West 1250 South Orem, UT 84058 801-472-1438 lana.axelsen@gmail.com
Ayres, David T
1802 Pine Ave NE Olympia, WA 98506 360-628-6143 badgert@earthlink.net
Bahr, Jean M
1308 Patton Avenue Asheville, NC 28806 828-230-3554 susan.avritt@woodplc.com
Axelsen, Lana (S)
407 Mesa Circle, Apt 1 Boone, NC 28607 919-803-9332 badeyak@appstate.edu
Bagby, Jessie
213 Hidden Acres Rd kingsport, TN 37664 423-999-6885 autenc@etsu.edu
Avritt, Susan
Armstrong, Dennis D
Sos. Pantelimon, Nr.312, Bl. 6, Sc. D, Ap.140 Bucuresti, Sector 2 21655 Romania 40-741513167 alexbadescu24@gmail.com
Badger, Tom C
665 Hollyhock St Park City, UT 84098 435-300-0405 harry.audell@gmail.com
Auten, Caleb
Badescu, Alexandru
Badey, Amanda
210-488-5028 aungmyint.nigel@gmail.com
Ash, Sampson Gootee
Audell, Harry S
Aung-Myint, Nigel
115 Middleton St, Apt 445 Nashville, TN 37210 484-885-7899 maarles@gmail.com
Arthurs, James M
2800 Faucette Drive Raleigh, NC 27695 716-799-2410 ratkins@ncsu.edu
23323 Kobi Park Ct. Spring, TX 77373 tfa001@shsu.edu
Arteaga, Gladys A
5120 Belmont Road, Ste G Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-725-0400 sanderson@anderson-env.com
Ashliman, Derek
Aqeel, Adnan
Arroyo, Janet
10205 W Rockwood Rd Little Rock, Arkansas 72204 501-455-4545 aecigeo@comcast.net
Anderson, Steven C
1382 Brookhurst Circle Centerville, UT 84014 soccerdog500@gmail.com
Armour, Jake
1755 Creekside Oaks Dr, Ste 100 Sacramento, CA 95833 916-598-3045 bobanderson816@gmail.com
Ashcraft, Claire
40 Shattuck Road Andover, MA 01810 mapfelbaum@woodardcurran.com
Arles, Michael A
683 Cherapple Circle Orem, UT 84097 801-319-1270 claire.e.ashcraft@gmail.com
Arceneaux, Teri
Anderson, Hunter K
Anderson, Robert L
3009 Donovan Loop SE, Apt B Olympia, WA 98501 406-272-5628 smangel@uw.edu
Apfelbaum, Mike
Anderson, Byron C
Ashby, James R
3972 Barranca Pkwy, Ste J 450 Irvine, CA 92606 714-270-6520 jrashby@missiongeo.com
Angel, Samuel M
Amend, Frank
Anderson, Matthew W
11 Stanwix St, Fl. 21 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-327-5575 dale.andrews@carmeusena.com
1578 Buena Vista Ave Livermore, CA 94550 925-997-0336 scott.ball@mottmac.com
Ballard, Thomas E (IM)
1715K S Rutherford Blvd, #400 Murfreesboro, TN 37130 916-761-3700 tballard@sehydrogeology.com
Banks, Brian Keith
244 Pincess Street, Ste 203 Wilmington, NC 28401 240-832-6272 bbanks@schnabel-eng.com
March 2020
2020 DIRECTORY Barbosa Lucas R
Basilone, Timothy R
João Sarmento Street, 1610 OsÃ_rio 95520 Brazil 55-51997019376 lnorenberg@edu.unisinos.br
244 Sycamore Ridge Dr Springdale, PA 15144 412-287-9871 tbasilone@azr.com
Bardsley, David S
615 E Peabody Dr Champaign, IL 61820 217-244-2394 rabauer@illinois.edu
Bauer, Robert A
14478 E Wethersfield Rd Scottsdale, AZ 85259 713-545-1859 david@horizontaldrill.com
Barker, James T
Bauer, Jennifer B (FM)
4685 S Ash Ave, Ste H-4 Tempe, AZ 85282 480-313-5774 jim.barker@terracon.com
Barker, Oliver B
Barnett, Elson (Chip) T
710 2nd Avenue, Ste 550 Seattle, WA 98104 425-765-2183 ebgeo2001@yahoo.com
Barnhart, Taylor Henry
25900 Skyline Dr Tehachapi, CA 93561 831-261-5803 jobaron.pe@gmail.com
Barosh, Patrick J
120 Front Street, Ste 7 Worcester, MA 1608 wcbartlettjr@gmail.com
March 2020
Beam Jr, John D
2933 baltimore Avenue, Apt 200 Kansas City, MO 64108 816-812-7670 Alex72197@yahoo.com
Beathard, R. Michael (PG)
9551 Co Rd 2448 Tool, TX 75143 281-840-3209 mbeathard@earthlink.net
Bernard, John P
Berroa, Ney
600 S Airport Rd, Ste A-205 Longmont, CO 80503 510-517-0285 morley.beckman@gmail.com
3710 Whitehall Green Ln, #7204 Charlotte, NC 28273 neyberroa@gmail.com
Beckstrand, Darren
Berry, John H (FM)
10250 SW Greenburg Rd, Ste 111 Portland, OR 97223 503-318-1641 dbeckstrand@cornforth consultants.com
44870 N El Macero Dr El Macero, CA 95618 530-758-3819 trinda@att.net
Bello La Puerta, Manuel
617-943-4479 ebessettekirton@gmail.com
681 Edison Way Reno, NV 89502 775-771-2388 chris@axionengineering.net
4847 S Merrill Circle Las Vegas, NV 89121 808-938-2851 bettsm1@unlv.nevada.edu
PO Box 133 Helenwood, TN 37755 423-215-1857 garybible11@gmail.com
Bieber, David W
5156 Silverlake Court St Charles, MO 63304 314-625-8513 mlb3t8@mStedu
Bible, Gary
1627 Cole Blvd, Ste 200 Lakewood, CO 80401 916-870-6635 david.bieber@martinmarietta.com
Bilodeau, Sally W
4000 Rue Griffith Saint-Laurent H4T 1A8 Canada 514-737-6541 solroc@solroc.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
669 Calmar Avenue Oakland, CA 94610 510-759-6422 pfbertucci@gmail.com
Beutler, Miranda L
2442 NW Market St, #40 Seattle, WA 98107 206-707-5911 bensonmaryalice@gmail.com
7000 East Avenue, L-627 Livermore, CA 94550 925-829-0229 tavfuto@sbcglobal.net
Bertucci, Paul F
Betts, Madison
50 Gold Mine Dr San Francisco, CA 94131 415-641-7339 herbbensinger@gmail.com
Bergeron, Brian P
1760 Harbour View Drive Marquette, MI 49855 630-730-7428 john.berry@matrixcp.com
Betts, Chris D
75 Beechwood Ave Edison, NJ 08837 732-881-6001 npb40@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Bensoussan, Aime
Bessette-Kirton, Erin
Alicante nº.10 Salinas 03638 Spain 62-932-5648 ingema@ingemacb.com
Benson, Mary Alice
Bearden, Alexander Thomas (S) (SE)
Beckman, Elizabeth Morley (FM)
Bensinger, Herbert S
Beard, Logan J
4330 Water Lily Loop, #201 Bellingham, WA 98226 925-383-0472 johnpbernard84@gmail.com
Bendre, Nikita
Berina, Justine Paul 1189 Beall Ave, #C1145 Wooster, OH 44691 330-845-2310 justineberina@outlook.com
5215 Deer Haven Drive Raleigh, NC 27606 260-908-7227 aabell1@my.waketech.edu
Beadle, Steven C
6756 Quinella Dr Las Vegas, NV 89103 702-648-2983 glbeckman@hotmail.com
Bell, Austin A
2710 US HWY 421 N Boone, NC 28607 615-498-6720 beardlj@appstate.edu
PO Box 812 Castle Rock, CO 80104 303-988-2426 SamuelBartlett@aol.com
Bartlett, William Clifton
PO Box 164 Malmsbury 03446 Australia 61-400023381 fredb@iinet.net.au
Beach, Erin
Beckman, Gary L
Bedrossian, Trinda L
1321 Ridgeview Dr Ukiah, CA 95482 707-367-6451 bawcom@pacific.net
3052 Beaumont Centre Circle Lexington, KY 40513 859-619-8945 jbeam308@gmail.com
2100 Labieux Road Nanaimo V9T 6E9 Canada 250-713-6028 Hardy.Bartle@gov.bc.ca
Bartlett, Samuel R
735 Tank Farm Rd, Ste 150 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805-878-4289, Steve.beadle@arcadis-us.com
200 Park Avenue, Apt #35 West Mifflin, PA 15122 412-302-6566 rickbarringer@msn.com
Bartle, Harold T
1971 W 12th Ave Denver, CO 80204 303-628-5025 erin.c.beach@gmail.com
103 Aaron Ave Bristol, RI 02809 401-254-2095 pjbarosh@fullchannel.net
Barringer, Richard A
Baynes, Frederick J
3405 Helms Street, Apt 104 Austin, TX 78705 taylorbarnhart@utexas.edu
Baron, Jane O
935 Fremont Avenue Los Altos, CA 94024 650-346-9520 mark@murrayengineers.com
Bawcom, Julie A
Becker, Frederick H 18210 47th Pl NE Lake Forest Park, WA 98155 206-953-0933 fredhb@comcast.net
35 Driftstone Circle Arden, NC 28704 828-329-3640 jennbbauer@gmail.com
Baumann, Mark F
PO Box 72611 Parkview, Johannesburg 02122 South Africa 27-11826533533 obb@banzi.co.za
61 Summerfield Street Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 805-551-0649 sally.bilodeau@aecom.com
Binder, Jeffrey L
5133 Lowell St Overland Park, KS 66202 913-558-6549 jbkc5133@gmail.com
2020 DIRECTORY Bingley, Russell C
34 Gerber Ln Cody, WY 82414 307-250-6744 chrismaryb@aol.com
Bissell, Immanuel C
5675 E Orchid Meadow Ln Prescott, AZ 86303 805-701-1016 tblake@thomasfblake.com
Blomfield, Jaydne M
Bodkin, Timothy G
Boerding, Gretta 10 Windermere Ct. Saint Charles, MO 63301 636-368-1631 gboerding@gmail.com
110 Perimeter Park Rd, Ste E Knoxville, TN 37922 865-385-9885 jbolling@strataenv.com
Rue Fernand Hébuterne, Résidence La Plaine Egly 91520 France 33-783769767 hedrainbomali@hotmail.com
3114 Katies Xing Park City, UT 84098 801-536-4023 parkcityboones@comcast.net
1315 Locust Pl. Davis, CA 95618 530-220-5081 jimborchers@sbcglobal.net
4009 Alava Dr Fort Worth, TX 76133 817-915-6174 rusty@gehriginc.com
53 Rolling Ridge Rd Amherst, MA 1002 413-237-4852 marco@boscardinconsulting.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Briggs, Stephanie
1784 Orleans Ct Walnut Creek, CA 94598 704-839-3512, Stephbriggs@gmail.com
Brinkerhoff, Laura
1805 Atlantic Ave Manasquan, NJ 08736 732-223-2225 lbrinkerhoff@brinkenv.com
Briseno, Rocio
1533 19th Ave Oakland, CA 94606 510-229-0899 rbriseno1406@gmail.com
Brock, Stephanie
610 Bell Dr Las Vegas, NV 89101 702-578-6509 brocks2@unlv.nevada.edu
Brooker, Sarah
830 Glen Echo Trail Winston-Salem, NC 27106 336-757-6543 sbrooker@email.unc.edu
Brooks, Justin L (LM)
983 Ridgewood Dr Corona, CA 92881 951-735-9908 globgeosrv@aol.com
Branch, James R
2203 Round Lake Dr Houston, TX 77077 281-254-6291 annette.brewster@outlook.com
Dom Pedro II, 663, Apt 502 Pelotas 96010 Brazil 907-385-6272 lucas.nascimento.braga @gmail.com
Bramwell, David D
4412 SW Corbett Ave Portland, OR 97239 503-939-7910 scott.braunsten@pbsusa.com
Brewster, Annette
10412 Mohawk Lane Leawood, KS 66206 913-787-3333 klb8vd@mail.umkc.edu
Braga, Lucas Nascimento
Braunagel, Michael John
PO Box 2524 Concord, NH 03302 603-234-7009 kbrad46@bradleyclark.net
Bradley, Kieran
Braunsten, Scott (S)
550 Cleveland Ave N Saint Paul, MN 55114 651-659-1352 cbraaten@amengteStcom
Bradley, Ken
Braun, Andrew
1350 Dublin Rd, Apt 18 Columbus, OH 43215 mbraunagel219@gmail.com
17731 Long Point Dr Redington Shores, FL 33708 727-393-0675 jbowybor@aol.com
Braaten, Chris
33282 Golden Lantern St, Ste 212 Dana Point, CA 92629 949-248-3554 bboka@danapoint.org
Boscardin, Marco D
1206 South Schifferdecker Ave Joplin, MO 64801 jbowling@whiteseis.com
Bowman Jr., John C
755 E Flamingo Road Las Vegas, NV 89119 702-862-5461 gabrielle.boisrame@dri.edu
Borchers, James W
Po Box 370962 Montara, CA 94037 650-622-6560 tgbodkin@comcast.net
Bowen, Madison E
408 Arrowhead Dr Hurricane, WV 25526 304-400-1977 andrewmbraun@yahoo.com
Bourgeois, Christian
Bowling, John Anthony
Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences Raleigh, NC 27695 919-515-7449 drbohnen@ncsu.edu
Boone, Eric A
1358 North Oak St Rolla, MO 65401 636-219-0120 meb629@mStedu
Boma-Li-Poathy, Hedrain
UNC Charlotte Department of Geography and Earth Sciences Charlotte, NC 28223 704-687-5998 AndyBobyarchick@uncc.edu
Bourcy, Scott C
Brandon, Steven H 6118 Moonpatterns Trl Fairfax Station, VA 22039 571-213-6871 sbrandon@lachel.com
4055 8th Ave NE, Unit 401 Seattle, WA 98105 832-693-8092 christianbourgeois@outlook.com
5365 Avenida Encinas, Ste A Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-931-1917 pbogseth@hetherington engineering.com
Bolling, Joshua Robert
9860 W Saanich Rd POB 6000, Sidney V8L 4B2 Canada 613-866-4333 peter.bobrowsky@canada.ca
Bobyarchick, Andy R
Boka, Brandon A
2200 White Pine Rd Hudson, WI 54016 612-373-8904 kimblomker71@gmail.com
Bobrowsky, Peter T
Bogseth, Paul
Boisrame, Gabrielle F
7315 Corian Park Drive San Antonio, TX 78249 210-707-2272 jaydneblomfield@gmail.com
Blomker, Kimberly
Bogner, Jean E
7783 Jared Way Littleton, CO 80125 303-324-6906 scott.bourcy@amecfw.com
Bohnenstiehl, DelWayne R (FM)
18001 S Bogynski Rd Oregon City, OR 97045 503-502-0820 timbwood@ccgmail.net
Blake, Thomas F
586 Crescent Blvd, #503 Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 630-915-8872 jbogner@uic.edu
5015B 40th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98105 425-248-3748 teblack@uw.edu
Blackwood, Tim
Boettner, Will
Bosworth, Lily 2810 Fillmore Ave Ogden, UT 84403 801-866-3274 lilybethbosworth@hotmail.com
15202 S Flamingo Dr Austin, TX 78734 512-763-9686 willboettner@gmail.com
3530 S Hoyne Ave, Apt 2 Chicago, IL 60609 847-481-9127 mattbiz18@gmail.com
Black, Taryn
3370 Saint Rose Pkwy, Apt 821 Henderson, NV 89052 808-346-8994 boes@unlv.nevada.edu
3932 Filion St Los Angeles, CA 90065 818-257-9995 chasbissell@gmail.com
Bizjack, Matt
Boes, Thomas
10707 Ross Rd, Unit A Bothell, WA 98011 813-205-3481 kiyote@live.com
Brosi, Brook E (FM)
700 W Capitol Ave, Rm 6518 Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 502-649-1914 kygeologist@yahoo.com
Brourman, Mitchell
301 Brushton Ave, Ste A Pittsburgh, PA 15221 412-979-3508 mbrourman@fieldenvironmental.com March 2020
2020 DIRECTORY Brown, Clayton
115 Shavano Dr, Unit 108B Gunnison, CO 81230 919-741-9257 clayton.brown@western.edu
Brown, Colby
Bruce, Steven R
103 University Village Dr, 186K Central, SC 29630 803-587-4570 jbrumag@g.clemson.edu
Brunengo, Matthew J
2625 Fieldstone Drive Victoria, MN 55386 952-443-3071 dbruner2001@yahoo.com
Bruner, Austin 922 Sail View Dr seneca, SC 29672 adbrune@g.clemson.edu
March 2020
Burns, Robert
Burns, Scott F
Burrows, Edward L
Busby, Edward G
Butcher, Blake Lawrence 4888 Christian School Road Pantego, NC 27860 blakebutcher8@gmail.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Calhoun, Nancy
Calvelage, Christopher M
Campbell, Charles W
400 Waterfront Dr Pittsburgh, PA 15222 330-495-1794 hkrivos@gmail.com
PO Box 369 Rockland, MA 02370 617-871-6040
Campbell, Steven H (S)
2931 Cotton Stock Dr Sugar Land, TX 77479 713-252-7211 geofizman@gmail.com
Campbell, David S (EM)
5654 W Leawood Dr Littleton, CO 80123 303-797-7559 cwcden@aol.com
Campbell, Heather L (FM)
8901 Eton Ave, Spc. 45 West Hills, CA 91304 818-794-1242 veelik@pacbell.net
Campbell, Kerry J (S)
10826 Riana Dr Houston, TX 77065 anm143@shsu.edu
Campbell, Alice M
64 Nutley St Ashland, OR 97520 541-488-5708 ebusby7@gmail.com
Cadarette, Philip W
Camp, Adam (S)
1303 Pallares Ln Placentia, CA 92870 949-230-5499 ekburrows@sbcglobal.net
2154 Ware Circle, Apt 54 Rolla, MO 65401 573-366-4618 klb4z7@mStedu
1427 Columbia Street Lafayette, IN 47901 ccalvelage3@yahoo.com
3B Creekside Vlg Buffalo, NY 14261 christineburrill@gmail.com
30423 Canwood St, Ste 208 Agoura Hills, CA 91301 818-903-6530 cbuckley@calenviro.com
Cabogos, Jerick
800 NE Oregon Street, Ste 965 Portland, OR 97232 360-820-1530 nancyccalhoun@gmail.com
Department of Geology PO Box 751 Portland, OR 97207 503-407-7462 burnss@pdx.edu
Burrill, Christine
4215 St Leonard Ln Saint Ann, MO 63074 636-675-9271 camille.buckley@slu.edu
115 Orchard Dr Fremont, CA 94536 510-304-8363 annab@redtail-ec.com
Burnett, Austin
2129 E Wm J Bryan Pkwy Bryan, TX 77802 979-485-2879 phil@jbs-bcs.com
2720 Gateway Oaks Drive, Ste 300 Sacramento, CA 95833 916-227-5637 rburns@water.ca.gov
Buising, Anna
2117 Possum Trot Rd Wake Forest, NC 27587 336-686-1141 austinakb98@gmail.com
2251 Douglas Blvd, Ste 200 Roseville, CA 95661 916-677-4800 mbuche@gfnet.com
Buckley, Kasey
11 Oak Branch Dr, Ste A Greensboro, NC 27407 336-908-0473 sbuchanan@schnabel-eng.com
Buckley, Charles I
Burkholder, Nathan
Cabibbo, Ashley
4006 Wallingford Dr Garland, TX 75043 jpc160030@utdallas.edu
307 Welchwood Dr Clarksville, TN 37040 931-320-8350 Burkholder.nj@gmail.com
5915 Sunfish Lake Ave NE ROCKFORD, MI 49341 240-377-7161 brianbuchanan1@email.grcc.edu
Buckley, Camille
1591 Woodland Ter Lake Oswego, OR 97034 503-534-0414 mbrunengo@aol.com
Bruner, Douglas
Buche, Matt V
2017 Fairview Ave E, Unit G Seattle, WA 98102 206-390-9178 bob@burkgeoconsult.com
Burkemper, Andrew J
1111 Washington St SE Olympia, WA 98501 360-902-1450 ashley.cabibbo@dnr.wa.gov
100 North Broadway, 20th Floor Saint Louis, MO 63102 314-973-2121 burkemper@gmail.com
3100 Ferry Ave, #A102 Bellingham, WA 98225 360-979-7529 bryante4@wwu.edu
Buchanan, Susan
Skookum Water Associates Inc. 1626 Victorian Way Eugene, OR 97401 503-319-8926, Steve@skookumwater.com
Brumagin, Josh S
Buchanan, Brian
2105 South C Street Tacoma, WA 98402 518-526-3376 atbrownell31@gmail.com
Burgess, Jordan Patrick
Burk, Robert (S)
Bryant, Emily (S)
Burger, Karin
Byrne, Gregory S 31129 Via Colinas, Ste 707 Westlake Village, CA 91362 818-878-9131 greg@ghageo.com
497 Burgess Road Crossville, TN 38572 burgessjp@roanestate.edu
17926 Dixie Hwy, Ste B Homewood, IL 60430 312-403-0846 pbryan@bryanenv.com
10940 Roan Creek Rd Butler, TN 37640 423-444-3669 pbrownmp7@gmail.com
Brownell, Andrew
Brutzkus, Pamela
Bryan, Patricia M
900 S Fremont Ave, Fl 4 Alhambra, CA 91803 626-676-6373 kburger@dpw.lacounty.gov
9057 Greenwood Ave N, #407 Seattle, WA 98103 pbrutzkus@gmail.com
1425 W. Lincoln Hwy Northern Illinois University, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences DeKalb, IL 60115 240-285-5942 mbrown18@niu.edu
Brown, Patrick
PO Box 332 Roseville, CA 95661 916-677-1470 jbrusca@BruscaAssociates.com
430 Wood Street, Box 189 West Lafayette, IN 47906 lucy.brown608@hotmail.co.uk
Brown, Megan RM
Brusak, Amber G
Brusca, Joseph G
Burger, David 785 Ygnacio Valley Rd Walnut Creek, CA 94596 925-935-9771 dburger@caleng.com
Denver Federal Center Bldg 56, Rm 1510 Denver, CO 80225 abrusak@alumni.mines.edu
5901 Priestly Drive, Ste 301 Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-795-1966 jbrown@geiconsultants.com
Brown, Lucy
78 Cottonwood Trl Gunnison, CO 81230 970-901-8405 hbrunkal@western.edu
706 Kanawah Run Yorktown, VA 23693 757-871-7882 browncol16@students.ecu.edu
Brown, Jeffrey D
Brunkal, Holly A
327 - A East Haley Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 805-965-5003 Steve@campbellgeo.com
2020 DIRECTORY Campbell, Donald P
Carlson, Chad
36 Midway Drive Livingston, NJ 07039 718-963-5453 donald.campbell@nationalgrid.com
745 Rhgde Island Dr Reno, NV 89503 707-280-0763 ameanchad@hotmail.com
Canada, Amani
Carlson, Daniel L
7826 Western Pass Ln Houston, TX 77095 713-851-5113 amanilcanada@gmail.com
Canavello, Doug
Carlson, Jill M
1801 19th St Golden, CO 80401 303-384-2643 carlson@mines.edu
Caneday, Andrew
Carlucci, Michael
2101 4th Avenue, Ste 950 Seattle, WA 98121 206-459-9071 andy.caneday@gmail.com
Carnegie, Vincent John (SE)
26982 Pueblonuevo Dr Mission Viejo, CA 92691 949-768-3356 larrycann@cox.net
801 Raven Raymore, MO 64083 913-302-5514 me109pilot@sbcglobal.net
Jeremy Caparotta 101 Bleeker Street Newark, NJ 07102 973-513-5440 jjc436@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
415 Oak St Kansas City, MO 64106 816-719-5277, Stephanie.caples@tetratech.com
Capos, Dwight
715 Brompton Street, 103-B Houston, TX 77025 dyc002@shsu.edu
Card, Nance
1301 N McCarran Blvd, Ste 101 Sparks, NV 89431 775-842-1722 ncard@newfields.com
PO Box 62 Ackerman, MS 39735 662-312-2959 rec196@msstate.edu
Christie, Cameron Joseph
Chukwu, Chidinma N
640 11th St, Unit 402 Golden, CO 80401 303-808-7723 echurch41@gmail.com
Churchill, Alan
19 Meadow Lane Hackettstown, NJ 07840 Ryanw.chappel@gmail.com
42 Willis Drive Ewing, NJ 08628 609-651-5140 echarles@usgs.gov
350 University Ave, Ste 250 Sacramento, CA 95825 916-333-5920 achurchill@padreinc.com
Ciprian, Elodia
1815 S Kent Des Moines Rd, Apt A6 Des Moines, WA 98198 206-552-5741 codychaussee@gmail.com
407 Clarence Secrest Rd Monroe, NC 28110 980-328-2449 scheste2@uncc.edu
15481 Ramona Ave Fontana, CA 92336 909-485-0912 elodia_ciprian@yahoo.com
Clark, Bruce R
2701 Ebbtide Rd Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 949-394-3028 brucerclark@gmail.com
Clark, Christina L
New Geology Complex(NGC), University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nigeria 234-8062442512 chukwuchidinma22@gmail.com
Church, Ed
6960 Flanders Dr San Diego, CA 92121 858-558-6900 chapin@geoconinc.com
Chew, Brian E
Rantzausmindevej 120 Svendborg 05700 Denmark 452-185-4195 frits@geohelper.dk 34 North Precinct Rd Centerville, MA 2632 camjchr182@gmail.com
Chester, Shelby
124 Mesquite Street Boerne, TX 78006 210-291-7894 robbycarte@gmail.com
501 Duncan Drive San Marcos, TX 78666 calebcavender909@gmail.com
Chaussee, Cody
928 Columbus Drive Capitola, CA 95010 831-475-6373 sec123abc@yahoo.com
Carte, Robert
Cavender, Caleb
Charles, Emmanuel
6502 Old Waco Ln Temple, TX 76502 413-923-8114 diane.carrico@utexas.edu
Carson, Scott E
3595 Old Conejo Rd Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 818-800-9980 bcavan@gorian.net
3409 S Evergreen Pl Salt Lake City, UT 84106 385-227-8343 garychristenson1@comcast.net
Christiansen, Frits (FM)
Chappel, Ryan
Uaf Gi 2156 Koyukuk Drive Fairbanks, AK 99775 406-381-6039 cgcarr@alaska.edu
Carrico, Diane
PO Box 891930 Temecula, CA 92589 951-834-2619 kerry@catogeoscience.com
Chapin, Michael S
20280 Old River Dr West Linn, OR 97068 512-750-1809 ccharlie@pdx.edu
Carr, Chris
Caples, Stephanie M
134 N La Salle St, Ste 300 Chicago, IL 60602 701-610-3038 cchristenson@geosyntec.com
Christenson, Gary E (FM)
Chandler, Reed E
1177 Tanbark Rd Lexington, KY 40515 859-245-2386 mlrdc@twc.com
Carr, Charlie
Caparotta, Jeremy
1726 Commonwealth Ave Kalamazoo, MI 49006 512-573-0824 cgz7132@wmich.edu
Carpenter, David W
Caoile, John A
5390 Via Morena Yorba Linda, CA 92886 949-228-6257 charliechou3@gmail.com
Christenson, Chase (S)
120 BlackBerry Lane Henderson, NV 89074 702-510-9560 Anabel19@unlv.nevada.edu
Cavan, William F
596 Main St Woburn, MA 1801 617-312-8806 mcarnevale@hagergeoscience.com
Carpenter, Conner
5307 W. Friendly Ave Greensboro, NC 27410 336-207-3910 rcannon@schnabel-eng.com
Chou, Charlie Y (S)
138 Forest Street Kearny, NJ 7032 201-998-3146 ac1789@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Cato, Kerry D
1545 Victory Blvd 2nd Flr Glendale, CA 91201 carnegie@geosys1.com
Carnevale, Mario
7350 Bulen Dr Anchorage, AK 99507 907-344-6001 eccannon@gmail.com
Cannon, Robert P
Chong, Jeng Hann 8401 Wilbur Ave Northridge, CA 91324 571-342-2320 javiercj7@gmail.com
Castro, Anabel
7 Crosswood Way Warren, NJ 7059 mike123moc@gmail.com
Cann, Lawrence R
29 Capital Dr, Ste 200 Ottawa, K2G 0E7 Canada 855-353-2532 myles.carter@ul.com
Castelo, Alex
3043 E. Ellery Ave Fresno, CA 93710 559-285-1350 dcarlson45@comcaStnet
PO Box 16265 Greensboro, NC 27416 336-335-3174 doug@pyramidenvironmental.com
Cannon, Eric C
Carter Myles A
145 N Sierra Madre Blvd, Ste 1 Pasadena, CA 91107 818-331-1792 cclark.geologist@gmail.com
10122 Industrial Drive Pineville, NC 28134 704-413-3311 brianchew@enviroequipment.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
2020 DIRECTORY Clark, Shane
1279 Maple Leaf Ct, Apt 1B Medford, OR 97504 603-759-1825 hopper@email.arizona.edu
Cleary, J. Michael
9817 Thornridge Dr Indian Trail, NC 28079 704-774-0601 pcoffey1@uncc.edu
251-554-1847, Stephanie.coffman@stantec.com
Al Nahyan E25, C66 A Tower Abu Dhabi 45014, United Arab Emirates 39-3515842387 fcognigni0@gmail.com
March 2020
Conti, Chad R
400 Unicorn Park Drive, 3rd Fl Woburn, MA 01801 781-721-4119 cconti@geiconsultants.com
MS 47007 Olympia, WA 98504 360-902-1553 trevor.contreras@dnr.wa.gov
Cook, Michael O 422 W 53rd St San Bernardino, CA 92407 951-538-8786 mcook@kleinfelder.com
1103 Eastlawn Drive GREENWOOD, MS 38930 662-897-3343 ddc215@msstate.edu
2000 S Colorado Blvd Annex Bldg, Ste 400 Denver, CO 80222 303-446-6642 acrockford@brierleyassociates.com
Cronin, John E
Courser, Haley Nicole
2362 American River Dr, Apt 106 Sacramento, CA 95825 haleycourser@csus.edu
2410 W California Avenue Salt Lake City, UT 84104 801-209-5211 mlcronin@comcast.net
Cronin, Vincent
19955 Highland Vista Drive, Ste 170 Ashburn, VA 20147 540-354-9955 mark.cox@terracon.com
PO Box 479 Cloudcroft, NM 88317 toroweap@hotmail.com
Cronin, Michael S
8806 Triola Ln Houston, TX 77036 713-818-3114 wrcowan1@hal-pc.org
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
420 Creekbluffs Dr Fuquay Varina, NC 27526 919-280-2814 rabanda@gmail.com
Crockford, Anna
501 E St Joseph Street Rapid City, SD 57701 832-689-4668 aeg@mines.sdsmt.edu
3076 Riverside Dr Wantagh, NY 11793 516-314-4429 bcc2149@columbia.edu
15 Euclid Ave Winchester, MA 01890 781-608-2397 david.cregger@aecom.com
Crockett, Destiny
3950 Fairway Hills Dr, Apt 207 Rapid City, SD 57702 832-689-4668 bcoupe55@gmail.com
Craig, Bridget C (FM)
9 Sherman Ave Dravosburg, PA 15034 412-512-7696 cre9402@calu.edu
Crenshaw, Amanda M
330 Village Ln Los Gatos, CA 95030 408-354-5542 bcotton@cottonshires.com
Cox, Mark E
5617 Inverness Ct Idaho Falls, ID 83401 208-534-8508 creedgeology@gmail.com
Cregger, David
18302 Sierra Hwy, Ste 102 Santa Clarita, CA 91351 661-714-5598 joe@radiusmaps.net
Cowan, Matthew
600 Martin Avenue, Ste 210 Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Pat@PJCGeotech.com
Coupe, Galen (SE)
180 Grand Avenue Oakland, CA 94611 510-759-9470 toddcrampton@yahoo.com
Creek, Patrick Edward
Coupe, Brittany
Contreras, Trevor
9595 Six Pines Drive Bldg 8, Level 2, Ste 8210 The Woodlands, TX 77380 cramer.tim@gmail.com
Creed, Robert
4204 N. 195th St Elkhorn, NE 68022 402-680-6040 thomas.correll@nngco.com
Cotton, William R
2355 W Pinnacle Peak Rd, Ste 300 Phoenix, AZ 85027 623-445-2405 dkconover@cox.net
Conway, Patrick J
1128 Richmond St El Cerrito, CA 94530 310-488-8975 jwaeber@gmail.com 15919 Orange Blossom Ln Los Gatos, CA 95032 408-839-5404 rockguy@geoinsite.com
Conniff, Ryn Elizabeth
Conover, Dale E
2123 Industrial Ave, Apt 206 San Angelo, TX 76904 bcoffman1@angelo.edu
Cole, William F
Conner, Brett G
6313 North Fairfield Avenue Chicago, IL 60659 773-595-8894 ocoronel2870@gmail.com
Cota, Joseph A
115 Spring Grove Drive Mooresville, NC 28117 Conniffke@appstate.edu
Coffman, Bradley Wade
Cohen-Waeber, Julien F
Cramer, Timothy F
Crampton, Todd A
8 Walis Drive Brownsville, TX 78520 corderodaniel@gmail.com
Correll, Thomas G
17051 Bernardo Center Dr, Apt A San Diego, CA 92128 808-345-8908 conner_b@hotmail.com
Coffey, Paul
Cognigni, Federico
Cone, Kim A
Connelly, Steven F
381 Sampson Kyle, TX 78640 512-626-2816 kmcordell@austin.rr.com
Coronel, Oscar
1169 Avenida Benito San Jose, CA 95131 408-392-9999 Steve@stevenfconnelly.com
315 N La Grange Rd, Apt 726 La Grange Park, IL 60526 708-588-1712 wdmsc@aol.com
Coffman, Stephanie V
Colson, Kevin B
Cordero, Daniel (LM)
PO Box 494 Morrison, CO 80465 703-855-1502 kcone@mymail.mines.edu
33 Mountain Spring Ave San Francisco, CA 94114 415-317-6635 lloydcluff@gmail.com
Coates, Mary S
Collins, William E
131 Calle Iglesia, Ste 200 San Clemente, CA 92672 949-369-6141 kcolson@lgcgeotechnical.com
2401 NE 392nd Ave Washougal, WA 98671 503-970-7639 cclough@geodesigninc.com
Cluff, Lloyd S
Cordell, Melissa (FM)
2110 Blackville Dr The Villages, FL 32162 352-409-2460 carbidelamp@comcast.net
13 Calle Lomita Sandia Park, NM 87047 702-497-5193 kmcgeo@gmail.com
Clough, Charles M
Coles, Clayton E
Cook, Audrey 25515 Culver St St Clair Shores, MI 48081 ge3259@wayne.edu
3590 Iron Ct Shasta Lake, CA 96019 530-275-4800 ccoles@lwrnc.com
5010 Linbar Drive, Ste 153 Nashville, TN 37211 931-444-9748 k_clifton@ymail.com
Cline, KM
702 Acres St Cedar Hill, TX 75104 214-207-5722 wkc@sbcglobal.net
560 Division St Campbell, CA 95008 650-948-0574 jmc1501@comcast.net
Clifton, Katherine
Coleman, W. Kevin
26 Timber Ridge Trail Lorena, TX 76655 254-855-6094 vince_cronin@baylor.edu
Crosbie, Ryan
900 Ashwood Parkway, Ste 600 Atlanta, GA 30338 603-997-2998 ryan.crosbie@crh.com
2020 DIRECTORY Cross, Martin Riley
21905 64th Ave W, Ste 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 425-231-1856 martin041994@gmail.com
2138 Metacomet Way Raleigh, NC 27604 919-798-0055 mecrouch@my.waketech.edu
49 Shelford Road Radcliffe-on-Trent Nottingham, NG12 1AE United Kingdom 44-07929931358 martin.culshaw2@ntlworld.com
48 Bellarmine Ct, Ste 40 Chico, CA 95928 530-894-2487 Shane.Cummings@NV5.com
Cummins, David
165 East Wabash Dr Sylva, NC 28779 dlcummins1@catamount.wcu.edu
12712 N. MacArthur Blvd, Apt D Oklahoma City, OK 73142 203-979-7097 john.c.curry43@gmail.com
Cushman, David A
195 S Hoyt St Lakewood, CO 80226 303-475-7993 dcushman1@comcast.net
Custis, Kit H
Dalal, Vistasp 1800 Washington Blvd Baltimore, MD 21230 443-271-8122 visty.dalal@maryland.gov
Dean, Rachel
Deane, James A
Deckman, Max Edward
Dee, Stephen E
502 8th Street Huntington, WV 25701 kimberly.d.davidson@usace.army.mil
223 13th St Brooklyn, NY 11215 717-781-4148 defeldx14@gmail.com
Davidson, Mitchell
Delano, Helen L
4312 Rue Saint-Denis Montreal Canada 705-220-6069 davidsma@mcmaster.ca
Dellinger, Marissa A
32 Verwood Rd Lakeside, Cape Town 07945 South Africa 21-788-5629 joedebeer@icon.co.za
5339 N Orchard St Fresno, CA 93710 559-317-7352 jdegraff@csufresno.edu
431 Central Ave Seal Beach, CA 90740 562-596-5420 geogeol@roadrunner.com
8601 15th Ave SE Olympia, WA 98513 850-496-2923 denhamsamm@gmail.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
11125 Vincent Ln Reno, NV 89511 775-322-7485 eq_dude@sbcglobal.net
5018 Mary Lane Chubbuck, ID 83202 desmalys@isu.edu
Dev, Mahadev
161 Mission Falls Lane, Ste 216 fremont, CA 94539 510-584-9661 mahadev.d@netzealous.com
Devine, Tom R
17991 Fitch Irvine, CA 92614 949-442-2442 tdevine@nmggeotech.com
Di Leonardo, Teresa
1309 2nd Lane Mission, TX 78572 956-445-2210 adriana.diaz01@utrgv.edu
Diehl, John
1124 Olympic Dr Corona, CA 92881 951-538-1207 jdiehl@geovision.com
Diem, Steve
664 W Broadway Glendale, CA 91204 818-539-8418 sdd@shanwil.com
DiGiulio, Jennifer
6024 176th St E, Unit A Puyallup, WA 98375 teresadi@uw.edu
Diaz, Adriana
2275 El Sereno Ave Altadena, CA 91001 323-559-5861 geza.demeter@gmail.com
Denham, Samantha
19955 Highland Vista Dr, Ste 170 Ashburn, VA 20147 703-727-5925 Robert.Denton@terracon.com
DeSmit, Alyssa Ruth
PO Box 1214 Highland Park, NJ 08904 201-615-7476 rdelorenzo@lsrpconsulting.com
Demeter, Geza
2025 Belfair Ave NE Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 206-697-0053 adennison@aspectconsulting.com
DePolo, Craig M
828 Raspberry Rd Stedman, NC 28391 704-898-3003 zachadellinger@gmail.com
DeLorenzo, Rose
Rua Professor Artur Ramos 183 - Conj. 64 Jardim Paulistano Sao Paulo, SP 01454 Brazil 55-11999320120 fndejorge@gmail.com
De Vries, George
506 North Glen Dr Raleigh, NC 27609 919-637-0429 marissaadellinger@gmail.com
Dellinger, Zachary
1301 Fanning Bridge Road Technical Services Section Fletcher, NC, NC 28732 828-808-9093 rkdennis@protonmail.com
Denton, Robert Kenneth
PO Box 295 York Springs, PA 17372 717-702-2031 hdelano@pa.gov
De Graff, Jerome V
P.O. Box 632121 Highlands Ranch, CO 80163 303-887-2782 sdeeATEST@aol.com
DeFelice, John D (FM)
Dennis, Robert K
Dennison, Alison J
190 Georgia Ave, Unit 3 Athens, GA 30606 deckman.max@gmail.com
2619 W Birchwood Ave Chicago, IL 60645 773-816-7938 jdmichael98@gmail.com
De Beer, Joe
8420 Gas House Pike, Ste B Frederick, MD 21701 301-335-1587 jdeane24@gmail.com
De Jorge, Francisco N
PO Box 337 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 916-863-0328 kitcustis@comcast.net
31129 Via Colinas, Ste 707 Westlake Village, CA 91362 818-889-0844 danny@ghageo.com
Davidson, Kimberly D
Deal, Rebecca M
107 Louis St, Flr 2 New Brunswick, NJ 8901 rachel.dean@rutgers.edu
P.O. Box 755800 Fairbanks, AK 99775 907-474-7303 mmdarrow@alaska.edu
David, Josh
2923 S Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28208 704-962-1667 rdeal@harthickman.com
Daugherty, Daniel T
PO Box 44154 Tucson, AZ 85733 520-403-0836 rcummings@saguarogeo.com
Curry, John Clark
Dapkus Ryan
Darrow, Margaret
1205 Banning Park Dr Chico, CA 95928 530-894-2487 heidi.cummings@NV5.com
Cummings, Shane D
5278 Crockett Ct 678-296-8283 rdupkus1@my.westga.edu
606 Corliss Court Branchburg, NJ 8876 908-334-3544 tcumello@dewberry.com
Cummings, Robert A
Daniels, Ryan
Deak, Daniel A 1518 Union St Alameda, CA 94501 510-846-4439 amurphydeak@pugetsound.edu
3356 Bering St, No. 3 Anchorage, AK 99503 907-365-9712 charliegeosci@gmail.com
Culshaw Martin G
Cummings, Heidi
1919 Kenora Drive escondido, CA 92027 206-715-9184 dalir001@cougars.csusm.edu
Crouch, Megan
Cumello, Thomas C
Dalir, Aris
865 SE Bridgeway Ave Corvallis, OR 97333 580-399-9765 jenny.digiulio@gmail.com
Dill, Alex
7817 N Washburne Ave Portland, OR 97217 alex.cameron.dill@gmail.com
March 2020
2020 DIRECTORY Dillingham, Manetta Kay
311 E Cotton Street Longview, TX 75601 mdillingham@titanium environmental.com
Dinnell, Laura V
Via Monte Pino Benevento 82100 Italy 39-824602024 nazdiod@tin.it
Dirth, Lisa
21905 64th Ave W, Ste 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 216-246-9879 jeffwdobbins@gmail.com
Dobday, Mark P
302 3rd Ave E Polson, MT 59860 978-844-2074 dobday@yahoo.com
Dobson, Mark
5064 Vermullion Dr Castle Rock, CO 80108 970-883-8005 jerryjododd@gmail.com
Dodd, Ryan Richard 1210 Unit I Devon Lane Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Scubakid1998@gmail.com
March 2020
9785 Maroon Cir, Ste 140 Englewood, CO 80112 303-799-5103 jdoty@bhinc.com
Doumit, Peter E
DuMontelle, Paul B
2702 S 1030 W, Ste 10 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 801-440-7230 peterd@igesinc.com
Dowling, Casey Alexander (FM)
Dumper, Thomas A
701 12th St, Ste 211 Golden, CO 80401 303-515-1987 cdowling@bgcengineering.ca
1125 Laurel Creek Ln Broadford, VA 24316 276-496-5226 freestone-farm@smyth.net
Dunahue, James
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
26160 W Winding Oak Ct Channahon, IL 60410 815-582-8571 bad2@illinois.edu
Eagle, Harold E
5500 American Flat Trl Garden Valley, CA 95633 209-476-4975 aegnone@offinger.com
Earls, Stephanie (AF)
7493 Whistlevale Dr SW Byron Center, MI 49315 l.dykhouse24@gmail.com
Dykstra, Brooke (FM)
5902 SW Karla Ct Portland, OR 97239 chaneldvorak@gmail.com
Dykhouse, Lucy J (SE)
5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 806-773-3836 rduran@kumarusa.com
Dvorak, Chanel Leigh (SE)
9773 West Farm Road 76 Willard, MO 65781 417-350-3956 ssdyvb@mStedu 616 Kingfisher Creek Dr Austin, TX 78748 512-809-7794 geodun17@gmail.com
7108 S Alton Way, Bldg. B Centennial, CO 80112 303-220-0300 dduran@cesareinc.com
Duran, Robert L (S)
Duncan, Stefani Sacramento (S)
Dunfield, George C
Duong, Lisa
Duran, Darin R (FM)
3925 Manheim Road Kansas City, MO 64110 314-223-3119 james.dunahue@gmail.com
Natural Sciences and Engineering Division 800 University Way Spartanburg, SC 29303 864-982-9402 bdoyle@uscupstate.edu
4795 Bayberry Drive Cumming, GA 30040 404-434-5505 Duong.lisa121@gmail.com
1703 W 86th St, Ste 113 Indianapolis, IN 46260 317-222-6330 pdumonte@illinois.edu
10409 W Glendale Ave Wauwatosa, WI 53225 414-418-0663 barry.doyle@stantec.com
Dunn, Brandon Thomas
7280 Lingfield Dr Reno, NV 89502 michelledunn@nevada.unr.edu
13000 Vista Del Norte Apartment 218 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78216 210-887-6676 timduduit@gmail.com
Duffy, Kelsey
2446 Caffey St, Ste 2 Hernando, MS 38632 901-238-1661 tdunlap@bcdgeo.com
Dunn, Michelle
17 Jefferson St Unionville, CT 06085 860-999-4550 kelseyleifbell@gmail.com
Dunlap, Gary (Tommy)
Dudar, Ryan
110 Fieldcrest Ave, Ste 8, Sixth Floor Edison, NJ 08837 732-589-4728 doughertyjn@cdmsmith.com
4225 Valley Fair St, Ste 106 Simi Valley, CA 93063 805-390-2169 ken@earthscrew.com
1630 SW Clay St, Apt 14K Portland, OR 97201 352-214-4939 dunnbran@pdx.edu
Duffy, John D
511 Keisler Drive, Ste 102 Cary, NC 27518 919-632-3465 tdunham@dunckleedunham.com
128 Baker Ave Pismo Beach, CA 93449 805-440-9062 johnduffy@charter.net
Dunham, Tom
1319 Woodridge Lane Sykesville, MD 21784 410-584-7000 drummondgeoscience@gmail.com
Duduit, Timothy J (S)
Drake, Kenneth
120 South Street West Lafayette, IN 47906 rdudar@purdue.edu
2813 Stageline Dr Raleigh, NC 27603 919-648-6813 dombrowskiad@appstate.edu
Doyle, Briget C (SE)
8411 Dolf Ct Riverside, CA 92508 909-776-0345 geofantasy@aol.com
Doyle, Barry R (FM)
10848 Gulfdale St San Antonio, TX 78216 210-541-9871 mdobson@dnageo.com
Dodd, Jerry S
Drummond, Jesse
Dougherty, John N
4500 Whitman Ave N, Apt 3 Seattle, WA 98103 971-678-5944 sdoak@uw.edu
Dobbins, Jeff
Doe, Thomas
Doty, John W (S)
Drechsel, Eli J 260 Newelton Ct Henderson, NV 89074 702-418-6171 elidrechsel@hotmail.com
Dombrowski, Allison
9636 Craigs Mill Dr Glen Allen, VA 23060 804-490-1001 camille0@vt.edu
Doak, Suzanna
PO Box 3172 La Mesa, CA 91944 619-952-8940 kimberlydodson@email.arizona.edu
Doerschlag, Mark G (FM)
210 N Wright St Naperville, IL 60540 630-357-1996 wgdgeol@att.net
Do, Camille Thy
Dodson, Kimberly
Draper, Steven W 24141 Rancho Santa Ana Road Yorba Linda, CA 92887 714-457-7179 sdraper745@aol.com
5011 Somerset Dr SE Bellevue, WA 98006 425-241-6553 tdoe@golder.com
1091 Mercury Dr Lafayette, CO 80026 603-714-4841 regreview@aol.com
Dixon, William G
610 Crestview Dr Durham, NC 27712 919-201-0463 jdodson@emsenv.com
510 25th St, Apt 511 Ogden, UT 84401 541-499-3399 lauradinnell@mail.weber.edu
Diodato, Nazzareno
Dodson, James
1111 Washington St SE MS 47007 Olympia, WA 98501 360-902-1473, Stephanie.earls@dnr.wa.gov
Eastman, William
1330 Leland Way Escondido, CA 92026 760-207-9207 dogonabone@sbcglobal.net
2020 DIRECTORY Easton, Gregory
PO Box 3533 Santa Cruz, CA 95063 831-247-4317 greg@eastongeology.com
Ebel, Martin
Satellite Town Calabar 54024 Nigeria 23-8103879767 edakefiom@gmail.com
Ehleringer, Cassandra R
101 Taylor Avenue Hillsborough, PA 8844 412-889-2258 flotsam017@gmail.com
Ebeling, Chris
Efiom, Edak
Eidmann, Johanna S
Ebinger, David
Einstein, Herbert H
1013 Rockwood Rd Columbia, SC 29209 770-238-7980 debinger@ebinger.com
Eblen, James Storey 8319 Lou Gehrig St San Antonio, TX 78240 210-557-3699 jeblen@satx.rr.com
Ebot, Bate Elvis
Earthquake Monitoring Ctr Sultan Qaboos University Muscat, P.C. 123 Oman 968-99250722 elhussain@squ.edu.om
Elias, Rachel (LM)
1073 Timberline Road Copper Hill, VA 24079 540-267-6258 redgell1@radfoRdedu
Edmonsond, Stacey
Edwards, Melissa
11024 N 28th Dr, Ste 105 Phoenix, AZ 85029 602-393-4252 sapphireskies@aol.com
Eensalu, Mariliis 220 E Hillcrest Dr, Apt 1205 Dekalb, IL 60115 vaarikamari@gmail.com
6350 Nautilus Dr, Ste B&C BOULDER, CO 80301 ellis@unavco.org
4758 Thrall Rd Lockport, NY 14094 925-708-3093 jellis@ellis-geospatial.com
(FM) (S)
4215 Southeast 27th Avenue Portland, OR 97202 206-387-9322 josh.eurom@gmail.com
6960 Flanders Dr San Diego, CA 92121 619-818-0215 evans@geoconinc.com
1061 NE 102nd St Seattle, WA 98125 206-406-0854 sevans@pangeoinc.com
PO Box 227 Maraisburg 01700 South Africa 83-379-6214 wallis@geopractica.co.za
Everitt, Benjamin L (FM)
170 W 300 N Ivins, UT 84738 801-244-0070 rockdoc@xmission.com
Ewing, Jordan (FM)
1100-H Brandywine Blvd Zanesville, OH 43701 serichsen@offinger.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Evans, Wallis D
1001 E. 9th St, Bldg. C, Rm 130 Reno, NV 89512 rerdman.geo@gmail.com
P.O. Box 168 Acme, PA 15650 724-423-3789 be5023@aol.com
Estep Isaac
Evans, Stephen H
1516 Applewood Ln Louisville, KY 40222 502-315-6475 kristen.m.enzweiler@ usace.army.mil
Erlin, Bernard
Escandon, Richard F
Evans, David B
3255 S Dorsey Lane, Apt 2015 Tempe, AZ 85282 832-541-2862 acenns88@gmail.com
Erichsen, Sharon
Eurom, Josh
1840 Ottawa Trail Hastings, MI 49058 269-945-5452 zengle@umich.edu
Erdman, Rick
Escamilla, Clarissa
1142 Sophia Street Allen, TX 75013 jle10130@utdallas.edu
Enzweiler, Kristen
1500 SW First Ave, Ste 750 Portland, OR 97201 503-805-8417 kedelli@gmail.com
Ellis, James
26 Cooperation Blvd Transekulu, Enugu 00042 Nigeria 234-7064860010 chubylingy@yahoo.com
Enns, Andrew
PO Box 541 Solana Beach, CA 92075 760-505-8009 redbeds77@gmail.com
29848 Havenwood Ln Highland, CA 92346 951-830-6764 rescandon@kleinfelder.com
Engle, Zoe (SE)
Ellis, Andria P
2233 Country Hills Ct. Rolla, MO 65401 573-308-9683 ahef4d@mStedu
Enberg, Utaminarsih
Erskine, Christopher F
5400 E Williams Blvd, Apt 14303 Tucson, AZ 85711 480-606-8257 findclarissa@gmail.com
Engh, Jacob
19 Brandywine Ct Highland Heights, KY 41076 859-441-9997 elifritsc@nku.edu
Elliott, Kim E
3524 Lanawood Dr Nashville, TN 37217 615-509-2778 Mark.s.elson@usace.army.mil
8463 Chinook Candy Ct Las Vegas, NV 89113 231-670-7189 utamienberg@gmail.com
Elliott, William J
1606 Frist Center Princeton University Princeton, NJ 8544 staceye@princeton.edu
12828 N Woodland Trl Parker, CO 80138 303-840-9234 cferskine@gmail.com
Emeh, Chukwuebuka O
HCR 38 Box 137 Las vegas, NV 89124 808-388-6474 eliasr3@unlv.nevada.edu
Elifrits, C D
Elyamni, Abdallah (FM)
El-Hussain, Issa W
630 NW 183rd St Shoreline, WA 98177 206-546-8233 rdeckerlin@comcast.net
Edgell, Rebecca
Eisold, Eric D
12000 Pioneer Trail, Apt 4 Truckee, CA 96161 devonkae@gmail.com
Eckerlin, Richard D
1376 S Clayton Street Denver, CO 80210 781-640-4360 jeidmann@colostate.edu
Erskine, Bradley 401 Marina Pl Benicia, CA 94510 707-738-4917 erskine.geo@gmail.com
380 Buckingham Terrace Athens, GA 30607 706-818-3310 telmore@edrnet.com
Elson, Mark S (S)
175 W Liberty Rd Eldersburg, MD 21784 443-831-5372 eeisold@bradshawcc.com
New Castel Building-Gardens Limbe 00086, Cameroon 237-670025231 elvisbate30@gmail.com
Eckberg, Devon
Elmore, Todd (S)
11 Oak Ave Belmont, MA 02478 617-253-3598 einstein@mit.edu
126 Streamview Dr Cary, NC 27519 919-208-6977 matt.ellison@usu.edu
4162 Phenomenon Ct. Sparks, NV 89436 775-771-9391 cehleringer@nevada.unr.edu
7 Vicarage Close, Holme Peterborogh PE7 3PQ United Kingdom 44-7725794253 chris.ebeling@groundengineering.co.uk
Ellison, Matthew W
1109 Jasper Ave, Apt 3 Houghton, MI 49931 jjewing@mtu.edu
Ewing, Thomas E
19240 Redland Rd, Ste 250 San Antonio, TX 78259 210-410-9587 tewing@fronteraexploration.com
Eze Ifeanyi (SE)
No 1 Loretta Nwokolo Close, Ojo Lagos 20022 Nigeria emmaifeanyi95@gmail.com
March 2020
2020 DIRECTORY Fadling, David K
1615 Pheasant Way Park City, UT 84098 435-659-6960 fhsavgk@gmail.com
Fahy, Michael P
Feinstein, Solomon J (S)
2120 Campton Rd, Ste E Eureka, CA 95503 707-299-8895 jim.falls@conservation.ca.gov
Fancher, Abigail G
307 S Summit St Greenville, NC 27858 404-788-6726 farleyl18@students.ecu.edu
Farmer, Samantha
400 Unicorn Park Drive Woburn, MA 1801 elise.farrington@me.com
Farris, Jennifer
Department of Geology Faculty of Science Amman 11942 Jordan 962-798100473 f.shaqour@yahoo.com
March 2020
4600 East Washington St, Ste 600 Phoenix, AZ 85034 602-329-9714 ken.fergason@woodplc.com
5801 Marvin D. Love Fwy, Ste 103 Dallas, TX 75237 leferguson@att.net
1545 Victory Blvd, 2nd Floor Glendale, CA 91201 818-482-1981 fishburn@geosys1.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
896 N. Mill St, Ste 201-E Lewisville, TX 75057 972-839-5067 marty@integral-e.com
101 Greenwood Ave Wakefield, MA 01880 781-258-7107 madelyf@g.clemson.edu
22 Royal Oak Road Front Royal, VA 22630 540-222-8380 flint.lmarie@gmail.com
956-330-1659 adam.flores01@utrgv.edu
Flowers, Michael
25600 Barnes Lane Menifee, CA 92584 951-203-8500 mdflowers@csus.edu
Follmer, Steven
5930 Yarwell Dr Houston, TX 77096 651-354-9481 remllofs@gmail.com
1275 W 14th St San Pedro, CA 90731 818-500-9533 rfgeology@gmail.com
Fishburn, Scott D
9906 Wildflower Rd Sandy, UT 84092 801-702-2214 jfitzmayer@semperec.com
Flores, Adam
384 Inverness Pkwy, Ste 144 Englewood, CO 80112 303-941-1029 hfischer@geoneering.com
Fischer, Rachel
Fitzmayer, Jeff
Flint, Laura
815 E 133rd Pl Thornton, CO 80241 303-390-5910 conrad.fischer@wsp.com
Fischer, Hayden
Fitzgerald, Sean
Fleming, Madelyn
1095 Hilltop Drive, No. 208 Redding, CA 96003 530-604-6380 john@geopluspartners.com
Fischer, Conrad
Fisher, G. Reid
Flanders, Martin J
1627 S 2300 E Salt Lake City, UT 84108 541-292-7768 riley.finnegan@utah.edu
Finnigsmier, John L
4604 Dundas Dr Greensboro, NC 27407 415-939-7752 sfitzgerald@sailab.com
2505 Alluvial Ave Clovis, CA 93611 559-709-2737 rfink@ppeng.com
Finnegan, Riley
Fisher, Michael
6455 Almaden Expressway, Ste 100 San Jose, CA 95120 408-639-3199 rfisher@caleng.com
125 Mount Vernon Street Ridgefield Park, NJ 7660 nikkastem@gmail.com
Fink, Richard C
PO Box 1074 Tustin, CA 92781 714-392-6156 fisherm.geo@gmail.com
2284 NW Thurman St Portland, OR 97210 503-227-7659 mfeves@earthdyn.com
Filippone, Nicolette Victoria
Department of Geological Sciences PB 4800, Christchurch 08140 New Zealand 64-33642987 clark.fenton@canterbury.ac.nz
8246 Marshall Dr Lenexa, KS 66214 573-808-4766 theresa.ferguson@atcgs.com
1656 Union Street Eureka, CA 95501 christian.figueroa@dot.ca.gov
Fisher, Brendan 601 Jordan Ave Radford, VA 24141 425-283-9203 bfisher@fisherrockeng.com
420 Ludlow Ave, Loft A Cincinnati, OH 45220 779-456-2779 nicholasferry90@gmail.com
Figueroa, Christian
12325 Triple Crown Rd North Potomac, MD 20878 301-520-6507 rockpic001@gmail.com
Ferguson, Theresa M
420 Ludlow Ave, Apt A Cincinnati, OH 45220 815-768-7778 kferry@cincinnatistate.edu
Feves, Michael
13004 Linden St Leawood, KS 66209 913-458-6583 glfelkner@gmail.com
Ferguson, Larry Edward
2115 Mossy Creek Drive San Antonio, TX 78245 jfarr3@student.uiwtx.edu
Fathi, Shaqour
55 Longmont Dam Rd Lyons, CO 80540 720-253-3556 ktggdogz@gmail.com
Fergason, Ken C
Ferry, Katrina
Ferry, Nicholas
Lilly Fong Geoscience Building 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89154 757-871-7376 feldma2@unlv.nevada.edu
Fenton, Clark
5710 Ruffin Rd San Diego, CA 92123 858-576-1000 gfarrand@ninyoandmoore.com
Farrington, Elise Jillian
Feldman, Anthony
Fenster, David F
104 Downy Place Bristol, VA 24201 276-791-3167 sfarmer21@radfoRdedu
Farrand, Gregory T
Felbinger, John K
Felkner, Gary L
14540 Grinnell Ct Magalia, CA 95954 530-873-9090
Farley, Lori
7808 Menelaus Ave Las Vegas, NV 89131 702-506-5049 solomonfeinstein1@gmail.com
Feldman, Kenneth T
385 E Waterfront Dr Homestead, PA 15120 412-627-5990 r.fandray@gaiconsultants.com
Farina, Robert J
2513 Bonnie Dell Dr South Park, PA 15129 412-885-5661 hydroguy02@yahoo.com
5103 Union Road Gastonia, NC 28056 919-895-9439 abby.fancher@gmail.com
Fandray, Ryan W
Feduschak, Marika Rose
Ferrone, Kenneth C PO Box 815 Concord, CA 94522 925-688-1001 kenf@sfandb.com
305 S 10th Ave Bozeman, MT 59715 marika.feduschak@gmail.com
801 McKelligon Drive El Paso, TX 79901 jlfaith@miners.utep.edu
Falls, James N
32 Back River Rd Bedford, NH 3110 603-858-5615 efazlic@geiconsultants.com
PO Box 221078 El Paso, TX 79913 915-544-7042 fahyal@netscape.net
Faith, Jenna Lynn
Fazlic, Esad
Fonash, Joseph W
PO Box 121 Beaver Springs, PA 17812 215-249-1083 fonashj@yahoo.com
Foote, Jeremy
51 Edison St, Apt 1 Quincy, MA 02169 617-851-4447 foote.jeremy@gmail.com
2020 DIRECTORY Foran, Jack
717 Oak Davis, CA 95616 jrforan@ucdavis.edu
Forbes, Meghan L
Foster, Kendal
2208 Stonebridge Lane Mansfield, TX 76063 817-983-1915 kendaljfoster@yahoo.com
Fowler, Devin
41 Blackberry Hollow Carrollton, GA 706-273-0091 dfowler4@my.westga.edu
Fox, Catherine W
Fradkin, Steven B
5741 Palmer Way, Ste C Carlsbad, CA 92010 760-438-3155 jfranklin@geosoilsinc.com
French, Christopher M
French, Rowland B
Frew, Ronald L
Fryberger, John S
Gagnon, John H
1701 N. State St Jackson, MS 39210 601-974-1340 galics@millsaps.edu
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
35 Elliott Pl, Apt 1B Smithtown, NY 11787 210-289-0924 laurelgalm@gmail.com
29 Quincy Crescent Toronto, M2J1C5 Canada 647-580-5151 gfgambino@gmail.com
Gandhi, Darshan B
9404 West Road, Apt 430 Houston, TX 77064 201-920-1645 vickey_gandhi@yahoo.com
Gannon, Cheryl P
21119 Footstep Ter Ashburn, VA 20147 703-217-1626 cpruiett@gmail.com
Ganse, Margaret A
1321 Bannock St, Ste 200 Denver, CO 80204 720-935-4236 mag@shanwil.com
Garay, Jesus
1904 Woodsman Dr, Apt A College Station, TX 77840 jeg066@shsu.edu
601 Allium Ln Hillsborough, NC 27278 336-274-9456 jhawkinsgagnon@gmail.com
Galicki, Stanley
2911A Tracy Ave Kansas City, MO 64109 816-359-0545 ajgyt7@mail.umkc.edu
Gambino, Greg
2744 W Avenue N Palmdale, CA 93551 209-770-3241 kegabriel674@gmail.com
901 SW King Ave, Apt 1109 Portland, OR 97205 203-330-4366 fulmer.erik@gmail.com
Gabriel, Katherine
Gallegos, Alan J
Galm, Laurel M (FM)
428 13th St, 4th Floor Oakland, CA 94612 510-387-4507 gabefuson@gmail.com
Galletly, Aaron James (AF)
425 Saddleback Dr Fairview, TX 75069 972-363-0658 pdrifter2@gmail.com
Fuson, Gabriel
Gallagher, Ronald E
28270 Burrough Valley Rd Tollhouse, CA 93667 559-905-6846 ajgallegos@fs.fed.us
3706 Varna Court Missouri City, TX 77459 nfung@uiwtx.edu
2148 Old Dominion Dr Monroeville, PA 15146 412-414-0539 thefrews@aol.com
Frost, Patricia
Fung, Natasha
11925 SW Bull Mountain Rd Tigard, OR 97224 541-740-4305 rowland@peak.org
Frizzell, Angela
Fulmer, Erik
2 Lupine Lane Titusville, NJ 08560 609-721-9407 acertasllc@gmail.com
333 Wright St, Apt 307 Lakewood, CO 80228 719-685-6987 michelle.franke@tetratech.com
Franklin, John P
9750 SW Nimbus Ave Beaverton, OR 97008 503-641-3478 gfreitag@gri.com
200 Observatory St ann arbor, MI 48109 810-434-0427 madfrank@umich.edu
Franke, Michelle
Freitag, George A
Friz, Peter C
9706 E Clarksboro Dr Liberty, MO 64068 816-781-6221 ronald.gallagher@wku.edu
11403 Centennial Trl Austin, TX 78726 512-970-7218 pat.frost@att.net
3800 Centerpoint Dr, Ste 417 Anchorage, AK 99503 920-539-5829 mfreimund@briceeng.com
20703 Haynes St Winnetka, CA 91306 805-910-6190 alison.marie.franco@gmail.com
Frank, Madeleine I
Freimund, Michelle L
3408 S Gary Ave Tulsa, OK 74105 919-360-6724 afrizz@msn.com
166 Jackson St, Apt 3 Monmouth, OR 97361 503-910-2796 kfreilinger13@wou.edu
1707 Pine Rd Homewood, IL 60430 708-957-3745 dave_franc@yahoo.com
Franco, Alison
250 University Ave, #55 California, PA 15419 716-572-3818 fredrick@calu.edu
Freilinger, Kyler
Friend, Edwin R
Galit, Hailey R
515 Hinton James Drive, Rm 1006B Chapel Hill, NC 27514 828-228-6733 hrgalit@live.unc.edu
400-1066 W Hastings St Vancouver, V6E 3X2 Canada 604-230-1339 peter.friz@hatch.com
2345 NE 95th St Seattle, WA 98115 ecfree@uw.edu
11315 Corporate Blvd, Ste 105 Orlando, FL 32817 262-422-3264, Steve.fradkin@stantec.com
Franc, David
Freeman, Elise Christine
7327 S Miller Court Littletone, CO 80127 303-225-4611 erayfriend@yahoo.com
9318 Coxboro Dr Brentwood, TN 37027 615-373-4290 refreas.imrc@comcast.net
Fredrick, Kyle
1222 Spruce St CEMVS-EC-GH Saint Louis, MO 63103 618-781-5546 catherine.w.fox@usace.army.mil
15945 W. Ellsworth Place Golden, CO 80401 303-746-1813 geojulia@gmail.com
Freas, Robert C
Fried, Cyrus Ella 1105 W Oregon, #9 Urbana, IL 61821 217-649-7870 emfried2@illinois.edu
PO BOX 91 Gunnison, CO 81230 303-378-6797 kaylee.frazier@western.edu
Frazier, Julia M
30 Reston Rd Wayne, NJ 07470 570-337-4984 aforsburg@langan.com
8048 Northcourt Rd Houston, TX 77040 281-610-6077 rdfranks@tgeresources.com
Frazier, Kaylee R
2807 Meadow Lane Taylor, TX 76574 512-701-4969 mlf049@shsu.edu
Forsburg, Amanda
Franks, Robin D
Garcia, Denise C
1600 Specht Point Rd, Ste 209 Fort Collins, CO 80525 970-692-3592 dgarcia@enganalytics.com
Garcia, Michelle
P.O. Box 1314 Salinas, CA 93902 831-229-2394 garcia.michelle_geo@yahoo.com
March 2020
2020 DIRECTORY Garcia, Kevin
1905 Business Center Drive San Bernardino, CA 92408 909-583-1242 kevin@lilburncorp.com
Garcia, Avery Jade
Gault, Howard W
495 Fox Point Rd Jamestown, KY 42629 412-445-2323 hgault57@earthlink.net
332 SE 169th Ave Portland, OR 97233 503-462-6110 Sgarcialopez17@mail.wou.edu
Gardner, Michael
4300 NE 55th Street, Apt 2 Seattle, WA 98105 618-407-8178 aegd62@uw.edu
Garrison, Richard
Garsjo, Marie M
5375 Lemons Rd Fort Worth, TX 76140 817-209-8993 texasgarsjo@sbcglobal.net
Garstang, Mimi R
6005 NW 103rd St Kansas City, MO 64154 816-569-1180 dgarstang@kc.rr.com
Garza, Brittany Leslie
Garza, Francisco
Garza, Rocky
Gates, William C 19324 SE 342nd St Auburn, WA 98092 206-496-4829 gates@mcmjac.com
Gilliland, Amy
Gentile, Richard J
Gilliland, William J
5100 Rockhill Rd Kansas City, MO 64110 816-235-2974 gentiler@umkc.edu
Gill-Shaler, Jane H 1636 W Lexington Ave High Point, NC 27262 336-687-6144 janehgillshaler@gmail.com
Gerald, Walter C
401 Williamsburg Road Washington, NC 27889 252-944-5378 texgilmore@embarqmail.com
148 River Street, Ste 220 Greenville, SC 29601 864-313-4722 wgerald@synterracorp.com
171 Moultrie St Charleston, SC 29409 480-689-0917 sghanat@citadel.edu
1301 Camille Dr Carson City, NV 89706 775-882-4549 aegnone@offinger.com
25525 Shafter Way Carmel, CA 93923 831-884-3308 aegodwin312@gmail.com
26559 Oak Terrace Pl Valencia, CA 91381 661-910-7580 vgoethals@sbcglobal.net
Goff, Marty
441 G Street NW CECW-CE; 3I63 Washington, DC 20314 202-549-1166 marty.goff@usace.army.mil
Goforth, Erika
19955 Highland Vista Dr, #170 Ashburn, VA 20147 681-209-0086 vidagolubovic4@gmail.com
Gomer, Brandon
406 Marietta Dr San Francisco, CA 94127 415-586-8361 hazel@webtv.net
Golubovic, Vida
906 W Watauga Avenue, Apt 411 johnson city, TN 37604 423-368-9419 goforther@etsu.edu
Goldman, Harold B
11401 Lamar Ave Overland Park, KS 66211 913-458-4029 gomerbm@bv.com
Goncarovs, Britta
26 Lake Shore Road Lansing, NY 14882 bg6057@hws.edu
Gonzalez, Diego Martin
1545 Victory Bl, 2nd Floor GeoSystems, Inc. Glendale, CA 91201 818-500-9533 gladson@geosys1.com
Glancy, Patrick A
607 Main Street, Ste 200 Oregon City, OR 97045 503-807-3510 hgsa@teleport.com
Goethals, Victor
3050 Industrial Blvd West Sacramento, CA 95691 916372-1434 dgius@wallace-kuhl.com
Gladson, Richard (TM)
Gless, James D
Godwin, William H
1429 Piney Green Rd Crewe, VA 23930 434-294-3206 gilmormr@dukes.jmu.edu
Gius, David R (FM)
470 Hogback Mountain Rd Tryon, NC 28782 828-817-5209 jgerst@peakhydrogeologic.com
2424 Stutz Drive Dallas, TX 75235 817-253-8270 wbgibson.marine@gmail.com
Gilmore, Ivan K
Gilmore, Madison (FM)
4409 Deer Knoll Ct Raleigh, NC 27603 919-623-3511 maddie.german45@gmail.com
Gibson, Wm. Blake
2340 NE 39th St Topeka, KS 66617 785-286-0905 gillilandp@aol.com
10250 SW Greenburg Rd, Ste 111 Portland, OR 97223 503-545-4283 bgeorge@cornforth consultants.com
Ghanat, Simon
2505 A East 3rd St Greenville, NC 27858 410-829-5058 gillelandc13@students.ecu.edu 509 N. Walnut St, Apt 2 Ellensburg, WA 98926 360-490-6523 GillilandA@cwu.edu
Gerst, Jonathan D
9180 S Kyrene Road, Ste 104 Tempe, AZ 85284 pgarza@ethosengineers.com
Gilleland, Casey
Glater, David A 2598 S Xenophon St Lakewood, CO 80228 303-944-5021 dglater@comcast.net
252 Pennsylvania St, #402 Denver, CO 80203 401-524-3117 bcsg92@gmail.com
7414 N 58th St Omaha, NE 68152 402-995-2266 nicholas.m.geibel@usace.army.mil
German, Madeline
1370 Afton St, Apt 754 Houston, TX 77055 469-267-4576 garza.brittany98@gmail.com
Gilgallon, Mary Ann
Gill, Celine (S)
George, Benjamin A
28317 185th Ave SE Kent, WA 98042 253-217-1809 windburng@gmail.com
5025 Cape Seville Dr Anchorage, AK 99516 mgilgallon@alaska.edu
215 Fifth St Marietta, OH 45750 330-389-2133 tpgautam@gmail.com
Geibel, Nicholas M
846 Main St Fords, NJ 08863 609-876-5083 rob@hager-richter.com
Garland, Alexandra E
8230 Dawnwood Drive San Antonio, TX 78250 corrinne.gauntt@gmail.com
Gautam, Tej P
Gilbert, Neil J 9416 Belmont Ln Marvin, NC 28173 704-756-7747 njgilbert@carolina.rr.com
Gauntt, Corrinne
1664 North Virginia Street MS 0172 Reno, NV 89557 mhgardner@unr.edu
Garfield, Robert
12641 Panorama Vw Santa Ana, CA 92705 714-412-2653 gath@earthconsultants.com
979-248-2370 averyjadeg@ymail.com
Garcia Lopez, Salvador
Gath, Eldon M
200 Fairbrook Dr, Ste 201 Herndon, VA 20170 dmgonza86@gmail.com
Gonzalez, Jorge D (SE)
2928 Thoroughbred Street Ontario, CA 91761 909-240-3675 vinniemoorejr@yahoo.com
Gooch, Shawn K
901 S Stewart St, Ste 4001 Carson City, NV 89701 775-750-8325 sgooch@ndep.nv.gov March 2020
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
2020 DIRECTORY Goodmacher, Jonathan
819 Viva Ct Solana Beach, CA 92075 858-518-1392 jgoodmacher@gdsgeologic.com
Goodman, Roy W
Granger, Amber
Grant, Stanley C
Gray, Daniel
Gowan, Samuel W
Gray, Richard E
679 Plank Road Clifton Park, NY 12065 518-348-6995 sgowan@alphageoscience.com
Green, Lynn D (S)
5 Pine Rd Placitas, NM 87043 505-238-9866 rheag74@gmail.com
Graham-Davis, Jazzy M 1925 Bell St, Apt 144 Sacramento, CA 95825 jazzymdavis@yahoo.com
Grahl, Dirk 145 Laurel Branch Ct Roswell, GA 30075 484-553-6104 dgrahl@kleinfelder.com
501 Fragrant Orchard St Henderson, NV 89015 303-385-7844 billegreen@comcast.net
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Grover, Leigh Anne
12005 Ford Rd, Ste 600 Dallas, TX 75234 469-275-2052 leigh.grover@aptim.com
339 Little Creek Lane Maggie Valley, NC 28751 727-481-2346 nmguarneri1@catamount.wcu.edu
21100 Box Springs Rd, Apt 21 Moreno Valley, CA 92557 303-549-2183 jguil009@ucr.edu
Guillet, Logan Schuyler
24208 East Desmet Road Liberty Lake, WA 99019 509-991-8937 guilletlogan12@gmail.com
Gunning, Kellie
4 Neighborhood Road Mastic Beach, NY 11951 631-605-4056 gunnk50@gmail.com
Gurrola, Larry D
308 Hayes Ave Ventura, CA 93003 805-886-4607 lg@larrygurrola.com
Gustafson, Lewis A
215 Rentfro Way Newberg, OR 97132 541-390-5585 lewgstfsn@hotmail.com
Gwildis, Ulf G
621 N Taylor St Gunnison, CO 81230 303-501-3852 mitchell.grimm@western.edu
Grimm, Morgan
Grover, David J
Guilinger, James J
350 Madison Ave N Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 206-780-7711 bgrimm@aspectconsulting.com
Grimm, Mitchell
16644 West Bernardo Drive, Ste 301 San Diego, CA 92127 858-674-6559 agreene@geosyntec.com
430 G St, Dept 4164 Davis, CA 95616 530-792-5623 julia.grim@usda.gov
Grimm, Bill
Guarneri, Nickolas
2556 Windgate Rd Bethel Park, PA 15102 meg130@pitt.edu
Grim, Julia K
905 McCabe Avenue Apt 1 Wilmington, DE 19802 302-250-1192 susan.a.green.pg@gmail.com
17640 SW Sunnyridge Ln Sheridan, OR 97378 503-560-8816 ngriffith17@mail.wou.edu
Griffore, Melissa
Grove, Sarah
31129 Via Colinas, Ste 706 Westlake Village, CA 91362 818-851-9517 coachgrov@aol.com
1316 Wrangler Cir Minden, NV 89423 775-309-3287 ngreth@gmail.com
493 Old Frame Rd Smithfield, PA 15478 512-745-9664 gri9586@calu.edu
2001 W 44th Ave Stillwater, OK 74074 405-714-3689 ggregory@gregeo.com
Griffith, Nicholas
3850 S Vanguard Ave Pahrump, NV 89048 270-985-5701 groves1@unlv.nevada.edu
26590 Madison Ave MURRIETA, CA 92562 951-677-9651 tgreer@geosoilsinc.com
Greth, Nolan R (FM)
4420 176th St SW, Apt C-4 Lynnwood, WA 98037 253-381-9101 maryvkoenig@gmail.com
Greene, Alexander J
Greer, Molly
Gregory, Garry H (HM)
Green, William E (S)
Greenwalt, Amanda
Greer, Todd A
PO Box 14488 Portland, OR 97293 503-452-5561 lynng@evren-nw.com
Green, Susan A (SE)
400 Unicorn Park Drive Woburn, MA 1801 mgreer@geiconsultants.com
Green, Mary V
255 N. Sierra St, #2006 Reno, NV 89501 360-606-1838 MkGraham75@gmail.com
Graham, Rhea L
79 Forest Ln Placitas, NM 87043 505-944-6125 tilgreen@aol.com
1630 S Deframe St, Unit A1 Lakewood, CO 80228 605-484-4199 apgraber@mymail.mines.edu
Graham, Merrily
Green, Deborah J
Greenland, Jeremiah N
Groszkowski, Sean
4 Westchester Park Drive, Ste 175 White Plains, NY 10604 914-461-2964 sean.groszkowski@wsp.com
1313 Buron Ct, 1 Fort Collins, CO 80521 720-341-8386 amandagreenwalt@gmail.com
322 Black Walnut Dr Greensburg, PA 15601 412-372-4500 dick@digioiagray.com
1502 E Opp St Wilmington, CA 90744 323-974-5284 rgozalians@american integrated.com
Graber, Andrew
2241 University Stes Dr, Apt I Greenville, NC 27834 404-772-0806 grayda16@students.ecu.edu
50 Grumbacher Rd, Ste 10 York, PA 17406 717-372-7219 jgreenland@sqcivil.com
P.O. Box 1013 Deer Park, WA 99006 509-276-4758 scgrant@aol.com
600 S Airport Rd, Bldg. A, Ste 205 Longmont, CO 80503 720-560-1458 christoph.goss@deereault.com
Gozalians, Razmik H
299 Cherry Hill Rd, Ste 303 Parsippany, NJ 07054 973-658-3939 agranger@haleyaldrich.com
11816 Lackland Road, Ste 150 St Louis, MO 63146 573-270-1313 jyhgy9@mStedu
Goss, Christoph M
Grambling, Tyler
Greene, Brian H 1207 Colonial Place Sewickley, PA 15143 412-726-9679 bgreene@gfnet.com
2224 McClung Ave Knoxville, TN 37920 505-417-4513 tgrambli@vols.utk.edu
2327 Hardwood Dr Hillsborough, NC 27278 919-524-8366 DanaJGood@aol.com
Goodwin, Jessie Y
PO Box 20655 Knoxville, TN 37940 520-237-2035 nadine.warneke@gmail.com
17991 Fitch Irvine, CA 92614 949-442-2442 WGoodman@nmggeotech.com
Goodnight, Dana J
Grambling, Nadine L
14432 SE Eastgate Way, Ste 100 Bellevue, WA 98007 425-471-2501 gwildisug@cdmsmith.com
Haase, Ken
6960 Flanders Drive San Diego, CA 92121 619-818-3425 haase@geoconinc.com
Habeeb, Adegboye Olalekan (IS) Obomoso Ibadan, Ibadan 21041 Nigeria adegboyehabeeb07@gmail.com March 2020
2020 DIRECTORY Haddad, Raymond
Csun Dept of Civil Engineers Northridge, CA 91330 818-923-5800 raymond.haddad@csun.edu
Hadley, Linda M
9450 SW Commerce Cir, Ste 300 Wilsonville, OR 97222 503-577-8288 khaggart@geodesigninc.com 6131 Ackerman Ave Las Vegas, NV 89131 702-498-4743 kb7reo@yahoo.com P.O. Box 663 Arcata, CA 95521 gmh1@humboldt.edu
Hall, Amanda 6501 Meyer Way Apartment 7308 Mckinney, TX 75070 lyyric21@yahoo.com
Hall, Gaboel 6501 Meyer McKinney, TX 75070 gabehall03@gmail.com
Hall, James R 1010 Oxford Point Road Lynchburg, VA 24502 434-316-5956 j.r.hall100@comcast.net March 2020
2625 Margaret Dr Reno, NV 89506 775-677-8098 ejhanford@att.net
2500 55th Street, Ste 200 Boulder, CO 80301 720-635-6911 bhansen@formationenv.com
Hartman, Jessica
Hasan, Syed E 14302 W 72nd St Shawnee, KS 66216 913-233-6203 hasans@umkc.edu
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
PO Box 688 Blairstown, NJ 07825 908-362-5616 lbarone@cleanvapor.com
Haugen, Benjamin D (LM)
10256 Stoltz Dr Rolla, MO 65401 62-500-3376 allen@hatheway.net
Hatton, Thomas (FM)
6105 Roosevelt Way NE, #211 Seattle, WA 98115 801-400-8190 mitchellhat@gmail.com
Hatheway, Allen W (S)
3824 Jet Dr Rapid City, SD 57703 303-625-3549 ben.haugen@respec.com
Hauswirth, Scott (FM)
Dept. of Geological Sciences 18111 Nordhoff St Northridge, CA 91330 818-677-4880 scott.hauswirth@csun.edu
Hawley, Matthew
28532 Constellation Rd Valencia, CA 91355 805-404-6103 mhawley@lgcvalley.com
1201 S Chestnut St, Unit 603 Ellensburg, WA 98926 jessica.hartman@cwu.edu
8420 Gas House Pike, Ste B Frederick, MD 21701 240-578-1981 Pthastings@seismicsurveys.net
Hatfield, Mitchell (TM)
PO Box 261227 San Diego, CA 92196 858-578-4672 mwhart40@gmail.com
Hartman, Bronnie A
443-852-4163 RDHastings1024@gmail.com
1720 N Oakes St Tacoma, WA 98406 253-229-1832 alhartleg@comcast.net
Hartleb, Ross
501 Hawkins Court Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 909-380-3289 darrin.hasham@gmail.com
Hastings, Ryan
850 Limestone Valley Rd Duffield, VA 24244 276-219-4866 harrissl1@etsu.edu
Hart, Allen L
28 Long Bay Springfield, IL 62712 217-747-9235 rhasenyager@hanson-inc.com
Hastings, Patrick
175 Harve Allen Ln Cookeville, TN 38501 931-268-2388 andyhartman@twlakes.net
5170 Peachtree Road, Building 100, Ste 300 Atlanta, GA 30341 dhannam@golder.com
Hansen, Brian G
27441 Tourney Rd, Ste 220 Valencia, CA 91355 661-287-9900 hartleb@lettisci.com
56718 Country Villa Ln Warren, OR 97053 503-396-0090 trhanna27@gmail.com
Hannam, David Anthony (S)
Harris, Sarah
Hasenyager, Rhonald W
Hasham, Darrin G
1601 Maple St Carrollton, GA 30118 678-839-4056 rharris@westga.edu
Hart, Michael W (S)
Hanna, Teresa (S)
949 E Welsh Rd Maple Glen, PA 19002 aghan22@amherStedu
Hanford, Elaine J (TM)
4 Lazy Ln San Antonio, TX 78209 210-844-1134 weldon.hammond@utsa.edu
Han, Angelina
578 Stratford Lane Charles Town, WV 25414 304-724-5787 bkharris@seismicsurveys.net
Harris, Randa
10250 SW Greenburg Rd, Ste 111 Portland, OR 97223 503-452-1100 chammond@cornforth consultants.com
Hammond, Weldon W (FM)
403 N Lake Hills Dr Austin, TX 78733 512-657-7636 jackson@jjhgeo.com
Harris, Brynn (FM)
7002 West Creeks Edge Dr wilmington, NC 28409 hamiltonms2@appstate.edu
Hammond, Charles M
596 Main St Woburn, MA 01801 617-312-4607 jhager@hagergeoscience.com
Hales, Geoff
Hamilton, Judith L
Hasan, Trudy S 6103 Sun Vista Dr Austin, TX 78749 512-789-1364 trudy.hasan@gmail.com
500 Brighton Rd Pacifica, CA 94044 707-321-6126 rick_harlan@hotmail.com
Harper, J. J (AF)
Hamilton, McKenzie Sutton (S)
121 Roundtree Way Gates, OR 97346 503-562-0011 thagen15@mail.wou.edu
Hale, Glenn S
Hamill, Tom
Harding, Jevon
Harlan, Richard D (HM)
2220 Julian St Denver, CO 80211 303-477-6610 hamjud@hotmail.com
Hagen, Timothy
Haggart, Kyle
Hamel, James V
1518 Spence Road Raymondville, TX 78580 jevon.harding01@utrgv.edu
4200 Laclede Ave, Apt 107 Saint Louis, MO 63108 727-698-7171 thamill@erisinfo.com
159 Mason Cir Concord, CA 94520 925-689-5411 myronh@nedclyde construction.com
Hager, Jutta L
1992 Butler Dr Monroeville, PA 15146 412-496-4939 jvhamel3918@gmail.com
2200 Alder Drive Anchorage, AK 99508 907-351-5362 birgit.hagedorn@gmail.com
Hagen, Myron R
Hambleton, Jenny Ann
Hardcastle, Peter 852 Lancaster Dr Anchorage, AK 99503 907-562-4314 phardcastle10@hotmail.com
134 S 400 E, Apt 105 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 801-949-1951 theburlapcat@gmail.com
462 Gemini Ct. Littleton, CO 80124 970-376-0588 jnegri85@gmail.com
Hagedorn, Birgit
705 Hawick Road Raleigh, NC 27615 919-306-1160 michael.hall@ramboll.com
1840 Mt Zion Dr Golden, CO 80401 303-587-2959 geophysica@aol.com
Hagbery, Jacquelyn
Hall, Michael S
Hay, James E
2105 S C St Tacoma, WA 98402 253-475-7711 jhay@robinson-noble.com
Hayden, Maggie M
1330 W Vermont St, Box 300b Indianapolis, IN 46202 765-969-5248 mmhayden@iu.edu 53
2020 DIRECTORY Haydock, James
9481 Derr Ridge Drive Zionesville, IN 46077 2jamesh@gmail.com
Hayduk, Tyler
Headland, Paul J
5940 Frederick Crossing Ln, Ste 101 Frederick, MD 21704 301-910-0847 pheadland@aldeaservices.com
Heavener, Emma Grace
424 Maymont Dr Cramerton, NC 28032 estadick@gmail.com
Hedin, Benjamin
Heerdink, Bronte
333 W Wacker Dr, Ste 2700 Chicago, IL 60606 312-288-3823 dheidlauf@ramboll.com
Heinrich, Hayden
323 McIlvaine Rd Bentleyville, PA 15314 724-531-7004 hayden.heinrich17@gmail.com
Heitmuller, Franklin
118 College D, # 5051 Hattiesburg, MS 39406 512-698-7690 Franklin.Heitmuller@usm.edu
Heller, James A
Helm, Donald C
1413 Bolton Street Baltimore, MD 21217 410-728-4150 donaldhelm@gmail.com
Helmke, Douglas S 6847 SE 29th St Tecumseh, KS 66542 785-640-4701 powercat.park@gmail.com
11128 Vanowen Street North Hollywood, CA 91605 818-903-7220 cahernandez03@yahoo.com 1234 Ronelle St Salem, OR 97306 503-949-0712 ahernandez16@mail.wou.edu
Hoelle, John L
8 Rush Lane Braemar 02575 Australia 24-871-3129 jhoelle@bigpond.com
734 Torreya Ct Palo Alto, CA 94303 650-494-2505 david@hoexterconsulting.com
Hoff, Andrew
5670 NE Tolo Rd Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 206-915-8426 hoffa4@wwu.edu
Hoffman, Lauren
9918 Up Country Lane Conroe, TX 77385 lnh034@shsu.edu
Hoffmann, Eric
1544 Eureka Rd, Ste 180, Apt 202 Roseville, CA 95661 559-907-7502 Normie94@prodigy.net
112 Jennings Rd Manahawkin, NJ 08050 732-779-4210 erichoffmann@hotmail.com
Holder, Daniel
213 Green Gate Lane spartanburg, SC 79307 864-384-7560 djholder1@catamount.wcu.edu
Holland, Jeremiah E
PO Box 2643 White Salmon, WA 98672 503-819-6804 jason.hinkle@weyerhaeuser.com
4041 B St Anchorage, AK 99503 907-242-6793 holland.jeremiah@gmail.com
Hollander, Jacob Andrew
6579 Park Riviera Way Sacramento, CA 95831 916-730-9770 cahinsley@ucdavis.edu
Hittle, Michael Robert
1501 S 9th St, Apt 324 Waco, TX 76706 914-374-1993 kate_hobart1@baylor.edu
Hoexter, David F
1192 Manning Dr El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 916-752-1512 brhhilton@gmail.com
Hinsley, Caleb
1000 Marble Top Road chickamauga, GA 30707 wchodges@go.olemiss.edu
3204 NW Karen Road Kansas City, MO 64151 816-587-9982 hilpmanpa@yahoo.com
Hinkle, Jason C
7224 Utopia Way Las Vegas, NV 89130 913-314-1303 Hlebovy@unlv.nevada.edu
Hodges, Will
3402 Heatherbrook Dr Arlington, TX 76001 victoria.hill2@mavs.uta.edu
Hinch, Lauren
1300 Thornberry St, Unit 102 Raleigh, NC 27607 210-557-4076 emilyhermann@yahoo.com
439 Western Ave Glendale, CA 91201 818-240-9600 ehill@geotec.com
Hilton, Bruce R
Hlebovy, Alexander S
Hobart, Catherine
42906 Park Brooke Ct Broadlands, VA 20148 571-215-9288 alexiahilario@gmail.com
Hilpman, Paul L (S)
65 Aberdeen Drive Glasgow, KY 42141 270-590-2762 bhigh@aei.cc
Hill, Victoria Nicole
1437 E 900 S Salt Lake City, UT 84105 801-583-5846 jhermance10@gmail.com
Hernandez, Andy (FM)
10009 Country Oak Court Oakdale, CA 95361 209-847-8308 lherbert@mymail.mines.edu
Hernandez, Carlos
200 Crawford Circle Golden, CO 80401 303-921-1782 jhiggins@mines.edu
Hill, Edward F
100 Pringle Av, Ste 400 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 925-323-9017 jasmherbert@gmail.com
Hermann, Emily
1400 Coliseum Boulevard Montgomery, AL 36111 334-201-6447 jah@adem.alabama.gov
6859 N Village Rd Parker, CO 80134 303-901-7335 dick@hpgeotech.com
Hermance, Jonathan S
Hicks, Taryn Nicole
Hilario, Alexia Kiara
108 Water Oak Ln Central, SC 29630 864-221-6525 kjhenni@g.clemson.edu
Herbert, Lauren
122 Westgay Drive, Apt A Akron, OH 44313 724-996-4649 ehiwille@kent.edu
High, Bradley A
1885 S Arlington Ave, Ste 111 Reno, NV 89509 775-846-7317 ahenke@ncenet.com
Herbert, James M
Hiwiller, Erika Danielle
1859 Bowles Ave, Ste 250 Fenton, MO 63026 314-825-8979 benjamin.herries@stantec.com
Higgins, Jerry D (IM)
Hepworth, Richard C
1520 Big Thicket Drive Ceder Perk, TX 78610 bronte.heerdink@austincc.edu
Heidlauf, David T
Henke, Anna H
Herries, Benjamin Michael (FM)
203 Greenbrier Ave Shelbyville, TN 37160 tarynhicks.151@gmail.com
PO Box 61 Berowra Heights 02082 Australia 61-406320248 marchgeo@gmail.com
Henning, Kimberly
4107 O’Hara Street Pittsburgh, PA 15260 412-215-0239 bch37@pitt.edu
1050 Melody Lane, Ste 160 Roseville, CA 95678 916-300-6754 earthteclimited@yahoo.com
Hendrickx, Marc
10931 Clairboro Rd E Jacksonville, FL 32223 904-233-8421 kevinhayespg@gmail.com
56 Montague Ct Saint Louis, MO 63123 314-608-5843 hempen69@sbcglobal.net
Hendrick, Curtis E
22035 Valerio Street Canoga Park, CA 91303 818-746-6507 tylerhayduk@ucdavis.edu
Hayes, Kevin R
Hempen, Gregory L
600 Eagle Rd, 3H Greensboro, NC 27407 706-201-5902 jacobhollander@gmail.com
47050 Generals Hwy, #1 Three Rivers, CA 93271 michael.hittle-1@ou.edu
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
2020 DIRECTORY Holland-Muter, Les
PO Box 1450 Faerie Glen, Pretoria 00043 South Africa 83-455-2610 lhmuter@lantic.net
Holle, Joshua
Horns, Daniel (FM)
Hough, James E
Hoobs, John H
1102 Manada Gap Road Grantville, PA 17028 717-979-6237 rick.hoover@quality-geophysics.com
Hope, Randa
12005 Ford Rd Dallas, TX 75234 817-343-8075 randa943@gmail.com
Hopkins, Theodor W
1012 Industrial Dr West Berlin, NJ 08091 856-809-1202 scotthorn@acerassociates.com
Huebner, Matthew
Hufstetler, Rebeckah S
Hughart, Joseph 2908 Gant Quarters Circle Marietta, GA 30068 404-667-5905 joe.hughart@gmail.com
Howard, Caitlan
Hull, Timothy J
5217 Linbar Drive, #309 Nashville, TN 37211 615-333-6444 cnhoward@terracon.com
Howe, Richard G
Howell, Brock
Humphrey, Christopher E
Hundemer, Christopher
14419 Whistling Swan Rd Charlotte, NC 28278 979-709-6869 geotex02@gmail.com
1936 Henry Ct Woodland, CA 95776 xychu@ucdavis.edu
March 2020
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Hurt, Corey
Hutchens, Chelsea
Hutchinson, D Jean
Ibarra, Sahara S
2600 Bay Area Blvd, Apt 724 Houston, TX 77058 igweihuoma88@gmail.com
187 University Terrace Reno, NV 89503 323-420-5987 ingraffiajames@gmail.com
Ingram, Derek
2908 Wisteria Ave McAllen, TX 78504 roberto.iglesias01@utrgv.edu
Ingraffia, James
Geology and Mineral Sciences Physical Sciences Ilorin Iowa 234 Nigeria vickyige2002@yahoo.com
Igwe, Ihuoma Catherine (S)
20515 TX-249 Houston, TX 77070 936-346-7719 Skyesch@gmail.com
Iglesias, Roberto Ivan (FM)
Dept Geological Sciences & Geological Engineering Queen’s University Kingston K7L 3N6 Canada 61-377-2623 hutchinj@queensu.ca
Ige, Olusegun Omoniyi
750 Camden Ave, Ste A Campbell, CA 95008 831-419-1742 chris@c2earth.com
Hundl, Jacob D
1099 Sylmar Ave, #173 Clovis, CA 93612 559-593-1173 ck_hutch25@yahoo.com
3148 E Old Ridge Cir Salt Lake City, UT 84121 801-597-1226 humphrey.c.eric@gmail.com
29809 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 102 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 949-709-4314 Tedhromadka@yahoo.com
Hu, Renee
2925 NE 46th Ave Portland, OR 97213 503-961-2722 geohumphrey@yahoo.com
Hromadka II, Theodore V
Humphrey, Christopher C
Hurst, Danielle
303 W Blount Ave, Apt 304 Knoxville, TN 37920 615-712-4132 xfv184@vols.utk.edu
209 Nassau Street Princeton, NJ 8542 609-744-6360 tim@princetongeoscience.com
19343 West Calverley St Houghton, MI 49931 bhowell@mtu.edu
Hudson, John (Jake) K
990 S Broadway, Ste 222 Denver, CO 80209 720-560-0558 ahoward@brierleyassociates.com
Howe, Matthew R
199 Stone Mill Run, Bldg 300 , Apt 31 Athens, GA 30605 706-512-7551 rsh89564@uga.edu
12107 Cypresswood Dr Houston, TX 77070 281-376-8744 rghowe@pdq.net
424 East 36th St, Apt 322 Charlotte, NC 28205 617-406-9391 jhorgan1@uncc.edu
Horn, J. Scott
Howard, Alan L
Hubert, Ronikka A
234 Oak Tree Ave South Plainfield, NJ 07080 908-977-7520 dch122@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
1101 Market Street, LP 1N Chattanooga, TN 37402 865-414-3218 mthuebner@tva.gov
2489 Zachary Woods Dr NW Marietta, GA 30064 678-637-7060 matthew.r.howe@gmail.com
1722 3rd St, Ste 100 Sacramento, CA 95811 916-438-2301 twh@shanwil.com
Horgan, Julianna
3207 Innovation Place Youngstown, OH 44509 860-904-8534 jhouk@solarflexrack.com
6960 Flanders Dr San Diego, CA 92121 858-558-6900 hoobs@geoconinc.com
Hoover, Richard A
Houk, Joseph
10558 Allenby Way Truckee, CA 96161 530-362-2882 jake.hudson@nv5.com
12887 Forest Ln Moores Hill, IN 47032 812-744-3666 jimvalhough@aol.com
5158 Cochran St Simi Valley, CA 93063 805-522-5174 jeff@mountaingeology.com
Hubbard, Eric
Hunt, Robert 3659 W Bryn Mawr Chicago, IL 60659 618-231-4633 robbiegdhunt@gmail.com
204 W. Parris Ave Highpoint, NC 27262 336-686-2629 nikkacs3@gmail.com
5158 Cochran St Simi Valley, CA 93063 805-522-5174 jake@landphases.com
Holt, Jeffrey W
PO BOX 3074 CHAPEL HILL, NC 27515 336-263-0965 mark.hosler.sse@gmail.com
79 Forest Lane Placitas, NM 87043 775-391-9200 ehubbard@gbgeo.com
220 Route 70 east Medford, NJ 8055 609-304-9019 jhorvath@panthertech.com
Hosler, Mark
812 Peirson Ave Newark, NY 14513 714-543-2248
Holt, Jacob W
Hubbard, Charles D
11001 Hampshire Avenue South Bloomington, MN 55438 307-757-7954 chubbard@braunintertec.com
800 W University Pkwy, MS 299 Orem, UT 84058 801-863-8582 hornsda@uvu.edu
Horvath, Jay (FM)
31129 Via Colinas, Ste 707 Westlake Village, CA 91362 818-889-0844 bob@ghageo.com
Hollon, Cecil E
175 Dewey Rice Rd Buckhannon, WV 26201 304-472-3571 hornbeck.steve@gmail.com
429 Roberts St Reno, NV 89502 970-769-6776 jholle@woodrodgers.com
Hollingsworth, Robert A
Hornbeck, Stephen T
11171 Forest Haven Rd Festus, MO 63028 314-609-3065 ingram@xdd-llc.com
Iordache, Liviu M
1145 N Main St Lombard, IL 60148 630-952-9928 liordache@wangeng.com
2020 DIRECTORY Isaacson, Jon I
Jahnke, Ben
2500 W. Fairy Chasm Road Milwaukee, WI 53217 414-630-4161 iisaacson@brierleyassociates.com
110 Lom Combined Locks, WI 54113 bjahnke3@wisc.edu
Isinugben, Onoiseide Samuel
Villasenor y Sanchez, No.13-C Ciudad Satelite 53100 Mexico 55-55721961 jaimes.ricardo@gmail.com
Jaimes Palomera, Luis R
Via Del Carpentiere 38 Bologna 40138 Italy 3-93270255741 samchelseareino@gmail.com
Jalkut, Kayleen
Ismail, Wira Asraf
112 E Wood Street, Apt 13 West Lafayette, IN 47906 wismail@purdue.edu
Isphording, Wayne C
144 S 3rd St, Unit 506 San Jose, CA 95112 408-294-4846
Izzo, Jackson
807A, Diamond Complex Bangi Business Park Jalan Medan Bangi, Bandar Baru Bangi 43650 Malaysia 60-193555915 arjaapar@gmail.com
Jackson, Richard E
Jacobacci, Kara
1405 Evergreen Park Dr SW, Unit 203 Olympia, WA 98502 360-999-0114 Kara.jacobacci@dnr.wa.gov
Jacobson, Jonathan Gershon (S) 610 Broad Street Harrisonburg, VA 22802 484-218-1111 jacobsjg@dukes.jmu.edu
Jahangiri, Maryam 6802 UTSA Blvd San Antonio, TX 78049 832-524-6016 mjahan25@yahoo.com
Johnson, James G
Jenkins, John E
Johnson, Jeffrey A
Jett, Steven S
53 Frontage Road Hampton, NJ 8827 908-537-1332 jjimenez@malickandscherer.com
809 Noble Ct Golden, CO 80401 775-220-5248 jjones1@mymail.mines.edu
68340 Olympus Way Montrose, CO 81401 970-596-0251 ricochet_resource@yahoo.com
3615 SE 65th Ave Portland, OR 97206 813-541-6839 cmj26@pdx.edu
Jones, Morgan (S)
409 State Route 44 N Coudersport, PA 16915 814-203-2833 jon3585@calu.edu
Jones Rachel
Jones, Rusty
232 S. Crisp St Uvalde, TX 78801 832-330-1359 rusty3754@yahoo.com
330 Village Ln Los Gatos, CA 95030 408-354-5542 pjohnson@cottonshires.com
Johnson, Sarah
707 Averroe Dr Apex, NC 27502 919-271-3251 odaphne@gmail.com
Jones, Max
912 Lovvorn Road, Apt 712B Carrollton, GA 30117 770-687-3780 mattjover9000@gmail.com
Johnson, Philip L
4213 Summer Wind Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78413 alicemm89@yahoo.com
3 Bedford Farms Drive Bedford, NH 36110 cjones@haleyaldrich.com
Jones, Jerald L
425 Market St, Fl 17 San Francisco, CA 94105 415-243-4698 kenneth.johnson@wsp.com
Johnson, Matthew
115 S 1460 E, Rm 383 Salt Lake City, UT 84112 801-581-6636 paul.jewell@utah.edu
Jimenez, John
235 Morgan Ave Dallas, TX 75203 214-536-0204 jjohnston@hja-eng.com
Johnson, Kenneth A
1002 Morgan Meadow Drive Wentzville, MO 63385 314-496-4654 Steve.jett@jettenviro.com
Jewell, Paul W
Johnston, John W
281 Lane Parkway Salisbury, NC 28146 jason.jomp@cci-env.com
Jones, Jacob
13924 Marquesas Way, #1106 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 858-243-4438 jeffreyj1906@gmail.com
3041 2nd St Saint Augustine, FL 32084 904-827-1283
29806 Via Puesta Del Sol Temecula, CA 92591 951-600-9271 djohnston@petra-inc.com
Jones, Daphne M
18300 NE Union Hill Rd, Ste 200 Redmond, WA 98052 425-922-1433 jim_johnson@golder.com
Jones, Christopher Kelley
1712 Southwest Avenue, Apt 208 johnson city, TN 37604 931-261-0876 JarvisW@etsu.edu 37616 NE 52nd Ave La Center, WA 98629 971-227-2542 jenkins-john@comcast.net
Johnson, Victoria R
Jomp, Jason M (FM)
3702 Lily St Oakland, CA 94619 509-293-0393 cjohnson@slategeotech.com
Johnston, Douglass
Johnson, Adelicia
Johnson, Courtney B
Johnson, Todd W
4732 22nd Ave NE Seattle, WA 98105 vic18joh@uw.edu
11532 30th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98125 206-818-5032 cjohnson@golder.com
121 Tijeras Ave, Ste 1000 Albuquerque, NM 87102 303-579-8141 coreyj@uoregon.edu
Jimenez, Alicia (S)
Johnsen, Justin
Johnson, Clay
2400 Durston Rd, #35 Bozeman, MT 59718 406-547-3466 tjohnson@sandfireamerica.com
1557 Drake Drive Davis, CA 95616 831-234-8680 adejohnson@ucdavis.edu
8615 Upshur Lane Houston, TX 77064 662-380-0209 ijarami@hotmail.com
Jennings, Roberta L
10596 NE Evergreen Pkwy, Apt 114 Hillsboro, OR 97124 678-588-6441 geo.jackson2016@gmail.com
901 N 3rd St, Apt 10 Tacoma, WA 98403 509-940-7076 johnsejr@uw.edu
Jarvis, William
11 Venus Crescent Heidelberg, Ontario N0B 2M1 Canada 519-699-4567 rjackson@geofirma.com
Jackson, Robert A
Jaramillo, Igor D
Jarrett, Corey
3517 Marchwood Drive Richardson, TX 75082 jri170130@utdallas.edu
Jaapar, Abd Rasid
Johnson, Stephen A 801 Industrial St Wilmington, DE 19801 302-420-1707 sjohnrock@aol.com
8000 Coombs Farm Rd Morgantown, WV 26508 724-413-6844 AJinkens@gmail.com
16 McDevitt Rd Randolph, MA 02368 781-801-0457 Kayleen.Jalkut@tetratech.com
James, George Matthew
6 Mojave Court Rockville, MD 20850 301-802-7400 jin.scott@verizon.net
Jinkens, Andrew
115 MacKenan Dr Cary, NC 27511 919-669-8045 mjames@withersravenel.com
5506 Richmond Rd Mobile, AL 36608 251-610-2495 isphordingw@bellsouth.net
Iwamura, Thomas I
Jin, Jau S
1542 Donaldson Place Cincinnati, OH 45223 sarah.johnson11@uky.edu
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
PO Box 7107 Midland, TX 79708 432-684-5410 uvj3@msn.com
Jordan, Kathleen A
Karuppannan, Shankar
Gangavalli Taluk, Salem District South Kadu, Attur 63610 India 978-825-8674 geoshankar1984@gmail.com
1905 E Fir St, Apt 27 Seattle, WA 98122 619-370-9228 dianna5@uw.edu
Joyce, James
Kas, Daryl R
PO Box 6560 Dept of Geology Mayaguez 00681 Puerto Rico 787-685-1127 james.joyce@upr.edu
Julien, Sophie C
Katkar, Ankita Pandurang
110 Lincoln Green, Apt # 214 Starkville, MS 39759 662-400-1159 apk136@msstate.edu
Katterjohn, Mark Sacramento (FM)
133 Dahlia Court San Ramon, CA 94582 925-788-1999 sarah@georx.net
Kamal, Nauratan
Room No 36, Topaz Hostel Dhanbad 82600 India 91-7272980816 nauratanbhu@gmail.com
Kane, William F 7400 Shoreline Drive, Ste 6 Stockton, CA 95219 209-639-1902 william.kane@kanegeotech.com
March 2020
4226 Locust St Lincoln, NE 68516 402-489-2754 kearneygeosol@windstream.net
Mohalla Gharib Abad Village Bara Banda P/O Risalpur, District Nowshera, KP Nowshera 23200 Pakistan Junaidjovian@gmail.com
Earth & Physical Sciences AC-2F09, 94-20 Guy R. Brewer Blvd Jamaica, NY 11451 718-262-2079 nkhandaker@york.cuny.edu
West Azerbaijan Province Khoy City Samadzadeh Street Alley of Navahi 4, House No 138 Khoy 58137 Iran (Islamic Republic of) khodaveirdizadeh@yahoo.com
P.O.Box 82107 Fairbanks, AK 99708 573-578-0645 stkidanu@alaska.edu
Kier, Robert S
Department of Mining & Geological Engineering Tucson, AZ 85721 520-621-4448 kemeny@u.arizona.edu
10603 D K Ranch Rd Austin, TX 78759 512-461-5099 bkier@rskconsult.com
2251 Douglas Blvd, Ste 200 Roseville, CA 95661 916-677-4772 dkennedy@gfnet.com
Kilker, Wayne E
59 Wendell St Winchester, MA 01890 781-696-1535 kilker@mcmjac.com
Kent, Jessica
720 E 5th Ave, Apt 10 SLC, UT 84103 u1065973@umail.edu
PO Box 1020 Battle Ground, WA 98604 360-521-2592 drmavis@plateaugeoscience.com
Killen, Ashton Alexis
96 Private Drive 601 Proctorville, OH 45669 740-550-1983 ashton.killen99@gmail.com
Kim, Seunghoo
13215 Holly St, Unit A Thornton, CO 80241 720-503-0702 seunghoo.kim.99@gmail.com
Kinakin, Derek
PO Box 26 Battle Ground, WA 98604 360-687-0509 geopro@comcast.net
Kerwin, Scott T
Khan, Junaid
Kidanu, Shishay Tadios
5203 Garnet St Torrance, CA 90503 310-567-0615 clay.kelty@gmail.com
Kent, Richard C
Khodavirdizadeh, Akbar
Kelty, Clay
Kent, Mavis D (FM)
3026 Bradbury Dr Lafayette, CA 94549 925-323-8313 kikelson@gmail.com
Kennedy, Drew G
Kewer, Robert P
Khandaker, Nazrul I
223 West 5th Ave Conshohocken, PA 19428 clk95@drexel.edu
Kemeny, John
4618 NW 96th Ave Doral, FL 33178 305-607-2377 ron@spotlightgeo.com
Kearney, James L
1558 Arcadia Bluff Dr York, SC 29745 803-370-1911 bkelly3@clemson.edu
Kelson, Keith I
501 E Saint Joseph St Rapid City, SD 57701 605-394-2461 kurt.katzenstein@sdsmt.edu
Kaufmann, Ronald
Kelleher, Dan
3150 N Sheridan Rd, Apt 25A Chicago, IL 60657 773-248-3053 rkewer@comcast.net
Kelly, Christopher (SE)
4801 Southwest Pkwy, Bldg 2-150 Austin, TX 78735 512-971-1908 katterjohnm@rpsgroup.com
Katzenstein, Kurt W
Kelly, Benjamin
201 Church St SE, Ste C Blacksburg, VA 24060 540-798-7900 akassoff@eee-consulting.com
Village: Suvhoki, P.O: Koizuri P.St: Delduar, Tangail 1900 Bangladesh 88-01719181444 tanvir.kajol@yahoo.com
Kalika, Sarah E
Kassoff, Andrew
Keefe, Patrick M
Kester, Joan C 2890 E Cottonwood Pkwy Salt Lake City, UT 84121 801-746-9029 joan.kester@stantec.com
1950 Greyhound Pass, Ste 18-200 Carmel, IN 46033 763-607-0092 dan@midwestgeo.com
3303 N San Fernando Blvd, Ste 100 Burbank, CA 91504 818-841-8388 kasman@geoconinc.com
Kajol, Md Tanvir Hasan T
22885 Savi Ranch Pkwy, Ste E Yorba Linda, CA 92887 714-685-1115 dkas@socalgeo.com
Kasman, Gerald
6219 Saddletree Lane Yorba Linda, CA 92886 714-865-3353 pkeefe1345@gmail.com
8 Ryerson Dr Hamilton, NJ 08690 609-586-7590 hckasab@optonline.net
505 N Pearl St Centralia, WA 98531 360-561-1328 Tiffany.Justice2@Weyerhaeuser.com
Kadel-Harder, Irene
Kasabach, Haig F
10 Newberry Dr Saint Peters, MO 63376 636-699-3116 sophiecj4530@gmail.com
Justice, Tiffany
Karim, Mir Fazlul
Keaton, Jeffrey R 6001 Rickenbacker Rd Los Angeles, CA 90040 323-203-6958 jeff.keaton@woodplc.com
125 Nagog Park Acton, MA 1720 646-932-8915 mfkarimazad@gmail.com
432 West Point Dr gilbert, SC 29054 mjorda7@clemson.edu
Jorgenson, Dianna
13003 Abra Drive San Diego, CA 92128 858-217-6579 kaneshirofamily@hotmail.com
PO Box 967 Canby, OR 97013 530-941-3551 kajordan251@aol.com
Jordan, Mallory
Kaneshiro, Jon Y
234 St Paul Street Kamloops V2C6G4 Canada 778-772-6548 dkinakin@bgcengineering.ca
3560 Hyland Avenue, Ste 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 949-642-0245 scott.kerwin@woodplc.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
2020 DIRECTORY King, Cassi
1213 Whatcom St, Apt 90 Bellingham, WA 98229 831-331-3060 cassi_king@att.net
King, Esten
5253 County Road 1 South Alamosa, CO 81101 719-587-0139 rmk@gojade.org
Kirkham, Samuel 227 Briumbelow Rd, Apt C5 Carrollton, GA 30117 678-463-8008 skirkha1@my.westga.edu
Koch, Carlie
Kofoed, Jeffrey C
Kolb, Richard A
Koloski, Jon W
Konkol, Susan M
Knause, Todd K
Kopp, Kenneth Allen
8000 S Chester St, Ste 500 Centennial, CO 80112 319-651-4737 knausetodd@stanleygroup.com
Kortan, Joseph
207 Senate Avenue Camp Hill, PA 17011 717-805-4923 mknight@gfnet.com
475 Weldon Avenue Apt 403 Oakland, CA 94610 925-354-0914 kknoll@cornerstoneearth.com
11816 Lackland Rd, Ste 150 Saint Louis, MO 63146 dkreuger@geotechnology.com
Kring, Katelyn
306 E Houghton Avenue, Apt #3 Houghton, MI 49931 269-598-8649 kekring@mtu.edu
Kroehler, Margaret (S)
259 Inglewood Dr Pittsburgh, PA 15228 512-740-7608 margaret.kroehler@gmail.com
Krohn, James P (PG)
17230 Exeter Pl Northridge, CA 91325 krohnjp@yahoo.com
Krohn, Rebekah
PO Box 571 Chester, NJ 07930 201-874-6481 joe.kosinski@ferrieroengineering.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
201 Barrow St, Ste 1 Anchorage, AK 99501 907-276-2025 ray@kreig.com
Kreuger, Duane T (S)
3600 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 ackrauss@sas.upenn.edu
Kreig, Raymond A
2090 US Hwy 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 330-685-4408 dkorte@kent.edu
Kosinski, Joseph S (S)
8231 Strub Ave Whittier, CA 90602 aqkrause@cpp.edu
Krauss, Ashley Chiles
14118 Emerald Creek San Antonio, TX 78230 210-685-2197 kortanjoey@yahoo.com
Korte, David (PG)
600 N Santa Rosa, Apt 119 San Antonio, TX 78207 402-875-2928 grace.kraus123@gmail.com
Krause, Anselm
PO Box 226 Seneca, KS 66538 radiojunkie@gmail.com
10471 W 47th Pl Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 408-387-4131 akrajnov@mymail.mines.edu
Kraus, Grace
15816 SE 160th Pl. Renton, WA 98058 253-831-2639 jonandlyla@comcast.net 527 NE 178th Ave Portland, OR 97230 775-443-6941 susan_konkol@msn.com
Knott, Curt C
15770 Bellaire Blvd, Apt 311 Houston, TX 77083 ook005@shsu.edu
621 E 12 1/2 St Houston, TX 77008 303-882-2532 blkowalski@gmail.com
Krajnovich, Ashton J
511 Keisler Dr, Ste 102 Cary, NC 27518 919-624-6362 rick.kolb1@gmail.com
Koledade, Oladeji
Knight, Michael A
247 Greenwood Ave Akron, OH 44313 ljk39@zips.uakron.edu
Kowalski, Becky
17266 Portland Cove Lane Wildwood, MO 63038 314-583-2839 ckfff@mst.edu
Kocieda, VA Polonia
Kouri, Lauren Josephine (S)
2526 SE Cora St Portland, OR 97202 503-382-9846 Omae@pdx.edu
6420 SW Macadam Ave, Ste 100 Portland, OR 97239 208-704-2966 danielknapp.sea@gmail.com
1301 Margaret St E Monmouth, OR 97361 541-272-9301 cknott16@wou.edu 58
21044 204th Ave SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 206-718-3183 marciaawg@aol.com
Knoll, Kalia (S)
Knuttila, Sakiko
Koss, Ericka 1900 SW 4th Ave Portland, OR 97206 ericka.koss@gmail.com
31129 Via Colinas, Ste 707 Westlake Village, CA 91362 818-889-0844 jkofoed@ghageo.com
9007 Kerr Dr Tomball, TX 77375 281-736-7489 lilywaterpond@gmail.com
Knapp, Daniel (FM)
3303 N San Fernando Blvd, Ste 100 Burbank, CA 91504 626-862-5920 kirkgard@geoconinc.com
Kirkham, Robert M
Klopfenstein, Trey
Asbestos Resource Program 418 Mineral Avenue Libby, MT 59923 virginia.kocieda@gmail.com
Kloet, Arjan
Knadle, Marcia (S)
67 Brookwood Rd, Apt 20 Orinda, CA 94563 925-254-2990 rkirby.geosci@usa.net
Kirkgard, Susan F
Klovenski, Elizabeth (FM)
115 S 1460 E, Room 383 Salt Lake City, UT 84112 928-853-6172 evan.kipnis@utah.edu
Kirby, Randy E
Klingel, Taylor
9450 SW Commerce Cir, #300 Wilsonville, OR 97070 treyoneal13@gmail.com
64 Sunnyside Lane Orinda, CA 94563 510-407-7353 fkintzer@gmail.com
Kipnis, Evan
6547 Point Pleasant Pike New Hope, PA 18938 267-253-1426 kloeteng@gmail.com
2498 E Nantucket Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84121 801-842-3495 van@loughlinwater.com
Kintzer, Frederick C
Kline-Tissi, Stephanie
539 Klotter Avenue, Apt 2 Cincinnati, OH 45214 419-889-2132 tklingel2330@gmail.com
14 Sunnen Dr, Ste 143 Saint Louis, MO 63143 314-323-7330 patrick.king@atcgs.com
King, Van F
2002 Congressional Drive, #27887 St Louis, MO 63146 573-201-5067 klinestephaniej@gmail.com
16711 76th Ave W Edmonds, WA 98026 425-239-9721 hydrodynamics@rconnect.com
King, Patrick L
Klinedinst, Philip W
Knott, David L 111 Rankin Blvd Braddock, PA 15104 412-678-2957 daveknottgrundy@gmail.com
12420 Milestone Center Dr, Ste 150 Germantown, MD 20876 301-820-3458 phil.klinedinst@aecom.com
916 Crescent Moon Dr North Las Vegas, NV 89031 702-217-7896 jerrylking@yahoo.com
King, Michael J
PO Box 460 Forestville, CA 95436 707-478-1349, Steve@bauergeotech.com
1221 Minor Ave, 508 Seattle, WA 98101 360-878-0263 estenk@uw.edu
King, Jerry
Klick, Steve
1010 E 19th Ave, Apt B Ellensburg, WA 98926 krohnr@cwu.edu
Kropp, Alan
2140 Shattuck Ave, Ste 910 Berkeley, CA 94704 510-841-5095 akropp@akropp.com
March 2020
2020 DIRECTORY Krost, Greta
1300 Airport Ln North Bend, OR 97459 541-751-4358 greta@burles.com
Kruger, Mark O
Ladinsky, Tyler C
842 W Taylor Street Chicago, IL 60607 312-721-7864 gkumar6@uic.edu
Kumar, Namitha
Kumara, Praveena V
Research Scholar Department of Kadaganchi Kalaburgi 58536 India 91-9901744719 praveenakumarav@gmail.com
3575 Running Deer Dr Helena, MT 59602 503-577-0738 dorian@kupercon.com
March 2020
926 W Odessa Loop Nampa, ID 83686 626-238-3582 ralarson111@gmail.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Laush, David P
LaViolette, John W
Lawrence, Andrew C
13571 S Luscerno Dr Draper, UT 84020 801-935-0849 andrewlawrence13@hotmail.com
Lawson, Kirk W
9101 Burnet Rd, Ste 210 Austin, TX 78758 512-496-7020 kirk.lawson@parsons.com
Lazarus Jr., Arthur G
8 W. Main St, Apt 214 Groton, MA 1450 978-486-0261
Le, Jetson (FM)
17619 Laguna Trail Drive Houston, TX 77095 jule3@uh.edu
Lee, Betty (FM)
555 W 8th Street, Apt 418 Vancouver, WA 98660 betty.lee.0611.92@gmail.com
Lee, Edmond K
221 N Figueroa St, Ste 1200 Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-482-0488 element38@gmail.com
Lee, Tabitha
102 Lasky Court, Apt B2 Cary, NC 27511 919-800-8300 mmlarson1@my.waketech.edu
Larson, Robert A
1955 45th Ave San Francisco, CA 94116 925-519-9153 jwlv@hotmail.com
239 E Vidas Ave Salt Lake City, UT 84115 214-244-9283 u1197327@utah.edu
Larson, Megan M
234 Sweetwater Dr Palmyra, PA 17078 717-566-6502 rslambertjr@gmail.com
Lasky, Loren R
21846 SE 236th Pl Maple Valley, WA 98038 253-833-0875 dlaush@netzero.com
4432 Sunset Beach Road West University Place, WA 98466 503-572-6479 plarsen@cascade-env.com
Larson, Emily
11816 Lackland Rd, Ste 150 Saint Louis, MO 63146 314-724-4691 dlambert@geotechnology.com
4306 Gentry Way Rocklin, CA 95677 916-801-8974 bdlamkin@att.net
400 N 34th St, Ste 100 Seattle, WA 98103 206-632-8020 wtl@shanwil.com
Larsen, Peter S
6 Forrest Central Dr Titusville, NJ 08560 609-558-2483 GeoLorenPG@gmail.com
455 NE 24th Ave, Apt 23 Portland, OR 97232 423-571-0192 dlaporte@cornforth consultants.com
Laprade, William T
2708 Sherwood Ln Austin, TX 78704 512-672-9514 lmbrbrt@sbcglobal.net
Lamkin, Brent (LM)
LaPort, Lauren
LaPorte, David
2611 40th Ave W Seattle, WA 98199 206-419-8908 lamanna@nwlink.com
Lambert, Raymond S
4969 S Laredo Pass Sierra Vista, AZ 85650 520-803-8490 sbkunzer@theriver.com
Kuper, Dorian E
LaManna, John
Lambert, Crystal
229 B Street, Apt 6 Salt Lake City, UT 84103 208-705-0476 ottoian13@gmail.com 345 Wall Street Princeton, NJ 8540 609-203-5850 llaport@elminc.com
Lambert, Douglas W
15555 Main St, Ste D4-566 Hesperia, CA 92345 760-885-0232 debbie.kunath1984@gmail.com
Kunzer, Alexander H
3705 Oxford Loop SE Lacey, WA 98503 425-891-2289 lambeca@uw.edu
Kunath-Leatham, Debbie A (TM)
Lane, Richard M
607 Old Steese Hwy, Ste B 252 Fairbanks, AK 99701 231-357-1089 Eallen23@alaska.edu
Lamb, Robert O
2716 Springtime Drive Troy, MI 48083 namithak@umich.edu
Larwood, James A 1169 Masterpiece Dr Oceanside, CA 92057 949-266-7190 jimlarwood@gmail.com
11a Oak Branch Dr Greensboro, NC 27407 336-274-9456 mlandis@schnabel-eng.com
Lang, Otto
LaDouceur, Elizabeth M
Landis, Mark
LaDouceur, Blake Oswell
Kumar, Chandan
Kumar, Girish
213 Pembroke Hill Rd Pembroke, NH 03275 603-485-3202 lanetrisbr@hotmail.com
3018 Willow Oak Dr Knoxville, TN 37909 865-974-1000 blakeladouceur68@gmail.com
612 DOW 1400 Townsend Drive Houghton, MI 49931 906-231-5668 ckumar@mtu.edu
LaMont, Ed
1900 S. Norfolk St, Ste 300 San Mateo, CA 94403 831-239-9675 tyler.ladinsky@conservation.ca.gov
1235 E James E Rogers Way, Rm 131 Tucson, AZ 85721 520-591-9560 kulatila@u.arizona.edu
1548 N. Maple Street Corona, CA 92880 949-468-6057 elamont@geotekusa.com
4505 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322 435-797-1247 tom.lachmar@gmail.com
13212 Manitoba Dr NE Albuquerque, NM 87111 505-350-9188 akkuhn41@gmail.com
Kulatilake, Pinnaduwa
LaBrie, Quinn
Lachmar, Thomas E
Lammons, Thomas L 6004 Ponders Ct. Greenville, SC 29615 864-288-1268 tom@blecorp.com
440 Coit Rd Plano, TX 75075 512-366-0932 whyquinn@gmail.com
12333 Roosevelt rd saginaw, MI 48609 989-780-4767 kruske@etsu.edu
Kuhn, Alan K
3575 Running Deer Dr Helena, MT 59602 503-680-3264 tom@kupercon.com
10120 National Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90034 310-866-8977 markkruger72@gmail.com
Kruske, Montana
Kuper, H. Tom
3823 Elmcrest Dr Houston, TX 77088 281-685-0170 tclee3@uh.edu
Lee-Brand, Beronica Jean (FM)
9600 Great Hills Trail, Ste 300W Leander, TX 78641 512-584-1951 bleebrand@intera.com
Leech, Thomas G
5000 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213 412-855-7957 tleech1948@verizon.net
2020 DIRECTORY Leeds, David J
3154 Braemar Dr Santa Barbara, CA 93109 310-472-0282 djleeds@adelphia.net
Leffew, John W
Liem, Tiong J (S)
PO Box 114 Montpelier, IN 47359 765-728-8051 jlenz@creekrun.com
Leone, Katryn
1000 Logan St Denver, CO 80203 303-861-9700 kleone@spronkwater.com
Leornas, Takara
Leverett, Kelsi 154 E Main Street, #38 Westphalia, MO 65085 229-347-4296 ktln7d@mStedu
Levinson, Zack D 4037 McClain Way, Apt 51 Carmichael, CA 95608 661-364-8178 zack_levinson@sbcglobal.net
Lewallen, Randall Keith 5938 Ridgegate Dr Chino Hills, CA 91709 rlewallen@cpp.edu
Lewis, Scott W PO Box 3905 21663 Brian Lane Sonora, CA 95370 209-536-7370 slewis@condorearth.com
Livermore, Robert S
Livingston, Charles R
Lloyd, Tina M
Lockard, William J 4020 Lake Washington Blvd NE Ste 200 Kirkland, WA 98033 425-368-1000 bill.lockard@woodplc.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
2537 S 1800 E Salt Lake City, UT 84106 801-656-5629 gialonardo14@gmail.com
3439 Golders Green Dr Houston, TX 77082 832-922-8206 longbf@yahoo.com
2111 Stone River Dr Austin, TX 78745 512-441-0306 long1mc@yahoo.com
Lopez, Amanda M
3003 Memorial Court, Apt 1431 Houston, TX 77007 954-554-0646 amlopez16@uh.edu
Lopez, Joshua
8725 Rosehill Rd, Ste 350 Lenexa, KS 66215 913-205-5417 tina.lloyd@arcadis.com
Dept. IngenierĂƒĆ’_a Civil Escuela de Ingenierias Industriales y Civiles, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 35017 Spain 362-801-6600 alejandro.lomoschitz@ulpgc.es
Long, Marilyn Czimer
4002 Green Oak Dr Atlanta, GA 30340 770-449-8571 ccliv2@bellsouth.net
20 Stowe Ln Menlo Park, CA 94025 650-854-6954 rglgeo@aol.com
10940 White Rock Rd, Ste 190 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 916-302-6326 marc.lombardi@woodplc.com
Long, Billie
11811 N. Tatum Blvd, Ste 3057 Phoenix, AZ 85028 602-284-6495 montesol@cox.net
PO Box 306 Cutten, CA 95534 707-845-4491 david@eureka-geologiStcom
Lonardo, Giavanna
Liu, Linan
Livermon, Robert H
Loffer, Zachary James
Lomoschitz, Alejandro
Little, Dakota M
Little, Jared M
Lombardi, Marc R (FM)
5316 Deep Valley Run Raleigh, NC 27606 919-859-6586 rob@geologixnc.com
785 Ygnacio Valley Rd Walnut Creek, CA 94596 925-953-3314 jlindeman@caleng.com
Little, Andrew T
Loewen, Bradley
179 W. Foster-Maineville Road Maineville, OH 45039 zloffer@kent.edu
2003 Ifinity Circle, Unit 126 Mines Park Golden, CO 80401 linanliu@mymail.mines.edu
1894 E Crandall Circle Salt Lake City, UT 84106 801-875-3658 hayley.lind828@gmail.com
Lindeman, Justin R
31129 Via Colinas, Ste 707 Westlake Village, CA 91362 818-889-0844 jared@ghageo.com
Lindblom, Robert G (S)
Lippitt, Clifford R
1281 E Alluvial Ave, Ste 101 Fresno, CA 93720 559-790-4966 brad.loewen@amecfw.com
85 Alta View Dr, Apt 95k Cullowhee, NC 28723 336-877-6255 dmlittle4@catamount.wcu.edu
1324 N Market St Frederick, MD 21701 240-285-5341 blike@schnabel-eng.com
Lindberg, David N (S)
1650 Arboleda Dr Reno, NV 89521 775-750-1528 glightwd@wolfenet.com
Lind, Hayley (S)
1670 Broadway, Ste 3400 Denver, CO 80202 616-308-1622 andrewtimothylittle@gmail.com
1586 Washington Valley Rd Bridgewater, NJ 08807 908-400-6968 jlifrieri@optonline.net
Like, Ben
917 Tejas Dr Burkburnett, TX 76354 tal170030@utdallas.edu
31129 Via Colinas, Ste 707 Westlake Village, CA 91362 818-889-0844 martin@ghageo.com
Lightwood, George T
Lindvall, Scott C
Lockhart, Darren R
2101 Gateway Centre Blvd, Ste 200 Morrisville, NC 27560 919-657-7500 dlockhart@ei1.com
2 Fairmount Park East Bangor, ME 04401 207-356-7982 lippittgeo@gmail.com
7229 Longfield Drive Cincinnati, OH 45243 513-284-7094 dlienhart@armorstone.com
Lifrieri, Joseph J
27441 Tourney Rd, Ste 220 Valencia, CA 91355 661-878-2883 lindvall@lettisci.com
Lieurance, Martin E
28423 Alava Mission Viejo, CA 92692 949-795-2266 geolemmer@yahoo.com
Lenz, Richard
9500 Cuyamaca St, Ste 102 Santee, CA 92071 619-449-5900 alliedgeo@aol.com
Lienhart, David A
9610 Oregano Cir Houston, TX 77036 832-331-6302 leidavid63@gmail.com
Lemmer, Robert
Leydig, Emilee Rose
Lindenbach, Evan 2013 Swede Gulch Rd Golden, CO 80439 253-208-5644 elindenb@gmail.com
501 Wood St, Apt 2 California, PA 15419 814-270-4694 ley5638@calu.edu
695 Park Ave New York, NY 10065 212-441-2950 darlene.lehman07@my hunter.cuny.edu
Lei, David Z
31861 Via Pato Coto De Caza, CA 92679 949-858-9602 lavonlewis@cox.net
TDEC-DWR NEFO 711 R.S. Gass Blvd Nashville, TN 37216 615-889-0557 jwleffew@gmail.com
Lehman, Darlene
Lewis, Wardell L
7327-G West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27410 309-721-8289 Josh.Lopez@terracon.com
Lopez, Samuel
1 Hawthorne Court Fairfax, CA 94930 415-686-5362 u1214936@utah.edu
Lopez-Narvaez, Zaira G
3241 W. Rialto Ave Fresno, CA 93722 zglopez08@mail.fresnostate.edu
March 2020
2020 DIRECTORY Loskutoff, William
PO Box 241221 Anchorage, AK 99524 907-360-1689 4Bill.L@gmail.com
Loughlin, William D
2020 Research Park Dr, Ste 100 Davis, CA 95618 530-756-5905 kloy@westyoStcom
Lua, Antonio
60971 East Arroyo Grande Dr Oracle, AZ 85623 775-690-0537 lucegc@charter.net
Luce, Laura J 4017 Cayente Way Sacramento, CA 95864 916-955-6508 B2Q2L2@outlook.com
Luebbe, Alicia K 806 W 10th St Rolla, MO 65401 563-275-0319 al8yb@mStedu
Lund, William R 2102 N Hawthorne Lane CEDAR CITY, UT 84721 435-590-1338 Toroweap@q.com
Maples, Brandon
13316 Legacy Hill Road Oklahoma City, OK 73170 405-923-8624 bmaples@ou.edu
Marasovich, Gerald J
221 Dennis Ave Raleigh, NC 27604 919-250-9918 tmarchant@maaonline.com
MacInnis, Jana Kathleen
Majola, Silindokuhle
Postnet x5311, ExSte 370 Mthatha 05099 South Africa 27-736351073 silindokumaths@gmail.com
1902 E 14th Ave Ellensburg, WA 98926 jana.macinnis@cwu.edu 12303 Harbour Pointe Blvd, Apt Q202 Mukilteo, WA 98275 435-714-4531 davidmackay101@gmail.com
6312 Erinvale Somerset West 07130 South Africa 783-230-7336 mackellar@icon.co.za
Markley, Dale E
Markoff, Robert M
6121 Quail Valley Ct Riverside, CA 92507 951-236-0332 rmarkoff@lorgeo.com
Markunas, Bernard
386 E. St Charles Rd Lombard, IL 60148 630-790-9181 bmarkunas@carlsonenv.com
4644 Raptor Ln Bellingham, WA 98229 604-853-5390 mdmalone@gmail.com
Marohl, Kristen
911 5th Ave Kirkland, WA 98033 253-332-8587 kristenmarohl@gmail.com
411 Fieldstream Dr Boone, NC 28607 336-251-8090 maltbamg@appstate.edu 1105 W Oregon St, 9 Urbana, IL 61801 224-234-7609 mandera2@illinois.edu
Marinos, Paul G
15715 Trapp Ridge Ct chesterfield, MO 63017 314-971-6555 dale.markley@yahoo.com
20 Westland Ave Winchester, MA 01890 617-872-6420 w-nmallio@comcast.net
Mandera, Katie
Marchant, Raymond S
Panetoliou 23a Athens 01174 Greece 30-6944301993 marinos@central.ntua.gr
333 Baldwin Road Pittsburgh, PA 15205 814-335-4885 jmalizia@cecinc.com
Maltba, Mati G
4530 Rio Poco Rd RENO, NV 89502 775-420-8125 Joesmaldonado@gmail.com
Malone, Michael D
PO Box 125 Yoder, WY 82244 307-532-1133 maderak1933@gmail.com Department of Geology University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nigeria 234-8038491198 mycommunity@yahoo.com
Maldonado, Joe S
Mallio, William J
361 Lovvorn Road, 100A Carrollton, GA 30117 770-905-6422 mmaddox4@my.westga.edu
24411 Ridge Rte Dr #225 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 HMai@Kleinfelder.com
Malizia, John P
320 W 4th St Colby, KS 67701 785-675-1995 leahmacneill@yahoo.com
Maduka, Raphael I (SE)
24345 Rue De Gauguin Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 949-415-9650 afshin.mantegh@mail.mcgill.ca
2039 Klee Place Davis, CA 95618 530-304-8100 sydneyamaguire@gmail.com
Maharjan, Madan
Mantegh, Afshin
Mai, Hung
Maderak, Marion L (S)
18955 Redwing Way Lake Oswego, OR 97035 503-819-3965 rivergrove.environmental@gmail.com
Maddox, Mark L (AF)
Maguire, Sydney
730 Knox St N, Apt 4 Monmouth, OR 97361 808-896-3605 imanju16@mail.wou.edu
3441 Todd Ct Modesto, CA 95350 209-988-4261 jerry.marasovich@ruendrilling.com
MacNeill, Leah (LM)
Magorien, David S
Manju, Isaac
University of North Carolina Pembroke Old Main 212 Pembroke, NC 28372 304-376-8846 mmaharjan@niu.edu
Mackellar, Robin
2331/2 Walnut St Napa, CA 94559 antoniolua912@gmail.com
Luce, Gary C
Mackay, David Jordan (FM)
17502 Cottonwood Irvine, CA 92612 949-433-0500 scott.magorien@woodplc.com
350 N Orleans, Ste 1301 Chicago, IL 60647 262-408-9276 hannah.maas@stantec.com
MacDonald, Anne
1801 Moly Road Golden, CO 80401 303-550-1905 jlovekin@mines.edu
Loy, Kenneth L
Maalouf, George Y
Maas, Hannah
3260 Blume Dr, Ste 220 Richmond, CA 94806 510-527-9876 jlovekin@slb.com
Lovekin, Jonathan R
PO Box 5655 Greenville, SC 29606 864-232-1556 gmaalouf@rcenviro.com
801 Leroy Pl Socorro, NM 87801 575-835-5146 david.love@nmt.edu
Lovekin, James W
Lyon, Henry W
Magno, Melissa A 1625 Village Brook Dr, Apt B Charlotte, NC 28210 423-794-7404 melissa.a.magno@gmail.com
1800 Eastwood Rd, Apt 128 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-256-8448 henry.lyon@duke-energy.com
Univ of Nevada Seismological Lab MS 0174 1664 N. Virginia St Reno, NV 89557 775-229-3835 louie@seismo.unr.edu
Love, David W
2091 Guffey Rd North Huntingdon, PA 15642 516-318-2333 chelsea.a.lyle@gmail.com
3100 Pinebrook Rd, Ste 1100 Park City, UT 84098 435-659-1752 bill@loughlinwater.com
Louie, John
Lyle, Chelsea
Marsch, Kristofer
Berlin, Germany 49-1782952085 Kristofer.Marsch@posteo.de
Marshall, Alexander J (S)
3356 Alani Dr Honolulu, HI 96822 ajmarsh@hawaii.edu
Marshall, Brittain
11012 Water Road Frisco, TX 75035 marshallrittain22@gmail.com
March 2020
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
2019 DIRECTORY Marshall, George L
36 Overlook Dr Averill Park, NY 12018 518-423-2136 bmarsh131@verizon.net
Marshall, Michael S
1988 Bonniebrae Dr Lake Oswego, OR 97034 503-713-8403 aarmart@aol.com
Mathieson, Elizabeth L
8629 Grand Pine Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89143 702-524-2908 kmmrgf@mStedu
327 E Balboa Dr Tempe, AZ 85282 520-240-2762 kimberly.k.martin@asu.edu 683 Main Street Watertown, MA 2472 617-924-5409 lgm683@gmail.com
8900 Princeton Park Dr Manassas, VA 20110 marti2gx@dukes.jmu.edu
May, James H
6261 N Oriole Ave Chicago, IL 60631 773-470-8123 trmagm@aol.com
2050 N Point Dr, Ste A Winston Salem, NC 27106 336-575-1256 sem@geotec.com
McFadden, Bo
McFarland, Christopher A
McGrath, Simon J
10 Lincoln Rd, Ste 210 Foxboro, MA 02035 401-266-8377 smcgrath@parecorp.com
McInelly, Galan W (S)
1901 Alvin St Toledo, OH 43607 419-309-8254 Matt.mccormick@utoledo.edu
17425 NE Union HIll Rd, Ste 250 Redmond, WA 98052 425-861-6016 gmcinelly@geoengineers.com
McIntosh, Wayne E (FM)
5811 Faught Rd Santa Rosa, CA 95403 707-953-1837 bmccormick@kleinfelder.com
10609 San Rafael Ave NE Albuquerque, NM 87122 505-771-1354 wemhuz1@msn.com
McKenzie-Johnson, A (FM)
355 Dillo Trl Liberty Hill, TX 78642 512-936-4410 texas_gael@yahoo.com
1355 E Cooley Dr Colton, CA 92324 909-503-5082 john.mckeown@terracon.com
McKinney, Emmons (S)
88 Woodmont Court Senoia, GA 30276 402-208-2072 nathanielmccue228@gmail.com
1214 Mohave Dr Colton, CA 92324 951-746-4206 bemmons@ucla.edu
McKinney, Joseph Earl (SE)
38 Mill Point Pl Spring, TX 77380 425-213-6478 Alexandermj@hotmail.com
McKeown, John S (FM)
801 K St, MS 12-31 Sacramento, CA 95814 916-505-3917 tim.mccrink@conservation.ca.gov
2508 Briargrove Dr Austin, TX 78704 619-980-7475 danmccullar@yahoo.com
302 Timberline Drive Crestview, FL 32539 910-322-5763 gorkamorka20032003@yahoo.com
10302 12th Ave NW Seattle, WA 98177 206-784-8739 dmccormack@aspect consulting.com
McCullar, Dan B
5000 Olden Porter Road Pendleton, SC 29670 864-934-5188 emcelve@g.clemson.edu
1550 Liberty Ln Gallatin, TN 37066 615-210-8936 thomasd.mccomb@gmail.com
McCue, John Nathaniel
McElveen, Emily
McComb, Thomas
McCrink, Timothy P
901 26th Ave E Seattle, WA 98112 206-799-6434 bomcdoff@gmail.com
McCoy, Thomas W
McDougal, Justin
420 Sycamore Valley road west Danville, CA 94526 925-786-2667 tom@mccloskeyconsultants.com
McCormick, William V
5120 W Patterson Ave Chicago, IL 60641 630-797-0131 kpmcbrid@neiu.edu
McCabe, Coire (S)
McCloskey, Tom
5952 Shadow Park Dr Reno, NV 89523 775-671-8075 jmcdougal@woodrodgers.com
McCormick, Matthew
5612 Oakview St Waco, TX 76710 254-498-4185 winmcatee@gmail.com
McBride, Kevin P (FM)
208 E Main St, Ste 100 Belleville, IL 62220 314-277-9050 mmasterson@kaskaskiaeng.com 1425 Bieker Rd Washington, MO 63090 ammzwf@mst.edu
Maynard, Theodore R
McAtee, Winfield L (FM)
Mason, Fred
McCawley, Michael T
McCormack, David H
301 Silver Creek Dr Vicksburg, MS 39180 601-415-5212 jmay1942@bellsouth.net
PO Box 1020 Exeter, CA 93221 559-936-3695 fred@masongeoscience.com
344 N Martel Ave Los Angeles, CA 90036 310-775-0975 altanshapovalov@gmail.com
2000 S Colorado Boulevard Annex Building, Ste 400 Denver, CO 80222 719-645-9489 Rmascarenas@brierleyassociates.com
1516 Ninth Street, MS-46 Sacramento, CA 95814 916-752-3016 garry.maurath@energy.ca.gov
Maxim, Altan
Martinez, Gilberto
Masterson, Alexander M
909 Marconi Ave Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 210-867-7650 r.mattzela@fpm-remediations.com
Maurath, Garry (SE)
McCalpin, James P
McCutcheon, Laura 16995 County Road, 8360 Rolla, MO 65401 573-578-4065 lm73d@mst.edu
2611 S 100th St Omaha, NE 68124 402-679-0367 mtmccawley@outlook.com
750 Pilot Rd, Ste F Las Vegas, NV 89119 702-597-9393 dmattersjr@cox.net
Mattzela, Randall L.
Martin, Kimberly
Masterson, Matthew D
Mathis, Summer
Matters, Duane H (S)
PO Box 837 Crestone, CO 81131 719-588-4279 mccalpin@geohaz.com
13275 Ted Williams Road Atascosa, TX 78002 eden2820@gmail.com
Martin, Keith
Mason, Steve
1185 Park Ave Alameda, CA 94501 510-710-1166 bmathieson@poStharvaRdedu
Martin Jr, Arthur C
Mascarenas, Robert
Mathews, Alan R
McCalip, Jerry A 3220 Port Royal Ct Plano, TX 75093 214-354-2634 jerrymccalip@yahoo.com
3921 Franklin Rd Jackson, MI 49203 517-641-7333 mathews@hampmathews.com
40 Wight Avenue Hunt Valley, MD 21030 443-605-3485 david@talking-dog.com
Martin, Leo G
695 E Sierra Ave Fresno, CA 93710 559-221-0080 nmasutsubo@gmail.com
10030 NE Skidmore St Portland, OR 97220 971-219-4397 geomikemarshall@gmail.com
Martin, Arthur D
Masutsubo, Nobuaki
695 Edison Way, Ste 213 Reno, NV 89502 760-250-9329 GeoWiz55@gmail.com
3335 30TH Dr Everett, WA 98201 425-466-7909 coirem15@gmail.com AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
2020 DIRECTORY McLean, Alex
1000 SW Vista Ave, Apt 1112 Portland, OR 97205 219-246-6855 almclean@pdx.edu
McLean, Jennifer
1244 Freedom Drive Clarksville, TN 37042 864-642-7616 jstephens23@my.apsu.edu
McMahan, Michael
10001 NE 12th St, #101 Bellevue, WA 98004 626-222-7922 kentmcmillan@sbcglobal.net
McMillen, Matthew J
McMullen, Steven R
301 N Lake Ave, Ste 1002 Pasadena, CA 91101 949-859-1993 geocon@fea.net
McWilliams, Shane W
415 Oak St Kansas City, MO 64106 816-412-1771 jenna.mead@tetratech.com
Medall, Sheldon E
1404 Franklin St, Ste 600 Oakland, CA 94612 650-619-7797 emedley@geopractitioner.com
March 2020
8140 Sandy Cir Anchorage, AK 99507 907-750-8091 rakibjaved@gmail.com
2033 Trexler Court Raleigh, NC 27606 828-238-4532 jkmille5@ncsu.edu
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Millett, Amber
Mills, Chris
Mills, Gareth I
PO Box 755800 Fairbanks, AK 99775 907-750-2475 dmisra@alaska.edu
Mitchell, Jeffrey H
9800 Mt Pyramid Ct, Ste 330 Englewood, CO 80112 720-480-6816 kmininger@rjh-consultants.com
Misra, Debasmita
1 Lakeview Circle Berwyn, PA 19312 cissy.ming@yahoo.com
Mininger, Kevin T
10250 SW Greenburg Rd, Ste 111 Portland, OR 97223 503-452-1100 amines@ccilt.com
Ming, Cissy Li (FM)
4742 San Fernando Road Glendale, CA 91204 818-326-3200 shant@aessoil.com
Mines, Aine
26074 Avenue Hall, Ste 21 Santa Clarita, CA 91355 818-915-1784 gareth.i.mills@icloud.com
Minas, Shant
1901 Blue Slate Ct Raleigh, NC 27603 919-218-7513 glmiller@waketech.edu
Miller, Jenna K
Miller, Michael
75 Pleasant Dr Sutter Creek, CA 95685 209-267-9277 cmills1095@gmail.com
1818 Winding Trail Ln Alvin, TX 77511 903-215-1105 eamiller5@uh.edu
Miller, Gretchen
25814 78th Ave SW Vashon, WA 98070 206-601-1309 meyerm@battelle.org
17118 Classen Rd San Antonio, TX 78247 210-710-7100 egmhe36@yahoo.com
Miller, Erin A
PO Box 73606 Fairbanks, AK 99707 907-322-6928 pametz@alaska.edu
6646 Kingbird Ct charlotte, NC 28215 amillet1@uncc.edu
844 21 1/2 Road Grand Junction, CO 81505 dru@gsi.us
Miller, Edward G
19348 35th Ave NE Lake Forest Park, WA 98155 281-229-1335 dottieml@me.com
8420 Gas House Pike, Ste B Frederick, MD 21701 301-418-5022 dmiller@seismicsurveys.net
Miller, Dru
Miller, Jonathan S
3202 Brass Buttons Trl Austin, TX 78734 512-563-3531 miller.bedrock@gmail.com
1211 W. Cambridge Cir Dr Kansas City, KS 66103 daniel.miller@intertek.com
Miller, David K
3011 Ludell Ct Walnut Creek, CA 94597 510-268-5000 pmesard@exponent.com
Miandad, Javed (SE)
3411 Wade St Los Angeles, CA 90066 310-398-1447 pmerifie@ucla.edu
11415 Sweet Hall Way Mechanicsville, VA 23116 amiller@erisinfo.com
Miller, Daniel
1423 S Beverly Glen Blvd Apt B Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-429-6681 jonathan@baycitygeology.com
5875 Lupin Lane Pollock Pines, CA 95726 916-212-3323 ke_millard@yahoo.com
Miller, Ashley Jewell
107 South Heide Lane McMurray, PA 15317 724-942-2855 MER2082@calu.edu
Meyer, Michael T
11580 Turner Heights Dr Escondido, CA 92026 760-749-4880 rocks@vcweb.org
Medley, Edmund
9503 Huntsham Rd Charlotte, NC 28227 980-777-3092 cmendiol@uncc.edu
Metz, Paul A
101 Montclair Ave Waltham, MA 2451 dennis.milechin@gmail.com
Millard, Keith E
Miller, Jim A 4803 196th St SE Bothell, WA 98012 206-930-9107 goldnpoint@comcast.net
1793 Anelli Ct Henderson, NV 89012 801-580-6709 mifflin@unlv.nevada.edu
Milechin, Dennis V
110 E Elizabeth St, Ste 2 McPherson, KS 67460 620-755-4862 jamesm@mellandengineering.com
Metcalf-Lindenburger, D
1801 Chestnut Pl, Apt 225 Denver, CO 80202 412-443-4318 swmcw91@gmail.com
Mead, Jenna
Mifflin, James
6517 N. Kennedy Ave Fresno, CA 93710 559-213-4858 emelara123@mail.fresnostate.edu
Mesard, Peter M
30473 Mulholland Hwy, Spc 179 Agoura Hills, CA 91301 310-463-1946 edm@malibuonline.com
Merifield, Paul M
700 Moon Creek Rd Greeneville, TN 37745 804-690-6000 mcsweeney@etsu.edu
McWee, James M
Michael, Eugene D
55/35 Nothfields Avenue Wollongong 02500 Australia 61-452466756 fm486@uowmail.edu.au
Merendino, Thomas Joseph (S)
400 N 34th St, Ste 100 Seattle, WA 98103 206-930-0081 srm@shanwil.com
McSweeney, Robert
Mehmood, Fatima
Mendiola, Cesar A
739 N. 95th Street, #304 Seattle, WA 98103 206-620-4594 amymac703@gmail.com
Michael, David 1831 Tamarack Ct Forest Grove, OR 97116 503-741-1988 Davey.oregon@gmail.com
Melland, James E
PO Box 249 Ottsville, PA 18942 484-833-3003 bucksgeo@bucksgeo.com
McMillin, Amelia
9536 Windsor Shade Drive, Apt 2E Ashland, VA 23005 804-370-8307 kmegginson@schnabel-eng.com
Melara, Eraldo
619-508-0638 msmcmahan87@gmail.com
McMillan, David K
Megginson, Kenneth R
200 Aviation Drive Winchester, VA 22602 540-539-4280 jmitchell@triadeng.com
Mitchell, Matt
199 S. Johnson Rd, Bld. 2, Ste 101 Houston, PA 15342 724-851-1010 mmitchell@moody-s.com
2020 DIRECTORY Mitchell, Robert J
516 High street Bellingham, WA 98225 360-303-7660 rjmitch@wwu.edu
Mitchell, William T
524 Banks St Raleigh, NC 27604 919-332-1685 nathanmohs@gmail.com
Molinari, Mark P
4056 N Leamington, 2R Chicago, IL 60641 312-933-0392 mjmontan@neiu.edu
Montgomery, Fred PO Box 147 lincoln, MA 1773 781-259-4141 fred.montgomery01@gmail.com
619 Skylark Dr Suisun City, CA 94585 morales.fernando980@gmail.com
11020 Sun Center Dr, Ste 200 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 315-276-8080 john.murphy@waterboards.ca.gov
Thirumogur, Madurai India 91-9865049000 vigneshm555@gmail.com
Musgrove, Brian
4690 Ashley Court Saint Louis, MO 63128 314-303-3076 bcm8w8@mst.edu
Myers, Bruce
PO Box 496 Friant, CA 93626 559-271-9700 BruceEMyers@gmail.com
Myers, Kenneth L
2660 E Thomas Hill Dr Coeur D Alene, ID 83815 208-755-1094 tfmullen@northwest groundwater.com
1835 Daniel Webster Dr Reno, NV 89509 775-772-4978 kmyers4978@aol.com
103 Chesterfield Ln Bluefield, VA 24605 276-322-5467 ron.mullennex@mma1.com 11 Hamilton St Lynbrook, NY 11563 516-395-5957 hydrogeotist@aim.com
1075 Worcester Street Natick, MA 1760 508-479-8835 kmurdock@exponent.com
Murugesan, Vignesh
600 Chestnut St Terre Haute, IN 47809 812-243-7698 Kmudica@sycamores.indstate.edu
Muller, Steven
730 Holiday Drive, Ste 400 Pittsburgh, PA 15220 412-719-0139 mmorris@gfnet.com
3130 N Evergreen St San Diego, CA 92110 619-865-4949 montemurbach@gmail.com
Murphy, John Thomas
8243 SE Franklin St Portland, OR 97266 503-536-3201 melinda8@pdx.edu
Mullen, Thomas F
3130 N Evergreen St San Diego, CA 92110 619-865-4333 dianemurbach@gmail.com
Murdock, Kathryn
6335 W 46th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303-312-8874 tim.mower@ttemi.com
Mullennex, Ronald H
180 Collier Ln Gallatin, TN 37066 865-361-7693 chancejmorris@gmail.com
Morris, Ty
2422 Providence Ct Walnut Creek, CA 94596 510-913-1067 luis@geotecnia.com
Mullen, Brian M
259 County Road, 405B Valley Spring, TX 76885 325-247-2690 susanmunson1@gmail.com
Murbach, Monte L
9101 Vanguard Dr Anchorage, AK 99507 907-903-8340 bmullen@rmconsult.com
4552 Highway 53 Poplarville, MS 39470 985-768-8520 Amber.Morgan@usm.edu
Morris, Matthew B (S)
209 Franks Rd Pipe Creek, TX 78063 210-818-6144 crystal_moreland13@yahoo.com
Morris, Chance J (S)
Mudica, Kathryn L (S)
2518 Elden Ave, #A2 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 949-278-8223 rosalind.munro@woodplc.com
Murbach, Diane
Muckenthaler, Melinda (S)
3812 Beacon Point St Las Vegas, NV 89129 702-249-4373 morald1@unlv.nevada.edu
Morgan, Amber
15005 Orchard Rd Brookville, IN 47012 ammonroe2@bsu.edu
Montana, Maxwell
711 East Clark Street, Apt 12 Laramie, WY 82072 404-996-7785 tonybiomoraes@yahoo.com
1238 Island Dr Logan, UT 84321 435-755-3294 artmoss@comcast.net
Mower, Timothy E (S)
Moreland, Crystal Ashley
119 Freelom Dr, Apt 3 clemson, SC 29631 203-500-2705 cmonico22@gmail.com
Monroe, Ashley Marie
1119 Tarbert Ct Cary, NC 27511 919-467-6780 wlmooreiii@aol.com
Munro, Rosalind
Munson, William R
426 1/2 Monmouth Ave S Monmouth, OR 97361 425-563-3708 hmoshinsky15@mail.wou.edu
Moura, Luis E (SE)
Morales, Fernando
2101 4th Ave, Ste 950 Seattle, WA 98121 206-419-5624 mmolinari@geoengineers.com
Monico, Ryan
7723 Modisto Lane Springfield, VA 22153 703-577-8223 johnniednm@hotmail.com
Morales, Deborah (FM)
5710 Ruffin Road San Diego, CA 92123 619-971-2006 nissamorton@gmail.com
Moss, Arthur L (SE)
Moraes, Tony
6145 W 77th St Los Angeles, CA 90045 424-278-3247 mindajmoe@yahoo.com
Mohs, Nathan
Moore, William L (SE)
Moshinsky, Hannah
Moore, Jessica
Moore, John S
1840 Mt Zion Drive Golden, CO 80401 303-278-2181 ralph.g.mock@gmail.com
Moe, Minda
Morton, Nissa (FM)
7000 SW Vermont St, #106 Portland, OR 97223 503-746-3158 jlm29@pdx.edu
6311 Terra Verde Dr, Unit 107 Raleigh, NC 27609 828-817-3195 jwmize@rkk.com
Mock, Ralph G
Moore, Jason M
Morton, Bob D 20544 E 410 Rd Chelsea, OK 74016 918-341-8699
3330 Karen Ave Long Beach, CA 90808 858-337-8273 jmooregeo@gmail.com
PO Box 1115 1002 Deer Creek Road Glenrock, WY 82637 307-262-5070 stan@mitchem.com
Mize, James W
16200 Park Row, Ste 200 Houston, TX 77084 713-960-3827 graciela.moore@gmail.com
7700 Bayne Rd Placerville, CA 95667 530-409-1158 wheeldongeology@gmail.com
Mitchem, Stan
Moore, Graciela
Nacht, Steve J
4184 Del Rosa Ct Las Vegas, NV 89121 702-435-2585 nacht@cox.net
Nance, Dillon M
8646 W. Market Street, Ste 105 Greensboro, NC 27409 828-447-9068 dmnance@ncsu.edu
2614 Barnhill Rd Jefferson City, MO 65109 573-638-5020 tmorris@barr.com 64
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
2020 DIRECTORY Nandi, Arpita
PO Box 70357 Johnson City, TN 37614 330-554-4265 nandi@etsu.edu
13515 W Avenue San Antonio, TX 78216, Stefnap4@gmail.com
Nawaz, Zonara
Neal, Kenneth G
3314 Gibraltar Ct SE Olympia, WA 98501 360-280-6180 kengneal@aol.com
1398 Cox Ave Erlanger, KY 41018 859-746-9400 jnealon@geotechnology.com
Vicenta RÃos de Vos 1221 Arroyito 02434 Argentina rogelioneder@gmail.com
Nederbo, Jeremy Raymond (S) 900 Crane Dr, Unit S,-218A Dekalb, IL 60115 z1842554@students.niu.edu
16200 Park Row, Ste 200 Houston, TX 77084 713-468-8600 john.nelson@wsp.com
PO Box 750742 Fairbanks, AK 99775 907-378-2178 vanelson@alaska.edu
March 2020
9099 Hunting Arrow Street Las Vegas, NV 89123 702-283-5051 newsoa1@unlv.nevada.edu
400 Harrison Street Alpine, TX 79382 lily.fossil.girl@gmail.com 1013 Cardinal Ln Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 914-393-9989 mikeynewton@gmail.com 1930 Lincoln Hwy, Apt 9 North Versailles, PA 15137 412-265-5139 kqn1999@gmail.com
O’Brien, Mariah Lyn (FM)
12760 Shadbush Dr Holts Summit, MO 65043 mmorri15@g.emporia.edu
O’Byrne, Darcy E (FM)
6230 Fieldstone Pl Reno, NV 89523 aojaniansaki@nevada.unr.edu
Olaiz, Austin Hunter
9450 SW Commerce Cir, Ste 300 Wilsonville, OR 97070 503-729-9273 jodonnell@geodesigninc.com
Ojanian, Arka (FM)
One Systems Drive Appleton, WI 54914 dan.oconnell@omnni.com
O’Donnell, Jason (AF)
629 Jenoa Dr Castle Hayne, NC 28429 910-620-7487 dobyrne@ncsu.edu
O’Connell, Daniel
2121 Montiel Road San Marcos, CA 92069 760-839-7302 Steve@designgroupca.com
Norton, Steven A
190 6th Street Port Orford, OR 97465 eric@cascadiageoservices.com
924 Locomotive Way Sparks, NV 89434 775-331-5582 norris@unr.edu
Norris, Steven B (FM)
Oberbeck, Eric
600 W Sandy Pkwy Sandy, UT 84070 801-566-6399 nord@agecinc.com
Norris, Gary M (S)
3925 Reed Blvd, Ste 400 Murrysville, PA 15668 724-733-7000 wnoe21@comcast.net
Nordquist, James (FM)
Oates, Amelia 710 2nd Ave, Ste 550 Seattle, WA 98104 585-613-5158 aoates@aspectconsulting.com
PO Box 191 Paonia, CO 81428 720-466-0779 dcnoe@hotmail.com
Noe, Wendy True
107 Laporte Ln Mooresville, NC 28115 704-962-8080 hmorga17@uncc.edu
100 E Ash Ln Shelton, WA 98584 360-427-1745 johnbnoble@msn.com
Noe, David C
1652 Amargosa Dr Palmdale, CA 93551 760-762-7555 David.Nutakor@RioTinto.com
Oakes, Heather S (S)
1818 56th Street NE Tacoma, WA 98422 joshua.nito@y7mail.com
Noble, John B
17496 Hoot Owl Way Morgan Hill, CA 95037 408-210-2113 NNuno.SGS@gmail.com
Nutakor, David (FM)
Niphol, Molina T
Nito, Joshua Charles T
3500 Industrial Blvd West Sacramento, CA 95691 916-261-2576 holly.nichols@water.ca.gov
Nienhaus, Teresa M
410 3rd Ave Radford, VA 24141 703-342-6247 cameron.j.nugent@gmail.com
Nuno, Nicholas (FM)
1225 Heathers Mist Ave, Apt 107 Charlotte, NC 28213 980-213-5496 mniphol@uncc.edu
827 Warfield Avenue 8 Oakland, CA 94610 415-519-2972 ejnewman@gmail.com
Nichols, Holly J
Niemann, Mary Helen
Nugent, Cameron John (FM)
1 Lakeridge Trl Alton, IL 62002 314-608-8202 teresa.nienhaus@aecom.com
18102 Talavera Rdg, Apt 3322 San Antonio, TX 78257 301-807-3305 brittanyr.newman000@gmail.com
Nguyen, Khang Q
324 Central Way, Apt 518 Kirkland, WA 98033 318-518-6110 lilliandawn10@gmail.com
Nelson, Victoria A
79 Charles Jackson St Weavind Park, Pretoria 10084 South Africa 72-179-7589 frank.netterberg@gmail.com
Newton, Michael
Nielson, Dru R
Novak, Stephen 1109 Humboldt St Bellingham, WA 98225 novaks4@wwu.edu
19002 Dallas Pkwy, Apt 1016 Dallas, TX 75287 972-248-7022 marhel323@gmail.com
4372 Canyon Crest Rd Altadena, CA 91001 626-233-9260 ctnestle@gmail.com
Newton, Lily
17311 135th Ave NE, Ste A500 Woodinville, WA 98072 425-486-1669 daven@nelsongeotech.com
Nelson, Spencer R
115 Quail Hollow Dr Woodstock, VA 22664 540-333-1047 nerijs@dukes.jmu.edu
Newsom, Alex
1103 Shalimar Ct High Point, NC 27262 336-880-5834 anelson@northstate.net
Nelson, John
Newman, Erik J
1350 Treat Blvd, Ste 100 Walnut Creek, CA 94597 925-705-4124 nielson@mcmjac.com
Newman, Brittany
Neder, Rogelio Josà Julio
Nelson, David L
1874 Ellery Ave Clovis, CA 93611 559-930-2092 chadkneptune@gmail.com
Netterberg, Frank
119 Chattington Ct San Antonio, TX 78213 210-710-6406 jsn@neathery.com
Nelson, Alan B
Neptune, Chad Kawika
Nestle, Charles T
Nichols, William E 1100 Corporate Way, Ste 230 Sacramento, CA 95831 916-717-9906 eric.nichols@crawford-inc.com
Neri, Jonah S
4458 Broadway Kansas City, MO 64111 zonaranawaz@gmail.com
Neathery, Jeffrey S
Bishkek-49, RS RAS Bishkek 72004 Kyrgyzstan nepeina.k@mail.ru
Napoles, Stefannie
Nealon, John S
Nepeina, Kseniia
6550 East Osborn Road Scottsdale, AZ 85251 928-276-2936 aholaiz@asu.edu
31129 Via Colinas, Ste 707 Westlake Village, CA 91362 818-889-0844 snorton@ghageo.com AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
2020 DIRECTORY Olanrewaju, Lawal Usman
37 Ajoke Okusanya Street Ago Okota, Lagos 00234 Nigeria lawalolanrewajuusman@gmail.com
O’Leary, Katherine
Ortiz, Richard M (S)
3200 SE Midvale Dr, Apt 1203 Corvallis, OR 97333 562-242-8454 olesha@oregonstate.edu 5468 Skylane Blvd, Ste 201 Brunsing Associates Inc Santa Rosa, CA 95403 707-292-3341 eolsborg@brunsing.com
501 E St Joseph St RH 758 Rapid City, SD 57701 701-626-2072 Graydon.olson@mines.sdsmt.edu
Omer, Mohamed
1400 Townsend Dr Houghton, MI 49931 215-435-0867 toommen@mtu.edu
Orr, Aaron James
419 NE 71st Street, Apt 504 Seattle, WA 98115 910-322-3164 chris007079@gmail.com
Ortega, R.Gustavo
37 Villa louanne Baille Park, Potchefstroom 02531 South Africa 27-733199870 emmanuel.owosuyi@gmail.com
Ozotta, Ogochukwu
Papadopoulos, Jimmy K
Parada, Chelsea
Padgett, Ryan E
717 Agate St Medford, OR 97501 541-890-2018 fpardiniadams16@mail.wou.edu
Pardini, Faith E
Paris, William C (S)
593 Ploughman’s Bend Drive Franklin, TN 37064 925-989-8292 billparisjr@gmail.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
311 McCarver Rd Port Angeles, WA 98362 360-640-3187 david.parks@dnr.wa.gov
30045 Trail Creek Dr Agoura Hills, CA 91301 818-889-0762 larry@parmeleegeology.com
157 Bloomfield Ln Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 949-380-4886
Parsons, James M (S)
1075 Fulton Ave, Apt 212 Sacramento, CA 95825 916-421-5276 jparsons67@comcast.net
Parsons, Jason T (S)
3821 W Jarvis Ave Lincolnwood, IL 60712 847-532-8195 Bolasdagrk@gmail.com
Parks, David S
Parrish, Christopher W
1028 Scenic Dr Coal Center, PA 15423 724-503-2294 pan9609@calu.edu
17926 Dixie Hwy Ste B Homewood, IL 60430 708-922-9020 rparkjones@bryanenv.com
Parmelee Jr., David L
2114 Feather Bush St Henderson, NV 89074 panduroa@unlv.nevada.edu
4939 Kasos Isle Drive Spring, TX 77358 chelsea.parada8@gmail.com
707 North State St Rolla, MO 65401 573-324-4759 dpafford@live.com
Delhi Technological University Delhi, India 91-8708631157 2290sandy@gmail.com
Pankratz, Katharina Nicole
1589 Mail Service Ctr Raleigh, NC 27699 919-707-6868 cfparker@ncdot.gov
Park-Jones, Rosann
4219 County Road 361 Caldwell, TX 77836 979-224-6297 cynthiapalomarescon@gmail.com
4586 East San Gabriel Ave Fresno, CA 93726 559-259-3423 mvpacheco90@mail.fresnostate.com
Pafford, Dalton
105 Virginia Ave Westmont, NJ 08108 careyparker0@gmail.com
Parker, Cyrus
15 La Cuerda Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 949-573-8087 komodokid911@gmail.com
Panduro-Allanson, Richard Daniel
Deaprtment of Geology University of Ibadan Ibadan, Oyo state 00234 Nigeria 234-8094718091 oyediranibrahim2012@gmail.com
Pacheco, Marcus V
1011 Western Ave, Ste 706 Seattle, WA 98104 206-588-8163 pallua@mcmjac.com
Panchal, Sandeep
344 La Crosse Ave Santa Rosa, CA 95409 707-544-1072 rpadgett@rghgeo.com
100 S Main St, 11th Floor, MS-18 Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-620-2556 gustavo.ortega@dot.ca.gov
4026 Anthony James Ct Reno, NV 89503 530-405-6941 justine.overacker@gmail.com
Parker, Carey Elizabeth
5365 Heritage Dr Nashport, OH 43830 palkoee@miamioh.edu
Palomares, Cynthia D
750 S 43rd Street, Apt 1138A Grand Forks, ND 58201 832-206-4158 ogochukwu_ozotta@yahoo.co.uk
9595 Six Pines Drive, Bldg 8 Level 2, Ste 8210 The Woodlands, TX 77380 aaronjorr1@gmail.com
Orr, Christopher
PO Box 70357 Johnson City, TN 37614 336-407-3992 osheat@mail.etsu.edu
Park, Stephanie 919 S Granby Way Aurora, CO 80012 334-728-0478 segpark@yahoo.com
Palmquist, Alexander J
Oyediran, Ibrahim Adewuyi (IM)
1058 Buchan Dr Lafayette, CA 94549 925-944-5230 al0neill@sbcglobal.net
Oommen, Thomas
6004 Ponders Court Greenville, SC 29615 864-704-8178 dan.osbourne@blecorp.com
Owosuyi, Emmanuel A
12902 Bristol Berry Dr Cypress, TX 77429 281-807-1101 john@groundwater.cc
Postnet Ste #89 Private Bag X8 Elardus Park, Pretoria 00047 South Africa 82-444-1121 paigegreenconsult@gmail.com
Pallua, Thomas
Overacker, Justine
242 Claremont Ave, Apt 43 Jersey City, NJ 07305 10-736-2717 mso58@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
O’Neill, Alan L
O’Shea, Thomas A
Olson, Graydon J
Paige-Green, Philip
Palko, Emma
13 Ste 1500 San Francisco, CA 94105 joshua.mdj.osborne@gmail.com
Osbourne, Dan P (FM)
1550 Harbor Blvd, Ste 120 West Sacramento, CA 95691 818-599-5921 ortiz@lettisci.com
Osborne, Joshua Michael
Olesh, Ann
Oneacre, John W
11910 Green Isle Drive Houston, TX 77044 nortizmartinez@uh.edu
16723 South Austin Road Manteca, CA 95336 209-629-6034 katherine_oleary@brown.edu
Olsborg, Erik E
Ortiz, Nicolas
2557 S 500 E Salt Lake Cty, UT 84106 831-392-6079 travisp1357@gmail.com
Partch, Guy M (S)
170 South Main Street, Ste 500 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 gpartch@barr.com
Parziale, Victor J (S)
501 E St Joseph Street Rapid City, SD 57701 571-205-9184 victor.parziale@mines.sdsmt.edu
Pasikowski, Alan (LM)
11620 Thoreau Cir Anchorage, AK 99515 alpasikowski@alaska.edu
Pastrana, Charles R
119 Forestview Dr Elon, NC 27244 410-991-7051 rpastrana@espassociates.com
March 2020
2020 DIRECTORY Pate, Aaron
629 N. University Street West Lafayette, IN 47906 patea@purdue.edu
Patel, Madhusudan M
Pather, Sundras
Patrick, David M
567 Woodland Dr South Lyon, MI 48178 jenna.paulsen@my.wheaton.edu
Payton, Clifford C 1474 N 1930 W Provo, UT 84604 801-631-1613 c2payton.egs@gmail.com
Pearson, Glen S 20840 Live Oak Road Red Bluff, CA 96080 530-527-8156 glencat@hotmail.com
Peavy, Dorothea 40364 Therese St Sandy, OR 97055 541-609-0805 dorotheapeavy@yahoo.com
Peck, John H
10401 W Charleston Blvd, Apt B-314 Las Vegas, NV 89135 702-556-5229 peckj1@juno.com
Pederson, Christopher 701 12th St, Ste 211 Golden, CO 80401 970-231-3695 cpederson@bgcengineering.ca
March 2020
Phrakonkham, Tammy
Pickard, Rob
Piechowski, Michael F
Piepenburg, Michael A
Pierce, Larry
Pierson, Thomas C
Pilker, Matthew Z
16308 Las Cumbres Drive Whittier, CA 90603 562-652-9174 mtthwzplkr@csu.fullerton.edu
1262 Cedar St Broomfield, CO 80020 303-319-5808 bdpeterman@gmail.com
Pilson, Chris D
5750 Almaden Expressway San Jose, CA 95118 408-386-7249 Johnbull@zuff.com
609 Essex Cir King Of Prussia, PA 19406 610-804-9378 bpetersen@rimkus.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
3470 W. Spruce Ave Fresno, CA 93711 559-760-0869 bplatt@calderageoscience.com
3100 Ferry Ave, #A102 Bellingham, WA 98225 peter.a.platz@gmail.com
Plechacek, Amy K
512 W Wilson St, Apt B3 Madison, WI 53703 715-797-6541 plechacek@wisc.edu
Plekan, Walt
1600 Perimeter Park Dr, Ste 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 919-461-1223 walt.plekan@aecom.com
Pluhar, Christopher J
724 E Sussex Way Fresno, CA 93704 559-278-1128 cpluhar@csufresno.edu
Pokharel, Badal
PO Box 119 Glenwood, WA 98619 360-910-8215 piersontc@gmail.com
5509 Oak Branch Dr Arlington, TX 76016
1238 Albert Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 541-643-1072 pishbert@ix.netcom.com
Platz, Peter
PO Box 250 Rolla, MO 65402 573-308-4416 larry.pierce@dnr.mo.gov
PO Box 260361 Plano, TX 75026 817-296-4158 RMPfish@aol.com
9101 Vanguard Dr Anchorage, AK 99507 907-230-6953 bpintner@rmconsult.com
Platt, Bryant W
3160 Chadbourne Rd Shaker Heights, OH 44120 216-385-9121 michael.piepenburg@mottmac.com
Petersen, William K
Phillips, Lawrence E
Purdue University Fort Wayne School of Polytechnic 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd Fort Wayne, IN 46805 pinana@pfw.edu
Pischke, Gary M
2105 S C St Tacoma, WA 98402 253-475-7711 mpiechowski@robinson-noble.com
101 Burgess Avenue Yardley, PA 19067 908-507-4321 erik.l.person@gmail.com
Peterman, Bruce D
11521 Blocker Drive, Ste 110 Auburn, CA 95603 530-887-1494 robp@blackburnconsulting.com
Petefish, Rose M (LM)
24171 Hollyoak, Apt K Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 323-889-5326 david.perry@woodplc.com
Petefish, David M (AF)
Pfost, Jeffrey
Pinan Llamas, Aranzazu
Pintner, Robert M
PO Box 1125 Trinidad, CA 95570 tp115@humboldt.edu
443 Main Street East Greenville, PA 18041 267-664-3250 mike@perlowmp.com
Person, Erik (FM)
7821 RC Gorman Ave NE Albuquerque, NM 87122 505-400-4771 scott.perkins@wilsonco.com
Perry, David L (SE)
15232 S 15th Ave Phoenix, AZ 85045 480-231-4704 lephillips@cox.net
5001 Ravenna Ave NE, Apt 1 Seattle, WA 98105 jrperkin@uw.edu
Perlow Jr, Michael
Pflueger, Jeffrey M
220 High Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805-543-8539 jeff@geosolutions.net
Perkins, Scott F
620 McCord Street West Point, MS 39773 662-295-4914 tpatt779@gmail.com
Paulsen, Jenna Grace
2355 Main Street, Ste 210 Irvine, CA 92614 213-321-8398 mpendleton@ekiconsult.com
Perkins, Jacklyn (FM)
234 N Sandpiper Cir Orange, CA 92869 714-227-3986 jpflueg@hotmail.com
9 Monroe Pkwy, Ste 270 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 575-654-4889 jpepe@golder.com
100 Pinewood Dr Hattiesburg, MS 39402 601-520-8960 david_patrick@comcast.net
Patterson, Taylor A
Pepe, Jen
417 Mazars House 197 Peter Mokaba Road Morningside, Durban 04001 South Africa 84-500-5095 sundras@syncline.co.za
Peterson, David E 1013 E Grandview Rd Phoenix, AZ 85022 602-677-5458 dAvepeterson@wsp.com
824 E Boulder St Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719-337-6321 gpeltack@gmail.com
Pendleton, Matthew W
1991 Madison Street Clarksville, TN 37043 931-896-4077 ppatel7@my.apsu.edu
1946 Birch St San Bernardino, CA 92410 909-301-2667 gami74@hotmail.com
Peltack, Gary
19 Hedgerow St Piscataway, NJ 08854 347-231-2562 madhusudan.patel70@gmail.com
Patel, Priya
Pelayo, Gamaliel C
Poland, Dennis M
13230 Evening Creek Dr S, Ste 206 San Diego, CA 92128 858-208-9159 dennis.poland@trinityge.com
Pollock, Clifford R
New-Baneswor 10 Kathmandu, Nepal 44600 Nepal 977-9843357915 badal.pokharel2@gmail.com
1511 E Empire Street, Unit 1305 Bloomington, IL 61701 480-305-3577 crpollock780@gmail.com
Pongracz, Darryl
500-2955 Virtual Way Vancouver V5M 4X6 Canada 604-669-3800 dpongracz@klohn.com
2020 DIRECTORY Pongracz-Bartha, Ed
12848 Foothill Blvd Sylmar, CA 91342 818-898-1595 ed@subsurfacedesigns.com
PO Box 517 Onalaska, WA 98570 360-388-5186 isaac.pope@student.centralia.edu
Clarksville, TN 615-521-4125 lpoteete@my.apsu.edu
Poujardieu, Amber
1305 N Dutton Ave Santa Rosa, CA 95401 707-695-3676 jaredjpratt@gmail.com
614 Meadow Gate Converse, TX 78109 210-708-2005 diannaprice@gmail.com
2222B Nelson Ave Redondo Beach, CA 90278 310-208-9003 rockquality@verizon.net
532 Golden Ridge Rd, Apt B201 Golden, CO 80401 206-450-9974 kradach@mines.edu 201 S. Jackson St Seattle, WA 98104 425-922-7088 jradloff@kingcounty.gov
4006 W 22nd St Greeley, CO 80634 540-589-5177 ericaragland@gmail.com
Rajnus, Ty G
1844 Mapleview Ct NE Olympia, WA 98506 360-623-8584 buried_forest@yahoo.com
1001 Akard Drive Reno, NV 89503 541-591-5605 trajnus@nevada.unr.edu
130 Wistenia Wall Circle The Woodlands, TX 77381 krisraley@comcast.net
Ralls, Robert 11011 Cody Street Overland Park, KS 66210 913-209-9914 bob.ralls@ashgrove.com
1911 Woodmar Dr, Apt C Houghton, MI 49931 906-370-6493 raval@mtu.edu
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
7420 Trade St San Diego, CA 92121 858-549-7222 lesreedgei@gmail.com
1846 E Spring Meadow Ln Boise, ID 83706 208-863-2112 richreed@cableone.net
Reed, Robin E
1901 S Main St, Ste 11 Blacksburg, VA 24060 540-953-1239 rreed@schnabel-eng.com
Reed, Timothy Andrew
431 E 400 S Hyrum, UT 84319 702-232-6133 mormegil3@gmail.com
Reese, Adam J
271 Dale Drive, #201 Kent, OH 44240 440-773-8145 treed35@kent.edu
Reed, Tomsen
7357 Verbena Street San Angelo, TX 76901 areed15@angelo.edu
Reed, Richard W
1072 Easy Street Grapevine, TX 76051 940-367-5036 zready@roamready.com
Reed, Leslie D
3015 SW 1st Ave Portland, OR 97201 503-924-4704 areese@apexcos.com
Regan, Anik Kerry
PO Box 10575 Sedona, AZ 86339 909-229-9415 grasmuss@ix.netcom.com
Raval, Joyata (FM)
4750 W 2100 S Salt Lake City, UT 84120 801-440-6590 farnsworthanna@gmail.com
Rasmussen, Gary S
Village Rega Tehsil Gagra District Buner, Pakistan 92-3359585949 fakhrialam98@gmail.com
Reed, Anton Joseph
9 Harrison Ave Napa, CA 94558 mrashid51385@student. napavalley.edu
Rasmuson, Anna (S)
Raley, Kristina
10362 Curtis Rd Mazomanie, WI 53560 303-501-4550 aprochaska@rjh-consultants.com
14835 SW 72nd Avenue Portland, OR 97224 971-246-0009 brapp@geopacificeng.com
Rashid, Musa Kamel
2468 Midvale Ct Tucker, GA 30084 770-335-3807 jack.raymer@jacobs.com
Ready, William Zachary
4000 Kruse Way Place Bldg. 3, Ste 200 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 503-730-7728 branney@geoengineers.com
Rapp, Beth K
1560 Broadway, Ste 1800 Denver, CO 80202 303-505-1025 Carolyn.RandolphLoar@ stantec.com
Ranney, Brian C
2215 Sandalwood Road Virginia Beach, VA 23451 757-705-6847 rawlsgx@dukes.jmu.edu
Razikhan, Bakht
1700 Old Forge Road Annville, PA 17003 717-222-9947 rebecca.r.randall7@gmail.com
Randolph Loar, Carolyn
912 River Rd Orrington, ME 04474 207-949-2740 colby.rand@maine.edu
Randall, Rebecca
10790 S. 800 E Paradise, UT 84328 435-764-0060 mikaela.pulsipher@gmail.com
Ragland, Erica Lindsey
3621 Park Road Sacramento, CA 95841 916-508-0821 cpridmore@consrv.ca.gov
Rawls, Guy Edward
Raymer, John H
780 Wildbriar Rd NE, Apt 305 Palm Bay, FL 32905 sramos2016@my.fit.edu
Rand, Colby
1121 Austin Bluffs Pkwy, Apt 542 Colorado Springs, CO 80918 303-870-3290 jpulick@uccs.edu
Radloff, Judith
2210 Andromeda Way Reno, NV 89509 775-200-8077 jprice@unr.edu
Prochaska, Adam
9450 W Alabama Dr, Apt A Lakewood, CO 80232 719-338-2228 alvaro.puente@gmail.com
Radach, Kyle
Price, Dianna
Pringle, Patrick T
Puente, Alvaro
827 Robinson Rd La Porte, TX 77571 isaacram623@yahoo.com
Ramos, Sara Ann
Quraishi, Raziuddin
1419 Washington St, Ste 101 Oregon City, OR 97045 jack@pali-consulting.com
Pridmore, Cynthia
Pulsipher, Mikaela
11501 Braesview, #4206 San Antonio, TX 78213 361-232-0840 amberbrooke95@yahoo.com
Price, Jonathan G
Prvanovic, Aleksandar
1002 Veri Drive Edinburg, TX 78542 estefany.ramirez02@utrgv.edu
Ramirez, Isaac
Pulick, John
17 Michael Rd Maynard, MA 01754 978-318-8311, Stephenspotts99@gmail.com
Pratt, Jared J
Ramirez, Estefany (FM)
300 Merchant Lane Pittsburgh, PA 15205 330-554-5571 aprvano1@kent.edu
Poteete, Lily
Powell, Jack Reed
Pruett, Andrew
Rameden-Tipton, Travis 2134 Rockcidde Loop College Station, TX 77845 trr018@shsu.edu
975 Elk Thistle Dr Victor, ID 83455 307-690-8188 pruettaj57@gmail.com
2367 Utley Road La Crescenta, CA 91214 818-249-9736 dspoppler@sbcglobal.net
Potts, Stephen S
26 Calle Pastadero San Clemente, CA 92672 949-351-9495 enalou@hotmail.com
Pope, Isaac
Poppler, David W
Proctor, Richard J
176 Trail Creek St Athens, GA 30601 ar31732@uga.edu
Reid, Robert
4004 Miners Ln Villa Rica, GA 30180 770-630-3598 rockusreids@gmail.com
March 2020
2020 DIRECTORY Reiford, Marcy
118 Dix Creek One Rd Leicester, NC 28748 562-394-3098 marcyareiford@gmail.com
Richards, Kevin S
Reimers, Carson
Richardson, Louis A
2 St Francis St Rapid City, SD 57701 307-752-5195 carson.reimers@mines.sdsmt.edu
PO Box 2085 Mountain View, CA 94042 650-967-1000 larceg@aol.com
Reinicker, Brian R
Richardson, Ramon A
440 S Church St, Ste 1000 Charlotte, NC 28202 704-248-3693 brian.reinicker@hdrinc.com
Reinikainen, Jesse
PO Box 16176 Albuquerque, NM 87191 505-633-6841 jesse.reinikainen@akurta.com
Renkes, Natalie Grace
Rhine, Charles H
8432 Riggs Street Overland Park, KS 66212 303-359-1165 rhoadesgeo1@gmail.com
Rhodes, Tristan
403 E 30th Street Mission, TX 78574 sydney.ribera01@utrgv.edu
Rice, Anthony
UMAT Campus Tarkwa 00233 Ghana 23-3549640038 mensgl2@gmail.com March 2020
Riha, Robert
Riley, Donald B
Rimanelli, Loukas
Rinck, Brandy
6532 NW 37th Dr Gainesville, FL 32653 352-375-1320 ritterjoju@att.net
2500 Townsgate Rd, Ste E Westlake Village, CA 91361 805-660-2327 hr@robgeotech.com
P.O Box 67100 Harrisburg, PA 17105 717-497-7073 wroman@gfnet.com
Romero, Brennan (S)
Romero, Imelda
750 E Hedges Ave, Apt 3 Fresno, CA 93728 559-512-9495 nathanrodriguez1@mail.fresnostate.edu
1220 2nd Avenue North, Apt 230 Nashville, TN 37208 859-333-7855 appgeoky@gmail.com
1390 El Camino Real, 2nd Floor San Carlos, CA 94070 650-591-5224 glenn@romigengineers.com
Romo, Pierre E
244 Hampden Terrace Alhambra, CA 91801 323-889-5300 tectonics@gmail.com
Rosales Lagarde, Laura
6630 Linden St Houston, TX 77087 832-816-0508 vyrodriguez@uh.edu
2320 Emerson Avenue Melrose Park, IL 60164 meller885@gmail.com
Romig, Glenn A
72 Sumo Village Ct Newark, NJ 7114 973-573-1093 kr534@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
2701 Thunderbird Drive Denton, TX 76207 940-736-1443 danielrohmer@gmail.com
Roman, William M (S)
5250 Villa Verde Dr, E4 Reno, NV 89523 775-671-6383 krodrigues@nevada.unr.edu
14156 River Rd Pensacola, FL 32507 850-206-8373 drterra@mindspring.com
18301 Von Karman Ave, Ste 750 Irvine, CA 92612 949-752-5946 merogers@mkainc.com
249 Morning Dawn Ave El Paso, TX 79932 830-776-1759 jroiz@miners.utep.edu
202 Penn Avenue West Brownsville, PA 15417 724-984-5758 ROC5557@calu.edu
Rogers, David M
Roiz, Jacoup
Rangel #3380 Nayarit & Puebla Street La Paz 23060 Mexico 521-6121111412 joelhirales@itlp.edu.mx
Rogers, Bruce
1400 Bishop Ave Geosciences and Geological Engineering Rolla, MO 65409 573-308-5964 rogersda@mst.edu
Rohmer, Daniel
Rodriguez, Veronica (SE)
8038 N Illinois St Caseyville, IL 62232 618-407-0040 jarobertson@imsif.com
Rodriguez, Nathan J
701 12th Street, Ste 211 Golden, CO 80401 928-864-9058 calebmring@gmail.com
Rogers, J. David
Rogers, Michael E
Rodriguez, Katherine N
Robertson, Joe A
Rodrigues, Kathleen
Ring, Caleb
Rockwell, Lauren Jessica
Rogers, Gary D 11 Oak Branch Dr, Ste A Greensboro, NC 27407 336-207-3908 grogers@schnabel-eng.com
Ilolay 3174 Cordoba X5009ADL Argentina 351-481-0113 rjrocca@unc.edu.ar
Rochin, Joel Hirales
Robertson, Hugh S
832 Orville Way Xenia, OH 45385 570-439-1592 tlrice74@gmail.com
Richard, Mensah
Rocca, Ricardo J
Ritter, John R
14610 S 24th Pl Phoenix, AZ 85048 602-284-1204 trice@geosyntec.com
Rice, Thomas L
Ricks, Jason Todd
3005 NE 4th Street Renton, WA 98056 206-499-5602 brinck@kingcounty.gov
Robinson, William C 15500 NE 29th Ave Vancouver, WA 98686 360-418-2891 wcrobinson@bpa.gov
506 K Fairfax St Radford, VA 24141 703-622-9668 Lrimanelli@radfoRdedu
75 E. Santa Clara St, Ste 1225 San Jose, CA 95113 415-336-4054 tristan@rhodesgeology.com
Ribera, Sydney
9923 Beacon Crossing Ln Cypress, TX 77433 979-599-2778 ddam.riley@gmail.com
Robinson, Rory A
2607 Ave A Pascagoula, MS 39567 662-341-0029 ramon.a.richardson.jr@gmail.com
Riedel, Kathleen Ehlig
4676 Commercial Street SE, #316 Salem, OR 97302 818-307-0616 rorytonyrobinson@gmail.com
41715 Enterprise Cir N, Ste 103 Temecula, CA 92590 951-252-8914 rriha@leightongroup.com
3020 Columbia Avenue Lancaster, PA 17603 717-396-8746 crhine@enviroscan.com
Rhoades, Matthew J
2503 Grapevine Dr Oxnard, CA 93036 kathleenproffer@hotmail.com
550 Cleveland Ave N Saint Paul, MN 55114 651-659-9001 greuter@amengteStcom
Robinson, Jeremy S 207 Senate Ave Camp Hill, PA 17011 717-763-7211 jsrobinson@gfnet.com
PO Box 128 Kernersville, NC 27285 336-870-3095 jricks@pilotenviro.com
1751 E Reno Ave, Unit 204 Las Vegas, NV 89119 renkes@unlv.nevada.edu
Reuter, Gregory R
1530 Willow St Lake Forest, IL 60045 847-373-9993 kevin.richards@comcast.net
1300 Nevada State Drive Henderson, NV 89002 702-992-2631 laura.rosales@nsc.edu
Rose, Tori L
13811 S US 71 Hwy Grandview, MO 64030 913-558-5748 lr89f@mail.umkc.edu
Rosenbalm, Avery
620 South 28th Avenue, Apt 324 HATTIESBURG, MS 39402 503-840-9319 avery.rosenbalm@usm.edu
2020 DIRECTORY Rosenblit, Julia
33801 Avenida Calita San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 jrosenblit@csu.fullerton.edu
Rosner, Seth S
Roth, Richard J
805 Amherst Ct, Ste 204 Naperville, IL 60565 630-305-9186 julianrueda@yahoo.com
Roundtree, Christina
Running, Brooke K
22 Clemson Place Cir Clemson, SC 29631 cjround@g.clemson.edu
Rowlands, David
Rowlands, James
3470 Settlers Trl Billings, MT 59102 201-826-5013 dennis@dirubin.us
Rucker, Charles S
109 E 1st St Hazleton, PA 18201 570-455-5861 dougr@vibratechinc.com
Russo, Brittany Monterey
Rutherford, Mackenzie A 801 East Main St Eaton, OH 45320 rutherm3@miamioh.edu
Sanchez, Anthony
Sanchez, Joseph
820 William Pitt Way Pittsburgh, PA 15238 412-596-7511 administrator@chwmeg.org
21143 Rustlewood Ave Boca Raton, FL 33428 561-866-4138 rsanchez97@aol.com
Sandecki, Michael
11816 Lackland Rd, Ste 150 Saint Louis, MO 63146 314-581-6286 rmsain@gmail.com
3273 Violet Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 831-427-4858 msandecki@coastal.ca.gov
Sanders, Laura L
5500 N Saint Louis Ave Chicago, IL 60625 773-442-6051 L-Sanders@neiu.edu
Sansing, Alexis M
7619 Luskey Blvd, #2305 San Antonio, TX 78256 512-909-4038 lovelylexxie@hotmail.com
1587 Figueroa Dr Las Vegas, NV 89123 702-896-4049 greatunc@aol.com
Sansom Jr., James W
3495 County Road, 258 Liberty Hill, TX 78642 512-515-0916 jwsansom@gmail.com
1931 14th Ave E Seattle, WA 98112 206-550-4190 petersajer@comcast.net
2780 Enterprise Rd, Apt 1308 Reno, NV 89512 619-438-4303 ksalas@nevada.unr.edu
Sales, Joshua J
Sanchez, Roberto Sanchez (FM)
Saengkhueankaeo, Nattarika (S)
Salas, Kaleb A
1988 California St, Apt 63 Berkeley, CA 94703 bmrusso@berkeley.edu
2030 W. Mulberry Avenue San Antonio, TX 78701 joesanch5@gmail.com
Sajer, Peter J
Sancen, Jesus A
Sacre, Jeffrey A
Saines, Marvin N
8011 Erie Street Houston, TX 77061 anthonysan1996@gmail.com
229 Lynn Hill Rd, Unit 1 Boone, NC 28607 sailarca@appstate.edu
4613 Summerhays Place Santa Rosa, CA 95405 707-484-4508 grussey@rghgeo.com
7578 Old Vincennes Rd Greenville, IN 47124 812-923-5280
Rudenko, Douglas
Russey, Gary W
Sailar, Ciara Ann
Salsini, Thomas
999 Waterside Dr, Ste 2525 Norfolk, VA 23510 805-732-7720 dsackett@brierleyassociates.com
Saindon, Anna M
1110 E Mauretania St Wilmington, CA 90744 310-507-5617 sancen.alfonso@csu.fullerton.edu
17522 Bothell Way NE Bothell, WA 98011 425-780-0615 trussell@riley-group.com
615 3rd Avenue South Ste 700 Nashville, TN 37210 931-994-9136 chethcote@gmail.com
10250 SW Greenburg Rd, Ste 111 Portland, OR 97223 503-452-1100 jsager@cornforthconsultants.com
Russell, Tait S
1505 E Parkway Ave Salt Lake City, UT 84106 832-229-6586 jamrj23@gmail.com
1168 Laurel Fig Dr Simi Valley, CA 93065 818-785-2158 rruberti@geosoils.com
Rubin, Dennis
Russell, Jamie
8935 Flicker Ln Dallas, TX 75238 469-688-2712 tsracer1992@gmail.com
Sager, John W
4480 S Adonis Dr SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84124 801-573-8088 u0722863@umail.utah.edu
195 Indian Run Dr Dublin, OH 43017 614-889-1429 royce.6@osu.edu
Ruberti, Rudy F
Russell, Clayton T
Saavedra, Carlos
263A Old Mill Road Saint James, NY 11780 nsaengkhueankaeo96@gmail.com
1252 Westminster Drive cincinnati, OH 45229 jadarushing@yahoo.com
10954 Santa Monica Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-849-7416 rstonecogeo@aol.com
Royce, Karen L
820 NW Cornell Ave Corvallis, OR 97330 541-757-7645 bkr@foundationengr.com
Rushing, Jad
15915 Blaire Ct Houston, TX 77095 832-335-0100 davidrowlands.phd@gmail.com
825 S Shoshone St Denver, CO 80223 srumel@ctlthompson.com
Sallehuddin, Maisara Binti 100 Sylvia Street, Apt 4 West Lafayette, IN 47906 maisara.sallehuddin@gmail.com
Sackett, David M
755 Archer Street San Diego, CA 92109 858-228-8043 srugg@kleinfelder.com
Rumel, Samuel J
16000 Christensen Road, Ste 101 Seattle, WA 98188 206-573-5190 frutledge@schnabel-eng.com
Sachs, Chelsea (FM)
Department of Geological Sciences 3801 W. Temple Avenue Pomona, CA 91768 ewroumelis@cpp.edu
Rutledge, Alex
738 La Mesa Dr Salinas, CA 93901 saavedram@sbcglobal.net
385 E Waterfront Dr Homestead, PA 15120 412-399-5121 r.ruffolo@gaiconsultants.com
Rugg, Scott
8821 Baywood Dr Huntington Beach, CA 92646 714-964-7814 rjrothjr@earthlink.net
Roumelis, Ernest
Ruffolo, Richard M
724 6th St Ames, Iowa 50010 720-514-0420 emilyoross@gmail.com
714 Carlisle Street Raleigh, NC 27610 919-349-9553 jcrudolp@ncsu.edu
Rueda, Julian
31129 Via Colinas, Ste 707 Westlake Village, CA 91362 818-224-0635 rosner.seth@gmail.com
Ross, Emily
Rudolph, Jacob C
Santi, Paul M
1500 Illinois St Department of Geology and Geological Engineering Golden, CO 80401 303-273-3108 psanti629@gmail.com
Santoso, Sam
1000 Cobb Place Boulevard Kennesaw, GA 30144 770-595-6559 ssantos@g.clemson.edu
12443 S Parker Terr Olathe, KS 66061 913-643-4950 joshuasales@kennedyjenks.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
2020 DIRECTORY Sanuade, Oluseun Adetola
Schaeffer, Malcolm F
Schmidt, Jarred
Boone Pickens School of Geology NRC 105 Stillwater, OK 74075 405-762-5585 sheunsky@gmail.com
6521 Highwood Pl Charlotte, NC 28210 704-807-4003 malcolm.schaeffer@hdrinc.com
Saraceno, Nathan R
4480 W Hacienda Ave, Ste 104 Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-612-2523 jeremy.scheffner@novageotech.com
696 Virginia Rd Concord, MA 01742 617-513-0583 rosemary.a.schmidt@usace.army.mil
Scheip, Corey
Schmitz, Darrel W
Scheffner, Jeremy
570 Beatty Rd Monroeville, PA 15146 330-475-3287 nrsaraceno@gmail.com
Sareker, Opu
University Of Dhaka, 1000 Dhaka, Bangladesh 162-413-6458 opusarker950@gmail.com
Sarna, Jacob L
4636 Pennington Meadows Circle Rock Hill, SC 29732 704-622-0985 jacob.sarna@yahoo.com
Sasaki, Yasuhito
Sasowsky, Ira D
10988 Richardson Rd Ashland, VA 23005 804-240-6062 chee.saunders@cardno.com
Savage, Alexandra alex.savage787@gmail.com
Sawyer, John F
501 E Saint Joseph St Department of Geology and Geological Engineering Rapid City, SD 57701 605-394-2462 foster.sawyer@sdsmt.edu
Scarpato, David J
Scates, Allison
2/26 Deloraine Street Somerfield, Christchurch 08024 New Zealand 421-043-8456 lauren.n.schaef@gmail.com
March 2020
Schmidt, Curtis A 612 Hayward St Bound Brook, NJ 08805 908-448-8579 schmidtcas.AEG@gmail.com
4717 County Rd E Orland, CA 95963 cscott2@csus.edu
Searles, Sean Paul
Seeley, Marc W
Segun, Gabriel
Oshogbo, Nigeria 234-8138041866 gabrielojo83@yahoo.com
Segura, Jorge
956-784-4523 jorgesegurazalez@gmail.com
Semmens, Stephen (FM)
Emporia State University 2009 New Hampshire St Lawrence, KS 66046 mschulme@emporia.edu
2667 Wilson Road Clarksville, TN 37043 931-257-6146 victoriaesenn@gmail.com
Seong, Christopher
7504 Connelley Drive, Ste G Hanover, MD 21076 Christopher.Seong@gmail.com
Serencsics, Johnny (FM)
1221 Illinois St, Apt 2E Golden, CO 80401 303-305-8959 snsemmens@gmail.com
Senn, Victoria Elizabeth (FM)
2500 Corporate Exchange Dr, Ste 230 Columbus, OH 43231 304-549-9422 eschuller@gfnet.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
11040 W. Amity Rd Boise, ID 83709 707-528-0810 mseeley@egsconsultants.com
115 Parmenas Ln Chattanooga, TN 37405 423-499-4919 kschuler@marionenv.com
600 Martin Ave, Ste 210 Rohnert Park, CA 94928 707-584-4804, Steve@pjcgeotech.com
1063 Pierce Drive, Apt 108 Clovis, CA 93612 559-458-8406 seansearles@mail.fresnostate.edu
401 West A Street, Ste 1200 San Diego, CA 92101 619-610-7667 david.schug@aecom.com
Schurke, Stephen
907 Upson Drive El Paso, TX 79902 281-299-9500 scottder1100@yahoo.com
210-818-7929 wschraug000@gmail.com
Schulmeister, Marcia K
Scott, Derek T (FM)
440 Chicago Ave Clarendon Hills, IL 60514 630-247-0970 ljsff9@aol.com
Schuller, Erik
13906 Chisom Creek San Antonio, TX 78249 shelbysckittone@yahoo.com
18752 Libra Cir, #1 Huntington Beach, CA 92646 ashley.scholder@yahoo.com
Schuler, Karl E
13170 Williams Circle Genoa, IL 60135 carlischmidt1999@gmail.com
Scott, Christina Pearl
Schofield, Ian S
25796 Kellogg St Loma Linda, CA 92354 909-796-4667 terrageo@aol.com
PO Box 670576 Chugiak, AK 99567 907-223-1972 joss.scurry@gmail.com
Schug, David L
Schwartzkopf, Donn C
Schneider-Curry, Josselynn (PG)
Schraug, Wesley
625 Indiana Ave, Ste 700 Washington, District of Columbia 20004 832-768-1262 lisasschleicher@gmail.com
Schmidt, Carli Lynn
Golden Pond Retirement Community 1270 N Ford St, Rm 202 Golden, CO 80403 303-907-3182 rlschuster25@comcast.net
Sckittone, Shelby
Schranz, Luke J
320 Gold Ave SW, Ste 1300 Albuquerque, NM 87102 dylan.schmeelk@gmail.com
1109 Cortlandt St Houston, TX 77008 713-855-7832 ascates2017@gmail.com
Schaefer, Lauren N
26 Kennedy Blvd, Ste A East Brunswick, NJ 8816 732-326-1010 eric@peak-environmental.com
Schmeelk, Dylan
PO Box 326 Monument Beach, MA 02553 603-361-0397 dave@scarptec.com
Schuster, Robert L
PO Box 1201 Starkville, MS 39760 662-418-9321 schmitz@geosci.msstate.edu
Scholder, Ashley Allyn
21753 N Kirkland Dr Maricopa, AZ 85138 520-559-4820 dschirmer@rammeng.com
Schleicher, Lisa
Schmidt, Rosemary A
3100 Pinebrook Rd, Ste 1100 Park City, UT 84098 801-541-0919 ian@loughlinwater.com
7650 Haskell Ave, Ste D Van Nuys, CA 91406 818-481-9442 wayne@schickgeotechnical.com
Schlauch, Eric R (S)
GeoResources, LLC 5007 Pacific Highway EaSt #16 Fife, WA 98424 253-896-1011 keiths@georesources.us
Schirmer, Andrew J (FM)
1240 Crown Ct Walnut Creek, CA 94597 925-360-4495 terrabogey@gmail.com
Schick, John W (FM)
379 Bittersweet Rd Akron, OH 44333 330-972-5389 ids@uakron.edu
Saunders, Charles L
Schembs, Keith S
Minamihara 1-6 Tsukuba 03058 Japan 903-524-6877 ya-sasa@pwri.go.jp
409 Whispering Woods Drive Saluda, NC 28773 828-769-9000 cmscheip@ncsu.edu
Scheller, Kristen (FM)
412 Quentin Drive St Charles, MO 63301 314-630-0731 jarredschmidt@yahoo.com
1555 West King St Boone, NY 28607 919-454-2296 jserencsics@gmail.com
2020 DIRECTORY Severson, Tim
2351 Beacon Hill Rd Lancaster, PA 17601 717-517-2891 sev2640@calu.edu
Sgriccia, Martha P
5736 Woodlake Ave Woodland Hills, CA 91367 818-612-8712 martgeo@mac.com
Shaffner, Peter
Shammi, Sadia Alam
110 Lincoln Grn, Apt 215 Starkville, MS 39759 662-370-9983 ss4445@msstate.edu
4676 Commercial Street SE, PMB 147 Salem, OR 97302 503-423-7258 tim.shevlin@geobrugg.com
415 E 11th St Rolla, MO 65401 417-988-1801 sssz93@mst.edu
#47 Vikas Vihar Phase -2 Ferozepur 15200 India 91-9465808243 sbhshsharma147@gmail.com
Shinpaugh, Joshua
746 W 17th St San Pedro, CA 90731 310-404-3675 sharpenvironmental@gmail.com
Shionalyn, Kevin
Shiroodi, Kimberly
Sharpe, Justin
15206 Redbird Manor San Antonio, TX 78253 210-529-1983 justinwsharpe@gmail.com
Shlemon, Roy J (FM)
409 Yorkshire Court Grayslake, IL 60030 847-471-6869 rsharpe@usg.com PO Box 275 Springfield, OR 97477 541-908-1822 susan.shaw2@weyerhaeuser.com
Sholley, Michael G 11850 Freedom Dr, Apt 1727 Reston, VA 20190 925-628-9983 mgsholle@gmail.com
Sitar, Nicholas
449 Davis Hall Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Berkeley, CA 94720 510-945-8623 sitar@berkeley.edu
PO Box 30134 Tokai, Cape Town 07966 South Africa 27-827260757 adrian@environmental consultants.co.za
Skaskevych, Alla
Skiptunas, Charles
510 Gaul Rd Sinking Spring, PA 19608 404-333-2053 skiptunasc16@students.ecu.edu
Skwarcan, Stacie
14301 N Interstate 35, Apt 5312 Pflugerville, TX 78660 574-245-0746 sskwarca@utexas.edu
5836 Swanston Drive Charlotte, NC 28269 easimmo3@ncsu.edu
Smith, Barbara J
3109 SW Meadow Ln Topeka, KS 66614 785-273-7818 bjsmith@cjnetworks.com
Smith, Brett C
4201 Linden Ave N, Apt 106 Seattle, WA 98103 360-420-6206 m94simon@gmail.com
3914 W Durant Ct Wilmington, NC 28412 704-533-0034 brett.smith@summitde.net
Smith, Carly
300 Lakeside Drive, Ste 400 Oakland, CA 94612 510-910-0955 david.simpson@aecom.com
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
2380 McGee Street, Ste 200 Kansas City, MO 64108 913-244-9356 allaskaskevych@yahoo.com
870 W Lawson St, Apt 4 Fayetteville, Arkansas 72703 479-595-6129 simbochris@gmail.com
2178 Grooms Rd Reidsville, NC 27320 252-422-1246 lindsaysims1@gmail.com
514 N 14th St, Apt B Gunnison, CO 81230 848-248-1899 maria.skarzynski@western.edu
336 Andrew Dr Clarksville, TN 37042 931-263-4310 t_silverman79@yahoo.com
Sims, Lindsay
204 Langston Mill Ct Cary, NC 27518 919-638-9716 bsipple6@gmail.com
Skarzynski, Maria R
801 K St, MS 12-31 Sacramento, CA 95814 916-324-0768 msilva@consrv.ca.gov
Simpson, David T
31119 Via Colinas, #502 Westlake Village, CA 91362 213-889-2562 rzs@geolabswv.com
200 Kirkwood Drive Chapel Hill, NC 27514 225-200-0343 vsingh12@uncc.edu
Simon, Morgan E
PO Box 3066 Newport Beach, CA 92659 949-874-7966 rshlemon@jps.net
Shmerling, Ronald Z (FM)
161 Jewel Dr Roseburg, OR 97471 541-391-3652 chrissiff.geology@gmail.com
Simmons, Erica
1165 Hampton Lane, #3F Mundelein, IL 60060 630-506-1247 kimpossible0302@gmail.com
Singh, Vani
Sifford, Christian G
Simbo, Christophe W
209 E 14th Ave, Apt 6 Ellensburg, WA 98926 shionalynk@cwu.edu
Osmangazi Mh, Asiroglu Cd Yazgulu Sk, No 28 41700 Darica, Kocaeli 41700 Turkey nalan.smsk@hotmail.com
Sipple, Benjamin T
Silverman, Tina
2402 Horseshoe Dr Soddy Daisy, TN 37379 706-455-0964 jeshinpaugh0@tva.gov
Simsek, Nalan
EOS/NTU 50 Nanyang Avenue, Block N2-01a-10 Singapore 63979 656-513-8093 sieh@ntu.edu.sg
Silva, Michael (FM)
411 Walnut St, #9741 Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 240-357-4295 gbsiegner@gmail.com
Sillito, Adrian J
Desert Research Institute 755 East Flamingo Road Las Vegas, NV 89119 702-862-5310 rosh601@unlv.nevada.edu
Shimamoto, Michael K
Siegner, Gregory B
Sieh, Kerry
200 E Santa Clara St, Fl 3 San Jose, CA 95113 408-535-7646 mike.shimamoto@sanjoseca.gov
Sharma, Subhash Chander
7139 Eden Ridge Ln Fort Collins, CO 80525 970-266-8488 neil.sherrod@gmail.com
Shillito, Rose (FM)
15235 Alton Pkwy, Ste 120 Irvine, CA 92618 949-910-9001 pshaller@engsys.com
Shaw, Susan C
Shields, Sierra Sean-May (HM)
1456 River Park Drive Kent, OH 44240 330-672-2968 ashakoor@kent.edu
Sharpe, Roger D
Sherrard, Kelsey
Shevlin, Tim D (IS)
141 N Dithridge St, Apt 15 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 412-403-3005 shahparth189@gmail.com
Sharp, Jeff
1 Sidney Ave Rutherford, NJ 7070 201-290-0324 efs62@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Sherrod, Neil R (FM)
Shah, Parth G
Shaller, Philip
Siegenthaler, Ethan
101 Tacana Dr Folsom, CA 95630 916-225-3800 bradshelton@gmail.com 6774 S McCarran Blvd, Ste 101 Reno, NV 89509 kelsey.sherrard@terraphase.com
28859 Buchanan Dr Evergreen, CO 80439 303-653-7235 ptshaft@gmail.com
Shakoor, Abdul
Shelton, Brad Sacramento (FM)
875 E 5th Street Durango, CO 81301 847-323-0709 c1016smith@gmail.com
Smith, Connor M
280 Island Ave Reno, NV 89501 connormsmith@nevada.unr.edu
March 2020
2020 DIRECTORY Smith, Eric L
1655 South 2nd Ave SW Tumwater, WA 98512 360-709-5458 smithe@wsdot.wa.gov
Smith, Forrest Whitney
Sowers, Theron
14 N Boylan Ave Raleigh, NC 27603 919-815-1494 joan@smithgardnerinc.com
703 Crossover Rd Tupelo, MS 38801 662-842-7381 jamesspencer@cookcoggin.com
Spencer, Sean
Stastny, Melissa
Stearns, Jessica
Steckel, Phyllis J
Steckel, Richard
2138 Meadow Oaks Lane Washington, MO 63090 636-359-1954 rjsteckel@charter.net
Steele Weir, Susan (S)
Golder Associates 18300 NE Union Hill Rd Redmond, WA 98052 720-979-7362 anna.marie.stanczyk@gmail.com
806 S Adams St Raymore, MO 64083 913-927-8841 asteigerwalt@yahoo.com
Steinbuck, Elias J (S)
1400 N Pine St, Apt 4 Rolla, MO 65401 317-671-9447 ats4p8@mst.edu
Steigerwalt, Aaron L
120 Robbins Circle Oxford, MS 38655 901-626-2621 dstan4ord24@gmail.com
11316 W Bowles Pl Littleton, CO 80127 720-732-2558, Stefansky.thomas@dol.gov
Steffen, Ashley
2390 Forest St Denver, CO 80207 303-333-6071 Steeleweir@aol.com
Stefansky, Thomas P (FM)
9450 SW Commerce Cir, Ste 300 Wilsonville, OR 97070 503-250-2247 estaley@geodesigninc.com
370 Sweetwater Dr Cadillac, MI 49601 petoskeyboy@gmail.com
PO Box 2002 Washington, MO 63090 636-359-1955 psteckel@charter.net
1221 NW 11th Ave, #539 Portland, OR 97209 503-853-5403 istaats@pdx.edu
Stange, Maxwell A
Starkie, Michael
1515 Market St, Ste 945 Philadelphia, PA 19102 267-464-3625 jessica.stearns@gza.com
University of Lucknow Department of Geology Lucknow 27200 India 91-9182811720 shubhindia@live.com
Stanford, James Andrew
4410 Bancroft Valley Johns Creek, GA 30022 678-602-9814 stastnym@g.cofc.edu
Srivastava, Shubham
Stanczyk, Anna
615 SW Persels Rd Lees Summit, MO 64081 816-812-8185 cgspencer@kc.rr.com
Spencer, James R (FM)
Squires, Miryah
Staley, Erick J
37 Cedar Valle Tr. Blue Ridge, GA 30513 706-502-0962 jourdan010698@gmail.com
Spencer, Charles G (S)
Spykerman, Mark S
Stapledon, David H
2989 South 2000 East Salt Lake City, UT 84109 801-783-9292 mikes@gerhartcole.com
Staats, Isaak
Speessen, Jourdan (S)
3618 NE 126th Ave Portland, OR 97230 920-750-8972 esmoot@pdx.edu
Smyth, Joan
1715 Alder Road Franklin, IN 46131 john.d.spears11@gmail.com
216 N Davidson Ave Independence, MO 64056 816-206-7666 casf23@mail.umkc.edu
Smoot, Emily E
Spears, John David
1008 E 9th St Rolla, MO 65401 573-578-3696 mksfqz@mst.edu
15375 SE 30th Pl, Ste 250 Bellevue, WA 98007 206-898-6732 tsparacio@exponent.com
5158 Yank Ct Arvada, CO 80002 303-420-5404 william.k.smith@centurylink.net
Smith-Grifffin, Christy A
Sparacio, Taryn
Spohn, Payton
Sprague, Charles W
10 Deakin Grove Glenside 05065 Australia julie_mcginley_499@hotmail.com
28530 Champions Dr Menifee, CA 92584 951-232-7835 mspykerman@earthsystems.com
2950 Routier Rd, Spc 65 Sacramento, CA 95827 530-852-2070 nichollesowers@csus.edu
1605 Benchley Ct Henderson, NV 89052 702-376-2230 ronsmith113@yahoo.com
Smith, William K
173 Howell Ave Fords, NJ 08863 908-331-0697 jsousa@cmeusa1.com
1406 Westglen Dr Sachse, TX 75048 469-828-4100 charles.sprague@woodplc.com
Solomon, Barry J
Sousa, James
Spira, Michael O
Stanley, Curtis C 28 Granadilla Boerne, TX 78006 832-693-6923 stanley_curt@yahoo.com
1502 W. Meadow St Ozark, MO 65721 417-693-0462 pcsf2b@mst.edu
4735 E Marginal Way S Seattle, WA 98134 206-764-3309 richaRde.smith@usace.army.mil
Smith, Ronald E
3435 E Enchanted Hills Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84121 801-944-9545 solomonbarry@comcast.net
600 Briarcrest Dr Midwest City, OK 73110 405-732-7607
Smith, Richard E
Sochar, Scott
1011 N Armando St Anaheim, CA 92806 714-863-6513 mspira@albus-keefe.net
3500 Industrial Blvd, Rm 168 West Sacramento, CA 95691 916-376-1760 scott.sochar@water.ca.gov
Caserio Patalache 3 Aledo 30859 Spain 34-695083412 kerry.will.smith@gmail.com
Smith, Mitchell D
PO Box 220 29 East Fremont Lake Road Pinedale, WY 82941 justin.snyder@usda.gov
10711 Thornton Rd, Apt 231 Stockton, CA 95209 484-6710 jaysmith@sonic.net
Smith, Kerry
Sneesby, David
Snyder, Justin C
Sperry, Sarah 1912 Maxwell St, Apt A, Apt C4 Rolla, MO 65401 816-267-1391 ssfq3@mst.edu
406 N 11th St Gunnison, CO 81230 970-576-4554 David.sneesby@western.edu
400 W Court St Doylestown, PA 18901 412-774-2397 jds@access995.com
Smith, Jay L
283 Windsong Echo Dr Henderson, NV 89012 702-492-7743 lwsnedegar@gmail.com
660 Raintree Circle COPPELL, TX 75019 972-742-0981 wsmith@reed-engineering.com
Smith, James D
Snedegar, Larry W
PO Box 967 Mendocino, CA 95460 707-357-0520 eliassteinbuck@comcast.net
540 E Nees Ave, Apt 282 Fresno, CA 93720 319-830-9968 seanspencer@mail.fresnostate.edu
March 2020
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
2020 DIRECTORY Stetler, Larry D
501 E Saint Joseph St Rapid City, SD 57701 605-394-2461 larry.stetler@sdsmt.edu
Stevens, Anthony
4541 Araby Ln East Bend, NC 27018 336-416-3656 stroudjr@subhorizon resources.com
1015 Northgate Dr Lebanon, PA 17042 814-244-3553 dstidinger@yahoo.com
Stiffler, Eric
7700 Dew Wood Drive Derwood, MD 20855 301-415-3698 gerry.stirewalt@nrc.gov
Stock, Greg
Stohr, Christopher J
405 East High Street Urbana, IL 61801 217-766-4071 cstohr@illinois.edu
Stokowski, Steven J
Stoney, Gary F
27391 Via Caudaloso Mission Viejo, CA 92692 949-380-4886 gstoney938@gmail.com
Strawn, Garrett 1111 Skyline Dr jonesborough, TN 37659 423-306-0158 strawng@mail.etsu.edu
41 Sereno Vista Bellevue, Tauranga 03110 New Zealand 530-936-7100 das8432254@yahoo.com 972-948-3054 gwsgoalie@yahoo.com
1501 Thomas ST NW Olympia, WA 98502 360-480-6821 gabe.cascadian@gmail.com
1780 E Lemonwood Dr Santa Paula, CA 93060 805-933-1331 getaylor@haywardbaker.com
Taylor, Laura
8222 Kingsbrook Rd, Apt 349 Houston, TX 77024 832-656-1380 laurataylor14@yahoo.com
Teabo, Eric
2712 West Arlington Blvd, Apt 107 Greenville, NC 28743 910-358-1881 teaboe16@students.ecu.edu
Tello, Matthew
2921 S Deframe Way Lakewood, CO 80228 701-471-8726 matthew.j.tello@gmail.com
Tennant, Shemeka K
1594 Oliver St Rahway, NJ 7065 732-912-6310 st657@rutgers.edu
Tennyson, Eric
10/F Genesis 33-35 Wong Chuk Hang Road Hong Kong 8-529-108-5109 tam3415@gmail.com
2445 Harris Cir New Braunfels, TX 78130 830-221-8025 e10yson@yahoo.com
102 St Francis Ct, Apt 15 Louisville, KY 40205 m.mirtamizdoust@louisville.edu
Tanski, Natalie
1115 E 500 S Salt Lake City, UT 84102 elliotttaylor0402@gmail.com
Taylor, Gary E
591 Bristol Ct Clarksville, TN 37043 931-980-7546 andrewstadsen@gmail.com
Tamizdoust, Kourosh (S)
6121 Quail Valley Ct Riverside, CA 92507 951-653-1760 atardie@lorgeo.com
Taylor, Gabriel
715 Kirk Dr Kansas City, MO 64105 816-527-2275 jszturo@hntb.com
Tam, Elvina
10161 Park Run Drive, Ste 150 Las Vegas, NV 89145 702-318-6562 dtaranik@explorationmapping.com
Taylor, Elliott Jason
5803 156th Avenue NE Redmond, WA 98052 206-755-0433 dicksylwester@gmail.com
Tadsen, Andrew Scott (S)
5293 G St Sacramento, CA 95819 916-456-4870 regreview@comcast.net
Manuel Rodriguez 677 Depto 705, Santiago 83402 Chile 56-982523797 pepeline.999@gmail.com
Tardie, Andrew A
4930 Huntridge Lane Fair Oaks, CA 95628 916-335-1441 rhsydnor@aol.com
Szturo, John F
1715 Hidden Bluff Trail, Apt 2835 Arlington, TX 76006 903-841-1306 suarezlupito@gmail.com
Sutch, Patricia L
5109 NE 129th Ave Vancouver, WA 98682 360-936-3802 rsweeten@pdx.edu
Sylwester, Richard
615 E Peabody Dr Champaign, IL 61820 217-244-6462 astumpf@illinois.edu
Sullivan, Garrett
Sweet, Carol F
Sydnor, Robert H
2503 W Springfield Ave, Apt C-9 Champaign, IL 61821 217-356-7367 pstump@netGG.com
Sullivan, David
Swartz, Frank W
Sweeten, Rachel A (FM)
Suarez, Guadalupe
1500 Laurel Haven Ct Lawrenceville, GA 30043 508-259-3536 sstokowski@yahoo.com
Swank, Mark
Tapia, Joseline Soledad
Taranik, Dan
8 Upland Cir Mashpee, MA 2649 702-596-3380 cfsweet@comcast.net
Stumpf, Andrew
304 Fitzgerald St Franklin, TN 37064 615-595-4201 fwayneswartz@msn.com
120 College St Montpelier, VT 05602 802-223-4189 stukeyart@gmail.com
Stump, Peter
5083 Foresta Rd El Portal, CA 95389 209-379-1420 greg_stock@nps.gov
1420 Marvin Rd NE, Ste C, #428 Lacey, WA 98516 360-791-2847 jrstruthers@comcast.net
Stukey, Arthur H
Swan, Calvin H
11165 SW Chickadee Ter Beaverton, OR 97007 503-729-1992 markswank@comcast.net
Struthers, James R
24806 Sonny Path Ct Katy, TX 77493 512-627-7896 estiffler@geosyntec.com
Stirewalt, Gerry L
8737 S 1365 W West Jordan, UT 84088 661-312-8967 andrew.stropkai@gmail.com
Stroud, Jim
43 Coburn Dr E Bluffton, SC 29909 843-705-3315
15620 W 113th St Lenexa, KS 66219 913-403-6107 shane.strope@terracon.com
10678 Vista Bonita Lane Reno, NV 89521 mkatestew@gmail.com
Stidinger, Dennis M
Stropkai, Andrew (S)
2290 Forbes Avenue Claremont, CA 91711 garlstew@gmail.com
Stewart, Mary Kate
Strong, Caroline Jane
Strope, Shane A (S)
Sutphen, Charles F 1817 Packer Ave Philadelphia, PA 19145 215-468-8469 chucsut@aol.com
5406 Mineral Creek Ct Spring, TX 77379 cstrong@trinity.edu
18630 RedRiver Trail San Antonio, TX 78259 951-452-2881 astewa08@gmail.com
Stewart, Garrett Llewellyn
811 W 25th Ave Kennewick, WA 99337 913-370-3048 stroh37_@hotmail.com
3405 German Shepherd Trail Wake Forest, NC 27587 919-426-9781 Stevensan12@students.ecu.edu
Stewart, Alexandria
Strohmeyer, Jeremy S
Tepel, Robert E
767 Lemonwood Ct San Jose, CA 95120 408-997-3437 r_e_3399tep@earthlink.net
831 E 100 N, Apt 3 Logan, UT 84321 natalie.tanski@colorado.edu
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
2020 DIRECTORY Termeer, Benjamin R
22 N Vega St Alhambra, CA 91801 818-482-1983 ben@geosys1.com
Ternova, Anna
Thompson, Robert R (S)
Theilen, Brittany
705 Bolton Walk, Apt 203 Goleta, CA 93117 515-520-7931 brittanytheilen@gmail.com
Theis, Jenna
Thomas, Justin
Thomas, Kaylee
Thomas, Ronald D
14026 Thunderbolt Place Chantilly, VA 20151 703-895-5082 dthomas@ecslimited.com
Thompson, Anna Carolinas
2237 Osborn Dr Ames, Iowa 50011 541-554-2795 acthompson211@gmail.com
Thornburg, Jennifer
Thompson, Justin C
1907 W 34th St Austin, TX 78703 512-454-0207 gtipple1@austin.rr.com
816 W 8th Ave Stillwater, OK 74074 412-526-6584 mary.tkach@okstate.edu
Todd, Sarah Anne 389 Johannah Place SW Lilburn, GA 30047 sat9@email.sc.edu
Triebold, Mark J
Troedel, Michael
11815 333rd Avenue Twin Lakes, WI 53181 mtroedel3@gmail.com
Troost, Kathy G
17227 97th Dr SE Snohomish, WA 98296 206-909-9757 ktroost@uw.edu
Trube, Ross (FM)
Box 25007, MC: 86-68312 Denver, CO 80225 303-888-3697 jtouseull@usbr.gov 304 Forest Home Dr Ithaca, NY 14850 607-227-1910 cht2@cornell.edu
PO Box 1014 Eastsound, WA 98245 360-200-5178 luketurn@gmail.com
Turzewski, Michael D (EM)
2010 Washington Cir Golden, CO 80401 720-254-4228 kturner@mines.edu
Turney, Julia E (LM)
4200 Triangle Ln Export, PA 15632 412-804-8704 rturka@comcast.net
Turner, Alan Keith (FM)
8911 Moorcroft Ave West Hills, CA 91304 818-970-3365 accessharley@yahoo.com
Turka, Robert J (FM)
73 Maple Stream Rd East Windsor, NJ 08520 732-225-7000 rtrube@comcast.net
Tucker, Harley A (PG)
321 30th Ave Seattle, WA 98122 206-755-9676 thomtoth@nwlink.com
409 Greenlawn Blvd Round Rock, TX 78664 justin.thompson@utexas.edu
March 2020
8280 164th Ave NE, Unit 338 Redmond, WA 98052 704-773-2213 Conner_Toth@golder.com
PO Box 88136 Houston, TX 72288 512-913-0430 robert-traylor@att.net
12848 Foothill Blvd Sylmar, CA 91342 818-898-1595 mark@subsurfacedesigns.com
3 Northwood Dr Pittstown, NJ 08867 609-454-6709 theodoros.toskos@gmail.com
Traylor, Robert J (S)
381 River Chase Drive Orlando, FL 32807 321-460-2204 francheska.torruellas@my campus.apus.edu
Trautmann, Charles H
6709 North 15th Lane McAllen, TX 78504 956-212-2458 m.trv60@gmail.com
3607 S Elm-Eugene St, Lot 25 Greensboro, NC 27406 torresnavarroa@guilfoRdedu
Touseull, Jack A
220 4th Street, Ste 102 Oakland, CA 94607 541-740-8922 david.trench@gmail.com
Trevino, Mia A
400 Valley Rd, Ste 304 Mount Arlington, NJ 07856 973-398-3110 jtorlucci@maserconsulting.com
Toth, E. Steven
1390 El Camino Real, 2nd Flr San Carlos, CA 94070 408-824-4586 ctipp@shn-engr.com
Middle East Technical University Ankara 06800 Turkey 90-3122102690 topal@metu.edu.tr
Toth, Conner H
Tkach, Mary K
801 K St, MS 12-31 Sacramento, CA 95814 916-445-5488 jennifer.thornburg@conservation.ca.gov
5204 Lightfoot Trail, Apt 205 Jamestown, NC 27282 727-288-4607 tinsondv@guilfoRdedu
Tipple, Gregory L
Trench, David
3931 Knollwood Ct Sacramento, CA 95821 smtomlinson226@gmail.com
Toskos, Theodoros
7327-G West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27410 336-455-2663 zach.tidmore@terracon.com
Tipp, Christina
Tomlinson, Sarah Marie
Torruellas, Francheska A (PG)
Tinson, Darby Victoria
1060 Washington St, Apt 103 Kansas City, MO 64105 816-616-0026 katr56@mail.umkc.edu
Trcka, Allison 710 W Broadway Granville, OH 43023 740-403-4906 allitrcka@gmail.com
Torres-Navarro, Aldair
1101 Fawcett Ave, Ste 200 Tacoma, WA 98402 817-879-1699 kim.b.tidd@gmail.com
Tidmore, Zachary R
3202 E Harbour Drive Phoenix, AZ 85034 602-243-1600 justin92054@yahoo.com
6339 East Village Grove Place, Apt 7 Memphis, TN 38115 858-366-5136 htohidi@memphis.edu
Torlucci, Joseph
21312 30th Dr SE, Ste 110 Bothell, WA 98021 206-794-3134 bthurber@hwageo.com
Tidd, Kimberly
400 Homestead Ave Scottdale, PA 15683 724-989-4818 the2198@calu.edu
3709 NE 80th St Kansas City, MO 64119 816-922-9178 amberthrasher24@gmail.com
Thurber, Bradley W
Tohidi, Hamed
Topal, Tamer
1063 West 1400 N Logan, UT 84321 westhompson@bio-weStcom
Thrasher, Amber
Kottukkara, Kondotty 67363 India mshibi3@gmail.com
206 E Loon Ct Hampstead, NC 28443 sarah.g.thompson16@gmail.com
Thompson, Wes
PO Box 101416 Denver, CO 80250 720-325-4226 tterry_pe_pg@q.com
Tharuvara, Mohammed S
7820 Maplewood Ln Waxhaw, NC 28173 704-517-2489 rthompson939@gmail.com
Thompson, Sarah
410 Lava Lane Union City, GA 770-463-6526 biancaterry1990@gmail.com
Terry, Thomas A
903-714-2304 leah.thompson@utdallas.edu
582 Rostan Ct Vineland, NJ 08361 856-364-1873 ternova1@go.stockton.edu
Terry, Bianca D
Thompson, Leah
1324 N 43RD St Lower Seattle, WA 98103 517-927-5430 zewski@uw.edu
Tzetos, Nikos
5915 NE 30th Ave Portland, OR 97211 503-501-7846 nikos@pacificgeophysics.com AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
2020 DIRECTORY Uddin, Md. N
Amar Ekushey Hall University of Dhaka 01000 Bangladesh 88-1729752392 nazimdugeo@gmail.com
Uhlir, Edward J
Valentine, Robert M (FM)
19 Donna Maria Way Orinda, CA 94563 925-376-3721 julrick@ulrick.com
Uminski, Alan
University, MS S
1000 Thornton Way San Jose, CA 95128 408-590-5587 dirtrx82@gmail.com
Utevsky, Nora
5438 Birchbrook Ct Las Vegas, NV 89120 702-347-0215 utterc2@unlv.nevada.edu
Vail, Kathleen 4611 50th Street Lubbock, TX 79414 806-407-6779 kvail@geo-logic.com
Department of Geology Private Bag X20 Hatfield, Pretoria 00028 South Africa 254-729736481 louis.vanrooy@up.ac.za
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
2404 Katy Lane Columbia, MO 65203 573-355-2598 vincentbmatthew@gmail.com
228 Johnson St Palmyra, NY 14522 315-434-8885 svinci@brierleyassociates.com
Vines, Terry L (S)
1055 Medlin St SE Smyrna, GA 30080 404-922-2455 tlvines@gmail.com
Viramontes, Elizette (FM)
207 Senate Ave Camp Hill, PA 17011 717-514-9449 pvogel@gfnet.com
Voight, Barry (S)
324 S Patterson St State College, PA 16801 814-238-4431 voight@ems.psu.edu
Voisin, Valerie (S)
126 Oak Street, Apt 102 DeKalb, IL 60115 616-648-1584 Z1836554@students.niu.edu
Von Der Ahe, Matthew (FM)
15124 Minnehaha St Mission Hills, CA 91345 818-912-9215 Viramonteselizette@gmail.com
Vogel, Peter
515 Frazier Dr Sanford, NC 27332 javierventura99@gmail.com 212 Palomino Dr Oakdale, PA 15071 412-304-9973 njwendlandt@gmail.com
328 N Pine P.O. Box 812 Goddard, KS 67052 316-550-6177 vincentbrad@hotmail.com
Vinci, Steven M
2269 Crawford St Terre Haute, IN 47803 812-870-4169 hveldhuizen@sycamores. indstate.edu
Vetter, Nichole J
Vincent, Matthew B
531 47th St, Apt 2 Union City, NJ 07087 201-367-8922 gav36@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Ventura, Javier
2731 Buffalo Shoals Rd Newton, NC 28658 mvang17@uncc.edu
441 Northside Dr Chapel Hill, NC 27516 919-929-8363 gwinvest@juno.com
Veldhuizen, Hannah J
13326 Northshore Dr Montgomery, TX 77356 936-448-6165 earlvanr@aol.com
4 Open Square Way, Ste 307 Holyoke, MA 01040 413-540-0650 pvilleneuve@sovcon.com
Vincent, Brad C
191 Jasper Clayton Road Roxboro, NC 27574 919-725-6009 Vaughanb16@students.ecu.edu
Vega, Gissela
936 Baytree Dr Flowood, MS 39232 601-941-3732 natres_nrt@outlook.com
Vaught, Michael L
Villegas Martinez, Gabriela
Villeneuve, Philip
21207 Oakwood Lane Foresthill, CA 95631 530-333-5958 nvasquez@csus.edu
Vaughan, Bobby L
650 East Tyler Mall, Room 122 Tempe, AZ 85287 480-479-7116 leon.vanpaassen@asu.edu
Vang, Mai (FM)
830-734-9136 gabriela.villegas02@utrgv.edu
734 William St, Flr 2 Harrison, NJ 7029 973-262-3650 kmv91@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Vattikuti, Shannon
6634 Valjean Ave Van Nuys, CA 91406 818-785-2158 jvanmeter@geosoils.com
Van Rooy, Jan Louis
6400 Sharlands Ave, Apt H2052 Reno, NV 89523 503-739-3263 lvarone@nevada.unr.edu
Vasquez, Nicholas
No 28 The Loop, Lynnwood Pretoria 00081 South Africa 27-832910938 gerrie@rockland.co.za
Van Reenan, Earl D
9750 SW Nimbus Ave Beaverton, OR 97008 206-427-5182 nutevsky@gri.com
Utter, Carlton L
Van Jaarsveld Gerrie
Van Paassen, Leon
1203 E 40th Vancouver, WA 98661 auntalan@pdx.edu
Upp, R. Rexford
Viescas, Lynne A 1722 3rd Street, Ste 100 Sacramento, CA 95811 916-756-1160 lviescas@gmail.com
Denver Federal Center Bldg 56, Rm 2604 Denver, CO 80225 720-544-2818 anavargo@hotmail.com
Vasconcelos, Kathleen M
289 Polaris Avenue P O Box 95562 Waterkloof 00145 South Africa 27-825702222 jovdm@iafrica.com
Van Meter, James L
East Lee Blvd, Apt 08, 443 Starkville, MS 39759 662-370-9975 jf1760@msstate.edu
Untalan, Althea
2505 E M Ave La Grande, OR 97850 garyvh45@gmail.com
265 South St Paul Hamilton, VA 20158 571-439-0242 umphlebm@dukes.jmu.edu
1081 W 79th Pl Denver, CO 80221 720-982-9933 destany.vargas@western.edu
Varone, Laura
6280 Riverdale Street, Ste 200 San Diego, CA 92120 858-204-2863 hans@southwestgeophysics.com
Van Houten, Gary E
1036 Old York Rd Raritan, NJ 08869 908-268-5355 alan.uminski@verizon.net
Umphlett, Brittany
16815 Park Hill Drive Dallas, TX 75248 jjv150230@utdallas.edu
Van Der Merwe, Johann (SE)
Vargas, Destany
Vargo, Ana
Van De Vrugt, Hans (S)
425 W Lee Ave, Apt 8 Kingsville, TX 78363 361-228-6547 ullah-ahsan@outlook.com
Ulrick, James S
9025 W 73rd Ave Arvada, CO 80005 719-221-1514 bobjoyval@gmail.com
Valley, James
203-864-8898 ukarusandra@gmail.com
Ullah, Md Ahsan
701 S Garnsey St Santa Ana, CA 92701 mvaldovinos92@yahoo.com
7650 Olivas Ln Vacaville, CA 95688 707-455-8964 euhlir@solanowireless.com
Ukaru, Sandra
Valdovinos, Maria De Jesus
710 2nd Ave, Ste 550 Seattle, WA 98104 206-718-9548 mvonderahe@aspect consulting.com
March 2020
2020 DIRECTORY Von Dessonneck, Brad
7214 Pine Grove Way Folsom, CA 95630 916-712-3595 rb_303@hotmail.com
Vonnahme, Ashton
204 E 12th St Rolla, MO 65401 918-344-6560 avrh6@mst.edu
VonSydow, Kathryn R
Vowels, Lily Katherine
607 Sudlow Lake Rd North Augusta, SC 29841 517-546-4287 Alpaca523@gmail.com
Walker, Scott R
801 South McDuffie St Anderson, SC 29624 864-934-9318 jwall@ncsu.edu
March 2020
Weaver, Paul M
Ward, Shelia
Webb, Richard Newton
910 Louisiana Street, Ste 2600 Houston, TX 77002 713-494-7503 shelia.ward@stantec.com
Warren, Audrey
Warren, Kyle
Waters, Natalie Jayne 3 Budd Lane Lagrangeville, NY 12540 nataliewaters@mail.weber.edu
Wells, Donald L
Wells, Sarah Brook
1350 Grand Summit Dr, Apt 246 Reno, NV 89523 775-750-4289 brwwelsh@gmail.com
Wenner, Charles Tyler
Werle, James L
4480 W Hacienda Ave, Ste 104 Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-279-6620 jim.werle@novageotech.com
Werley, Scott
9001 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, NC 27617 919-813-8382 swerley@ecslimited.com
Werner, Sanford L
1915 Galardia Rd Charlotte, NC 28215 949-422-0858 pwebste4@uncc.edu
21031 Blythe St Canoga Park, CA 91304 818-998-8178
Wess, Regan M
10200 Park Meadows Dr, Apt 2232 Lone Tree, CO 80124 612-719-3088 jweems@rjh-consultants.com
404 Columbus St Rapid City, SD 57701 970-691-5394 regan.wess@mines.sdsmt.edu
Wegmann, Karl William
West, Donald O
2800 Faucette Drive Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences Raleigh, NC 27695 919-515-0380 kwwegman@ncsu.edu
Wegmann, Mackenzie Anne (S)
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
3475 Lakemont Boulevard Fort Mill, SC 29708 twenner@espassociates.com
5562 Brinson Way Norcross, GA 30092 678-381-7929 c1995w@yahoo.com
5557 Baronridge Dr, Unit 2 St Louis, MO 63129 z1877259@students.niu.edu
Welsh, Brent (S)
9731 Common Law Converse, TX 78109 skot55@mac.com
Weems, Jake
Wellner, Adam
601 Jones Ferry Road, E 9 Carrboro, NC 27510 sbrookw@live.unc.edu
Webster, Patrick (S)
1777 Botelho Dr Walnut Creek, CA 94596 510-847-6629 d.wells@fugro.com
Webster, Claire (S)
Welby, Charles W
1520 N. Bernice Dr Fayetteville, Arkansas 72703 479-856-2520 awellnerjr@gmail.com
7103 Panola Drive San Antonio, TX 78216 webblily@hotmail.com
Weber, Scott J.
Waterhouse, Geoffrey V
840 Aspen Loop PAWLEYS ISLAND, SC 29585 rnwebb314@gmail.com
310 Lakewood Drive Lexington, NC 27292 336-249-1818 cww_ral@hotmail.com
7011 Albert Pick Rd, Ste E Greensboro, NC 27409 336-287-2165 pweaver@espassociates.com
Webb, Eleida
601 N McDowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 707-338-8001 geoff.waterhouse@cardno.com
Wayne, William J
178 S Pacific Ave Ventura, CA 93001 805-388-6162 bwanner@advancedgeotechnical.com
1410 Bartlett Hill Ct NW Salem, OR 97304 503-507-0188 kwarren1095@gmail.com
1121 Montlake Rd Soddy Daisy, TN 37379 303-482-6801 ka1uem@hotmail.com
Wall, John
Warhola, Kayla L
1980 C St Lincoln, NE 68502 402-472-2601 wwayne3@unl.edu
1309 Dorothy Ave, Unit 2 Las Vegas, NV 89119 480-358-5732 warrea2@unlv.nevada.edu
Wawczak, Renee
Weidner, Luke M 2009 Infinity Circle, Unit 154 Golden, CO 80401 989-513-4836 lukemweid@gmail.com
4217 N Ozark Ave Norridge, IL 60706 847-219-0419 renee.wawczak@gmail.com
302 Summit Ridge Road Middletown, PA 17057 717-686-6678 Kaywarhola@gmail.com
111 Mombasa 80100 Kenya 254-729736481 atanas.kim@gmail.com
Waling, Annelise N
Wang, Zhiyun
12 Grandview Drive Radford, VA 24141 540-831-5637 cwatts@radfoRdedu
4912 Haverwood Lane 1324 Dallas, TX 75287 josaiah1793@gmail.com
120 Chalk Creek Ct, Apt 302 Martinez, CA 94553 720-347-5885 josh.wagner@gsi.us
Wainaina Atanas K
Walston, Eric
Warfog, Josaiah
19199 W 88th Dr Arvada, CO 80007 941-224-2213 cwagner@usbr.gov
Wagner, Josh
Walsh, Timothy J
Wanner, Brett (S)
3475 S Fleetwood Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84109 jonathanvoyles1@gmail.com
Wagner, Cassandra
Watts, Chester F
1111 Juniper Ct Fort Collins, CO 80521 mariahwa@rams.colostate.edu
1011 West Bryan Road Elizabethtown, KY 42701 vowelslk@appstate.edu
Voyles, Jonathan Ross
Walls, John Wyatt
6631 La Cosa Dr Dallas, TX 75248 972-310-3859 ewalston75@gmail.com
1222 Spruce Street, Rm 403 St Louis, MO 63103 636-484-3810, Stefiev78@gmail.com
Watters, Robert J 1664 N Virginia St Reno, NV 89557 775-784-6069 watters@mines.unr.edu
7032 Zangle Rd NE Olympia, WA 98506 360-918-1177 tim.walsh@dnr.wa.gov
665 Dunhill Dr Danville, CA 94506 925-984-7722 amanda.voropaeff@gmail.com
Voss, Stefanie A
8565 Buggy Whip Rd Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 909-945-1129 gwallace@rmacompanies.com 4512 Jefferson Street, Apt 3 Kansas City, KS 64114 573-359-5610 j.wyatt.walls@gmail.com
2727 Pacific Street, Space 32 Highland, CA 92346 909-890-7488 vonsydow05@yahoo.com
Voropaeff, Amanda
Wallace, Gary W
22469 NE 60th St Redmond, WA 98053 425-883-0777 dwest@golder.com
West, Loyd Travis
1111 Washington St SE MS 47007 Olympia, WA 98504 702-496-5595 Travis.West@dnr.wa.gov
2020 DIRECTORY West, Terry R
Whitley, Benjamin
Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Lafayette, IN 47907 765-494-3296 trwest@purdue.edu
Froehling & Robertson, Inc. 310 Hubert St Raleigh, NC 27603 919-630-5661 bwhitley@fandr.com
Westbrook, Thomas M
Whitley, James Everette
3312 Tolmas Dr Metairie, LA 70002 504-831-7336 tmwklb@bellsouth.net
WestHoff, Julie
Whitman, Spencer (FM)
4897 Klamath Rd Virginia Beach, VA 23462 757-621-7604 ewhately@radfoRdedu
Wheeler, Robert T
910 Avenue Rd Toronto, M5P 2K6 Canada 416-481-4731 owen.white@sympatico.ca
White, Sylvia
P.O. Box 643 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 970-379-8796 swhite@yeh-eng.com
Whiteman, Rachel
Whitesides, Gabrielle 11865 County Road 8030 Rolla, MO 65401 573-201-5040 Gwpnw@mst.edu
950 N Loop Road Richardson, TX 75080 cara333@gmail.com
221 N Figueroa St, Ste 1200 Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-482-6968 jeffrey.wilson@lacity.org AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Winslow, Matthew Charles (FM) 240 N 2nd St, Apt 15 Port Hueneme, CA 93041 978-846-9218 m.c.winslow1981@gmail.com
Winters, Dermot M
11983 Grassy Knoll Cir Lovettsville, VA 20180 202-694-7151 dermotandmaria@verizon.net
Winters, Scott H
14228 W Evans Cir Lakewood, CO 80228 303-318-8363 shawk@ecentral.com
Wise, Austin
19058 Flamingo Road Fort Myers, FL 33967 941-258-8020 austinwise58@gmail.com
Wiskemann, Leanne
1216 Mt. Vernon St, Unit 3 Philadelphia, PA 19123 leanne.wiskemann@gmail.com
Wittman, Glenn H (S)
1923 W Touhy Ave Chicago, IL 60626 202-379-8372 glenn.wittman@va.gov
Wolfe, Bradley (FM)
6 Chickadee Cir Brunswick, ME 04011 925-323-4082 bpwolfe22@gmail.com
Wolfe, Mitchell D (FM)
15775 Shorebird Ln Winter Garden, FL 34787 407-342-7737 davidwilshawfgs@hotmail.com
Wilson, Jeffrey T
Wilson, Michael P
3213 Linden Dr Anchorage, AK 99502 gmamorelli138@gmail.com
PO Box 87367 Vancouver, WA 98687 360-513-2691 columbiageo
Wilshaw, David
Winston, Gemma Amorelli
440 Pfeiffer Rd Bulverde, TX 78163 210-386-1474 umnium.mw@gmail.com
Wilmoth, Ruth A (S)
150 Rom, BYU-Idaho Rexburg, ID 83460 208-496-7681 willisj@byui.edu
Wilmot, Matthew E
Wilson, Kenneth L
3380 E Main Rd Dunkirk, NY 14048 716-680-0220 wilson@fredonia.edu
19505 NE 82nd Avenue Battle Ground, WA 98604 775-304-2704 danacwillis@gmail.com
Willis, Julie B (FM)
820 Davies St Nelson V1L 3T7 Canada 425-647-8883 wilkellen@outlook.com
19019 36th Ave W, Ste E Lynnwood, WA 98036 425-218-4619 dwilliams@zippergeo.com
168 Gwinn St E Monmouth, OR 97361 541-647-3632 ewillingham16@wou.edu
Willis, Dana C (FM)
1910 Pinecrest Dr Altadena, CA 91001 626-791-1589 wilsongeosciencesinc@gmail.com
7438 Bridle Dr Nashville, TN 37221 530-586-2062 williams.nathan.d@gmail.com
Willingham, Evander J
1325 J Street Sacramento, CA 95814 916-212-3071 moopdedo@hotmail.com
Williams, David C
8915 Horton Dr Overland Park, KS 66207 913-689-9367 mwgeoguy@gmail.com
Williams, Nathan D (S)
3850 North Causeway Blvd Metairie, LA 70002 662-801-5748 charlie.wildman@arcadis.com
Williams, Cara
400 Jl Seehorn Jr Rd Johnson City, TN 37614 731-707-0059 whiteman@etsu.edu
Williams, Michael A (FM)
217 Henley Ave Pine Beach, NJ 08741 732-505-0990 dwilbur@geoseekllc.com
Wilkinson Kemp Sarah E
Williams, Jullian
Wilson, Jennifer 3521 Trinity St Eureka, CA 95501 408-375-8354 jenny_dono@yahoo.com
6960 North Loop 1604 W San Antonio, TX 78249 julliancbw@gmail.com
Wilhite, Coralie P
1021 Crestview Dr San Carlos, CA 94070 650-224-9015 john.williams@sjsu.edu
7575 Abbs Valley Road Bluefield, VA 24605 276-433-0422 cwiggins6@radfoRdedu
Wildman, Charlie
5657 W Euclid Pl Littleton, CO 80123 720-272-9947 jwhite@mines.edu
White Owen L
Williams, John W
640 Buckhorn Road Sykesville, MD 21784 410-363-1555 jwhittle@balterco.com
Wilbur, Dru
801 K St, MS 12-31 Sacramento, CA 95814 602-769-0044 chase.white@conservation.ca.gov
White, Jonathan L
Wiggins, Cassandra C
3064 Silent Wind Way Henderson, NV 89052 702-586-2840 whitaker214@gmail.com
White, Chase A
11451 State Highway U La Belle, MO 63447 660-462-3365 jhwms@marktwain.net
2860 Walnut Ave Signal Hill, CA 90755 562-426-8017 john@associatedsoils.com
Whittle, Joseph F
5710 Ruffin Rd San Diego, CA 92123 858-576-1000 rwheeler@ninyoandmoore.com
Whitaker, Richard M
Williams, James H (S)
2090 Ives Ave Reno, NV 89503 903-736-2997 swhitman@nevada.unr.edu
Whitney, John (IS)
Williams, Emily Brooke 4925 Tobaccoville Road Tobaccoville, NC 27050 336-793-6331 emilybw@live.unc.edu
3012 Ferncliff Way El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 jw3952@msstate.edu
5800 Foxridge Dr Mission, KS 66202 913-643-4951 juliewesthoff@kennedyjenks.com
Whately, Emily
785 Ygnacio Valley Rd Walnut Creek, CA 94596 925-935-9771 mwolfe@caleng.com
Woo Audrey (FM)
3616 Durocher, Apt 501A Montreal H2X 2E8 Canada 514-816-6659 audrey.woo@mail.mcgill.ca March 2020
2020 DIRECTORY Wood, Ronald D
Wray, Stephen Spencer
241 Ralph McGill Blvd NE, Bin 10193 Atlanta, GA 30308 404-791-7620 rdwood@southernco.com
107 Carlton Blvd Ridgeland, MS 39157 601-405-4494 swray96@aol.com
Woodard, Martin J
Wright, Clifford C
1419 Madison St Radford, VA 24141 540-315-0270 rk2fall@yahoo.com
Woodcock, Jason
Wright, Jalise
Wooddell, Benjamin L
Wright, James E
4403 Davis Grey Dr Asheville, NC 28803 704-960-2342 benwooddell@gmail.com
717 Alvarado Ave, Apt 168 Davis, CA 95616 510-277-2905 jswoodley@ucdavis.edu
26696 Lope De Vega Dr Mission Viejo, CA 92691 awoodward2@csu.fullerton.edu
Woody, Charles
5600 Clearfork Main Street Fort Worth, TX 76109 jcwoosley@email.arizona.edu
Wyman, Rosemary
9201 W. Broward Blvd, Apt C304 Plantation, FL 33324 305-271-2397 davewoz@cs.com
Tsimiski 53 Xanthi, Greece 67131 Greece 697-495-3012 xeidakis@civil.duth.gr
Young, James
Young, Robert
7773 W. Seldon Lane Peoria, AZ 85044 480-226-5485 gzekoff@cascade-env.com
737 Horizon View Dr Las Cruces, NY 88011 575-522-4312 jtzinlc@gmail.com
791 Terrapin Court Concord, CA 94518 jkzepeda@gmail.com
Zertuche, Citlali
Zevallos Wilfredo N
Zewdy, Mahlet
2317 Sapphire Ridge Way Reno, NV 89523 mzewdy@nevada.unr.edu
Zhou, Wendy W (S)
2800 Speakman Dr Mississauga L5K 2R7 Canada 647-923-7659 robandcheryl93@bell.net
320 Chesterfield Ln Vernon Hills, IL 60061 zirzowcj@appstate.edu
Zuffoletti, Isabella (S)
112 Sage Hen Drive Lewistown, MT 59457 831-334-4833 enzinn@gmail.com
Zirzow, Christian (IM)
1500 Illinois St Golden, CO 80401 303-384-2182 wzhou@mines.edu
Zinn, Erik N (S)
275 S. Bryn Mawr Avenue, Apt K-20 Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 215-872-9481, Stets@sas.upenn.edu
Zekoff, Greg
Zepeda, Jacob Peter
43885 South Grimmer Blvd Fremont, CA 94538 510-668-4452 douglas.young@acwd.com
Yuan, Stephen
9670 SW Eagle Ln Beaverton, OR 97008 575-654-4497 twythes@gmail.com
Xeidakis George S
17991 Fitch Irvine, CA 92614 949-633-4861 lyost@nmggeo.com
Young, Emma M
Zavodni, Zavis M
Zellmer, John T
145 Robinhood Dr Christiansburg, VA 24073 804-898-5515 jryoung3@vt.edu
7756 Northcross Dr, Ste 211 Austin, TX 78757 512-453-3733 rwyman@baereng.com
Wythes, Thomas
P.O. Box 57 Pine Level, NC 27568 919-631-3218 brad.worley@summitde.net
March 2020
Wykoff, Jeffrey
415 East 11th Street Rolla, MO 65401 660-864-3362 emydk4@mst.edu
17532 Luther Ave IRVINE, CA 92614 949-689-6961 jeff.wykoff@cncement.org
Woosley, Josh
1123 N 199th St Shoreline, WA 98133 206-542-6682 wratten@uw.edu
17991 Fitch Irvine, CA 92614 949-442-2442 tltwright@yahoo.com
341 Home Place Dr easley, SC 29640 864-293-5496 cwoody9@uncc.edu
Wratten, Lizzie
Wright, Terri T
315 Summit Ave, Apt C11 Canonsburg, PA 15317 724-328-4789 rachelyesenchak@yahoo.com
Young, Douglas T (S)
239 Lafayette Street, Apt 5 Salem, MA 1970 r_wright3@salemstate.edu
17425 NE Union Hill Rd, Ste 250 Redmond, WA 98052 425-861-6012 cwoodworth@geoengineers.com
Wozab, David H
Wright, Rebecca Jeannette
535 E 12th Ave Salt Lake City, UT 84103 801-560-4448 zzavodni@i-mines.com
5621 Arctic Blvd Anchorage, AK 99518 907-952-2832 eyarmak@arcticfoundations.com
Yost, Lynne (FM)
6549 E Buckeye Ave Fresno, CA 93727 559-473-1878 kwright@bskassociates.com
Woodward, Alexandre F
Yandle, Matt
Yesenchak, Rachel (FM)
Wright, Kyle Thayne
Yamamoto-Hillman, Casey
Yarmak, Edward (FM)
Zapata, Jessy 9316 N Charlotte Ct Kansas City, MO 64155 816-778-2021 jazvdb@mail.umkc.edu
1680 Salty Creek Ln Johns Island, SC 29455 mtyandl@clemson.edu
108 Pattterson Street Fort Mill, SC 29715 843-412-0411 kerrywnc@gmail.com
5400 Old Poole Road Raleigh, NC 27610 252-902-9209 swoods@stewartinc.com
Worley, Bradley D
Wright, Kerry
4360 Neosho Ave Los Angeles, CA 90066 310-308-2980 caseyyama@gmail.com
6519 E Milan Pl Denver, CO 80237 720-325-4222 jewright71@gmail.com
Woodley, Josh
Woodworth, Carla
17 Glen Oaks Ct Old Bridge, NJ 8857 973-489-8717 jalisew@gmail.com
Yadon, Douglas M 1601 Prospect Pkwy, Ste 120 Fort Collins, CO 80525 303-549-0610 douglas.yadon@aecom.com
8040 Excelsior Dr, Ste 303 Madison, WI 53717 608-695-3651 cwright@gfnet.com
8615 SW Maverick Terrace, Apt 406 Beaverton, OR 97008 831-236-0696 jasonwoodcock@yahoo.com
Woods, Stephen Jay
1275 First Street Earhart Hall, Box 876 West Lafayette, IN 47906 bzuffoletti@gmail.com
Zakariah, Muhammad Noor Amin Bin (IM) Department of Geosciences, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Seri Iskandar 32610 Malaysia 60-168186722 nooramin.zakariah@utp.edu.my
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
2020 Chapter Officers Alaska Chair
Eric Cannon
Brian Mullen
University of Alaska – Fairbanks (October 1985) Margaret Darrow (mmdarrow@alaska.edu), Dept. of Geological Engineering, PO Box 755800, Fairbanks, AK 99775
Atlanta Chair
Steven Stokowski
Matthew Howe
University of West Georgia (April 2015) Randa Harris, Chair (rharris@westga.edu), Geosciences Dept., 1601 Maple St., Carrollton, GA 30118 678-839-4056
Carolinas Web Page: www.aegcarolinas.org Chair
Susan Avritt
Walt Plekan
North Carolina State University (September 2009) Del Bohnenstiel (delwayne_bohnenstiehl@ncsu.edu), Dept. of Earth, Atmosphere and Marine Science, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-8208
University of North Carolina at Charlotte (April 2009) Jake Armour (jarmour@uncc.edu), Earth Sciences Undergraduate Coordinator, Dept. of Geography & Earth Sciences, UNC Charlotte, McEniry 324, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223-0001
Wake Tech Community College (April 2015) Gretchen Miller (glmiller@waketech.edu), Associate Professor Geology, 9101 Fayetteville Rd., Raleigh, NC 27603
AEG FOUNDATION – 28 YEARS STRONG Since 1992, the AEG Foundation has awarded more than 300 Scholarships and Grants with a total value of over $400,000! JOIN THE AEG FOUNDATION AND INVEST IN THE FUTURE OF YOUR PROFESSION! www.aegfoundation.org
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
Chicago Chair
Chris Stohr
Andrew Stumpf
Michigan Technological University (Fall 2011) Jillian E. Votava (jevotava@mtu.edu), Dept. of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, 630 Dow Environmental and Sciences Bldg., 1400 Townsend Dr., Houghton, MI 49931-1295
Purdue University (February 1979) Terry R. West (trwest@purdue.edu), Dept. of Geosciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907
University of Wisconsin-Madison (Spring 2001) Craig Benson (benson@engr.wisc.edu), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Geological Engineering – College of Engineering, 2308a Engineering Hall, 1415 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI 53706
DC-Maryland-Virginia Web Page: www.aeg-bwh.org Chair
R. Drew Thomas
John Garber
Richard Hoover
Brian Beckfield
James Madison University (April 2015) Yonathan Admassu (admassyx@jmu.edu), Dept. of Geology & Environmental Science, 395 South High St., MSC 6903, Harrisonburg, VA 22807
Radford University (April 1990) Chester (Skip) Watts (aeg-web@runet.edu), Dept. of Geology, Radford, VA 24142
Great Basin Chair
Merrily Graham
Chris Betts
University of Nevada at Reno (June 1978) John Louie (louie@seismo.unr.edu), Mackay School of Mines, University of Nevada at Reno, Seismology MS 0174, 1664 N. Virginia St., Reno, NV 89557
CHAPTER CHAIRS: Make sure your Chapter is represented in the July issue of AEG News! Send in your submission by May 31. See page 1 for Submission Information and a link to our full guidelines.
March 2020
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Greater Pittsburgh Chair/Treasurer
Heather Krivos
California University of Pennsylvania (April 2015) Kyle Fredrick (fredrick@calu.edu), Eberly College of Science and Technology, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Eberly Science and Technology Bldg., Room 160, 250 University Ave., Box 55, California, PA 15419
Kent State University (April 1985) Abdul Shakoor (ashakoor@kent.edu), Dept. of Geology, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242
Inland Empire Chair
Frank Jordan
Mark Doerschlag
951-776-0345 x 216 geofantasy@aol.com
Kansas City–Omaha Chair
Jenna Mead
James Dunahue
University of Missouri – Kansas City (Fall 2008) Dr. Jejung Lee (leej@umkc.edu), Dept. of Geosciences, University of Missouri-Kansas City, 5100 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110
Lower Mississippi Valley Chair
Lance Yarbrough
Frank Heitmuller
Millsaps College (Sept. 2012) Stanley Galicki (galics@millsaps.edu), 1701 N State St., Jackson, MS 39210, 601-974-1000
Mississippi State University (April 2005) Darrel W. Schmitz (schmtiz@geosci.msstate.edu), Dept. of Geosciences, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762
University of Mississippi (2019) Lance Yarbrough (ldyarbro@olemiss.edu), PO Box 1848, University, MS 38677
The University of Southern Mississippi (May 2013) Frank Heitmuller (Franklin.Heitmuller@usm.edu), Dept. of Geography and Geology, 118 College Drive #5018, Hattiesburg, MS 39406-5051
Contact your local CHAPTER for opportunities to NETWORK and LEARN! This is YOUR AEG! 82
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
Mile High Web Page: www.aegmilehigh.org Chair
James Arthurs
Jill Carlson
Colorado School of Mines (April 1984) Paul M. Santi (psanti@mines.edu), Dept. of Geology & Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (April 1983) Kurt Katzenstein (kurt.katzenstein@sdsmt.edu) and Foster Sawyer (foster.sawyer@sdsmt.edu), Dept. of Geology and Geological Engineering, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD 57701
Nashville Chair
Thomas Ballard
Mark Elson
Brad Miller
Mir Fazlul Karim
New England New York-Philadelphia Chair
Jim Peterson
Niall Henshaw
Rutgers University-Newark (2017) Alexander Gates (agates@rutgers.edu), Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 101 Warren Street, Rm. 136, Newark, NJ 07102
University of Pennsylvania Chad Freed (chfreed@widener.edu), College of Liberal and Professional Studies Office, 3440 Market Street, Suite 100, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Widener University (April 2015) Dr. Chad Freed (chfreed@widener.edu), College of Arts & Sciences, Science Division, Kirkbride Hall, Room 323, Chester, PA 19013-1691
Nisqually Chair
Trevor Contreras
Ashley Cabibbo
Adam Flege
Paula Manning
Ohio River Valley Web Page: www.aegohiorv.org
March 2020
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Oregon Web Page: www.aegoregon.org Chair
Ben George
Nancy Calhoun
Portland State University (October 1992) Scott Burns (BurnsS@pdx.edu), Dept. of Geology, Portland State University, PO Box 751, Portland, OR 97207-0751
Phoenix Web Page: www.azaeg.org Chair
Justin Thomas
Leon van Paassen
University of Arizona (February 1979) Brian Gary (bdgary@email.arizona.edu), College of Science Administration, PO Box 210077, 1040 E. Fourth Street, Rm. 1025, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721-0077
Puget Sound Web Page: www.aegpugetsound.org Chair
Tait Russell
Conner Toth
Central Washington University (Fall 2014) Jeffrey Lee, (jeff@geology.cwu.edu), Dept. of Geological Sciences, 400 E. University Way, Ellensburg, WA 98926
University of Washington (Fall 2014) Kathy Troost (ktroostaeg@gmail.com), University of Washington, Earth and Space Sciences Dept., Box 351310, Seattle, WA 98195-1310
Western Washington University (Fall 2011) Robert Mitchell (robert.mitchell@geol.wwu.edu), Geology Dept., Bellingham, WA 98225
Sacramento Web Page: aegsacto.wordpress.com Chair
John Murphy
Chase White
California State University at Sacramento (April 1987) Tim Horner (hornertc@saclink.csus.edu), Geology Dept., California State University at Sacramento, 6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95819-2694
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
San Francisco Bay Area Web Page: www.aegsf.org Chair
Julien Cohen-Waeber
David Abbott
San Jose State University (February 1980) John W. Williams (williams@geosun.sjsu.edu), Dept. of Geology, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA 95192
University of California - Berkeley (2013) Julien Cohen-Waeber (jwaeber@berkeley.edu), Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 760 Davis Hall, University of California, Berkeley, 94720-1710
San Joaquin Valley Chair
Jerome DeGraff
Richard Fink
Matt Pendleton
Alison M. Franco
Jerry King
Gabrielle Boisrame
Southern California Web Page: www.aegsc.org
Southern Nevada Web Page: www.aegsnv.org
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (April 2005) Tomo Austin (austint@unlv.nevada.edu), Dept. of Geoscience, Lilly Fong Geoscience (LFG), 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154, 702-292-2388
St. Louis Web Page: www.aegstl.org Chair
Stephanie Kline-Tissi
Ed Jones
Missouri University of Science and Technology (May 1970) Victoria Watson (vewvz2@mst.edu), Dept. of Geological & Petroleum Engineering, 129 McNutt Hall, Missouri University of Science & Technology, Rolla, MO 65409-0230
March 2020
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Texas Chair
Pat Frost
Leigh Grover
Stephen Norair
Stephen F. Austin State University (Fall 2011) Kevin W. Stafford (staffordk@sfasu.edu), Dept. of Geology, PO Box 13011, SFA Station, Nacogdoches, TX 75962
University of Texas – Arlington (April 2014) Qinhong “Max” Hu (maxhu@uta.edu), Dept. of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Rm. 107, Geoscience Bldg., 500 Yates St., PO Box 19049, Arlington, TX 76019
University of Houston (2013) Regina Capuano (capuano@uh.edu), Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, 312 Science and Research, Bldg. 1, Houston, TX 77204
Univeristy of Texas – San Antonio (April 2015) Jeffrey S. Neathery (jeffrey.neathery@utsa.edu), Dept. of Geological Sciences, Flawn Bldg., One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249
Utah Chair
Paul Jewell
Jon Hermance
Brigham Young University (April 2014) Gregory T. Carling (greg.carling@byu.edu), Dept. of Geological Sciences, S 389 ESC, Provo, UT 84602
The University of Utah (Fall 2000) Paul Jewell (paul.jewell@utah.edu), University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Utah Valley University (Fall 2011) Daniel Horns (hornsda@uva.edu), Dept. of Earth Science, 800 W University Pkwy., MS-179, Orem, UT 84058-5999
CHAPTER OFFICERS: PROMOTE your CHAPTER by submitting an article to the HomeFront and/or Field Trip sections of AEG News. See page 1 for Submission Information and a link to our full guidelines.
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
2020 Chapter Membership At Large Full Member Chris Braaten Margaret Darrow Brendan Fisher Susan A Green James Joyce Alan K Kuhn William Loskutoff Paul A Metz
Honorary Member Frank Netterberg Kerry Sieh
International Member Abd Rasid Jaapar Frederick J Baynes Peter T Bobrowsky Martin G Culshaw Francisco N De Jorge Issa W El-Hussain Clark Fenton Peter C Friz Marc Hendrickx Richard E Jackson Alejandro Lomoschitz Paul G Marinos Kristofer Marsch Ibrahim Adewuyi Oyediran Sundras Pather Darryl Pongracz Ricardo J Rocca Kerry Smith Joseline Soledad Tapia Tamer Topal Robert Young
International Student Member Alexandru Badescu Nazzareno Diodato Bate Elvis Ebot Chukwuebuka O Emeh Greg Gambino Md Tanvir Hasan T Kajol Vignesh Murugesan Emmanuel A Owosuyi Badal Pokharel Oluseun Sanuade
Life Member Aime Bensoussan Myles A Carter
Senior Emeritus Member David H Stapledon John L Hoelle Robert A Larson Robin Mackellar Owen L White George S Xeidakis
March 2020
Student Member Zach Dellinger Rebecca Edgell Clarissa Escamilla Katrina Ferry Nicholas Ferry Nadine L Grambling Tyler Grambling Katelyn Kring Brandon Maples Christopher A McFarland Kathryn L Mudica Joyata Raval Emily Ross Anna Carolinas Thompson Francheska A Torruellas Luke M Weidner Austin Wise
Alaska Full Member Eric C Cannon Margaret Darrow Birgit Hagedorn Peter Hardcastle Jeremiah E Holland William Loskutoff Paul A Metz Debasmita Misra Brian M Mullen Robert M Pintner Edward Yarmak
Full Member
Affiliate Member
Gary Bible Steven B Fradkin Dirk Grahl David Anthony Hannam Bronnie A Hartman Kevin R Hayes James A Heller Matthew R Howe Ronald Kaufmann John H Raymer David M Rogers Roberto Luis Sanchez Sam Santoso Karl E Schuler Steven J Stokowski Darby Victoria Tinson Terry L Vines David Wilshaw Ronald D Wood
Todd Elmore Benjamin Whitley
International Student Member Faisal Adams Sandeep Panchal
Life Member Roberta L Jennings William E Collins
Senior Emeritus Member
International Student Member Oluwatobi Aiyelokun Lucas Nascimento Braga Alexander J Marshall Fatima Mehmood Javed Miandad Bakht Razikhan
Life Member Raymond A Kreig
Post Graduate Full Member Josselynn Schneider-Curry
Student Member Samuel G Altenberger Chris Carr Ryan Daniels Mahadev Dev Mary Ann Gilgallon Elizabeth M LaDouceur Victoria A Nelson Alan Pasikowski Gemma Winston
John C Bowman Jr. Robert C Freas Charles R Livingston John R Ritter Gregory B Siegner David H Wozab
Student Member Max Edward Deckman Lisa Duong Rebeckah S Hufstetler John N McCue Christopher A McFarland Tony Moraes Sara Ann Ramos Anik Kerry Regan Robert Reid Melissa Stastny Claire Webster
Teacher Member Claudia Teresa Assini Randa Harris Joseph Hughart
Full Member Frank Amend Susan Avritt Brian Keith Banks Jennifer B Bauer DelWayne R Bohnenstiehl Susan Buchanan Doug Canavello Brian E Chew Rebecca M Deal Robert K Dennis James Dodson Briget C Doyle Tom Dunham David Ebinger Sean Fitzgerald John H Gagnon Walter C Gerald Madeline German Jonathan D Gerst Jane H Gill-Shaler Dana J Goodnight Michael S Hall Thomas Hatton Jacob Andrew Hollander Mark Hosler Jacob D Hundl George Matthews James Jason M Jomp Daphne M Jones Richard A Kolb Thomas L Lammons Mark Landis Robert H Livermon Darren R Lockhart Joshua Lopez Henry W Lyon George Y Maalouf Raymond S Marchant Steve Mason Dru Miller James W Mize Nathan Mohs Dillon M Nance Arpita Nandi Alan D Nelson Dan P Osbourne Cyrus Parker Charles R Pastrana Walt Plekan Robin E Reed Brian R Reinicker Jason Todd Ricks Gary D Rogers David M Sackett Jacob L Sarna Malcolm F Schaeffer
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Brett C Smith Joan Smyth Jim Stroud Robert R Thompson Zachary R Tidmore Michael L Vaught Paul M Weaver Richard Newton Webb Charles Tyler Wenner Scott Werley Martin J Woodard Bradley D Worley Kerry Wright Darby Victoria Tinson Alani Phillip
Life Member Robert P. Cannon
Post Graduate Full Member David Korte Melissa A Magno Jenna K Miller Christopher Orr Vani Singh
Senior Emeritus Member Gery F Anderson Neil J Gilbert Ivan K Gilmore William L Moore Calvin H Swan Charles W Welby
Student Member Remy Adrian Susan Elizabeth Allison Rachel Atkins Caleb Auten Amanda Badey Logan J Beard Austin A Bell Ney Berroa Sarah Brooker Colby Brown Patrick Brown Josh S Brumagin Austin Bruner Austin Burnett Blake Lawrence Butcher Shelby Chester Paul Coffey Ryn Elizabeth Conniff Amanda M Crenshaw Megan Crouch David Cummins Marissa A Dellinger Zachary Dellinger Allison Dombrowski Matthew W Ellison Abigail G Fancher Lori Farley Samantha Farmer 87
2020 DIRECTORY Madelyn Fleming Hailey B Galit Casey Gilleland Erika Goforth Daniel Gray Nickolas Guarneri McKenzie Sutton Hamilton Sarah Harris Emma Grace Heavener Kimberly Henning Daniel Holder Julianna Horgan Ronikka A Hubert William Jarvis Mallory Jordan Benjamin Kelly Montana Kruske Megan M Larson Dakota M Little Mati G Maltba Emily McElveen Robert McSweeney Cesar A Mendiola Amber Millett Ryan Monico Molina T Niphol Heather S Oakes Thomas A O’Shea Marcy Reiford Christina Roundtree Jacob C Rudolph Ciara Ann Sailar Corey Scheip Johnny Serencsics Erica Simmons Lindsay Sims Benjamin T Sipple Charles Skiptunas Anthony Stevens Garrett Strawn Eric Teabo Sarah Thompson Sarah Anne Todd Aldair Torres-Navarro Mai Vang Bobby L Vaughan Javier Ventura Lily Katherine Vowels Annelise N Waling John Wall Patrick Webster Sarah Brook Wells Rachel Whiteman Emily Brooke Williams Benjamin L Wooddell Charles Woody Matt Yandle Christian Zirzow
Teacher Member Jake Armour Andy R Bobyarchick Simon Ghanat Gretchen Miller Karl William Wegmann
Carli Lynn Schmidt Chandan Kumar Christopher M Calvelage Conner Carpenter Cyrus Ella Fried Girish Kumar Hannah J Veldhuizen Imelda Romero Isabella Zuffoletti James Haydock Jenna Grace Paulsen Jeremy R Nederbo Jimmy Papadopoulos Jordan Ewing Josh David Katie Mandera Kevin P McBride Lucy J Dykhouse Lucy Brown Luke J Schranz Madeleine I Frank Maisara Sallehuddin Mariliis Eensalu Maxwell A Stange Maxwell Montana Michael Troedel Oscar Coronel Robert Hunt Ryan Dudar Valerie Voisin Wira Asraf Ismail Zoe Engle
Chicago Affiliate Member Barry R Doyle Julian Rueda
Full Member Lanette Altenbach Steven C Anderson Jean M Bahr Robert A Bauer John H Berry Matt Bizjack Kimberly Blomker Douglas Bruner Patricia M Bryan Chase Christenson David Franc Michelle L Freimund David T Heidlauf Charles D Hubbard Liviu M Iordache Jon I Isaacson Dan Kelleher Hannah Maas Bernard Markunas Alan R Mathews Daniel O’Connell Thomas Oommen Rosann Park-Jones Clifford R Pollock Adam Prochaska Gregory R Reuter Kevin S Richards Laura L Sanders Roger D Sharpe Kimberly Shiroodi Christopher J Stohr Peter Stump Andrew Stumpf Renee Wawczak Glenn H Wittman Clifford C Wright
Teacher Member Aranzazu P Llamas
DC-MarylandVirginia Affiliate Member Jau S Jin Ashley Jewell Miller Michael Perlow Jr
Honorary Member
Full Member
Theodore R Maynard Terry R West
Post Graduate Full Member Lauren N Schaefer Megan R M Brown
Senior Emeritus Member Jean E Bogner Mary S Coates William G Dixon Paul B DuMontelle Robert P Kewer
Student Member Aaron Pate Andrew A Aken Audrey Cook Ben Jahnke Brian Buchanan Brock Howell Brooke Dykstra
Andrew Kassoff Ben Like Brendan Fisher Brynn Harris Charles H Rhine Charles L Saunders Cheryl P Gannon Chester F Watts David M Sackett David K Miller Diego Martin Gonzalez Douglas Bruner Eric D Eisold Gerry L Stirewalt Helen L Delano James A Deane James R Hall Jeffrey H Mitchell Jeremiah N Greenland Jeremy S Robinson Joseph F Whittle Joseph W Fonash
Kenneth R Megginson Laura Flint Lisa Schleicher Mark E Cox Martin J Woodard Marty Goff Matthew W Anderson Michael A Knight Michael G Sholley Patrick Hastings Paul J Headland Peter Vogel Philip W Klinedinst Richard A Hoover Robert Kenneth Denton Ronald D Thomas Steven H Brandon Susan A Green Vida Golubovic Vistasp Dalal William M Roman Yonathan Admassu
Honorary Member Barry Voight
International Student Member Oluseyi A Abegunde Jeng Hann Chong Emily Whately
Post Graduate Full Member
Great Basin Affiliate Member Gary M Norris
Emeritus Member Jonathan G Price
Full Member Chris D Betts Nance Card Chad Carlson Craig M DePolo Rick Erdman Shawn K Gooch Anna H Henke Joshua Holle John (Jake) K Hudson George T Lightwood John Louie Justin McDougal Joseph Earl McKinney Kenneth L Myers Kelsey Sherrard David Sullivan Dan Taranik Robert J Watters
International Student Member Opu Sareker Christophe W Simbo
Life Member
Christopher Seong
Gary C Luce
Senior Emeritus Member
Post Graduate Full Member
William J Baldwin Thomas A Dumper David F Fenster Raymond S Lambert John S Moore Charles F Sutphen Dermot M Winters
Student Member Kevin Andrade Camille Thy Do Ryan Richard Dodd Samantha Farmer Alexia Kiara Hilario Jonathan Gershon Jacobson Gilberto Martinez Jonah S Neri Amy K Plechacek Guy Edward Rawls Loukas Rimanelli Brittany Umphlett Leanne Wiskemann James Young
Mary Kate Stewart
Senior Emeritus Member Patrick A Glancy Elaine J Hanford
Student Member Elaine J Hanford Patrick A Glancy Cassandra R Ehleringer Nolan R Greth James Ingraffia Joe S Maldonado Justine Overacker Kathleen Rodrigues Kaleb A Salas Destany Vargas Laura Varone Brent Welsh Spencer Whitman
Teacher Member Michael Gardner
Teacher Member Donald C Helm
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
Greater Pittsburgh Full Member Richard A Barringer Timothy R Basilone Mitchell Brourman Heather L Campbell Kimberly D Davidson James Ellis Ryan W Fandray John K Felbinger Ronald L Frew Howard W Gault Jeremiah N Greenland Joseph Houk Andrew Jinkens David L Knott Richard Lenz Chelsea Lyle John P Malizia Matt Mitchell Wendy True Noe Michael A Piepenburg Aleksandar Prvanovic Jeremy S Robinson Richard M Ruffolo Jeffrey A Sacre Nathan R Saraceno Ira D Sasowsky Robert J Turka Nichole J Vetter Steven M Vinci Michael P Wilson
Honorary Member Richard E Gray James V Hamel Abdul Shakoor
International Student Member Parth G Shah
Life Member Dale C Andrews Matthew B Morris Charles H Trautmann
Senior Emeritus Member Bernard Erlin Brian H Greene Stephen T Hornbeck Ronald H Mullennex James D Smith Dennis M Stidinger
Student Member Andrew Braun Patrick Edward Creek Melissa Griffore Angelina Han Benjamin Hedin Hayden Heinrich Erika Danielle Hiwiller Morgan Jones Christopher Kelly
March 2020
Margaret Kroehler Emilee Rose Leydig Thomas Joseph Merendino Cissy Li Ming Khang Q Nguyen Katharina Nicole Nankratz Timothy Andrew Reed Lauren Jessica Rockwell Jenna Theis Mary K Tkach Kayla L Warhola Claire Webster Rachel Yesenchak
Teacher Member Kyle Fredrick Tej P Gautam Thomas G Leech
Inland Empire Full Member Karin Burger Kerry D Cato Michael O Cook Mark G Doerschlag Richard F Escandon Todd A Greer Ken Haase Douglass Johnston Ed LaMont Robert Lemmer John S McKeown Robert Riha Donn C Schwartzkopf Mark S Spykerman Andrew A Tardie Gary W Wallace
International Student Member Nalan Simsek
Post Graduate Full Member
International International Member James Joyce Frank Netterberg Oliver B Barker Harold T Bartle Frederick J Baynes Manuel Bello La Puerta Peter T Bobrowsky Frits Christiansen Federico Cognigni Martin G Culshaw Chris Ebeling Wallis D Evans Shaqour Fathi Peter C Friz John L Hoelle Les Holland-Muter D Jean Hutchinson Olusegun Omoniyi Abd Rasid Jaapar Richard E Jackson Luis Ricardo Jaimes Palomera Derek Kinakin Paul G Marinos Kseniia Nepeina Philip Paige-Green Sundras Pather Darryl Pongracz Ricardo J Rocca yasuhito sasaki Adrian J Sillito Alla Skaskevych Elvina Tam Joseline Soledad Tapia Tamer Topal Johann Van Der Merwe Gerrie van Jaarsveld Jan Louis Van Rooy Robert Young Muhammad Noor Amin Bin Zakariah Wilfredo N. Zevallos
Jessie Bagby Jorge D Gonzalez
International Student Member
Student Member
Oluwatobi Aiyelokun Deborah O Ajibola Adeola Olanrewaju Akinrinmade Jamiu A Aladejana Abd Alrahman Mostafa Kamel Alsaddik Hedrain Boma-Li-Poathy Chukwuebuka O Emeh Ifeanyi Eze Greg Gambino Adegboye Olalekan Habeeb Ankita Pandurang Katkar Junaid Khan Akbar - khodavirdizadeh Raphael I Maduka Vignesh Murugesan Rogelio JosĂƒ Julio Neder
Johanna Lina Filippa Alen-Bella William Eastman James J Guilinger Anselm Krause Randall Keith Lewallen Emmons McKinney Gamaliel C Pelayo Garrett Llewellyn Stewart Sandra Ukaru
Teacher Member Debbie A Kunath-Leatham Ernest Roumelis
Lawal Usman Olanrewaju Jimmy K Papadopoulos Sadia Alam Shammi Subhash Chander Sharma Mohammed Shibili Tharuvara
Kansas CityOmaha Affiliate Member Scott William Anderson John Anthony Bowling Angela Frizzell
Zonara Nawaz Tori L Rose Christy A Smith-Grifffin Sarah Sperry Kaylee Thomas Adam Wellner Jessy Zapata
Teacher Member Marcia K Schulmeister
Lower Mississippi Valley
Full Member Jeffrey L Binder Brook E Brosi James Dunahue Gary L Felkner Theresa M Ferguson Ronald E Gallagher Mimi R Garstang Nicholas M Geibel Richard J Gentile William J Gilliland Brandon Gomer Douglas S Helmke Kenneth Allen Kopp Tina M Lloyd Leah MacNeill Jenna Mead James E Melland Daniel Miller Robert Ralls Matthew J Rhoades Joshua J Sales Charles G Spencer Aaron L Steigerwalt Shane A Strope John F Szturo Brad C Vincent Julie WestHoff Michael A Williams
Life Member Paul L Hilpman
Post Graduate Full Member
Full Member Gary (Tommy) Dunlap David M Patrick James R Spencer Charlie Wildman
Life Member James H May Darrel W Schmitz
Senior Emeritus Member Wayne C Isphording Thomas M Westbrook
Student Member Reed E Chandler Destiny Crockett Jeremy Foote Amber Morgan Taylor A Patterson Avery Rosenbalm James Andrew Stanford Mississippi S University Shannon Vattikuti Stephen Spencer Wray
Teacher Member Stanley Galicki Franklin Heitmuller
Mile High Affiliate Member Virginia Polonia Kocieda
Stephanie M Caples John Wyatt Walls
Emeritus Member
Senior Emeritus Member
Mark P Dobday Christopher F Erskine Alan Keith Turner
John A Caoile Syed E Hasan James L Kearney Michael T McCawley Bob D Morton Barbara J Smith Mitchell D Smith William J Wayne
Student Member Alexander Thomas Bearden Kieran Bradley Aaron James Galletly
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Full Member Kristi G Ainslie Scott A Anderson James M Arthurs Erin Beach Elizabeth Morley Beckman Jeffrey L Binder Scott C Bourcy Holly A Brunkal Jill M Carlson K M Cline 89
2020 DIRECTORY Anna Crockford David A Cushman Stephen E Dee Lisa Dirth Casey Alexander Dowling Darin R Duran Robert L Duran Kenneth T Feldman Conrad Fischer Hayden Fischer Michelle Franke Julia M Frazier Edwin R Friend Margaret A Ganse Denise C Garcia Nicholas M Geibel David A Glater Christoph M. Goss Jacquelyn Hagbery Judith L Hamilton Brian G Hansen Benjamin D Haugen Douglas S Helmke Richard C Hepworth Alan L Howard Jerald L Jones Todd K Knause Katryn Leone Evan Lindenbach Andrew T Little David W Love Jonathan R Lovekin Leah MacNeill Arthur D Martin Robert Mascarenas James P McCalpin Thomas McComb Shane W McWilliams Kevin T Mininger Timothy E Mower David C Noe Stephanie Park Christopher Pederson Bruce D Peterman Andrew Pruett Alvaro Puente Erica Lindsey Ragland Carolyn Randolph Loar Jesse Reinikainen John F Sawyer Stephen Semmens Peter Shaffner Justin C. Snyder Thomas P Stefansky Thomas A Terry Jack A Touseull Ana Vargo Brad C Vincent Cassandra Wagner Scott R Walker Jonathan L White Sylvia White James E Wright Douglas M Yadon Wendy W Zhou
Maria R Skarzynski Carly Smith Matthew Tello Luke M Weidner Regan M Wess
Honorary Member Robert L Schuster Susan Steele Weir Robert M Valentine
New England Affiliate Member Marco D Boscardin
International Student Member
Teacher Member
Seunghoo Kim Christophe W Simbo
Andria P Ellis Kurt W Katzenstein Larry D Stetler
Patrick J Barosh Ken Bradley Mark P Dobday Richard M Lane
Full Member
Life Member David W Bieber Robert M Kirkham Dorian E Kuper Paul M Santi Scott H Winters
Full Member
Post Graduate Full Member Megan R.M. Brown Amber G Brusak Gary Peltack Caleb Ring Jake Weems
Senior Emeritus Member Samuel R Bartlett Charles W Campbell Ed Church John E Cronin Jerry S Dodd John W Doty Rhea L Graham Linda M Hadley Jerry D Higgins Eric Hubbard Marion L Maderak Michael T McCawley Wayne E McIntosh Stan Stan Mitchem Ralph G Mock Dennis Rubin Neil R Sherrod William K Smith John T Zellmer
Jeffrey L Albert Michael A Arles Thomas E Ballard Vanessa Bateman Gary Bible Joshua Robert Bolling Katherine Clifton Mark S Elson Bradley A High Caitlan Howard Matthew Huebner John W Leffew Thomas McComb Bruce Rogers Chelsea Sachs Karl E Schuler Joshua Shinpaugh Nathan D Williams
International Student Memeber Oluseyi A Abegunde Deborah O Ajibola Jamiu A Aladejana Hedrain Boma-Li-Poathy Chidinma N Chukwu Onoiseide S Isinugben Raphael I. Maduka Silindokuhle Majola Mensah Richard Gabriel Segun
Student Member Rami Abousleiman Clayton Brown Kim A Cone Brittany Coupe Johanna S Eidmann Marika Rose Feduschak Kaylee R Frazier Celine Gill Andrew Graber Amanda Greenwalt Mitchell Grimm Jacob Jones Irene Kadel-Harder Ashton J Krajnovich Linan Liu Ogochukwu Ozotta Victor J Parziale John Pulick Kyle Radach Carson Reimers Samuel J Rumel
Life Member William C Paris
Senior Emeritus Member Joe De Beer Frank W Swartz
Student Member Jordan Patrick Burgess Nathan Burkholder Taryn Nicole Hicks Will Hodges Blake Oswell LaDouceur Jennifer McLean Chance J Morris Priya Patel Lily Poteete Victoria Elizabeth Senn Tina Silverman Andrew Scott Tadsen Hamed Tohidi
Emeritus Member
Mike Apfelbaum Mario Carnevale Chad R Conti David Cregger Ryan Crosbie Herbert H Einstein Esad Fazlic Molly Greer Jutta L Hager Kayleen Jalkut Christopher Kelley Jones Mir Fazlul Karim Wayne E Kilker Clifford R Lippitt Simon J McGrath Dennis V Milechin Kathryn Murdock Stephen S Potts David J Scarpato Rosemary A Schmidt Carol F Sweet Philip Villeneuve Matthew Charles Winslow Bradley Wolfe
International Student Member Atanas Kimani Wainaina
Life Member David S Campbell Arthur H Stukey
Post Graduate Full Member William Clifton Bartlett Elise Jillian Farrington
New YorkPhiladelphia Affiliate Member Michael Perlow Jr
Full Member Laura Brinkerhoff Donald P Campbell Emmanuel Charles Thomas C Cumello Rose DeLorenzo John N Dougherty Martin Ebel Amanda Forsburg Laurel M Galm Robert Garfield Samuel W Gowan Amber Granger Sean Groszkowski Thomas Hatton J. Scott Horn Jay Horvath Timothy J Hull John Jimenez Stephen A Johnson Joseph S Kosinski Lauren LaPort Loren R Lasky George L Marshall Matthew J McMillen Steven Muller Michael Newton Madhusudan M Patel Erik Person William K Petersen Douglas Rudenko Eric R Schlauch Curtis A Schmidt James Sousa Jessica Stearns Joseph Torlucci Theodoros Toskos Ross Trube Alan Uminski Dru Wilbur
Life Member
Senior Emeritus Member
Cecil E Hollon
Arthur G Lazarus Jr. William J Mallio Leo G Martin
Senior Emeritus Member
Student Member Cameron Joseph Christie Kelsey Duffy Katherine O’Leary Colby Rand Natalie Jayne Waters Rebecca Jeannette Wright
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Haig F Kasabach Joseph J Lifrieri Charles F Sutphen
Student Member Tazrin Ahmed Nikita Bendre Jeremy Caparotta Alex Castelo Bridget C Craig John D DeFelice Kellie Gunning Eric Hoffmann Danielle Hurst Arjan Kloet Darlene Lehman March 2020
2020 DIRECTORY Keith Martin Fred Montgomery Mohamed Omer Katherine N Rodriguez Ethan Siegenthaler Shemeka K Tennant Anna Ternova Kathleen M Vasconcelos Gissela Vega Jalise Wright Stephen Yuan
International Student Member
Teacher Member
Student Member
Nazrul I Khandaker
Raghad Algbory Michael John Braunagel Katrina Ferry Maggie M Hayden Sarah Johnson Ashton Alexis Killen Taylor Klingel Lauren Josephine Kouri Namitha Kumar Zachary James Loffer Ashley Marie Monroe Emma Palko Jada Rushing Mackenzie A Rutherford Tim Severson Kourosh Tamizdoust
Nisqually Emeritus Member Richard Garrison
Full Member Tom C Badger Andrew Brownell Ashley Cabibbo Trevor Contreras Samantha Denham William C Gates James E Hay Kara Jacobacci Michael F Piechowski William C Robinson Keith S Schembs Eric L Smith James R Struthers Gabriel Taylor
Post Graduate Full Member Tiffany Justice Kimberly Tidd Loyd Travis West
Justine Paul Berina
Senior Emeritus Member David W Carpenter C D Elifrits Stephen T Hornbeck James E Hough David A Lienhart Charles S Rucker
Patrick T. Pringle
Ohio River Valley Full Member John D Beam Jr. Kristen Enzweiler Sharon Erichsen John P Malizia John S Nealon Karen L Royce Erik Schuller John David Spears
March 2020
Allen B Agnew Mavis D Kent Gary E Van Houten
Affiliate Member
Post Graduate Full Member
Arthur C Martin Jr Dorothea Peavy
Emeritus Member
Full Member
Teacher Member
Life Member
Kenneth G Neal Timothy J Walsh
Samuel McAllister Angel Crystal Lambert Isaac Pope
Scott F Burns
Madan Maharjan Thomas L Rice
Edward G Busby Thomas C Pierson
Student Member
Honorary Member
Teacher Member
Senior Emeritus Member
John E Jenkins Kathleen A Jordan Daniel Knapp Ericka Koss Greta Krost H. Tom Kuper Anne MacDonald Michael S Marshall David Michael Aine Mines Eric Oberbeck Jason O’Donnell Jen Pepe Brian C Ranney Beth K Rapp Adam J Reese William C Robinson Brooke K Running John W Sager Susan C Shaw Tim D Shevlin Erick J Staley Mark Swank Nikos Tzetos Nora Utevsky Dana C Willis Ruth A Wilmoth Thomas Wythes
Douglas A Anderson Andrew Scottmunro Baird Darren Beckstrand Tim Blackwood Scott Braunsten Steven R Bruce Matthew J Brunengo Nancy Calhoun Charles M Clough Robert Creed Kim E Elliott Michael Feves George A Freitag Rowland B French Erik Fulmer Benjamin A George James D Gless Lynn D Green Kyle Haggart Charles M Hammond Jason C Hinkle Christopher C Humphrey
Alex Dill Teresa Hanna Corey Jarrett Tiffany Justice Trey Klopfenstein David LaPorte Jack Reed Powell Christian G Sifford
Curt C Knott Sakiko Knuttila Susan M Konkol Betty Lee Isaac Manju Alex McLean Jessica Moore Hannah Moshinsky Melinda Muckenthaler Faith E Pardini Emily E Smoot Isaak Staats Rachel A Sweeten Allison Trcka Althea Untalan Kyle Warren Evander J Willingham
Teacher Member Jason Woodcock
Phoenix Full Member David S Bardsley James T Barker Thomas F Blake Robert A Cummings Melissa Edwards Deborah J Green Alan K Kuhn Robert S Livermore Scott F Perkins David E Peterson Jesse Reinikainen Andrew J Schirmer Justin Thomas Greg Zekoff
Life Member Ken C Fergason Gary S Rasmussen
Post Graduate Full Member Francisco Garza Corey Jarrett
Senior Emeritus Member
Senior Emeritus Member
Lewis A Gustafson Richard W Reed
Dale E Conover Alexander H Kunzer Lawrence E Phillips
Student Member John Adams Charlie Carr Diane Carrico Shane Clark Alyssa Ruth DeSmit Chanel Leigh Dvorak Josh Eurom Elise Christine Freeman Kyler Freilinger Salvador Garcia Lopez Nicholas Griffith Timothy Hagen Andy Hernandez Robert A Jackson Max Jones
Student Member Christine Burrill Shane Clark Andrew Enns Emily Hermann Austin Hunter Olaiz Josh Woosley
Teacher Member John Kemeny Pinnaduwa Kulatilake Leon Van Paassen
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Puget Sound Affiliate Member Brandy Rinck
Emeritus Member Richard Garrison Marcia Knadle John LaManna Bo McFadden Richard Sylwester
Full Member Elson (Chip) T Barnett Robert Burk Andrew Caneday Trevor Contreras Alison J Dennison Jennifer DiGiulio Jeff Dobbins Thomas Doe Stephanie Earls Stephen H Evans William C Gates Mary V Green Bill Grimm Ulf G Gwildis Allen L Hart Clay Johnson James G Johnson Todd W Johnson Michael J King William T Laprade Peter S Larsen David P Laush William J Lockard David H McCormack Galan W McInelly David K McMillan Amelia McMillin Steven R McMullen Dottie MetcalfLindenburger Michael T Meyer Jim A Miller Thomas F Mullen David L Nelson Amelia Oates Thomas Pallua David S. Parks Judith Radloff Anthony Rice Tait S Russell Alex Rutledge Peter J Sajer Eric L Smith Richard E Smith Taryn Sparacio Jeremy S Strohmeyer Bradley W Thurber Julia E Turney Matthew Von Der Ahe Donald O West Sarah E Wilkinson Kemp David C Williams Carla Woodworth
2020 DIRECTORY Honorary Member John B Noble
Life Member Richard D Eckerlin Dorian E Kuper Mark P Molinari
Post Graduate Full Member Mary Alice Benson Justin L Brooks Martin Riley Cross Kristen Marohl Coire McCabe Joshua Charles Torres Nito Christopher Orr Morgan E Simon Anna Stanczyk Conner H Toth Loyd Travis west Lizzie Wratten
Senior Emeritus Member Dennis D Armstrong Frederick H Becker Stanley C Grant Richard C Kent Jon W Koloski Michael D Malone Timothy J Walsh
Student Member Jerod Aguilar John P Bernard Taryn Black Christian Bourgeois Pamela Brutzkus Emily Bryant Cody Chaussee Charlie Y Chou Teresa Di Leonardo Suzanna Doak Amy Gilliland Logan Schuyler Guillet Jessica Hartman Mitchell Hatfield Andrew Hoff Justin Johnsen Victoria R Johnson Cassi King Esten King Rebekah Krohn Jana Kathleen MacInnis David Jordan Mackay Spencer R Nelson Stephen Novak Jacklyn Perkins Peter Platz Kevin Shionalyn Michael D Turzewski
Teacher Member Robert J Mitchell Kathy G Troost
Sacramento Affiliate Member Laura J Luce
Emeritus Member Robert L Anderson
Full Member Byron C Anderson Will J Arcand Trinda L Bedrossian Joseph G Brusca Matt V Buche Robert Burns Alan Churchill Clayton E Coles Heidi Cummings Shane D Cummings Kit H Custis Harold E Eagle Christian Figueroa John L Finnigsmier David R Gius Julia K Grim Curtis E Hendrick Lauren Hinch Caleb Hinsley Theodor W Hopkins William F Kane Drew G Kennedy Brent Lamkin Scott W Lewis Bradley Loewen Marc R Lombardi Kenneth L Loy Gerald J Marasovich Garry Maurath Timothy P McCrink Keith E Millard William T Mitchell John Thomas Murphy Holly J Nichols William E Nichols Richard M Ortiz Glen S Pearson Rob Pickard Cynthia Pridmore Michael Silva Scott Sochar Patricia L Sutch Jennifer Thornburg David Trench Edward J Uhlir Lynne A Viescas Brad Von Dessonneck Chase A White Coralie P Wilhite
Life Member James W Borchers Bruce R Hilton Robert H Sydnor
Post Graduate Full Member Minda Moe
Senior Emeritus Member Robert J Farina James M Parsons
Student Member Haley Nicole Courser Devon Eckberg Michael Flowers Jack Foran Jazzy M Graham-Davis Renee Hu Adelicia Johnson Zack D Levinson Chris Mills Fernando Morales Christina Pearl Scott Theron Sowers Sean Spencer Nicholas Vasquez James Everette Whitley Josh Woodley
San Francisco Bay Area Affiliate Member Alan Kropp Erik J Newman Chris D Pilson
Emeritus Member Scott E Carson
Full Member Irving D Affeldt Wayne S Akiyama Leonardo Alvarez R. Mark Bailey Scott Ball Mark F Baumann Brian P Bergeron Paul F Bertucci Timothy G Bodkin Rocio Briseno Anna Buising David Burger Julien F Cohen-Waeber William F Cole Steven F Connelly Patrick J Conway Todd A Crampton Gregory Easton Bradley Erskine James N Falls Kenneth C Ferrone G. Reid Fisher Gabriel Fuson Michelle Garcia William H Godwin Myron R Hagen Richard D Harlan James M Herbert David F Hoexter Christopher Hundemer Thomas I Iwamura Courtney B Johnson
Kenneth A Johnson Philip L Johnson Sarah E Kalika Keith I Kelson Frederick C Kintzer Randy E Kirby Steve Klick Tyler C Ladinsky David N Lindberg Robert G Lindblom Justin R Lindeman James W. Lovekin Sydney Maguire Tom McCloskey William V McCormick Peter M Mesard Luis E Moura Dru R Nielson Nicholas Nuno Erik E Olsborg Joshua Michael Osborne Ryan E Padgett Gary M Pischke Jared J Pratt Tristan Rhodes Louis A Richardson Glenn A Romig Gary W Russey Michael Sandecki Kristen Scheller Stephen Schurke Michael K Shimamoto David T Simpson Nicholas Sitar Elias J Steinbuck Christina Tipp Josh Wagner Geoffrey V Waterhouse Donald L Wells Jennifer Wilson Mitchell D Wolfe Douglas T Young Jacob Peter Zepeda Erik N Zinn
Senior Emeritus Member
Honorary Member
Bryant W Platt
Robert E Tepel
Student Member
International Student Member
Michael Robert Hittle Chelsea Hutchens Zaira G Lopez-Narvaez Eraldo Melara Chad K Neptune Chad Kawika Neptune Nathan J Rodriguez Sean Paul Searles Brittany Theilen
Sabri C Akbay Shubham Srivastava
Life Member Lloyd S Cluff William R Cotton John W LaViolette R Rexford Upp John W Williams
David W Abbott Julie A Bawcom Herbert S Bensinger J. Michael Cleary Harold B Goldman Elizabeth L Mathieson Edmund Medley Alan L O’Neill Marc W Seeley Jay L Smith James S Ulrick
Student Member Daniel A Deak Antonio Lua Marcus V Pacheco Tammy Phrakonkham Musa kamel Rashid Brittany Monterey Russo Carlos Saavedra Amanda Voropaeff
Teacher Member Michael Gardner Geoff Hales
San Joaquin Valley Full Member Daniel L Carlson Jerome V De Graff Richard C Fink Alan J Gallegos Bradley Loewen Nobuaki Masutsubo Bruce Myers Christopher J Pluhar Greg Stock Kyle Thayne Wright
Post Graduate Full Member
Post Graduate Full Member Kalia Knoll
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
Southern California Affiliate Member Kenneth Drake James Rowlands Elizette Viramontes Jeffrey Wykoff
Emeritus Member David W Poppler
Full Member Christopher G Amador-French James R Ashby David T Ayres Jane O Baron Steven C Beadle Sally W Bilodeau Paul Bogseth Brandon A Boka Jeffrey D Brown Charles I Buckley Karin Burger Edward L Burrows Gregory S Byrne Alice M Campbell Steven H Campbell Vincent John Carnegie William F Cavan Bruce R Clark Christina L Clark Kevin B Colson Brett G Conner Joseph A Cota Daniel T Daugherty George De Vries Geza Demeter Tom R Devine John Diehl Steve Diem Steven W Draper John D Duffy Richard F Escandon David B Evans Gregory T Farrand Rachel Fischer Scott D Fishburn Michael Fisher John P Franklin Katherine Gabriel Kevin Garcia Richard Gladson Victor Goethals Jonathan Goodmacher Roy W Goodman Razmik H Gozalians Alexander J Greene Todd A Greer David J Grover Larry D Gurrola Ken Haase Ross Hartleb Darrin G Hasham Matthew Hawley
March 2020
Edward F Hill Robert A Hollingsworth Jacob W Holt Jeffrey W Holt John H Hoobs Theodore V Hromadka II Jeffrey A Johnson Jon Y Kaneshiro Daryl R Kas Gerald Kasman Patrick M Keefe Scott T Kerwin Susan F Kirkgard Jeffrey C Kofoed Mark O Kruger Ed LaMont James A Larwood Edmond K Lee Robert Lemmer Martin E Lieurance Scott C Lindvall Jared M Little David S Magorien Hung Mai Afshin Mantegh Robert M Markoff Fred Mason Jonathan S Miller Gareth I Mills Shant Minas Jason M Moore Nissa Morton Rosalind Munro Diane Murbach Monte L Murbach Charles T Nestle Steven B Norris Steven A Norton David Nutakor R Gustavo Ortega Christopher W Parrish Matthew W Pendleton David L Perry Jeffrey M Pflueger Jeffrey Pfost Dennis M Poland Ed Pongracz-Bartha Leslie D Reed Kathleen Ehlig Riedel Robert Riha Rory A Robinson Michael E Rogers Pierre E Romo Seth S Rosner Richard J Roth Rudy F Ruberti Scott Rugg John W Schick David L Schug Martha P Sgriccia Philip Shaller Jeff Sharp Ronald Z Shmerling Michael O Spira Mark S Spykerman Gary F Stoney Andrew A Tardie
Gary E Taylor Benjamin R Termeer Mark J Triebold Hans Van De Vrugt James L Van Meter Brett Wanner Robert T Wheeler John Whitney Jeffrey T Wilson Kenneth L Wilson Terri T Wright Lynne Yost
Kathryn R VonSydow Alexandre Francis Woodward Casey Yamamoto-Hillman
Teacher Member Raymond Haddad Scott Hauswirth Debbie A Kunath-Leatham
Southern Nevada
Honorary Member Jeffrey R Keaton Richard J Proctor Roy J Shlemon
Affiliate Member
International Member Joel Hirales Rochin
Jerry King Steve J Nacht Richard M Whitaker
International Student Member
Full Member
Lucas R Barlbosa
Life Member David D Bramwell Eldon M Gath Michael W Hart James P Krohn Tiong J Liem Eugene D Michael Hugh S Robertson Harley A Tucker
Post Graduate Member Minda Moe
Senior Emeritus Member Lawrence R Cann Michael S Chapin William J Elliott David J Leeds Wardell L Lewis James M McWee Sheldon E Medall Paul M Merifield David L Parmelee Jr. Raziuddin Quraishi Sanford L Werner
Student Member Janet Arroyo Immanuel C Bissell Elodia Ciprian Aris Dalir Kimberly Dodson Kendal Foster Alison Franco Clay Kelty Altan Maxim Alexander J Palmquist Matthew Z Pilker Julia Rosenblit Jesus A Sancen Ashley Allyn Scholder Brittany Theilen Maria De Jesus Valdovinos
Gabrielle F Boisrame
Emeritus Member
Thomas G Correll Eli J Drechsel William E Green Glenn S Hale Duane H Matters Laura Rosales Lagarde Jeremy Scheffner Larry W Snedegar Carol F Sweet James L Werle
St. Louis Affiliate Member Catherine W Fox Tom Hamill Richard Steckel
Full Member Andrew J Burkemper Jessie Y Goodwin Rhonald W Hasenyager Benjamin Michael Herries Derek Ingram Patrick L King Stephanie Kline-Tissi Duane T Kreuger Douglas W Lambert Dale E Markley Matthew D Masterson Ty Morris Teresa M Nienhaus Larry Pierce Joe A Robertson J David Rogers Anna M Saindon Jarred Schmidt Phyllis J Steckel Stefanie A Voss
Honorary Member Allen W Hatheway Gregory L Hempen
Life Member
International Member
John H Peck
Adnan Aqeel
Senior Emeritus Member
Life Member
Gary L Beckman Marvin Nick Saines Ronald E Smith
Steven S Jett
Student Member
Shishay Tadios Kidanu
Shaimaa Abdelhaleem Madison Betts Thomas Boes Stephanie Brock Anabel Castro Rachel Elias Solomon J Feinstein Anthony Feldman Sarah Grove Alexander S Hlebovy James Mifflin Deborah Morales Alex Newsom Richard Daniel PanduroAllanson Natalie Grace Renkes Rose Shillito Carlton L Utter Audrey Warren
Senior Emeritus Member
Teacher Member Utaminarsih Enberg
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
Post Graduate Full Member
James H Williams
Student Member Grace Allison Miranda L Beutler Gretta Boerding Madison E Bowen Camille Buckley Kasey Buckley Stefani Sacramento Duncan Alexandra E Garland Sophie C Julien Carlie Koch Kelsi Leverett Alicia K Luebbe Alexander Matthew Masterson Laura McCutcheon Brian Musgrove Mariah Lyn O’Brien Dalton Pafford Mikaela Pulsipher Sierra Sean-May Shields 93
2020 DIRECTORY Payton Spohn Miryah Squires Ashley Steffen Amber Thrasher Matthew B Vincent Ashton Vonnahme Mackenzie Anne Wegmann Gabrielle Whitesides Emma M Young
Texas Emeritus Member Robert J Traylor
Full Member Farzin R Afshar Peter M Allen Noreen A Baker Will Boettner James R Branch Annette Brewster Kerry J Campbell Stephanie V Coffman W Kevin Coleman Melissa Cordell Matthew Cowan Timothy F Cramer Manetta Kay Dillingham Timothy J Duduit James Storey Eblen Thomas E Ewing Larry Edward Ferguson Martin J Flanders Patricia Frost Darshan B Gandhi Marie M Garsjo Garry H Gregory Leigh Anne Grover Trudy S Hasan Carlos Hernandez Randa Hope Igor D Jaramillo John W Johnston Mark S Katterjohn Robert S Kier Becky Kowalski
Robert O Lamb Kirk W Lawson Beronica Jean Lee-Brand Billie Long Marilyn Czimer Long Randall L Mattzela Winfield L McAtee Alexander McKenzieJohnson Edward G Miller Michael Miller Graciela Moore William R Munson Jeffrey S Neathery John Nelson John W Oneacre Cynthia D Palomares William Zachary Ready Daniel Rohmer David Rowlands Forrest Whitney Smith Curtis C Stanley Eric Tennyson Kathleen Vail Eric Walston Shelia Ward Scott J Weber Rosemary Wyman
International Student Member Edak Efiom
Life Member J. Jackson Harper David M Petefish James W Sansom Jr
Post Graduate Full Member John Clark Curry W Blake Gibson Aaron James Orr
Senior Emeritus Member R Michael Beathard Gregory L Tipple
Student Member Jon Adams Afshin Aghayan Hunter K Anderson Teri Arceneaux Taylor Henry Barnhart Jerick Cabogos Adam Camp Dwight Capos Robert Carte Caleb Cavender Bradley Wade Coffman Daniel Cordero Jacob Engh Jenna Lynn Faith Jennifer Farris Steven Follmer Meghan L Forbes Natasha Fung Jesus Garay Brittany Leslie Garza Corrinne Gauntt Amanda Hall Gaboel Hall Jevon Harding Bronte Heerdink Victoria N Hill Catherine Hobart Lauren Hoffman Roberto Ivan Iglesias Ihuoma Catherine Igwe Jackson Izzo Alicia Jimenez Elizabeth Klovenski Oladeji Koledade Jetson Le Takara Leornas Brittain Marshall Summer Mathis Crystal Ashley Moreland Stefannie Napoles Lily Newton Nicolas Ortiz Chelsea Parada Amber Poujardieu Kristina Raley Travis Rameden-Tipton Estefany Ramirez
Isaac Ramirez Anton Joseph Reed Sydney Ribera Anthony Sanchez Joseph Sanchez Allison Scates Shelby Sckittone Stacie Skwarcan Alexandria Stewart Caroline Jane Strong Guadalupe Suarez Justin C Thompson James Valley Josaiah Warfog Eleida Webb Cara Williams Jullian Williams
Teacher Member Vincent Cronin Sahara S Ibarra
Utah Affiliate Member James Nordquist
Full Member Hiram Alba Harry S Audell Eric A Boone Gary E Christenson Michael S Cronin Peter E Doumit David K Fadling Jeff Fitzmayer Daniel Horns Paul W Jewell Joan C Kester Thomas E Lachmar Andrew C Lawrence William D Loughlin David W Love Guy M Partch Jamie Russell Ian S Schofield Michael Starkie Wes Thompson
Julie B Willis Zavis M Zavodni
International Student Member Nauratan Kamal
Life Member Jonathan S Hermance
Post Graduate Full Member Van F King Anna Rasmuson Dylan Schmeelk
Senior Emeritus Member Russell C Bingley Benjamin L Everitt William R Lund Arthur L Moss Clifford C Payton Barry J Solomon
Student Member Claire Ashcraft Derek Ashliman Lana Axelsen Erin Bessette-Kirton Lily Bosworth Laura V Dinnell Riley Finnegan Jenny Ann Hambleton Christopher E Humphrey Jessica Kent Evan Kipnis Otto Lang Emily Larson Hayley Lind Giavanna Lonardo Samuel Lopez Jason T Parsons Mikaela Pulsipher Tomsen Reed Clayton T Russell Andrew Stropkai Natalie Tanski Elliott Jason Taylor Jonathan Ross Voyles
AEG 2020 Annual Meeting Call for Abstracts This is a reminder to everyone to send in your abstracts by May 1, 2020. Information on how and where to submit abstracts is at www.aegannualmeeting.org/technical-sessions.
You may submit abstracts on several topics including geophysics, coastal hazards, dams & levees, alternative energy sources, tunnels, landslides, geotechnical assessments environmental remediation, and several other topics. Looking forward to seeing everyone in Portland, OR, in September 2020. 94
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
March 2020
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
AEG 2019 Annual Report /2020 Directory
March 2020
AEG STRATEGIC PLAN Goals and Objectives
Communication Goal To improve the AEG experience and communicate it effectively Objectives
Advocate for the profession through public and private outreach.
Enhance external awareness by strengthening the AEG brand.
Communicate internally in a cohesive and effective manner.
Advocate for the Association and its members.
Profession Goal To promote and advance the value of applied geology for the public good.
Improve the utility and visibility of the AEG professional network.
Offer professional development opportunities.
Membership Goal To provide applied geology professionals a place to thrive personally and professionally Objectives 3.1
Provide membership benefits designed around members’ needs, expectations and values.
Engage applied geologists, non-renewing past members and graduating student members to begin or continue their AEG membership and involvement.
Create opportunities for volunteer leadership, growth, and engagement.
Submit your application for a fall 2020 start by April 1. Get more details at:
www.upenn.eduŮœxÂł J