Alliance Baza{a}r

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What, When, Where, Who and How?

Alliance Baza{a}r January-February 2011

TV Viewers

A photo exhibition by Olivier Culmann

2 | Alliance Baza{a}r | September-October 2010

{Editorial} Dear friends, Namaste! The entire team of the Alliance Française in Kathmandu is happy to wish you a very happy new year 2011! 2010 amazingly ended on a French tour for Kutumba that led them in Paris and Brittany! Planet Nepal in Paris, the first ever festival co-organized by CulturesFrance and Fairplaylist, in association with La Maison Culturelle du Népal, was entirely devoted to Nepal and the Nepalese culture. It took place at La Maison des Métallos, in the heart of Paris. NayanTara Gurung Kakshapati and Prawin Adhikari’s photo exhibition, "A Weathered People" traveled along, to the great joy of the public. Accompanied by Lo'Jo Trio, and Tryo for one song, Kutumba performed in front of 300 people at la Maison des Métallos. They took the opportunity to introduce their traditional instruments to a very interested audience, which had loads of questions on the Nepalese culture! The documentary "Planet Nepal" by Arnaud Le Borgne was broadcasted twice, and met with a great success. For 2011, the Alliance Française in Kathmandu starts its cultural season by an exhibition of French photographer Olivier Culmann. Entitled "TV viewers, Télespectateurs", the exhibition will be held at the Nepal Art Council from January 9 to 16. In Kathmandu for the opening, Olivier Culmann will be present at the opening and will give a talk at And in February, French guitarist Samuel Strouk, specialist of Gypsy Jazz and jam sessions, is flying especially from France to give Master Classes at the Nepal Music Center. He will be performing in Trio with Jigmee Sherpa and Hari Maharjan in the AFK’s premises, on February 18. This concert stands as a celebration of the fusion between Nepalese music and Gypsy Jazz, the music originated by the great musician Django Reinhardt. Students of Nepal Music Center will open the show called "Nepali Gipsy Trio". Also, do not miss the concert homage to Django Reinhardt's music by NMC’s students at the Jazz Upstairs on January, Tuesday 15th. Congratulation to all our students, you made 2010 a record year by your number! Thank you all for entrusting us with your French studies, and we hope to see you again in 2011! Stay tuned! Elise Tassin

Opening Hours Institution - Monday to Friday 7 am - 7 pm Library Monday to Friday 8 am - 6.30 pm Alliance Française in Kathmandu Tripureshwor, Teku road (next to Xerox showroom) P.O. Box 452, Kathmandu, Nepal Phone : + 977 (1) 4241163 / 4242832 Fax : + 977 (1) 4242621 E-mail : Website :

Campus France Desk - Monday to Friday 11.30 am - 6.30 pm Translation Desk - Mon/Tue/Fri 9.30 am - 12.30 pm Le Bistrot Monday to Friday

7 am - 5.30 pm Alliance Baza{a}r | January-February 2011 | 3

{Photo Exhibition} The Alliance Française in Kathmandu presents

TV VIEWERS Télé-Spectateurs

A photo exhibition by Olivier Culmann / Tendance Floue From 9th to 16th January 2011 Nepal Art Council, Babar Mahal

4 | Alliance Baza{a}r | January-February 2011

About the photographer Olivier Culmann photographs people watching TV. And their TV sets. The viewers’ eyes are glued to the screen, hypnotized by the images that flicker by. Olivier Culmann captures that instant during which attention subsides and consciousness slumbers, rocked to sleep by the phosphorescence of the cathode ray tubes. At that instant, their bodies often become comfortable, they curl up on the couch and then collapse. Nothing could be more banal. And nothing more unsettling. Because that is how, in quasi-immobile passivity, when the brain has gone numb, that we television viewers receive the world in its entirety. Not the real world, but an image of that world, a ghostly version of reality. The news, comedy series, broadcasts from the other ends of the planet, or from just downstairs, are plopped down before our anaesthetized eyes. Their impact is enormous. During that time during which existence is deadened, that may last a few minutes or several hours, our ideas about others evolve and are transformed. Our preconceptions collapse and others replace them, inexorably. Morocco, India, the United States, Mexico, Nigeria, United Kingdom, China, France : TV viewers in those countries receive news about each other without ever meeting. As they sit in front of the TV set, we get the feeling we know them. Looking at them, Olivier Culmann is looking at us. CÊcile Cazenave, journalist

Alliance Baza{a}r | January-February 2011 | 5 ARTalk by sujan chitrakar

friday, 14 january 2011 5.45 pm the bakery cafe, sundhara, kathmandu


Deepkar Shakya,

French teacher in AFK 1. When and why did you start to learn French language? I started to learn French after having finished my SLC. At that time, my elder brother was in Toulouse, in France. Some of his French friends used to visit us every time they came in Nepal. They did not understand English. Me, of course, I did not understand French. For that reason I decided to learn French. The second reason was: I had few French novels and comics at home that I was very eager to read and understand. 2. Tell us about your studies and experience in France. I got a scholarship to study in France for five years. It was my first abroad stay. First year, I stayed in Royan (small city in the west of France) to perfect my French. There I met many foreign students from different countries. It was a very good occasion for me to discover other cultures. For the second year, I went to study psychology in Toulouse. During the first three months, I found the classes very difficult even if I had already acquired good communication skill in French; taking notes and analyzing texts were very new to me. But I didn’t get discouraged. Moreover some of my friends helped me. Later, I went to Grenoble for a French teacher training which lasted for one year. Then I studied linguistics for two years at the Stendhal University in the same town. During my study, I remarked that the teaching method in France was completely different than that of Nepal: here, we have ‘spoon feeding’ method; the students are completely dependent on their teachers. The teachers are considered as the “unique source of

knowledge” and the students have to follow them and learn by heart notes and books; no reflex is required. The approach is very different in France. Students have to analyze, research, criticize and prepare themselves . 3. Why did you choose to teach French? Teaching is my passion. I have a great pleasure teaching. Every session, I meet a lot of new learners from different fields. I feel lucky myself to be with them because, me too, I learn a lot from them. Have been teaching for the past 10 years and have never got tired neither bored! 4. What do you like in French culture? It is not so easy to answer this question; everything seems beautiful, attractive and interesting being a spectator because everything is new! It is European. Well, what I appreciate a lot in the French culture is that all the family members eat together, including the person who prepares the meal. With the family members, as well as with the relatives, they use “Tu” (ltdL). I also appreciate the sense of solidarity among the French people. 5. Something to say to the students of the Alliance Française in Kathmandu? I appreciate very much the efforts of the students who come every day to learn French despite the traffic jam and their busy life. I feel happy when I’m with them and when they try to speak in French. Meanwhile, I feel very sorry that most of the students don’t have reading habit. I learned French by reading novels, comics…Learning a new language is also living life in a new way as well as discovering a new culture. We see the world in a different way. Alliance Baza{a}r | January-February 2011 | 7

{Concert} The Alliance Franรงaise in Kathmandu and Nepal Music Center present

GIPSY NEPALI TRIO for an exceptional concert Friday, 18th February 6.30pm at the Alliance Franรงaise in Kathmandu Free entrance, All are Welcome

8 | Alliance Baza{a}r | January-February 2011

From north India to Europe, “The Gypsies”, a nomad and musical nation, have crossed many countries and have picked up (in their way) a lot of different music. “The Gypsies” used to play the traditional music of the land they were living, always adding a personal touch. That’s the way they have given a huge contribution in music around the world.

Their meeting with the various cultures they crossed gave birth to current musical fundamentals as Flamenco (Spain), Tzigane music (Est Europa) and Gypsy Jazz (France). Django Reinhardt is a Gypsy born in Belgium in 1910.

He spent his childhood playing in bars and dance halls of Paris, he was fascinated by the music of Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong. He created the “Gypsy Jazz “style, performing in his own gypsy way the great standards of the Black American music.

The Gypsy Nepali Trio is the continuation of this story, it is the experience of mixing the

Gypsy Jazz with Nepali music, it's Jazz and traditional Nepali themes played on gypsy way.

Samuel Strouk met Jigmee Sherpa and Hari Maharjan in 2009 and 2010 in Kathmandu. They played together at Jazz Upstairs. They had the idea to create “Gipsy Nepali Trio” to celebrate French Gypsy Jazz and Nepali Music. The Alliance Française in Kathmandu is pleased to present you for the very first time this never seen trio !

Alliance Baza{a}r | January-February 2011 | 9


in Paris

Ku tum ba an d Lo'Jo

Tri o reh ea rsi ng in


Anger Photo of Karl Knapp's "Recycle Buddha" at La Maison des MĂŠtallos. ..

KU TU MB A'S Me mo ir s of Fr an ce Kir an Ne pal i - Cu ltu ral ly ric h an d mu sic ally sup por tiv did not kno w our e. It did not ma tte mu sic - we cou ld sti r tha t peo ple ll fee l the ene rgy flo win g. Ra ju Ma har jan - I had fun rid ing the me tro . Eif fel eve nin g. Tow er wa s am az ing in the Pa vit Ma har jan - I wa s imp res sed by how eve ryt hin g wa s sys tem ati c an d dis cip line d. Ru bin Ku ma r Sh res tha - Th e tri p fel t so sho rt due to the enj oym ent ! exc ite me nt an d the Sid dha rth a Ma har jan - Pe opl e we re ver y fri end ly an wa s del icio us. I wa d the dif fer ent s ver y inf lue nce d kin ds of foo d by the dis tin ct arc hit ect ure Ar un Ma na ndh ar - Th e wh ole cit y wa s like a mu seu m. 10 | Alliance Baza{a}r | January-February 2011

.... an d LoJ' o tr io

K ut um ba ...

on st age


"A Weathere d People", photo exhibition by NayaTara Gurung Kakshapati and Prawin Adhikari

Cu ltu ral me eti ng: Fre nch Au die nc e, Ne pa les e Music ian s an d ins trume nt s, Ne pa les e ph oto exh ibi tio n Alliance Baza{a}r | January-February 2011 | 11

{Courses} TEF and TEFaQ certificationS The TEF (Test d’Evaluation du Français) is a certificate, issued by Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIP), which is known all over the world, among international firms and educational institutions. Valid during one year, this certificate can be useful if you have higher education projects in France, if you want to be recruited in a French-speaking company or if you want to immigrate. The TEF adapted for Quebec – TEFaQ – is the version of the TEF required by the Canadian Immigration and Communities Ministry in the case of a visa application for Quebec. Alliance Française in Kathmandu will organize two sessions of TEF and TEFaQ in 2011, on March and September. Admissions for the session in March will be open during all the month of February 2011. Examination will be on March 24th. Candidates for the TEF or TEFaQ exams can benefit from a specific training program at the Alliance Française just before the exams. TEF


Compulsory examinations – 90 euros* – Oral examinations (optional) – 50 euros* – Written examination (optional) – 40 euros* –

Oral examination (optional) – 80 euros* –

* equivalent paid in Nepalese rupees Requirements There are no requirements to sit for the TEF or TEFaQ exams, but it is highly recommended to have at least A2 level (300 hours, level 6 at AFK) in order to be able to reach the Canadian “basic level” (from which points start to be given for federal skilled workers applications).

Jeu de mots Sur une idée de Shristi Shrestha du niveau Avancé 1 nous vous proposons de remettre dans l'ordre deux proverbes contraires qui se trouvent mélangés dans chaque phrase. Donnez votre réponse le plus rapidement possible à la réception pour M. Gillet. Une récompense attend le plus rapide. 1. On mal fous que seul de vaut accompagné plus être on mieux est plus rit il. 2. Coeur coeur qu'il souvent qui ce n'a soupire soupire pas désire content. 12 | Alliance Baza{a}r | January-February 2011

Curiosités de la langue française ! - On remercie un employé quand on n'e st pas content de ses ser vices. - On passe des nuits blanches quand on a des idées noires.

- Pourquoi dit-on d'un pauvre malheureux ruiné qu'il est dans de beaux draps ? - Pourquoi un bruit transpire-t-il avant d'avoir couru ?

- Pourquoi lave-t-on une injure et essuie-t-on un affront ? - Comment distinguer le locataire du propriétaire lorsque ces deux personnes vous disent à la fois : " Je viens de louer un appartement " ?

- Comment peut-on faire pour dormir sur les deux oreilles ? - Pourquoi, lorsque l'on veut avoir de l'argent devant soi, faut-il en mettre de côté ?

- Pourquoi dit-on : " embarras de voitures " quand il y a trop de voitures, et " embarras d'a rgent " quand il n'y a pas assez d'a rgent.

AFK Levels At the Alliance Française in Kathmandu, we have chosen a rhythm of 50 hours per session, in order to settle a step by step learning pace of the required skills and knowledge. There are 14 levels, following the program of the three Connexions French books. We also use the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages to describe the level and progress of our students in accordance with a largely used and recognized scale of language proficiencies. According to the six levels of proficiency defined by the Council of Europe, students are then able to reach level A1 (Breakthrough level) after three sessions, A2 (Survival level) after 6 or 7 sessions, and B1 (the first stage of Independent User) after 12 sessions. You can start the classes from any point: if you are not a beginner, you will just have to take a test before admission to check which level matches your proficiency.

AFK levels


Connexions book

Beginner 1


Connexion 1





Elementary 1






Intermediate 1






Advanced 1










DELF levels


Connexions 2


Connexions 3 B1

{Campus France}

National agency for promoting French higher education abroad. FRANCE, at present, is world’s 3rd leading host country for higher education. It is known for its high quality education, reputed universities, low tuition fees, internship opportunities in world renown multinationals, program taught in French and in English, part time job opportunities, wide rang of European platform, equality between national and international students for daily life. It gives you an opportunity to learn French language, the most popular international language among all professional. For its students, French government provides subsidies in tuition fees, in accommodations and in transportation. These are few major reasons why France is becoming one of the most popular destination for higher education among the international students. Please check out, this may interest you or your closest Grenoble INP/ Ense3: Web site: Ense3 proposes 3 Master's programmes taught in English: Masters in Hydraulic Engineering Masters in Smart buildings and grids Masters in Fluid Mechanics and Energetics Admission requirements: Bachelors degree (BSc) Application deadline: Before May 15th each year, download application from Email:

Contact us for free counseling Espace CampusFrance, Katmandou desk Tripureswor, Teku Road. Tel: 4241163/ Fax: 4242621 E-mail: Web: 14 | Alliance Baza{a}r | January-February 2011

think high, study in france

Alliance Baza{a}r | January-February 2011 | 15

16 | Alliance Baza{a}r | January-February 2011

{Le Bistrot} Happy New Year everyone!

ingrid chiron

May 2011 bring you happiness, laughs, love, prosperity, and tasty food!

« Impermanence » would probably be the best adjective to qualify Le Bistrot lately! As a matter of fact, and a contrario to El Cid, “we started 5 and ended up 3”! Unexpectedly, we lost one more ‘mate’ mid November, which reduced the team to Mangal Tamang, Uma Lama, and I. Allow me to use this page to congratulate both Mangal and Uma for their amazing work and great commitment to Le Bistrot. Not to forget, in order of appearance, Madhav, Sukmaya, Thakur and Karna for the golden hand they are giving us! Times of changes reveal the strength of a core, and I am very proud to be part of such a team. Thank you all for your work and your support! So the plans for 2011 remain the same, just slightly postponed. As soon as we’ll have found new teammates we’ll be working on new menus, one of this balancing art that consists in pleasing kids, teenagers and adults taste buds at the same time! We have a say in French, “no omelet without breaking eggs”, that would pretty well summarize this very sensitive exercise! The right balance is reached when everyone is happy most of the time! We should also be pushing the walls to gain the precious space we lack. We need a little patience but it’s already in our mind, and we can’t wait for our new kitchen :-) Do visit alone, with friends or colleagues, and enjoy a nice warm sunny break in our garden along with a plate delicately filled with savory food. We are open Monday to Friday from 7am to 5.30pm. Ingrid Chiron and the Team. One cook wanted at Le bistrot kitchen, must be Nepali, have knowledge in cooking, basic English. Send all applications at Alliance Baza{a}r | January-February 2011 | 17

{Supporters & Sponsors} Alliance Franรงaise in Kathmandu is grateful to its sponsors for their valuable support.

Nepal Tourism Board


Location Map

To Sundh


To K



Veterinary Hospital Dasrath Stadium


Xerox Showroom



Uni Tra ted W de C orld ent re

Tripureswor Chowk Alliance Franรงaise

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