Livro "The Guardian" (EN)

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Expedient The Guardian is a trilingual publication (Portuguese, English and Spanish), which lists the services provided by the Control System of the Brazilian Airspace (SISCEAB), captained by the Department of Airspace Control (DECEA), and the participation of the national and foreign industry in the construction of this complex. Redaction Eucy Lima (MTb: JP27498RJ) Gabriela Novaes (MTb: 0038768/RJ) Glória Galembeck (MTb: 05549-PR) * Eutiquio Calazans - PhD in Electronic Engineering, collaborated with the chapters Aerial Surveillance and Air Navigation Aid * Luiz Anesio de Miranda, He collaborated with the Telecommunications chapter * Mauro Mello, He collaborated with the chapters Treatment System and Data Visualization and Telecommunications

To plan, manage and execute all activities that are under the responsibility of the DECEA, within the framework of some 22 million kilometers squares of airspace, this organization incorporates highly specialized human resources and has expertise in indispensable technologies for the implementation of the procedures related to the strategies of the of of Brazilian airspace control. For the fulfilling of its obligations, the DECEA account with invaluable partnerships that help us to overcome, day and night, the

Graphic Design, Creation and Layout Flávio Queiroga

constant challenges that are imposed to remain , always, the highest levels of security

Photography Fábio Maciel (RJ 33110 RF) Luiz Eduardo Perez (RJ 201930 RF) The photo on page 110 and 111 is by the Sergeant Inácio (DTCEA-MDI/DECEA) The photo on page 30 is by the photographer Nilton Ricardo The photo on page 170 and 171 is by the Air Force Magazine The pictures of the book “The Guardian” were ceded by the photographic collection from Decea Communication Consultancy

for users of the system.

Review Vera Santana

mission, is being launched.

Translation to English Priscilla Belletti

Through this work we still make relevant to all who have access to the same skills developed by the national industry, as well as all international partners, that act in the control of airspace, by means of

Translation to Spanich Selena Herrera

inserts that feature the important contribution of each one.

Circulation 300 copies in Portuguese 150 copies in English 150 copies in Spanish

Written by several hands, “The Guardian” counted with the collaboration of experienced professionals who had the ability to transform sensations and feelings into concrete matters. Produced in three languages (English, Spanish and English), the work begins to function as a business card of the DECEA.

Printed in Editors and Papers New Alliance Eireli – EPP Edited in November 2017, in Rio de Janeiro-RJ

In order to register all this, this art book, which was baptized “The Guardian”, which means one who protects, preserves, and represents very well the role of the DECEA in relation to its

In the certainty that we have in our hands a great portrait of the DECEA, I wish everyone a good reading.




The Air Lieutenant Brigadier Jeferson Domingues de Freitas General Director of the DECEA


84 The Pioneering Spirit of the Model Brazilian Air Traffic Control


08 Aerial Surveillance


Management Center of Air Navigation

Institute of Airspace Control


Weather Information

32 Air Navigation Aid


Institute of Aeronautical Cartography

Search and Rescue







Special Flight Inspection Group

Logistical Support

Treatment Systems and Data Visualization



Military Operations


The Pioneering Spirit of the Model Brazilian Air Traffic Control



The Airspace Control Department (DECEA) was created in 2001, the fruit of a strategy from the air force command that had by order meet the management of the control system of the Brazilian airspace main activity (SISCEAB) in a central organ. However, your history dates back to 1941, the year of Ministry Aeronautics creation, which arises in the context the Second World War. One of the organs of the new Ministry was the Board of the Routes (DR) that, over three decades later, in 1972, was replaced by the Electronic Board and Flight Protection (DEPV), and is the origin of the DECEA. The DECEA is headquartered in the city of Rio de Janeiro and has permanent units deployed in all the 27 States of the Federation and the Federal District. The airspace under the responsibility


of Brazil, however, extends beyond its borders: exceeds the area on your territory and reaches a significant part of the Atlantic Ocean, making a total of 22 million square kilometers, over land, and sea, agreed in international treaties.

CINDACTAs, based in Brasilia, the federal capital; in Curitiba, the capital of Paraná State; in Recife, the capital of Pernambuco State, which also covers the Atlantic FIR; and in Manaus, the capital of Amazonas State.

In other words, in Brazil the air control assume gigantic proportions, which makes a strategic role, national security, and that gives the country a privileged position in southern hemisphere.

The first CINDACTA was created in Brasilia, in 1976, and represented one of the more innovations Brazilian aviation milestones: for the first time, in the world, a country joined the control of air, military and civil operations. The same structure and the same labor controlling airspace to different activities: the air traffic control and the air defense.

The evolution of air traffic flow in aerospace is controlled by four large operational bases, subordinate to the DECEA: the integrated air defense centers and control air traffic, also known as CINDACTA, acting on air space subdivisions called flight information regions, or FIR, from the English expression “Flight Information Region” In Brazil, there are five FIRs, which operate four

One of the advantages is that the system enables the rationalization of resources, because at the same network of radars and control centers scattered geographically by country provide, in real-time positioning of all aircraft flying in Bra-

zil. Regardless of being a fighter planes armed to defend the border regions of Brazil or a commercial flight carrying passengers, all aircraft flying in Brazilian airspace have your position known and controlled. In each CINDACTA coexists the structures area control centre (ACC), dedicated to civil aviation, and a military operation center (With), which carries out surveillance of airspace for the purpose of air defense. The CINDACTA II went into operation in Curitiba, in 1985; the CINDACTA III, in Recife, in 1988; and the CINDACTA IV, in Manaus, was created in 2006 and provided radar coverage all over Brazil. In addition to the four integrated centers, the structure of the DECEA involves a Regional Protection Flight (SRPV), headquartered in São Paulo, 5 ACC, 47 Approach Controls (APP), 59 Aerodrome Control Towers (TWR), 79 Detachments


of Airspace Control (DTCEA), in addition to the more than 90 Telecommunications Stations And several aviation divisions of support across the country. The means of detection, telecommunications and data treatment of the DECEA offers for compliance of the different missions assigned to it which is the most modern in the world. Foreign and domestic companies supply systems and equipment for the operation of the SISCEAB. This amount of effort makes Brazil the country with best radar coverage of South America and fixed services provided as a reference not only in DECEA mainland, but also globally. In that with respect to the domestic industry, while at the same time the DECEA is beneficiary of advances and research, it challenges the defense industry sector to propose innovative solutions that meet their increasingly complex needs.

V - propose research and development needs, in order to rationalize the material necessary for its activities; VI - search, select and register the logistics sources, aiming at mobilizing, in its area of operation; VII - select and judge, through the joint trial of Aeronautics (JJAER), the air traffic rules infractions committed by civil or military officer, set out in the Brazilian Aeronautical Code (CBA) and complement legislation, as well as adopt the administrative arrangements provisions which include processing, the levying of fines, applying penalties and the recognition of their resources; VIII - render the collection of tariffs for use of communications and air navigation aid and its corresponding additional fee;

The different assignments that make up the mission of the DECEA are comprehensive:

IX - approve companies for execution and/or provision of services relating to its activities;

I - manage the activities related to the airspace control, with the protection of the flight, with the search and rescue service and telecommunications of the COMAER, providing, also, the logistical support and security of information systems needed to carry out these activities;

X – certifying products of interest of the Brazilian airspace control system (SISCEAB) for application in the Brazilian air space control; and

II - connecting with external organs of the COMAER, in matters pertaining to its area of operation; III - propose policy, drawing up programs and plans, as well as establish norms, principles and criteria pertinent to its area of expertise; IV - conceive, plan, design, execute and supervise the deployment of systems, equipment and specific infrastructure for the management activities and control of Brazilian air space and aeronautical telecommunications of the COMAER;


XI - manage the Telecommunications System SISCEAB of the COMAER (STCA), the Aeronautical Search and Rescue System (SISSAR) and the Flight Protection System (SPV). To fulfill all these tasks, the DECEA has, in its structure, with sectors specialized in the training activities: management of air navigation, inspection in flight, logistical support, aeronautical cartography, search and rescue, operational safety, military operations and centralized acquisition of inputs. On the following pages the reader will learn a little the work done by the DECEA, representing a glimpse of your potential.


Management Center of Air Navigation



The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), to understand the growth of stream air traffic in the world, decided to recommend to its member countries to study, together, creation of major manager’s centers of air navigation in each region of the earth. The centers should carry out a planning in order to allow, with anticipations possible and desirable, to know where, when and how could occur retentions in the stream of aircraft, ensuring the pilots, airline managers, airport administrators and even airport passengers the punctuality of flights, due to some unexpected event, minimizing the inconvenience of these changes.


That way, the scenario Management Centre Air Navigation (CGNA) was set up. Aware of your responsibility regarding coordination of air traffic flow in the hallway Europe/ South America as well as in the Brazilian airspace, the Department of Airspace Control (DECEA) structured the CGNA for 10 years. There are other organs identical to CGNA in operation in the world. These centers are, in fact, models in which the Air Force Command (COMAER) relied to create your own operational context.

Are they the command center of the Airspace Control System (ATCSCC), through the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the United States, and the Network Management Operations Center (NMOC), former name CFMU, by Euro control, in Europe. The CGNA’s accreditation as a regional center of all South America depends on the manifestation of the neighboring countries, by accepting the Brazil as host and coordinator of the implementation of this management.

Turning our eyes to the primary mission the CGNA, which is maintaining the balance between the airport capacity and the airspace sectors, beside the expected demand for flights, so to provide a stream of efficient aircraft flow and effective for better performance (ATC), collaborating, in addition, to the reduction of the load worked by air traffic controllers, we see that there is a lot of demand of work. The flow of air movements are monitored 24 hours a day, the environment known as Hall Operational, space where the decisions are taken collaboratively


to ensure that the strategic planning action be followed. If any situation interfering in good progress of operations, as adverse weather conditions or failures in navigation aid, management measures are applied to the air traffic flow, also known ATFM measures (Air Traffic Flow Management) in order to mitigate possible impacts. The CGNA applies such measures to organize the demand until it reaches the solution of the contingency that is causing imbalance in operations. In these cases, decisions are adopted from the methodology of the process of the CDM (Collaborative Decision Making), through the which representatives of airlines, INFRAERO, the airport concessionaires, in addition to military and civilians who make up the effective of the Center, expose information and share responsibilities, in order to make the best and faster decision for all involved. So, to avoid delays during peak, regular flights began to be distributed during the hours of operation of the airports. In this respect, the CGNA acts as advisory member of the National Civil Aviation (ANAC), an agency responsible for regulation of operations involving civilian aviation. The main idea is to ensure the regularity and punctuality of the service. To make this possible, the CGNA developed a measuring method of track capacity that serves as international reference model. The calculation sets the number of operations of landing and take-off, in the range of one hour, which an airport supports, considering its operating capacity. When this capacity is exceeded, this causes the imbalance and, consequently, the delays in the operation. But the complexity of the process does not stop there. The Brazilian airspace is divided into five large flight information regions, each subdivided in static control sectors. The Center calculates how many fit in aircraft each of these portions of airspace, taking into account a number of factors, among them the workload of controllers and also the complexity of the sectors, so that the security of operations and limits technicians are always respected.



So the CGNA is directly involved with the implementation of projects that seek to increase the capacity of the airspace, such as the definition of shorter routes, modifying of existing routes and resizing control sectors. In addition, it is noteworthy that are assignments of CGNA guarantee the use appropriate airspace, under your jurisdiction, for all users and coordinate the use of this airspace dynamically, allocating to from the diverse needs. This concept, known as FUA-Flexible Use of Airspace, begins to be deployed under the coordination of CGNA. So, with a view to maintaining the balance between demand and capacity is essential that approvals of flight plans are conducted judiciously, according to the own abilities to lead and to sectors of the airspace, beyond the capabilities of courtyard airports and ter-


minals, under the responsibility the airport authority. In the heart of the operation is the process ATFM, which is divided into four phases, which can be thus described: Strategic planning – occurs between 3 months and the 24 hours before the flight. The intentions of flight are delivered to CGNA, suffering analysis concerning the ability to track and airspace. Right exactly at that stage that occur the initiation of the proceeding balance between demand and capacity. Pre-Tactical: It occurs between 24 hours and 6 hours before the operation. This is the phase of refinement of strategic planning.


Since during the initial phase is not possible accordance with the accuracy of certain information that is updated timely, the pre-tactical, in a field closest to the operation, has better and more accurate information about the updated system capacity (runways, navigational aids, etc.), the demand for the next day and, finally, a meteorological prediction more accurate. Using these information and again in CDM, manufactures the Daily Plan ATFM (in the implementation phase), which has the goal of planning the ATFM measures to be implemented on the next day. This allows all parties to plan better, contributing to the fluidity and also improvement of services to be finally provided the end user, that is, the passenger. Tactical: Stage when it is put into practice the Daily Plan ATFM. It occurs between the 6 hours before the operation until the time of the event (Zero Hour). Post Operation: This is the phase when are generated daily reports of the activities and performance evaluation of the operation in the previous day, with the goal of get the constant improvement, aiming at a superior quality and continuous process of ATFM, through the lessons learned.



THE SIGMA For all this work to be carried out with efficiency and their respective processes performed in an integrated manner, it is imperative that there is a dynamic data processing, aiming in order to expedite the analysis of capacity and demand, flight to flight, resulting in an efficient use of airspace. It is in this context that emerge the Integrated System of Air Movements Management (SIGMA), developed the Brazilian firm Atech, company from the Embraer group. The purpose of this system is to integrate the information coming from the airlines companies, airport administration, pilots and dispatchers flight operating in time of submission of their plans, organs of air traffic control (ATC), of the ANAC, governmental authorities responsible by gathering and monitoring airports and aeronautical tariffs and information about weather and aviation. Thus, the SIGMA is a largely responsible for maintenance of operational safety, having the syntactic and semantic validations held at the time of the submission of flight plans and update messages.



The SIGMA is a tool to help the decisions of the Stream Managers, due to its ability to gather and analyze automatically the information about: • Flight’s intentions, such as complete flight plan (PVC), simplified (PVS) and repetitive (RPL); • The management of approvals of Timetables Transport Network (HOTRAN), authorization by ANAC for regular airline companies. The CGNA, as advisory member in process of granting of HOTRAN, performs, in time of request line companies regular air, an analysis of capacity and demand, respecting the airport capacities and airspace sectors defined after careful studies. • The demand and the possible imbalance by graphs and charts, showing the flow for airfield and airspace sectors, in order to maintain air operations within the defined capabilities, and thus keeping the fluidity and safety of air traffic control service; • Compliance with national and international standards inherent in the presentation of flight plans and ATS messages, due to integration with the National Civil Aviation Agency and validation rules from all fields of the flight plan form. These validations are performed transparently to the online user, since the application presents errors found, indicating where must be adjusted; and • The execution of the planned flights, your kinematics and effective use of airspace. This information is used as an instrument of study to evaluate the strategic planning and tactical execution applied, in order to evaluate, in the post-operational moment, if the currently planning was efficient.



Thus, the SIGMA enables processing and visualization online information about the operation situation of the airports and of all elements managed in the air space, in addition to the situation updated of the demand on the capacity of the managed elements for air traffic. Hence, the system allows the organs of air traffic control set command actions and control in different stages of the planning of the air operations, facilitating the use of best practice of air traffic flow management. In addition, the innovative mode of submission of flight plans by internet through the SIGMA sets a new stage of presentation of such data and means an improvement in the management of air navigation. It is important to emphasize that by sending the qualified flight plans and its integrated validation through the cross of data airports, advisor for subjects related to air navigation charges (ATAN) and with the data from the ANAC, it eliminates the incidence of errors and offers the pilot a robust presentation of their flight data. In this way, some incompatibilities that once might even prevent any flights are identified in advance, which reduces significantly the need for corrective intervention on the part of controllers. It is noteworthy that the SIGMA has been developed in partnership with the DECEA and puts Brazil among the few countries with this domain, reinforcing the Brazilian strategy of ensuring sovereignty and technological autonomy in this segment. With that, in the face of your robustness, the SIGMA has been exported to other countries, such as India, with the SKYFLOW name. Following this path of technological development, more recently the Atech presented to the market its newest oriented system to improve air traffic segment in Brazil. This is an application that makes, in an integrated way, submission of flight plans on platforms IOS and Android mobile. International reference when it comes to air traffic management, Atech innovates and improves, optimizes and offers even more security.



Brazil has been an active member of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) since the organization was founded in 1944. Over the decades, through its Department of Airspace Control (DECEA), the Brazil has supported the work of the ICAO providing technical personnel to make inquiries about the new developments and collaborating with the organization to achieve its strategic objectives. The DECEA collaborates with important decisions taken by the ICAO Council during the triennial assemblies. The members of air navigation appointed in Brazil have served in Air Navigation Commission (ANC) since its creation in 1949, with a few exceptions. These experts participated in the orientation of standards and recommended practices (SARPs) and procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) the approval of the Council of ICAO. Brazil is one of the 19 member states that have appointed members serving the ANC. The ICAO is deeply grateful for this valuable contribution. The ongoing commitment of Brazil with the processes of the Organization and its work through the DECEA will ensure their continued participation and proactiveness in Council and in the programs and activities of our institution. Certainly, the excellent performance of the DECEA continue serving as a model for other nations both in the regional aspect as in the global marketplace.

Fang Liu CEO of ICAO



Institute of Airspace Control



The airspace control department (DECEA) has among its subordinate organizations an Institute that, for almost 60 years, provides, with quality, military training and Brazilian and foreign civilians for the provision air navigation service: the Institute of Airspace Control (ICEA). To form, specialize, recycle and raise the level the human resources required for operation, maintenance and development of new technologies, the ICEA has a wide infrastructure, worthy of the main international centers statement: more than 11000 square meters of buildings, computer labs, specialized library, air-conditioned classrooms and simulators of safety standards. Located in the city of SĂŁo JosĂŠ dos Campos, niche of the advanced aerospace industry and Brazilian electronics, the Institute also makes use of features provided by the institutions of the Aeronautics Command, based on General Command of Aerospace Technology (CTA), traditional Centre of technological excellence. Through the Teaching Division, the organization plans the implementation and evaluation of the education activities and training carried out by the Agency, operating in conjunction with the Training Division (DCTP) from DECEA. On the other hand, the Division of Research and Development conducts research, system and equipment certifications to help the air navigation and develops projects in the fields of air traffic management and aeronautical climatology to be applied within the framework of the Control System of Space Brazilian Air (SISCEAB).



To be conceived in 1960, the course to prepare offices for protection when flight has become embryo of ICEA, having improved from a formation initial basic to an organization that promotes intellectual and technological development for the important task of ensuring the sovereignty the Brazilian airspace and, also, the safety, fluidity and regularity of air traffic of Brazilian responsibility. Thus, all units of the DECEA running a wide range of activities and tasks depend on the quality of systems and equipment flight protection installed and its human resources that only qualified and trained properly, can play effectively and efficiently work under their responsibility. Aligned with the goals of the DECEA, the ICEA’s mission is to provide educational activities and


research that support training and capacity building of human resources and for certification of products to be used operationally under the SISCEAB. Currently, the Institute offers about 70 courses in various specialties training of flight protection. The activities in research and teaching include: • Air Traffic • Information about Aeronautical charts • Air Navigation • n-flight Inspection • Search and rescue • Meteorology • Climatology Aeronautics • Informatics • Telecommunications • Electronics


Is the ICEA, for example, the air traffic controllers, through sophisticated means of simulation, exercise scenarios and operations designed according to the everyday needs of the Brazilian control centers. Nowadays, the simulators, developed by Atech Company, company from the Embraer Group operate identically to the Advanced Information Management System of Air Traffic and Reports of Operational Interest (SAGITARIO), installed in the organs of control consoles, radars and control towers. Also the ICEA trains and updates maintenance technicians of all system equipment of the airspace control. The training of surveyor pilots in the Special Group of Flight Inspection (GEIV) is also held at ICEA. The GEIV offers an aircraft lab and train and empower the students for three months. They study patterns of inspection, expertise aid to navigation equipment and specialize them in flight inspection. The Institute also develops research, studies and projects of interest to the SISCEAB, according to the most advanced to organize and optimize the means and procedures used by the DECEA. Among these are research validation exercises of new air navigation scenarios. It means that the goal is to optimize the flow of aircraft, keeping the safety of flights with sustainability. In June 2012 activities were initiated certification in SISCEAB, and the ICEA attest that a product has a high level of quality and adheres to a standard recognized by the Brazilian State. Despite being a highly complex task and that requires a high sense of responsibility, the Institute demonstrated maturity and competence to make sure, in December 2015, the first equipment of air navigation aid (the Distance Measurement Equipment-DME 200), developed and built by a Brazilian company, the Technological Solutions IACIT S.A., collaborating for development and international projection of the National Defense Industry.



Institute of Aeronautical Cartography



The Aeronautical Cartography Institute (ICA) has the mission to plan, manage, control and run activities related to aeronautical cartography, aeronautical information, air navigation procedures preparation and design of airspace. Over the course of a short time, the ICA started to develop many activities with the objective of enhancing its mission, prioritizing the precision and speed in meeting requests from the Brazilian Air Force and all those who cross the skies of the country. Growing in complexity and importance to over the years, received from the Department of Airspace Control (DECEA) vital missions for the Brazilian airspace control, such as: planning, coordination, implementation and disclosure of activities of withdrawals from topographic and geodetic data field, aeronautical visual letters and photogrammetry; treatment of matters pertaining to the protection of airports, heliports, air navigation aids, air navigation procedures and special routes of airplanes and helicopters; centralization of receiving, processing and dissemination of aeronautical information; planning, preparation and disclosure of air navigation procedures, routes and Airways, and airspace design. The main responsibility of the Institute is to provide all the information for planning and the implementation of a safe flight to users of the Control System of the Brazilian Airspace (SISCEAB). It is only in possession of these letters of air navigation, developed and updated regularly by the Organization, which the aircraft, in visual or instrument flight, are able to cross the Brazilian airspace with the default safety and efficacy required.



Among the various tasks of the ICA, one that has high relevance is the production of aeronautical letters, designed to support the flights by visual references, requiring applicant compilation, based not just on existing letters, but also in other sources, such as satellite imagery, aerial photographs and field surveys. Therefore, besides the production of letters according to the guidelines of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the ICA shall prepare special cartographic bases, customized for thousand military applications and other purposes. Currently, the new production system of letters for Visual flights offers a set targeted applications for letters not only printed on paper, but digital also viewed in electronic media through applications related to aviation and air navigation. The Design of Electronic Data of Land and Obstacles (TOD) is the main service of Photogrammetry held at the Institute, based in the ICAO recommendations, and consists of the survey terrain and obstacle data around the Brazilian international aerodromes with the purpose of establishing levels of secure flight in the aeronautical letters. The Institute has nearly 2000 aeronautical charts published. The amount of letters drawn up on satellite technology-based navigation (PBN Performance) totals almost 800 publications. Despite the large amount of letters that the ICA already released for the aeronautical community, the new demands are continuous. All airfield needs update and all new airfield needs of aeronautical charts, which demand a line uninterrupted production. Brazil has the responsibility to draw up its own aeronautical charts, but it is quite common for the sending countries that function. This means that the Institute has fundamental importance in data collection and in provision of the cartographic scene. The ICA also has the role of handling the areas of airfield protection (ZPA). The ZPAs are defined areas in order to generate set limiting surfaces obstacles establishing restrictions imposed on the use of properties. In this way, the implementation of ZPAs contributes to discipline the use of land in the surroundings from airfield, helipad, area of air navigation aid or air navigation procedures and special routes of planes and helicopters, in order to ensure the safety and regularity of air operations.



Another task of the ICA is related to the aeronautical information service (AIS), which is essential for the national and international aeronautics community, since it has the purpose of ensuring the provision of aeronautical information and data for the safety, regularity and efficiency of the air navigation. The dissemination takes place through of several platforms, helping airmen and other SISCEAB users in planning effective and in decision-making. This service is an integral part of the mission of the Aeronautical Cartography Institute, whose planning, control and implementation of its activities aims to meet the commitments to the international community and ensure that all the data and aeronautical information provided to users be reliable and credible, following the recommendations of the ICAO and the laws from DECEA. For a better distribution and optimization of its activities, the ICA receives, analyzes and processes all requests for data and information forwarded aviation by originators and suppliers, treating them as planned and laws by entering in the database, for further disclosure of the information in the relevant publications, assuring the quality of products and fulfilling the management requirements about aeronautical information (AIM). Yet in the wake of the centralization of information, the aviation center of NOTAM (Notice To Quasi), operational organ established to collect, select, provide and disseminate aeronautical information of interest the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation, with integrity and reliability, as well as provide clarification and the coordination needed for correct disclosure aeronautical information through NOTAM (warning to aeronauts).



The NOTAM has quick disclosure and it is distributed by means of available telecommunications. It contains information on the establishment, condition or modification of any aeronautics installation, service, procedure or hazard, timely knowledge of which is essential to for the airmen. Since the beginning of 2017, this service, which was dispersed at the integrated air defense centers and traffic air control (CINDACTA), was centered in the ICA. Currently, the air traffic controller is crucial for the aeronautical information, a very dynamic content, reach the pilots during the flight. One of the challenges of the ICA is to provide the aeronautical information automatically. For all these activities to work properly, it is necessary to have a structure suitable for such, and the ICA keep aeronautical data base in Brazil. The entire space is subdivided into regions of flight, where are extracted the information that make up the aeronautical information data base. Right a dynamic process: when a new procedure is created, it creates a new data that needs be updated on that bench. The Institute is the responsible for this update, which ensures the reliability of aeronautical information. The world of aviation is going through a transition from aeronautical information service for aeronautical information management service. If a letter is updated on paper every 28 days, which the ICAO search is that this letter is available in the cloud and that each update is synchronized on that particular moment, with the plane in flight. And this technology requires a reliable database and without the possibility of hacking. Moreover, in the face of new commitments on the growth of air activity, the perception that the ICA should take highest flights was evident. Previously, the Institute only participated of the preparation and publication of air navigation procedures. The design of airspace was of competence the DECEA, and regional organs were responsible for the preparation of letters of arrival, landing and leaving. In 2012, the DECEA decided to centralize the preparation of all procedures, with the aim of standardizing the aeronautical publications and create a national aeronautical database. With that, the subdivision of procedures and Airspace (the PEA) was created within the organizational structure of



the ICA, a team of specialist officers in air traffic control, responsible for preparing procedures, and cartographers, working in the production of the cards. From the planning, supported in concept called PBN (Navigation Based on Performance) and, with the tools FPDAM, Airspace Designer and Micro Station, ICA produces letters aimed at not only the increase in airspace capacity, but the reduction in the emission of carbon dioxide and noise levels, contributing directly for the environment. Faced with so many challenges and always seeking the improvement and excellence of its services and products, the Institute implemented the first actions aiming to include production at select group of certified by the International Organization entities for Standardization (ISO), getting your first certification in the year 2006. Currently, ICA’s products and services have certification according to ABNT NBR ISO 9001:2008, transitioning to ISO 9001:2015, constant improvement, according to the objectives the quality management system. The ICA’s recognition as an Institute of excellence in the activities for which it is responsible made a reference to the countries in South America, where it’s coming from collaborating with the Office ICAO, headquartered in Lima, Peru, ministering several courses in search of transmitting their knowledge for all countries that have relations in the field of aviation with the Brazil. The case more recent was the agreement signed with the Republic of Argentina, where the ICA has promoted series of training for the technical staff in the Argentine Company of Air Navigation (EANA), with excellent results for both countries.



Since its creation in October 2001, the DECEA has been actively participating in the work of the Regional Office of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to South America (SAM RO). The valuable contribution of its professionals in more than 500 events and activities promoted by SAM RO in the last decade, has contributed to the safety and efficiency of air operations in the region. The DECEA participation in technical meetings and training activities, in all international air navigation areas, increases the effectiveness of working together. In addition to natural partner, the DECEA occupies highlighted leadership position among his peers in South America. Franklin Hoyer Regional Director of the ICAO office in Lima (2009-2017)



Search and Rescue



The numerous advances in the field of aviation, since the 14-BIS flight of Alberto Santos Dummont, in 1906, added security and air operations around the world. From airports activity marked by the spirit of adventure, a sophisticated means of transport, which, supported by systems and technology, connects to faraway parts of the terrestrial globe. However, not even the most rigorous prevention mechanisms are capable of eliminating full risks inherent in air operations. When the sum of contributing factors results in an aeronautical accident, the Search and Rescue (SAR) comes in. The search and rescue area that is in the Brazilian State responsibility totals more than 22 million square meters, which includes the huge national territory and a portion of the Atlantic Ocean, up to the 10th Meridian, more than half way to the African continent. The SAR service has a humanitarian aid letter and is used when an aircraft is in need of assistance and also in other situations where relief is needed, such as transporting wounded patients in remote areas. The SAR evokes the ideal of life saving present in the motto “for others can live� and can be summarized as the means to locate and rescue endangered people on land or at sea. In Brazil, the Department of Air Space Control (DECEA) is the central organ of the Aviation Search and Rescue System (SISSAR), responsible for the establishment of norms and recommendations that discipline this activity, and also by the Coordination Centers of Aeronautical Rescue (ARCC), known as Salvaero.



Through the Brazilian Center for Mission Control (BRMCC), the country integrated the Sistema COSPAS-SARSAT, an intergovernmental treaty that gathers 43 countries and is aimed at providing accurate, timely and reliable information on alert and location of maritime emergencies and to assist SAR authorities in fulfilling their mission. The system emerged in 1982 from a consortium between Canada, the United States, France, and the Soviet Union - which has been ratified by Russia in the future - and has two segments: spatial and terrestrial. COSPAS-SARSAT cooperates with an International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), an International Maritime Organization (IMO), an International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and other international organizations to ensure the compatibility of COSPAS-SARSAT emergency alert services as required, the standards and recommendations of the international community. COSPAS-SARSAT participants implement, maintain, coordinate, and operate ground-based satellite systems and terminals capable of capturing emergency alert beacon transmissions on aircraft, vessels and people, which is transmitted at 406 MHz, and determining their position anywhere of the globe. The distress alert and localization data are provided by participants in the SAR services system of each nation. Brazil has been active in COSPAS-SARSAT since 1985 as the Land Provider Segment. This is consisted by Local User Terminals (LUT) stations and Mission Control Centers (MCC), and has a unique structure in Latin South America in terms of installed equipment and trained personnel for the coordination of mission SAR. In 2009, Brazil was a pioneer in the installation of the first MEOLOUT station in Southern Hemisphere, in BrasĂ­lia-DF, on the outskirts of the First Integrated Center for Air Defense and Air Traffic Control (CINDACTA I). At that time, worldwide, only Canada, England and France had implemented the state of the art technology of the COSPAS-SARSAT System.



The MEOLUT-600 antennas of which Brazil automatically dispatches alerts from a satellite constellation, which had 81 units when the system is complete. This equipment meets and exceeds COSPAS-SARSAT data analysis requirements, and is capable of identifying an alert signal in its coverage area, even if the emergency beacon is not equipped with Global Positioning System (GPS). It is important to note that the use of GPS beacons improves the location and, consequently, reduces the time of rescue. Before the MEOLUT of Brasilia and Recife installed, DECEA contributed with the system with LEOLUT stations (Brasilia, Manaus and Recife) and GEOLUT (Brasilia and Recife), stations that record low polar orbit and geostationary satellite signals, respectively. In Brazil, the three types of antennas operate in a set and an estimate is that the reach reaches 17.8% of the terrestrial surface.

4-5 km 3-4 km 2-3 km 1-2 km

The Aeronautical Search and Rescue System (SISSAR) operates, together, MEOLUT, GEOLUT e LEOLUT antennas, which has the reach of the coverage area estimated in 17.8% of the terrestrial surface.



They are entitled to use the COSPAS-SARSAT System equipped with Emergency Transmitters (ELT, Emergency Locator Transmitters) and vessels equipped with Emergency Position Indicators (EPIRB, emergency position indicating Radio Beacons), as well as individuals, therefore a personal locator beacon (PLB, Personal Locator Beacons). Each target is identified a single aircraft or vessel, and these equipments need to be duly registered in the database of emergency beacons in Brazil, INFOSAR (http: // was found. INFOSAR allows the user to perform registration, editing, deletion and preview of records and trigger history, as well as managing the owner’s technical data, of the owner, emergency contracts and aircraft data. Enrollment in INFOSAR is free of charge and is an assurance that, in case of emergency, an Air Force (FAB) search and rescue team will be activated. The system operates integrated into the Agency’s Civil Aviation databases (ANAC) and the Air Navigation Management Center (CGNA). Between 1982 and 2015, the COSPAS-SARSAT System was employed in the search and rescue of not less than 41,750 people involved in 11,788 SAR events. In the year 2016, a FAB carried out 2,494 search and rescue operations, of which eight are aeronautical. The alert arrives at the Brazilian Center for Mission Control (BRMCC) between 3 and 10 minutes after the activation of the emergency beacon. Head BRMCC to check the warning signal and transmit it to the Aeronautical Rescue (SALVAERO) or Maritime (SALVAMAR) Coordination Centers. According to the situation, both can be employed.



Then begins a new stage of the mission: the launching of airplanes, helicopters, ships and groups on the ground for search and rescue missions. The FAB has readiness units in Belém (PA), Natal (RN), Salvador (BA), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Florianópolis (SC), Santa Maria (RS), Campo Grande (MS) and Manaus (AM). With the help of information from the COSPAS-SARSAT System, aircraft pilots can search in a much smaller area. This helps and increases a survivor rate for victims and reduces SAR costs. If a detected area is outside the limits of Brazil’s responsibility, the BRMCC retransmits information for the country responsible to take the necessary steps. Considering the coverage of the area of the Aeronautical Search and Rescue System, which far exceeds a solution of the jurisdiction of the Brazilian State, there is a possibility of formal provision of the service to other South American countries that do not have the same structure to obtain missing aircraft information. COSPAS-SARSAT System Overview 2 SERCH & RESCUE SATELLITES


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When an emergency beacon is triggered, its signal is received by satellites, which relay to ground stations (LUT), which automatically processes or sends its location to the MCC of the country responsible for the search and rescue region where the beacon triggers. The Brazilian Center for Mission Control (BRMCC) works on the dependency of the First Integrated Center for Air Defense and Air Traffic Control (CINDACTA I).



Treatment Systems and Data Visualization



For the conduction of control activities in air traffic is essential the existence of a information processing system that be able to receive data from the most varied sources, process them and present to the air traffic controllers a reliable information system and to enable them to conduct their work in a within the strictest security.

command and control of Brazilian airspace. with this system, the country successfully performed two major world events – World Cup Fifa 2014 and Olympic and Paralympic Games Rio 2016 – maintaining the level of safety and operations, even with the large increase in the flow of aircraft in Brazilian airspace.

In other words, all actions of the air traffic controller, such as silent management, with the other controllers in other control centers, route authorization and level of the aircraft, changes requested by the pilots and other operational actions are carried out simply and directly through of the SAGITARIO display screen.

In DECEA, the tool called SAGITARIO, acronym for Advanced Management System of Air Traffic Information and Report of Operation Interest, is the one that fulfills this role in general air traffic, that means, all civil traffic. In the area of Air Defense, this work is performed by the DACOM, an acronym for Air Defense and Military Operation Circulation.

SAGITARIO is designed to provide a complete air traffic control service from before take-off to the parking of the plane at the destination airport. That is, with the systems installed in the airport control tower, approach center and control center, the SAGITARIO allows all service of traffic control be executed in a safe and effective way, within the established. In addition, it is a system, with enables that every focus of action of the air traffic controller is always directed at his area of work, significantly increasing their situational awareness.

Acting on this concept, the air traffic controller has its own situational awareness improved, thus increasing its ability to generate air traffic more efficiently and safely.

SAGITARIO marks the evolution of air control in Brazil, promoting advances in communication, navigation and surveillance related to


The DACOM system is an integrated support for command and control activities, developed with 100% national technology, providing advanced automation tools and real-time visualization, which constitute the basis of support to the needs of the Military Operations Control (CopM) in Brazilian air force.

DACOM includes display functions of the overall air defense situation, data fusion of radar, identification of threats, control of overflight of foreign aircraft, alerts related to restricted areas or sensitive points. The resources of the system that support the activities of control of current operations, involving air defense missions, interception control, refueling in flight and offering various recording facilities, revises, and scenario analysis, technical supervision and operation, as well as resources for training of controllers from a simulator of military air operations. The integration of SAGITARIO with DACOM allows a safe and efficient control of the Brazilian airspace, ensuring the evolution of system and military aviation, by means of a constant vigilance. This integration, a pioneer in the world, makes the Brazilian company a success, and its adoption recommended by the International Civil Aviation


Organization (ICAO) for the signatory countries. The integration of airspace control in Brazil consists of the availability and use of the same resources of communication, detection, control and air alarm anticipated both for the traffic control of general air traffic, as well as air defense activities. In this way, we obtain an economy financial, structural and personnel resources, necessary for the maintenance of activities. The SAGITARIO and DACOM system were with the objective of modernizing the entire air traffic management system that covers 100% of the Brazilian territory. Atech, a company of the Embraer Group, with has more than 20 years of experience as a strategic partner of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), was the company designed to develop such systems, so to fulfill this important step of modernization of control infrastructure in the Brazilian airspace. This story began in the 1980, when the Brazilian government identified the need to master the technology of air traffic control and sent engineers to absorb technology with the French company THOMSON-CSF, which at the time provided the systems to the country. After years of the necessary knowledge, such professional countries returned to Brazil to develop a national technology, together with the FAB, that would meet the particularities of the national aviation market ensure the national sovereignty in an area as sensitive as control of airspace. With this, Atech, a national company which puts the country in the select group of nations that have the control of such technology. Another important tool used by DECEA to provide information to controllers, in the control towers of all airports, which are under the control of this Department, is the TATIC system. Traditionally, for more than 70 years, air traffic controllers used strips of paper – FPV (Flight Progress Chips) – to organize and record the evolution of the airplanes under their responsibility. In Brazil, since 1999, this model of control has been modernized, forming the largest world-wide system of electronic management to control towers.



The TATIC TWR management and control system, developed by the Brazilian company Saipher ATC, pioneer in the design, development and installation of this type of solution, allows air traffic controllers to carry out, through the use of electronic flight progress strip (EFPS), their tasks faster, more efficiently, and more securely when using a flexible system that adjusts to meet the need of operation and updating requirements, as well as to meet the most different characteristics of aerodrome or each control tower in particular, be they towers with reduced movement of traffic or towers at major international airports, military aerodromes or specific missions.

airport or several airports, this given its technical configuration and network topology.

In addition to reducing the workload of the air traffic control system, the system provides a series of resources and tools by then impossible to be used with the paper chips.

•C omprehensive database that allows the use of information on statistics, collections, researches, investigations of occurrences, planning and administration;

The information managed by the TATIC system TWR are store on dual-server of high performance and can be accessed by other sectors equipped with TATIC modules or, even, by other systems, providing reports, consultations, surveys and detailed graphs that contribute for the planning of operational decisions.

• Quality of stored data enable their use for the management of traffic flow;

The tool is endowed with numerous resources that allow system administrators to obtain a wide range of information on air movements of a particular


Among the various advantages and benefits of using system, the main ones to highlight are: • S ignificant reduction in workload of the flight controller; • Increased productivity; • Expansion of traffic safety; • Implantation of a scalable system;

• Possibility of real-time monitoring of aircraft movements at aerodromes; • Enables the provision of relevant information in real time; • Improved coordination, management and traffic between the agencies involved.


TATIC is operationally ready and providing DCL Service (Data Link Clearance Delivery) without the need for operation with parallel systems. The DCL module, which has SITA as its provider, find itself integrated in the tool, allows the use of the device feature by trough a man-machine interface with a specific workflow without the need to operation in a parallel system for execution of this service. This service is activated by an interface with Data link service provider, which in this case is provider by SITA. The electronic management systems platform to control towers, provided by the TATIC TWR, is located at 35 international airports, allowing the Management Center of Air Navigation (CGNA) the follow-up of the the evolution of each flight at each of these in real time. Results: better strategy planning, efficiency and tactical action. The TATIC TWR system is fully integrated to the information processing system radar SAGITARIO. This integration contemplates both radar of control center such as radar of approach control.


The integration between TATIC TWR systems and SAGITARIO brings the following benefits: • S ilent coordination: the TATIC system automates part of the authorization procedure of the flight plans, releasing the controller the need to carry out the coordination of flights by means of telephone contact, streamlining the process considerably; •R emote view of operational data: with integration, SAGIARIO is now access to airport operational data provided by the TATIC TWR tool, as track in use, aerodrome conditions, evolution of the surface flights, among others; •O perational safety: security level in the communication between the organs improved due to the elimination of operational coordination by telephone for authorizations of the plan or takeoffs.


Having advanced tools requires the compatible training systems with the goals of safety and scheduled efficiency. To this end, the provision of simulation systems becomes imperative for the rigid requirements established by the operational and security areas. With the objective of providing complete and integrated solutions, a tool of simulation denominated PLATAO was developed, acronym advanced platform of training and operational updating system that simulates airspace control, facing to train and recycle the knowledge and skills of air traffic controllers. The training platform allows the generation of complex scenario, such as communication by data link between controller and pilot and aircraft tracking with new technologies. In the solution adopted and developed by Atech, the simulator PLATAO creates training exercises simulating and, at the same time, more than one operational scenario in the control center. One of the great innovations related to development of PLATAO is the possibility of operation in local or remote mode, which provides better flexibility for the training of air traffic controllers (ATCO). In local mode ATCO has a very similar simulation structure centralized in a single locality; already in remote mode, the training may be situated in a distance from the simulation center, and by of network infrastructure connects, and can then perform the scheduled operational services.



PLATAO also has the following functionalities: •C apacity PBN, ADS, CPDLC (data link), Mode S, TCAS;

even more realistic and has a high yield gain in concerns the qualification of controllers in complex environments, preparing them to deal with emergency situations.

• Meteorological events: inclusion of winds in the cinematic simulation; meteorological formations with indicators of severity; information of weather events through aerodrome events;

The 3D tower simulator offers a highly view of the aerodrome in which it is desired to perform a training. The rich level of detail that are available supports the following features:

• Simulation of ATS surveillance sensors (Radar; ADS-C; ADS-B; Multi alteration; AEW; Mode S) and automatic Handoff simulation (AIDC or OLDI protocol); and

• Aircraft – aircraft lights, landing gear and the position of the flaps reflect the flight phase the aircraft is in. For military aircrafts that have specific features as stop hooks and drag parachute, these characteristics are implemented, ensuring a realistic training, especially in the emergency situations, fires, explosions and smoke that may arise from the engines, the landing gear of fuselage.

• Validation of exercises; with the production of reports. DECEA also has a modern control tower simulator in a 3D environment which makes training


• Aerodrome – aerodrome lighting includes side lights and center line on taxi ways and operating lanes, approach light (ALS, PAPI), stop bars, traffic lights and rotary headlights. Other characteristics of the aerodrome include illuminated signs, burrs and T-bars. Smoke and explosions can be created at the aerodrome. Aerial pictures and topographic surveys are used to create realistic peripheral areas. Specific textures can be applied to taxi lanes, landing and parking lots to replicate the appearance of asphalt and concrete. * Environmental – moving fog banks, static mist, dust storms, rain, hail, snow, clouds with thunderstorms and lightning, time of day, time of year, wind, cloud layers, cloud type and its classification. • Emergency – explosions, smoke and fire may be displayed together or individually in various positions on an aircraft or terrestrial vehicle explosions can

also be configured to occur in a position defined by the user inside the aerodrome. The landing gear can be placed in a fault condition – in the up position or bellow – and the flaps can be failed in the “in” or “out” position. Exceedances of track limits and collision events as well are possible to be simulated. • Models – in the generation of scenarios, the program has as its disposal a vast library of aircraft and land vehicle models existing. The system includes tools to import 3D models or to generate new models and apply to the external surfaces. Human being characters and animals, flocks of birds, a variety of buildings, cones and obstacle lighting can also be placed at the aerodrome. The simulator also has a generation of images. Fully integrated with advanced tower simulator, allows you to construct scenarios that replicate perfectly in any airport in the world.


Still within this theme, the Aeronautics developing a modernization program of Control Towers, considered as fundamental for the achievement of the objectives strategic objectives of DECEA. The integrated Control Tower System (SITC) of the ACAMS was the first to be deployed in 2008, and the main objective was to ensure that all systems aerodrome systems were integrated and thus accessible from all positions in the control tower. One of the key elements to the success of the project was the flexibility of the system, which enable that the existing external equipment services were connected to the central services of the ACAMS, without prejudice to its ability to perform their specific functions. The security of flight protection services is closely linked to the workload of the controllers, so the SITC was implemented with the aim of facilitating the work of the flight controllers and thereby further increase safety margins of services. All equipment has the most level of technology available in the market, raising the airports, even the simple ones, to an international quality standard. The program may be regarded as a milestone of success, because inside his bulge there are several perfectly integrated systems. The ACAMS providing the integrated tower system, the Saipher with the TATIC system and SITA with the module DCL have transformed the capacity of the provision of services of the DECEA control towers. One element worth mentioning is that all stages of its integration were carried out in partnership with the flight controllers, seek to absorb and meet their needs and desires, Perhaps, this was the main ingredient for success and acceptance of the system by its end users.



Several years ago the EUROCONTROL and the DECEA has been working in close collaboration, in particular since the conclusion of an agreement between both in October 2015. This commitment covers areas such as the exchange of operational data in real-time on flights between Europe and South America, the exchange of knowledge in human resources planning in an operational environment and comparative evaluation of performance ATM. The DECEA is the main point of access of managing air traffic between South America and Europe, and this operational cooperation is essential in a perspective of global air transport. We hope to continue and deepen this collaboration in the coming years.

Frank Brenner Director General of the EUROCONTROL






Aeronautical communications are an instrument for the provision of navigation services by the Department of Space Control (DECEA). By providing the establishment of appropriate communications with the aeronauts within its area of responsibility, DECEA creates a necessary and deep telecommunications channel to provide the other services it offers. The services, provided in all corners of the planet, make possible the universal offer of safe air transport services at appropriate costs. An efficient and effective infrastructure of aeronautical communication is, therefore, the basis for which traffic management system is built. In addition to providing a communication between air traffic controllers and aeronauts, this structure is responsible for serving the data captured by various surveillance sensors up until the control centers, where they are treated and processed with views to mission support. The area of responsibility for providing services of DECEA’s air navigation services is among the four largest in the world. To have an idea of this magnitude, the coverage area of system of Airspace Control (SISCEAB) is greater than the geographical size of Russia, largest country in the world.


To meet this challenge, DECEA has a large aeronautical telecommunications network composed of more than 860 sets of dedicated telecommunications equipment. Such a network is in plans and targets established by the DECEA, which contains a portfolio of projects for SISCEAB evolution to attend the new concepts of CNS/ATM is established by the Civil Aeronautical Organization International (ICAO). Without limiting itself to the commonplace of telecommunications practiced by others service providers in relation to their respective aeronautical telecommunication networks, the DECEA and the Commission for the Implementation of the Airspace Control (CISCEA) develop with the support of various partners and research institutes, technological solutions that have been incorporated into many projects that integrate that program. Requirements such as availability, flexibility, performance, reliability, effectiveness, efficiency, adherence to standards and economics are fundamental elements for the development of this portfolio of projects, of which the following are highlighted.





Aeronautical Telecommunications Network The objective of the ATN-Br Project is to implement in Brazil an aeronautical Telecommunication Network employing the best of technology developed originally for the internet, but due evolved to meet the support requirements of applications and management services of Air Traffic, as established by ICAO. It should be noted that the Brazilian reality imposes to development of projects of national scope additional challenges, either by the continental-sized country, or for the diversity that presents in its geographical regions, in various aspects (environmental, economic, cultural and social, for example). One of the main reflections of theses characteristics is telecommunications infrastructure offered to the market by telecom operators does not present, in practice, quality levels of equivalent service in all regions of the country which allow the aircraft operators to be provided with air navigation services at the quality level and availability that every time is more necessary. Such a situation, not normally found in the countries that guide the development of these technologies, require specific technical solutions and which were not found available in the market. To meet this challenge, DECEA, through its CISCEA, has been developing the ATN-Br Project, which has a main objective to build an modern long-distance telecommunications infrastructure and gives and high availability


which is best in each region. To develop such project, CISCEA selected as the main partner, Frequentis AG, an Austrian company with large experience in providing telecommunication services for critical missions turned to air traffic management and other sectors, such as public transport, defense and security. Based on presented project requirements by CISCEA, many of them unprecedented in the market, Frequentis has developed a specific solution (called MFI – Multifunctional Equipment Integrated) that integrates into a single communication system data channels via satellite (specific of DECEA) and data transmission channels hired to telecommunications operators. Such integration, coupled with the ability to analyze real-time performance characteristics and quality of services provided by these channels, enables intelligent and automatic routing of the data generated by the various systems that meet its requirements considering its availability requirements, performance and quality of service (SLA and QoS) required. It should be emphasized that the innovative character of the project was recognized internationally during the World Congress of Management of the Air Traffic (World ATM Congress), which occurred in Madrid in March 2017, by means of the HIS Jane’s Air Traffic Control Award, in the category of Innovation and Technology, which was offered to DECEA, CISCEA and Frequentis as the first new generation aeronautical network defined by software NextGen ATN SDN.


The Prize The HIS Jan’s ATC Award is recognized today as the most significant award related to the world activity. The six categories include prizes of Environment, Impaired Technology, Track, Provision of Services, Innovation and Technology. CISCEA, as responsible for implementation of this project, is also supported by the Foundation Research and Development Center in Telecommunica-

ATM Communication tions (Fundation CPqd), one of the major centers of research and development in telecommunications and IT in Latin America, and the Center for Studies in Telecommunications (CETUC), which is a complementary unit of the Scientific Technical Center of the Pontifical University Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), as organizations of excellence in development of projects in the area of telecommunications.

Park Air Systems Ltd provides communication solution, navigation and surveillance for operations in the air space at international level. Is in the design, manufacture and installation of terrestrial systems for use in air traffic control and air defense. The company is synonymous with ATM communications since 1966. Today, more than 30,000 radios Park Air are installed in more than 180 countries. The Park Air portfolio provides equipment for ATM communication systems totally compatible with the future of this type of business, including Park Air T6 radios, RF conditioning, IP controllers, remote control and monitoring, and other capabilities.

Audio Centers The operation and exploitation of all capacity provided by the VHF/UHF stations supported by the ATN-Br Network is only possible with the use of audio centers that build friendly interfaces that, in an intelligent way, simplify their use by air traffic controllers.

Communication Station Networks The VHF/UHF communication stations are what make possible the ground-to-air-communication between the operational control organs and the aeronauts. Such equipment plays a critical role in the chain of equipment that make up the aeronautical communications network what demands it from unique characteristic in term of availability of service. For the implementation of such stations, CISCEA picked Park Air Systems as a supplier to produce modern equipment with high level of integration


and fully compatible with concepts defined for the ATN-Br and under in condition to provide necessary logistical support. Totaling more than 4 thousand pieces of state of the art radio equipment, fully digitized, microprocessors with sophisticated remote management; they are operational in 78 VHF stations and in deployment in other 54 stations. As far as UHF stations are concerned, there are 39 stations deployed using such equipment and two others in the implementation phase.

In order to provide such equipment, CISCEA selected the company SITTI, which roved capable of meet all the established requirements, including necessary customizations requested from your perfect operation with the standards and totally digital environment designed for the ATN-Br. Such equipment is installed in the main control organs and in constant evolution to the demand dynamics of the SIS-CEAB. In general terms, it can be said that are controlled by more than 1,200 frequencies, more than 3,700 telephone lines, through more than 1,200 checkpoints spread over more than 50 sites. It is undoubtedly one of the largest of this kind in the world.


SITTI is a worldwide supplier of primary of this nature, based on an architecture technologically advanced, fully compatible with the latest international standards, such as VOIP ED137. With the Multifono series, SITTI offers solutions to meet all communication needs, of air traffic control services in the areas of Local and Remote Control Towers (TWR), from Aerodromo (APP) and Areas Center (ACC). The audio track centers of the Multifono family configure themselves a complex switching and control system of communication between controller and pilot being composed of hardware and software. Thanks to the flexible architecture of the Multifono system the SITTI Audio can be updated in sequential steps providing a cost of life cycle (CCV) beyond of any expectation. In order to meet the specific requirements of the Brazilian Air Force, SITTI will develop many pioneered applications in partnership with DECEA and CISCEA, among them: • The extension of coverage of the Atlantic ACC that operates in HF frequencies in multisite configurations, making use of a proprietary BSS-HF-algorithm (automatic selection of the best received HF signal); • The creation of an HF Military network capable of attend integrated audio and data transmissions providing technical, logistical and administrative benefits of the FAB;


• The integration of Audio Centers to the ATN-Br network; • The implementation of an Audio Central in the CPqD Foundation’s testing laboratory to enable new solutions validation tasks and applications in Brazil, and • The deployment of Audio Central transportable for field application, based on a modular and foldable architecture capable of be relocated and reconfigured in capacities of the interface and size to meet the real-time emergency and tactical operations, being compatible with the more restrictive MIL standards. Due to the strategic importance of the implementation of the SITTI in Brazil, to the complexity of the technology applied to methodology and the criticality of own competence, in 2014 was implemented the SITTI in Brazil, a company established in Rio de Janeiro that provides service with trained Brazilian technicians duly prepared with specific development programs in experience at the headquarters in Milan (Italy) and in the field. For a decade SITTI has been working in partnership with the Air Force in the maintenance tasks of the Audio Centers installed in Aeronautics Control Centers, ensuring full operating systems and always updated with knowledge of the FAB specialists along the evolutions and technical elevations of the systems themselves.


Digital Support Services to Aircraft


In view of the large number of operators that equipped their airplanes with communication avionics data link for applications ATS, with the aim of improving the efficiency and security of the most routine services, the DECEA decided to implement, throughout the national territory the provision of the initial services ATS data link defined as Pre FANS.

Ground-to-ground communications systems that connect international airports, facilities of Air Traffic Control and international airlines guarantee necessary telecommunications for the safety, regularity and and efficiency of international air navigation. These systems exchange vital information to airplane operations, such as messages of distress and traffic, urgency, flight safety, meteorology, flight regularity and messages of administrative procedures.

For this reason, CISCEA selected SITA as the system supplier of D-ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information via data link) and D-VOLMET (Digital meteorological Information Service by means of a data link), which allow the transmission of flight information and meteorology directly to the aircraft’s on-board systems equipped. The approach adopted was the implementation of a central ATIS server system (CATS) as a centralized interface with the infrastructure of VHF data link connected to data processor link in Brazil. This model rationalizes the transmission of D-ATIS messages through the infrastructure data link, while maintaining the diffusion of message generated by a local voice as an alternative to the provision of the service. In addition to theses systems, SITA was also selected to provide the authorization system for DCL starting by means of a digital link to 24 control towers. The digital link with the aircraft is provided by SITA itself to those interested through the AirComm service operated in Brazil in concession regime. With the implementation of such digital services, DECEA sought, and obtained, an increase in agility, assertiveness and quality compared to conventional means.


New patterns of communication emerged recently, the main one being the message treatment system ICAO ATS (AMHS). It is based on X.400 message patterns worldwide and in the Internet Protocol (IP) for transmission and routing. Contracted by CISCEA to Atech, a company of the Embraer Group’s System for the Treatment of ATS (AMHS) has been developed for the most current requirements in replacement of the oldest Automatic Switching Center of Messages (CCAM). In addition to meeting messaging needs ATS within the framework of SISCEAB, AMHS is the door to connection with the other providers of air navigation and is in full compliance with the ICAO to new standards defined for the CNS/ATM concept.


Digital Recording Systems In order to keep a legal registration of all the contacts between organs of air traffic control and those with aircraft and, also of the treatment systems and radar data visualization (where these exist), recorder sets were deployed in all traffic control organs, thus allowing the perfect reconstitution of situations occurred and the elucidation of doubts procedures. For the implementation of these recorders, CISCEA chose to partner with Ultra Electronics for flexibility, operational availability, reliability and efficient system of recovery of stored information.

System Integration During the last decade, we have witnessed the proliferation of computerized systems in the various technical and operational sectors. Have effective integrations between systems has become one of the critical aspects for operating environments especially in to those of a highly critical nature such as flight protection systems. ATC Systems, a national company, provider of technological solutions in the area of systems for air traffic control and DECEA partner has been more than 25 years, with a technical staff specialized in communications, navigation and aeronautical surveillance, has been winning all challenges of systemic integration. As a technology solution strategy, ATC System maintains partnerships with the most prestigious companies of air traffic control in the world. The ATC research and nationalizes state-of-the-art technologies, implants, and maintains these systems, always considering the needs and singularities of the Control of Brazilian Airspace (SISCEAB).

Long Distance Network Infrastructure The long-distance network infrastructure hired to telecommunications operators is the basis on which ATN-Br is constructed. That infrastructure is provided by the provision of satellite capacity contracted with Star One (and operated by a proper satellite station network of DECEA) complemented by channels of statistical data (MPLS) contracted to Embratel, Telebras, and deterministic data channels (E1 Network) contracted to the companies OI and Embratel. The ATN-Br Network will use such network infrastructure, in an optimized way, expanding the availability and the quality of the services offered by the DECEA to the aeronauts.



The Department of Airspace Control (DECEA), as regulator and provider of air navigation services in Brazil, represents a fundamental role in the air transport industry, one of the main vectors for economic and social development of the country. In this sense, initiatives such as the Sirius Project Brazil and the Orion Project, among other DECEA remarkable activities, aim the spirit of decision-making in collaboration with all the aeronautics industry. Particularly with the users of the airspace, in order to maintain or increase the operational safety, as well as provide an efficient operating environment, which provides the sustainability of commercial aviation. The IATA has full confidence that from this spirit of collaboration, continuous improvement and the implementation of the state of the art in terms of the concepts, equipment and systems by DECEA, form a solid basis for addressing the challenges arising out of the expected increase in demand for air transport, maintaining or improving safety indicators and operational efficiencies. Carlos Cirilo Director of flight operations and safety of the Americas of the International Air Transport Association (IATA)



Aerial Surveillance



The Role of Radars in the Surveillance of Airspace End fully embedded in the basic vocabulary of aviation, the word radar has its origin in the expression Radio Detection and Ranging and relates to equipment and techniques that allow you to know the location, direction and speed of moving objects in space. The principle of radar operation is the transmission of an electromagnetic pulse of high power, short period and narrow beam, which extends in its journey across the airspace, until it reaches the target being monitored. The radar is considered one of the most significant elements for monitoring, protection and control of air traffic in the world. Especially for the control of civilian traffic, radar allows the reduction of the separation between the aircraft and the reduction of the operational procedures of approximation, increasing the levels of flight safety and promoting an important reduction of the costs of aviation companies. To ensure that this principle should be placed at the service of aviation, it is necessary to have a network of radars and visualization systems that, in Brazil, are employed in an integrated manner in the activities of air traffic control and aerospace defense. There are two basic types of radars for surveillance of airspace, according to their functionality: primary and secondary radars. Both types can act in a way associated or standalone. The primary radar transmits high frequency signals that are reflected by the targets. The detec-


tion of these reflected signals or ecos allows you to determine the location of the aircraft. The secondary radar also emit high frequency signals that are received by an equipment installed on board the aircraft, the transponder, which, in turn, sends it to the radar the information requested, such as, for example, the identification and the altitude of the aircraft. With respect to the primary radar, they can be classified as surveillance radars in route and terminal area radars. The first, with high power, allow us to reach long distances and monitor aircraft that cross remote areas. The primary radar to provide information to route air traffic controllers of air movements which are in the stage of flight of route. Considering the level FL 200 (20 thousand feet of altitude), the radar coverage in the continental area of the Brazilian territory is complete. The primary radar of terminal area have less reach and operate at higher frequencies, being used to control with great precision approach and landing of aircraft. These radars are employed in regions close to the airports and provide data to optimize the flow at a given terminal control area (TMA) and provide more safety and fluidity to air operations. Secondary radars can operate associated with primary radar or autonomous. These radars are essential tool for air traffic control, and its use is widespread throughout the world.


Performance of the DECEA The DECEA is responsible for aerial coverage of an area of approximately 22 million square kilometers, including 8.5 million square kilometers of the national territory and more13.5 million square kilometers on the area of the ocean, until the meridian 10º, near the African coast.

ce, as well as hold the local capacity of technical support and maintenance of their radars. The Omnisys manufactured all primary radar of route in operation in Brazil, as well as it has exported dozens of these radars to countries in Europe, Asia and South America.

To ensure that mission, the DECEA has an extensive network of surveillance radars of air space stations, telecommunications and other aids to navigation.

Currently, the Control System of the Brazilian Airspace (SISCEAB) has 160 surveillance radars, distributed as follows:

The use of air navigation radars in Brazil begins in the decade of 50 with surveillance radars, threedimensional and precision approach intended to 1º Squadron of Control and Alarm, installed at the Air Force Base in Santa Cruz-RJ, followed by a similar installation in Canoas Air Base-RS.

• 26 primary radar of route LP23SST, associated with the secondary radars RSM970S, installed in the areas of responsibility of all four CINDACTAs;

The first civil air traffic control radar in Brazil was installed in 1957 to control the operations of takeoff and landing of aircraft that supported the construction of Brasilia. Then, in the decades of 60 and 70, were installed the ASR-7 radars in Congonhas, Galeão, Manaus, Porto Alegre and the Air Base of Pirassununga. In the decade of 70, the then Ministry of Aeronautics has signed a contract with the French company Thomson-CSF, current Thales, for the supply of equipment intended for the 1St Center for Integrated Air Defense and Air Traffic Control, headquartered in Brasilia. Since then, the Thales has had an important participation in the SISCEAB, being the largest supplier of surveillance radars of airspace for Brazil. In this scenario, and with the encouragement of the former Board of Electronics and protection to the Flight (DEPV) and by DECEA, Thales has deployed an infrastructure in Brazil for the manufacturing and logistical support of primary and secondary radars. This deployment happened through its Brazilian subsidiary, Omnisys. The success of this partnership is evidenced by the fact that Brazil having to be manufacturer and exporter of surveillance radars of airspa-


• 7 primary radar of route ASR-23SS, associated with the secondary radars MKII, installed in the Amazon Region at the expense of the CINDACTA IV; •6 transportable three-dimensional radars TPS-B34, associated with the secondary radars MKII, borne by the CINDACTA IV, and squadrons of 1° GCC; • 16 primary radars STAR2000 of terminal area, associated with the secondary radars RSM970S and 17 terminal area radars TA10TSS associated with secondary radars RSM970S, installed in the areas of all four CINDACTAs and SRPV-SP; •7 autonomous secondary radars RSM970S, installed in the areas of responsibility of the four CINDACTAs; • 7 autonomous secondary radars MKII, installed in the area of responsibility of the CINDACTA IV; and • 2 secondary radars STI431 autonomous, installed in locations in the area of responsibility of the CINDACTA III. The network of Brazilian radars is complemented by mobile and transportable radars, military use tactic, responsibility of the First Group of Communications and Control (1st GCC) and its five squads, strategically distributed throughout the national territory.


ADS-B and C The air traffic services rendered in the oceanic regions have restrictions in communication, navigation and surveillance, because in this airspace cannot be deployed radars and communication equipment in VHF (Very High Frequency). In this sense the Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS, Automatic Dependent Surveillance) represents a solution not only to facilitate the transmission of data via satellite in oceanic airspace, but also in continental areas where the coverage does not meet all users. The airspace of the bay of Campos, on the coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro, offers sensors and monitoring stations based on ADS-B (B Broadcast), deployed by the company Sutech. This is the first use of this system in air navigation services in Brazil. By means of the Advanced System of Management of air traffic information and reports of interest Operating (HESPERIA), the information of the ADS-B and C is integrated with data from primary and secondary radars. Thus, the Hesperia, developed by the Atech, company of the Group Embraer Defense & Safety, has the ability to monitor the aircraft that circulate in the region of the Campos Basin, which has as characteristic traffic off-shore, the transport of personnel of the petroleum segment for the platforms of exploitation of oil and gas. The aircraft information is transmitted to the air traffic controllers from the Control of Approximation (APP) of MacaĂŠ, a city located on the coast of Rio de Janeiro. The system ADS-B is


composed of four equipment installed in the Petrobras oil platforms and two antennas installed on the continent, all located in the bay of Campos. The aircraft that flies by the region covered by these sensors ADS-B receives its position via GPS (Global Positioning System), sends the information to the antennas ADS-B next to the aircraft and they retransmit the data to a concentrator unit, in MacaĂŠ. Although not employed for the actions of air defense, the ADS-B is an important resource for civil aviation. In another strand in the employment of systems ADS, the DECEA makes intensive use, in remote airspace of FIR Atlantico of the satellite services offered by SITA, providing the ACC, in the CINDACTA III, the ability to receive automatic reports of position (ADS-C) along the planned route of the aircraft operating in that area and the communication with the crews in replacement of the HF radio, which has performance restricted by weather conditions. The SITA is communications provider datalink in ACC TO since the installation of the first prototype of the system X-4000, having provided the first system fans stand-alone operational in 2007/2008 in CINDACTA III. Replacement of the voice commands by data link in routine communications as the ADS-C and allowed to CPDLC DECEA achieve an increment in agility, assertiveness and quality, compared to conventional means.


Weather Information



The weather information is vital for the safety of air operations, contributing to the comfort of the passengers and facilitating the establishment of fastest routes and economic and regular flights, in addition to be fundamental in the landings and takeoffs. Given its particularities, the air transport requires a field of science specifically geared to meet your needs. With the growth of traffic flow and the need for a better space use, meteorological information will be even more essential to the control of the airspace. The Department of Control of Airspace (DECEA) carries out this role through a complex structure of radars, meteorological stations, coordination centers and other resources installed in Brazil. The weather is a determinant factor in the planning of the flight, in its security, and directly implies in its efficiency. Therefore, the meteorological information must have a level of trust and predictability extremely high. In the landings and takeoffs, the Surface Meteorological Station informs the data many for calculating support, as well as to know if there are minimum conditions of safety for the operation. In the present day, to have a network of meteorological stations reliable is necessary to make investments in various sensors and still maintain a technician with classroom practice in order to be able to translate and send the information generated by that station. The technological evolution has sought the constant improvement of the quality of information generated and increased levels of automation, aiming to increase the quality and reducing their costs. In Brazil, this automatic Remote Stations (ERA) has already begun to be installed. These sensors measure equipment, automatically, temperature, pressure, wind speed, altitude of base layer, visibility, reporting and send to a database called OPMET, which is a database of meteorological operations available to the pilots. The intention with these stations is to increase the scope of systems in Brazil and reduce the costs of generating such information.



In the constant pursuit of efficiency and use of modern technologies, it became apparent that the meteorological information from different sources can be merged, interpreted and subsequently distributed to its users with a greater richness of details and assertiveness. Considering these possibilities, the weather service, which was dispersed in the Integrated Centers for Air Defense and Control of Air Traffic (CINDACTA), is undergoing a profound transformation, a time that information, which were generated regionally, are all concentrated in a single center, the Center for Integrated Aeronautical Meteorology (CIMAER). With this, the weather forecast for altitude and surveillance shall be interpreted in a single place, enabling, in addition to the economy of human resources, a better doctrine and a follow-up to a higher level of quality of information, among other advantages, which will allow an increase in the quality and safety of air navigation. To obtain the necessary information to plan a safe flight, on the slopes of landing and take-offs are installed Meteorological Stations (EMS), sensors that measure the height of the clouds, visibility, wind, temperature, humidity, pressure and indicates the occurrence or not of rain. The settings of these stations are dependent on the volume of air traffic, topography and operational category from the airport. From this information, airports are considered or not operational. In addition, data are reported to the pilots to properly configure the settings made in the aircraft landings and takeoffs.



The EMS are aid for the protection of the flight that aim to make weather observations at the surface, collect, process and distribute data related to aeronautical meteorology at aerodromes, in its various operating environments, such as traffic, control tower and Approach Control Center (APP) and the airport Meteorological Center (CMA), as well as for meteorological centers, such as the Meteorological Center of Surveillance (CMV) and National Center of Meteorology Aeronautics (CNMA). The EMS meets, compulsorily, the requirements of national and international standards. In this way, it becomes evident the extreme importance of this type of equipment for the operation of the airport and to the control system of the Brazilian airspace (SISCEAB). However, we know that the flight has other phases, and a very important is the flight route. Therefore, two times per day are performed radios sondagens for measurement of meteorological conditions up to 25 kilometers in height to detect areas of freezing winds and turbulence at altitude, and still provide essential data for meteorological forecasts that can affect the performance and security of the flight. Given the territorial dimension of Brazil, it is necessary to have an industry capable of producing and maintaining operating conditions this whole structure distributed in the national territory. To this end, the company is a partner of the DECEA Hobeco Sudamericana, which is the integrative and supplier of such aid, being responsible for all engineering services and integration, in which produces portion of equipment and also with the supply of various sensors produced by the finnish company Vaisala, being the Hobeco its exclusive representative in Brazil.



The DECEA, to adopt the model of standardization of delivery, significantly reduced all logistics costs involved, due to economies of scale, but also ensured the extension of operational availability of meteorological stations used in the system, in addition to expanding the technical feasibility of the deployment of alternative operational procedures and technical compatibility between these stations, to integrate them into a digital network. The most recent technological innovation is the deployment of Self Metar, using data from atmospheric discharges of the Vaisala system for detection of lightning discharges, GLD360. The Hobeco, in pursuit of efficiency and modernity, developed in partnership with the Vaisala EMS which eliminates the human intervention, to generate the reports METAR and SPECI. Using a data communications interface in the already renowned AviMet system, it was possible to establish a secure channel to the sending of reports METAR AUTO and SPECI SELF to OPMET system. Were incorporated sophisticated algorithms for rendering and encoding such weather reports, according to the recommendations of the International Civil Aviation Organization (OACI), the World Meteorological Organization (OMM) and the DECEA, which makes the system consistent, robust and reliable. This has been possible thanks to the introduction of the Sensor of the Present Time PWD22 and data from atmospheric discharges from the GLD360 system, both developed by Vaisala. This partnership with the Hobeco and the search for new technologies are of paramount importance to be able to maintain the system of control of airspace updated in accordance with the most modern requirements in the world. Count on companies that manage this agility and they have this ability to bring technologies to the country is fundamental.



The airspace for aviation is an area around the globe that goes from the coast up to approximately 55,000 feet, something close to 18,000 m/s. In this age of the atmosphere develop all flights (civil and military), which means nearly 1 million flights per day. To remember that there are thousands of offsets at the same time if crossing with speeds up to 500km/h, we ask ourselves: what allows this intensity of use this space with security? The Airspace Control. The Department of Airspace Control (DECEA) manages the various air movements, whether civil or military aviation. Whether air transport or general aviation. They are large aircraft, aircraft or small businesses. Everything is controlled via small dots on a radar scope. Orient the displacement of aircraft and bring them safely to their destinations is the work of highly trained professionals and prepared for this dignified mission day or night, sun or rain. For air transport to make in its fullness, the control of airspace is essential. In Brazil it is performed by the Department of Airspace Control (DECEA), which contributes to the scheduled flights to be one of the safest in the world, with accident rates better than the world average. All that use of air transport, be they passengers or crew, fully trust in this system of support for aviation. We take off in our aircraft every day, knowing that we have high level people accompanying and opening our paths to reach unscathed to our airports of destination. The Department, in addition to having trained and motivated, has latest generation equipment, not leaving us behind the most developed countries of the world. It was what used to say a former director of the DECEA: “We cannot be in pole position, but, certainly, we are on the same lap of the leader�. In short, our airspace control is safe, efficient and is equivalent to the best providers of this service in the world.

Ronaldo Jenkins Director of flight operations and safety of the Brazilian Association of Airlines (ABEAR)



Air Navigation Aids



History One of the most important information for an aviator is to know where he is. With this information, you can go to a known location and arrive at your destination safely. His absence has invariably undesirable consequences, and their need is almost simultaneously with the field of construction and piloting of gadgets to fly. The pioneers of aviation had just mark on the ground, such as roads, railways and notable points. And yet, could only count during the day. Human ingenuity and technology evolution allowed the AVIATORS today arrive at their destination, often in other continents, with security and predictability, regardless of the conditions of visibility due to rain, fog and other

Visual Aids and Radio weather events. The current situation was only conquered by advances in embedded systems on planes and the complex and expensive set of systems installed on the ground, which allow the determination of the position of an aircraft at any time. With the advent of artificial satellites, new methods of navigation, which contributed to the increase of the reliability of the determination of position and optimizing the use of the systems installed on the ground. The former Ministry of Aeronautics and its successor, the command of Aeronautics, had a decisive role in the deployment of the earth extension, being a remarkable success story and a source of pride for all Brazilians.

The uses of visual aids is limited by atmospheric conditions, but are still widely used to assist the landing. They have already been much employed as beacons of airports and are still used in emergencies. All airports in Brazil are equipped with visual systems of aid. Among the visual aids, we have: Vasis and PAPI (lights that define a visual glide path of ideal to bring), and ALS (system of lamps arranged in the direction of landing that indicates the alignment for approximation and landing of aircraft). They are intended to increase the operational capacity and safety of aircraft approach and landing procedures, specifically during nocturnal periods or restricted visibility. In the constant search for efficiency and economy, the Special Group of In-Flight Inspection


(GEIV), at the same time, seeks the development of new techniques to make use of drones, aiming to carry out inspections in visual aids, which dispense the use of aircraft, thus reducing the costs inherent to this activity. The calculation of the position of a person, ship, car or plane, can be done from the measurement of: • Directions until two or more fixed points; • Distances up to two or more fixed points; or • D irections and distances to one or more fixed points. These facts are the basis of the astronomical, visual and electronic navigations, and the fixed points should have their positions known. The directions can be measured from true North or magnetic.


In visual navigation are employed notable points on the earth’s surface, such as lighthouses, monuments, or other milestone whose position is known and are plotted in a navigation chart. These methods, very old, are limited due to restrictions on what can be seen and adverse weather conditions. In the case of aviation, almost cannot be employed because of the speed of airplanes. The astronomical navigation uses stars known, and the position is obtained from measurements made with special instruments and use of timers of high precision. Was much employed in sea and air navigation, for crossings on oceans or large land areas. Almost is not currently used due to limitations imposed by weather conditions and the emergence of simpler methods for electronic navigation. The electronic systems provide the means more secure and reliable for the measurement of angles (directions) and distances, which are the essential parameters for the determination of the position. Over time were employed various equipment and systems for the determination of the position of the aircraft, such as OMEGA and LORAN, NDB, among others. Remained only the VOR and its derivative DVOR, the DME, ILS, composed of glide slope and localizer and, currently, the browsers by satellites based on constellations of satellites, GPS, Glonass and Galileo. The VOR (Very high frequency Omni Range) transmits a radio signal, with frequencies between 108 and 118 MHz, which when received by an appropriate receptor, installed in the airplane, informs the angle between the magnetic north and the direction of the line between him and the airplane. There is, thus, a measurement of an angle or direction to a point known, since one of the assumptions for the determination of the position.



The Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) allows the determination of the distance between it and the aircraft, by measuring the time that a pulse takes to reach it. As the velocity of propagation of the signal is the same as the speed of light, which is known, the calculation of the distance travelled by the pulse is done so very simple. It is worth mentioning that the electronic systems can measure intervals of time with great precision, a fact that results in reliable information from distances. The DME can be used in conjunction with a VOR, in a configuration known as VOR/DME OR DVOR/ DME, which allows the simultaneous measurement of direction (angle) and distance to a point known. The knowledge of these two parameters allows the calculation of the position with only a fixed reference on the ground. This is the navigation method most often employed by aircraft flying over land, provided that they are available. This occurs in most countries, except in remote areas or low development areas. Simultaneous measurement of distances up to two or more MSDS also allows the determination of the position. This method is known with DME/DME, and the choice of the points where the DMEs are installed should be judiciously to avoid intolerable mistakes. The VOR/DME sets are the most widely used aid to navigation along the routes and within the terminal areas. Such aid may be installed in airports or in remote spots along the main airways. The ILS is the most complex and critical among the radio aids to air navigation. It is composed of two independent equipment, providing information on how the airplane is aligned with the axis of the track (1360) and the other is above or below the lower ramp (GS). These are two imaginary lines that define the optimal trajectory in the vertical and horizontal planes, for a safe landing. They are, therefore, systems of aid to the landing, according to the meaning of the translation for the Portuguese initials: Instrument Landing System.

After 1992, when the U.S. Department of Defense has reduced the restrictions for the use of signals emitted by its navigation satellites, known generically as GPS, we observed an explosion of devices for navigation, all with prices much lower than the fixed systems installed on the ground. Also appeared competitors using the satellites of Russia (GLONASS) and the European Union (Galileo). The three systems are capable of determining the position by measuring the distances of up to three or more satellites with known position. The receptors for navigation satellite can update their positions within time compatible with the modern aircraft, but the signals may suffer degradation in passage through the atmosphere, compromising the position accuracy obtained. Currently, there is already air navigation procedures using satellites, but the landing systems based on satellites (LAS, GBAS, foi, etc.) have not yet reached a degree of reliability that allows the replacement of ILS. Whenever a new conventional aid (DVOR, DME or ILS) is deployed, questions arise about the real need of your installation, in order that the receivers based on satellites are much cheaper, are paid by the user, and the maintenance of satellites is at the expense of other countries. The safe operation of an aircraft, especially during the stages of approximation, depends on the quality of the navigation signals received by plane. The conventional aids are equipped with special receptors, independent of the its operation, which continuously monitors the quality of the transmitted signal. In case of any abnormality, the aid is start using a booking transmitter or it is turned off. This is a process that ensures the integrity of the signal in space and, consequently, the safe operation of the airplane. Systems based on satellites do not have this functionality, a factor that limits their jobs in critical applications, such as landing with reduced visibility.

The ILS can be adjusted to operate in 1 categories (CAT 1), 2 (CAT 2) or 3 (CAT 3). This allows the landing in zero visibility conditions.



Successful Partnership The former Board of Electronics and Protection to the Flight (DEPV), which had its functions absorbed by the Department of Control of Airspace (DECEA), took decisive action in the deployment of the entire system of aids to navigation in Brazil. Its policies with long-term vision, allowed the formation of technical teams of high caliber for the elaboration of standards; procedures; aeronautical charts; specifications and deployment of systems; tests of approval and acceptance; and management of contracts. These policies also contemplated and include partnerships with private companies from the industry, software and services. One of the first initiatives of DEPV for the establishment in Brazil from the manufacture of aid has been the stimulus to an agreement between the extinct Tecnasa and Wilcox, today Thales, for the local production of VOR AND DME, with full transfer of technology. Initial lots were manufactured and, subsequently, Tecnasa has developed other models with own technology. After that the Tecnasa came out of the market emerged other companies like Tectelcom and IACIT. IACIT, only manufacturer still active, developed recently a DME, with support from funding agencies of the government. The product has been tested and approved by DECEA, confirming the correctness of the decision. The DECEA is programming your employment at stations DME/ DME, having already hired four units.


The supply of ILS and DVOR has been ensured by Thales, who, along with the companies Sutech and Air Nav, has supplied and installed ILS systems/ MSDS and DVOR/DME throughout Brazil, since 1998. The success of the establishment of partnerships between the DECEA and private companies has resulted in a remarkable park of installed systems, amounting to: • ILS: 52, all of Thales, including 2 CAT 3. • Msds: 107, 79 of these are of Thales and the other former suppliers and in the process of replacing, by obsolescence. • VOR: 29, these devices are being replaced by sets DVOR/DME of Thales; • DVOR: 57 all of Thales. This partnership resulted in the consolidation of the capacity of the DECEA, through the CISCEA, plan, manage, deploy and test all types of aid to navigation, with the goal of providing high system reliability and availability for control of the Brazilian airspace. In fact, the quantity of ILS and DVOR already installed is much greater, since the numbers above represent the situation in 2017 and the aid are replaced after nearly 15 years of use. The DECEA also implemented RNP navigation procedures in different regions of Brazil.


The aviators, in conjunction with the Department of Airspace Control (DECEA), are the beginning of a whole complex system that is the Brazilian aviation. While we fly, transporting thousands of lives daily, we are not alone, because we have our “angels� on earth, the esteemed colleagues who care for controllers that we are safe. Being under visual flight rules or instruments, trust fully, because the efficiency of the system as a whole, under the coordination of the DECEA, assures us the necessary security to the required level of importance and size of our country with the major nations of the world. This organ holds all our respect and is vital for the development of Brazil.

Aldo Bien CEO of the Brazilian Association of Aviation Pilots (ABRAPAC)



Special Group of In-Flight Inspection



The Special Inspection In Flight (GEIV) mission is to ensure the quality and safety of services provided by the Department of Control of airspace (DECEA), to assess periodically all equipment of aid to air navigation, approach and landing in Brazil. In addition, it is incumbent upon the GEIV the implementation of activities relating to the radio monitoring, mission who is intended for monitoring, detection, location and/or identification of sources of RF transmitters that may be causing interference in aviation services. And, with the aim to meet the latest demands arising from the growth of the world aviation, it has created a need for technological advancement, supplied by the GEIV, from investment in new technologies. Air navigation is conventionally carried out based on the guidelines of instruments and devices that guide the flight of aircraft, according to the routes, the procedures and the prearranged flight plans. The inspection, carried out by the GEIV, checks the quality of the signs of these equipments in flight, making analysis, measurements and, when necessary, corrections for them to meet the parameters laid down. Currently, the group regularly inspects approximately 900 air navigation aids installed in Brazil, accounting for around a thousand in-flight inspections per year.



In order to ensure the safe and efficient fulfillment of tasks assigned, the GEIV has a fleet of aircraft that counts with two IU-50 Legacy 500, four IU-93Hawker 800 XP and two CI-95 Bandeirante. Intended to meet all the requirements of current technologies that are being deployed to the advantage of air navigation, these aircraft are equipped with one of the most modern inspection systems in flight, the UNIFIS 3000. Developed by Norwegian Special Mission (NSM), this system is able to meet the requirements of in-flight inspection of all aid available in the country, encompassing, so, the advanced concepts of systems of communications, Navigation and Surveillance / Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM), as Automatic Independent Surveillance (ADS), Performance Based Navigation (PBN) and Pilot Controller Communication via data link (CPDLC).



In this sense, the arrival of the IU-50 Legacy 500 represented the maturity and total independence of GEIV and all the control system of the Brazilian airspace (SISCEAB), because it allowed autonomy to carry out inspections in most modern procedures that exist based on satellite technology: the procedures with navigation performance required and required authorization (RNP-AR).



In addition, the Inspection System In Flight UNIFIS 3000 and Positioning of Aircraft Systems: Differential Positioning Stations on the Ground (DGPS), Stationary Reference System (SRS) and the Positioning System Based on Image of the Track Headboard (UNICAM), this only installed in aircraft IU-50 Legacy 500, led to reduction in the time of inspection. Through the use of these technologies, the time taken for the completion of the inspection of an aid radio (a DVOR, for example) is today onethird of that if you used when you made use of semi-automatic equipment. With this, the costs for the implementation of inspections was drastically reduced and also allowed the increase in capacity of inspections performed per year.



Regarding the activity of radio monitoring, in order to revitalize it, the GEIV acquired a new electromagnetic detection system capable of providing greater accuracy in the location of interfering sources, as well as cover a wider spectral range. The new equipment has methods that enrich the activity performed by the Group, enabling the operator to tools for identification of emissions that increase the operational capacity and efficiency of the missions. Features such as employment of digital maps, parallel monitoring of frequencies, analysis of signs online with live transmission by the LAN interface, among others, accrediting the GEIV to be at the forefront of research activity of electromagnetic interference in the country, contributing to the safe operation and free from interference from our aid to navigation. In this way, the GEIV, maintaining its tradition of competence, has sought to evolve, increasingly, to suit the modernizations that occur in the world of aviation. With the incorporation of new aircraft and inspection systems and positioning, it is possible to ensure the perfect effectiveness of equipment, as well as the continuity of high safety standards of SISCEAB.



Although our relationship with the DECEA is full of joint actions of success, we would like to highlight two points that have been fundamental in the work of the department with the airlines. 1. Technological development It has been exemplary work that we develop together with the Aeronautics Cartography Institute (ICA), a unit of the Department of Airspace Control (DECEA). Especially in the program PBN, who overcame challenges and break paradigms in the elaboration and implementation of RNP letters precision approach - Air. In the historical context and need to consider two important requirements: abatement of noise and ensuring accessibility in an airport surrounded by obstacles in a strip of small dimensions, the Santos Dumont Airport in Rio de Janeiro, we were able to develop robust risk analysis, contemplating the security requirements, first value of all those involved in aviation, and pioneer in Brazil, fly the RNP approaches on SBRJ. Today it is very enjoyable for all of us to see the efficiency gain brought by this operation in force since the beginning of the Olympic Games of 2016, flying up to a minimum of 300 feet of ceiling and with an accuracy of 0.1 nautical mile. 2. Collaborative work Another example of success has been the forum for collaborative decisions CDM, which occurs orchestrated by operations of the DECEA and coordinated within the framework of the CGNA. Composed by the organs of controls, airlines and airports, the success of collaborative work has assured us a World Cup in 2014, in which all flew to see the games by all over Brazil, without any incident and using the maximum installed capacity of the system of civil aviation. More recently, and even more challenging, were the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016, in which we show to the world as Brazil received very well over two hundred delegations from several countries, converging for two main airports in the marvelous city. Airports, airlines and other actors involved in the operation of air transport are and will be the partners of the DECEA in collaborative work to serve a common interest: the well-being of our customers. Congratulations to the protagonists of this noble mission.

Commander SĂŠrgio Quito Vice chairman of Gol Linhas AĂŠreas



Logistical Support



The structures that maintain the activities of air traffic control and air defense in full operation, uninterruptedly for more than 70 years, need maintenance services fast, efficient and rational. For this reason, the logistical support for the conservation and measurement equipment such as antennas, radar, and telecommunications systems, on an industrial scale, is a basic necessity for the operation of the continental coverage provided by the control system of the Brazilian airspace (SISCEAB). However, regardless of the size of the area treated by a provider of air traffic services, it is essential to be able to count with a reliable support to ensure the full functioning of systems and equipment. The inactivity of an aid to air navigation, for example, can represent the need for reorganization of airflow obstruction and ultimately cause setbacks in airports, such as delays and cancellations of flights. This type of situation represents an injury to passengers and airlines. To reduce the downtime of equipment and, consequently, reduce the occurrence of such adversities in aviation, it is necessary to have agile solutions in maintenance and supplies. The Department of Control of Airspace (DECEA) has extensive experience in supply and logistic support, provided by means of its Electronic Material of Aeronautics of Rio de Janeiro (PAME-RJ). The Park is performing the activities related to the supply and maintenance of equipment for control of airspace, of equipment for the detection of air defense and air traffic control and telecommunications equipment. In Brazil, these activities have some particularities, such as the great heterogeneity of existing equipment and its dispersion throughout the national territory, which makes it even more challenging task to provide logistical support. Annually, the PAME-RJ takes, on average, 70 thousand speeches of preventive maintenance on equipment scattered throughout the Brazilian territory.


In the face of increasing complexity generated by integration of different systems, in 2016 entered into operation a unit that has a mission to accomplish the continuous monitoring of the availability and quality of all radar equipment, aids to navigation, meteorology, telecommunications and operational information technology of SISCEAB. The information is centralized in software Zabbix. The Technical Management Center (CGTEC) has the ability to perform remote operations in equipment and systems, provide indicators to support the planning, analyze risks for suppression of vulnerabilities, manage the preventive and predictive maintenance, and control the corrective action. In addition, the CGTEC provides accurate information, in real time, the units such as the Center for Management of Air Navigation (CGNA), the Integrated Air Defense Centers and Control of Air Traffic (CINDACTA) and the Special Inspection in Flight (GEIV). By means of a screen with more than 30 square meters area, the professionals of CGTEC maintain, continuously, the monitoring of radars and other equipment of SISCEAB and quickly detect any downtime. The creation of reliable indicators of availability to guide the decision making of the manager and, also, the ability to prompt response are some of the advantages of this model of management of maintenance processes and logistics. The main objective of maintenance is to obtain the maximum availability of equipment and systems, with the lowest possible cost, and, also, to extend its useful life. Therefore, the maintenance should be treated as a logistic function strategic, because your performance directly affects the availability of means of SISCEAB. There are different types of maintenance, which can be classified into predictive, preventive, corrective and modifier.


Preventive maintenance, required under the SISCEAB, emphasizes the conservation and has as objective to avoid the premature wear of certain equipment and keep it in reliable conditions of use. Predictive maintenance is performed based on a set of indicators and technical parameters that indicate the performance of equipment and defines the need or not of an intervention. In cases in which a product or system features performance below expectations, or suffers any damage, it is necessary to employ the corrective maintenance, which implies higher costs, because it causes loss of efficiency in the operation. In some situations, it is necessary to fit a particular piece of equipment to operational requirements, or even make changes to remedy chronic problems. Apply if, then, the precepts of the modifier maintenance, which has the ability to optimize the work of proper maintenance. Daily, the operational status of all assets of SISCEAB, as well as the possible solutions for the situations presented, is disclosed in a briefing, which allows identifying with advance situations that can cause systemic failures and downtime in the long term. The precise control of the situation of all equipment allows the maintenance of a database updated and reliable data about all systems of SISCEAB, which constitutes a reliable tool for managing the life cycle of aids to navigation, surveillance equipment, telecommunications, climate control and energy. One of the critical activities carried out in the area of logistical support is the acquisition of supplies. Even though the technical teams are highly specialized, without the proper replacement materials is not possible to maintain operability. With the increasing variety of equipment and systems and their manufacturers, over the decades, the task of identifying the replacement items and define the appropriate quantities became more challenging and complex. The model of stock replenishment of PAME-RJ is the fruit of the study of historical information from the integrated system of logistics of material and services (SILOMS) and the average number of failures identified.



Based on these data, it is possible to estimate the degree of operational availability of SISCEAB, taking into account the stock of spare material, and predict future unavailability of critical equipment. In addition, the budget planning gain accuracy and enables the most appropriate and transparent allocation of public resources by the manager. In attention to the good sustainability practices that are indispensable in public administration, all the work of logistical support to the activity of air traffic control and air defense obeys to a Management Plan for Sustainable Logistics. The plan seeks to rationalization of spending in the area of logistical support of SISCEAB, enabling the optimization of different processes, minimizing the environmental impacts arising from its activities.



Each flight is the result of an immense and complex operation, in which they operate, in conjunction, the different actors in the airline industry. Although the plane trips are increasingly accessible, it is still important to present to the public the great chain that composes the aviation industry, because there is not always aware of the immense work that lies behind each takeoff and each landing. Therefore, the importance of this work is to show the fundamental actions of the Department of Airspace Control. The Decea has made tremendous advances to bring new technologies and new processes, in pursuit of continuous improvement in safety and operational efficiency of Brazilian aviation. In the LATAM Airlines Brazil, we have always counted with the partnership of the Decea. Their performance has, for example, the success of the major events of the World Cup2014 and the Olympic Games Rio 2016. In these moments, so challenging for the country, the Brazilian air sector served with excellence and turned into an example. The harmonic work and the constant dialog that the Decea offers us are vital to us, as well as for the whole set of airlines that operate in Brazil. Jerome Cardier CEO of the LATAM Airlines The Avianca Brazil shows great satisfaction to be part of this work, which outlines the main activities of the Decea and the benefits they generate for society. Among many other reasons, I would highlight as a legacy of 16 years of the Decea efforts in developing a collaborative decision-making system, which brought the various links of the air transport system through the DCC.

Over the 15 years of existence, the Decea was able to introduce significant improvements in the control and management of the Brazilian airspace, while maintaining the balance between performance and security, which reflected positively on our end customer: the passenger air transport.

John Rodgerson CEO of Azul Linhas AĂŠreas

This process has been responsible for significant improvement of the system as a whole, bringing a global vision of the problems and developing solutions more effective and safe, in addition to promoting the engagement of all participants. I must also mention the focus on planning that the Decea has been showing, with the goal of continuously - designing solutions more efficient and secure in the airspace control. We are very proud to have participated in these initiatives. We have confidence that, together, we will be prepared for the new challenges that will come.

Frederick Pedreira CEO of Avianca Airlines



Military Operations



The Military Profile of Integrated System of Airspace Control

The most striking feature of the control system of the Brazilian airspace (SISCEAB), which makes it different from other existing structures in the world, is the integration of the means employed in the management of General Air Circulation (CAG) and the Military Operational Movement (COM). In any one of the two jobs in aviation, civil or military, communications are essential for the development of air operations. To meet the specific needs of communication in military operations, the Department of Control of Airspace (DECEA) has the First Group of Communications and Control (1st GCC), headquartered in the city of Rio de Janeiro (RJ). This unit has the mission to install, operate and maintain an advanced level of aerial tactics


operations in areas where ordinary coverage is not sufficient. The control, communications and the aerial tactic alarm provided by the 1st GCC supplying any failures of detection and connect remote areas with users of the Centers for Disease Control and Operations. The 1st GCC was created in 1982, but the origin of the communications and control in the context of military aviation in Brazil is linked to the rise First Squadron of Control and Alarm (1st ECA), embryo of the 1th/1th GCC, in 1950. In the context of post- Second World War, his mission was to support the activities and missions of the First Group of Aviation of Hunting (1st GAvCa), with the ability to move to any operating theater where his presence was needed.


Currently, the 1st GCC supports dozens of operations and training carried out by the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) each year, with the provision of centers for disease control and operational bases. To provide the necessary support in missions in which it is engaged, the 1st GCC has a structure with great mobility to act in different points of the Brazilian territory. This structure is composed by five squads, which have transportable radars that can be employed: • Integrated with fixed means, expanding existing coverage and/or optimizing the detection with low height; • In isolation, assuming the responsibility of communications and/or control in a Zone of Operational Responsibility (ZRO); and • Replacing the fixed means, when its inoperativeness, arising from technical interventions for preventive or corrective maintenance. The structure of communications and control of the 1st GCC used in advantage of SISCEAB is composed by the following squads:



Communication Squadron 1º/1º GCC Rio de Janeiro-RJ Operator of a communications center fixed, in full time, provides the necessary resources to compose jobs of communications or other centers, giving an enormous flexibility to the operating commands. Through cryptographic means, the 1th/1th GCC provides a structure for effective communication and high reliability.

Squads of Control and Alarm 2º/1º GCC - Canoas-RS 4º/1º GCC - Santa Maria-RS The airspace control can be exercised through the two squadrons of control and alarm from the 1st GCC. By the possession of mobile equipment, give the command an enormous flexibility, acting in areas that do not have these resources. In addition to the autonomy in the execution of detections, the aircraft dive and in conducting all phases of interception, the squadron is able to operate as a site of detection, sending the images from radar to a Center of Military Operations (COpM) of one of the four Integrated Centers for air defense and control of air traffic (CINDACTA).



Control Squads 3ยบ/1ยบ GCC - Natal-RN 5ยบ/1ยบ GCC - Porto Velho-RO Equipped with mobile radar as Terminal and Precision Approach Radar (PAR), these squads are trained to receive the aircraft and bring them to a safe landing, under any weather conditions. Ensure the security to the pilot, by means of equipment of high performance and accuracy. The transportable structure of communications and control is at the service of the Brazilian State, either in training missions, which include military personnel and aircraft from friendly nations, either on actual missions. In 2016, on the occasion of the Olympic Games and Paralympics Games Rio 2016, all the actions of defense and security were monitored in real time, in centers for the defense of area. To receive information on aircraft remotely valves, cameras and troops, for example, the 1st GCC provided a telecommunications structure composed of points of transmission and reception of data, telephony and radio communications, totaling nearly a hundred points of presence, only in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The infrastructure, composed by means of data link, communication via satellite, terrestrial links, links by microwave, telephone exchanges, VoIP communications and data visualization of radar, allowed for receiving and sending data and voice in support to the various operating positions and, as a consequence, increased situational awareness of the various public bodies involved in the mission.



COpM: The Cell of the Defense in the Heart of Air Traffic Control Within each of the four CINDACTAs there are cells of Air Defense called Center of Military Operations (COpM). The COpMs are the bodies responsible for ensuring the conduct of aerospace defense operations, as well as the control of Military Operational Movement (COM) in the areas within their respective Regions of Defense Aerospace (RDA). In these centers, air traffic controllers operate in favor of the Brazilian air defense, in contact with fighter pilots, with the mission of providing data about suspicious air traffic and increase your situational awareness. For the due fulfillment of its mission, the COpMs are connected directly to the Center of Aerospace Defense Operations (Coda), its direct link with the Command of Aerospace Operations (COMAE), Organization of the Aeronautics Command (COMAER). When compared with the working procedures of air traffic control, the routines of the COpM have significant peculiarities. One of these points concerns the separation between aircraft: While the Area Control Centers (ACC) have as a procedure to maintain a minimum gap between the aircraft of the airline flight movement in general, in order to guarantee the safety of the same all along the path travelled, the COpMs have the procedure exactly opposite. In the cells of air defense, contrary to what occurs in the ACC, the controllers seek to maintain the greatest possible rapprochement between aircraft of hunting of the FAB, with respect to aircraft not identified on the consoles of radar, for which the procedures are put into practice. Thus, the work of COpMs and the ACCs gives themselves in an integrated manner, with the


sharing of data, equipment and information captured by them. In this way, the CINDACTAs optimize time and material resources and fulfill their different missions with efficiency and speed. Brazilian manufacturing systems run on the screen of the consoles of air traffic controllers who operate in the ACCs, APPs (Control of approximation) And COpMs. While the Advanced System of Management of Air Traffic Information and Reports of Interest (SAGITARIO OS) is the software used for general air circulation, the Air Defense System and Operating System (Military Movement DACOM) is the tool used by the controllers of COpMs. Both systems were developed with 100% Brazilian technology by Atech, company of the group Embraer Defense & Security. The system DACOM is an integrated solution to support the activities of command and control that provides advanced tools of automation and visualization in real time. The DACOM includes visualization functions of the general situation of air defense, fusion of radar data, identification of threats, control of over flight of foreign aircraft, alerts relating to restricted areas or sensitive points. The system resources supporting the activities of control of current operations, involving missions of air defense, control of interception, In-flight refueling and offer several facilities for recording, redisplay and scenario analysis, technical supervision and operational, as well as resources for training of controllers from a simulator of military air operations. The integration of the SAGITARIO with the DACOM allows a safe and efficient control of Brazilian airspace, ensuring the development of the system and of the military aviation, by means of a constant vigilance.



Connected to DACOM, the simulator of Military Operations (SOPM) is a system with the ability to create scenarios for formation and training of controllers for air defense, involving the General Aviation Movement and Military Operational Movement. The simulator provides resources for integration of training environments and simulation of tactical exercises. The simulator is the result of technological cycle of system design DACOM and was also developed by the Atech. The simulator is able to generate complex scenarios of air operations, involving the integration of general air circulation and military operational movement. In this way, the SOPM provides resources for the training of drivers of air defense,


as well as integration capacity of environments for training in tactical exercises. The main benefits generated by SOPM include the diversity of options in the creation of fictitious scenarios of air operations, the generation capacity of scheduled flights, insertion of unexpected conditions in the scenarios, resources for recording and redisplay of exercises, collection and registration of data for assessment of students and parallel execution of multiple exercises in the same operational environment. Another feature is the simulation of exercises in “war game�, in which a same fictional scenario provides simulated data for an exercise that involves two distinct operational centers.



The ACAMS is a Norwegian company with headquarters in Oslo. It brings decades of international experience in the field of systems for Air Traffic Control. Its jurisdiction covers since the supply of small projects to large solutions that include P&D. The ACAMS offers a unique combination of experience and knowledge in their branch of activities. This allows us to provide our customers with optimized solutions, standardized or customized solutions, with the highest standard of quality. The main product of ACAMS is a system developed as an integrated solution and homogeneous for the basic requirements for monitoring and control of a control tower. The name of the ACAMS is, in itself, an abbreviation of the product initials (Airport Control and Monitoring System), which demonstrates the company’s focus on that line.


The FREQUENTIS AG is an international supplier of communication and information systems for control centers with safety-critical tasks. Founded in 1947, the company maintains a worldwide network of subsidiaries and local representatives in more than 50 countries. The products and solutions of Frequentis total more than 25 thousand jobs operation in more than 130 countries. More than 400 customers rely on the know-how and experience of Frequentis. In 2016, the group reached a total operational performance of 252 million Euros with more than 1,600 employees around the world.

Hobeco ATC Systems Ltda.

The ATC Systems is a national company provider of technological solutions in the area of systems for air traffic control, and partner of the Decea for over 25 years. With technical staff specialized in communications, navigation and surveillance aircraft, the ATC Systems maintains strategic partnerships with the most renowned companies in the world of technology in systems of air traffic control. The TCA researches and nationalizes cutting-edge technologies; it also implements and maintains these systems, always considering the needs and peculiarities of the control system of the Brazilian airspace (SISCEAB).

Atech, Empresa do Grupo Embraer

Recognized as a developer and integrator of the Brazilian systems, Atech, Embraer Group Company, always guided its action by innovation, with the aim of helping to transform the country. With unique expertise in engineering systems, technologies of situational awareness and support for decision making, the Atech works in developing innovative solutions with applications in the areas of air traffic, command and control systems, embedded systems, intelligence, cyber security, instrumentation and control systems, embedded systems, simulators and logistics. Certified as a Strategic Defense Company by the Ministry of Defense, the Atech account on with a broad portfolio of products and services in the Defense and Civil areas, with the development of dual technology.


Hobeco is a Brazilian company, founded in 1932. It manufactures and integrates surface and altitude meteorological stations, implemented in the Brazilian Airspace Control System (SISCEAB). The company is an exclusive representative of Vaisala, a Finnish group that is provider of critical technology, employing in meteorological stations surface and altitude at airports controlled by the Department Airspace Control (DECEA). For 30 years Hobeco has provided EMS-1, EMS-2, EMS-3, EMS-A and EMAs meteorological stations, following ICAO international standards. The company’s equipment operates in several airports in the country, among them Galeão (RJ), Guarulhos (SP) and Brasília (DF). In some aerodrome is available the AutoMeta, using the Vaisala System for detection of atmospheric discharges.


Certified as a Strategic Defense Company (EED), IACIT operates for more than 31 years in the development of products and systems applied to the segments of Defense and Public Security, CNS/ATM, Meteorology, Telemetry and Integrated Networks. It is the only genuine Brazilian company that develops projects and manufactures radio aids to air navigation. Also manufactures meteorological radars, oceans and Maritime Surveillance - Over-the-horizon, Telemetry Systems and Remote Controls, and equipment and Electronic Countermeasure Solutions applied to public security and defense. It has certified engineering for the development of complex solutions for both software and hardware.


DECEA Partners Park Air Systems Ltd.

“We have half a century of experience, but never stopped!� The Park Air Systems, English company subsidiary of Northrop Grumman Corp., is a multinational company entirely dedicated to aeronautical communications land-Air VHF and UHF. With a presence in over 180 countries, the Park Air is leading the development of aeronautical communications in partnership with its customers. In more than 15 years of partnership with the Department of Airspace Control (DECEA), the company has more than 5,000 and 100 integrated radios stations installed, providing coverage of the whole national territory with innovation, quality, reliability and local presence.

Saipher ATC

The Saipher ATC is a Brazilian company that has been working for 22 years in the national aeronautical market delivering critical mission for the ATC/ATM segment and airports. In 1998, the company was a pioneer worldwide in the creation, development and deployment of the system of chips of progression of electronic flight (EFPS), currently in use in more than 100 Brazilian airports. Using this installed base, the Saipher ATC has developed the system TATIC FLOW, which provides information on development of flights and airports in real time to use pre-tactical and tactical, to ATFM. Other systems developed are TATIC APRON systems, for airport management and operation, and the TATIC APP for controls of procedural approach or radar control without electronic chips.


SITTI is an Italian company that has been the leader in the Air Traffic Control market since 1946. SITTI systems operate successfully in more than 100 countries, guaranteeing excellent performance standards. However, international standards ED137 and Voice over IP (VOIP) applications. A company is located in Milan (Italy), has a branch in Rio de Janeiro (SITTI Brazil) and technical and commercial headquarters in Singapore and Australia. This structure enables SITTI to meet the technical and logistical requirements of more than 800 systems installed in the world.

Sutech Founded in 1996, the Sutech is a Brazilian company specialized in the installation of radio aids to navigation (VOR, DVOR, ILS e ADS-B), Marine RADARS (shipped and in earth to VTMS); Electronic Warfare Systems, Satellite Communications, Night Vision Training, Training for Spatial Disorientation; hyperbaric and hypobaric chambers, in addition to other high-tech equipment. Its main international partners are Thales and AMST that manufactures simulation equipment, conditioning and training of aviators. The headquarters of the Sutech is located in Rio de Janeiro.

The SITA is the leading global specialist in air transport communications and information technology, offering the most comprehensive portfolio for the sector, including since the infrastructure managed services to global communications, passengers, baggage, self service, airports and solutions management of border control. The ANSP (Air Navigation Services Providers) are covered by SITAONAIR, a subsidiary of SITA, which is dedicated to helping more than 400 airlines, aircraft and more than 30 operators and ANSPs with a unique understanding of their requirements with strong emphasis on technological innovation.



Thales/ Omnisys

With 50 years of history in Brazil, Thales operates and offers solutions in aerospace, defense, space, security and transport. Its strong industrial presence in the country, through the Brazilian subsidiary Omnisys, the company exports radars and services developed in Brazil for more than 10 countries. The Thales solidifies as a leader in the field of Brazilian air traffic and navigation aid, with 70% of radars in operations in the country, and has strengthened its presence through constant investments and centers of excellence in radar, sonar, Software Development and Space Technology.



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