Dangerous liaison

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FITXA TÈCNICA Durada: 119 min. Nacionalitat: Regne Unit i EEUU Any: 1988 (Color) Direcció. Stephen FREARS

Guió: CHRISTOPHER HAMPTON (Basat en l’obra de Choderlos de Laclos) Fotografia: P. ROUSSELOT Muntatge: MICK AUDSLEY Música: GEORGE FENTON

Productora: WARNER BROS.




Sinopsi/Plot summary: France, XVIIIth Century. Fascinating and perverse Marchioness of Merteuil is planning revenge against her latest lover with the help of an old friend, the Viscount of Valmont, who is an immoral and deprived seducer like she is. A virtuous married woman, Madame de Tourvel, who Valmont wants to conquer, will become involved in the dangerous machinations of the Marchioness.

Activities / Activitats: 1- You’ve got the technical details of the film in Valencià. Translate it into English, so you can learn/revise the basic vocabulary related to audiovisual productions. 2- Write about 3 of the main characters (Madame de Merteuil, Viscount of Valmont, Madame de Tourvel, and Cecile de Volanges). Include their physical and personality description. 3- Write a description of the most representative locations of the age, like the lounges (living rooms), the bedrooms or the gardens. 4- Do you think that they are genuine people? What do Mme de Merteuil and the Viscount of Valmont use to dress up in front of the people? Which physical or material elements do they use to build their social identity? 5- In the film you can find people who aren’t what they are supposed to be. The society of that age was based on rules, conventions and traditions which stopped people from being what they really were. What are the objectives that each character wants to meet? What means do they use to get those objectives? Are they really happy? 6- Quina dona de les que hi apareixen a la pel·lícula et sembla més moderna, més atrevida, més d’acord a l’esperit del Segle de les Llums reflectit a l’expressió Sapere aude? Mme de Merteuil, Mme de Tourvel, Cécile de Volanges, sa mare…? Justifica la teua resposta. 7- Diríeu que Mme de Tourvel és una persona “major d’edat” d’acord a l’ètica de Kant? Hi ha algun canvi en aquesta situació al llarg de la pel·lícula? Justifica detingudament la teua resposta utilitzant els teus coneixements. 8- La pel·lícula és una crítica a la moral i els costums de l’aristocràcia durant el segle XVIII. Elabora tú aquesta crítica. Un element molt important és l’escena final de Mme de Merteuil, el desenllaç de Valmont, etc.

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