What, When, Where, Who and How?
Alliance Baza{a}r May-June 2011
2 | Alliance Baza{a}r | September-October May-June 2011 2010
{Editorial} Namaste! Chers amis, Dear friends, It is very much Spring at the Alliance Française ! For all the lovers of French litterature, Alliance Française in Kathmandu will be organizing a Used Book Sale on May 28th in Alliance's garden. Come to buy or sell all kinds of French books ! Along with the Used Book Sale" Le Bistrot" our French restaurant will propose you a Brunch to enjoy in the sunny garden of Alliance Française. In June, as every year, Alliance Française in Kathmandu will celebrate Music Day "La Fête de la Musique" ! And this year we are glad to celebrate the 30th anniversary of "Fête de la Musique" which first took place in France in 1982 and has since spread to many other countries. The purpose of this all-night music celebration on the summer solstice is to promote music for amateur and professional musicians with free concerts open to the public. For 2011 edition, once again we invite a group from France for this very occasion. We offer you a concert by a great French band called Betty Argo, who plays amazing indie pop songs. They will make a tour in all India before coming in Nepal for an unique concert in Kathmandu at Nepal Academy Hall. Don't miss the chance to see these four incredible performers inspired by electro and rock music. Betty Argo will rock Kathmandu on June 27th! As last year the concert organized in Bhaktapur was a big success, this year we decided to do it again on next Music Day June 21st. We are glad to welcome very talented students of AFK to perform on stage along with famous local bands. On June 22nd, we will organize the second "AFK Music Contest" ! This contest is open to all young creative musicians below 25. Visit our website www.alliancefrançaise.org,np to fill up the form. Winners selected by a jury of professionals will get the chance to play the first part of Betty Argo concert at Nepal Academy Hall, June 26th. The new session of French classes just started and the whole AFK team would like to warmly welcome all our new students ! French langage is more and more popular in Kathmandu and we would like to thank you for your interest in French langage and French culture. Check our website for more information ! Stay tuned !
Elise Tassin Director, AFK
Opening Hours Institution - general.afk@gmail.com Monday to Friday 7 am - 7 pm Library Monday to Friday 8 am - 6.30 pm Alliance Française in Kathmandu Tripureshwor, Teku road (next to Xerox showroom) P.O. Box 452, Kathmandu, Nepal Phone : + 977 (1) 4241163 / 4242832 Fax : + 977 (1) 4242621 E-mail : general.afk@gmail.com Website : www.alliancefrancaise.org.np
Campus France Desk - katmandou@campusfrance.org Monday to Friday 11.30 am - 6.30 pm Translation Desk - traduction.afk@gmail.com Mon/Tue/Fri 9.30 am - 12.30 pm Le Bistrot Monday to Friday
7 am - 5.30 pm Alliance Baza{a}r | May-June 2011 | 3
INTERNATIONAL MUSIC WEEK CONCERTS Tuesday, June 21st 3PM DATTATRYA SQUARE, Bhaktapur Last year you were 2000 at Bhaktapur for the Music Day Concert, so we decided to do it again this year! Alliance Franรงaise in Kathmandu along with Service Civil International present an unique outdoor concert in Bhaktapur with Students of AFK, Students of Kathmandu University School of Music, Manandhar Cultural Group etc. www.fetedelamusique.culture.fr
AFK Music Contest Wednesday, June 22nd 4pm Alliance Franรงaise in Kathmandu Are your Musician ? Are you below 25 ? Share the stage with Betty Argo, an international French pop band at Nepal Academy Hall ! On the occasion of the International Music Week, AFK is organizing for the second time a music contest open to all young creative musicians below 25. Winners of the contest, selected by a jury of professionals, will get the chance to play the first part of French Pop Band Betty Argo at Nepal Academy Hall Sunday June 26th. Fill up the form available on AFK's website : www.alliancefrancaise.org.np
4 | Alliance Baza{a}r | May-June 2011
On the occasion of International Music Week Alliance Française and Tuborg present
betty argo in kathmandu
French Pop Band
Sunday, June 26th 6pm Nepal Academy Hall Free concert by invitation only (Invitation available at Alliance Française) A great composer, a voice that would take your breath away, two magic musicians... welcome to the new French pop scene sensation. It is rock, electro, modern, powerful... served by Arnaud Cabibel's ultra-effective guitar rythms and Lenaa Roucaute's gentle vocals. They're in obvious harmony, aided by their terrific musicians Samuel Strouk (bass/guitar) and Jérémie Pontier (Drums)... They really send us where the music demands, high up there, with them. Tinged with Jazz, World, Soul and Reggae music, it is a generous, sexy, solid and essential brew and it is brand new... it is BETTY ARGO. www.bettyargo.com Promoted by
Hospitality Partner
Nepal Tourism Board
Official Media Partner
Alliance Française Délégation Générale Inde et Népal
Official Beer
Alliance Baza{a}r | May-June 2011 | 5
6 | Alliance Baza{a}r | May-June 2011
& Bourse aux livres
Samedi 28 mai 2011 à partir de 10h à l'Alliance Française de Katmandou L'Alliance Française de Katmandou vous invite à sa Bourse aux livres dans les jardins de l'Alliance. Vous cherchez des livres francophones à acheter? Vous souhaitez vendre les vôtres? Pour tous les âges, pour tous les goûts, ne manquez pas notre bourse aux livres annuelle. Et comme le veut la tradition le Bistrot servira exceptionnellement à cette occasion un brunch à déguster au soleil dans notre jardin. Au menu : Thé, café, oeufs, fromages, confitures, crêpes, yaourts et viennoiseries. Pour plus d'information : Tel: 4241163, 4242832
Alliance Baza{a}r | May-June 2011 | 7
{Flashback} ça s'est passé à l'Alliance Française... It happened at Alliance Française...
Photo courtesy: Friday! ECS Media
Wax Tailor @1905 - 7 March
Famous French DJ Wax Tailor DJing one of his hits.
MC Mattic giving an awesome flow.
Women's Day - 8 March
Audience enjoying performances in AFK's garden.
Photo Exhibition: 'Femmes du Monde' by Yann Rollo.
Dance program by Kritika Campaign.
Photo courtesy: Heart Beat
Heartbeat artists during visual Art Performance "8 Meters, 8 March and 8 People".
8 | Alliance Baza{a}r | May-June 2011
La Semaine de La Francophonie - 21-25 March
Pupils from Bridgewater, Shikshantar and Rupy's International performed on stage.
Qui s'y frotte s'y pique. Liza with two of her "rejected lovers" from level 2 on stage.
"Tu veux ou tu veux pas ?" Sandesha, Shelly and Supriya (level 1)
"Chanson à boire" by students from different levels.
Fondation Alliance Française in visit in Kathmandu
AFK team with H.E Mr. Jean-Charles Demarquis Ambassador of France to Nepal, Mr. Jean Romnicianu his Counsellor, Mr Jean-Claude Jacq and Mrs. Anne-Garance Primel from Fondation Alliance Française.
Mr. Keshav Raj Jha, President of AFK receiving the medal of Fondation Alliance Française from Mr. Jean-Claude Jacq, General Secretary of Fondation Alliance Française. Alliance Baza{a}r | May-June 2011 | 9
{Course} There aren’t only classes in a student’s life... there are exams too!!
DELF and DALF examinations Are you expecting to make the best out of your proficiencies in French? Do you want to obtain an internationally recognized diploma, valid for your entire life? ... then take DELF and DALF examinations! There are six independent diplomas, one for each of the six levels of proficiency defined by the Council of Europe. These levels have been specified to describe objectively any European language. Examination dates: from June 6th to June 10th Admissions: from May 5th to May 25th Fees: Rs 1000, 1800 or 2500 according to the level Candidates interested in taking these exams can benefit from a specific training program at the Alliance Française, during two weeks before the exams: Training dates: from May 23 to June 2nd Registration for the training: from May 5th to May 25th Training fees: Rs 2900 Contact us for more details, or check our website : www.alliancefrancaise.org.np
And, if you think you’re not ready yet, you’ll have the possibility to improve during next session!
LES ONOMATOPÉES Associez les noms des animaux aux sons qu'ils produisent : 1. Abeille
a) Flap Flap Flap, Flip Flip
2. Ane
b) Tagada-Tagada, Tabada-tabada
3. Chat
c) Groin-Groin
4. Grenouille
d) Cocoricôôôôôô
5. Cochon
e) Coââââ Coââââ
6. Coq
f) Ouah ! Ouah ! , Whaf ! Whaf ! Whaf
7. Cheval
g) Hi-han - Hi-han
8. Oiseau
h) Bêêêêêêê
9. Chien
i) Bzzz - Bzzz
10. Mouton
j) Miaou Miaou
10 | Alliance Baza{a}r | May-June 2011
Voici quelques slogans inventés par des étudiants pour l'Alliance française Notre succès avec votre progrès. Restez connectés avec la France avec l'Alliance française. Bienvenue au jardin de l'Alliance française et devenez un papillon de notre jardin. Venez à l'Alliance française et goûtez une assiette de mots de français savoureux. À l'Alliance on enseigne plus que la langue, on enseigne la culture française. Bien connaître la France à l'Alliance française. Éduquez votre humeur avec le français. Donnez des ailes à vos études avec le français. Écoutez la mélodie de la langue française et transformez-vous avec la culture française. (Merci à Eachhya, Amrit, Chandani, Deepak, Arpana, Bishwo Ram et Ranjeeta.) AFK Levels At the Alliance Française in Kathmandu, we have chosen a rhythm of 50 hours per session, in order to settle a step by step learning pace of the required skills and knowledge. There are 14 levels, following the program of the three Connexions French books. We also use the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages to describe the level and progress of our students in accordance with a largely used and recognized scale of language proficiencies. According to the six levels of proficiency defined by the Council of Europe, students are then able to reach level A1 (Breakthrough level) after three sessions, A2 (Survival level) after 6 or 7 sessions, and B1 (the first stage of Independent User) after 12 sessions. You can start the classes from any point: if you are not a beginner, you will just have to take a test before admission to check which level matches your proficiency.
AFK levels
Connexions book
Beginner 1
Connexion 1
Elementary 1
Intermediate 1
Advanced 1
DELF levels
Connexions 2
Connexions 3 B1
Alliance Baza{a}r | May-June 2011 | 11
See further .... Study in France. National agency for promoting French higher education abroad.
National agency for promoting French higher education abroad.
Free counseling, you are welcome to our office situated at
Alliance Franรงaise in Kathmandu Espace CampusFrance, Katmandou desk Tripureshwor, Teku Road Tel: 4241163/ Fax: 4242621 E-mail: katmandou@campusfrance.org Web: www.campusfrance.org 12 | Alliance Baza{a}r | May-June 2011
{Le Bistrot}
Opening Hours Monday to Friday 7am - 5:30pm Le Bistrot, much more than French food! In the Gardens of Alliance Franรงaise in Kathmandu, Tripureshwor, Teku Road (next to Xerox Showroom) To book a table : 4241163
Alliance Baza{a}r Baza{a}r | | May-June May-June 2011 2011 | | 13 13 Alliance
14 | Alliance Baza{a}r | May-June 2011
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16 | Alliance Baza{a}r | May-June 2011
{Travel} Découvrez la
Bretagne !
E Une des plus belles régions d'un des plus beaux pays du monde, 23 la Bretagne (Breizh en breton) mérite amplement l'appellation de IL AVR 1 1 Terre de légendes. Son histoire, 0 2 ses influences celtes, ses sites LA POS mystérieux, ses landes secrètes invitent au rêve*. Farouche et conviviale, plantée de monuments mégalithiques (les fameux dolmens et autres menhirs), terre de contrastes, cette région bigarrée possède toutes les couleurs, tous les tons possibles et un climat changeant fait pour tous les tempéraments.
La Bretagne, c'est la terre – argoat – et la mer – armor. Le pays des bois dans lesquels se cachent les Ingrid Chiron fées et les Korrigans que ceux qui ont des yeux pour voir et un cœur pour sentir peuvent rencontrer le long des sentiers ourlés de fougères et d'aubépines**. Le pays des marins et des corsaires, des îles fabuleuses, belles et sauvages. Le pays des Bretons, fiers et têtus, venus s'installer en Armorique, chassés de leur île (l'actuelle Grande-Bretagne) au Ve siècle par les Angles et les Saxons. Royaume puis Duché, la Bretagne sera finalement rattachée à la France en 1532. Les bardes et les druides, le biniou et la bombarde, Brocéliande (actuelle forêt de Paimpont), Gauguin à PontAven, Merlin l'enchanteur et la fée Viviane, Chateaubriand et Tristan Corbière, les monastères et les saints, Michel Lebris et Louis Guilloux, l'Ankou et les pardons, l'agriculture et la pêche, Max Jacob et Yan Queffélec, les festivals de danses et de musiques celtiques, Tabarly, les contes et légendes ; une région de 4 millions d'habitants, dynamique, entreprenante, à la fois très attachée à ses racines et ouverte sur le monde : la terre et la mer. La poésie. Découvrez la Bretagne ! *Merci à Tourisme Bretagne et **Thierry Jigourel.
Ingrid Chiron
Alliance Baza{a}r | May-June 2011 | 17
{Supporters & Sponsors} Alliance Franรงaise in Kathmandu is grateful to its sponsors for their valuable support.
Nepal Tourism Board
Location Map
To Sundh
To K
Veterinary Hospital Dasrath Stadium
Xerox Showroom
Uni Tra ted W de C orld ent re
Tripureshwor Chowk Alliance Franรงaise
To li
18 | Alliance Baza{a}r | May-June 2011
Peace of mind
* 10% service charge & 13% VAT extra
starts at Rs. 950* per night
Kurintar, Chitwan. Phone: 056-540129 City Office: Nanglo International Private Limited, Sanepa, Lalitpur Phone: 01-5544263, 5543036 Email: sales@rsr.com.np URL: www.rsr.com.np Alliance Baza{a}r | May-June 2011 | 19
20 | Alliance Baza{a}r | May-June 2011